THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1011. 2 : Tein PAGR FIVR. a o e-- . m-- -- - . - w---- : {farmers would take advantage of the | THE BARBERS REQUEST 0000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000° FAIR GETS: SUPPORT and only opportunity they have] r---- * ' " ever had to elect 5 candidate irrespec | , Their Patrons to Come in Earlier]! © . Saturday Evemng. W h 0 m-------- tive of politics in support of a large | Womens' Wellingston, High Tops, 'Button OF CONSERVATIVE FARMERS market and farmers' interests, { BOWLING GAMES ON QUEEN'S! The recent agitation by the boss OF FRONTENAC, Rev. Mr. Folkes, of Harrowsmith, de- | GREEN LAST EVENING. {barbers of the city for earlier closing Hivered stirring address on the fssue | lof the shops Saturday evening is being Enthusiastic Reciprocity Meetings at of the campaign. He has been a con ip, Collegiate Rugby Team at Work put in working order. Last Saturday servative all his life, but feels it his ' : a evening all of the barber shops in the Howe Island and Hattersea--Rev. duty to come out in the open and pro- | --Queen's Players Arriving--i o ph wc closed ab sive So Mr. Folkes, Harrowsmith, Speaks la cio ponsfits of reciprocity to the Notes on Sports. lelork and those two said thew: would For Reciprocity, - farmers, "especially the farmers of| Although the weather was: very close nest Saturday evening "at this R. H. Fair, the reciprocity candidate, | Frontenac county. hilly pa Sisagruenhie; u gas nay flour. This extra ig Wegns myich to larg iastic t- em play y eA g greeu on 1ues- (the hair-cutters, w on Sat y are ut a vay large and ang an Meet Reciprocity Rally in Cataraqui. day hetwetn Skip Corbett and Skip {on their feet from eight o'clock yi the ing. It is presumed that ninety ' per A meeting will be held in the town Bale, remuting mn 3 oa ion SKip morning, and in view 'of the fact that cent of the ratepayers were present. hall, this { Wednesday) evening. R. H. rol tt, by score ¢ Fou to : During 'there are nearly always customers in The meeting was adfressed by Mr- Fair, the candidate, and others will j5e game many ine shots were made. {the shops at closing time every ome MacGregor, a prominent farmer from Shak, Every ratepayer is urged to George McKellar. W. M.. Canwpbell 'should get in as early as possible in thé county of Halton, and other gen- present, RB. J. MeKelvey, J: NM. Garber onin {the evening, and make it possible for tlemen well posted on the subject of ' Fr re dh ' {the tired workers to get thelr -well the hour. Howe Island §s determined earned rest. that Mr. Fair will have 4 large ma- ! jority on the 21st. After cheers for the king and the reciprocity candidate, the meeting was adjourned about midnight ? Patents and Gun Metal. Childrens' Patent 'Wellingtons Sizes 5t0 71-2 - | - = $2.00 Childrens' Patent Wellingtons Sizes 8 to 10 $2.50 Girls' Patent Wellingtons Sizes 11 to 2 $3.0 ABERNETHY"S | PREP EE DW W. M. Montgomery, W. H. Worm- SmRRY with, W. Jackson, 6G. 8. Bale, skip. i ra > A. Turcotte defeated A. B. Williams COL) WEATHER HARD. in the singles. Toronto. Xilobe. : At Cobhdurg Hon. Clifford Sifton said he "would not haggle about prices." No, why should he haggle over the selling prices of hogs or NEEDN'T HAGGLE NOW. On Numerous Ice Cream Parlors of R.M.C. Sports. the City. The annual aquatic sports held at There is no. one in the city' who the Royal Military College which are! views with dissatisfaction the lowering ischeduled to come off Saturday algof the temperature more than the pro- the buying prices of bacon? {ways furnish a great deal of amuse 'Prietor of the ice-creani parlor and | A millonaire--not to speak tment for the large number of people just now he is in a fit of the blues. of a multimillionajre--Iis re- {who go over from the city every yeac| While many have been glad to sce the leved from the vulgar ns Ito see the cadets at their best. This (cool spell come for comfort's sake the od i cesxity of haggling over food | ; factur i the hot sti no less than twelve promiaent conser- pHa. But just because a year the sports will be better than manulacturer of tae ho! weather stim- vatives have pledged their support in fow are millionaires the ever ait] the feats which will be wt lant would Fatiiet have She odutate favour of the agreement. : tempted "will surprise every one. 1 ¥ warm weslhes. coo oft a r of § & : many must haggle or starve I 2 P! y ipast few days has been ry a on Meeting at Batterses. SOG0O0000000IOPLILOLOV No Word From "Chaucer." this business and if you drop into his | eess--" store almost any time now vou will a v -- ---- - A R. H. Fair, the reciprocity candidate, em tm ee No word has been received from A ; 2 spoke to a very large meeting at Bat- A policy which adds to the gemeral |"Chaucer" FEiliott as to whether he find things very slack. Lo OLD WILLIAMSVILLE AG0000006006850000000000000008 tersea, Tuesday evening. The chair was |,rogperity of the country eamuot in- {will come to Kingston to coach occupiell by Isaac Holder, one of the jure the workingman ; besides, reci- {Queen's rugby team this season or] oldest and most prominent ratepayers procity removes a heavy burden of |not. The wire sent to N. M. Leckie, | ¢ A BIG SAVING in that section. In introducing the (gxation from the food which is so captain of the team, at Hunfilton,| gs : SAVING, speaker he expressed the hope that |mecessary to the workingman. «ad g telling Am to see Flliott and getiy Goverment: figures 107 the For Fall and Winter pee | te£8, has not been answered yet. As!g months of April. May, and 1911-12 $10.50, $11, $17, $23, $25 of the athletic committee will have | ¢ three months Canadas im- / : ------ | United States on which over Will Organize Team. | $325,000 in duties was paid We invite you to see these A meeting wil be held soon of the{® Under reciprocity the con- i soccer enthusiasts of the S.S.AAA.|¥%* sumer would have saved that {the centre of building operations at * the present time is well-known to al models, even if not prepared to purchase. to see whether there is a possibility |® amount. | [most everyone, and that it will be Slogan in the County. The farmers are very enthusiastic, ang each of the "candidates meetings ave largely attended. There seems to be one jdea, and that is; Reciprocity for Frontenac. In one schoo! sation in Pittsburgh, 0000000000000000000008000000000000000080000 SEPP PPEPOPC PPO * * FLEE 2H HEH THE CENTRE OF BUILDING IN- DUSTRY IN KINGSTON. Whole Streets of New Houses--Nei- son, Victorian and Albert Streets Arve Becoming Thickly Populated. That Wiltamgaville, the northwest. lern suburb of the city of Kingston is of the team entering the city league | * : A here with Queen's, C.L.C.s and R.C P400000000000060006000 the residential section, of the eily H.A . ' 4 pe nt im in a very few years is the foregone a A Yarker Couple Wedded. conclusion of a large number of peo- i ------rt | Marshall -is Here. A quiet wedding took place at Yark- iple who have been identified with the i T x res z f a large x p ) 81 "Jack" Marshall, the well-known er on Tuesday morning when Elsie | Suring of a large number of resi ' | ences tn the last two vears, . . . "ik . . . AY dawg Pye a x ' A meeting mn the interests of the Liberal Pa Ly w ill he Queen's hockeyist and rugby authority, {Maude Deare, daughter of George] Th : f the city bi : held in the E arrived in the city Tuesday afternoon, |Deare, of Yarker, was united in mar- me Sechion oo a Sity hes grown _-- being the first outside Queen's man to [riage to J. E, Freeborne, of the same [So ey ro wits t during he ) . " . 1 oc. Th od fin t k 1 ¥ ¥ [pas ree years an 1 has puzzie drift in. His appearance heralds the Place . Newari Place at sight immany people to know why the popu- approach of other rugby men, and by o'clock in St. Anthomy's church, where AS" Rt creas a: . CITY HALL on FRIDAY, SEPT. 19thiic su'sft sani mp ie sms pommel the "are indi gt 0 2 ' . fed that most of the players will he mony. The bridesmaid was Mise Jeo: } oo = complied » ; y . Xue ro. {nie Tay lor, of this city, and the best | NOUS are complete t hoy are either at 8 p.m. Rae Iman was the groom's brother, Sey- sold or Pented: to people who oe Collegiates Are Practising. more Freehorne, oi Yarker. The couple [EVES Shem Thi s00n tnd hey i This week the Collegiate rugby team | came into the city, and left - in the Cat Tas has been doing 4 little practismg every |afternoon on their honeymoon, to] ¢ (ne town at apy rate, or else the | oe joes | T' Ott { i {afternoon afler school. The practices | Toronto, Jttawa and other places, and | 10 are all moving up town, as BL - . . lare scattered and only a few turn out - their Lo they will take up resi- one builder expressed it Ir IC alr Mn an er |sach day. These workouts are mostly ence In aH si _ { Nelson street has beem one of the [for the purpose of getting the stifiness |streets to enjoy most of the build { . : : : [out of the boys legs, after the sum- | Commenting To-morrow. ling and the street which a couple of Every Citizen is Invited to Attend the Meeting. !mer's idleness, and by another week | We will begin lo-morrew . to show | v y [they will commence to get down to | and J, ous Inder | and Shilsiren 8 : work in real earnest. Principal Sliter, | "© s lo ill have overlie . brick houses so oO 0 R. F. ELLIOTT, President. as a coach, cannot be excelled, and two huisired Sillorant styles of hats [ne Re Lat dow ap Plo with the new material, which he will | 1 a. from. Thi Mall hats alike. {couple of years da not recognize it as have, it is expected he will get a good | ing i bie: on a 2 Lie one they saw last, team together. mings, By paying 81 deposit we with | Victorian street is on the boom now. . . lay aside any hat for a reasonable [ne contractor is building a whole Notes on Sports, length of time. Corrigan's. block of double and single houses The Chicago soccer football team was ic {and in a couple of years this street defeated by the Corinthians of England | Why Be Hurt? iwell all be built in. bya score of 4 fo 0. a Sack Why suffer pain from scalds, burns, | Albert street has enjoys its share ap ; ajoie as: Passe Jackson foie © bruises, sunburn, boils, ulcers, of the erection of new houses but pint and is crowding Ty. obb for 8 Laud "yun the serious risk. 'of bload the vacant lots are all occupied now | By the Conservatives to Oppose J. batting championshin of the, American | poisoning, when *"Mecen" ointment will by fine large dwellings which are al MeD. Mowat : > =. sang n H 11 . 3 . Baseball league. + 'relieve tMd pain instantly--restore a "0° filled. x Rill' Carrigan, the former Toronto! ti | One builder. who has confined most : : > healthy condition----and quickly heal? : catcher, with the Boston Americans, is jos. a 3 oz jar, ab all druggists {of his operations lo this section of out of the game for the remainder of |" jar, 4 bat ithe city, has great faith in it for the season with a broken ankle. | . a : ' {those who wish to invest there and As the Philadelphia Athletics will be | Store Struck by Lightning. lis confident that in a few years the : Jdaving at home while Detroit is hit-| During the thunderstorm Tuesday |residents will' have the street railway che playing i g | i ! coupled by W. ( ting the road, prospects for the pen- evening a store near the wharf, where | back there ens, president of 1} in : AY namt look pretty sweet to Connie the steamer Aletha ties up in Picton | . Se -------------- ation: w i Ne ner a i . » + N on, Ht in FLAMES ( Lhe i' Mack. {was burned by being struck with light SCHOOL CHILDREN TO SEE it selecting whiidat . ay A ? 1g wdidate b w hb The © National baseball commission ning. The storm was more west of! Evry eral He rend repos] u e rend op from the ex 0000000000000 00000000y a : : : x : has decided that if a player, after he [here than it was in this district. | The Coronation Pictures on Thurs-{ Et commit I : i : : . i Liv ommittee laying the a ch -- i is. bought, Hecomes sick or dies after | rm-- -- | day Afternoon. of bi AE nd WH "er ry he reports, the agreement between the | Moving Office Downtown. ! The gorgeous scemes in connection ' before: t A se it oe . od i i ' ore weling as avatiable | two clubs becomes null and void. | Dr. Ashcroft, the Osteopath, has [with the coromation procession by the | candidates 1 Koss then nominated | AR FOR MEN The magnificent riding and driving of | leasod the house, 136 Wellington street, | Kinemacolor in natural colors was!W. F Nickle, conded by W Friz . Major Straubenzie of the Hunt Clu | opposite the post office, and will use | gain presented at the Grand Opera |zell Hall Mirrors A team of Toronto was responsible or as an ole a < oth. | Huse last evening before Arge adi i Nick taking th pi rm 1 k f 1 thee after September 15th bef ad \ fe WD FSR SN rn. re To be Addressed. by years ago was the dropping off place of- the town has block after block of 100000000000 00000000000000 EASY RESTS THE HEAD THAT WEARS A KING HAT "King" Stiffs are flexible and self-conforming just where the hat touches the head. Ask the man who wears one, All the popular shapes, 2.50, The conservalives met in the City hall * Inst evening to select a cane date to oppose John Mcbonnld Mow A in the election for the dominion house o ny , and chose William iny | 4 one of the greatest victories ever ac | . atmo { > One of the t 4 kable v : Palace and Travellers' Celebrated Shoes for Men $4.50, $3.00 and : ' ied . > {ence. One of the most remarkable Views was given a fine reception. He mada | an ; § hieved on the Buffalo Country ( lub | Has Gone to England. presented was the street scenes of Lon- {a speech dealing particufarly with ti We lead in Men's Working Boots and Boys' School Skoes polo field. a Rev. W. R. Seaborne, Miilord, in ill: {don, showmg the principal points of local situati He aid that the] H I S t Made of leather, hut wear like iron. : There is alin a strong probability of health for some time, has gone to Eng' [interest in the great Metropolis, in- Locomotive Works had been a factor | a ea Ss . : Bert Stronach, the flying Scot, whose. land. The sea voyage may give him [cluding the parliament buildings, Buck- {in former elections in' hingston be AND J E JOHNSTON 710 Brock Street play was the sensation of the Big Four strength. ingham Palace, the Royal Exchange, [cause of Mr. Harty's. connection with * eX. y - in 1908 and 1909, returning to Ottawa, - -------- { Trafalga Syuare with the great foun 1:5. Tht issue is now. removed amd 1 . . Stronach was transferred last year to| The country will goJiberal by a ltains, the Strand. Pall Mall and Tem- the candidates would have to run "Combination imei -- seh io ARitish Columbia, where he has since big majority. Vo &e hn Bar, The naval review at Spithead [their merits, He was gong to maka | ------ n. employed by the government. 1 remain mm----------| 0, portrayed 80 vividly that ome [reciprocity the issue as far a »os- | : is Is FOUND IIGHT PATH f'would imaginé that they were present sible,4nd he was quite convinced that | Hall Racks {in person. The "Day at Henley," was Kingston would be redeemed. : . | After a False Start. i i : . | : ? : o , i . : particularly interesting to Canadians, | Addresses vere made by Donald MN | New Stocks Prett Desi ns Reduction Sale Sir Richard Cartwright to Speak on| 'In 1890 I began to drink coffee. {as was shown the Ottawa Club's eight. | Mcintyre, Edwards, M.P., and for Fall at y g C--O -- ' Friday. 1, "At that time | was healthy and en- |oared race with the Belgians, mn which [Mayor Graham To make room for the | | The liberals have arranged for a ljoyedlife. At first 1 noticed no bad ithey came off victorious. The besutiful fermen ' oublic meeting in the city hall, on |effects from the indulgence but in cours flower scens was also presented as well Married at Hoboken. N.J. JAMES REID " newly imported goods our 'riday evening, at which the chief [of time found that various troubles |,e the Marols natives from the White | Mrs. Muriel V. Spencer, the wealthy "Phone 147. reduction sale is still going Sponker wil be . Sie ican Cart- jose coming upon me. City. owner of Hollywood Hotel; wr , than whom there 18 no more | "Palpitation of the heart took unto ) % 8 o- (Branch, N.J., and the eldest « hte : on 4 eloquent statesman in the dominion. |jtself y sl . 0 am Thursday afternoon, at £13 o fran? arty a2 8 ' b Qangiiter The Leading Undertaker Sir Richard will a jitself sick and nervous headaches, kid- |clock, there will be a matinee for the Dr. Archibald P. Knight, Queen's | Come and get a snap oi agar -- ' he oui. Ys a ey troubles followed asd eventually [school chiklren at which the teachers { University, was quietly married, , while choice pieces remain ro ad a I Te for tf |™ stomach beeame so deranged that [of the public and separate schools are {day night, in Hoboken, N.J., to The Ballot is Becret. unsold citizens who are. invited to. attend) ™.8 light meal caused me. serious specially invited to be present, as {Lincoln Stadler, wou of the late Max No 'working i» under oblij and learn the real merits of the great distress. hry ny _|gnardians for the children. To-morrow i Stadler, one of the wealthiest mer Ito vote as his employer diet pact. Our physician's prescriptions. failed [night there will be an entire change of | chants of New York, and a personal |the workingman gives a {to help me and then I dosed myself | programme. friend of President Lincoln Iwork for his v he gives the on ~ ee nd' ployer all he owes him, and LL __ ae iizb then 1 The 0 0' Water Samples Test Good. {with patent medicines till I was thor: | ee i ih . Dr. Williamson, medical health off- hiy disgusted and hopeless. ' 1 The Late James Quinn. Harvest Thanksgiving Service Lemployer hae a Fight to expest. - The A GREAT TREAT. cag find out, how # is 174 Wellington Street. cer; states that the lass five samples! "Finally 1 began to suspect that cof- | The funeral . occurred,' on Tuenday | Harvest Thanksgiving service will ba | nan's soul and conscience of tap water examined by the bacter- | 1°® was the cause of my troubles. 1Iimorniog, to St. Mary's' cathedral, held at St. Luke's church, on Sunda : are his owit. And the ballot is jologiet of a, shows freedom experimented by leaving it off, except Kingston, of the late James Quinn, of next, Sept. 17th. Rev alte . Nobody has a right to knows me -- of Sen's, (for one small cup at breakfast. This [the township of Pittsburg, and was | Loucks, M.A, of St. Matthew's church, | #0d nobody a {helped some but did not slitogether re very largely attended. The bearers were Ottawa, will be the special preacher at jmatie. 0 068000080000000006000080080008880000000000 | Nr. and Mrs. 1. L. Auseclstine, Eact lieve my distress. If satisfied me, how-{Dr. G. W. Bell, W. F. Nickle, James both Sstvices. Special music is wing | oo CL , Ee i i Be - ever, that 1 was on the right track.' [Rigney, L. W. Murphy, Patrick Fowler Prepafed by the choir. The church Jag SHuncers, of tus of ° 4 a do to Ottawa, | a Ch wd . : street, have wn to awa, to | "Se 1 gave up coffee altogether and and James Baxter. The late Mr. Quinn ibe decorated with fruit, vege jas, {has » n Miss M. G. Blakey v8 with their daughter, ! spent 5 fow hog: an to use Postum. In ten days 1l!was aged fifty-eight years and had potted and cut flowers and gr : Mis. Barc Raymond 21.30: ox. found myself grestly improved, my been a Shyight Yan for the octasion : [haa in New York and Atlantic : ny. a * * ol > - tra strong trunk. Cheap at Dut. |MeTves steady, nty head clear, my kid- (the past twenty-five years. He was a | EE : ; ton's, 209 Princess street. neys working better and better, my 'man highly esteemed in the community | ldahtning in Nurces' Residence. | Many who fail with the older amd -4 heavier systems prove highly suovessfal 5 3 i} She sor 5 5 * : Lx . 2 ~~ Cor. Princess and Alfred. Streets iv Fe 4 = i » 4 A y ry Dean Bidwell spoke at genera! synod heart's action rapidly improving, my (gad is survived by a wile and two | On Moodey night ghitning with 30-Uny Syiin-bic Shorthand sssesae 9000000000000800000000000000 wha visiting her sisters in Troy, that city thix week to visit ~ Ly ny ~ in London, Ont., against the ne temere SPpetite improved and the ability to children, Bernard and Susanna, at entered the nurses' residence of 4 ny Sytiahig So decree. A committee will report on the ®at a hearty mesl without subsequent lhome- He was a brother of B. Quinn, general hospital and the diepla of wing 1 we lact thal there wae no matter. suffering restored to me. And this con- (of Mountain Grove, Mrs. E. Braddem, rlireworke in ove of the re " quer at the RimeUne of the sepmr The workingman, Kke the farmers, (dition remains. : lof Kingston Mills and Mrs. W. Wilson, | very marked. Nome of the inmates re (2% 2000 a - a even. are doing their own thinking in this | 'Leaving off coffee ani using Pos- of Montreal The late Mr. Quinn was {ceived a shock, although thes vera] ME DO a ane 2 ' campaign. + tum did this, with no help from droge, a Romzn Catholic in religion and a { very frightenca. i x Friend o ip --- Furne Capt. Alexander Millie, of St. ws I abandoned the use of medicines 'staunch liberal in politics. Sincere re | ein am § : Ton ayanr Fp BES een Catharines, is visiting in Kingston. |¥hen I began to use the food drink." gret is expressed to those bereaved by | The liberal party in Canada #tands HONG and. | ww manvi a. Music--Orders taken for sheet music | Name given by Canadian Postum Co., many friends. hn § y so0sss000000 60cveccsssessscene : for all the people, not for the few! * po at Dutton's, 09 Princess street. i Windsor, Ontario, Canad. | Spiritual offerings were sent by P. millionaires aud the pap-ied interests, Arthur Barr, of Montreal, is visit: "There's a reason." and it is explain. Fowler, Vincent Fowler, Miss Aonie (who fondly imagine that they are the ing his parents, st Inverarv. led in the little book, "The Road to Fowler, Mins Rose Fowler, Mrs. ¥. country' \ + Headache, billousness, heartharm, ini. Magistrate Lawson, of Elginhurg, | Wellvilie," in phge. i Meagher, Miss K. MeCallums, Miss Win: | Quite a number from the city con |" gestion, and sil liver flis are cured by was in the city on ye. | Ever read the above letter" A new nie Hanley. . ternplate taking in the Michigan siete; 3 .ey look as! ona supers from time to time, They | mi + op mia fiae which opens a Detroit next wask 'Hood Ss Pills | ave genuine, true, and full of human' Sir Richard Cartweight will apeak President Taft is tn spn the sxbiti | ] | interest, : jin the city hall on Fridey evening. tion : jou Soli by al dnguists. 25 cents I X eosnse sess' . - - . ®900000000