Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Aug 1911, p. 10

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E HOLESOME ELIABLE ECONOMICAL MADE IN CANADA EW.GILLETTCOLID YOR ONTO----ONT. THOMAS COPLEY Prone 937. Drép a card to 19 Pine Street when wan ahything done in the Carpen- ter mates given on all kinds work a 80, [WHAT WHIG CORRESPOSDENTS TELL US. The Tidings From Various Powmts in Fastern Ontario--What People Are Doing and What They Are Saying. Reunion at Salem. Salem, Aug. 21.--A teumion of the Spencer family took place last Friday, at the home of Andrew Spemcer, the guest of honor being J. A. Campbell, of Akrow, Ohio, who had bes away fur forty years. A bountiful repast was provided, amd all enjoyed them- wives to the fullest extent. About fifty imests were present from Akron, Ohio, ~odus, N.Y., Frankford, Smithfield, snd other places. Mr. and Mrs. Spenc er, at whose home the reunion took place, have been married fifty-seven | voars, and have lived in this aeighbor- hood all their lives. Wilbur Items, Wilbur, Aug. 21.--Mr. and Mrs. Sam- wel Jackson left here for Resten, Man, to visit their daughter, Mrs. Frederick Paul. Miss Elsie Geraldi, Renfrew, at W. C. Boyd's. The Presbyterian picnic {held in Thomas' Grove, here, turned Tout h success. Miss J Rollow is via bond, two children, Mrs. M. MeDon ali, Camden East, and "Bert.", of Winnipeg. Mrs. James Gibson, To ronto, tv visting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hamilton: Wilfrid Connelly at FE. McWilliams', on Sun dav: Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Curl were FAIR THIS YEAR. in Napanee on Monday: amd Olive Salsbury are visiting this week at Uolebrooke, by Lightning. Newboro, Aug. 21%. B. 1 allman, . ft on Saturday for his home WW» / - . 20.--Mr. and], : : urea, Staticty Rug. 2. Mr, ed | derrickuiite, lo shad & few days be ter's parents Mr atl Mrs, J. Paul fore leaving for Winnipeg, from where Robertson's Lake, over the week-end he will be. sent Io une of I 5 { iss Kntic M. Cornett, Resfrew, is branches. The Slow race will, as usual, 0 3 : \ re one of the funny features of this visiting ber 'uncle and aunt, Mr. and . a --s . Mrs. A F' Jackson, Lavant hotel [Y®ar® Newhoio fair. | Many entries Miss Aggie F Leon "Kingston and |g8Y® been received already. Born, On Miss Iva Ray Frood, Renfrew, visit- Wednesday, 2th inst., to Mr. = od their friend, Miss Clara B. lee, Mrs. Ernest Bell, a daughter Mrs. last week. Miss Elsie M. Lee spent|iJudge) Sinclair amd daughter, Mrs Morgan, are spending a few days vise the week-end in Renfrew visiting |™! friends. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Jack- [iting relatives in town. Owing to raw son, Wilbur, and Miss Mar i feft, on August 16th, to visit friends I" : in the west. Mrs. Davis, and three]not materialize on Friday, but will children, Buffalo, visited at Mrs Splikely be playal some day this week. Jacobs', last week. The annual pie-|The Pittsburg nine are looking for sat- nic, here here on August 7th, was a isfaction for last year's defeat so a decided success. The main feature of [hot contest ix assured. The new prize the day was the baseball match. The |lists of Newboro fair show the largest : [list of special prizes ever offered by i are vided Saw a Good Game. Stars, of Clyde Forks, vs. the Colts, | of Canonto. The CAnonto Colts drop- ithe association. They 1 ped the last game of the season with lnmong all classes, so a large exhibit the invincible Clyde Forks nine, in ie assured. beautifully played contest that was| L. 8. Lewis, who has been seriously SWE DAILY BRITISH WHS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28. 1911. OFFERED AT THE XEWBORO Ihomas | the big baseball game, between the | ittsburg Campers and the locals did '; BUDGET FROM WELLINGTON. The Visitors are Numerous Just ' Now. Wellington, Aug. 21.-Mr=. WW. 8B Riggs and daughter, Vern, and Mrs on Monday of last week, Mrs. Eliza beth Osterhout and daughter, Rose, of Port Huron, are visiting friends and relatives in their old native coun ty, for a couple of weeks. Their m western | friends were pleased to clasp hands with them and welcome Them among us again. Mrs. J. 8. Hill, son and daughter, who have been the guests of her mother, Mrs. A. 1. Wilson, for some time, returned to their home ir Sunday last. Judge Marrison i wife were guests at the Hotel Mey andra for a couple of weeks. Re and Mrs. Taviof, Armprior, who, for few weeks, have been the guests their son at his beautiful Bowe, return to their home this seek. 'r mother for a few weeks. Manly Go man, M.P., Welland, was the guest of his sister, Mrs. Joseph Pottengill, on Sunday last. Two very able and in teresting sermons were delivered hy |Rev. Mr. Elliott, in the Methodist ¢hurch on Sunday last not decided until the last inning. It ill with typhoid fever is reported as Mrs. Justes Jinks is still with her] Mearsh, I elleville, wi { } Misses Maude | Death of Mrs. Sarah Guibraith, af i. pit of Belly bes wha for aj . i oup . ave ff guests at | Pioneer Resident--A Barn Stenckl poo Ajexandra, left for thei bore Ee Detroit, last Friday About forty autos passed through our village on} PIG TIN. Large Stocks The Canada Metal Co. Ltd., Fraser Avenue, Toronto tween Wellington and Bloomfield, will | Kenneth Beech is the guest of his PIG LEAD. Prompt Deliverics {iting friends at Sharbot Lake and | 0 the snappiest kind of a battle well as can beexpeeted. Workmen are bdaughter, Mrs. Derbyshire, who has I( Farendon. Nina Mary Betopn, anon throughout: and = those who remained engaged this week in evecting a WOW [hoon dangerously ill " neat Oswego to, is visiting her friends, Misses An- Foor for it were amply repaid. Al-iplatiorm in front of the Methodist [Walter Hubbs accompanied Lesli The cost ol using Shisafl's-Trae-Venilla-- r Leather Rather C pays and cheerfulness replaces rtch when stomach, liver, idneys and bowels are helped naturally to do their duty by Beecham SU KEATINGS POWDER KILLS MOTHS To keep moths out of furs, i clothing, carpets and draperies use Keat~ ings. "8 For sale by all Druggists In tins only "10,15, 20, 25¢. fo boxes 28¢. We Told You So! Labatt's - Lager Now Perfected The best on the market! ey 1m | jd mie and Burnie Thurston. Mr. and Mes. Codudge moved to-Leodirey--and "Misa €, Wilky accompanied thom. . Mr. and Mrs. JJ. Mack, Toronto, visiting int W. Boyd's. Miss Mary Thomas left here to visit ber aunt, in Winnipeg | Ross Alcorn, Renfrew, spent a few [dave at Wilbur this week Mrs, J [ Rollow and family intend moving to I Renfrew nest week, where Mr. Rollow is emploved. She will be greatly niss- {ed by all | -- The Whistle is Heard, I Glendower, Ap Quite a num {ber went to the lawesSocial at Lod lreyv., George Timmerman is doing the learpenter work at James Wiltson's | house, Quite a number of sports are lat Thirty Island Lake. The potato | cvop ix not much in this vicinity | James Colter. is buying up calves | (Cows have partially dried up on ac count of the fies and dried pasture | Most of the people are through hary | pating and the sound of the machine lis heard once more. | W. A MaceMullen, prospector, camp- {ing at ler dower mines, left, on Sat- Lurday, for his home at Belleville, Ont IT. Toban made a business trip to Kingston, last week. He has pur has- od a fine horse and carriage. Mr. Able and daughter, Rose, have gone to Carthage, N.Y., to visit his sister, Mie. Frederick Cooley, who is serious Iv ill Mrs. M. J. Kelly and baby, Gerald, have returned home, after vis. iting friends for the past week at Mur vale. Visitors 1 Fitzgerald, Fish Creek, at T. Toban's: F. Rondon, T Habeock, at P. Hickey's: 8. Reilly, and friend, at F. Judge's. Fire at Mountain Grove. Mountain Grove, Aug. 22.---About two o'clock, yesterday morning, fire broke ont in the shed ai the Loyst house, spreading to the stable and drivehouse, Everyone beigg asleep, it got well. mrder way before it was dis- covered. The house was soon on five and in the rush, the doors being Toft open, the draught carried the Humes through and soon the interior was a sheet of flames. Nothing could be saved, but a couple of trunks. The fire woon enught in George Somers' binkdings, and everything swept; also Mrs. York's; fortunately they were able to save considerable of the con: tents. We understand that all carvied some insurance, but not nearly enough to cover joss. Due to the faithfulness of the bucket brigade the fire was kept on the north side of the street. Had it. crossed over the entire village woukl almost undoubtedly been swept out, A upumber eame from Arden to ren- der assistance, but the fre was under controt-before they arrived, Rov. Mr. Forrester addressed ° the PPR. at St. John's Sunday evening. Miss Bettiker, Detroit, returned home on Sunday last, -- Westhrook Items. Westbrook, Aug. 23.--Bruce Knight and wife, of Winnipeg, en route to Montreal on a busimess trip, spent a few duys with fitends here. His broth: or, Harry, of Chicago, arrived on his motor eycle, on Sundar, to visit im, before his departure. Eileen Anderson, Kingston, returned howe, on Jacurday after spemding a week with Mrs. J. A. Sproul. Professor F. R. Marshall, sas a recent visitor with his sister, re, J. lL. ¥. Sproule. Mr. wad Mry, J. Morley and daughter, Carn, alter visiting friends at Deseronto, returmed [home on Monday. Dr, Day and wife, Kingston, accompanied by Mrs. Charles Timmerman and granddaughter, Mar- jon Cairns, Odessa, were guests of Mrs. J, L. F. Sproule last week. Miss ee Little, Kingston, speot ast week with 0. Gates. Mes. P. M. Grass, after ing a few dake with her daughter, Mrs. L, W. artwan, Col Jins Bay, returned home Saturday. Mr. and Mes. MeConell, Odessa, spent Sun- with Mr. and Mrs. Orange Bab nied by Mrs. Sykes and family, of New York, were recent visitors Mrs. J. L. F. Sproule. Mrs. J. Mua- dell, is seriously ill. Notes From Bethel. Bethel, Ang. 20 --The heavy shower was very much appreciated, after a ong-eountinwed Prospects for | Potatoes are very so all the farmers ave . Visitors : Miee Flin. "lurk ps ew {days with Wissee Mande and Olive a h 3 Xe James Patel she Nisit io Conmelly, Lo) vg leaving for Braktord: with Mrs. Har over. The umpire's duties were ably (Cuethy. head on so voung shoulders." ir after a hort illness with ralysis. Harvesting at Mount Chesney. Sh la Paty) 'Mount Chesney, Ang. 21 ~The farm- her parents to this country and resid- harvest and some have already thresh: oo..0 where she died. She married milk supply. Our cheese factory is as a life long member of St. Mary's management of FE. Prevost, Owing to T : ¥ ¢ 10 op Thursday. Services were conducted pointed in not being able to attend the recent picnic that was to have been held in McCallum's grove on remains were placed in the vault remains were conveyed fcom the island Friday last. Mrs. PFdward McGarvey to the village in a launch, and a num: spent a few days last week at her ber of sorrowipg friends and relatives mother's home on Wolfe Island. E. followed in launches. She leaves to J. Ewing has returned to Toronto, af- mourn her loss three brothers and two ter spending two weeks' vacation with sisters, Captain Wm, Scott, of the friends here. Mr. and Mrs. A. Barr, | Str. Rideau King, Capt. Samuel Scott, Burridge, paid a visit to Mrs. Barr's 'Thos. Seott, Miss Eliza Scott and Mrs, jarents, here, last week, A well- Nicholson, at home. To the bereavea Re -- gentleman from the city met relatives heartielt sympathies are ex- with a slight misfortune, hy falling tended. | into n tank of "water, but through the | A large barn belonging | to James timely assistance of his companion, Stout, at Croshy was struck by light- he was rescued from a cold bath. \ ning in the storm on Wednesday night jolly erowd of xoung people from here "und totally destroyed together with drove to the home of Mise Theresa || the season's hay and grain. The 1 heriault, where A ver) pleasant even: Loontents were uninsured and only a INE Was Spent . In Progresdive euchre slight imsurance on the buildings. and dancing. Visitors: Mrs. H. Tur- 4 : a < : 1 dienhiter. - himgato e essrs. Robt. Kane, Fred Knapp and pin am da ghte my n, at ip). Rean left last week the Har- McGiarvey's; Misses Foster, Belleville, - Sanja on the 1 at at James Fowler's; Kanneth Prevost, vesters excursion for western Canada. at .E. Provost's: Miss Margaret Daly | Miss Regia Keilty, who_has been the Glenburnie, and James Daly, city, at Guest of relatives in this vicinity for James McGarvey's; James and M, Me. the past few weeks returned to her Garvey at James Fowler's; Mr, and home in Ottawa, on Wednesday. Work- Mrs. W. Dowling, in the city: M. Ben- men ave busily engaged putting the nington, at A. Harper's; Kenneth fair grounds track in condition for Cameron paid a flving visit to friends | this vear's trials of speed which pro- here. (. Stoness, Battersea, at home: {mise to {aster than ever, as all the fast Mrs, Grady and Miss Mabel Grady at (horses in Eastern Ontario aré coming. William MeGarvey's. ---- {spending\a few Jays the guest of re- Township of Kingston Council. latives in this locality. Aug. 16th--Council met for Court of | A number from here attended the Revision of assessment roll for | excursion via steamer Vietoria to 4911 and for special meeting. (Jones' Falls on Saturday. Miss Bella Members all present. Appeals consider- | Landon returned on Wednesday to re od Adelyert Ames, redijeed 50, | sume her duties as nurse-in-training in Arch. Bruton, reduced $300, . { the Utica General Hospital. The usual Cochrane, reduced $150. Tenry Chris. | Prizes avé offered at this year's Now topher, reduced $500; Robt "Croier, | Pero fair for best drawing teams. This reduced 8200: Martin Cummings, -re- {Vet will be pulled off if there are duced $200. R. J. Draper, reduced $200; unly Piva entries for. the event Wil Isaac Fairbanks, reduced $200; GG. B. fr enneth, mith's Falls, spout. a Flemming, reduced $200: F. G. Gates, oT y ays n jovi last week, the guest 3300; Geo. Gates, reduced 3130; Jas. | o.d 3-. Solun. Joseph Bolton. Ouk Gates, reduced $100; Oliver Gravelle, ae "Ni as tor a hd ai: I reduced 8300; RB. E. Harpell, confirmed; Hn was tre x | gH NE Geo, Highland, veduced $000; "RK. ©.leaciars aul tooiivad sire torn] ! i he ry ge and received severe internal Hawkie, reduced F300; Arch. Howie, | injuries, which hecessitated wedical reduced $300; Joseph Howie, / reduced | ,tiention, . £500; Watson Hanley, reduced $300; | Another very highly respected resi Arthur Kemp, no action; Mrs. Mary [dent of this locality, in the person of Lellas, no action; Mich. Maloney, no (Mrs. Mary Pimkerton, passed away action: Mrs. Jas. McWaters, no ac [early Saturday, after a lingering ill Mrs. A. MoQuay, no action; Philander { maiden name was Miss Mary Boiton, Rose, reduced £300; J. A. Redden, re- |Spent most of her life in this locality, S700; Ed. Shepherd, reduced $300; Geo, | knew her. Atter the death of her hus reduced #500. Geo. Shepherd, reduced {she has since resided. Her funeral at Jas. BR. Smith, reduced $100v Jas. reduced £800; R. M. Vauluvan, con- | firmed; A. C. Vanorder, reduced $250 ; Walker, reduced $1,000 met in special meeting. Reeve and {her f , ol for cenrrent expenses. Moved, Reid-| "Nj; > o : or Hawkie, that by-law No. 313 receive ul oat in Pornblog ed, Gordon-Vaflean, that Councillors {oi from his recent severe illness. Mr Hawkie and Reid inspect bridge on 6th ile. 8 Al : 3 Lillie, BA, of Orillia, spent the t (concession, near Sharpton, with power ook' the Suest of Dr. 0. Liltie at' his Jobn MebFadden rweive S198 for of Clear Lake, ; eh i 3 uke, is the guest this week uidieg bridge. and $14 for timber, © f relatives in town All the local Moved, Hawkie- Reid, that Thomas | fressmakers are busy this week geot- assessor and for postage. Moved, take the pri N i . a o prize at Newboro fair. Russ Reid-Hawkie, that H.C. Orser ve- {t'annon, Portland, and J. 1. Maolville, Valleau, that we pay James R.{peither care about second place the Moved, = Hawkie-Reid, that Charles {with interest. The big 1 lov k ; . ent used by Fmith be granted the permission ask-1ike Holiness Haven at reli id fo regarding cement wall Mm for the past month will be taken to x . Moved, Hawkie-Reid, that ' [ake Elida this week we pay Walter Smith $5 for building{ HE Moved, Valleaw-Reid, that we ive! he foots Hike : Gordon power to ealarge | "How - i i Sans? y >. ate vou this morning, Sam?" Wl, proyiding Dr. jo uived o friend. me to men ronat 2 FE = CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The &uest [George Nicholson, Brownville, N.Y, is | {make themselves at home in the park tion: David McCrowe, reduced S300 : (ness, with paralysis. Deceased, whose u ' i Mrs. duced $700; Chas. Redden, reduced [md was highly esteemed by all who ws grown-up family of two daughters and 2 " 1 five sous, Mrs. R. O. Leggett and | SRrThag <tif . a Herman Emmons, reduced $250; W. J. Miss Mae Piukerton, Newhoro, and nce { carriage, A stiff ankle =r | ] § John, Willi Rdwin: Wallace: a Court of revision closed and council { Walter. or . in, ( faliare adi ito wet. Moved, Gordon. Valleay, that | immer home near here. Miss Roswell ceive Bons for a foeasor | Westport, will he among the probable postage, oy FOrgoN- "contestants with the big loads and as! The plaiot against high heels is Smith $4 for culvert near Westbrook. lresult of the contest will watched though Clyde Forks were experiment: church parsonage. Me. and Mes. Geo tHubieto- the NorthWest. Wie TTahin ng a little, in trying Stewart as Foiey, who have been camping "at will invest in som Jund property. The pitcher, he proved himself superior to Huppy Home Cottage for the pit two | Belleville baseball team has "seopped his opponent. The feature of the game weeks left for their home jp Athens on feverything so far this season, but the was the great batting in the last in- Monday. Miss Egan, Westport, is the |Wellingtorr Lightweights.. These two ning, Clyde Forks hitting "Basley" all 'uest thie week of Miss Maty Me [teams will try for thee championship on Thursday next. An untsually fae fulfilled by Mr. Burton, Kingston, who | Mes, Sarah Galbraith, one of the 'game 'is looked forwan! to. I the proved himsell worthy of a "Shakes 15 00c residents of this place died at lukes continue to lower, it will be the pearian title," "We never saw 50 old a the home of her brother, Capt. Samuel Jowest that has ever been known here, I Scott, on Tuesday, aged eighty vears, [It only lacks one inch of being so now. Samuel Mills gnd wife, Chicago, Deceased when quite young came with accompanied with his two sisters, of | Belleville, spent a week at the Hotel ers in this locality have finished their [od practically all her life time, on the Alexandra, and left for their respective homes last Monday Mrs, Stephen ed, The recent rain did much to im- Ny Galbraith, of Bellamy's, who pre- {lark has boen ill for "u couple of prove the pastures and increase the deceased her by about five vears. She weeks Miss McCall, of Napanee, daughter, of Rev. (0. WW. and Mes, Me improving favorably under the skilful oo ; which ber funeral took place |¢ all, is the guest of Miss Olive Nhourds | the rains many from here were disap by Rev. Mr. Dickenson, after which the | Elias Dine, AlVisomville, wax the of his daughter on Sumdny | last. WW. A, Geirall, o., and wife aml their wephew ave on their month's va cation and guests of their parents, Mr, and Mes. W. H. Garrett, sr. At the summer home of Garrett, knows | as the Reynolds House, it being 130] years old, the first governor-general, with his wife, stopped there, en route i from Montreal to Toronto | Ars. W. H. Jackson and dauchte |New York, are visiting friends aml | relatives here, the guests of Mr. and] Mrs. Thomas Jackson Mr. and Mrs. | Fred. Lyons are spending a couple ot} months at Colborne. The farmers ave | beginning to haul in thew tomatoes The crop is a fair one, considering | the dry weather Miss Rose Oster hout saug a fine solo, on Sunday evening, in the Methodist church | Our public park is well fitted out with a band stand, public Kitchen for the accommodation of picknickers, a good well, plenty of seats, "tables, and well lighted by electric Lights 'A number of picnics have been held jin the park, this season, from dif ferent parts. Our reeve, William Me Fanl, is very accommodating and wel | . yeomes all who. may see fit to come | {grounds William Wilder and Harold Fitz gerald came down from Toronto on Monday last for their holidays ' * Evens, Rochester, who visits our village every summer, and thinks it the finest summer resort on earth, has been very fortunate fishing this wen son, catching nearly 0 pickerel Harold Clark, who Ws accountant in the Standard Bank, is the poest oi his mother this week Kenneth De mill, who is engineer on one of Hep burn Dros.' 'barges, is honw for couple of weeks Mrs. Herbert Van alstine, Port Hope, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. J. K. Lune, returned to their home after spending a mount) the guests of Mrs. Lane's sor J. Lk Lave. {| Mrs. Nina Rotke, of Buffalo, {turned to her home this week spending a couple of weeks the of her' brother, 1. IT. Lane M1: Stillman have moved into Rorke's house for the winter The Proper Way to Walk, W. Smith, reduced $500: Wm. Sickler, {band she moved to the village, where A graceful walk requires that the ball of the foot be put down first $600: Wm. A. Smith, reduced $300: her home on Monday afternoon Was land the toes pointed outward This iprivate, after which the remains were flouds a lightness and a smoothness Silver, reduced $500; W. J. Smyt} placed in the vault. She leaves toland facilitates progress by lessening 4 » red £500; myth, mourn the loss of a kind mother, a a ml . s | exertion. | Ankle movement is the secret of this sults in the entire sole of the foot {striking the pavement simultaneousis giving a tarring, Ratfooted motion the rules to be observed above th waist line. his attitude givhs the Teg 3 os uived reading and be «i - Moy [Preston has almost entirely rvecover- lnedestrian a definite, independent aid that marks the man or woman of should be left free, but the habit of evustituting them a sort of human pendulum is to be carefully avoided A mincing step or an exaggerated mannish stride are to be equally s receiv oy, 2 Lei : Speanle ve $100.40 for salury Biting the best dressed ladies ready 10 avoided. Allow the limbs to swing free from the hip and note the exgilar ation and buovamey resultingTrom this practice. without foundation in the case of the woman with high arched foat, wha Flinn, more support from the raised s than from de abbreviated variety. By the same token it is in- jurious for the girl with low arch to wear high heels and the trans eulverts in road A i ov a naar 4th concession. | Ifthe average wan has any gyiriues fpremion of either wpe of thew ruley esults in an awkwardeess that ny attractiveness of dress will overcome, "The Spavean, The negro hackman had drjven them over a long and dusty round. Whos they reached the village hotel one of ithe party asked the gro if they is trifling. But the difference in flavor is immense. Shirrifi's is real Vanilla. It is made from the finest Mexican Vinilla Beans, whereas most Vanilla extracts are cheap imitations Isn't it worth ome cent a cake to use delicious real Vanilla? nn Shirriffs LR Vanilla -- Che SO (New Idea Series) --It means quick sales to our village and are invited to furnace means N indiall VENIR -- ict furnace ---is of the Sold by W. C. Bennet, 191 Princess St. Telephone 1033: Shoulders, thrown back, crown of | head held high, mad chin well in are | distinet personality. Hands and arms GOL 0ELILIPIILILVILEIVILLEEL00000044CII0I00H \ 3 Some Pegple--: the newest and swellist slyvles - Other P ¢ the very lal tri ! ar and nothine shor Dont Care a much ople-- fyle bist 11 bot toy ol with repnl confortable going Shoe ; Want beth styvlecand eam e Bein conned ih rea i). ; ably priced, atl look io well wearingaShoes : ft doesn't matter to which Now, Reader "i. i ' Iu fan your She mr:] wet . 1 i Rili Bell certainty take sleasure in showing them to von 5 { thing in Foot leouidn't send him out a rink. "No, sah. Ak don't drink. It's agin Loot rah ou ah J: H. Sutherland & Bro. THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES

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