Mother, thought you, were going to try| Red Rose Tea?" "Well, I was, but I just forgot -- I'll go and 'phone | for some @§ right now! NEVER SOLD IN BULK : Tod In Twilig ht Serer terest eseny a oo : i Continued from Page 2.) Mrs. W, B. Carev, Albert street, en- tortained at a very enjovable and de- lightful tea Tharsday, afterooon. | The drawing room looked very in- | viting with a cheerful grate tre, and huge bunches of - rowap berries. Mes. Carey was assisted in receiving her guests by her aunt, Miss Grier. In.the tea room, Mrs. Francis Macnee poured tea, and Miss Annie Duley served the punch, Mrs, E. F Forneri cut the jee eveam. The tea table was. decora- ted with white asters. The girls who asnisted in serving refreshments were Miss Alice King, Miss Lpuise Kirkpat rick, Miss Mabel Dalton, Miss 'Avwna Lessfie, Miss Gertrude Power, Miss Hes sie Smythe, Miss Phyllis Knight, Mise Forneri and Miss Jessie Smith, of Ot The guests included : Mrs, J. rruthers, Mrs. D. S. Robertson, W. Kivkpatrick, Mrs, Cawpbeli Strange; Mrs. Irederick Brownfield, Mrs. 0. PP. Shine, Mrs. A. KB. Kirk oh HERPICIDE NOT A FAKE, Unsolicited Testimonials Tell of Its Superiotity. Al. R. Kelley, residing at visadoro street, San Jraucisco, writes the followidg "When I first -purchased Herpicide thought, like the magomty of leib preparations, it would prove a trary, it is all, and even more, vou claim for it, Quite a of barbers throughout the section whivh 1 travel have called to the new hair sealp, and inquired of me have I tell them eide': rive them address Hold by We, picide Ca, Detroit, Mich. One lar bottles guaranteed. Jas. I. Leod, special agent, Kingston. what 'Herpi namo been using. also your lending. druggists. del Ma fakes ideas, who have sdine inventive ability write GREELEY 4 Mel NTIRL, mse Attorneys, nahington, D. CITY ENGINEER, KINGSTON, ONT. Sealed applications, marke "Position of City Engineer." plicant and salary required will received by the undersigned up noon, Saturday, Sept. . 30th, for the position of City Engineer. W. W, SANDS, . City Clerk. 1st, Sept. 1911. 2105 Po Cal, fake. I am happy, to state that, on thewon: than number in attention spropting oul on my and Send in stamps for sample to the Her stating qualifications and experience of ap. be to 1911, patrick, Mis, R. W. Garrett, Mrs. Lash- er, . Mrs. J. O Misses Crisp, Mre. Prank Strange, Mrs. Buxton Smith, Mrs. A. Strachan, Mrs, W. St. Pierre Hughes, Mrs. Herbert Dawson, Mrs. H. A. Betts, Mrs. Brooke, Mrs, H. DD. Bibby, Mrs. E. W. Henderson. Mrs. Havelook Price; Mrs. J. Weir, Mrs. R. J. Gardiner, Mrs, Tett, of Newburgh, Mrs. Russell Hale, Misses Hentig, Mrs. Rattan, Miss Ruttan, Mrs, Saunders, \ Mrs. Thompson, of St. Paul, Mrs, James Craig, Mrs. Herbert Robinson, Mrs. John Mackie, Nirs, John MeGilkivray, Mrs, James Third, Mrs. A. Li. Qlarke, Mrs. T. Power, Mra. A. RB. Williamson, Mrs. * IH. 1 FRolger, Mrs, W, 1. Connell, Mrs. Eas ton Burns, Med. Lennox Mills, Mrs. 1. W. Savary, Mrs. LL. W. Goodwin, Mr Arthur Craig, Mrs. A. I. Koight, Mrs. Klugh, Mrs. Charles Low, Miss Ger- trude Strange, Misses Martha and Mary Smith, Mlle, Ge St. Remy, Miss Bates, Miss Lillian. Mowat, Mrs. E. Ryan, Miss Constance Cooke, Miss Straubenzie, Miss Gibson and Miss Deacon. Crisp, r number of girly arranged bovs and A the younger a very jolly surprise party for Miss Freda Burns, at her home on Frontenac street, The even ing was spent in dancing and the guests included Miss Dorothy Chown, Miss Helen Uglow, Miss Grace Me- Lettand, Miss Eleanor Miones, Migs fsubel Waldron, Miss Millie Heder son, Miss OGweneth Mertick, Miss Lil ian Mundell, Miss Clairé Smith, of Cobourg, Miss Myra Dyde, Miss Ruth Martin, Miss Williams, Messrs. Wend: hing Anglin, Arnoty Minnes, J. Smythe, of Toronto, Willie mith, Philip Macdormell, Harry Henderson, TAXES 1911. AFTER 15TH SEPTEMBER A chargeof 5 Ber { ent, will be mnde op all anpaid «and recollection will be enforced at once. 0. V. BARTELS, Collector. Peres rssnsrsesesseecsl DOMINION ELECTIONS SEPT. 2081, 130 Committee Rooms, Nos. 169 to 171 Princess St, (Skinner Building) open every day and evening, All infor mation regarding Voters' Lists and ete, cheerfully supplied. » A Call and consult the } Secretary, 4 1 ' F Libeial ® 4 izziess, and your food will not "IN RICHLY CUT GLASS." WHIP CREAM BOWLS, WATER BOTTLES, SANDWICH PLATES ICE CREAM TRAYS, FINGER BOWLS, CELERY DIPS, ® Brsrsstsatennasncanced 3! Harold Marshall, Heury 'Richardson, Lyman Skinner, Ayrst MeGowan, Frank Smythe and Harold Renton. Miss Clare Miller, P, encolt, was "at home" to a number*d! her friends on Friday last in honor of her guest, Miss" Crawiord, of Kingston. LL. W. BD. Gibson, 120 Wellingtou will be at home to her friends, 12th. Mrs. street, on Tuesday, Septémber ot Thete will be 4 dance at the Yacht Club, on Wednesday evening. - - - - Ross livingston, son of Mr. and Mrs. | Charles Livingston, Barrie street, is {leaving early next week to attend St. it, Andrews College, Toronto. Reede { Rankin, son of Dr. Rankia, of Brook- {lyn, N. Y., iv also going to attend the same institution, Mrs. (Dr.) Kirk, of Brooklyn, N.Y, visiting her mother for the past ten days, left this afternoon, on her re turn home. Dr. T. Grant Allan, wife and chil dren, who have been the guests of Mr. aid Mrs. C. E, Fralick, Williamsvill bave returngd to their home in Chi- en go, ° » The engagement - - . is anbounced of Mise Gertrude E. (Pearl), youngest daughter of Mrs. E. T. Fowkes, Har- irowsmith, to- Mr, Paul E. Chambers, lof Watertown, N.Y., marriage to take | place early in October. . - - » - marriage of Miss Maude Camp- bell, daughter of the late Archibald | Campbell, of Matitreal, to Mr. A. Jarvis, manager of the Union Bank, { Montreal, and don of the late Mr. W, {M. Tarvis, of Smith's Falls is announe Led a take place the latter part of this month or STOMACH MISERY ENDED. The | Indigestion, Gas, Heartburn and sSourness Go in Five Minutes. Why not get some now--this me {ment * and forever rid yourself of | Stomach trouble and Indigestion ? A dietad stomach gets the blues ond a [rumbles Give it a good eat, then | take Pope's Digpepsin to stait the dh- gestive juices working. Thae will be no dyspepsia or belching of Gas or | eructations of whdigSetet food ; no % oeling like a Tump of lead in the stom- th or heartburn, sick headache and poison your breath with nauseous odors. Pape's Diapepsin costs only 50 cents $lior a large case at any dryig store fihere, and will relieve the most of stinute case of Indigestion and Upset Stomach in five minutes. There is nothing else better to take Jas from Stomach and cleanse the tomach and intustive, asd, besides, st dose wil t and prepare ir ---- tion into blood all your food the same as a sound, healthy 8 stomach would do it. When Biapepsin works, your stom ach rests--gets itself in order, cleans 2 up---~and then you feel like sating when Hou come to the table, and what you boat will do you good. Absolute relief from all Stomach isery is waiting for you ds sobn as ou decide to take 5 Nite Dispepsia ell your dmggist that vou want. jPape's Diapepsin, because you want to a thoroughly cured thie time, Remember; if your stomach ait of order and uncomfortable new, ean surely se roliel in fee ne foe the month of July. "1" Rayal Venos. Cian THE DAILY BRITISH WHIC, , SE PTE MBER 9, js " ---------------- ~=+IOUTIES OF THE PRINCE SON OF KING * BROUGHT UP PEMOCRATIC MANNER. * Starts on Cruise as Ordinary Seaman and is Under Ship's Discipline, London, Sept. 9.--No voung man in England i being hrought up. in more democratic manner or more for cibly taught to put aside his personal to attend to his duties than the voung Prince of Wales, and when he shortly starts out a eruise on board the Hindustan he will be in every way treated like an or dinary midshipman. He has no cabin of his own, and when he gets on board ke will have to dump his Kit in the gun room, with those of the other bmiddies. This kit includes his profes sional books, his private reading, his personal stationery and the hundred und 'one articles which a healthy boy accumulates He will he under ship's discipline, will take his turn in the dog watch, steer his boat, land with despatches, attend the naviga ting leutenant, and go throng the whole round of instruction. His hours of work will be even longer hun those of the other middies, for as Prince of Wales, he will have to at tend to important letters dealing with the management of his estates and scores of documents will have to be read and signed by him personally. When, therefore, the ship's mails reach the: Hindustan, he will receive a message from the commander of the vaswel, Capt. Campbell, who has been appointed his governor, and will ° re pair to the quarters of his superior, who will bring out the strong box in which his affairs ave kept under lock | and kev. There will be a consultation | the replies will be written, either the prinee or by the governor, IN desires is on taken ashore to the telegraph office, be. Much of the corres be carried m Lon reaching the prince at deal cannot be dis way, and the should feel in all the case may poindence will don, without all. good posed of in this desires that his burden of responsibility able ways In addition to whatever Prince of Wales receives privately, on Bit a the reason HO inconin he ® now the proud earner of one shilll ing und ninepence a day, which is his pay as a bpddshipman. Even this magnificent sum, however, is not all his own to keep, as threepence a day 12. deducted from th officer lor the naval instructor, directs their' studies. Of all ranks, midshipmen only ones whose pay has never raisexl, and, indees!, it rather nowadays than 'when the rank first instituted in the middle of seventeenth century. The prince has quickly shaken down into the ways of a modern man-of war, and bids fair to become very po pular with his messmates, voung who are the 1 been is less was the NORTHERN NEW YORK STATE. of News From Yankee Places. The Syracuse state fair is now only six day fair in the state, James Holder, aged 100 vears, walk- ed ®ix miles see the Barnum Bailey show at Malone. Ihe hop yield of the state mated at 30,000 bales, which, bales less than year prices are assured the Opdenshuryg and will be held September {20th and 21st. An outhrenk of glanders peared among the horses county and thirty for observation Dygest Bros. have the contract for {re-building the McKinley block in Clay- iton, recently destroyed by fire. Now that Waddington village has a recularly established ferry it with the Canadian ment is on foot to make it a port of entry for immigrants, : Witham Tuller, who took the passenger train into Ogdensburg Rome ou July 4th, 1862, died recently, at the advanced ape ty-seven years. He retired from roading in 1872, A motoring party Ashville, Chautauqua county, theoth er day, stopping + long enough to set a basket contatning 4 baby girl inside an {open window at the home of Brooks, There's no clue to the of amy of the party. An investigation may made of of the alleged laxity of the Alexanduig Jay officials connected with the Lavin case. Lavin was arrested at the Bay ona -charge of bigamy and grand larceny committed in Menosha, Wis. He was held until Thursday wmoming, when he got out of jail and made of, The jail was locked and the {barred in such a way that. it Imystery how he effected his escape. A Budget Nearby the to and est is 10,000 Hagn is a ago. horse show ISth, 19th, far has ap of. Ulster isolated have been connectmg side a move first from in Ronw of eigh passed Giles identity be is a "POSTIE GIv EK ~ TROPHY. Fine Prize for Runners-up in Mui. cantile League. The "Posties" dad their but not wie out wm final gamé with the Live Coals nevertheless they have been re warded for their gallant fight, and in a most fitting way. Some kind friend of the team, and an advocate of tlean sport, who has been on a tour the continent, recked up a 'fine trophy for the team and it arrived on Friday and wat installed in the post office, with the permission of the post- master, James Stewart, who is very proud of his balitossers. The trophy is rather an odd owe, {but it is indeid a beauty. It ean. sists of a handsome piece of china, hand painted, and is mounted on a fine piece of Georgia piuve trophy is engraved "OC onsolation | prize, for the Civil Servants' It is likely that all the names of} the players will be engraved on the trophy. It is one of the best gifts ever given 'oO ball team. "There Mertately nothing toe "goed for the | Posties "They will be in the game stronger than ever wpext year. Campbell Bros". New Fall Hats Inclidie all the best makes - ap---- The UC. PU Railway company paid | over $5000 at Smith's Falls station by | and | wil be dropped into the mail bag or | as | kiny | the | § % through windows: of {sh On the} JH musements. i ALL NEXT WEEK Evenings fat NAG, Matinees Daily, 2.300 First Exhibition here of KINEMACOLOR Showing the Coronation In Natural Colors PRICES Evening, 15 25, a5 Matinees--{ Thi dren 15e; A 20e, Semis mow om Sale. STEAMER AV AMERICA -- PTEMBER 10th 7,30 a.m. and 2 p.m. Regular Trips To Cape Vincent Kingston Pouttry Association | ANNUAL FALL SHOw i In the ARMOURIES, Wed. & Thurs. Sept. 13 & 14 NON- MEMBERS allowed to hibit Entrance fee, 10¢ per bird Entries close Wednesday, 10 a.m { PF CROZIER, Sd Mortgage Sale ex-1 10 a.m. Friday, Sept. 15, '11 First insertion le a word, Each con- secutive cent a word, one lasertiom SOc; mix, $1; one month, $2. LOST, RR FPP PPP IIR CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES A CRESCENT OF PEARLS, insertion thereafter half tay nig B Minimum charge for Whig ¢ iid receive Few ¥ 25¢; three insertions, i t------------------ x PARCEL OF DRA ADDRESS. ed Meg iis Istand WEDNES. & Si res Ky Pe ONE Di HOUSE ta piy te D. ON CoN ng \ PIPTH ree rT, SECOND-HAND THIRTEEN Drill, tn good condition. Ape J. Hay, Clarence Street C HELP----WaNTED. A Ld ARTY J. Xd HOY APPLY TO m ve id iaw AT & ONCE... son LADY'S HAND SAT(HE CONTAIN ng sum of maaey, bank book ane A CHEF Ring's OR COOK WANTED Cate & AT arcicis ® rieiing Finder ind Mrs ror FINISHERS, dter BOY siness APPLY Brock Stree TO GOL R- 16-50 ma AL TOMOBILE, VARIETY OF WALNUT AND : Chatrs aad Sofas prices, Turk's, oh ry 'Those 108 » LAL WH. nN, ar $i rive price 8 ne Goons LEARN THE HRY Apply, BR. Wald in GIRLS Ober Street MODERN, wi 1 R an AND BOYS. APPLY Jo S, 2 SEVEN HOOM FRAME HOUSE, 283 vision Street; gOOU cellar: aan ern improvements, with bara d big lot. Apply on premises, ndorffer Cigar Co, Ontari bed ! i KITCHEN ser Win WOMAN tan rT Apply, ¥ Bireet AND GEANERAL AFARTME NTS Mrs. Eider, 207 § sma m { Require Wiig aff GIRL Be Nuger T™ good Box 91 WORK IN STORE: MUST eeper Apply te am, Ring Sire HOE REPAIRING OF EVERY ODE. scription; first class work; best leat used; one trial wil it & Gr ca THREE draiu Dow er only suffice ring your repairs to Scott's, 206 Barrie Street, cor. of Clergy West. OR FOIR Hoop MEN FOR wor Apply to de ney, 412 Barrie Street oR A A COOK: REFERENCES § Apply deen Goon wash girl GENTLEMEN TO ARING THEIR Clot and have It made up Into up~ to-date sults. Price and workman- ship guaranteed to please. Pressing and repalrinig done on the shortest notice, Thomas Galloway, 130 Brock Bt. next Bibby's Livery « irs Sire Armstrong near Willam Street S00 Ae NERAL good Apply, 61 SERVANT: No wages (oo & sma Uni Street West AT ONC leary Jenkins Ty ANY PERSAN HAVING GOOD *SE- MAN TO cond-hand Furniture and Btoves A SMART YOUNG A the i ir marine English TEN-RDOWMED sn Clergy Street CSoLm West, v Vie quick en, Con. Butider, 47 ii WNINGS, TENTS, CANOES, mping outfits, fishing tackle, supplies, Junch baskets, raincoals, everything in kit bags, slik tents, soray motor oat supplies, W. Cooke, 169 Ontarle St. ne 3 or 23, nya, RE FARM, TOWASH i oi) Oy es i before disposing drop me a card I will pay good {rices 1 have for eale Brass and Iron Beds and all business or a kinds of Furniture in Oak. Happy Thought Ranges. Will sell reason able Ths pson, 333 Urincess Street Fins fo ™o day Satu Wiig ~F maili HOTELS AND RESTA URANTR HONG BOYS, de op ort 1 wrsday forencens ahd alte 3 Apply AT ONCE, VOR ees ------------ RARUNSWICK HOTEL, ONTARIO ST, opposite GTR, station, ove bloc k W from CPR, on street car line;| --. ROoOwW wil i ' FB o* Retan | oy | | | LIVE Mor EERE CL Auction Sale Household Furniture, Tuesday, Sept. 12th 160 King St., Cor. Union The entire contents tionally well-furnished sisting of Furnitun tall kinds), Bed and. Table Linen, Crockery and China Ware. Silverware, ete A rare opportunity. Everything to be sold: No reserve. Sale at 30 am W. MURRAY. Auctioneer, -- ------------------ ---------- | of an excep- House, con- ote an IN earn for newspapers Send for cate, bar supplied with best of wines y; and llquors; charges mollerate;, special rates by the week. Johan Cousineau, Prop i TELMGENT PERSON MAY $100 monthly corresponding No canvassing. articulars, Press Byndi- Lockport, N.Y. 3,96 | TWO Yt men {THE GRIMASON ROTEL. SM3-344| STOUR Princess Street. Bar stocked with | dr the best of Ales Beers, Wines Liquors, and choicest Hrands of Cigars. Meals, 26c exch, or special! rales by the week. Yard and LE ARN " NG MEN TO THE + mn bu one ales pr P INHED HOUSE FOR WINTER, AQ | CIRM Ap pty PARLOR, FURNISHED AS MDE t \ pry AA AND HOARD, v@ v wir ALL Apply ui ~ I bik HicHr-noow "on SE, B&O \ Aus rou FURNITU ne, CLEAN, wiry Yor rooms absolutely moth your own lock and koy, Frost's C 3 Storage, 299 Queen Bt. hone 826 viable' accommodation Rates REM RE Bowe THE SHRVICES 0% reasonable. Mulviiie & Driscoll first rs need apply: to the right BUSINESS CHANCKS. STURE, PRIN ENS kK AND "wW 1s 1h ChraER de Ny y Park 1h ing assured. nu, Kingston We . STONE LS -- 'ey raga | MAKE won Send fix TO COVER ' iree class sales: - i | rN sl moder cme fur i paired: HO! S8, ANYONE, ANYWHERE, CAN START | a mural} drder business at N canvassing Be your Bend for free booklet. Tells how Heacoek. 2.969 Lockport, N.Y | ming i jam) EN-ROON Dressmaking re paid wi ile EUROPEAN CAPITAL # ET -------- WRITE of RiEer ¥ brid Prizes derby! fal dines of bu AUCTION SALE mn am, Wetnestay, Sept. 13th, 1911 | { { AT MURRAY'S AUCTION ROOM, MARKET STREET, | 2134 PRIN. | owned Ait others { i | The property number. 132, | CESS STRE land occupied { Terms: 10 per ywn, balance |in thirty days Sulijeet to one CUNNINGHANR mime, Soliwitors, 79 Claret" Strdet, » . ; « reserve bid, | ------ 1 = { 5d SLEX A Reda ANLEL | #i ll Hy NOBLE. « MISS © A 'BE, nL Has sgsnoyed hep Tdabs Sham iT INT WELLING Next tot adi Yxperienced Dressmakers -- hd freet bi N STREMT xpress Off i 1 Wanted § | NOTIUE CRE He TO CREDITORS, THE r Swedtland of K tario, May claim mwtified. : 4 Ala n a OF 3 He Ie hi rator will preeced ! thé esfite amongst therati Having! hich they and the diate the Adminis distribute the said parties p regard to li thin y clsims of Ww Bare bad notiee ¥ Admintstrarhe witli "hn Hable' for the assets so distributed or any. pas jhereof to any or phrase whose claim or shall have had notte at time of distribution This Notice 15 given piirsuant to the nrovivians of The Trustees Ack' Sec tion . Kingston the ste th, August, 18 MARTY RE & MANTYRE Selicitiors for the Adwimist ratar, 4 Beef, iron and wine, 3c. Gibson' sd i The market on Saturday morning fwas a very good side, considering+the OLD COUNTRY TH Ot SALE OR TO RENT. we 1, L-ES8T AB TS n -- nuUst. shortly his n= e868 al obliged a oO thers look after rests DOMES. arriving Ap mand ed BOARD AND ROOMS, sal, and Pembroke Stre Ur CLERKS need working men; manent position: ing coun double your wages and be your own . C."" Whig bone. oft Bible TO SELL ARTIOLES MUCH ed In every home, especially by good salary; per- if you are work- behind the ay; yom can INTERNATIONAL HANSKERS ALLIANCE, Sms -- salar THE to- for small ter, write od ' u | be) | | | | | Apply, Box "B. Ix Mark Lave, London, Englund | | | FINANCE AND INSURANCE. | FOR INSURANCE THAT or an NSURES GO BRIGHT, cars ver v "ra RKS, nA, and Burgeon, AlRY att ROOMS, WITH ard; can Be had at Avenue; venient and all modern on 21 to con- iver cot MEDICAL 1' n, Mat nitam, 2 « 4 Ww PHY SUIAN nD. PHYSICIAN foe Weilington hours, 10 '»> 12 am. J to tn ® pm "Phone RR flee a9 to W. H. Godwin Insurance Emporium, over Northern Crowr Bank, Brock Street, or 'pohue 424 MiSs Press, T -- As ENTS GENERAL INSURANCE-FIRE, LIFE Accident and Health Policles issu ad; firet class companies; standard rates Boon, - Agent, 184 Wellington Street w ANTE n, EVERY WHERT, selected p tow | BATEMAN & M 5. H. SIMPSON, {sranus AN "Phone ND SPARKS, DENTISTS, 1- 23; Drincem Street, Kingston CARROLL, ORG A LDS, DDS, DENT. Jah Princess Street. Telephone MISS S.A. AYKROYD, D.D.S, over 1 DR ©. 0, "NASH, DENTIN DR C,-R., Weicker. awsistant, 153 incess Bt "Phone 736 ist, 187 510 FRONTENAD LOAN AND ] ~ ment Soclety; established 1583 president, Bir Richard Cartwriyht money issued on city and farm properties, municipal and count debentures; morigages purcha i deporits rechived and Interest al lowed MeGIll, Managing Director, ¥7 Clarence Bireet. L.D.S, DENT. Fixpress Office, Street "Phone Dominion ! | | MISS Wellington | OSTEOPATHY. You ne FORT NE tare BAIR, warts, etc, without scar. LT ATH D. Princess Street, "Phone gon Rours. 10 to 12. ar reek treat "any Joh . s HMOLES,.. LIVERPOOL, LONDON, AND GLORR Fire Insurance Company. Avaliable assets, $61,187.216 in addition 4 which the policyholders security the unimited Ma all the stockholders city property insured at lowed H WITHOUT DRUGS --R. G D.O., Edna BE. Ashictoft, Graduates under Dr. Btl] Founder of Osteopathy, corner Livision o charge for con. terature. 447. and MUSIC. rEACHER om ------ MARE pay, WILL RE. in pia i fr 1 12d CHAPMAN, EACHER » ¥ NN, ¥ ANG AND Yoo ALS auES 154 Ea tu etn test p-- TORONTO Nor FLORENCE LOSEE, vat oF ol M MARY KELLER Is PR puplis: in K¥igston for Ser 151 P'apils pre al Loner, lxams address at present M.. TEAC fin oy pr ps red exam Main Boustbis rates. Before renewing old giving new business get rates Som ro & Straogs, Agents to 6 § to Bb PERSONALS, : TOLD ~PANT AND love arrinke. business all matters Hfe carefully send birthdate and § t Prof Geo Miter st New foundaland BIRT permanen' Fr ie ass 358% Bagot FURNITURE FINISHER. ANTIQUE FURNITU! ebonising and i and all colors ol iy werk work v best 'aitention. Driscoll. "J John Wtreet. ed pe a ia PRC A341 red | w. J re Street RETARLSHED tues UALITY HENRY PF SHITH, ARCH) 28s King Street "Phone iwet dav. The prces wore chiefly thi came ax they were on Thursday, The {ehiof tapie of comtetsslion on the market reciprocity and it is talk fed about he ever Phun ond welts. | Fresh seicllitz powders, Gibson's, A vousy mati wad Then saddenly jin on the market, Saturday Anryvotn. | He wis removed to thi pafitd station ™ ARTHUR PLLIS, University 1013 . A Avenue. consider gq J fr Toctn. WH... PREWLA * . ARCH , ete gy 14 Bagot Street Phony $08 : this reason MER. | "We Gaavabiee Sn Every Load. " pairing au tress renovatin eall 218 Bagot The wise housekeeper says : CUNNINGHAM & MUDIN, srs and Boltelt ore (farence St Jaw . Kingston UPHOLSTERER. UPHOLATERIN h RE. work: Hair mat GAVIN DECIDES 1 uality first." For, she gets the most for her money from us. {and @ tended "oda Br. JoSparke. : Wo. dor 230. Bland's pills, fiibsan's, | Faward (i fant som of Row Se {bert Clarke, Willing wireet, diel on {elas MOTHING Nempor, Gibson's," e LINES, ALL rikpairick, Agent hy Riek Rigs rWous WIFT'S 4500080000000 00000 at Mack St PAGE ¥ivR, Jesusssssesssertitidotestesoneser SOAALAMARARIAAALASAAAAARS 0000000000