Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Sep 1911, p. 2

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" A A dr He le is cho THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1011. | ws ------ - - : family, bave returned to town from . y - ESTED Lr High School, Modelers and Public School Books by street, y Mr. Laughlin Hughes, King left, on Wednesday, jor Halilax, where be will be stationed for the next three NORTHERY. Cavan ® 1/] a Wil st Baliiaz, who As Authorized by the Department of Education been visiting ia Toromto, re turned to Kingston om Monday. Miss Pencier, after spending the From Trapper to Wearer, . , Mrs. J. Minnes, Gore street, enter-{Summer in Kingston, returned to Ot- stered. tai ery delightful tea onm|tawa to-day. et REN Qf ta ARR REGS Chest ) i rn hor of her| Miss Mabel Dalton, Johnson street, PUBLIC SCHOOL BOOKS: MODELERS' BOOKS: daughter, Miss Fihel Minnes. Mrs, A. has eraried from a where she Arithmetic : Gordy's Psychology $1.25 yithme poured coffee and Mrs, has been speading several days. Geography x Villey's Methods $1.50 Ir. Algebra W. Winnett . 3 2 : i . Albert Septt poured tea at a table Mrs. Frederick tUsbhorn and Mrs. Clar Grammar .. . McMurry. Recitation . Geametry which was very prettily decorated goes Vaughan wp; Westmount, wha Canadian History she Latin Lessons i uantiti { scarlet salvia. |bave been spending the past we ----#8ritish History .. 25¢ : . . White's Greed ® with quantities o "rkeLes," 8 ay HIGH SCHOOL BOOKS: Whi Greek Misa Pearl Oldrieve cut the ices and with Mrs, John Driver, Hygiene Nulies Grek the girls who assisted were Miss Frout Road, have returned - home. Shellet .. ... .. . French Rea ior Florence Williamson, Miss Ffeanor| Misses Bessie and Harriet : Chap- Composition .. .. ..15¢ Reader Sh . Oc preiieh Reader . Minnes and Miss Annie Minnes. The man, Queen street, left on Friday to Primer .. g : Grammar . ; Sonal LFA guests included Mrs. A. RB. Wil [spend two weeks in Ottawa. First Book : Compaosition us Sermay liamson, Mrs. H. B. R. Craig, Mrs. aE Second Book ¢ Physical Geograp 1) CP iy , . W. T. Minnes, Mrs. Marvin, of Syra-| Mrs. Robert O'Hara, who has been Third Book : Geougraphy .: ay Ei If you contemplate a new cuse, Miss Shaw, Misses Carrie and Visiting Mrs. W, F. O'Hara in on Fourth Book ancien SLOT) ' Ethel Waldron, Misses Jessie and awa; is Pic in sown patly jn the ' Mabel Polaén, Miss Marion Lesslie, [week and wi be the guest o r Pur Coat, or a new Shell, Misses Katharine aod Margaret Fair- [and Mrs. Arthur Craig, Albert sireet, 3 2 i e x > d 3 ark ¢ Mog. i3 . 'HS lie, Miss Florence Birch, Misses Fer- Mr. Brian Simpson, Blank of n or repairs on your old one, ig Miss Annie Fowler, Misses |treal, Ottawa, is spending a few dnye) : i y ti t J i Kate Craig, Miss Bessie [in town. ja : How 18 the time to consul an Abc oe ie. in Kinghorn, Mrs. John Macdonald, who has bo | 11 B St r us. Advice and estimates | |of Rochester ; visitiig her daughter, Mrs. MW. B.|. e O e Vo ook 0 e . . . ww» Munroe, at Lyn, Mass, is expected cheerfully given. Among those present at the Yacht home on Monday. 260 PRINCESS STREET. OPEN NIGHTS. "Phone 919, W. T. Minnes and Telephone 489. Our Fur Thompson, St. Paul, Minn; Mrs. Iva [their summer home at the Point, to!Boston, and are expected in town | » Frank Strange, Mrs. Frederic Brown.| Mrs. Herbert Broadbent and herl , september 25th, for their home in i eK yj. St. [ing Mrs. Nelson Booth, Union street, |yio. jean Craig, who will spend sev time Do it to-day. deux, Mes. R. E. Kent, Mrs. Ww. =. and Masters Murray and Edward '0 wits 4 . B h , L Pierre Hughes, Mrs. Frances Hill Mac- Booth, whe his: hen. with Mrs. Mal eral months with them. oot rus noticed Mrs. Herbert Saunders, Mrs. family, returned on Tuesday from | Wagon will call, It costs Macnee, Mrs. D. S. Robertson, Mrs. Be. {Uraig, Barrie street. Ihey will leave CUFF 4 " No. 99 Club tea, on Wednesday afternoon were Mc. and Mrs, : ol E. Martin, Mrs. Ashley, Mrs. Walter |"Hillerest." v today, to visit Mr. aud Mrs. W. OG 'Seesarsetestreteseet you nothing. Now is the field, Mrs. Dawson, Mrs. Philip Pri- |little son, Robert, who have been visit- |Cajifornin and will be accompanied by nee, Mrs. Hallaway Waddell, Mrs. Haun- sol Sutherlin, Farl strict, it to | Mr, Francis ¥. Powers, Brock street, sord Hora, Mrs, Andrew Forman, Mrs, left to-day for Ottawa, where he will : . : day, to spend seveval days in Toranto ; Charlee Lowe, Miss Helen Fraser, etre ie A Nome in spend the wecs-end, : . C Misses Martha and Mary Smith, Miss |p oo | Mrs. H. Maye, of New York, spent ' Lilian Mowat, Miss Mabel Dalton,| The many friends of Mr. P. G. Grey, {the week-end 2 Lindsay's fall neat Deal?) he bit bon roc Miss Toretta Swift, Miss Sarah Willis, | of Winchester, Mass., will indeed be (Gananoque, the; guest of rs. |S best brush'by the best house The Fur House 149-167 B k 8t of Halifax; Mise Alice King, Miss Lilia [sorry to hear that he is very danger. |Weade. =" : KINGSTON, CANADA. Norton-Taylor, Miss Mildred Jones, ously ill. Very little hope is held out | Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Taylor, Earl 2 ; Miss Lilian Kent, Miss Nora Macnee, for his recovery. street, who have been visiting in Tof Miss Christine Cochrane and Miss| Mr. Neil D. Sills, who has been onto and Waterloo, returned home, on Madge Dawson. visiting in Sydenham for the ° past 'Thursday. . way home to Richmond, Virginia IMr. Grafton Wilkinson, left on Thurs SELeLLeeee teers eeete rr . " 1 week, spent Saturday in town on his| Mrs. H. J. Wilkinson and her. son, The: games in the croquet tourna- ane . ment now being played in the City > : , day, to spend some time in Rochester Lace Curtains y Mrs. Douglas Young, of St, John's; | gra. Jo Do Craig, of Ottawa, 'who Park are being very keenly contested. ; Jones te Fol ' In the semi-finals in the singles played |F-Q. is visiting her mother, Lady Fal hay been spending a few weeks with on Thursday morning, Mrs. Campbell c0onbridge, in Toronto. her father, Mr. A. Scobell, at Cape Strauge won from Mrs. James Hig- Mrs. Lasher and her daughters, Mrs. | vincent, will arrive in town on Wed: Our showing of Lace Cur- i, ; d 5 gins. Un Friday morning Mrs. Camp- Stewart, who have been spending the nesday, to visit Miss Bessie Smythe, talns in Irish Point, Brussels " B bell Strange won the first round in the [summer in town will return to Ottawa {West street. ! oR ) : ALLE TIPE ETT § i : : next week. | . . . . Net, Marie Antoimette, Arablan finals from Mrs, Richard 'Hooper. ] : . F » ea . y ope s. W. Meikle, Clergy street, has | Mes, W. Gi. Anglin, Earl street, ask- They will play the second round off on 3 and Notfingham qualities, in Tor Ee Yin ra di which {returned home from the old country. 'ed , few friends to tea, on Fridag, af- White, Ivory and two wv ef- " M fid Mrs. G. ¥. Chow d Misd were played on Thursday aftefnoon, fr. al Ars. (G. ¥. Chown an 188 ternoon, to meet her guest Mrs.Court- fects are as exquisite in design Bp Miss J aye Betts and Miss *Lilian Mow. Dorothy Chown, "Sunnyside, will ney DeKalb, of Los Angeles. a8 the most tagidious could at won from Mrs. Ramsay Duff and 'leave for Toronto, on Tuesday. Mr. | - Mrs. Easton Burns will feceive at 40 ' : a bd desire. Mrs. R. E. Kent. O id f and Mrs. Chown will spend few days Frontenac street, on Tuesday aud af- . Shai be ak. ibs Mrs. Herbert cs Friday 8 (Foon there, but Miss Chown will remain at ter that at 200 William street. Ssvsvsvssvsvsvivives NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS. | Home 1 Strange won from Mrs. James Hig- Branscombe Hall, where she will study | Mrs. R. (. Carter, West street. who ~--8pecial values at $1.00, Hig ing on ging and Miss Lilian Nortop-Taylor, for the coming year. has been visiting Mr. aud Mrs. Ernest $1.36, $1.50. . [Another round of the doubles will be | *..>r + Cunningham, in Red Deer, left this : ~ layed off this aft . Mrs. Andrew Forman and her little 'week for Vancouver, accompanied by IRISH POINT CUI WAINS, Preparing for Fall and play o vy a noon - | daughter, who bave spent the summer Mrs. Ernest Cunningham and Miss $8.60 to $8.00. > Misa Rose Rogers entertained the iwith Mrs. W. B, Dalton, Johnson Amy McGill : 0 ' . first Cae of th ire a street, returned to Montreyl, on Thurs- MARIE ANTOINETTE from 4 | Winter ? Here's a starter: [first meet ng we dancing club on : Knight and Miss Edith Goodwin left An imported Tooth Brush, We are headquarters for made by Kent Bros. Eng, the Cuff Links Our carefully selected stocd combines neatness in a Link with Quality and reasonable Price Hristlés are warrantied ne to come out, We have them _ju different qualities of Gold: excellent wearing Gold Filled; also an especially heavy plain Sterling Silver Link ai : 80c¢ the Pair. Made with a eurve to at the back teeth readily two sizes 25c Each SOLD ONLY BY Dr. A.P. Cho Druggist and Optician, 1853 PRINCESS STREET. 'Phone 343. SMITH BROS. Jewellers, Outiclans. \ 2 im dls dn oe oc fC as 850 KING STREET, Issuers of Marriage Licenses. CLLLLL000080000000000000000040004004 Sees { MADE OVER AND RE PAIRING W. F. GOURDIER EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS 1 Colborne Street detneched frame, i, hot water heating, B. & onl cellar vind ard] Hirst home, in St. Louis. 00000 CO COQOIO0 feels OY s class boarding or rooming he wet, at Eilon *e ore 475 Princess Stree furnace, gus 4 . » . g * s . boarding house HW John Stree, rooms, B. & ( Ellerbeck Avenue, rooms, impr large grounds University Av ments Turnnoe YS YS eve" EES o® . Street, hr placed to best ad mort gigs 5 Fire ins Malin, The Real Estate Expert Corner Johnson and Bivision Sts. "Phone 539 ~ 000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 VIII VVTVTVRLVVVVLLETLRTTVRLTVLLRRGBTLBTRTRRRVS Sete see . Br. A. } Knight. Miss Phyllis Friday evening, at th ) day. : $6.00 upward. le whim. Hung 2 ve Doi ae} Mr. Blair Black, who has been spend- on Friday, to spend some time at the ARABIAN POINT, $5.60. We liave a defective spot in the streel. Those present Were: Niskes ing the SF With his Patents, Dr. Bowais neki Heat Club, on the rOOf--ra ; p Helen and Marjorie Campbell, Miss 289 Mrs. Allan Slack, at Lomoiue's Nation River, Quebec. RSPR EOPr FPP phd be B in came through and 14 Katharine Hart, Miss piel rows Point will legve shortly for Toronto to | Mrs. Buxton Smith and her daughter > mattresses were lightly damaged Miss Mary Strange, Miss Helen Duff, resume his studies at the Royal College Miss sin Smith, who has been spend "- ih Miss Eleanor Phelan, Miss Isabel of Dental Surgeons. ing the summer in town will leave on B, MePalL.. SIN Howes ved. springy Sustd THY | Waldron, Miss Ruth Anglin, Miss De! Miss Isabel Waldron, who has been Tuesday for Ottawa. : & Kingston Carpet Warchoure, are all good for wear and at prices Kalb, Los Angelos, Miss Dorothy Hill, Spending the summer with her mogher, | Miss Gertrude Lawson, of Sherring- ; (® » © | Messrs. Harold Prownfield, Sherman Mrs. R. 8. Waldron, King street, will ham, England, who has been Visiting x FIPISIIVGIPIII PRY that will make It worth while buy- Hill, Herbert Steacy, Hendry Con- (P*turn to Glen Mawr, Toronto, on Mrs. J. B. Carruthers, Sydenham ® : Sme----1 {fy 2 nell, Frederic and Grafirey Hill, Col. |Tuesday. street, léft to-day to spend some time ing + f lamer Calvin, Rodger Stewart, George Mr. VanSickel, of Detroit, has réturn- in Albany and several other cities in CG ll 2 Sont Hooper, Douglas and Eric Carruthers fed to town to attend Queen's Univer- the' states Mm &S $4.50 MATTRESSES FOR $2.75, * ew sity, | saan €0. u er on} 9 $2.7 hes : : ioe . . | Mr. and Nrs. 8. G. Sutherland and Of Nobb Coats Ourpet Ulennin, Sewing A very delightful luncheon was) p,. oo ton N Master S Sutherland, w) Oupet ad Buiug alte. of your. bed given on Thursday at. tid : Country «and Mrs, R. Hami ton Mackerras (Master Stuart Sutherland, who have 4 =m and pip Wn Hen. i Club, by Miss: Kathleen Crisp ia of Sierra Madre, are spending a few heen the guests of the Misses Johmston received to-day ) repaired. Great chance for boarding and|honor of her--wuest---of Miss ? Hole days in Montreal, on their way from |Barl street} left on Friday for their - " '= Telephone 1083. 279 King St Kew, of New York, The table looked | ovis Th late KINGSTON. roonfing houses Special prices Wirumually pretty, being decorated with 295949384940040990400902 Carin Hoku baislie, broek Jriect, is € very atest seesrecscacseceld . : rowan berries, white wax berries, and Ki 's Fi ; Vis ing ise achat; a arne,ifte, : on bedroom suites along with above. | autumn leaves. The place cards which : ngston's Famous Fur Store. g 0, Gananoque, creations. were designed! by the hostess were ° od Mis. David Gillies, and Miss Elsie > . Ra FAN very attractive, The guests included: | @ S . Th 'S . o Gillies, of Carlton Place, are the ) M k - PARCEL tin ay Reto Fiam= CARPETS, RUGS. OILCLOTH, Wiss Nara Macnee, Misses Christine | ® uits at ut. © (guests of Mrs, J. S. R. McCann, Un- arke at pop- come to Weese, 121 Princess LINOLEUM, SHADES, ETC. and Sylvia Cochrane, Miss Dorothy ® 'ion street. | ia Btreet. rg ntisfaction (Aured. a i, Miss Madge Dawson, Miss Vera * tural Dean Dobbs, of Brockville, is ular prices. 1 Pures always Ta atime 'Phone 90 | arson, Miss Marjorie Brownfield, Mise : visiting Mr, apd Mrs. Joseph, .Fishey, . oy . Lassie Kirkpatrick, Miss Hilda Kent t Bound Brook, N.J . D, A. WEESE & CO, Yours. ¥ Miss Dorothy Carruthers : *' . Fairlie, 7 50 d U High-clans Pleture Framing, Tee s Miss Annie Fairlie, Brock street, who . an P : Mr. Noble Steacy took a party in § [lua bten preufing the Dust, weal . fh 0 his launch 10 Gananoque for dinner [halt go ex ected | aw ny Vo a Yo. 's Cotton Root Compound | °° "* wit the Inn, on Friday evening. The Nes; 4. Gankin, oud Hier Jpn si : . 3 ) ' . IAN . d Miss Jey ing. . --_-- party included inven Dorathy and kin, Earl street, have returned from This 18 the spot 1 MUST REET OFF THE STREETS. Kirkpatrick "Mise Porothy re Orillia, where they spent the "Summer ) i i » y Carr rs, (Continued on Page 3.) f D 7a Sold Ixy Two Girls in Court Accused of As- Mise Lata Carson, Mr. W. Sieacy, Mr. er On or correct ress 2 x mn. Camp Stuff Not Stolen. G d ( sault. « «a Pp olen Q Grace Cameron and Margaret Sands, | Mrs, J. W. rifle, Chicago, has rit Ho ", eared ih Jonerday s oo uh : vented, with improve both sixteen years of age, were 'nlhoen the guest of her son, Mr, (". F eh i ey he camp equp- (8 d » Hones to rent and rents « police court, on Saturday, accused of Fralick, for the past week couple of young Men hae Come an see \. Mone : : : Hi - ole on e shore near Ib y assaulting Belinda Jillings, about Mrs. Jack Murra, returned, to-day, riotield. Now it trates rid "|. th - the same age. 'Threequarters of an|jrom Toronto, and is visiting Mr. rumber of yowig men who were going | & € range. hour was taken up in the hearing of Brock Gicaham, Barrie street. down. the river for --n-- few dave the case, which was the result of the! Mrs. George Young and Miss Edith took the "camp" with them, thinking row which took, place on Princess | Young are in Ottawa, the guests of that the owners 'knew about thei ety sireet Wednesday evening, and whey Mr. and Mrs Albert Youny. intended move. They returned to the the evidence was concluded the ma-| Mr. Ernest Strange, Bank of Hamil- i last night, bringing the «tuff with | @® N ~ wi ewman A Writ Issued. gistrate remanded the two girls orton, of' Dundirne, Sask., has been a week. 'The girls are to secure|reliaving at the branch 'of the. bank work in the meantime and report to|at Saskatoon. the police next Saturday. The Came-| Mr. and Mrs. Montague Strange are ron and Sands girl swore that = as/spending 8 few days in Toronto. they were passing on the street the . ss. Jillings girl made some uncomplimen-| Mrs. J. Webster and her children, tary remarks about them, .and that{who have been visiting Mrs H. Hor- this was the cause "scrap." Isey, at ('ressy, are visiting Canon and ! The Jillings girl had three compan-|{Mrs. Cooke at "'Hazeldell." Sere ions. and they took part in the fight.| Lieat. Ronald Foi itperts to leave | Mrs. F. Edith Withers, of Napanee, through her solicitor; has issued # writ against the town of Napanee, and John Lytton, Kingston, contrac ¢ tor on the Dundas street sewer, Mps Withers was crossing the road bet ween Hooper's and Robinson company's stores, and tripped over 5 stew Pipe to supply steam to the drills Mrs. Withers wants damages for * the s SL efe lw ee) e a) a ale! ries sustained [1 Every day people who know tell us that in our Ready-to- wear Department we re showing the things they can. not get elsewhere. Our Fall Suits and Coats are all ready, and it's easy to choose here, Prices are consistent with good quality. $12, $13.50, $15 up to $30.00. Armaan Watch for the date of our Millinery Opening. The Always Busy Store. The Jillings girl said she was engag-Inext week for England to spend two ' ' i. od in conversation with her friends | months. t Ss omg P aod made no reference to the Sands! Dr. and Mrs. Walter Crews, of Pitts : or Cameron girl. ; ford, N.Y., are visiting Mrs. Bailey, . The magistrate, in summing wp, | Queen street. . 'nm e said that he had no doubt but that Mr. and Mra. T. J. Rigney left on . the complainant was not free from|Tuesday to spend. some time in To- rs Thére's no investment so higme, at ot the game time Shewe tote, _ #: Nidkie. Hag ¥ % girls accused were kdown as "'street| Mes. W. PF. Ni . Earl street, w Mound and stable as good walkers," and that if their parents{has been spending some time in Prince 5 House ' or relatives: did not look after them |Fplward Island, returned home, Satur- ' 5 they would have to be taken in charge | day. i { ! by the pobies. The fact that they EE © The value will soar, but the pro-l ue on the street most of the me] Mr. Stanley Waldron, who spent a "perty itself ix firmly anchored, solid was the cause of all the trouble [few ®ve in town with his parents, has and substantial. Put your money in [Steps would be taken to keep thetgirls otra tor Momizenl. Bank of Mon. 'something real and tangible, J treal, Montreal, returned home n ; : . |Tuesday alter ing the holiday in ~ NOTHING BETTER : an spending | THAN REAL ESTATE. : on toa fon FH Small and family, Kad a har "1 . » Who have been spending t For best selection of Hothes and past week at' Trenton, arrived home, Mra, J. P. Tett, of Newboro, is the Lots see Bo Ye : Pros. guest of her daughter, Nea. R.. J. McCANN, [Fess tam BIG STOCK OF PROVISIONS Making Alterations. aap A. B. Conningham ix making alters Arrived in the City for the CNN. tions to his property on Clarenes Near Sydenham. street, between King and Wellington Bix carloads of provigons arrived is street. The ground floor is 'win fit: | the city ¥rides ry the + f ad ted up for the law offices of 3 vihe, YTeank for the 1° N R. ¢ sitive Ring & Smythe, and the upper flat camp near Sydenham An des of will be occapisd © by Cimningham & number of men employed these Mudie, the Istter to have this addi- Ygnined from the enormous quantity Hional room with their present offies. staff. which will be ewiuiBued 1 Tah camp near Svdenham is & ver yk : Judges of Writing, -- now, and the farmers a Messry. Percy Stevenson, manager of | the stir the camp has misede an their the Bank of Comynerce, Frederick | Vicinity Welch ond H. FP. Metealle, of the i Kingston Busipess College, bave been Nifty $2 and $2.50 Derbies. appointed judges of the writing byl You are certain of finding the best | Collegiate Institute and public school at Campbell Bros." : | pupils, to be exhibited at the [(lorti sm iieisiion | cultural exhibition next week. Fir stoojing shoulders, braces, Hk ® Tr ------------te-- hygiene waists," ete. New York Dress . Scott's, Backley's and Christy's Betorm,. 29 Princess street. tt I a] Celebrated bate st Campbell Bros.' | The lawn social at Latimer was to 126 AND 128 PRINCESS ST. o : ba held oi Phursdiy) evesing, had to 2 : ° Fresh McConvey's chocolates. Gib {be postponed on punt of the cold 9000000000000000000000 (son's. : wenthar, it ae : Edges of collars SAWING Your neck 1 yl Cufis rasping your wrists ? Shirt bindings pricking like chest rut burrs ? ye 'Tattered Warps and Wools." Perhaps yon have x ws raping scqutintance with them * Yeu 7 Then we wre not doing : YOUR LAUNDRY WORK. Let ua inteodues vou ton one 2 smooth was ard yonder acquaint . F 4 ' ' WATCH: OUR WINDOWS! anes Won't be a' strapiog one, bat " wiicome, permanent, pleasing relation Kingston Laundry Cor. Princess & SydPuham Sts, : ne 227. 00000000000 00000000000000000000000000 0000000000000 00000000000000000000000 VBVRTTVLTVVLVVIRTBLAGS CRY PRB RA CBB RARET Twn BREESE ® 3» » : "eee - » :

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