arab GE RNA EN PAGE EIGHEY, SAMUEL FOWLER DEAD. ©000000000000088000000 = AAAS ' Editorial I -------- THRILLING TIME CREW OF THE CHIEFTAIN WHO! ESCAPED Member of the Standard staf Passed Away. Samuel Fowler, of the editorial staf of the Daily Standard, passed away in the general hospital, Sunday after Were Thrown lute the Water and "008, a few minutes after five off, . st as the result of a stroke of apoplexy Picked Lp by the Rus. which he was stricken with some time ning Them Down--The Chieftain |, week. Was Valued at 825.800. Mr. Fowler was the eldest of n (Contibued trom Page 1.) the late John Fowler, of Uobhourg, The steamer Chieftain had » Crow his dav sn eminent railway sontractoer of fifteer and the eleven who escaped and who in latter days resided on 2 ol a a, i oy model farm, about two miles east of ry 3 om ; ; drowning, Some of the members of "1° 10" The decegsedd was educated the a have acrived bark at Garden: the Cobourg grammar school and Island, and they state that it was a at a: private boarding school at Rice terrible decident, They were" rar dows Lake, conducted by Dr. Barron, a fa by the other vessel, and hardly had Pome x headmaster of Lpper Canada i . ege, Toronto. ot) we la ie 19 as "n the i, nig hp office of 3. #1, Armour, Cohourg, who CHP rere own into the er, : ang hod a ot theiMin . Lime ine siftuequently hocame Uhief Justice Ar. they 'were teseund a to the MP After some years in the study ralis. and woe forwards pred ® of law, Mr. Fowler was attracted by san ut o ne ."P the lure he wes 0 by the steamer Hero, which van into » ' of .t ie West and went th Winnipeg, where he came into close The etoaniter Chicituli: wan vata. xt contact with the leading men of the SI5.000. She known: as <Sieft "* day, among them being 1. J, Hill and! Third a. - us built b tli an Sie Donald Smith. Mr, Fowler also Fal v4 #1 Ahoy OUT spent several years Minnesota, | years ago. The machinery placed in where he was a 2 hor was taken out of the Ubieftamm No. | i 1 son GPR 00050OFD 00s 0? Offers to all thrifty people a most convenient and secure y for thelr spare dollars. Interest is added to balances twice a year. YOUR BANKING BUSINESS INVITED. to About 1885 he returned to Canada and having inherited a taste from his father for railway construction, be- came associated with the contractors then building the Brockville, Westpe & Sault Ste. Marie railway. After] being engaged in this work for seve pl years he seltled in Athens and en-| gaged in the practice of law] In 1509 be joined the staff of the Provkville! ON Himes -on--widteh--He--remmnibed--for-ten- SPSS REs SESE SES was about fifty years of age. The fire Years. He then joined the staff of ® | man, a Swede, is not known here very the Kinga < tard | . vial igston Standard. : | Colla : . | Mr. Fowler was a man of wide ex-| ollamer Calyip, and a son of 4. C, perience and scholarship and was en! { 8 A a n Rosita} acre vu ois # Wa alte N dowed with 'great natural ability. In ish Bu a is iS ea ensu Te sarinbly courteous and kindly, he Py Rye 41, "made warm and lasting friendships in parents of the Counell boy telegraphed his walk through life. him to return by train instead His death will be sincerely mourned coming back with the steamer, and as ) i 4 I ne wi ray not only in Brockville, but throughout ; w : the 8 came side DY train the wwrrounding country, and especial atid thus escaped the accident. Iv in {omds county, Mr. Fowler was al . Fenian rail "veteran of 1806, He in] ; survived by a widow (formerly Misa! sailed from - Mon Rubidee, of Peterboro) and four] Victorian, en route ehildren : Sergt. © Fowler, R.CA.,| like a Jack for her bome in Edew Bridge, Kent, Kingston; Arthur, Brockville; Mes, | England, - on Friday last. Her many Wenman, Souris, . Map., and Mrs. | { friends, in Rockwood hospital, with! Dixon, Lawedowne | y L . i [i whe has been associated for It was stated this afternoon that that this was Mise Hagarty's first trip on the steamer Chieftain, and that she had gone on the boat sim- ply for her health. Bote Mra. ° | Hagurty and her duagliter were well * known, and 'much regeet wae X- ® pressed on all sides, over the acvident. Me Mopard was also wellduodg. lle rt! G0000000000000000 20000 0000 QRGARLRNOORRAORGS @ ® 0000000000000 0000000000000000000 of Hammocks The kind you can lay straight out Wished Her Bon Voyage. Miss Katie AHen, ttreal, on the 8S on and not double up knife the past two vears, showed their BASEBALL RECORD. | sincere regard for her on her depar- { ture, by presenting her with several fhe Games Played on Saturday and! valuable gifts, On coming to King: Sunday | ston, three vears she speedily | Sunday. | made many friends, several of whom | Eastern accompanied her to the station and timore, 4-0, Buffalo, 13-8; Providence, | showed by parting gifts and kind 7-3. Rochester, 7-11; Newark, 353. words their appreciation of her worth, dersey City, 6; Montreal, 1. and their sorrow at her leaving. ! National League--Brooklyn, Many good wishes for a safe vovage, Pittsburg, 2-18. St. Louis 2: and, if possible, a return to Canada delphia, 3-6- New York, 54; Cin is the not distant future, were eox- 4, 2-7. Chicago, 16; Boston, X pressed as the last good-hyves were! American League--Washington, 8; St. said, | Lowis; 7. Detroit, 6; Boston, 3. Cleve: land, 3; New York, 2. Philadelphia, 3; Melo Chicago, I. city Canadian League--Hamilton, 9-2; St. | Montreal | Thomas, 51. Brantford, 2; Guelph, | of | Berlin, 6; London, 5. King- | THE COUCH HAMMOCK Just like a bed for comfort. ago, League--Toronto; 7-6; Bal- Hammocks from $1.00 to $7.50, cinma- | W .A. Mitchell HARDWARE. John Sullivan and bride, of {echuille, Quebee, in "ing John Donnelly, at strect MN: Suliivan a son their | Capt. John Sullivan, an old 'sdonian. are the Vise | ---- st. Polsow's, Toronto, will proceed once with the comstruction of new dry dock, is | Sunday Games. i Eastern League--Newark, 9; Roches- (ter, 8. Jersey City, 2; Montreal, 1. | American League--New York, 5: De- troit, 3. Chicago, 11; Washington, 0, Boston, 9; Clevelynd, 5. Philadelphia, 16; St, Louis, 1 -- rT You Are Invited to Inspect the Latest Ideas in The Standing of League. Eastern League--Rochester, 661 per oent.: Baltimore, 612; Toronto, 048; ! | Bufialo, 491; Montreal, 432; Jersey | [City, 420; Newark, .102; Providence, | 362, | Natiomal lLeague--Chicago, 622 per | oent.; New York, 607; Pittsburg, .GV6; | i | Philadelphia, 536; St. Louis, .546; | | Cincinnati, 439; Brooklyn, 83; Bos {ton M8, American League--Philadelphia {per cont.; Detroit, 603; Boston, ¥ | New York, 08; Cleveland, 500; i leago, 496; Washington, 121; St. sw Eg 2 aX AT Chi- | Lou per ! « + Canadian League Berlin, 67 9. oent.: London, Hamilton, | Beantford, A775; Guelph, 465; St. Tho: | mas, 476, SOx a srl ei . ---- x fv Any Garment can be made to . your special measurement in any desired Cloth. Fall Showin MOF.) New Suitings 5: AND Dress Goods | | Weliets, Tweed, . Breadclothe, \ Cheviots and Homespuns. | A Pleasure to Show Our Goods i ------ i -- ! STOUK QUOTATIONS MiCunig Bros, Montreal Through J. O. Hutton. August 21st, 1911 Ask. Wd 303 From Crown Reserve Canada Cement Canadian Vacilic Dominion Steel Betroit Luited o....... Minn. & St. Paul Richeliow & Omtario Porto Rico Pominion Textile Railway 3 6 MM] 162 {Twin City 1624 Montreal Power ... . New York Stocks. Bid. . 1304 rib 1134 2%) (E5) 19} m7 ies" HOR Union Pacific United Steel Southern Pacific Rock Island .. Reading ......... .. Northern Pacific Missouri Pacific .... COPPRE «conics on oo: Atchison . CORP. HOOPER IN IT. He Won $4 in the Tyro Match, Ot- tawa. Special to the Whig, % Raw, Aug. 21.---Ceorpl. Hooper, of '(the Mth, Kingston, tiss morning won $1 id dhe Tare match. The weathér was ideal for sheoting. The wmateh was won by R. E. Code, of the Franklin, Omt., Rifle Associaton. $13. 30, and Private Estern, Ontario, also won a similar amoumt. Fhe Ith vedimental team, Hamilton, won F [Tyre tem mateh, 820, a oven from [his majesty's cruiser, hobe, being secvud, ' ards, possible 85-820, Stafi-Seegt. F. 1 Snook, T6ih, 34; $250 wh xX. Andrews, Dudswell, RAL 34; Pre. A Hawe, « 3. $12, "Dram-Major Haws, ih RG, 325 319 each, Capt. A. Graham, Sth DC OR, 33. Liew. F. H. Morris, 16th, 33. Pte. I. T, Gougeon, Srd Vies, 33. THE DALY SRITISE WHIG, MONDAY, THE WORLD'S EPISODES | arrest (albert Bond for flourishing district attormey.} Lepptled, he {lion with a small he coast have been on | resident , letreet, passed away at his home | amd two wry 1} 1 2 ihe Heather | i { Toronto Railway HE 157 i . 105) | the Bankers watch, seven shots 'at 608 Cen MERE I GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS- Matters That Interest Everybody-- Notes From All Oser--Little Everything Easily Read and Re- membered. i George Riddle, deckband on the steamer Ytrkton, was drovwped in the' Welland canal. 'doseph Wiper, Malvern, winely-sisth rear, will vote liberal candidate. vishow Fallon laid the cornerstone of St. Martin's Reman Catholic churce nn deuth London, Out. An suknows man was seen lo jump from the intersprovincial intdge, Us tana, to hit death, Suondsy might. | kemst Jdoufret, Toronto, appearing in eowrt charged with marrying three wives, will be exnmined to his sanity. Three Philadelphia policemen prob- ably fatally shot in attempting to a his the wn for as uN. "Br. Samuel Weeks, of ants, N.S, died, on Saturday. He was over eigh- ty years old, and the oldest practi- tioner in Nova Seotia. ftarvey Wilton, Smith's Falls, aged twenty-three, suicided on Sunday by hanging himself by an elaborate ®ys- tem of straps in his bedrooth. Clyde Birch, a Topontp chauffeur, twenty-two, and a' young woman, identity unknown; were killed, Supday night near Cooksville by the automo- bile overturning. A well-to-do Armenian named Ta- vel did at Hamilton from a broken back. [Iu his antemortem statement he accused Michael Zima of throwing him over a stair-rsidug. hing George has gone to Scotland for. grouse shooting. When he recefv- cd the mews that the strike had been wired his congratulations to the government. Two wumiversity students reached Montreal, from Norwich, Conn., hav ing walked the four handred and #ifty miles in two weeks, earning their liv- ing on the way and winning a wage. dunn Morales, Brownsville, Texas, a Spanish farmer, killed n mountain jnck knife. Tt had kiHed one of his children. His arm, badly lacerated in the fight, will be amputated, The British twowmasted schooner Minnie, of Helifax, N.5S., was sban- domed off Lireat Point, Mass, on Sat urday. Tt not known whether or not the erew made their escape in safe ty, although the life savers along the the lookout for "™ hem. Richmond, | Herry Clay Bealtie, jr, charged with the murder of his young | wif ©, appeared in eourt Cheater- fielt, Va., entering a plea of 'net guilty." He appeared sel possessed. | The ease promises to be one of the most important ever fought in Vir ginia, at TH OF CHARLES MARCHAND Suffered Paralytic Stroke Weeks Ago. As the result of a parglvtic stroke, suffered two weeks ago, while at his work, Charles Marchand, a well-known who resided on Ridean at Deceased was sinty at | DEA : Two noon, on Monday. vears of age, nud was employed the Kingston foundry. Late Mr. Marchand entered the ployment of the Kingston founds thirty-five vears ago, and was faithful and industrions worker. was a man of sterling chi vacter, and had many friends. He wus a member "a a] lof the Roman Catholic church, and polities a conservative. He was a wiember of the Holy Name Society, also the League of the Saered Heart. Deceased was twice arvied. He leaves to mourn his loss, a widow and nive children, two married daughters re- siding in Pittshorg, Pa,, «ix sisters brothers. The family will have the sympathy of a large cirele of friends. HEATHER WON OUT ------ In dhe Final Series for Carruthers Cup. On Saturday afternoon the Heather defeated the leiw in the final rove of the series for the Carruthers cup ite Heather wom out by quite a long distance In the second round the Tete had the misfortune to run foul of a buoy, Col. Strange sailed and Mr, Hora the luis. | tol, Strange will act as pulge al | the George cup raves. Ratlieen Will Not Race. It was stated today that the Kath lean would met be taken to the races {nt Toronto, as was at first expected, {owing te the fact that she bas to we The Heather wall |dergo Some repairs. races in her ibn ant wp for the 1 lace. | INCIDEATS OF THE : ------ | Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By { / Our Reporters. { Dr. J. R. Shaunon, New York, ar {rived in the city os Monday, on a [visit : | Quite a large crowd came up on the steamer America, from river points, this morning. | ® Miss Fehdl Fdgar, Rideau street, re- !purtied from Watertown, Monday, after visiting friends. | John Hamer left. to-day, for Pierre 'pont Magor, N.Y. after visiting in ithe city for some little time. 1" The steamer Norwalk, unloading steel rails at the Kingston and Pem- broke what, left for Bufiale for an- other load. : A BIG BUSH FIRE. {Is Raging in the Vicinity of Moun. tain Grove. : From reports which were received in this gity, Monday, a big hush lire is aging near WMomntain Grove, on the £ PR. line, a few miles west PAY. i that the fire was pear the village and working toward the habitations. la that a fire wet AUGUST | with a view to {toward a settlement crease view of the recent heavy raims pp a 5 " ER RA RES . tater ea EE scooters Slane nme A 21, 1911. STRIKE ENDED. . (Continued from Page 1.) ment, they, to-day, empowered Clasghton and Sir Guy Granet, gen eral manager of the Midland railwa.. to confer on their bobali with roe sentatives selected by the joint cxe cutives of the trades unions apd rail way emplovees with a view to discuss ing with them the suggested torms of seitiement drafted by the of trade > o There present at the condor- ence GG. H, Claughton, director of the LNW. railway, and on behalf oi the J ames Henry Thomas, M.P., and Messrs. Pei lamy, Williams, Fos, Lowen. and Charlton, on behalf of the men, and Mr. Lloyd-George, Sir H 1. Smith, and G. K. Askwith, on behalf of the board bf trade. Ramsay Macdonald, M.P., also was present during the con ference. "Nr. Claughton stated that certain representations by the gov ernment he asd Sir Guy Graget "hadi authority of the railway companies to meet the representatives of the men discussing terms of an agreement. The terms having been discussed and agreed to. Mr. laugh ton and Sir Guy Granet stated that the recommendations of the men would! loyally be accepted by the compa ies, even though they were adverse to the! companies' contentions an any fues- tion of representation, and should the settlement be effected, any traces of ill feeling which might Rave arin certainly would be effaced." The terms | of the agrefment lox. ns - - 1.--~The strike to be terminated forth with and the men's lenders to = weed their best endeavors to induce the! men to return to work at ence. } 2--All the men involved in the pre | sent dispute, either by strike or lock | out, including casuals who present | themselves for work within a reason | able time to be reinstated by the | companies at the earliest possible mo- | ment, and no one to be subjected to proceedings for breach of contract or otherwise penalized. 3. --Comethiation boards to ba con-| vened for the purpose of settling forth! with all questions of the dispute so far as they are within the scope of such boards, provided notice of such! yuestious be Liven not later than four! teen days from thie date of thist agreement If the sectional fall to arrive at a settlement, central board is to meet at once. Any | decisions arrived at are to be retro! spective as from the date of this agree! ment. It is agreed for the purpoccs of | this and the following clause that | rates of wages include remuncration whether by time or piece work { 4. Steps are to be taken forthwith! of questions now | in dispute between the companies and | all classes of ther employees not in-| cluded within the conciliation scheme! of 1907, by means of conferences . bo-| tween representatives of companies | and representatives of employees themselves are employed by the companies, and failing of an ment by arbitration they are be | arranged mutually or by the board of trade. The whore is-t0 be n ten porary arrangement pending a report of the commission asto the best | means for settling disputes | 5.--Both parties are to give 'every assistance to the special commission | of inquiry, the immediate appoint! ment of which the government has! announced 6.--Any as to the interpretation of tis agree ment are to be referred to the board of trade I'he agreement signed by present at the conference The . cial committee, will consist of ) members, including representatives i the employers and workmen in equal! numbers and The names of the announced next Tuesday mission will immediately proceed with) the inquiry i Assurances have been given by parties to the agreement that will accept the findings of the mission, and the government has sured the railway companies that will propose to parliament next sion legislation providing that in the cost of labor due to of conditions of the valid justification for increase charges maximum TURNED TURTLE IN THUNDER Mr. board were Mr Guy Granet Compares: upon fol | 4 | the who | same | 1 agree to { questions which may arise was | ! } i will bel i commission andthe com- both | they | com ne it] sow | n- | me! provement rail i wave will be reasonable ! in the legal ni mn with capi { " BAY. | of Schooner Had -a Narrow Escape From Drowning. Alpena, Mich:, Aug. 21.---Py the cap siding of the schooner Elhea Pay inh Thunder Bay, near Sulphur Islands, the four members of the crew and Mrs. Kirkendall, wile of the male, narrowly escaped a watery grave. The Day, in command of Capt. Gillingham, was on her way to Amherstburg with a carwo of net stakes. Suddenly and without the slightest warning the boat went over and the sailors fowl themselves stiuggling in eighty feet of water. Prompt aetion by Caept. Gillingham undoubtedly saved Mrs Kirkondall's life, as he broke the déor of her cabin 2nd tosk her out to {atety. The party were picked up by a smull launch and all brought ashore much exhausted. . The sink, asd will be Crew in safety, but | schooner did oot oo here. i Restored 91 Men. { Montreal, Aug. 21.--Jwige Barron has secured the restoration of ninety. one of the Grand "Trunk men who siruck some months ago. The com pany rejected many others. The Veom- pany charged fhirts seven with acts [of violence, ---- ! Married Sixty-tws Years. i Clayton, N.Y, Aug. 20M. wud Mrs. John Dwydr of this place cele {brated the sixty-second anmiversary of their marriage last Wednesday There were thirty-two poesent. Tables: were set on the lawn. Mr, apt Mrs. Dwyer : have seven children, twenty grandehil dren and four great-grandebildren Popular Excursion at Popular Price Giving two hours in Picton; howe 7 Jn. steamer Quinte Queen,' 30 nm Only 35. rp t---- 13,000 ballot fro monte. It will ake Lo boards | au impartial chairman.| - Sharbot {to recsive the votes, 13W guoee than time, wo-- @rvsnsassssssssssassssfescsssssssasssssses eee nesses ] TO-MORROW ONE-THIRD OFF 5 eh hh hh A To-Morrow we will place on sale the ba- lance of our stock of Ladies' Mull Dresses. Every dress is stylish, perfeot fitting, tbo- roughly well made and of excellent material. All are carefully finish- ed. The colors are 'Pink, Light Blue, Mauve and White. Note the Saving HeWBBTITRRTRLTETTBRES Som Pr vi A $5.00 5.97 $7.50 for 8 95 for 13.50 for 9.00 20.00 for 13.38 24.50 for 16.24 $2.99 for $1.09 {25 for 283 4 50 for 290 5.00 for 3.35 6 23 for 1.17. $3.95 for $3.97. Youn may select any of these Dresses and have them placed aside until required if not quite ready to buy. To-Morrow We Will Place on Sale Another Lot of 100 Ladies' White Waists | Allover Embroidery fronts, tucked yoke, col- tar-and cuffs trimmed with lace, reg. 75¢ to 90c To-Morrow 49c. lS A A I PANN 125 Ladies' and Misses' Sailor Blouses. / Made from Fine Linen Finished Cotton, with Navy and Cadet Blue Collar and Cuffs; Kimo- na Sleeves. These were made to sell at $1.20 Special To-Morrow 59c¢ | + A tll tN J. Laidlaw & Son * roc rrraassananss anaes Prsarssassnsssasssass TATTLE LTTTTTLTL TTT TLTLTTTTTTTTTR TA TLV HATT LTT VLLLLCVLVLLTLVTLCLLTLL EVAL TTLLLLTTLTLTTRTLTLR TRAV TLL VLTVLT LLL ELLE GSS Bete esessend PTET ETE Ete TEE EEE EAE Ea TEE TEE TEES EEE TET LTTTLTATALTATTTTLLATTTLTLAVELTALLTT TELE TTLTLTLLTTLVL TA TLLRAGTLS SS ---- -- -- ad SDPO RDOONNNNINITRPN RNP PRNROINONERNNSNRNY Discount Off - All - y rd Shoes wr 200000 faeces ss bs Oxio A ar A EAH | MEN'S, WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S : ALL SHOES OF $2.00 AND UP. The Lockett Shoe Store SR000000000000400000 80800000000 00000000000 000 : : :