Daily British Whig (1850), 31 Aug 1911, p. 1

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Oe Buy Bh Whi YEAR 78 -NO. 2u3 KINGSTON, | ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 31, 1911. LAST EDITION TE -- -- - 8 ARRESTED, POLICE COULD NOT CONTROL | WEATHER PROBABILITIES. i } ONTARIO HEALTH ACT, MALE FLIRTE | 1 e . | Teronte nt. Aug. 31. 19 am € summer Hotels Living p to It, th st Steps in Movement Against {The Mob at the Wells-Brown Prise |! wa \ » ¢ ¥ and Upper St. Lawes He ¥ "Mashing" on Streets. > Figs with a higher temperature { Says Inspector » 3 ; . AW 3 ' ) ? | los Angeles, Cal, Aug, 31 Ten | | New York, Aug. 31.--Empbatic yTo easterly Wilds: showers } foronto, \ {chief heal {men wocused of flirting with Miss Fay | tests were made -- 'morning by po ) inepect for | Entire Officers and vines, h 0 Bn BOUT gia Preparing in the Evans, the volunteer "official Mister," In Acchiming Sir Wilfrid lice, bewspapets and refommn' organiza: Ei tal Lx { the police depastment, have heen tions regarding the Wells-Brown fight the ae, i i fiefs inspected the fort e summer h on Event of Conflict | arrested in the last twenty-four hours Laurier {last night when three bundred police , to je Vecording t ' oi th mer re | A J in police eourt pleaded guilty to . {were unable to control the mob which { here | sot manager eh ring to live charge and were sentenced to pay was unable, to get in to see the tight. i 4 to fh new healtl t. which anu 111€ $i or spend thirty days in { Banger of fire and panic was great, » stop the p on lakes, % nl {byt under the new law the police are WORK FOR SURGEONS ao fe or ic ee" THEY WILL BE RERBY] ie ic mi eto ow [PREMHER WS GIVEN. eric? i iis Soe {be seriously in pees \ " mgh Si be Artalg . a Jouce court jt arden, where the fight was held, It provement: - 4 j day #8 Eyans ONered. her ser ( lis estimated that fifty thousand dol I The pollution { ah | vices to Chief of Police Sebastian seve fie xa the total of the rate. "ro- THE ORDER GOES INTO EFFECT hoats exit in that iv particu | IF HOSTILITIES COMMENCE BE-| vy 3 Aye age after she had Satiiplain A GREAT RECEPTION IN NOVA! ceipts. x g Lehi : el | ¢ a Re het o a AT ONCE {RUE cin the minds of the g a¥ uel TWEEN PEANCE AND GERMANY. TH Ahat "magunc. shoulc fe banish SCOTIA CAPITAL. - . framed i I you n Two rn {to women on the streets should be ; Wife Jumped Overboard. Chief of Staff, Major-General Wold | three large vate on the Know What Will Happen--Taking | lopped | His Speech Bristled With Good Fis Yo ag. 3 ~The hurting of - fake have pu 5 { whiel Ps pg on a 3 - ustinia wht, a German, on a arm Isanes Order That Makes T0000), po oly bt thet Eo Rous tu Safegati the New! | siun.oun FOR ARCHIISHOP. HOA Hh ogaige ---- Ror. an Arkansas, will wait in vain for his Soldiers bamupe to Typhoid, have gone. on the lav. Un trality of Their Country. : : jl den's. "Friends==Nova ia for wife's coming. She jumped overboard Aug. 31. Maj [less they instal itary devices dur London, Aug. 31.--Belgium is pre | Priests of His Diocese Honor Mgr. Reciprocity. P from steamer on her way here. The ing the winter they will be prosecu paring for contingencies in the event of |- : Ireland, | Halifax, Aug. #1.-- Canada's prime body was recovered dead, and she was the [ nited States army, has issued ay [1 war between France and Germany. The . nunister won from Nova Scotia lastiburied at sea. order, making it compulsory for ve liane kuow by experience that the + Inight one of the most remarkable de- Belgriar olider and onligted man in the army » YACHTSMAN LOSES TOE neutrality" of their country would be monstrations of his career. At the GERMANY PUTTING UP d } of 3 close of his thrilling speech over ten lean than forty-five vears of age to he very dificult to safeguard in such civ inoculated with typhoid fever vac | IN PECULIAR ACCIDENT cumstances, and they fear that 5 Ger | oy thousand enthusiastic people rose and A GIGANTIC BLUFF fiae, exept thase who have hereto | {man invasion would take place in 5 few go: * wildly acclaimed him. Again and te vad She fey . { ------ {hours after an outbreak of hostilities ! } "again the wave of cheering was taken ---- he war department says that up The Belgian minister of war has! : y u i end of the A : Th h weav pd g ni: = a p at the far of the great rena, ghti e rough weaves are first TE Dphoid | then . Commodore Walter leromie Green's given instructions for all forts on the | afi ¥ in which the meeting was held, and Her Fi ng Forces or Her Finar in favor for strictly tallored 0 » yphoid have er it Lio , A a : . at : ' made 0 the troops" who wore coo | FOOL jure on Watch |v copay uround Liege, to be 3 rolled forward over the mass of bu cial Position Could Not Suits. but for the more dress to the Mexican frontier, nearly twelve | MENS 2H. § 4 mn. manity. . : = thousand had bee a y ' Island Dock. { Plans of rapid mobilization are be For 'over an hour Sir Wilfrid sway- costumes the plain face cloth: housand had been innoeulated \s : 3 still hold their own fing tudied, and the forts at Namur ed the vast audience with his elo-| 0 vou 0" al A Perlin cable : 30 neir « . Ss Shar heh : We offer a great range of the total strength of the army at pre Clavt A } f avion ner Ho -Walter 0 n . arduo ; » being fitted with new cannon of the once of Ad ii k are being fitte annon o quence. Ik straws an. arduous to the New York Times says that work for the surgeons of the army 1 V[Frontenae Yacht Club, and .one of the | Germany is just putting up a gigantic these rough weave Suiting sent ix 76,000 there will be plenty of | Jaron. 1 p eron ion commodore of the [fy 4 kise type. The annual man- campaign seem to have no effect on 4 lostuve i the Belg ; i b i ha + a \ OT perform before each one has under | most prominent vachtsmen on the {Ook verd ol he Belgian ary Wilt noi ' } a im hu Hie nau FRuil sy asdisut-tha-Moracenss-situntion Piotiun-=-iuelwting =i LO +s Le » ce-this yea § ? 5 = g #one teautment: TT Fiver, i "confined to his summer home | nie piney ,--,,-- TE . od ] Livan and i 1 Fags Strang Neither her fighting forces nor her LISH, SCOTCH and IRISH : : lope Wateh Island with a badly injured | En Ml with its accustom vigor. uesd ay | financial resources at present are in|}! LONG AUTOMOBIL E TOUR. foot, the résult of a boating accident PITH OF THE NEWS, her : {he was up for the voyage to Digby condition for war NOVELTY SUITINGS; also Comiiodord Green's yacht, Verdi. the | SE ----s | : AN {by six o'clock in the morning. He| This information was gleaned by a th y . . the | x K ww Worsted and Homesp Sir Henry and Lady Blosse Now in| flagship of the Frontenac Yacht Club, |The Very Laytesi Culled From Al {endured the stormy trip and spoke at |man who has the ear of the Germans' 5 mespun the World. A {no less than seven meelings during [best financial men. ! {the balance of the day, the last a| In the meantime every nation in The colorings were never what \ de kiaand hurled the head! ~ oi in Halifax, N.S : ; : h {gathering of three thousand people at Rurope is Pluctisall) ready for even- Il more pleasing and the prices from Ireland lust February, he to the wharf with the intention (Y'p foo MeCrimmon, is the new] : {Hants at one o'clock this morning. It | tualities, \ which may ensue within ced on an automobile tour of the of looping a cleat to hold' the boat to , il f the McMaster university, | |B TW Bl [was pearly: three o'clock before Hali-1#everal days as Germgpy's reply to ) we Thane y A *Maste ve 'y | : 3 » tinent, reached Ottawa bv was on the what! chancellor of Lhe | [fax was reached, where another recep-|krance's ultimatum is about due } mm Irackilie sud a : 1 Mr Toronto, ] {tion was awaiting him, and an hour| It is acknowledged by united States Wa . : roekville, and are seding the sights | (1.4 thse . rent | Weather warmer in the west and for § 5 . ' | agrent Brit that the Britis} WE INVITE AN EARLY IN. of the vapital,' From New York hoi nngh i Ale noose as it went over thes | wxtra harvesters engaged ater before he retired. Notwithstand-{4¥ents in Britain that the ritish - y wk they cla weed Anootsh @ yousand wxtr: peters u | ol . . op p . ' went south and crossed through tl H at nnd mat meonsly, through [bs : a , ling, six hours later he was holding a |BOVernment is well prepared .as any CTION. Seth s. § g 0a mis take ih wignals, the vacht wag [in the wor . : | public reception with Premier Murray nation interested for anything that Southern States to the Pacific, going | propelled full speed ahead. The ro wl The Canndian garrison artillery team hr al 4 build. | Wey happen thence to Vancouver and commy er 1st | w as pulled taut and Mr. Green's foot [from Victoria, C., won the coast | ND jst the provincial pariament aga Y : - 1s aul int 31. -Archbis- lings, while an the afternooit he at fm--t-------- praeticall Jong the international | was crished i $ o cleat | shooting at three miles range. | : 4 (OUN : 1 i v along we international rished adainst the clea His | 8 ng a ares Ju). Re roe. (hop Ireland, at the close of the an-{tended the opening. of the Halifax YOUNG WANDERER. New Trimmings boundary, "We will return home when {toes were smashed before the engine | A railroad bridge over a deep gorge, i : > rl we get tired of teuring,"' was Su | eould be reversed his foot . ex od winl, Switzerland, collapsed bua Qur=ia ehrea i" e Lathohe lar 8 ------ Heury's non-commital ~ roply to y | ¢ ated, frog and hin san hogs ri and re were killed, priests of the e ut the St. Paul Sir Wilfrid's speech sparkled with | He Was Found in Toronto Subway JUST TO HAND query, Regarding bis impressions of | Drs. Ross and Frame, of Clayton,| R. IL McCoy, €. HB. Nelson and [Seminary, was the recipient of $100, tare good humor. He had been Chilled to Bone. NEW BANDINGS Canada, he said he believed the west | summoned and it was found necessary [George Drum, Canadian Northern con- 000 pledged by the 260 priests of thel i Toronto, Aug. 31. Bleven-vear-okd " i . Ce " : was hecoming too eiviliced. VYhare od amputate one toe. The large toe [struction engineers drowned on lake | hdigoese : | 9000000000900 0000000004|Jobn Laniskin, who claims to hail NEW BEAD NOVELTIES, too many (ences now where enttle {Was badly lacersted, but may he | Helen from a canoe. Fhe priests ol the diocese contribu from Dickson City, Pa., was picked NEW BEAD FRINGES, ted from 2509 10 X10) Fhe money WHERE 1s THE DANGER? up in the Queen street subway, hall NEW GIRDLES, roamed a few years ago He did not { saved if complications do not develop | Robert Phillips, Madoc, long with |! J 1 4 ! ¥ \ : t is likely that as soon as Mr. Green | the late Mr. Hungerford in mining in [1% to be given to the archbishop with perished with the cold He was RL Siuks poorly clad, and was takin to the NEW PEARL TRIMMINGS, seo where reciprocity was going to| Ht children's shelter, where he told a NEW BRAIDS, make any difference, but if it was a]1* able to get out he will return to | North Hastings, has been appointed ja 8 year and is for his golden jubi ' his home in Utica. He is the prinei{io Mr. Hungerford's place as man. [lee 'Which he' will celehrate this year story of his wanderings. He said he NEW ORNAMENTS. hd walked from his home to Wilkes - : NEW SUIT BUTTONS, Kte good thing for the country there H should have been no party division on | V ml stockholder of the Savage Arms | ager : . the question. | company there. Matthew Wells, FEogland"s light i WOULD ABOLISH . . weight champion, won a clean-cut vic barre, a distance of twenty miles, and then had been picked up by an auto Altogether a display you can- Regarding eonditions in Ireland he tory over Hrown before twelve thou THE PRESENT SYSTEM sand people in New York on Wednes mobile and taken to Shanty Bay He did not think the epuntey had wealth day might. was turned out of a. farm house and enough of its ows Lo stand home rule, | and it would have less when the land | tad n S-- Seventy-five ltahan detectives in New see ge York, have been assigned to stem the |GONCHation Boards Have Proved wave of Italian crime. There are over . 54N0 ax-Malia vonvits in New York a Complete Failure. lords were driven outs "The English people," nied si | city at present London, Aug. 31. -The roval com { mission which 13 investigating the re Henry, in conclusion, "are also taxed | cent railway strike, held is second | to the limit awd will never be bie) | DRUGGISTS TO BLAME session, vesterday Mr. Fox, secre Washington, Dt Gan, Leonard Wood, chief of staff of I ote Ottawa, was making a landing at Watch Is Over eofe land and Mr. Green leaped for the | Ottawa, Aug. 31.-Sir Hewry Rit Wilfrid Laurier was well received Lady Blosse, who arrived in New never so low Gireen's right foot became en on When men of such experi- ence. such standing, and of such world-wide range of vision as Mr. Asquith, the prime minister of Great Bri- tain; Sir Edward Grey. Lord Haldane, Mr.. Lloyd-George, lord Avebury, and hundreds of other representative and digtinguished man of Great Britain have declared with enthusiasm for the recipro- city agreement between Can- ada and the United States, why should any Canadian citizen entertain doubt as to the propriety of supporting the agreement. .on the score of danger to the empire? i: ] : : : \ STRONG POINT. not afford (6 miss, hie greatest advantage, in my opinion, is that ifthe peuple do net find the re ciprocity to work to their advantage, HH can be con- celled by a stroke of the pen John Herron, (Con servative candidate in Mac- walked to Harrie There he beat his -------- ------ way to Toronto on a freight tram -- tg a ------ Eight Arrested for Mutiny. Kingston, Jamaica, Aug 31.-<When teac S {the Atlantic fruit steamer Bella react ed here yesterday morning, from Phil + adelphia, eight members of the Chin THE PEOPLE'S STORE. plese crew were arrested for attempted CTRL PRP ET HES - to stand Lloyd-George's pet scheme PREPPLPLRPLELP FET IRT SL P Ne UNITED STATES TRADE, re . -- tary ofl the Society of Lod tive En- : red a eod, Ita. 4 Ee ----- ; y Lith omotive En Exports are Increasing and Import leod, Alta For Their Poor Status--They Avelgineors, pave evidence as to the failure | Declind : Wash Hh ne A 3 | She bbbbbbd FRPP PREP bivkdd Not Educated. of conciliation boards to achieve the Sshington, Aug. i metican ox. | di Montreal, Aug. 31.-That the phar- | purpose for which they were author 000000000000000 ' ing Philadelphia August 92nd the ! refused to keep up the fires BORN. | PELE IEEE ET LOGS ** ee ETT LIDS on the high seas. After leav | I'L ful po 3 i L Reith ah =f Kinda: for duly weee 31%] FOUND A, HUGE TUSK. maciste of Canada and other English-]120d pe inoums ™ . greate) Shan a on - speaking countries have to blame He suggested that they be ahol | : in the boiler room, thereby delaying PAYNE n Aug. 1ith, 1811, to MN Figures given out by the department Discovery is Eight Feet Long and | themselves for their poor status, and ished and that hereafter, when dis- | speaking only for a few moments |¢he ship's voyage, and the ring y itisburg, a daught i ol eT ol inten iw rae Weighs 150 Pounds. for the fact that so many physicians pies a blame he first, sub- 1 when he wentioned the name of Mr. leader assaulted ( wptain Bevan, at : of 3 127, 7 I a aie HEPOPLS. © 1 . } Welland, Aur. 31...A curiosity which | dispense their own medicines, was one mitted to Lise otal otic of the | Borden I'his was the signal for 8 [tacking him with a knife Upon be MARRIED. lok 408 "Jui mn pa Wid creating a great amount of interest | oF the statements made in a paper ne Ww ere dhe trouble occurred. | well-organized conservative coterie ino arrested seven of the mutineers Yi HEANEY --At Brewers M x , of 7 400 . a i : a | I tha atter i ot ga k : A seven 1 SAL exports M 3 1627482 and imp VIB] bere was discovered in the immense | Pharmaceutical education read by Mr, al be a et m at not settled, it {of two hundred in the elevated seats lofted and were gent back to the Ont, on Aug. 29th, 1811, by of B117.315.591 wm duly of lest gem [isk of an: abimal supposed to be a Nesbitt, of Winnipeg, at the druggists woul be brought to a general meet- 1 the left of the platiorm, who broke ship, dbut: the lealer of the men wa Hev. Father Traynor, Alexand 'In the seven months ending duly | astodon. on i the farm.of Henry |convention in the ot yesterday. Hel ne of men of the grade concerned. {into cheers for their leader RD od to im Ri mment. | vt three i ph eyon to Annie Heaney 4 . FE r o 4 4 | This 'meeting could the nC ! Bn CF iprisonmen » ILVER~RICHARDSON-- At the Pa 3lat exports from the United tates | Conith, of Forks Road, post office in {compared their position with that of tatici to Er t hen elect a depu | There was an indignant demonstra: | .eks, nage. Elginbarg. Oni. on Au have increased from $919.3%.,000, in | Welland county." On Saturday, Henry dentist, who, within a quarter of a] a } neat. the Manage neni of 4 ition from the gigantic gathering at | pn 2th, 1811 dy Rey. ¥. W. Dani 1910 to $1,115,620.008 in 1911 For! Smith and William Anderson wate | century, he said, had from being mers the company together with the trade & h { BA <Fart Bliver to Miss 1 the same period imports from | pupil Ane 3 i ! | 4 ge had | "pullers of teeth' progressed till now | union officers {the interzuption, but the prime min | To be in Ottawa. | Rictardsohy-both of 'Kingston 81 EHO © OF | corap YONI nd when they hac e of teell IGT C8RAY] y o | NEEN RS { y vign countries ~ have declined from [di a i" i feet phy were they were highly remmnerated surgical | ATLANT IC BALLOON ster stepped ie Sout she Ee | Ottawa, Aug. 31 jan ¥ ANDER : oe er "gor g i 0 ! § : . ; e a \ la ; | inbu £916,739.000 in 1910 to ESSLONL,M0}ploushing up the hard clay, the plow | specialist Or the \ continent of ALLOON READY, ig thi little group be addressed (8d to rest here Sunday, spegKing at #11. by Rev Anh BA . fo } » Are ore y i -------- my 0 . | (to V fansen to Miss Flore wm 191 | ntenck the tusk which is eight feet | Europe, pharmacists were more high | . " lined R vie one s------ Lin lenath and wn foot two inghes |1y considered because better educated. | YAniman's Attempt to Cross Ocesn|them, smilingly That," he told Alexandria Monday, then continuing Er Bt i ; 3 a re 0 rhter 1 ap- TONG WAR IN CHICAGO. [iround the large ond, and weighs 1500 In the discussion that followed it | Set for Oct. 22 then, amid a. rout i Jug an oy 18 suggested that a post-graduate] Akron, Ohio, Aug. 21. Melvin Vani {plause, "was a good cheer, but it was - nd Mr Thomas Payne T > Wikinyd expect lanother tour of Ontario, where the MYTH---ORBER--Al the home of hiberal organizers think work remains bride « father, at Kiginburg. On y x 1 wi Aug. 36th, 1911, by Rev. FV one ° pr W ape at to He done. Th premier ill speak a Danory Ba. Joseph 33. Brayh Collingwood, and Glenburnie, Ont, to Miss Vern + ------ pounds, Two Mes Shot by Dong Tong, Cousin, course might be established and that { man's balloon, with which he and five not ng 8. Oh a you gave to Cobourg, Sudbuiy, of the "King." pharmacist passing the subsequent oX- {others will &ttempt to fly across the Blackadar and Maclean; I am an old Biratford. i Oraer, of Eiginburg, Ont Chicago, Aug H.-A Toug w . amination should he granted a domin: | Atlantic oceangon October 22nd, was j bird at' campaigning, and 1 know the 3 - -- which h# been threatened for some on certiheate | shippexd from ® ron to lat City, {chaff. I was told that there was '| DIED. time broke owt in Chinatown, last | STORY OF LY \ committee was appointed, con: | yesterday, having just been completed | {little game organized to get a cheer 10 START A PLAN YOUNG--In Kingston, on Aug night, and as a vesuit Lee Yep Wing | sisting of one delegate from' each pro [in a loeal.rubber factory. The balloon [for the leadér of the opposition and ' 1911 Stephe, n R, Young 27 Char , and as nr vo consider the duestic . 4 1 Street, In his 70th year n merchant, is dead, and Moy D i vince, to consider the question and re- | will be christenad the Akron thave it sent over the wires to To 10, OUT FOOD PRICES |. eral (pris ate) on Friday, Sept ls Tong, o laundry aan, is in a critical Two Turn State's 'Evidence and Tell port to the conference. Fhe airship is 96% feet long and has [onto. I said, 'Do not interfere." 1 do at 2.30 p.m ; ! s the ee ompm---- -- a gross lifting power of 26,000 pounds. {not object at all to cheers for « Conaition at a hospital. Eoih were g | - er eet shot twice, The shooting was done by | Awhul Tale of Coates: BURLEY TOBACCO POOL It is made of 2,200 pieces of tough |leader of the opposition. I - am only ROBERT J. REID, h | Farmers Organize i iNew York do} _ROBEREPJ. Burm fabri Ihe gas bag is of the cigar [sorry for him, to think that this will | Chan Tu Hun, who escaped in a tax | : i ville Outrage. To Handle the 1911 Crop, About|#hape, with an extreme diameter of be the last chance he will have to get Eliminate Middleman' S | 'Phone 577. 280 Princess Street. enh. Moy Tong Tong is a cousin of W . ; ) forty-five feet them. But I wondered to hear you 2 a A . | tohester, Pa., Aug. 3 Ihe ine 60000,000 Pounds. e 3 : Frank Moy, "king * of Chinatown, Frio. 5 Stories oh el fog of © Zack Lexington, Ky Aue. 31. The Bur: | cheer the statement that Mr. Borden Profits { JAMES REID police believe the refusal of the men Walker, the negra, who was burned oy Society 8 nounced," 0 A MAIL SERVICE [nas changed his views (Laughter.) New York, Aug. 31.-gHing them | The Old Firm of Undertake: 5, wo comply with demands of the Hep alive at Coatesville, oun Au 13th, { day, that a pool will be formed ud yet I should not have wondered selves the advance guard of the onh 054 nd 256 PRINCESS S78 ET Sing tong led up to the shooting. | i oaled Hite' horrors nay, q d | Fo you J he wore cheering tell ue oe i A y | Phone 147 ter Ambulance, Many of the Chinese present were or thas been revealed in all its . handle the 1911 crop, amounting | I ier rie Boe army which ever can prov wl agains § rrr rested. | During the hearings of the eight boys| shout 60,000,000 pounds. 'fhis is ; {a g "pon : AS | the trusts, with "cooperation" ax ANTIQUE TABLES. hapnesid and men who were arrested as parti- | fest, intimation that a camphigs fo -_r not Sehaoypd hie views : (Renewed their battle cry and ther object the | Octagon, Rouare, Round and Ov . ipants, two of the defendants laid | a pool will be conducted, as the boarc stra Re-Establish- | aughter "and applause.) reduction of the eost of living to its | Tables In Mabogany an Inu. ING THE vy. a the secrete of the lynching pF mtoal of the society announced hu ans Seek the here is the so-called 'Halifax [lowest possible level, fifty farmers | he Reason able offers not refused. Turks Was Sent to Asylum Through Mis. They were Norman Price, Juanty jum a that there would be Sd ment :of the Former platiogm > te gone as the. wow of New York and Penns bvania arr od in | ' TURKS. xz rnidale " > . sat. o ¢ FUrPOSe take of the Police. 4 Yue old. of Thorulale. . a ers had re, such pti Service { platform took its place, re it : sd of placing on a Baines boi a a bh Montreal, Aug. ldo Prati whole parents reside in Marietta, I'a.| Thousands of farmers did not grow | Molbourio, Aug. 31.Whes the stillborn, and hms not been heard of | whereby Abe farmer is to sel! his pro HOY - ¥ 1 ¥ co, the man who, owing: to a mistake I 1 x avid {| tobacco this year, fearing a resump- ince. (Renewed laughter.) Can [duce dwreet to the city retailer with . . > yave turned state's evidence anc ' ia augh an A of the police, was sgut 10 an insane They asserted under oath that they do|dion of night riding outrages if = pasitament of the SaEmanwealth opens | of yon 'tell me what happened |90t intervention of the middiemer or iC ing ason usylim, 'has entered au gotion against | expect to have any clemency [Pool was to be formed. on Luesday nex, 3 "question of the | he projected tory convention which | The men who have come here are the city for 82,000. Pratico and an. | 20 CR re-establishment of a mail service with | C0" "0 00 ll met Ottawa? | delegates of the United States Stores, | a . ---------------- other man named Fostoria had been Price and Bostwick participated in Power for Prince Albert. Sansa Ill 6 safuib ap bo number | (Silane, followed by renewed laugh- Grangers, liealers and Consumers' a t of members, who will urge the govern- | 1 thought sob... } 1 can tell | *OCiation, and are said Lo represent a Our locked in a cell of the central police | tvaching, although they had no-| Prince Albert, Aug. 31.--The power] . : . ter.) station on the same evening, nnd of | hing o oy ith Te actual burning | by-law authorizing the raising of | HN ta take action 64 4008 us pos. Iyou. It | never took place, because million farmers in. New York and . rs . ter examining them Dr. Picotie recom: [ ¢ {he pera Nostwick related the £700,000 for the construction of the "J. secret that: the fail 4 iit was found impossible to reconcile Pennsylvania. 'They expect before the, Cider V megar wended that ove of the men be sent Jute de of the lveching in a matter La Colle Falls power plant, to furnish |, 0 & bis at 4 he a. pe sx re . ithe diverse elements of the party. rsturn to their {gems to orgasize in "no: ye y before the recorder "amd the other sent lof et way, but his recital thrilled | Prince: Athert with power, was carried | 3 Ee Tien, ha Ta "ae | (C "heers.) this oe . market we disteibnting sta White Wine Vinegar ' roti o » the Hon ip hoe, tion whete 1 oduce of thousands 2 to the asy uaa for the insane. It hap Lipo orowd that wae in the office of oe Anguar_ Sh, 311 voting in favor jearned for it much wopopularity in {. "I am not in the secrets of the on | f furms will ee ah: to the he i English Malt Vinegar poned that t rr od was fel | gonire Paxton to bear the testimony. & v * {commercial circles {servative party and ile presant leaders | of retailers; 5 reduction to the : lots the Jesan i a oe sab ot was] i commm-- Girls Over 30 Not Young. rere (as 46 why they turned theic backs onlpmate eon bette of at least forty per Whole and Grouml Spice to asylum ece the action Chain of Wireless Stations. Has Trees to Give Away. {the policy of their former leaders. | pent. from, \ prices . . Pratico. | London, Ang. 31.~The Manchester Shag dug 1 Thirty hai ofl Albany; N.Y. Aug. 31.--The stats But I do not think it was the manu- it Eee jars Guaranteed Pure Rescued From Drown {Gugrdian understands that a commit. 04° has for wi ne be call conser ation commission aunounces facturers. The manufacturers can FRENCT csen/SINEE APPROVES al tte has been formed te consider steps [i0um age for Women lo {that it will distribute over 11,000,000 have no quarrel with the reciprocity ws Frontenac, N.Y., Aug. 31-But for 's © (ho formation of a chain of Brit- [YOURZ: and entitled to the protectionf, to private land owners for use s'eement. It does mot aficot their [The Instruct" % to Hts Ambassador the timely rescue by Ralph McCue, of ii} "Giotcowned wireless stations (of the Young orens Christian 83-15, state lands early nest year. 'The products, aud will heip them by in" iermany. James Redden & Co. he motor boat Amorita Jeconds 2 [throughout the empire, consisting of jociation home e. : . jplan is to assist in the forts being making their customers more prosper- Paris, Avg 8 Pre Aa _ Brainard, a menlthy i Yar ireprecamiatives of the home govern! Ten Firemen Injured. {made to reforest ilic lands and hasjous. #t will be 8 boom to them as sod his cabinet, today, appro the 8. HH. Bobinson, aged sixty-the put stopping at Xandria ¥ tatives of Canada, | Chicago, 'Aug, 31 ~Teu firemen weee |B approval of Governor Dix. jwell as to the farmers and the fisher | Gna! forms of instruction yf ears, died at Smith's Falls on =u would have heed been drowned. He was {Australia and New and, and it is! BO SHUR men. { Cheers.) Judes Canby, Prong ambassador Tday, He was writer of some ie ing down Jor ihe Shied time when ) hoped South Africa' will eventually be hurt by exploding chemical in a hup-| Matthew Lawson, the Smith's Falls ae Germany, on, the Morrocan situntion. | outs, had wrved in the British arn Cue. grabbed the hair of the included. dred thousand dollar fire in an uptown {yor thi of, a allowed out oh wus: Forger for Penitentiary. | The situation de owinogs here. for many sears, and ween much acti I. (fray, this morning, pended sentence by Judge McDonald, | Ottawa, Aug. Fill Theophile Homolle, director of the | servier Broekville. from the Central museums, was suspended as | The two boss charged with the the Your Last Chance, of aki ai ® | E. B. Mott and Miss Edith Danby (onto, jst a Thurs the result of the mystericus disappear: [of #25, at the Brockville Rowing (1 For Brockville and Ogdensburg, 8] were married in Brockville on Wednes- a : ] M house, were allowed to goo # Bam Friday, Bteagee Apurion. hay. : pended sentence, -

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