-- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, SELTENEER 13. 13 1911. | ESTABLISHED 1830, (Registered. ) LABRADOR MINK COAT 40 inches, trimmed with 1eads and tails or plain, $800. We are showing this sea- son a beautiful assortment of Mink: Furs--Caperines, Stoles, Muffs, Coats,?ete. In custom work we give you the decided advantage of personal consultation with an expert FURRIER in the selection of the skinsgin the designing and in conven- ient fittings of patterns and garments. JOHN The Fur House KINGSTON, McKAY, 149-167 Brock CANADA. old in BGuwilight . * - % In the semi-finals in the doubles, played in the croquet tournament on Monday, Mrs. Campbell Stravge 'and' Mrs. W. St. Pierre Hughes won from fMiss Maud - Betts and Miss / Lilian Mowat. The first round of she finals! was played on Tuesday afternoon, | when Mrs. Campbell Strange and Mrs. W. St. Pierre Hughes defeated Mrs. Herbert Dawson and Miss Gertrude Strange. The second round was; played off this morning." "The second round in the finals of the singles will probably be played on Thursday al- ternoon. Mrs. Richard Hooper, Albert street, entertained at bridge on Saturday evening, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Gorrie, of Quebec, and Mrs. Dartnell, of New York. The other guests in- cluded Colonel and Mrs. Ramsay Duff, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Givens, Captain and Mrs, W. St. Pierre Hughes agd Miss Helen Fraser. "re . Prof. and Mrs. W. L. Grant arrived on Monday from FEongland and are the guests of Prof. and Mrs. N.'! F. Dupuis, University avenue, until 'they move nto their new liome at Ne. 9, Wellington street. { - » - - There will be a dance at the Yacht Club this evening.- The usual YAcht Club tea was held this afternoon. - Miss . Lillkan Wright, Sydenham street, has returned home from To- ronto, having spent a very pleasant time with the Misses Hubbard, Wright avenue. Charles Wright has returned from North Bay, having a four | | : & J Rt a a a VAI VVVLCIVVLTETLS eo i Comforters Blankets NOW IN STOCK, and low 3 new goods prices Elder Comforters, w ool Comforters, Batting Comforters, While Blankets. Grey Blankets, Shaker Blank- ets. R. McFAUL, CARPET WAREHOU Brecscscsrrsenrrrnsnee@ sessssssssssassl Geo. Muller & Son! Carpet Cl Sewing and Lining i [7 Carts and Baby Carriages }. bi Telephone 1033, ' 270 Kiang St KINGSTON, Goer ersssssssrsserarce High-class Pleture Fram» "hotography, or Wall Paper, come to Weese, 121 Princess Street Satisfaction assured, Prices right Newest novelties in Plotures always in stock. DA. WEESE & C0, Wkh-clnes Pleture Framiag, Fo ing, ---------------- rr -------- o's Cotton Root Coupons b of streagth--No. 1, 19 degrees stronger, ot >; for PRectal sonsos, $8 po Bald all drugglia, ¢ or soni pa t of price 0006 Memon Co. TerowTo, on lot. Address: T( 1. (formerly Windsor) 00000000000 COS Consult us now about an eligible lot upon which to erect a home or for a plece of improved residence property in some nice part of town. You know you should not It's like ole It will pay you to see ua Many things that ' might not occur to you often make or un- make a certain loeality as a of residence. It is our business to be posted on such matters. and we make our clients' interests our own, have successfully solved ) 'em © for hun- is no better time © 'a start than right 'Phone 326 or 621 lasesserssseseseserene SS2524ss0uaa0ssnansess seeeneee SC Heseuovetussanay 10. Specials, extra value. B.B ror, 3 Suites We have complete, $200. AN the newest designs. Parlor Suites. finished, silk cover, only up to $1560.00. Odd Parlor Chairs, $5.50 up to $50.00 each. Carpets. Rugs-- New from best European colors; good wearers; Wilton. Velvets, Brussels, mills. low Curtains from England, and United States. Fine Lovely patterns. and well done. lowest prices. 'Phone 90 Yours, NOMINATION SPEECHES. Nominations. On dates and their representatives and arranged Thursday afternoon : eb. hall on John , for t ride tex, nnd Mr, fifteen minutes to reply. No ply. J. M. Facrell will preside. speeches will begin at one of clock. A Special Attraction. 14th. Fruit, in the ion. Bedroom Suites Mir- beautiful finish, only $14.00, clear at $10.50; 5 Suites, large B.B. mirror. best ever offered, at $19.00. Handsome Mahogany, Oak and Cir- cassian Bedroom Sultes at $35.00 to 3 pieces. Mahogany $25.00. Uther Saltes, $20.00, $28.00, $35.00 $3.00, $4.00 ee importations Fast prices. Axminster Germany values. Repairyand Upholstering promptly I. F. HARRISON Co. The Arrangement For the City Hall Wednesday ' morning the candi met the following procedure at the nomination meeting in the city Mowat's side shall open thiri five minutes; W: EF, Nickles then speak for forty minu- Mowat's side shall have new topic shall be introduced in the Je The Ome admission to the big combined exhibition in the Armouries, 13th and vegetables and. flowers ; » prize writing. Big display from: wood In the coronation pictures being shown at the Grand Opera House Sir Max, and Lady Aitken ars to be seen processi Lady Aitken was formerly Miss Gladys Drury, of King- months' experience on the T. & N. 0. railway survey. Mies Alma Frost and: sister, May, haye returned home from Toronto, baving spent a very pleasant time with their aunts. Mrs. DeKalb, and Miss Eugene De Kalb; who have been the guests of Dr. and Mrs. W. G. Anglin, Earl street, for some time, left to-day for Boston, where they will visit friends before re- turning to their home in Los Angeles, California. of Detroit, John Watson, o® Mrs. Edward Watson, is the guest of Mrs. {Union street. Mr. John Davis arrived from England this week to Queen's university. Mr. J. Byrne, of Ottawa, was guest in town for the week-end. Miss Hannah Mair,"who has been! in England' for the past two years, arrfved in town om Friday and is the| guest of her sister, Mrs. E. Union street. Mrs. Bertram Blackhall, Albert street, loft to-day for Toronto to vis- it her mother, Mrs. Cameron. Mrs. John Jenkins and Miss Ada Jenkins have returned to town after having a very pleasant visic in To- ronto. . Dr. John J. Hill, Far Rockaway, N. Y., ¢s visiting Mr. and Mrs. * George Darragh, King street. Miss May McDonnell, University ave: nue, left on Tuesday for Ottawa, ere she will spend the winter. Mrs. Buxton Smith and Miss Jessie Smith, who have been en pension. at the Y.M.C.A. for the summer, leit on Tuesday for Ottawa to spend the winter. Mrs. W. T.. Wilkins and Miss Agoes Wilkins, of Trenton, are the guests of Mra. James Craig, Earl street. Mr. J. Carroll, of Gananoiue, spent a few days in town this week. . »* . in town attend to Mrs. children, of Dr. and Mrs. street, Mr. a few Thomas Muir and her two from Grimsby, are the guests PD. E. Mundell, Broek Bafialo, this week, Mrs. G. W. Oldrieve, of days in town guest of his mother, rieve, Wellington street. Miss Sibbald Hamilton, Earl stredt, returned: on Sunday from Montreal, where she has been visiting for some time. Miss A. M. Machar came up fron "Ferncliffie" on Monday and spent the day in town: spent the Old- ou Lancaster, the ¥, . Mr. J. L. . MeLennan, is spending a _few days in town, guest of Colonel and Mrs... H. Crowe, Royal Military College. Mr. Robert Elkins, of East Orange, arrived "on Sunday to visit his brother, Captain. W. H. P. Elkins, at the barracks Mr. Norman Leckie, has returned to townto attend Queen's College. Miss Frances Cheney, Vankleek Hill, is spending a few days in town this week. Mrs. Dartnell, of New York, is the guest of Mrs. Richard Hooper, Albert. street. Miss Gertrude Strange, King street, will leave on Monday for Toronto. Mr. Angus Macdonell and Miss Eleanor Macdonell, Sydenham street, . [returned home on Monday from To. ronto. of Hamilton, Mrs. Mellis Ferguson will arrive from Stratford on Friday to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Suth- erland, Earl street. Mr. and Mrs. J. Muir Gouinlock and Miss Florence Dodds, of Toronto, will arrive in town the end of the week, ju be the guests of Nes. R. J. Me Kelvey, Bagot fires Mr. H Harrison, William street, and Mr. Garfield Platt, Portsmouth, who _ have been ing © several at N stle, En , "nal home on Saturday. | Captain A. 2. Palmer, RCHA., left on Saturday for Ottawa to spend three weeks. . 5 Miss Florence Cunningham, Earl street, bois heen visiting ur sis ter, Mrs. Maclennan, in T Tuesday. re {York street, left on Saturday for New home | B. Wilson, | eo0eetetettttsssttstie bridesmaids will be Miss Ada Birch and Miss Beatrice Birch, and the best man will be Mr. 7. Avery, of Ltica. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Gorrie, of Quebec, are the ts of Mrs, Gorrie's sister, Mre. Richard Hooper, Albert street. Mrs. W. F, Nickle, Earl street, who has been spending some time at Prince Edward Island, arrived home on Friday last. Mrs. Stafiord Kirkpatrick, Gore street, who has been spending the sum- {mer in Wolfeville, N.S., will leave for home, on Sept. 18th. . v \ Mrs. 5. W. Dyde, and Mrs. George Fenwick, University avenue, returned lon Tuesday from Toronto, where they were the guests of Mrs. Bell Smith. Mr. William Eade, who has been vis- liting his sister, Mrs. Geo. Mahood, | York, taking little Miss 'Anpa Mahood {with 'him. | Rev . R. J. Craig, who has been vis- ine Mr. and Mrs. H. B. R. Craig, | Unio street, left on Tuesday, for South River. Mrs. A. W. Richardson, accompanied him, and will spend sev. eral weeks with him. Mrs. George Mahood, and her baby, Gore street, will leave on Sunday, for New York, to visit her mother, Mrs. Miss Goldie Clarke, of New York, who has been spending her holidays with her father, Dr. Clarke, in Tor- onto, spent 5 few days in town with PUBLIC SCHOOL BOOKS: Arithmetic Geography Grammar . 'ae Canadian History oe British History .... Hygiene .. .s Spellet . . 'isn Composition . . Primer ,.. .. ... First 'Book . .-, Second Book Third Book Fourth Book 10¢ 260 PRINCESS STREET. = Mrs. Workman, Alfred street, on her way back to New York, . Mrs. W. Balfour Mudie, returned on Monday, from Gananoque, where she | has been the guest of her mother, Mrs. J. B. McMurchy, for some time. Mrs. Allan D"Orsay, and Miss Orsay, who have been guests "Heathfield," for some time, left Tuesday, for New York. Miss Clara Reede, of Gananoque, spent Monday in town, the guest of Miss Dora Oldrieve, Wellington street. Mrs. M. McMurchy, and her mother, Mrs. Cooke, from Gananoque, spent Monday in town. | Mr. Davidson, of New York, {town, on Tuesday, after visiting "Heathfield," for some time. Mrs. George Richurdson, Miss Agnes Richardson, Miss Grace Houghton, Miss Mabel Richardson and Mr. George {Richardson, are camping on the island on at Mrs. James Cappon, who has been spending the summer at Little Metis, left there, on Tuesday for Montreal to visit her sister, Mrs. Frank Botterel. Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Robertson, Sydenham street, left on Tuesday, for Ottawa. Miss Gertrude Hewton, King left for Hamilton, on Tuesday. Mr. Robert Richardson, King street, {went to Port Hope, on Tuesday, to a Trinity College School. Mrs. °J. Craig, arrived from | Vincent, to- day, to visit Miss Smythe, West street. street, Cape Bessie Tuesday, to attend the Pickering College, at Newmarket. Miss Phyllis and Chatlie Shortt, King street, who have been the guests 'of Miss Ida Martin, in Picton, return ed home on Tuesday. Mr. Gerald Emery, Lame Thousand Island and is spending a few days with and Mrs. S. Birch, Bagot street. Dr. and Mrs. J. Anglin and two sons, of St. John, N.B.,, passed through Kingston, on Monday, on their way home from Toronto, where they have been spending a few days. Mr. and Mrs. William Harty, "Ot. terburn' and Mr. James Swift, King- | ston, left on Friday to motor to Tor- onto and Bronte. They returned home up Mr. > FORMAL' FALL OPENING To-Morrow and Fii- day our Ready-to-Wear and Fur Depts. will be devoted to the formal display of Fall Goods MILLINERY All that is desirable ! and newest is ready. AUTO COATS . The new models are b sure fo find favor with those who appreciate gocd style. Furs of every des- cription are here. Inspect the Fars even if vou have uno thought of buying. GEORGE MILLS & £0 2 126 AND 128 PRINCESS ST. + me at | left in Indian Lake, down the Rideau river. | a. s.. 0 Mr. Harry Wade, Johnson street, left | from | Park, on Tuesday, | their | GrAE004000000000000009 Sessssessssssssssssussssrntossenessssssrassssentes eresesszsssmesessente | Anley's hookstore. Mr. to on Monday, beinging with them {Harry Tandy, who returned again Toronto, on Tuesday. Mr. Stuart Sutherland, of the Mer {chants Bank, of Canada, Creemore, ip {spending his holidays with his parents Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Sutherland, Earl street, : Miss Emily Sears, for Ottawa, to visit Mrs. wood. Mr. Panl LeMair, who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Richard- son, King street, is now visiting in Winnipeg. Mr. and Mrs. J. Sweeney, of Tor onto, motored to town, qn Saturday, bringing with them Mr. and Mre, T. J. Rignev, who have been their guests, for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Sweeney returned to 'Toronto, on Monday, taking - with them Mrs Sweeney's mother, Mrs. Campbell. Mr. Balfour Mudie, King street, leave on Thursday, for Toronto, visit his mother, Mrs. .J. Mudie. | Mr. and Mrs. Brigstocke, of Cobalt, arrived in town, on Saturday, to visit Mrs. Brigstocke's parents, Mr. und Mrs. Wm. Lesslie, King street. Mr. Brigstocke left on Monday, lor Mon: treal, but Mrs. Brigstocke will' remain a week longer. | Mrs. Thompson and her daughter, Mise Daisy Thompson, who have beer) visiting Mrs. Herbert Saunders, Alice | street, will leave on. Thursdag, for Tor- onto, where they will spend a few days en route to their home in St. Louis. Mr. street, left on Tuesday, Lenoan Sher will to Richard Waldron, jr., left on Monday, for New York Mrs. Alan McRossie and lier two sons, Mr. William and Mr. Alan Me Rossie, who have béén "#pending the summer at "Echo Lodge," spent a few days in town this week on their way tq New York. . Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Birch, Bagat street, have issued invitations for the I marriage of their daughter. Florence { Lillian, to Mr. Clarence Otis Putnam, of Utica, on Wednesday morning, Oc tober the 4th, in Queen Street Me thodist chureh , - - The engagement is announced of Miss Dorothy of Toronto, to Mr H. barrister-at-law, of Judge B. Britton, Huron street, | Toronto. Spence, Britton, NM son . . . . of of to announced daughter Portsmouth, The engagement is Isabel Neche, youn zest Mrs. Farquha McRae, J. Hamilton Dawson, son of the late Mr. William J. Dawson, Tillicoulbry, Seotland. The marriage will take place quietly on Sept. 20th. Death of Gilbert Shaman. at Wolfe I'nesday Sluman died a long illness on ng. The Gilbert after Island even decensed . was echt v-thre ars of age, and had lived on Walle and nearly all his life. He dived on {a farm on_ the island up till a fow vears when he retired and took jup residence in the village. "The late Mr. Sluman was married and leaves a (family. He was an Anglicar reh won, and the funeral servic be » charge of Rev Mr. Cox, land. Deceased is survived sons and four d {William and Hetbrt {of Prescoit, Mrs. Armstrong, if Wolfe Lawler. ® = ago, mn e will of Wolfe o | Hs by three wwhters Mrs Davis' « Island, and Mrs Special Event. The directors of the Horlicultural society have arranged for cial musical ptogramme, land votal, for both eveni lexhibition The citizens sho {themselves of this opportunity the exhibition high (musical treat aml to-mor [row night, at a very instrument a r of uld to ses spe and enjoy class To-uight the Armouries Very Cold Tuesday Night. The. clause in the probabilities nm Tuesday saving there would be light frosts early Wednesday morning, alarmed the housewives of the city inot a little hit concerning their vege i tables and flowers so much that thes leovered everything they wanted to isave with old bage, hay and any jother thing that came handy. So far {as can he learned the promised frost' {did not come. Invited 'to Winnipeg. . Rev. E. B. Lancelsy, of First Me Fthodist church, Hamilton, and form erly of Kingston, has been mvited to { Young Memorial church, Winnipeg. Lost the to { Mes. J. Small will sing "The Chord" and "My Rosary" at {Flower Show, in the Armouries, 'pight, with full band accompanist H. Cunningham, pisno tuner, {King street. Leave orders at Hear Messrs. Bankier and Harte, iC. H.A. vocalists at the bortioultaral ex Armouries to-night. MeConkey's sweets," hibition at "Fresh w0on's. King | MODELERS' BOOKS: Gordy's Psychology Tilley's Methods . . .. 3 McMurry. Recitation HIGH SCHOOL BOOKS: Reader .. Srumingy sr mposition . in ls al Geography ieograprhy = Ancient History OPEN N IGHTS. Seeccesssasnenssssnneg "No. 99" { Tooth Brush Brush, Tooth An imported made by Kent Bros. Eng, the best Bristles brush by the best house are warranted not to come" out, Made SII IIIS III III SI IIIS PIII PG with a curve back teeth readily at the two sizes. 25c Each SOLD ONLY BY Dr. A. P. Chown Druggist and Optician, 185 PRINCESS STREET, 'Phone 343. ~ Srececeeeecessateeesssstetrstttess 4444404 MF PPPIIR PIII IIIS Clement History Wrong's History Arithmetic Jr. Algebra, Geometry 1 rin Led she 4 6¢ 0 $125 { Ons 'k Fren ch Grammar Frénch Reader 11¢ German Grammar 10e serman Reader vr w= Phy Nie ay 404 ourse. £1 Chemistry Bookkeeping, 2nd The College Book Store "Phone 919. CUFF LINKS We are Cuff Links headquarters for Our combines Qua Hy sele 8&8 ted stock in a Link reasonable ath with and Price We have them in different qualities * of Gold; excellont wearing Gold also an ally heavy j Sterling Link at 30¢ the Pair. Filled, especis Silver lai lain SMITH BR 0s., Jewellers, Outiclans. 850 KING STREET, Issmers of Marriage Licenses. High School, Modelers and Public School Books As Authorized by the Department of Education DESIGNER for Og tuber, 10¢ : STAND ARD QUAR- TERLY for Fall an d © any lic 'attern, both & ION SHEETS for Oc- tober FREE. ® HANDY 3 LOGUE FOIt FREE. STANDARD TERNS, the lates y Lest, 10¢ STANDARD FASII- é CATA- FALL, | PAT- t and DOOO00 one and I We show and best range of the largest New vay LOK OOUOU0000O00C A COOIOOT Dress Goods King N oYaY os 8X CEew i To be seen in ston. Vey ALY) i A | Kingston 2 hospital, Me | RH Gib Witham Swaine, piano tuner. Orders PIII overex CREA -~ w Le ox Seats eee WEVYYEEE Rey The Always Busy Store, ICO OCH OOH Me eexereX Wess semana! "Baby Mine." "Modern Society," don society magazine, lowing to say of ™ Kingston sees for the Fuesday at the Grand be au humbug if he denied t} Mine' did amuse immensely on the first night, to use the expression, 'rothed with aod | laughed with it as the unfolding of the pldt, and repeat that [| did laugh Mine' and laughed will | ached." the exclurive Lo has the daby. Mine first time "me See the beautiful displays penitentiary and at Armouries to We take tip, clean and : al the aan 542. 272 Bago show in Armoured Pont mise to-oight pels and rugs silk prices Mile 'phone Big combined now going on wi -------- pifinatdon ts --- ------ ---------- Bit tthtietehhhit e py racpived at MeAuley's. "Phone 778, $iNo. St. 15¢ Each ® Pp Oan, MADE OVER AND RE PAIRING THAT DOUBLE HOUSE 1 and =3 Lower near Union woms each ovement ca $2,950 Fire Insurance Money invested to first mane dvantage on monty containing hes W. F. GOURDIER Alfred ~ and modern im u be bought fin {tO Ages Mullin, The Real Estate Exper Corner Johnson and Division Sry. "Phone 539 TheRight Rubin the Right Way The rub that edges, ends, middles corners; the rub tha dirt without holes the rub this laundry while rub bing for cleanngks HARMLESSY min EVERYTHING BUY pin - 7 Kingston Laundry Cor. Princess & Sydenham Sts. Phone 2% ibs geams and t rubs out rubbing in ges 1 TH f HIER SVT RBA RBAOTTRRLS ES @eersrsasssssssssssasasl