er et ACCA { EB CY Lorri So a ci foe mi i i . : THR DAILY BRITISH WWIG, THURSDAY. AUGUST 24, 1011. i JEE PRUE we MADE BY J. B WALKEM, Bay | Clearing Sale of $1.50 and $1.25 Fiction «+. 50C .. GAVE HERBERT DAVIS THIS CITY. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY. 500 REPRINTS AT 360 Three For $1.00 Over 1,000 Titles to select from of late additions to the re- print editionsof cloth bound $1.25 F iction. Friday and Saturday On ! - Sum on Rail-| The Government Will Use the New Boxes at the Coming Elections-- Has New Contrivance for the i | Must Spend His Small way Fare or go to Jail for Month --Davis Decided to Spend His Money--Other Offenders in the! Marking of Ballots. Line-up. {| The government has adopted the bal- Whe arrested Herbert Davis, a {lot he made by J. B. Walkem, h.C., atranger in this part of the country, of his ely, Itlerenee lo whith how had only seventy cents im his pos - e in the ig 8 ad oi session, but he was willing to - take Be a FoveTnment " a ew this amount and pay his fare on the{DO%®S Jr the 'comug ee oD reilway as far as it would take him, | SPOT = Siode) sent. to i a y . il ; J . " aul that would not be many miles Walkem has recsived a ---- ot § Png wy goo reason for ap from Lhe gveriment, nbtiivieg him | doing, as Mayor Graham, who was |" at the x will be Meets - ia No Man's land, Louis Joseph Vance on the bench, at the police court, an] Nr. Walkan Bas alio a At the Villa Rose. A. E, W. Mason b | Thursday morning, gave him the op fe oa a prevent | The Stampeder, 8 A. White tion of spending his seventy cents 3 Ey ps I} Metrin Eden, Jack London. very latest anproved styles from the ! : : Ia case of fraud or bribery Half a Chance, Frederic Is! teed {ashi : kb lin this way or going te jail for af The old ballot boxes which Sh . erie Jam leading fashion centres of the Imonth beet in oi re A oo rom Bella Donna. Robert Hitchens wo : . a se 10 Vv Vears, oper ¥ ~ i woria | Davis was arrested for being drunk. ! po b mm hic / Te the | The Title Market, Emily Post OUR WORKMANSHIP {He was before the court 8 fow dave} top, but only about one . he Stradella, F. Marion Crawford. | *"ilid opens up. The new box, as plan- The New Commandment, Anthony Verrall Is the acme of perfection, and con- ago, given a chance to leave the ety, ed by Mr. Walkem, opens the entire fers upon the wearer the greatest {but did not go, and this was , the op of the box, and in this way all] OPEN xfGaTs. Not repripts, but original editions. which may never get. inio the reprint edition. In some cases there are but ome or two copies of a title ly 100 titles to select from among which are:-- The Motor Maid, by the Williamsous. Windon at the White Cat, Mary Roberts Rhihehart Sirge of the Seven Suitors, Meredith Nicholson. Rest Harrow, Maurice Hewlett Open Cgpuntry, do. Half Way House. do. Near- Good Furs Wear Well and . always to offer our grade of furs lowest possible it has alway: been, will be our principle patrong the highest obtainable at the prices CORRECTNESS OF STYLE Is one of the essential features in a Fur Garment We receive the have degree of comfort, smartness and | reason that the conrt was rather sei 4... of any dishonest work is re | individuality vere on him. moved. It is a simple device, but will ORDER FARLY "Why didn't you leave town when i}. 4 valuable asset to the govern i : ia you got the chance *'" the magistrate nent in election times. is ndvisable to place asked. _-- ---- early s0 that we can devote more "Jecause 1 couldn't. EXPERT IN MANY LINES. time to their execution. and have leg and caunot walk very well." the garments finished when desired. 'The sore leg did not prevent Davis Cecil Elliott. Clever Ophthalmolo- | The authentic styles and models, from drinking, however. : i gist and Crack Bicycle Rider. may be seen at our Show Rooms. Davis headed - for Montreal a8 $00n| 1. connection with the visit here of You are welcome, no Soligadon to as he. was allowed out of the court!the International College of Ophthal NNeWwsy buy. : : : room, After his money has been spent, looy, now engaged n° Mabood's | - iW Pita for catalogue. aig he will have * to do a 'om"' Long: {drug Store, "it i worth, noti that Parafline wax o : = "boat "stunt" for the rest of 1hé (he work. Tere, as IASL Vear, is . in Tdrug store" , John McKay Furrier journey unless he falld in with some charge of Uwcil R. Elliott, one of the | Phere wis a good-sized mark ' 149.1535 BROCK STREET, KINGSTON. good friends. {most expert operators in bis work in l'phoreday morning. William Owens was also among the Canada, thus assuring the best. treat- | . C. Salmond, reeve of Barrie, was Of many who indulged yesterday. He ment to all who attend, Mr. Elliott in the city on Thursday. . Furniture, Carpets came frou Jones' Falls but was wili- ¢njoys the further distinction of hav Whol ced epic frissh ns, ing to roturn--that is provided the ing at one lime been the professional "Prouse's drug store." court wosld give him the chance. He champion bicycle rider of ( anutia, wd | J. Turk. Princess street, has been working with one of the con: gaye a a ats \ ng Belleville on business p ion' x th Canadian : a 3 A professiOna man is se i Sa 1 speak i ruston guhgs oe ae was given ni" still keeps himself in splendid phy Ih said Arthas Hawkes vil Spen Rarthem railway, ah » AR sical condition and even vet can show ib Nangston, on 3 eptember nh chanée. The court informed him that Sale of Women's 83 patent oxford, Linol inoleums, Etc. of the year. Large stock, good variety, and prices that stimulate business. it will pay vou to lay out your money now and save froin 10 to 20 per : : some of the "hovs" - how a bicvele Py : if be came up again he would £1.85. Dutfon's, 209 Princess street. cent. it orders I have a sore] "Phone 919, 260 PRINCESS STREET. {A SUMMER TONIC For that worn out, tired and run down feeling there Is no better tonic than a combina- p tion of BEEF, IRON AND WINE. INC 'IDENTS OF THE DAY. Paragraphs Picked Our Reporters. doe. th. "Prouse's Up By $ English on Frames MADE IN STERLING SILVER WITH VELVET BACKS AND EASEL STANDS ROUND SHAPES, AND OBLONGS. ALL PRICES RANGE $1.00 to $2.50. and pure, went te sm in taste, enrich the Ours 'is delicious 'ontains iron to bload, peptonized (digested) beef to feed the tissues. and choice wine as an appetizer in a recent Governmen| analysis a bottle taken from wr stock of Beef, Iron and Wine proved to be a superior article ranking as first class TRY A BOTTLE, 50c. Dr. A. P. Chown Druggist and Optician, 183 PRINCESS STREET, 'Phone 343. OVALS, S1ZE> FIIIIIIIIIVIIIIIIe . ] ought to go. » given a month in jail. William Swaine, piano tuner. Urders FROM Patrick McKenna did not fare MARKET SPACE LIMITED received at McAuley's. "Phone 778. well. Patrick was drunk, and it was a James Berney, grand master of Op stated that on Tuesday night he had | while Pavement is Being Put Down tario East, L.0. Napanee heen given protection at the police | on King Street. to-day. station. The penalty was 310 and! wii the work of putting down the Ernest Swaine has returned to the costs, or tweuty days. pavement is continued on King street |°1tY> after enjoying a week's holidays A first appearance drunk was given) he market space will be limited, and a chance to make good. . Market Clerk William MeCammon has | "Buy hand cleaner." Gibson's. ---- fi ------------ | made the suggestion that the market Henry (V'Brien, clerk at the IN MARINE CIRJULES. {gardeners use Brock Wellington dolph Hotel, is confined to his iutreets, so that their customers will [through illness. Arrivals and Departures of Vessels] ow where they might be found. at This Port. | While the work is going on, the mar The steamer Ames passed up - onjket gardeners will be unable to "use Wednesday night. King street. I Brock street and Wel I'he steamer Wahcondah passed down |lington is used there will be plenty of on Wednesday night. | room, and the wral public will have The steamer Buena: Vista will ar- [ro trouble in locating them. rive to-night from Smith's Falls. The steamer Missinquoi made her re | gular trip up from Gananoque to- SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH. WEST LAND REGULATIONS, ANY PERBON WHO IS THE SOLE head of a family or any male over 18 years old may homestead a quarter section of available Dominion land In Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta The applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Land Agency or Bub. Agency for the district. Entry by proxy may be made at any agency, on certain conditions, by father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister of Intend- ing homaesteader Duties--8ix months' residence upon und cultivation of the land in each of three years A homesteader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres solely owned and -occupled by him or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sinter, . In certain districts a homesteader In good standing may pre-empt a quarter section slongside his homestead. Price, $3.00 per acre. Dutles--Must reside up. on the homestead or pre-emption six monins in each of six years from date of homestead entry (Including the time required to earn homestead patent) and cultivate fifty acres Xtra, es ams day. a Lomastendur Whe BA rn a Btain Ri the steamer Saskatoon passed down | Wednesday afternoon. The gas stove, 'a.m. 50c. return a pre-emption may enter for a pur: Wednesday night on her way to Mon {Which stands on top of the kitchen! yo treal, grain-laden, jrange, & . i R. Sherlock and two daughters, I5 cha homestead in certain districts. was lit and she put her arm k a . » Pric i hi Canton, Ohio, are visiting the Misses ce, The barge Dunmore, of the M. T. Across the stove to tum oft one. of pyc Division street . {the burners. In doing her - right chr : 'i ' Buy whisks"' ut €libson's, ¢ o » 20 | , went to SMITH BROS., Jewellers, Opticians. at Sunbury. Ran home S0000000000 0000400000008 0000044 : 850 KING STREET, Issners of Marriage Licenses and FEVEEVER REY sup 200 See our Ble. corset, four hose porters, New York Dress Reform, Princess street ? Hi. Cupningham, piano tuner, 21 King street. Leave orders at Me Auley's bookstore. The steamer Rochester will no long erestop at the Frontenac dock on ae count of low water. Steamer America Brockville, and Ogdensburg, Cheapest month recess s wee VII IIIIIIIIIVII Had Her Arm Burned. Mrs. R. J her right arin very badly burned Free, Division street, had for Gananoque, on Friday, $2.00 per acre, Duties--Must reside six months In each of three b Dur [ ] Cos fleet, is in the Kingston dry] a so dock having some repairs made. jnrm sleeve took fire and burned years, cultivate fey acres and erect & house worth $300.00. RY Deputy of the Minister of the The steambarge John Rolph, in the arm before it could be removed. The : Kingston dry dock, having some ory quu ly The | pairs made to her hull, cleared is somewhat erfor. ublication of . wk morning. Tue > net be paid {| At Richardson's wharf : Rot er Britannic arrived from with a cargo of 45,000 bushels corn; the steamer Turret Cape. arrived | To | \ : i o Iroquois aryl shooting the ry i at the elevator, from Fort William, | JucIa 8 "| visitor to the eity .on Thursday : : : ids, Monday, 7 a.m., Ste . ] : aud is discharging 100,000 bushels of' pd tegmer Awm-| 'po \g&t, lately employed hy R - . erie; calling at Gananoque, Brock . ; oats; the schooner Tord River is. d OpNansh both 8. Sle fave & Uo., leaves next woek for loading feldspar. ! i ghgusburg Hotlt ways. 9%. yonrto to resume a new position Rochester { ur : "3 hand é¢leaner, 25¢."" Gibson's. i Northern The R. & 0. steamer S ; tri if made her last Sunday trip out ol |seescsse eqescscsscess route, | : . ugh The Hat Store. Ogdensburg on her regular the | ® Made to Order her Flint, Mrs.) Blanchard, of sisjer, Mrs. William Mich., is visiting her Broek street Miss Pearl Richards is spending week with her friend, Miss their camp, Wolfe Island. "High class soaps." Gibson's. Charles Truscott, chairman of county property committee, {fire was put out lnrm was dressed and it {better this morning. It is very . {that more of her clothing did The steam- |; mite. Chicago | . of | N.B.--Unauthorized Keunedy, this advertisement wil this for, Hoag, REEE - Last of the Season. MADE OVER AND REPAIRED W. F. GOURDIER Another List to Look Over 250 Victoria Street, 7 S050 177 Pine Street, frame, 8 rooms, B. & C., large garden and | stable $1,500 {Corner Mack and Nelson streets, solid brick, 8 rooms, size of lot 139x%9 | feet 82.000 108 Queen Street, solid brick, 7 fooms H.W : kitchen and dining room Earl Bireet, 8 elect ric ments AAA NNN NNN IN i PN \ : 98 Earl ---- --- : rooms, B IN A ¢7 } ! ' was pa el Lace Curtains Our showing of Lace Cur- tains in Irish Point, Brussels Net, Marle Antolnette, Arabian and Nottingham qualities, in White, Ivory and two tone ef- fects arp as exquisite in design as the most fastidious could . desire. NOTTINGHAM . CURTAINS. ~8pecial values at $1.00, $1.26, $1.60. IRISH POINT CURTAINS, $3.50 to $8.00, MARIE ANTOINETTE from $6.00 upward. ARABIAN POINT, $5.00. SABER FPL FET EPIETEPNS vigible the lights were quite Ihe reflection over Barriefield Heights was very pretty » Men's sox, 10c.: women's hose, 15c; ® children's hose, l0c. New York Dress ® Reform, 209 Princess. street. "Buy whisks'" at Gibson's Mrs. S. H. J. Reid, after spending ° several months in the city, left ® with her two boys, for ber home, ® Brantford 1 A number of people from the gave a corn roast at the camp I.. Robinson, on Belle's Island, pesday evening "3 hand cleaner, 25¢," The Misses Caverley Master Rosswell Travers are spending a few days with Mrs. (Sergt.) William Low erie, Montreal street o | "Beautiful soaps." Gibson's, ° Princess street has been freshly oiled ® and it makes it very difficult for th Sunday. The latter part of week she will go to Toronto to run| hetween that city and Charlotte dur | ing the Toronto fair, following which | she will return to Ogdensburg to go into winter quarters. At Swit's wharf: Steamer Belle ville stopped On her way down last night and discharged considerable freight; steamer Dundurn left a great deal of. freight here on her trip up last night; steamer City of ' Hamilton passed up last night and discharged freight here; steamers Toronto and North King made the river trip to- day; steamer Rideau hing was in vrom Ottawa last night and cleared again this morging; steamer Quinte Queen took an exeursion to Picton, Thursday morning; steambarge Navajo rooms two storey IEIEERIREEEE le Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums, etc., all reduced to fit in with this sale. Repair and Upholstering. Work promptly and well done. New Fall Coats, Suits, Waists, Skirts, Ete. We will have spme very swell show eee ole) | | city ot Wed "Phone 950 Yours. T* F. HARRISON Co. heating, gos, extension $2 400 furnace, improve $2,500 Street, dwelling, - 12 & C., furnace 53.500 Street, detached frame, H HW. far Garments to Gibson's. \ ® 1317 room and NI AMIN IN NA NIN SNA INN ina, lights modern stone MIDNIGHT SINGERS. Colborne three The Police Had a Call to Move Them On. storevs, rooms, RR. McFAUL. Kingston Carpet Warehouse. VEY V IR SIRI S TVR YSIS SSE T EIR ERER VIPIVISIIIIVIIIIIIIG CELLOLMELLALALLEALAONE GASSES Pitfalls For the . Investor To Avoid Schemes that hold out pre- mises of great profits from small Investments are often traps laid to eatch the un- ary---pitfalls to avoid. The man who is known to $ friends and neighbors as a e and wuccessful man, does invest in schemes that hoid 4H 12 Seesssssussessisscccsnsessasense = 22 '. steady, reasonable rate of in- p on his investment. ou interested . in not, it will pay you esssssvecsese The police had two calls about mid- night, last night, and both were tor young men disturbing the peace _ by singing--that is, they were attempting to sing. Thece is no doubt at that there would have been no com- o| plaint made had they really 'been isinging. The first call wag from Clarence street, near Wellington, where a quar {tette was giving an awfol rendition {of "Has Anyone Here Seen Kelly ¥* {Kelly did not appear on the scene, {but in his place came Constables Fil- {son, Naylon and Cridg and the would- 'be singers were frightened away. Shortly afterwards residents on Ba- got street were awakened hy a crewd of young men singing "We Won't Uo Home Until Morning. ' When the police came in sight singing stopped in quick order and the disturbers of the peace hit the trail for home, as fast as they could. Shelot the Rapids, Monday, 7 a.m, on the " popula: steamer America, calling at Ganano- que, Brockville and both ways, Half un hour at Iroqudis. Sbe. return. . the nN _|career awaits called last night; steamer A. E. Ames conled last night while passing through; pleasure vacht Lasata was in port for a short time last night. M.T. Co.'s elevator: The tug Em- erfon arrived from Welland canal with the tug Augustus, coal-laden, from Lake Frie; the tug Emerson will clear with the barge Melrose for the Welland canal; the Melrose will load grain at Sandusky; Emerson will return with barge Winnipeg, grain laden, from Port Colborne; the tug Mary is due up from Montreal to- day, with oil barge No. 86; the tug Mary P. Hall will arrive up to night, light, from Cape Vincent; tug Thompson will arrive vo to-night with three light barges; the steamer Windsor is due to arrive to-night and will clear with oil barge No. 86 for the Welland canal; the steamer Tur ret Chief, grain-laden, from Fort Willian, is due to arrive on Friday, . to discharge. Brilliant Career Expected. Miss Nora Starr, hter of DD. E. Starr, Toronto, and y of this city, is playing in the "Tyramny of Tears." She at Barrie Opera House lv and the Examin- er, of that town, speaks of her as ighting her audience and winning laurels. In the role of secretary ample scope was given Miss Starr to display ber talents and with her na tural grace and vivacity a brilliant 88000000000 00000 SO0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 _. oF HOBBERLIN LIMITED | The Hobbernn repre- sentative will remain at our store for balance of this wegk. street cars to navigate It is als hard to stop on the crossings Mrs. T. Percy and Jttle daughter, Marion Carseallen, of panee, are visiting her sister, (Rev.) T. H. Richards, Alfred "Corks all sizes." [Prouse's grand Na Mrs street drug . Hutton, 18 Market street, has ¥ notification of his appoint ment as sole agent of the Wester; Assurance Co., for Kingston ® vicinity. | The funeral of George Chamberlain, e Princess street, took place Thursda morning, from his late residence. lev J. Webster, of Brock street Methodist church, officiated, \ "Joe cream bricks." Gibson's. Queen's new campus, opposite Vie toria- sthool; is looking finely: The grass has been cut, and By the time football season arrives, it will be in first -elass condition. "3 hand cleaner, 25¢."" Gibson's, The searifying of King streel pre vented the market gardeners fromhay- ling their usual stalls along the side {walk and they were forced io go fatth- er over the market. The Ben Greet players have arrived at Thousand Island Park, where 'they will appear in several Shakespearean plays. The performance will take place out of doors, probably in the park i grove, "Buy whisks" at Gibson's. i A number of voung people Sy. i m street Methodist church held ia 'picnic at Belle's Island on Wed nesday afternoon and evening. After hours' enioyment the barty left ten o'clock for the iy. and of . ixident of Heckéton, was found [in bed at tier home there a few dave the ago READY IN A FEW DAYS Newman nace, good cellar and yard $3 500 Open this evening till 10 o'clock Properties' for sale in all parts he city Fire Insurance and Money "Phone 539 of to Loan Corner Johnson and Division Sts, ---------- & Shaw The Always Busy Store. COE IIERNERIEIEE SPEEDO y Dr.Martel's Female Pills EICHTEEN YEARS TNE STANDARD Prescribed and recommended for women's ail | 'ments, 8 scientifically prepared remedy of proven | worth. The result from their wee is quick and permanent. For sale ot all drug stores. + For High-class Pleture Fram- ing. Photography, or Wall Paper, come to Weese 121 Princess Bireet. Satisfaction assured Prices right Newest novelties in pletures always in stock PD. A. WEESE & CO, High-class Pleture Framing, PL CI v Mrs. William MeCord, a respected re dead "for crenm bricks." Gipmon's, 3 FTVLNVVVVRVLLVVLTRCBTRBTB RS TRB TTTBTRTLINLS *eesesee Bhi i hotest SS Trees sessese hd am Half Done is a palpable weak- kneed, ' dirty-faced maker. Me's not "this laundry; we out mischief in him tolerated wash Everything is fully and perfectly done Spotless lace curtains. Exquisite shirtwaists Smooth-edged collars. 2 Soow-white shirts. Beantifal linens, Kingston Laundry Cor. Princess & Sydenham Sts. 'Phone 22. - 'ULLIN,~-Tee Real Estate Frpert - wv