HO EL DIRECTORY. DRSERONTU, 80 TO THE WWTEWART HOUSE, LEA ing Commercial Hotel Rates, $1. per day, THOS. STV WART, Prop. - TRAVF LLING. LENT NY CTE Central Canada Exhibition Ottawa, Ont., Sept. Sth te 16th, Round trip ticketa will be Issued at Going Sept, 12th, 14th and at $3.70 CGoing Sept. Sth, 9th. 10th, 13th, and 16th. All ticked good return' until] September 18th. ! Very Low Rata to Pacific 15th to and 15th 11th, to Tickets on sale dally Sept. October 16th Full particulars on application to J. P. HANLEY, Agent. Corner Johnson and Ontario Sts. & IT NLL AlLWAY "IN CONNECTION WITH CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. Ottawa Exhibition Sept. 12th, 14th and 156th .. £2.75 Sept, 8 8 11, 13 and 16, inclusive, 23.50 Return lim!t. Sept. 18th Through (loach Kingston to Ottay Sept. 12th, Harrowsmith Fair , Sept. 14th snd 15th. SINGLE FARE ROUND TRIP, Good golng 14th and 151 Sept Good to return Bept. 16 Special train will leave smith for Kingston at 6 pm, I. Renfrew Fair Sept, 21st, 22nd and 23rd, SINGLE FARE, Good going Sept 2st, 23rd Cag Return limit, Sept. 25th Full. particulars at X, & P. and C, P. R. Ticket Office, Ontario Street ¥. CONWAY, Gen, Pass. Age! 3. Harrow Sept | 22nd, and BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY, Train leaves Union Station, Ontario Street, 4 pn. dally (Sunday excepted) for Tweed 8 Sydenham, Napanee, ser- ont Bannockburn and all points north. To secure quick despatch to Bannockburn, Maynooth, and points on Central Ontario Route your s Apmenta uinte Ratiway. For fu fie Belli AA t. H. Ward, P t 'Phone No. ams Agen ALLAN LINE Royal Mail Steamers AUTUMN SAILINGS MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL. Victorian, Fri, Aug. 18, Fri, Sept. Corsican, Fri, Aug. 25, Fri. Sept. Virginian, Fri, Sept. 1, Fri, Sept Tunisian, Fri, Sept. §, Fri, Oct, MONTREAL TO GLASGOW. Scotian, Bat, ok 12, Sat, Sept. 9. Hes eran, Sat ug 19, Sat. Sept Ionian, Sat, Au , Sat. "Bept. 3; Grampian, Sat, Me 2, Sat, Sept. MONTREAL TO JAVRE & LONDON Sena SESS 5 #4. B07 0010s Buk and Mas VLLL044040840400404 The American Cafe 183 Wellington St Thé Up-to-date Restauran and Eating House. Separate® appartmen Well furnished and lighted. Try our Full Course Dinner, 26c. THOMAS GUY, Prop. 3 Sessssssvsssrsvssvee nbd e Don't Persecute your 'Bowels Soon cathr rics and porgativen, po Poy oon CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS Purely Yoguishie Act Eeatly en theliven, 88 Headache end Indigustion, as millions uses. Soall Pill, Small Desa; Small Price Genuine mut bew Signature < zooel } ™E DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, A LABOUR Liberal A. B. Lowe is the president of the International Brotherhood of Mainten- lance of Ways and in a' message to {the members, in the September pum- ber of the Advance Advocate, the or- gan of the brotherhood, he contrasts the treatment the order received from two governments thus : | Rather surprising news has just come to hand of the dissolution of the Can- adian parliament and the issuance of the writs for a new election to be I held Sept. 21st. Tt will be a short fight and a merry one, but will probably re- isult in the return of the present gov- [ernment to power. [ deem it a duty to our people, whose votes will help to decide this election, to give them the history of our organ ization as it has beem affected by the two parties when in power, conserva- tives first, who held the veins up to 1596, and the liberals under Sir Wil frid Laurier up to date. The premfers under whom I tried to secure a sche- fdule for our people on the government failways of Canada, when the conser- vatives held office, were Sir M. Bowell and Sir Chas Tupper. The J. I B., under its most efficf | ent gener a chairman, Brother George W. Murray, having failed with the of: ticials at headquarters in Mon*ton, N B., turned the matter over to me. 1| had splenclid assistance from. . Mr. Powell, M.I'. {Pom Moncton and dis trict, and under his guidance met the Hon. Mr. llaggert, minister of rail ways, the Hon. Mr. Foster being min ister of finance. About a dozen mem: bers of parliament were present at the interview, representing the constitu- ents covering the government railway lines and being supporters of. the gov- ernment. It was a very moderate sche dule, with three clauses asking a stght increase in pay, a day for walking track on Sunday, and time and one half for overtime. Of course, to get it would mean cognition to Mr. Haggert, he him a written statement, setting forth the many reasons why our sthedule should be granted. Mr. Haggert"s chief objection, at least the re- send 1 did, asked me to which PERFECTION COCOA Is good for Growing Girls and Boys--and they lke it. It makes them healthy and strong. Cowan's Cocoa, af you get it Irom your grocer, is. absolutely pure. Its delicious Ravor is obtained by the ue of the highest grade of Cocea beans, skilfully blended. Nothing & added to impair the health. Moderate rat Brvice, carrying one ¢lass (second) cabin passengers, and calling at Havre, France, Superior accommodation at minimum! rates will be allotted on steamers for| Js balance of the St. Lawrence sea. | : "Run Ingdeuintion on application ip J.P HY "C, 8 KIRK ATRICK., ¢ re oh Ht Allan Line Agents, Kingston. | £1 Rg Steamers leave Kingston ept Monday Eastbound . . Westbound ,, . dally ex- 7.00 am. 5.00 pm Sickets to Prescott and return, $1.00, On rebate system. J Steamer "Belleville'! eastbound on | "Wednesday at 6 p.m. and westbound | Saturday 10.30 p.m eo artioulars on application to J Hanley, Ticket Agent, Kingston, or | H. Foster Chaffee, AGP.A, Toronto, | Oat. { LAKE ONTARI™ AND QUINTE STEAMBOAT CO, LTD, Sh Ht BATE leaves Kingston Sundays at | ory a tor yr islands, calling at | Rockport and Ganan- | ue. a pve at p.m. for arlotte, N.Y. calling a BAY or | Port of Rochester), | t Bay of Quinte, porta Steamer Aletha Ledves Kingston week days, at 3 pm. | for Aig and intermediate Bay of | Quinte ports. rmation, apply wie 5 IEW x Ticket Agent Al & CO. Freight Agent COLLEGE (Limited) - "Highest Education Lowest Cost' IE Saar. - ~ Fall Term Courses in Shorthand, Tele. eit Service and Eng- ates get the best pomilort 8. ra hin a short time a Sixty agoured Positicns with one rgest railway cor- in Enter any tion, Farag Prmeina al wrton Canada, Pal building properties of the Cocos. Do You Use Cowan's Cocoa ? Labatt's Lager "Now Perfected The best on the market! TRY IT John Labatt LIMITED COWAN'S one he stated, was a deficit both in the operation ¢f the roadjand in Mr. Fos- ter's Hudget for the dominion. This | was in March, 1897. Meantime the mu- tiny occurred in the cabinet by which Messrs. Foster, Haggert and others ousted their premier and brought in Sir Chas. Tupper. Hearing nothing from Mr. Haggert, I wrote Chairman Murray to interview Sir Charles Tupper and ask an in- crease in pay, which was done. He readily promised the increase, but not relying too much on that, I wrote to the Hon. Mr. Dickey, minister of justice in Sir Charles' cabinet, and re ceived the assurance that the principle of giving the increase had been adopt- ed, although the amount had not een decided upon On June 25th, 1896, were turned out of power, being returned by a large majority, and on the 26th I had a letter from Mr. Haggert's secretary, Mr. Bothwell, telling me that they could not give us any crease. | did not answer his let- and, placing before him the letter ter, but went to interview Mr suring me the principle of giving the conservative the liberals us the increase had been adopted, but the ! asked meant "what the me had not been fixed, | He said it I then asked amount him what it meant. just what it said. does this mean ?" and gave him letter from Bothwell. He the letter was a mistake and asked me to call again, which I did on his inve tation, and was assured that the Hag- gert letter was a blunder which would He rectified but after keeping all the dates he set, as long as he made the appointmeMts, I finally received a "let ter expressing regret at finding that! they could not do anything different {than Bothwell"s letter, and this was the last of Sir~Charles' promises. Thies ended my effort to secure a schedule from the conservative party whem in power, and I only want to give facts 'due you for your information. T will [make Ho CoM ments Except to add that Messrs. Foster and Haggert are still | prominent in that party, and if it is {restorted to power they will probably ibe iu their old positions. Foster fin- | ance minister and Haggert in the rail- {way department. a t Of the liberal government, under Fir { Wilfrid Laurier, this is our Wstory {while trying Lo secure the schedule from [the party in power in March, 1596, 1 | also waited on prominent members of fthe, then opposition, Hon. Mr. Wilfred Laurier being opposition leader. (The "Sir" came later.) Hé assured me not only of sympathy while in opposi- tion and support of anything the gov- ernment might do for us at that time, but also promised if in power to give is an increase in pay and a fair work- ling schedule. We speedily put him and this government to the test and our {journal will show, be has kept his word. Our first increase in pay was a small | one,five cents per day, given by the j Hon. Mr. Blair, then minister of rail- {way®; and whea we next went up, the { Hon. Mr. Fiolding was acting hinister fand we received full recognition and an increase in pay with our first schedule from him, giving us a good set of rales. Mr, Logan, of Cumberland, a good (friend, introduced a motion in parlia- {ment to give section men $1.50 per day. It was withdrawn on Sir Wilfred"s as- {surance he had met the officers of the Brotherhood (our Inte president and myself), and had OUF" comsent to post: pone the matter until his return from assured i After I made my statement [known by Dickey 4 'MAN TALKS A Great Tribute to the Work of the Party. Two Governments in Contrast What the Conservatives Promised and Never Camied Out--What the Liberals Promised and Performed. word, we shortly after met agam the Hou. Mr. Fielding, again acting min ister of railways, owing! to Mr. Emer son's retirement, and sure enough, the 81.50 was forthcoming. Since then, un der a true friend of the trackmen, the Hon. G, P. Graham, minister of rail- jways, an additional increase was given this year, -anl the working conditions are as good as on any other road. Again, I have no wish to be partisan jbut the history of our organization [bas closely' touched the' two parties, jand in justice to the voters, members of our organization, I deem it 4 duty to give you these facts, and I give them without comment. Perhaps 1 should give you another piece of his tory of the parties as they have touch- ed our organization and have afiected I waze earners generally. I refer to the | labor legislation and the formation of a labor department, with a responsible minister at its head. with a seat in the cabinet. We have asked this in common with other labor bodies from the conserva- tive government, who appointed a royal commission to consider and re port on the matter. They made a Ivoluminous report and there the mat- Iter ended as far as they were concern- ed. The liberal government acted: and {formed a labor department, first as an annex to the postoffice department, land later in response to a reguest from {labor bodies and a recognition of {labor's importance and its rignts, they {formed d separate department bf labor fand gave us at its head, the Hon W L. Mackenzie King, of whom and the {Lemieux act, which have creatly helped us, | need not say a word . Again, I have no word ot comm.ent but submit facts of history 10 your consideration, believing hat les islation will lovked for hy earners more in the future than in the and the records of the parties to | wards wage earners should be made all. Ag far as we are con- I have placed the records of the parties, as we, and they have rubbed shoulders, plainly before you. My old advice remains good. Vote for the man who is in sympathy with vou and shows it by the records more than by any hot air. Men like Fielding, (ira- ham, King and Logan, of the liberals, land like Powell and Mec Allister, of the |conservative party, are safe men to vote for, and you need no one to ad vise you how to vote where a ge ning, abor man takes the field as S50 hese be wage | past, cerned, DUKE OF CONNAUGHT'S STAFF Includes Major Lowther, Captain Bulkeley and Captain Long. London, Sept -His Royal High ness the Duke of Connaught has lected a most interesting stafi to ae company him to Canada next. month His military secretary, Major H.. C. Lowther, a brother of England's first commoner, the Right Hon. James Lowther, speaker of the house commons, Major Lowther was vate secretary to His Royal Highness during his South African and has been a military attache some {of the chief British embassies the {continent I'be comptroller of hold will he Capt. I {who was aide-de-camp when the was inspector-general of fofees and thigh commissioner in the Mediteran nean, and has since acted as his aquer ry Capt. Bulkeley the South African campaign, sequently went to India, being comp troller of the household to two |vicerovs, Lord Curzon and Lord Minto to. One of the Duke of aides-de-camp will be Capt. Walter [Long, a son of the Right Hon. Wal iter Long, who is often spoken of as the next unionist premier. (apt. Long also was severely wounded in South Africa. . _RHEUMATISM | CURED BY FIG PILLS An absolute guarantee with every box of FIG PILLS. will cure RHEUMATISM, KIDNE BLADDER trouble, CONSTIPATION, SLUGGISH LIVER and all STOM- ACH and BOWEL disorders. At all dealers, 25 cents per dex, of The Fig Pill Co., St. ns Oo, N we 18 vit, in on the duke's house Rivers Bulkeley, duke was wounded during and sub Connaught's They Sell All Kinds of Hair Prepara- | tions, and Fear to Discriminate, Druggists. sell all kinds of hair pre parations, and as 'a rule they are wise ly chary of giving preference t& any particular one, Dut many of them have come out plainly for Newbro's Her picide, the new treatment that absa- lutely kills the dandruff germ. H. Swannell & Son, Champaign, Il. says: "One customer of ours who! did not have a hair on top of his head when he began to use Herpicide now has a fair start towards a good bead of hair. We believe Herpicide tn] be by far the best preparation of its] kind on the market." Hundreds ot! similar testimonials from every | where, i Sold by 10c. ie nye for sample to picide % Detroit, Mich. One dol a leading draggists. Send the Tier London, where he was going to an imperial and, true te his lar bottles guaranteed. Jas. 1, M Lod, arecial sgeat, Kingaice. . of | pric | DRUGGISTS MUST BE CHARY. | } 1911. IDEAL po It is simply impossible for this space-saving DEAL Folding Bed to close accidentally. It is self-balancing in any position. Works with springs, not weights, and is so light and per- fectly balanced that a child can operate it. All metal --therefore vermin-proof. No parts to work loose, wear out or break. g kept in perfect order, always to air. Canopy permits artistic draping--open or pd it is a handsome piece of fumiture. Be sure and ask for the IDEAL Folding Bed, and see that it bears our trade mark. Ask for name of dealer nearest you. Write for Free Folder No. FI120 «* IDEAL BEDDING Climo MONTREAL -- TORONTO -- WINNIPEQ 20 PAGE SEVER Second Hand Furniture Large Stock of N and. Becond- band Furniture; ais kinda of Pre- serving Jars. Call H. Sugerman's, 242 Ontario Street PURE ICE CREAM, We make our Ice Cream with Whipped Cream, We do not use any corn starch or gelatine. le Cream Sundae, with Pineapple of Strawberry Fruit, be it's warm outside, but very coel in our parlors. ROYAL ICE CREAM PARLOR, 184 Prigeess Street. a 60005 SOLD ON TIME All Boys' Shoes, ete, sold Come in, New Stock Clothing just : " Dry Goods Men's Suits, 'Boots and Jewellery, House Furnishings. on easy payment plan. see our goods and terms of Fall and Winter received. It will pay kinds of and Ladies' you to call and see it 'Joseph Abramsky 263 PraAdESS STREET. Removal Notice! Bennett, Tinsmith and has Removed his place of {rom 373 King St. to 191 Street, pext door to th» late 8. J. Horsey's Hardware Store P " . business Princess i Range A ---- io When you want to clear you house of flies, see that you ge WILSON'S FLY PADS . Imitations are always unsatisfactory. ri t It is most important to use THE BEST SUGAR for PRESERVING Make YOUR preserving a certain a fpr Sugar success hy using The 20 pond bags are convenient--also sold In 100 pound bags and barreis; as well as by the pound St. te Sagar Reliog Co. Co. Limited, 61 . D000000000900000000000000900000000900000000000 | SCHOOL SHOES § where, he will be pleased (0 | meet all his old customers and as | many new ones as require firs jelass Tinsmithing' and Plumbing | done; also agent for the Souvenir Phone 1033 | @essasissiinciaancass {BETTER GET A A ANA NN Your bins filled with "Our Coal before the Fall rush comes on TRB. ate eS WALSH Barrack $ _]@nsssssssnssssssasaang : : St. Try Pickering | For Meat and Groceries of all kinds. Special Just Now---Pure |8pice and Vinegar for Pick- {ling Purposes. Ic. H. Pickering 4190 PRINCESS SMREET, "Phone 530. s A GIRL ALWAYS REFUSES A MAN IF SHE KNOWS HE WILL PROPOSE AGAIN Perha| that is the reason why | you have not 'Come Across' with an { order for that new gas service Knowing we would comeback the | second time Or perhaps | souri." z Why not inquire a litt | gas proposition and give | to talk it over wih you i | p i | "you're from Mis le Into the us a chance CHEAP, CLEAN, CONVENIENT. COOK WITH GAS. Light, Heat and Power Dept. FOLGER. Gen. Mgr. Lh | @vsssassssasssssesssasesl Good Shoes At Right Prices 1 ¢ --Qur School-Bhees-are-just-as stylish -and just as serviceable as skilled Canadian labor and the toughest fiber leather can make them. : We show all the fads" and "Fancies" for College High,8chool Beys and Girls. All the comfortable styles on lasts, suit- able for the growing feet of the grammar grades. All the anatomically perfect lasts, de- manded by the toddling feet of Kinder- - garteners Here's our "School Shoe" price range , $1, $1.25, $150, $1.75, $2 $225 $2.50 $3. Nothing Missing-- Nothing wanting from our Complete School 8hoe Stock - J. HL Sutherland & Bro. THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES {i Women who are particular in their choice of footwear, who demand style that is right, but want to know at the same time that their shoes will feel right and wear right in addition to looking right, will Bnd much to their advantage by inspecting the Utz & Dunn Company lige jor fail The Sanya Shc Store We have exclusiv splendi bo shoes for the e sale Jot The best hose value Tey / ' Bessnsssssansyance aan