s KAR 78 -NO, 195 KINGSTON, SHE LIKES THE COUNTRY. ° A BIG LIBERAL VICTORY---= re on This is the Forecast of the Hon. G. P. Graham | in Ottawa. ---------------- The Manufacturers are Beginning to See That Reciprocity is 2 Good Thing and Will Vigorously Support It. ~ Ottawa, Aug. 22~"1 have never eon prospects so good for a splendid liberal victory as they are at pre cent," stated Hon. George VP. Gra ham, who came to (Mtawa for the pirpose of ooking after partmental, business. "I'he eonveotions are a splendid in- BOT dhe --htontrom ofthe intone that the peo- whole, and so the ple' and especially the farmers, are taking in this election, which is to whether we are to take the our farm pro- decide American market for duets, "this is the busy farmers, and they must find it a vont- ter of some inconvenience to attend- party conventions. Yet the Liberal vanveptions are being splendidly at- tended, In fact, | bersve that thes at- tendance was belore. season with the never so good 'Ihe mere presenee of so many men at thing, aside No man who has muny of these conventions, them is a significant from what they say attended an | have, can fail to be impressed with the fact that the farmers under tamd the reciprocity jade and that they want the reciproeity vith the United States confirmed." "What abowt the manufactufers 7" "Well, we are every day getting »n dieations that such manufacturers as do not vote conservative at all times and under all circumstances are realiz- BOY SCOUT SAVED CHILD FROM DEATH Ira Hughey, of Mitchell, Rescied 11- Year-Old Girl From Drowning on Thursday. Mitchell, Aug. 2.<tiood work on the part of Ira Hughey, a boy scout, waved bleven year-old Annie | Cooke, daughter of Headley Cooke, proprietor of the Royal hotel, from death by drowning here, vestorday, The little girl was fishing off the gates of the mill pond when a bystander ahd "Hello Agnie"' and on looking around to see who was speaking she lost her halaves and fell into the water from the top of the gute, a distance of six fot, Hughey waa some 200 yards when he heard cries for help and when he pumped into the pdnd the girl was about un foot under the suefsce of the water. He raised her above the water and had her nearly to the shore when Councillor Hill camg to his ns sistance and she was soon taken ont on the bank. Annie was unconscious and almost lifeless, hut after working with her for some time she came arouml all right and was taken home, INJURED BY FALL, MENINGITIS THREATENED Oswego Childrzn are Suffering Fron Concussion of the Brain. Oswego, N.Y., Aug. 22.--May Woods, the terevear-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Frank Woods, of Filth avenue and Seneca street, and Chester, the twelvesyear-old son of William Tonkin, of 'No. 11 Tallman street, are threat: wine with eerehro-spinal meningitis, Phursday the little girl fell at her home, Striking on the back of her head, Concussion of the brain devel oped and pow the attending physician, tw. KE. 1. Hinman, is doing every- thing to prevent meningitis. Young Tonkin was at play oft a shed next to Sayer's grocery in Murray street, and "fell several feet to the ground, strik ing on his face and arm, breaking both hones of the right forearm, the nose, and eausing concussion of the brain Pr. Hinman is also attending the hoy SLEEPS A WEEK AND DIES, Ag resment AwnY Passing of Young Man---Retired mn } ® Lacrosse, Wis; Aug. 22.--Alva Gar- nett," the young man whose week's sleep has puzeled physicians, died on Monday, Garnett was supposedly in good, health when he reticed ou Aug. 19th, but he never woke or spoke 8 gain, although he continued jo take liquid nourishment and seemed not to be losing strength until yesterday. Dixie IV and Wasp are among the entries for the mitor boat race meet to. take place on the Niagara river, apposite Motor 1slamd, on September ath, 15th and 16th next. This is ex: pected to be the biggest power hoat contest even held in this country. Al boats entered in any of the races will have to show better than twenty five miles an hour {o be eligible, : Cheese sales: London, 18. to 13 1:16¢.; Relleviile, 13 1-i6e.; Cowanns- ville, Quei, 12 1B:16e; St. Hyacinthe, Que, 128e: Wate 12te; Canton, X12. Miss = Agnes Ritchie, of Belleville, died in that city an Sunday morning. own, NY, 13e to ing that t s nothing in this re ciproeity greement Lo justify them in actively opposing In fact, as time goes on, and they are having time Lo study the agreement znd its effects, they are coming to the view that what will be of benett to the farmer must fhe of benefit - to the cormpunity As 4 ol manuffcturer wid the artisan in hs employment Many of the have' declined to respond to the call for (facial as- eistance witch the conservatives have {made upon them. I know of several jnstances where the manufacturers have deelined to allow the circulation among their employees of that ms chisvous pamphlet addressed to 'the British-born' which the opposition manufacturers 20 ~Heauwtdul Mis wealthy in her own hol been promin actety far bali =a New York, Aug Leonora Brokaw, right, whose family ent jn New York century, who itlteed three vofiths from the "407 and vis discarded tha Knickerbocker a to farmeretie is so emunored of tha fife that she has determined to seiih rier's ow Her on become a down as yagement Lo rv bong farmer <b ad today will shortly be annouaces nitted this fact herself Sines Miss Hrokaw, who is a eousin of Gould Bra whuoanced upon her vedurn from vport in company with Mrs, Belmonts ciety 13 callow and sapid and that sn vmbrition oul fovmerettes that Fer one with brains or P "hy pest vontent a the "10, hi Feces proposals from all declared, to-day that the efforts of these men are use been flooded over the land. dhe oss, as whe has already made hes choles IT 18 PRESICTED. Carey May he Head, of Republic Steel Company. BE have sent to all manufacturers or distribution among their workmen i i evident from what } have heard during the past week that "not a few of the leading mamfactus the foolishness of the farmer ite rs recognize {poliey ol antagonizing the twho are their best castomers, by fight {itig 'thi {wants Ae near ns 1 can size up the [situation nt the present time the man | upported Laurier at infagturers who [the last election will support him this time, and the government stands to gain heavily among the farmers, work {men and artisans." wereement, which dhe farmer SHE 18 SWEET, T00. Prince Falls in Love With a Teles phone Girl. Los Angeles, "Aug. 22.-Prinee En gene Arlemere Du Rois, scion of one of the most famous families of Frahee, is coming to Los Ang ¢ (0 press his wit for the hand of Miss Michelle Le Grand, a petite and pretty telephone he met while the latter was on. a visit to her aunt in Paris, Miss Le Grand says the visit of the privice will avail him pothing as she hax no use for foreign noblemen, When she arrived in New York a week ago from her) Paris visit Mise Le Grand found a eablegram awaiting her from the prince, announcing his intention of coming to visit her mn Los Angeles, "While on onr way to the railroad station fi Paris Prince Da Bois pro posed to * unid Miss Le Grand, "and | 40ld hire that such a thing as matrimony had not yet entered my head, Hf he comes here he will have his trouhile for his pains." STURBINIAT FI REDUCED. £3500 be Exaeted for Breach of Res gulations, New York, Aug posed on the Canadian HWo-The fine am steamship Furbinia for earrying exeuarsionists from Charlotte, New York, to Presque Isle Bay, on the Canadian side and veturn, has been mitigated by the se erefary of labor In | doing 60), rastrocted the collector of customs at Rochefter of which Charlotte is the port, to np compnnies thal commerce and however, he has | i i tify . transportation { : i | there 8 no alternative but compliance muestie shipping It seems that it has been the prac {tice for some years for Ca an Istenmboats to take large excurdions at Charlotte, for a trip to Presa Isle, Cobourg, Tarento, and other places on the Canadian side. The de {partment has mitigated the Turbnoia { penalty incurred, of $153,000 to $500 Frick to Live in Pasadena. Pasadena, Cal, Aug. 22.--Pasadenn has the promise of Henry €. Fyick, of Pittsburg, that he will come to this city to make his home. It is said that Mr. Frick will give up active business and settle in the Crown City with his family, "STARLIGHT"' FOUND Purse Discovered Hitched to ; Los Angeles, Aug. 22.--Starlight, a race horse famous eighteen vears ago as the winger of a 320,080 purse at Louisville, was, to-day; discovered by its original owper, John Pevton, of Lexington, Ky., hitched to a Chinese {sundry waggon, broken down and emaciated. Mr. Peyton made an offer -of $100 "Suarlight will never work again. He will be shipped back to Mr. Vey- ton's farm in Rentueky, wheres he will be allowed to browse over the green fields of Blue Grass and live the bal anos of his life at ease. John Burgess, an employee of the Dundas cotton = mill, Cornwall, Ont, while attending to his duties had his arm drawn into a picker. The limb was mo terribly crushed and tom that it had 10 be amputated, ° Ee Tames B Pleouirichs, aged give freon years : aperator at the Hayward Hotel, whom . * him event if Louisa is also his «BY ORIGINAL OWNER ©. re Horse Once Winner of a $20,000 for the animal and the Chinaman ae! WHE. COREY. Pittshury, Ar. 22. <The ' statement was made here that William Ellis former president of the United el Corporation, will, succes the Inte Jim W. Gates as the head of the Republic Tron & Steel company. Announcement by Mr, Corey some time ago. that he expected to again enter actively into the steel business arengthens the Helief that this story Carey, States 18 true. Nothing of late in the Las attracted so much attention as this proposed move on the part ol Mr. Carey, who is recognized as one of the strongest operating men in the sleel trade. It is stated that should the Republic fron & Steel company made the change indicated it would mean another stop forward in the long expected ama mation of the Republic Iron & Steel and the Bethlehem and-other steel trade company Inrge independent companies that now stant an their own feet without 1 pending an any outside source for then upplies of new materi ol HOW THE LADY FELT: FIRST WIFE GUEST OF SECOND WIFE AT HUSBAND'S HOME "1 Lave Him and 1 Cannot Stay Away," Says Third Member of Queer Kansas Household. Pittshury,: Kan, him, wad | cannot stay away from wile," declared Mrs. - Ann Catherine Sharp, first wife of Peter C, Sharp, of this city, who returned here vesterday from po : i Paarl sion ™ r Po with the law regarding foreign and de New Orleans where she went following mother, a suicide. The carefully locked a--quarrel with Sharp's second and vounger wile, Louisa. The [first Mis Sharp today is 5 guest again at the Sharp home "Nhe ean stay as long as she wants to. said Mrs, Louisa Sharp, last nigh "But 1 am ta be the boss." Sharp und his first wife, Ann Cutl erine, were parted in the great Chi cago fire. Nine years ago he came to Pittshurg and secoml wife. Lonisa. Apn Catherine located married es Sharp through the United States pen- | gion bureat, She came. here but found him married. As she had been legally dead many years, she had no standing in court. Sharp, however, home and for several weeks the two women lived in the house, the first Quarrels caused Ann to New Orleans to Hive with a son, over 4 mouth ago. a ----_-- ville Industry. Hrockville, Ont., Aug, 22.-It is re ported that the Sterling Engine com pany, one of the largest manufactur {ors of ghsoline engines in the United | States, intend opening a branch fac tory in Brockville at an early date. i i | An alleged pokerroom just across {the alleyway from the office of the lehief of police - of Watertown, N.Y, was th on Saturday worning. {Five men were in 'the room, but {neither eards nor chips were in sight. fail and wind caused some loss in sections of Saskatchewan but it is not knowp 'the extent of the damage fot the storm to the exops. President Rotsevell has written al Pittsburg paper saving he will not be ia candidate for the presidency in 1912. I The pope is almost completely re {eovered mow, The doctor says he needs iehange «Ff air and may leave the va. tican, L {. Frank C. Winer has been appointed postmaster sf Lowville, N.Y., to sec. Jo ihe late A. N. ; ey Aug. B.-"1 love took her into his | | TT LAST ADITION a -- - -- ONTARIO, TUESDAY, AUGUST 22 911. : | \ i CAMPAIGN STRENUOUS, i | WEATHER PROBABILITIES. i i | Toronto, Ont, Aug 22, 10 am O04 : jtawe Valiey and Upper St. Lawrence ; But Lanier is Showing Little Fresh south to west winds: mostly fair 8 . ! } and warm with: jocal shewers or s Fatigue Signs. thunderstorms. Cooler on Wednesda) GREAT CONVENTION UNANI ; -- Seat. MOUS FOR MINISTER OF LABOR, | Matters That Interest Everybody-- | lugersoll, 0 a0 £ i i gersoll, Omt., Aug, 22 Hon, Chil i Notes From All Over--Little of ford Sifton's past in the election cam- Inconsistencies of the Opposition on i Easily Bead 'and Re. ptign may be indicated in his first the Trade and Naval Policies Arce i i i i Despatches From Near ad and his chief henchmen left the | i a lcity, this morning, for St Hy aciathe, | Distant Places {10 attend the funeral of the late A. M. -- : lealled a meeting which was seized by . {the nationalists amd where Lemieux ! {was howled down a couple of weeks | | ago. Heaupariant died, Saturday, of BERLIN NOMINATIONS . 1 The premier, so far, shows no sign --. 2 THE BRIEFEST ol fatigue though the campaign is SIBLE FORM. A Pos Montreal, Aug. 22.-4-8ir Wilirid Lau} Beauparlant, 'a leading liberal who | appendicitis, £ GIVEN IN strenuous Everybody membered, i i 3 {The former liberal minister, under Sir Signed Nomination Papers. blew his head off with} shot gun. lence in the rink, under éonservative| Waterloo, Ont., Aug. 22.--Tobre is Mrs, tues Siiong, Witsor, was fia The loeal candidate, Donald [only one mam for North Waterlow, and that man is the Hon. W. L. Mac kenzie Ring. He was nominated yester day by a gathering of delegates Lihat erowded the town ball, and the manner in which the four hundred | £8 gave vent to their entbus : | asm promised a great liberal victory + on September 21st. Walter Anderson, of BDajton, 0 + | Wilirid l.aurier, is to address an audi ve auspices beating a neighbor's pig | Sutherland, will be on the platform. | To Help Bourassa Next. Montreal, Aug. 22.--A prominent speech which he delivers here to-night Clearly sShown--AN Delegates Morin, aged eleven, jumped | bridge at Montréal to avoid al in and was drowned. " { libéral, this morning, came out with Miles €. Bryan, the oFIest TAGE story (hat Bourassa 38 backing --Bor- Ogdenshury, Y., died on Sad) gen with the understanding phat the urday, aged eighty-three years, . conservative party of Quebec will back Admiral Togo spent five midutes in yin, when the provincial elections are The spirit that permeated the con Toronto, making train eonpections. He! held, in an attempt (0 seize reins of | vention was in striking conlrast to received a dozen fellow vountrymen. in this province by the nation- that of the conservative convention a Froctor Jewett, of Gouverneur, N. ' few days azo, when, alter the nomi wuddenly on Saturday of {nation had been peddle! about fo lisense, he was sevent, weeks and offered lo a dozen in {dividuals, the honor of leading a for ilorn hope was thrust upon Mayor | Weichel, of Waterloo. The list of nom. | the Mototéan situation would Tithe | nations began and ended with tne | oughly discussed before Ambassador | Panie-of the minister of labor Phawe (11, fits or call Cambon returned to Germany nexi {Wat no guestion of amy nther. 11 was yu Monday. The government is W etn) of PEpsented by William Snider, wha, as hifty years a solution of the difficulties but president of tha. Waterloo Manufactur ¥ ; . . 4 me © Miller ¢ a ne . Unable to loosen itx hold after a France's nights to Morocco must bein re} the Millers & Manufac . y * | Larers ) MANGE CO pet ont, gone mad, WE him in the fore- recognized, and Germany must Feduce turers' Fire Insurance company, and or ' + Y vice-president { sever: Ig cone . artik Clemens Sohrosder, of Chicago, it8 manifestly excessive desires in Com- |, k dent of seve ul big foneat ne, out {48 one ol the most prominent figures in Cashiér John OC. Byland of the Red the county. J. W. -Hartleib, 5 well mond bank of Boone. County, Ky.,| M kuows fnrmer om Hogk brevtiut of charged with stealing $18,000 of hank | The ) owns ip, was the sooner, funds was arrested at Detroit. | he large German vote in rlin Thousands of fish ave dying in the out PROPHECY | ~~ Waterloo a he surcopning | { Ns OugIN eh We Grand River at Bridgeport, the {township is How ir To - Morrow Every garment well made | of good wash fabrics--no mis- all up-to-dife. power alists a ------ France's Sharp Reply. Paris, Aug. 22.--~In a rather threat: ening, but Cautious, official note, this morning, the Frenrh--government said | vears of An undone man eka bicvele siriek bv an auto in Toronto. in hospital in & sericus" eondi- He is tion William A. Bowman, aged seventy years, diel on Saturday at Gouver peur, N.Y., where he had lived for WHITE EMBROIDERY WAISTS, WHITE TAILORED WAISTS, COLORED TAILORED WAISTS. fhe cat's head off. go All sizes in the lot. Regular prices, 76c to $3 Your Choios To-Morrow At Hair Price 785¢ Waists at $1.00 Wailsts at .. $1.25 Walsts at $1.50 Walsts at... flag- waving cam conservativ ar CASH SALES. i ° NO APPROVAL. ies has incieased have Jusing STEACY'S THE PROPLE'S STORE. inten poisoning al her mother's death of Miss {the duties on manufactured sult of poisoning material of some gs 3 . {kenzie King The farmers have vea- | kind eatering the river nt that point Says Masses will Be n Cop |=oned out. reciprgeity for themsely ow, | four, died at the residence of his son {vide JAYS The in Toronto. He wis the pioneer cheese Y jpaign that the maker in Ontario, at Vankleek Hill oar. Ir . f lak BE Heddon ot Malonn " i ; we minister © abor was in a den, © «NYG ondon, Aug. 220d Moore," inl fighting mood, and bis defence of the three milas on Friday, to see the |. ' "" o } ¢ parade of Barnum & Bailey's cireus. | Death's harvest is "ope who has vention to its feat. He pave the dele . done much for his country, although [gates a plain, common-sense talk upon age, was seriously injured on Sunday : : - by being struck by a Black River trae | Of the country is not mentioned, andiabsurdity of the opposition conten + . . F N.Y ple in the world that the label is par Hon, Mr. King gave in ferms that As a result of the London strike ticularly vague, could have no two mennitigs the gov forty mitilion dol-{ that in January the football field will guments the conservative leaders and lars. Railwey tickets. will advance | *itness accidents. Moreover, a 'elib {journals been namely, HH To wet 850.000 from his. father's es- | ers coming to grief, whieh will greatly {the wedge" and that the government { tate. Frank MeCoy, of Tacoma, Wash. loffect- its chances of getting into the [had in mind further general tariff re eight duys after his father's death, two {91 of our prominent men," is thel "It js not," he stated, "th i betore tha: time: limit in the. will (next prophecy, hut whether this refers (tion of the government to make any thorn serateh ou the hand, received is seriously injured" (not upuswal in {that too clear. If it hit boon the in I Gl 8 the steeplechase season) in not dis- {tention of the. government to reduce |} » x closed articles it IH wh vas soon lo be z ; Pn Na on » led humor with plenty of work and | ericans came to us asking for that Ihis is the good news To say that the government intends | pnw anrps Asa FraMin Arnild, aged ixty t Next land they are not easily moved by iearrving on is wasted upon thom one hundred years of age, walked 2 i : | his prophecies for 1912, says that in|goversment's polities brought the con {Charles Ward, seventy-seven years of : nn | ? somewhat misunderstood The name |the trade agreement, and showed the t { ATH , i [TH | tion company engine al Watertown, | Hhere are so many misunderstood peo- | tions, " the wage ill of the railway compan | I will not surprise anyone. to hear | ernment's answer, to the ingicdions. ar twenty per cent. {will be mueh upset by one of its play- {that reciprocity was "the thin end of : ' 5 soks as we have to lose ot ranrvied Misa Eilen Plonnig, twenty« final It looks as if we have to ductions 4 0 joothaller or to "a jockey who rthe ariff ADEE " y Blood count] WY. a HOB 10 the § aller or to "a Kk further tarifi changes. | cannot make Susan Reichardt of pi 4 ! The masses will be in very eontent- lwould have been done when the Am {such a thing and that this is only the Aug, 1%h Greensport, Lo, bride fgood wages." Miss Marie Henkel, sixteen years of [{,¢ October re, of Mount Washington, recently | MARRIED, VOUT--At Brockville, on Flfabeth Daisy Ed Wards to Normar Vaut both of Brockville "LARKE--MILLER--On Aug. 19th, by Macleod, Reginald Miss Agnes, youngest Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brockville ! 4 Ak Phere is an railway accident, a oad {thin end of the wedge is absolute non crowned "Queen of Beauty," was n-ne gecident, an Alpine accident, a |gense." 4% siantly killed on Sunday, in a collis fire. a death inn royal family, and al There were many delegates in the ion between a passenger train and A death by lightning. All these things | hall interested in the industries of Wa large ritbberneck automobile The | happen next year, a#|terloo and Berlin, and this en shat firee of the impact threw the auto ¥ ay af hal Joeee of greeted with ap will certainly they happened last year, and the year | gpnouncement was before that { plause Peterson, mr me em i The minister closed with ait explana SLASHED THE SECRETARY. tion of the government's naval polie morning. 'at 10 o'clock } is. ve. sue 7 COMPLY WITH i i hursda BISLEY RE | E N | Friends and RCqUBIntances are re- 1 spectiully Invited to attend, p-- DIED. 'HAMBERLAIN~In Kingston, on Aug. 2ind, 1911, George A. Cham. beriain, aged 62 years uneral will take place from his late residence, 3 Princess Sires: Four vear old Virghua alinost dead from starvation, was rescued by. the Washington police from a locked room in a local apartment poy Sending Troops to house, where for days she was held : : Centres. prisoner with the dead body of her | London, Aung. 22.--John Macdonald, labor leader in the House | Ramsay | : { of Commons, administered a sharp | | | MARCHAND In Kingston, Monday windows and doors led to the belief morning. Aug. 21st. 1911, Charles that the mother, suddenly derangel, had olanned that the child should fol low her to death. The child is in a precarious condition from fright _ and oratorical whipping to Home Secre The King i 1] B ! Marchand, aged 60 years tary Churchill, at this afternoon's ses stonians ae us Fusieral Wednesday morning. Bod sion, saying that the part played by {| at the Ranges at Reck- : : Churchill in sending troops to strike | y clock bere A solemn requient mass will . . . i » centres was most diabolical and mis | - cliffe : . sung for the happy repose of Friends and acquaint requested to chievaus. However, he commended the | ' i both trikes and | Brecial to the Whig Twa spiri 4 with 8 1 a ] WH Ottawa, Aug. 22. Practically all the! sompanies with re pg to the a. | Kingstonian , at the ranges, are com Halos, saving i the Rie Sprit il peting in today's svests. The first | ROBERT J. REID, but escaped serious injury. They were tmued, Eagland had seen ' ant ra i stage of the Governor-Geveral's mateh | The Lead Undertaker. (driving about forty miles an hour road strike. A arliament_ adjourned ua Voiarted, this morning, the wind being | 'Phone 577. towards Rochester, and met a big til October Ath. changeable and interferiog with the | touring car, vecapied by Mr. and Mrs. g ---- : a { #hooting : . E. Martin, of Montreal. The front The Conmnissioners Name . Word has been {wheels of the Martin ear caught the| London, Eng., Aug. 22.--The commis- | I, Gibsoo, lisntenant-governors ¥ . . i her bind wheels of the Smart ear and sion appointed to enquire into the | tgrio, will be here, | hursday i tipped it into the diteh troubles between the railways amd em- For the fired time in the DRA. hin | i em: | | we og ployees, which lad to the recent strike, | tory, competitors, to-day, shoot at | ANTIQUE TABLES, } . was announced by the government in! the 300 yard range. Hitherto there Octagon, ware, Round og Oval "YOUNG MEN GIRL the commons, yesterday. The chair | has been 200 yards amd then nothing Jobe it Shshogany od val ut, J J who was un- | ngtil 500. The change is to conform | "Phone 705 asd. TURKS. i 'man is Sir David Herrol, un | 3 ; 4 | FIGHT BROKEN AW secretary for Treland in 1593-1962. to Bisley requirements, i emer - eee ee A GLASS OF CED tack of food. Orvin Smart, banker, was fatally hurt in an automobile accident near | Batavia, N .Y., om Sunday. John Shur and two sisters were m the an tomobile when the aeeilent occurred, respectfully Rochester and Chicsgo papers please »y shown by { received that Hon of On The Old Firm of 254 and 36 FRING wr. 'Phwde 147 for Ambulance. -- { The railroads - are represented by Sir' -- ~~ Ww of | Thomas R. EMis, secretary of the Mise | The July Bank Statement. | Main eatures Affair That | Owners' Association, and Sir Charles! Ottawa, Aug. 22.-Agewrding to the ! ere F . | Reale, vice-chancellor of the University ldominion bank statement tov July, i Happened a Springfield--- of Birmingham. Representatives of | published to-day, voles in cireniation | i | the men are Arthur Henderson, labor increased from 3% 618,609, in une; | One Arrested. for Darham,| to $59,015,079 in July: deposits on de | 1 Guia ut NE A . mand from SWON 304 10 $318,973, | Springfield, On. iu . 22. =A yousg 1858; savings deposits from $564.90; , iman vamed "Henry i _-- po! [554 to $57,780,435; call loans to the arrest here for breaking the S Name. Fd 2 ~ 3 agi {Elmer Laur last Wednesday evening. But Press Suppresses United States from SWISE54H0 to | T ¢ 27 Samuel Horton, §104,000,030 . 'It appears that the young men had | Toronto, Aug. 2-.- . "ER : an altercation on the street, copsers- CUEimer cl UL ae) Trivle Auto Collison : Ee at, Te % 4 . ea Young dady, Bt a to ad | struck by an auto, last might, : with Baltimore, Md, Aug. 23.--F. Holmes ian a resuli Laur had both his Jow-~ Frank Burrows. A prominent citizen, | Hack, dr. pruminen Ln Baltimore so- | glegd it is both & comfort and » il rol ant was ally j the awner and driver of the auto, was ciety, was killed and six inured when ENTY (SF Jaws ' arrested, charged with manslaughter. [a triple sollision of aatdmobiles or | ap. 5 i £m 4 | curred last might. The first two cars! | Dr. Douglas, assisted by Dr. Tufford | Child Bitten by » Dog. { collided and the third ran inte both of St. Thomas, attended the young! oh Ane. 8 --Marearet Kane, | - 3 RE hk > J eo man's injuries, which wers foun] to be |}, (wo-vearold child of Mr. and | Rev. Guinness Roger: Dead. fof a serious mature, il being necessary | Mrs. H. Kape, of Metcalle street, was | London, Aug. 24.-Rev. Ciainness {to administer chlaroform.| {severely bitten in the face by a dog |Ragers, former minister of blapham A : Laur became steadily worse, and | 5, Saturday. The dog was immediate Congrega' weal church, and well-known ---- when it became evident that he was in | 1y killed. 'ug an anivor of religions books, died, The British schooner: Minnie, laden la critical condition, Mrs. Laur, the | ---- % Monday. Me was born December Bh, sith coal, trom Eli XE. lor 'young man's mother, a warrant | Jail for Misusing Mail. 1822. Halifax, N.S, was pi up aban {issued for: The latter was! New York, Aug. 22.-Christopher | a doved near Coskata life saving station placed under arrest Friday night, and | Cofambus Wilson, Francis 1 Butler, | Aviator Algood, fying from Su. pear Nantucket, Mass. oumty Police Magistrate Hunt is{and William W. Tompkins, are sent Jovis to New York, got lost in the. Joseph MeGuiness, Belleville, here this afternoon giving lim a bear 3 jail to sdrve pen for misusing (sir and wes forced 10 land near Sy. twenty-four es J on TB i a EN i Abe mails in defrauding iuvestors. recuse, N.Y. from lung trouble. member of parliament and John Burnett, chid labor corre spondent of the Board of Trade. = =us #s very refreshing thess fays. When made with our Owa Special y > i Fit Princess Street. EE ie iil i aM rt isi BO}AS As a Ly -- rs gr