RE iS ------_---P THE DAILY BRITISH WHRIG. TURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 1911, std 'INDEP ou BIRTHRIG None so great as the one she holds out to you--the privilege of becoming an owner of her land while it is still so Canada offers many great opportunities to-day. 2 cheap that it can almost be had for the asking. 000000000004300040 00004000 SE00ELIL0ILI000040000000004¢00 0000000000000 000000 Did vou ever L stop to consider what vou are doing-- wial vou are accomplbhing how much nearer the goal of your mmbition you are to-day than vou were a vear ago = sist . --and how: Hirai of vouy : frie 'nds at ac Cqraintanecs have passe ed vou "oh the Ww avy ATT Ya "makin any headwas-ngainst present eonditions, or are vou spending all vou earn? If this is the case--and it is with tens of thousands--what chanée have you of ultimate success unless vou make some radical move at once to alter things, and to work out your own independence? The greatest opportunity for a man to do this at the present tine the small investor to make big money as right in the city of Moos Jaw... The Company for which I am Agent has ein + is in thémwonderful rise in the values of real estate in the West, and nowhere in the whole countryi s there such wonderful and splendid opening for ! . « «fully looked over the values in western cities, A -------------------- and nowl Cre are they so low at the present time as in Moose Jaw. and again nowhere do they show such signs of rapid ad- vance, No other town in all Canada is <howing such wonderful strides; look at the building permits for June, they reach the wonderful total of nearly 700,000, out-strip sing bv hundreds of thousands of dollars other cities that have always been in the habit of considering themselves as wonders in the rapid gro i rags gb) s of ] 10 Taj crowth line; in fact, Moose Jaw was fifth on the list for all Canada. You have, doubtless, heard and known of hemdreds of men who are now the possessors of amounts rannme from several hundreds of dollers up tofseveral thousands -------------- « i . wactically nothing, and who have wade, what they now possess through buying real estate in good properties. To do this, vou must -------- : . = : * y Ny SN and who a few short months ago had | -------------------------------------- buy right, eliminate speculation, get an agreement worded so that no matter what happens to vou, vou cannot lose, and see that vou are promised a Government Title to your property when you have paid for it. r BUY IN RICHMOND PARK, MOOSE JAW Here are our prices and terms, the most remarkable, the most liberal, the faivest, giving to the purchaser the most absolute protection fie can wish for, in fact prices : E-HosL Rhsotlal : : and terms that are unheard of previously, that are unique. : w» The prices ave from $200 to #250 per lot of 50 feet by 125 feet: $90 and £100 fordot 25 x 125. One-tenth cash and one-tenth each month. Torrens title, no interest ------------------------------------ | : your money refunded piux six per cent. if voir w ish at the end of twelve months; a clear title at once no taxes, no payments to make if ever vou are sick or out of work; ' I ---- i given to your widow or next of kin should you die before you have completed your cannot lose, you risk nothing, and you will without doubt make a huge profit, ] ] il et payiuent, even though vou have made only one pavment. Sum these facts up--you for this is one of the choicest pieces of property in the whole city, and finally vou are insur- ed for the amount of your purchase in the event of your death, - . v of growth, less than 2 1-2 miles from the C.P. R. depot, 1 3-4 miles from the (.N.R., and 4 . «a . "RICHMOND PARK fronds directly on Main Street, and is in the direct line 1 1-2 from the G.T.P. The car lie will pass the property next year by this time. Main Street is to Moose Jaw what Portage Avenue is" to Winnipeg, and what Younge Street is to Toronto. Don't be tied down all vour life--make a break for independence. - Here is the finest chance to do so that you are ever likely to meet. This town is going ahead by S------------------ ------------ * . " oJ jeaps and bounds. If vou've any NO. FRIEND, YOU - red blood in your veins, just say to vourself that you are going to try and get some of the riches of the West, WRONG, it is not some American hot air; 1 like the American people, but I just happen to be Canadian: 1 went to the West sixteen years ago, nad know every inch of ] . the country. 1 ask vou, | beg vou, in fact [ don't want to sell vou until vou have investigated this proposition in evegvggay, and for this reason: If vou buy before you . -------------------------- : ---------------- - -------- e-- . P -------- have looked ifito it thoroughly you may only buy one lot, but if you look into it thoroughly vou will Buy all vou can afford, and then go and tell your friends to do the same. Re 'member the street ear line of Moose Jaw was built entirely hy Ottawa capital. That shows what that city thinks of its future. n---- i DON'T PUT IT OFF. FIRST COME FIRST SERVED. DON'T PROCRASTINATE AND SAY YOU MAY DO IT TO-MORROW. IT NEVER COMES. DON'T PUT IT OFF BECAUSE YOU ARE TOO BUSY; YOU ARE NEVER TOO BUSY TO MAKE MONEY. DON'T PUT IT OFF FOR ANY REASON AT ALL. THE EARLY .BIRD CATCHES THE WORM. ACT NOW. DO IT NOW. ORDER How. \ 7 GUT OUT THIS COUPON . ANSELL'S AGENCIES, LIMITED Please send me Maps, Plans, Ete, of Richmond Park understood this Ponts does not ebligate nie in any way. ~ WINNIPEG Nau ADDRESS eee ROLL Open Evenings