PAGE TEN. HOTEL DIRECTORY. DESERONTO. «0 by THE STEWART HOURE, J. AR ing XG Simr cIAL Ho'el Rates, $i. r . * PHOS. STEWART, Prop. ! TRAVELLING. Excursions TO CHICAGO, DETROIT, Kte, Sept. 14th, 135th, and 16th, to return until October Znd Central | Canada Exhibition Ottawa, Out, Sept. Sih te 16th, On Sept. 12th, 14th and 15th tleke! will be jssued at $2.75 OTHER DAYS $3.70 good i BAY CITY, All tickets return until Sept. 15th For full particulars J. I. HANLRY Corner Jolinson and Ontario § » apply to Agent, IN CONNECTION CANADIAN PACIFIC WITH RAILWAY. Harrowsmith Fair io a ¢ Fs 15h i i flood ty retinrn Hoy $ t DTI 28nd nnd FARE, Lied, Parham Fair Sept. 20th aod 27th, "ING EAT FARE ROUND TRIP, Goud golag 26 and 27, geod to re. turn % Hh HSeplember Full particulars at K, & PR Ticket Otilee, Ontario I CONWAY, Gen, 1% P. and C. | Few ! Agent ' . OF QUINTE BATLWAY, leaves Union Station, Outarle 4 pm. dally (Sunday excepted) for Tweed, Sydenham, Napanes, Deser- onte, Bannockburn and all points north. "To secdre quick despatch to Banhodkburn, Maynooth, and points on Ceulral Ontario loute your shipments via Bay of Quinte Rallway: er fur: ther mticulars "W, I'. H. Ward Prt. Agent; J, eich, Pass Ageut 'Phone No, ALLAN Royal Mail Steamers AUTUMN SAILINGS MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL. Victorian, Fri, Aug. 18, Sept. Corsican, Fri, Aug, 25, Sept Virginian, Pri, Sept. 1, Sept. Tunisian, Fri, Sept. §, Out, MONTREAL TO GLA Suow. Scotian, Bat, Aug Jats Sept. Hesperian, Sat. 4 Tionlan, Sat, Grampian, Sat., Sept, MONTREAL: TO HAVRE & LONDON Moderate rate service, carrying one class (second) cabin passengers, and calling at Havre, France, yperior accommodation at minimum rates will be allotted on steamers for the balance of the SL. Lawrence sea: on, Fall furarata: lon on application to y PF HA HY, 2% KIRKE uc K, 3.7: Ry ont 8st Allan Line Agents, RAY Train Rireet, 16 29 28 Fri., Fri, Fri. Fri, 3, Sat, Sept. Kingston. pe) ry Kingston Monday leave epl Steamers daily ex 7.00 Eastbound Westbognd Prescott Tick to, bi © §L00, On rebate system a.m 2.00 pan and return, Steamer "Delleville' eastbound on Wednesday at 6 poamoand westbouud ' Saturday 10.30 pm ull vs oy. Pirkel I x Foster Challee, Onl. mriicnlars on application ta J Agent, Kingdon, or AGIA, Toroute LAKE eoNTARIO AND BAY OF ype: STMAMBOAT CO, LT North King ISLANDS AND ROCHESTER, ne or loaves Kingston Sundays at fo, for 1.000 islands, calling at x» andria vay, Rockport and Ganan- jp. Returning leaves at 5 pm. for rlotte, NY. (Port of Rochester), ug at Day of Quinte ports. Steamer Aletha Leaves Kingston week davs, at 3pm. for Pictgn std intermediate Bay of For full information, apply For fi Jo. LINE| FIGS 1 Are & valuable and nutritious ! fruit, owing to an active me principal. FIG PILLS contain the active principal of | combined with other valuable me ments, amd are guaranteed to WEAK BI. ADDER, LAME BACK ais! all KIDNE ¥, LIVER, STOMAC!T and BOWEL DISORDE RS, Atalldealers 15 cents per box, or The Fig Pill Co St. Thomas, Ont. 1 vative na who have sme inventi oe GREELEY A Wely ¥. nn, \tiwrueya, § Washingion, i € ol k Iden, DEPARTMENT OF RAILWAYS AND CANALS -- Intercotlonial Raltway. BADDECK BRANCH SEAUED TENDERS ADDRESS) tiie ndersigned nel 1 Aiba-Baddeck "al thix office Thursday, LINE. "1 \ Branch' until six. October 12h rucidon of a bran from a polot on the Hallway near Alba fo the Haddock, a distance 2 HS fr Prepare iE form ' Contr no cepted » of the successful tenderer 1% searity or part we the due fulfilment of Lue eltered inte tender not nece TONES SEALED TENDERS, ApURESSED igned, and orsed dining Wall Owe will be recebved § pm. on Tuesday . « construction . n itario er at deptein Sept of Owe Ont office until ber 26 Hetaluing i of Sound, County ation a Plans specifi contract can be tender obtained at this Depa Al the offices of J S Pit tn ederat mb tnt master and trict Build Datriet pptica + Sound ond o the Pos Ont tifled that unless tendering he are considered forms actu occupations residence In the case of actual signature, ie nature pation and place resid of each member the firm must give of the oe t {i wecompanied b tered ban Honour - tender must be ited cheque on a char to the orde of Min p-of } » ten Fach An Aece] payable the able t} ahi ie (in be ret or any The Department aceept lowest By order, i te the ¢. DESROCHERSR 'ubli 2th Works, toil Drepart met Ottawa be da A oy i not free Ire pa Pap advert vem out paring Department of Railways and Canals Intercolonini Ralivway, MONGTON YARD AND (UT.0FF, Mouday ation aad crutered inte after the 4th of of the Chief Pepartment of Ottawa, and at cf Engineeor of silway, Monvton. tive the ITutercalonis Partiey 16 avcept the pared or te phirt dnt of will Torna part tendering will be required fair wages sehedidle pres be prepared hy the bee Labor, wideh schedule of the contract requested to bear In mind that tenders will not be eons sidered unless made sirietly th acs cordinnce with the printed fornis, 'and in ine case of firms, unless there ave attached (he actual signature, the mature of the occupation, and place of résidene of each member of the firm. An acrepied bank chegyue for. the sum of HLUO00.00, made payable to the arter of the Minister of Hallways and Canals, must accompany each tender, which sum will be Torfeited if the party tendering declines entering into contract for (he work at the rates stated In the affer submitted ~ Tha cheque. thus sent in will be re. turned to the respective. conpractors whose tenders are mnt accepted. The cheque of the suecessful tender. or will be held as security. or part se. carity, for the due tultiiment of the contract to' be entered Into. The lowest or any tender nol neces. avcepted. | ; oe oven tap ractors are LK. JONES, Powapint o Rultvaxs And aE Rati} THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, UNTAED: FOOD Fres Food Agreement Which Will Enrich the Werking- man's Dinner Table The reciproci 5 a frea food agreement It the count food, and the sumes the ft er khiows this will temove the barriers ry worker who preduces the city worker 0 { anadiz supporting wl. The n and is agreement heartily, a against his party feelings. The "workingmz whose wages, a large part of them, are spent on food, 12 equally Interested. He is not enemy, but the ally the man produces the food workers taxes and toils levied Governments levied by whose are made by selling it dear off the taxes and t between andn the we teciprocity man's dinnertahle to buy Sout} at seasons duced in Car the fp dian farmer carried from and to the will prevent famines Rict gus and tor abtmdant supr tahles all good for the eciprooity Eraing ever fre Mexico of are by tolls profits tw middlemen, buying food cheap lis and div in the cou ker in the town the working 1 enable eget he p vrafars will enrich it wi ern and whey annnt rey arts the place of and place gluts 1 [revent met can z hry veh the m and | Ontario {II HN ANNI NN Nl Sl GIVE AND TAKE A A a dP ed At a glance Canadian can see that the secured larger concessions made when sy had free grain, ete, incorporated ir ment, Below are the reduc bushel made by the United Canada, re tively the farmer than they trade in the agree ons per States ped anada 1 3¢ Nie 10 Oats . $ ne Ba Buck Beans Head ! sa Pot wt Corn GOOD FOR THE FARMER Reci procity Will b be a a Big Saving to Farmers on Implements none The Grajngrowers' Guide of Aug ust 30, has the following on its front page "H. W. Hutchinson, General Manager John Deere Plow Company, Winnipeg, announces: 'We ara pared in the event of the ad the repiprocity pact to prices to farmers $5 on vestar, 23 on every mower, every rake, $5 on every seeder, every American wagon, and things in about the same ratio, x What my company will do my com- petitors will be obliged to do also, The farmers can gave in this way. as near an I can reckon, $1,000,000 per annum.' pre ption of reduce eve 4. N. McEVOY Candid in Londong™" et Narrowness of view adldon found wr breath of intellect. ' IS LABOR'S BOON between | Dominion negotiaiors | and |! tion | FRIDAY, Rm MR. BORDEN WOULD HAVE JUMPED AT IT a ------------------------ address of Mr. president rrative AR e 'Liberal candidate | i ! nin. Extract harveiin, fo 23 ham Count now 8 per and reciproci "Mr. Bord to sell in the n the best prices whisper to you a Mr. Bow If he had been the Pre- been offered this chance, jomped at It." a ------ ¢ rom s where you get et me, as a Tory, tle seeret about y i he would h cons | farm- | the | nd in many cases | thet who | Jetween those two | taxes | and | Reciprocity will take | ide them ntry i him | aheg | GECRGE E. McCRANEY ardidate for nxkatoon, Sask. "WAITING FOR RECIPROCITY lhe Went Ballaves It Will Greatly } Increare the Price of Oats The follawing let'er from onal r Company, innipez large concern ope! at, speaks for itself: -- Elevator Co, Lid, Winnipeg. Aug. Flava A very "Nat mal 25. Meggrs ohn B Ontar i to, io | - ' i Gentlemen, | favor of the 27nd inst., we wired yon | yesterday giving you price on oats fob ca Toronto, and you will, doubt, have noticed our prices. are somewhat higher than onr | quotations, which caused marketk av advanced ably during summer, as standing 1] lendid crop { we have, our oat values are very firm, owing te heavy | antie fpation of the passage of the rec procity measure, as it is believed that Lf wa get reciprocity our values will | even up th American prices, which re is by our notwith- o wit | are now some six cents a bushel high jer thaw Canadian values. Yours very Suis, (Signed) NL Leach, Vv = zrstennf| AFTER OUR BARLEY * la Detroit Firm Places an Order Pend- ing the Adoption of Reciprocity | | H. W. Rickel and Company, Detroit, writes as follows: "We are writing to you, and desire to request you to give 'us the names of grain deamrs in On- with grain elevators either Hse or malting quality in car lots for ship- ment to Detroit, Mich., in the eveat that the proposed reciprocity ment is accepted by the In case of favorable ae Government tic the 'anada, we on malting | 300,000 1} like vt some of t lots up to We would barley in car shels or more much to get ain dealers at this time, with them with refer- herein referred to," ¢ RT and correspond to the matter A CLEAR CUT ISSUE ence The "Privileged Fow"" | "Unprivileged Many" wag an election in the Privileged ever Canada there *h in Many the other, surely this is that one on The men anti-reciy packers wit dends: the {buring Canadian barley at an average {of 10¢ below Buffalo prices, and finan riers millionatres bv the floating of merger which the present system renders oy sible. On thé other side is the great the divi Are cent rocity thelr malsiers the forces a0 per who maas of unorzanized farmers who are | aking simply that they Hd allowed to sell certain of thelr products in what, [but for an artificial barrier. to be re- | moved under reciprocity, {them the hizhest market in the world Surely, with the issue so plain, with tha reagon for the opposition so mand fest, no farmer can doubt on which side hia hallot should be cast.-- Week: ly Sun, GARDENERS WILL NOT: SUFFER chant. says: {dea that everything early is American. Rays,' "that vegeiables Leamington four weeks, Niagara peninsula three weeks, before | they are ready in the vichmity of To | that comes The fact {8" come in are out of the way weeks before the | Toronto article is ready. If the were not, they couid not be sold. jor not only is The home article much better, but {ft is also much less expensive Reciprocity instead of injuring the marke! gardeners will benefit hem. | The gardeners of Leamington will abip Ite Detroit, thelr natural market, the fruit and vegetablegrowers of Nia gars will ship to eastern American cities after the homegrown articles as 4 done for the season, and the Te ronto gardeners will have their home market to themselves. x cold wave in There: it. apt tobe be wh the time the the damily circle about {monthly bills come tn. "Honesty SEPTEMBER 135, Fred | of Dur | ination, | 'says it is wrorg for you ! the Na! Limited, of | Smith & Sons, Toron- | i Acknowledging your no | earlier | | consider- | fre prospects | ' speculative buying in | or | equipped to handle barley | agree- Canadian | voters of the Dominion of | vould be prepared to take | in touch with! Against the Few | stnod on one side and the Unprivileged | he form the backbone of | have been | and promoters who have become | would be for | | to do Mr. Thomas Vaace, commission mer | "There is an erroneous | the? he { common from | reduc! and from the | modest ronto, The American early vegetables | "cases. have had to make quite large | sure. {| that Cansda "shall be absolutely free § 1911. A BUSINE SS PROPOSITION Sir Qn Ayiesworth worth Says Reciprocity | Is Not a Political Question | Sir Alan Aylesworth, speaking at Campbeliford, said reciprocity was an inviting question because {it alfecied| the future for good or iil of every, family in the country. "We are not, said Sir Alan, "on the def gard to this question, b tically supporting jt ber leve it be in the best interests ot the farmers, the workin sud the common people of this country. [It ist i not a treaty, not an entanglement into meshes from which Canada will! never be able to free herself, but an agreement which can be terminated after a trial. We gught to pass thisi law because it will enlarge and ex! tend markeis for Canadian farm pre: duce. It is not a political question, | but a business proposition. It willl bring us increased customers for our wheat, barley, horses. cattle, ele." } TEN PER CENT. MORE An Estimate of the Benefit to #hs! Farmer From Reciprocity | Mr. W. C. Good, farmer, Brant | county, writes ag follows: "My own| opinion is that the ordinary farmer in| Ontaric may fairly expect to obmin| 1% per cont, more on the average than he has been gerting if the reciprocity | agreement is ratified. Assuming this, | on a gross income of $2000 an thal ifhacre farm (which 't= abate the! | average, but not out of the way with | | proper farming), the additional fn | come would be $200 a vear. The cost| of many lines of manufactured "u cles will also be cheaper, though pregent not very materially sn Tak | ing things on the whole 1 should say |*® that average Omtario farmer stands to zain $2.00 per acre per year by the ratificat pact. This is about half the current value" | CANADIAN PLOWS IN U.S. | Americans Fear Competition From Canada-----Wanted Duty Kept Up engive t enth to to the fon of the said" Dr. in Brant very day | refiresenta- | implement | Siates wera| ing against tha being reduced | 21% per cent, | Canadian duty. 1 urers of steam eat wdo about « plow mar wn author! nterested." epeaking "I was mue! J. A. Macdonn | ford, "te find met Presi on protes their pr 15 oducts to cen than he hat ithe manufac were makin The head of « factory told 1} that be plows Was dn | u \ ties 1 ARAinst eampetitg dian manufacin of our Cana establist |} fs four | were making | made in the United States That | | Canadian firm was (he Cocksimt Plow 1 Company of Brantford. It was a great i | sati Sa tion to me to be wold that this | implement was apprec inted | farmers of 'the agricoltural | was told also that this firm | geveniy-five carloads of caring the maxinmum (ar , wich would add hundred doli | lo the duty in applied." able to stand | on of the Cana | I found that ona | ved an | lilindis, and | steam plows | againdt those the nent hund hepdway J super | by the | 8 8. 1 { in r plows, ed o © POPOV PVLL POPE 0000000000 DVINP OL PVPVP POPP CPI D0000 | | i I | JO Sreat satisfaction in There and bedding of such fine quality as to win compliments like this: *] vested so comfortably the other night at the ~-- Hotel, Belleville, that | examined the bedding in the moming and found your label vies Please let me know whether they we sold is Onawa. There's great satisfaction, too, in buying and using beds that are so much better than ordinary, especially when they cost no more, See that the IDEAL trade mark is on the bed you buy. Ask us for dealer's name nearest you. Write for Free Book No. 120 «* IDEAL BEDDING Clivmireo MONTREAL JORONTO, WINNIPEG a PIG LEAD. Prompt Deliveries Fraser Avenue, Toronto PIG TIN. Large Stocks fhe Canada Metal Co. Ltd., 1 000 080000680000800008000000000 005500000000 If You Have Had Feet Troubles And Shoe Troubles FER" & " We want to see vou and niduee you to let us fit your feet with a pair of our new Fall Sho We Can Please The Hard To Please And rit The Hard To Fit +J. H. Sutherland & Bro. THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES » POP00V0000T000006000000000000000000000000004 JOSEPH E. MARCILE Quebee, | WHAT STATES GRANTED | TAberal Candidate Bagot, Some Cases They Have Gone Be iow the Canadian Duty ---- { In i "A | part | viewed this common. criticism on the | gentlemen who have not matter as 'avorably as we | would bave wished has been: 'If the | United States want to make a tariff | ArrAN ZAMS with vou, let them eome ! down to your rates of duty It seem- | ed to be taken for granted that that { was what United States would not do. But in exactly what we asked {them to do, and what fhey have agreed pecting a large number of { articles They have not only some down tn our rates, but in some cases | have conte below them, and in | cases. in order to reach that! rate. we have had in make But, as our tariff is a ne, while theirs, in the main, fa a high tariff. the resuit has been that. In order to Arrive at a common rate, we have had to make only, moder ate reductions, while they, in many of the those OTs ns. reductions. --¥From Hon. W. 8 Field- fng's introduction to ihe tari agree- ment. ' Termine Any Time The Reciprotity Pact will only con. tinue in force during Canada's plea- There is a specific provision to make any change of {ariff policy, or of any other. er covered by' the ut rthat ' Lr ee -------- Few mem out their wisdom testh wn al after they are married. man is a comer until ad & certain age--ihen Mat a the reverse, rved for resto}, r it was the visitor's with a one be a tre Mons stav.over y Cold. d fisuall I i jr Often it's faite fashioned room rv reals h was anything buf isitors rarighty, sme ing and " fing a damper an ene £X nn homes heatod ~ King Boiler a: and" + Radiators y waday wails vel are does ele, and are m Write f Homen™ STEEL amo RADIATION, Head Office Franrs pre Corsa 78 82 Adelinids St. I TORONTO Branches ia all the principe] cites ITED