a. Eas sso CITY AND VICINITY. Threshing at the Island. i y i machines rorking | i The thrashing offs fuand [LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS IX) overtime these days at Wolfe 1 | The farmers are as busy as bees, and | GENERAL. a record erop is looked for. { | Occurrences in the City and Vicinity ~Other Brief Items of Interest Easily Read and Remembered. | "JUNE WITH LAWN BOWLERS JULY lr AUGUST . Store Closes Daily 5 Olclock. M¢KELVEY . DEFEATED SKIP NeRENLAR. 1 Popular Handbooks These volumes are compact in form Looking Into Case. Albert Cottenden, of Toronto, wou | { the late Joseph George, has arrived | Te . in the city, and will remaia here forga | Blackberry Cordial. Gibson 8. few days, looking into the matters per- | if 57 Nona Graham, Portsmouth, | taining to the finding of the will, | eft, Monday, for Toronto. 1 m------ { Charles K. Rofley, Montreal, is| Another Popular Price Excursion [spending , few days in the city. : Among the Islands, only 25. | Willian, Swaine, piano, sunet, Orders | : : Q \ 4 o (received at MeAuley's. 'Phone 778. i $ This victory for McKelvey practical- | Steamer thente Queen leaves at 21 Miss P, Cavither, Watertown, N.Y. | «ily gives his team the championship, p.m., Wednesday. Home 8.15. One| visiting Mrs, Butland, Livingstone | JOHN McKAY as he Mas finished all his games, and hour at 1,000 Island Park. This prov-| ooo 149-157 Brock Street. Kingston. In Fine Game on Mondsy Night-- A series of little books designed for information and entertainment Skip McKelvey's: Team Looks Good for the Championship-- Bethel Centres Defeated Bethel Corners in Ball Game. A lawn bowling team, skipped by K. J. McKelvey, defeated a team, shipped by J. McKellar, by 17 to 14, -- on Monday night. and unequalled in point of merit and cheapoess, handsomely bound in green cloth, printed on good paper. > ¥ : . - 1 They are the latest as well as best book on the subjects of which they treat. Each 50. -- -- LETTER WRITING THINGS WORTH KNOWING READY MADE SPEECHES TOASTS. ORATORY STORIES WORTH TELLING JOURNALISM SOLITAIRE PARLOR GAMES, DREAM BOOK . PARLIAMENTARY LAW. BUSINESS LETTERS. ETIQUETTE. QUOTATIONS SLIPS OF SPLECH. AFTER DINNER STORIES. DEBATER'S TREASURY. SOCIALISM. CONUMDRUMS. BRIDGE. WHIST. FORTUNE TELLING DANCING. NURSING. las ouly lost three, while there are fed a very popular trip last week. | "Buy after-dinner mints." Gibson's. | a number of other teams tied with Lake Ontario Fark will ¢ se for the | him 21, Dréudnt, they ail wy Deason; on Labor day evening, Septem- | games to ply. or i his team will eapture the champion: The yacht Neola, with ship. : party aboard, dropped John Swift's, Tuesday. Murray, "Buy Wild Strawberry" at Gibson's. | Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Tobin, West. | port, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. 1. G. McCue, Portsmouth, i _ E. F. Trimble was operated upon in the Kingston General Hospital on! Tuesday morning. { "Buy Wild Strawberry" at Gibson's. ! Work on the new public school is . | a progressing nicely. The foundation is The Bethel Centres, : n aa about completed. . Furniture, Carpets... Corners, at Victoria school [Canadian officers in Vancouver. H. Cunmngham, piano tuner, . {grounds Monday evening by a score of Lost Two 3: $10 Bill King street. Leave orders at Et tis -- Curtains, iif to 4. The last game played, resulted | 0st "wo BI - Auley's bookstore. : haw : i , ® in a tie, but this time t s took a I. SST Johnson, United -- States; + iss GeoPEing "Parsiow, - Watertown, sociations Bar the Padlapnthe ia at . ture, and the Centres a victory N.Y, is the guest of Miss Kathyrn ville, have returned to the ousg of ) Linoleums, Etc. to their list. These games oe causing Sowards, Montreal street. Providens, Kin, aa. touted. with quite a lot of excitement between the _saackberry Cordial." Gibson's. b § mer mer, wi Cheapést month of the year. teams for the George Mills cup, Rob- _W. 8. Ellis, dean of the Faculty of 8 general cargo, from tort william. Large stock, good variety, and|.ry Tremser played 4 fine game in right Education at Queen's, is moving frm [passed down on ber way to Montreal prices that stimulate business it will pay you to lay out your money now and save from 10 to 20 per | A er neg so Left for the West. ! James Johnston, University avenue; left on Tuesday for Saskatoon, - Ed- {monton and Calgary. He will be ab- seut a month or six weeks, Early | in the summer Mr. Johnston spent some time in the west. Remarks Were Too Warm. Bremerton, Wash., Aug. 22.--Lieut.- Commander Leland James, of the cruiser West 'Virginfa, is to be court martigled on , charge of seriously im- {paring the friemdly iternational spirit the |by remarks made at a dinner given hy = a pleasure | anchor at McKellar, in the absence of * i skipped for him. The teams were as follows : Dr. Boyee, R. Uglow, W. Jackson; | : i. J. McKelvey, skip---17. J. 8. Melntyre, J. F. MeMillan, W. P. Spalding; J. McKellar, skip--14. ® G. FE. Searle won from George Mec- OF b. Kellar in th singles, by 15 to 11. Bethel Centres Won. defented The College Book Store 21 260 PRINCESS STREET. OPEN NIGHTS. "Fiymne 01s Me- | consul, here, lost two XI0 bills; Mon- day evening, and lie- has not the least idea where the missing green backs could be found. One hates to lose sioney in this way and Mr. John- son is no exception to the rule. English Photo Frames MADE IN STERLING BILVER WITH VELVET BACKS AND EASEL STANDS ROUND AND OBLONGS PRICES RANGE $1.00 to $2.50. field, for the losers, getting a nice hit, Roselawn to Bagot street, | to-day. > 5 for a home "rus. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Baird and Miss | Herbert Treneer, the blind organist, The tennis were as follows: Agnes Baird, Smith's Falls, are visit { who recently left Brock Street Meth- | @ For that worn out, tired and Centres--Trencer, ¢.; Coates, p.; Wil-| IT ' ing Miss Makins, Barrie street. , |odist church, is playing in Si An 1& hie wrth ob ig Boing Rao wn, 1b.; Hunter, 2b; Porter, s.s.; Mer- | Mining, will leave on Saturday, for Buy Wild Strawberry" at Gibson's. drew's church, Peterboro. 2 better tonic thay a sombitse shon, 3b.: Day, r.i.; H. Porter, cf. ; Turin, Italy, to attend the annual Mr. and Mra. ( . T. Milne, Montreal, | "Buy seidlitz powders at Gibson's. tion of ' Knapp, Md. © . .|meeting of the International Electro- | who have been visiting relatives in| Henry and [Frank Newman, . King . Rapp, Thompson, c.; Holland, p.; Technical commission, as a Canadian | the city, have returned home. street west, have returned home from BEEF, IRON AND WINE. Orners omy Ay it iid * representative. The commission was Miss Florence Mathie, Montreal, who | 0 canoe trip down the Rideau, and Moxluy, 1b; Haffner, 2b.; Buck, s.s.; ro St. Loui d the En-|has been visiting here, has gone to! by wav of Gananoque Ours is delicious in taste, § Wilson, 3b.; Treneer, rf; Mershon, Organized at St. Louis and the En Ogdenst if "here, £2 . a, i ~ontalns iron to enrich the oi; {giveering Societies of the various ygden urg to visit her aunt. < Mrs. J. E. Nelson and daughter, ef.; Smith, LIL innings' [oountries were asked to nominate com- 'Buy Wild Strawberry" at Gibson's. | Florence, of Calgary, Alta., formerly | blood, peptonized (digested) 'The game only lasted three innings, J to represent them. Prof. = Gill A. L. MeNeil, who has been visiting | of Kingston, are renewing acquaintan- | g beef to feed the tissues. and _- [has been onthe Canadian committee | ¥ith his mother for the last ™ two | ces amoung. their many friends in the Shoice wie a an sppetiser. | ol day , . scent | since its ineeplion and this year Prof. weeks, left, to-day, for Chiengo | city. Y aly a een wket = from Eastern league--Toronto, 7; Balti [Sat He kal So 80 3a ty Spraseitta: more, 5. Montreal, 11-1; Jersey City, an e aalls an ew York, Mrs. 5-5. Buffalo, 9: Providence, 1. Roches- | "' accompanying him. ter, 4: Newark, 3. American ~ league--Washington, Chicago, 4. Detroit, 5; New York, 4. National league--New York, 3; Chi- cago, 2. St. Louis, 6; Brooklyn, 1. Pittsburg, 10; Philadelphia, 7. Cincin- nati, 7; Boston, 6. Canadian league--Hamilton, 11; Lon- don, 3. St. Thomas, 4; Berlin 2, Guelph 9; Brantford, 2. To Go to Italy. Prof. LW. Gill, of the: School of SHAPES, OVALS, ALL SIZES FROM FERRE RRRR ere om account of darl Baseball Record. Miss Alice O'Gorman, Montreal | "Buy after-dinner mints." Gibson's. street, has returned after spending a! The manager of Queen street baseball week with friends in Seeley's Bay. team said he was quite willing to "Buy seidlitz powders" at Gibson's. match his nine against "Joe" Daley's J. H. Stoness, Montreal, and Ed-! braves, if a convenient time can be ar- ward Pound, of this city, have deft | ranged. for the silver district in New Ontario. ! At a meeting of the journeymen bar- Miss Irene Jessie Chrysler, Napanee, | bers, Monday evening, it was decided has heen appointed on the teaching to close the shops on and after Sep- staff of the public schools, at Port tembér 9th, at eleven o'clock on Sat- Arthur. : {urday evenings. service to women. (Grace Margaret| "Buy Blackberry Cordial." Gibson's.| Miss Edith Archer. Campbelliord, Gould, who 'conducts the fashion de-| Dr. Wilson, Belleville, in a Kingston | and Misses. Mabel and Allie Merritt, partment of the Companion, does her [hospital for hemorrhage from the kid- |Lolborne street, are visiting Mr. and work 'admirably; that is, ber object|neys, has sufficiently recovered to re-| Mrs. J. (i. Bastow at their camp, seems to be--not to present fashions turn home. 5 . | "Eastview Park." - in a way that will influence women to Potatoes sold for the same price on "Buy tooth brushes' at Gibson's. waste money on clothes, but in a way [the Tuesday market. as on Saturday, | "Without threatening our industries, to show the great mass of women how bringing thirfy-five cents and forty | it Seems to offer substantial advan Fthey may dress {fashionably and vot leents per peck. ° | tages to agriculture in all provinces.' at reasonable cost. "Buy tooth: brushes' at Gibson's. | --From "The Reciprocity Agreement, Work is progressing nicely on the by Henri Bourassa. . new pavements. The work of putting | Three quarters of the block from On- down the bricks is being watehed with | tario street to King street has heen interest 'by. citizens. | finished and the paving bricks are in The executive of the 8.8 A A.A. will | position. This block will be finished meet Wednesday evening, in the YM. |i another day or so. CA. building, to wind up the base | Parafine wax, loc. hall season for 1911. {dey store. "Buy after-dinner mints." Gibson's. |. The condition of the atmosphere, Miss Josephine Barker has returned | Monday afternoon, reminded everyone to Ardendale, after spending three | that . the fall was not far ofl. Some- weeks with Mrs. Charles Kingswell, St {thing in the air seemed to whisper Lawrence avenuef I that one" could soon expect frosty Mrs, Charles Randall and daughter, | nights. : . Miss Dorcas; arrived home today, af- | A number of cases, for violation of ter 5 week's visit with friends in the 'sanitary law, have yet to be dis- Oswego and New York. posed of by the police magistrate. The "Buy Spearmint gum" at Gibson's. work is progressing in several Jf the Misses 0'Carroll, renewing old 'as- (cases, and some cases have yet to be inspected. "Buy tooth brushes" SMITH BROS., Jewellers, Opticians, 830 KING STREET, & our stock of Beef, Iron and Wine proved to be a superior article ranking 'as first class. TRY A BOTTLE, 50c, Dr. A. P. Chown Druggist and Optician, 183 PRINCESS STREET. 'Phone 343. 7 Woman's Home Companion. The September Woman's Home (om- lanion is the - advance {fall fashion number of that periodical. [It contains an immense amount of fashion news that will interest and be of practical 4 : : : & ¥ i ) NC OOO 00000 $1.39 FUNERALS ON TUESDAY. oes : COO Processions Passed' . Rideau Street. The funeral of the late Mrs. Charles Belwa took place, Tuesday afternoon, from her late residence, Rideau street, to St. Paul's church. Rev. W. F, Fitz: Gierald conducted the funeral service. The pall-bearees wore Messrs. F. Duffy, J. Duffy, J. Esford, B. Eeford, S. Me- Cain, D. Henry. Many floral tributes Ware pent in and ong ham ire vy ear with chronic stomach trou- Mr. Bird, spray; Mr. a Hrs. [ble. He has been confined to his bed Haines, sheaf: Mr. and Mrs. L. Black, [for the past ten days. 'He was born spray; Mrs, W. Boreland, spray; Miss |, Sharpton and lived there nearly all Kathleen Thompson, spray; Mrs. But-ljis Jife. Ten years ago he moved to bor, ony Miss M. Turner, Sprays Mee. the city and had lived here ever simce shoal, Nr. and Mra. Robert Enford ond { rar, Ho wan & Methodist in religion, Ww : atl 64 o x and an attendant vo rock street Me- fistnily, Shea; Cait. jd ns. Ealad, thodist - church. - He was a. conserva. bers oe MoCo = AY: on ay tive in politics, He was a widower, Olsen, she; Mr. a Mrs. *W. Vetors, hia, eile having died three years ago, sheaf; Misses Sybel and Edna Mitdhell, {aw coves the following children : : '| Mrs. Genge, Gananoque; Mrs. W. Hab-| gg ge0e0ee00000esescecs | > If reciprocity means annexation in sheaf; - Mr. and' Mrs. W. H. Catter, cock, of this eit : a | Belleville, anchor; Misses Maude Car- Georgie and pnd Misses Eth, ® Kingston's Famous Fur Store. og |10|| what did it mean from 1878 to ter and Mary Murphy, wreath; Mr. iyo " hom@_Four brothers also | @ ® | 189], when it was the avowed policy and Miss Smith, sheal; Miss Mabel survive, William, MaYshall and John ® of the conservative party, which pro \ilinson, spray; Mr. and Mrs. Stewart, | & Harristos Ont d He a i v to have an exclusive ownership sheaf; Mrs. Baxter, sheaf; Mrs. Quinn, Buffalo NY His" ea 1 wit fof all' the loyalty in Canada ? spray; Mrs. Nevison, spray; Mrs, sondudted from his nae io] o Many were present at the lawn so- Samuel McKane, spray. Catarar ui : cemetery Thursd a 4 e @ (cikl and dance given at Copmell's ing. Rav. J. NN ertor will' cia orn: ® Grove, Cushendall, in aid of the Eng : 4 : : lish church, at Pine Hill. A number N from the city were present and enjoy- LAKE ONTARIO PARK. o od a happy evening. : '@| "Buy ackberry Cordial." at Gib ® | son's. ® | The second storey of the new Bank ® 5f Commerce building is half erected This corner is very busy just now o Carpenters are rapidly working at the @ interior of the building and everything ® iis running smoothly. ® | The position of the } ® (ks been located hut are un- able to descend owing to the rough @ weather. The body of a woman has ® [been picked up. It may be one of the * | victims of the collision "Buy tooth brushes" at Gibson's. 2 {| J.T. McOrmond, Fort William, Ont. . {is visiting at home of Mr. and Mrs. } | Two From 000] ee Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums, etc, all reduced to fit in with this sale. - Hepair and Upholstering Work promptly and well done. 'Phone 950 T: F. HARRISON Co. OO0% The Late George Chamberlain, George A. Chamberlain passed away at a few minutes after eight o'clock, Tuesday morning, at his residence, 386 Princess street. Deceased, sixty- two years of age, had been ill for the . AS =. aa Yours. Ib. "Prouse's OQ OC - PAS eee ee AND REPAIRED W. F. GOURDIER -------------------- Another List to Look Over 259 Victoria Street, 7 rooms Fatt) 177 Pine Street, two storey frame, 8 rooms, B. & (.; large garden and stable %1,500 Corner Mack and Nelson streets, solid brick, 8 rooms, size of lot 132x589 feet £2,000 108 Queen Street, solid brick, 7 rooms, HW heating, kitchen and dining-room Earl Street, x electric + lights, | ments 198 Earl Street, rooms, B. & C., furnace £31.500 197 Colborne Street, detached frame, three storeys, 11 rooms, HW. far nace, good cellar and yard £3,500 Open this evening till 10 o'clock Properties for sale in all parts of he city Fire Insurance and Money to Loan. "Phone 539 y FULLIN.-- The Real Estate Expert Corner Johnson and Division Sts, -- rr rrrrsrsssaccsssecang ; ' The balance of our stock of Ladies' Colored Wash Dresses in Prin- cess Style, also a few 2 piece Suits, also new styles, sizes 32 to 40, priced up to $5.00 each WEDNESDAY T0 CLEAR $139 SY vo 8 eee Our showing of Lace Cur- § tains in Irish Point, Brussels § Nef, Marie: Antoinette, Arabian and Nottingham qualities, in § White, Ivory and two toe ef- ! fects are as exquisite in design k a8 the most fastidious could desire, NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS, ~8pecial. values at $1.00, § $1.26, $1.50. 8 at (Gibsan's. & XX PEsEEEEEE or . E The Late 8. Fowler. The funeral of the late Samuel Fow- ler took place from his son's residence, IRISH POINT CURTAINS, Rideau street, at three o'clock, to Ca- taraqui cemetery. Rev. W. F, Fite: & $3.50 to $8.00. ) J Gerald, St. Paul's chureh, had charg MARIE ANTOINETTE from @ |, the funeral service. The bearers $6.00 upward. Messrs. W. R. Givens, R. J. ARABIAN POINT, $5.50. Hooper, P. Reaupre, A. Stroud, 8. } Jordan, C. GG. Birbeck. Agong the [night the pavilion was crowded, and PLP 40000000000 0eee (BP (floral tributes were, the Kingston additional seats had to be brought in- R. McFAUL. extension 52.400 furnace, gas, : ee® Ladies' Cream Lustre Skirts, samples only, as- sorted designs, in nearly all the wanted lengths, regular $3.95, TO CLEAR AT $1.49 hm The Crowds Still Keep Going to the Park, As the season is drawing to a close the attendance at Lake Ontario Yark seems to be increasing in volume, Last 317 roofs, modern HRPprove $2,900 dwelling, 12 were stone OOUOOO tug Chieftain divers | Standard, wreath; Mr. and Mrs. W. R. |to, requisition. The programme pre- Givens, spray; Mr. and Mrs. Hughes |selited was a splendid ome. "Bert" spray; Mrs. Slade, spray; Mrs. L. land Rose Remshaw, musical entertain Summers, spray. : ers, gave their own comedy musical yet. including cornet, trombone, obe nd English horn, giving solos and duets interspered with comedy. Their Mayor | Work was excellent and the applause they received was well deserved. Miss Helen Harper, a magnificent soprano, is without doubt the best vocalist that has appeared at the park this season. She rendered three numbers, each more sweetly and beautiful than Eee i HAD PLENTY OF NERVE. American Pensioner Asked For Assistance. There are people with a lot of nerve, but Mayor Graham had a case of it on Monday morning, which be considers is about the limit. ® eles ~~ Headquarters for { W. Dunlop, - 196 Colborne street. Mrs. McOrmond, who has been visiting in | Kingston since last May, will return to Fort William about September 15th. An ifem appeared in the Whig, stat- ee SEE REAL ESTATE Save time and money by seeing our lst. Here are a few 'good things. 427 Albert Street---Detach- an omaae urhase: 0, gas, e and large lot. $2,600. fl ary 229 Albert Street--Detach- ed brick; 7 rooms, furnace, stable; rental, $216.00; Jans: 'esston May 1st nest; $2,500. 298 and 300 Albert-- Double brick; b. and ¢., 7 rooms. gas, cellar "and lot; yo rs for $8,200.- An old American soldier, who draws a pension, called on his worship and asked for u railway pass as far as Prescott, so as he could cross ovér to Ogdensburg to draw his pension money, which amounts to about $60. The old pensioner has been living in Kingston for several years. As he had this amount of rieoming- Lo him Mayor Graham did vot think that it was up to the city to give him assistance so the old soldier paid his own railway face and went in senrch «# his money. . The , chief magistrates of a i are alwaye being asked for railway passes and they ha : their eves open or {dca the other. She sang "My Cavalier," "Roses Bring Dreams For You," and ak an encore gave the charming Span- ish song, "Caretta." Miss rear sang with expression, "There is Noth- ing In the World® Like Love," "I've Got Your Number." The pict were good especially "Love Cheese," 'Scenes From Mount Fitna," "The Trappers Five Dollar Rill," and "Capt. Kate." : pt tee U.S. CONSUL JOHNSON £2 FH Suits we have been care- ful to secure good service- able materials in the new shades. You will find our prices to be extremely moderate, as low as good material and workman- ship will permit, $12, 13.50, 15.00 up to 30.00. Summer Millinery at your own price. No rea- sonable offer refused. WATCH OUR WINDOWS! In selecting our Fall o ing that a son of Capt. Carnegie, of | ® [the steamer America, had been taken ito. the general hospital, to ian operation. This was an error, as it {was a son of Capt. R. H. Carnegie, of {the steam yacht Irene III, a nephew i* Capt. Carnegie of the America. { i NEW GENERAL MANAGER. | Secures One From American Loco. } motive Co. { The Canadian--Lscomotive company, | Kingston, has appointed A. W. Wheat- {ley as general manager. Mr. Wheatley is resigning as general manager of the Brooks plant of the American Locomo- tive company at Dunkirk, N.Y, to go to the Canadian Locomotive com- ny. The Brooks plant is the second ond of the American Locomotive company, and the Canadian tive company is indeed fortunate in securing Mr. Wheatley. The appoint- ment was made at a meeting of the Canadian Locomotive company, held yesterday. : Mr. Wheatley is 'an Englishman born and served his apprenticeship with the South Eastern railway in England. Another Popular Price Excursion Among the Islands, owly 25. Steamer Qubnte Queen leaves at 2 Wednesday. Home 5.15. Ome undergo Newman & Shaw The Always Busy Store. CERCLA REEREE eels Half Done is a palifable weak- r kneed, dirty-faced mischief Bo kinds of Po Soot Man a maker, He's not tolerated in ¢' and Ladies' Suits, Boots And { y i Bpoes, Jewellery, House Furnishings. his laundry; wash mim e., sold on easy payment plan out Come in, see our goods and terms New Stock of Fall and Winter Clothing just received: It will pay you to call and see it Joseph Abramsky 263 PRinCMES STREET. we Everything Is fully and perfectly done. Spotless lace curtains, Exquisite shirtwaists Smooth-edged collars. Smow.-white shirts, Beaatiful linens, Kingston Laundry * Cor. Princess & Sydenham Sts. "Phone 22. The steamer Neepawah will be in port to-night on ber way down to . Mon treal. y . KB. Fair, the liberal candidate in Bh hhh hhh ch a e6v0000000000000 So0eveveve GEORGE MILLS & C0 : : * MILLS & CO: 136 AND 128 PRINCESS ST. ¢ Fromtena¢ county, is in Sharbot Lake to-day. gif Rn at L006 Island Park. This prov- led a very popular trip last week. 900000000000000000000000000000000000000 . * # essssecassesensstene