Cay KINGSTON, YEAR 78 -NO. 215 SIFTON 1S FULLY ANSWERED Dewart Cals Some Thing i {timber there will be free, until then. t is not free "Fhe Americin ays Mr. Sifton, that Bes trusts are so big, ! with their enor. | power they will rind uk ta 1 ! prowdor He tolls us that twent; fi wien substantinile control. the business aperations of the United States. He idently acerpted some the | ticles in cheap Mmerican magazi their face It isthe tructs the combines that control of the up higher hese i i i is {mow } § 0% Some Things to Mind---Ex-Minister and Cross Roads. Some Great Men Can Make Mistakes---Can Eat Their Words ---Our Surplus Produets---The Bourassa Alliance tha {ar lat and land these are the vesult {tariff which has been built and Biigher in the United: States, cannot operate in Canada un'iss they incorporated or flicensed by the And the legisinture of {Ontario ix directed by Sir James | Whitney, We have no trasts, leourse, ang vet it- seems to me 1 have jhe rd of proceedings being takin a igaiust a plumbers' combine. You re ' member Mr. Curr tarts ov Oo "The vhigl objection on the part of Hill had said on the subje als that te vy A Mr. Sifton appears to be not so much pressed himself in favor of any treaty futage of the proceedings he was'told aginst the terms of the agreement as that would give the citizens of Moth {0 Co his brief-tn this matter 1o the whether there should be sny agreement countries equal advantage, He had nO {parliament buildings. He did so and at all. In fact, one might almost think sympathy, he said, with those Cana {over saw it again. It never came that we agree with the proposition so dians who expected the United States ihaek, and he resignod. You must ask delightfully expressed thut 'We should 'to give something for nothing, und le [Sig James Whitney end Mr. Foy who have no truck with the United States." [thought as little of the Americans who [is going to proseetite that combine. To hear him talk is almost to imagine Texpected Canadians to do the saw! + that we bave 'no truck' with them [thing The Canadians expected to give now. Do you think we do bo business | 100 cents for every dollar they got. with the United States. Why we do! * "He was particularly severe on those more business with them than we do {American and Canadian newspapers with the whole world. Gréat Britain that print articles that irritate not excluded. The only question left "other - side Most of such writing, he to consider in that regard, is whether (declared, wus done in utter ignorance we shall do our business with a mea: 'of the subject, and only stirred up sitse of hostility on either: wide, or bitterness » here none should exist. He whether we shall do it with friend. hoped a way would be found tor curb. ship and kindliness on both sides, "such intemperate comment, "The agreement in the language ol "Further attemids at adopting re- the street is for Canada a case of jeiprocity treaties, in his opinion, must "Heads 1 Win, tails vou lose.' It may {depend on the efforts. of - the United interest some gpnservatives Canada had wade many ad that last vear we imported goods to | in. that _ direction, and was the value of 896,000,000. from the ready to meet the United States United States, which were free of lany fair proposition. First of all; how duty The new arrangement wonll ever, there must "be + campaign of | add only $9,000,000 to this sum What education in the States south of the ake its main effects, so far as imports {border states are voncerned ? First, the consumer New, wh gets all kinds of early vegetables and ute Feces fruits cheaper, Second, he gets a the i whee did ot substantinl reduction in duty on all the toa of Eien : 2 te. * Third the b wa reciprocity, : | i en ; bh rH Lind of food products , the pimple reason that the speaker in [openings before her, apd 1 ean only say manufnctirer gots reduced duty On Pant the Hon. Clifford Sif in charity for those who cry for us to certain of his raw materials ton, minister of the interior the 'let well enongh alove," that they "What is ite effect export ? dominion cabinet. (Applavse.) {have no of the gives the farmer free "No, 1 tell vou those days were not [ture which ia tofore the dominion.' American mavkets for all their these duys. Now, Mr Sifton's | ducts which in the past have motto seems to be, '1 am rich, and largely shut out by prohibitive duties, increased i goods, and have need of and it will substantially reduces the let well enough high American farifi on manufactured food products, and on a lmnited list of manufactured articles. "Mr. Sifton asked tast night, repeals ing parrot-ike the wrgument of the campaign publications, that as we consume dghtycfive per cent. of our natural prodiets Tin the Tome market, avhy risk our future for the sake of the remaining fifteen per cent. This argument is entirely falladious, as 1 can readily show you by the use of a simple illustration: Out in the great wheat growing west are two towns, North Portal and South Portal. The main street is the dividing line which makes two out of one, der it is the in- ternational boundary, Now I have the authority of Senator MeCumber, of North Dakota, for the statement that at the present time the farmer on the south side of the street gets ten cents a bushel more Tor his wheat than the Canadian farmer on the north side. Now suppose this reciprocity goed into effect, (as it surely will} whit will happen * Will the buyer - who wants a little more wheat for a ship: ment say to the farmer give me a small guantity of your wheat at the Canadian price, or an advance of five «comnts if you like? If he does, 1 know what the Canadian farmer will say Mis reply will be: 'No, sir,' take the whole lot at United States figures ov Jeave it: Um here for business, not for the discussion of falvy stories ot the fifteen per cent. residuum.' -- The Farmer's Fair Share. "Another argument of the same kind | which sound specious, but which will pot admit of avalysis, was advanced by Mr. Sifton at Ingersoll, when he declared that the farmer had wove than hi¥ shure of prosperily, because the prices of what he had to soll had gone wp thirty-five per cent. in recent ie people nigh. Lare i Hegislatures ut , and ex- ---- Bourassa Alliance, This Bourassa combination with Mr. Borden and Mr, Siften makes a great trinity of leaders. 1 think the one man in polities today who must have his hours of secret satisfaction is Mr, S¥ton. Af the last election he was the most bitterly assailed man in Canada at whom all the attacks oi the tories were directed. To-day these famé tories roses in his path and acclaiming him as the great- est of patriots, the new-found cham- piot,~and leader of the people. Note how thoroughly the pact between Mr. Borden and Mr. Bourassa has been carried 'out In his last manifesto My Borden to attack the navye--something he did not do in previons documents, He delivers the goods from his In return, Mr. were | Botirassa two days ago goes back on of {rocipre city, which he had formerly ap- thus abuolutely reversing this subject. the are strewing to. learn [Dates vances on goes out of his way side when these words member ' of 1roved, hineelf on "Cannda member Mr. Sifton, resign 7 For | hy great opportunity Nn St Will cian fu It in the pe oO been on conception great access Lo nx FIER EeT eee sess nothing" therefore, alone." The British Market. take up another of his ar guments, He says we have the British market. | asked the other day what we were gotug to do with our © sur plas wheat, and an Englishman promptly eried out that we should send it to Britain. New,'] am half English myselt, and | know that the appetite of an Eaglishman in good health is something to be laughed at, but even John Bull might find meals a little too bir to be through at several sittings. Try figure what the future of that western wheat conntry going to be. In 1580 the wheat crop was 32, 000,000 bushels; in 1890 it was 42,000, 000 bushels; in 90. it was 55,000,000 bushels, this year the estimated erop is 210,000,000 bushels. "Sir William Whyte was telling of the great crops of Saskatchewan in a speech on January 3rd, 1910, and on that occasion he pointed out that great as they were, they simply re presented in acreage the road allow ances of the province. What of the ivest of it? Why in tem years the pro. | oe unis : vince of Saskatchewan alone will pro , a duce more wheat than the whole of the United States. And what, then, of A GREATER Alberta, of Manitoba, of British Co lombia, of our own huftefland of Northern Ontario ? | EXPECTED. FOR THE "When wheat; oats, barley, sheep, | GOVERNMENT. and pigs continue to: multiply, how | shall we dispose of them ? Siraat Brit: | The Liberals Expect to Gain in On- ain consumes 260,000 006 bushels of | . w it wheat, of which 60,000,000 is howe | tario----t onservatives Admit That grown. Why, according to the | the Government is Safe. Ottawa, Sept. 15. --Therg will mate of Sir Wiliam Whyte, in Sensy we shal x suppl xing Yhtue contest in every riding in Canada cx mes ehough or ingland, with . eS ait . enough left over to supply the whole | CI one. 'The only exception 1 Wel fC i . land, where William German, Liberal is anada. ; : a a a have returned unopposed. In a number of our door. Wheat constituencies there will be more than 1 : T i Oo © i : "everywhere hurd while the prices of the things American crop'. Their two big crops Wo candidates, and everywhere hu yoars, * tare cor io There wi fizhting is expected. buy had only adv anced four- | 81¢ corn' an cotton ers was a a g ¥ tan he had to buy ia only - | Ihe liberals claim that the election |i | ' : time not s6 very long ago when the' . eon per cent. the same time. Of - 3 ' 4 : tal : a an the determining fac: United States exported thirty-two per will result in the return of the | drier co ne, o J Ee : cent. of its farm products, now 'only government with a greater majority tor, those figures tell nothing; lush six per cent. are roe. than in the last 'parlisment. wo want to get at is the profits w he | "We are told that we cannot com-| In Outatio the liberals expect' to take each party has made - wader ruling pete with foreign countries. Cannot ? 'forty seats, and possibly forty tires, Prices during that time, and then, and Why at this moment we are competing 'gplitting the province even he cons then only, shall we be able to tell with every one of them in the British gervative managers, on the other hand, whiathur the Jurunt has pd his id variety All we ask is what Timothy ira not willing fo allow the liberals A ns ad 18, do you think ? | Kate ol, i i oO - 1 irtv share. Jan w 3 : Kalan asked, a fair field and no fa more than thirty mats. ARs ms "Then, again, he said that the rede | "Mr. Sifton talks of trafic going that fifteen oppositiofists' iv an out: sons for reciprosity disappeared twen i, rth amd south, instead of east and side figure, and the number may He re- ty. years ago, and that it was iyest as at present. This is another jueed to ten. They do not expeet more abandoned by the liberal party in 'upecious argument wade to look as {hai six or @ght conservatives to be 1808, If it had not been, he declared. | roqsonable a¢ possible, but when it is' jected in the maritime provinces, "add he would hive resigned both as a min: examined at really close vange it dis- | ops than thirteen west of the ister and as a member of the liberal appears like snow before - SUN. Jokes : party. Lot us see how trie that state {This is sot a tari questi®u, bunt a \ fow wagers have been made here ment is. transportation question, Railways by conservatives that Laurier will not "Five yoars after the date he gives, fare run to make money, and the road have ore than thirty majority in the on Januacy 10th, 1903, to be exact, a {which gives the best service at the 7d rv. Such offers have been promipt- distinguished wral, in fact, a. mem: [lowest rates will get the business rN LE ol i ber of the cabinet, made a speech . nt [Can you name one man in business OVER 1 Club in St. Pao), fol [Who thinks of anything but service] J. Hill, "The {and cost when 'making shipments. i ox {1 ""Metea" Ointment fails to beal which should i have shocked Mr. Sifton, who for five! _. ~ Pulbwood Conspiracy. | wis, burns, scalds, boils, ulcers, or years had heen roatly to resign if anys | "Next, Mr. Nifton makes a state wsres of any ind; the druggist from one in { breathed reciprocity. {ment which really js serions. Ho de whom you bought it is authorized bv Hore is the report of the utterance, as |clares in all seriousness that the gov- {Foster Pack, Limited, Toronto, to ven 'in the St. Paul Pioneer Press of [érnment has entered into 4 cOBSPITACY hand you Mack your quarter. anvary 11th, 1003 : with the United Stated' to remove tha i an "On the subjéct of reciprocity, he [9Mbarzo agninst the Unifjed States] ypu. Crippen's Jewels Auctioned. spoke freely. He endorsed all that Nr, {on Pulbwood. To say that the gos - a * fornment is conspiring with the Uni' {ted States is sn awiul charge for auy public fan to make. What are the kn facts ? There are certain crown "0 lands from which thé agretment vides, that there can be no fre ments of ti "so : "Let . us Mr. Workingman---- A word with you, please! Besse vase (0 brass tacks on this reciprocity fio you know what it means That's all. It takes the taxes off what y Some got and great Jars in duties on food imported fr More than that, it gives you you like, where you like at the be 1 recently. The farmers haven't ge been squeezed out of you by the ¢ by the present duty to fix prices charge' vou as well as what they Reciprocity will take off all Do yon see the point? Free and' less to pay. That's what ree Pests s ssid esssnssnss MARTY LAURIER | esi ten | be a market right at) not the great | a 14 Money Back DAILY MEMORANDA. Stylish hats reat id A Kina that Campbell's sell tie Baturs Ts rtd App at ri well That's th Rn. gatic sports, 3 pom, i of Let's got awiy from the election clamor for a minn In the Municipal Theatre i Kiev, Russia. . , {hopes. fions to record it is only by most YE strenuous effort of the machine that ONTARIO FHIDAY. SEPTENBER 15. te11 PREMIER SHOT WESTERN GRITS Form and Quite Ready. Winnipeg, lof the western provinces never jc {they do to-day, and the at the nominations While there are no sacclama- justifies their this was prevented. Herron in Mae | Leod, seving the hopelessness of his BY THE PROMPT ACTION OF EM. stand, wants to retire, and his former PEROR NICHOLAS, |friends are agreeable, but the party | machine says "stick." His cause is Who Ordered the National Anthem | MPS ino. Hal. McGrath 1s yuite to be Played--Premier Stolypin'ii and Buchanan is having his own May Recover--Fomrth Attempt onlway. His Life. Kiev, Russia, Sept. Stolypin was shot in the Muni | was Emperor Nicholas' prompt action that | Premier | eipal theatre, last' night. It prevented a panic, when s { 15. Rassian Pre: | McGrath asked to be {last week of his candidature, tii Edinonton, Oliver is sweeping wv- {erything 'before him, his majority will Ibe thousands. | In Victoria, both White; liberal; and Morrison, conservative, are advo- {eating reciprocity. * Bennett is the only man who has a {ehance. In Saskatchewan, the con- {servative cause is more than hopeless. {McCraney's right hand man in Saska: jtoon is T. H. Hendricks, conservative jeandidate;, against Dr. McNeill, lib- feral, st' efeton for legislature. { Haultain $poke last week for Lake, thut he has retired to his shell. Lake is sure {0 be beaten. It will be a solid ten mest Thursday. 'In Battleford, Champagne is being opposed by Howell, who retired last week, but {fearing the effect on other seals, the {party organization induced him to go back. McManus, independent, how- leveF, retired, and is supporting Cham- {pague In Manitoba, Glen Campbell wants fo quit; he is broken hearted at the large desertion of his friends, and re- fuses to be comforted. Meighen, Sharpe, Staples, Mayer, "Bloau, have no show to win in face of {the prevailing reciprocity sentiment Bradbury, Roche and Aikins have bare relieved lchanees Stolypin ven Young ver, while witnessi ance, following the day festivities this When the thronghout city, vesterday shots resotndded esiene FREE TRADE IN FOOD. tew--down question. in Food? for vou---Free Trade on eat--saved you something that way on every meal, Last year Canadians paid over a million del. om the United States. leave to buy what you like, when 5 wt prices. You have noticed how the price of canned goods has gone np st the extra money. It has simply anners' combine, who are enabled ¢ they ( to suit themselves----what pay the farmers. the taxes on some of these goods amd reduce the taxes on all ot them, ' Trade in Food and better meals iprocity means for you. sds ev ase es aee DOCIO0 Y theatre, a mad rush, but Emperor rose in the imperial box, loud voice commanded that the tional anthem be played. The amthdued fears and the audience covered its composure 'say this Stolypm may recover Surgeons morning This ia fourth attempt on his life Sevrssrcsrsrsasssesssesecld PRESAGE OF VICTORY $ ¢ ' ' ¢ ' ¢ ¢ ¢ $ : ' ¢ ¢ creased majority. Pes ssasass Sees eNe FOR UNION OF CHURCHES, Anglican Synod Decides law a gala perform noise the | preparations 'were made for Nicholas and with a na music re that the From coast to coast comes presage of victory for Laurier and Recipro- city. The Liberals are sure of success by an in- Souris and Wimnipez are un- certain. mesons of, AGAINST PUBLIC POLICY. -o {Go to the Courts to | "Hell." I Albany, N.Y. Sept. {of the courts will be invokel + pel Secretary of State Lazansky o, [in¢orporate "Hell," A I A few davs ago Secretary Lazansky o refused to file a certificate of ineor s [poration of a company in New York leity which proposed to conduct are staurant and cafe under that name on the ground that it would "be agwinst public policy. { To-day he was served with a notice that the attorneys representing the concern have applied for a writ of {mandamus to compel him to accept | the certificate. | The matter is returnable at a spe cial term of the supreme court in this {city on September 23rd pv PAPERS STOLEN, in Incorporate 15,~The aid to com~ - . = to « -- | Magnanimous Liberal Asks Bystand- | "¢ ers to Sign Set, Hamilton, Sept. 15.--There was | great sensation at the West Hamilton { nominations, when Mr. Dichbhout's., mination papers were called for {was found that they had beenitstolen. ! Maj. McLaren, the liberal candidate, yiut once asked the fair-minded men present to come forward and sign a new set of papers. This was done. | a-------- ARRESTED IN VANCOUVER. | | In Connection With the Farmers' | Bank Charter. i Vancouver, Sept. 15.--On instruc tions from the Toronto police, Claude H. Smith, former provincial sgerélary and one of the provisional directors of the Farmers bank, was arrested here, charged along with Dr, Beattie Nes bitt and others, with conspiracy ¢ obtain by false pretences a charter for ® the Hank. Nesbitt is still unloented. BANK ROBBED OF $250,000. | Burglars Break into Bank of Mont i real in New Westminster, | New Westminster, B.C., Sept. 15. In the early hours this morning local branch of the bank of Montreal was broken into by burglars using nitroglycerine. Authentic information 000 in gold and currency is missing. |The trail of the gang was raced to the FAVRE TTVLRBTRTTORS «@ mountains and then lost. ev vim---- i OLD, LANDMARK GONE- fo to Confer | $35,000 Residence Destroyed by Fire MAKE A FINE FIGHT. rsd Nominations Show Them in Fighting Man., Sept. 15.--Liberals felt |more confident on the eve of the de- sion of 5 great political issue than showing made * {0 Ottawa and print their list locally. | abe < it EBremendous awakening of public sen to] the | is lacking but it is reported that $250, | TO ASK CHINA As to Safely of Canadian THROUGH THE CANADIAN GOV. ERNMENT. There is Great Anxiety Among Re. Iatives of the Missionaries--The Province of Chentu Seethes With Revolution. Toronto, Sept.' 15.--This morning's cables indicate that the majority of the Canadian missionaries in China are boxed up in Chentu, which city itself is under siege by a strong force of rebels and the centre of the pro- vinge is seething with revolution. Renewed anxiety has been aroused here, and has resulted in a request to the Methodist mission. headqguar- ters here on behalf of relatives of the Canadians in Chentu for immediate re- presentations to the Chinese govern: ment, through Ottawa, and London, regarding the safety of a hundred and fifty Canadiahs, of whose welfare no- thing definite has been heard for ten days. it is pointed out that at the time of the Boxer uprisifg three or four na- tions were stirred up over the rescue of missionaries in Pekin. But in the present case, practically all foreigners im Chentu are Canadians, and it 1" the Canadian government's business to make a move. The request will probably be made to Mtawa, today Sent to Suppress Rebellion. Pekin, China, Sept. 15.--An impetial edict issued to-day admits that the | in the neighborhood of {Chenta where the Canadian mission- aries are besieged, is very dangerous, and General Tsen-Chun-Ruan, (yarded us the heartless oppressor ol | rebellions, has been ovdersd to go [there immediately with reinforce {ments of troops: The British river gunboat Wiggeon is leaving Sui Fu for hiating, prasumably for the pro- {weetion of DBritish-Canadian subjects { {situation A MILLION AND A HALF WILL VOTE Interest in Issue Will Cause Un- Franchise. | Ottawa, Sept. 15.--It that fully a million and a will be cast in the general election Ta 1908 the total was 1,173,000, but {the growth of the country justifies the belief in the increase mentioned. The {qualified voters number over two mil- lion, but it is impossible to ascertain estimated half votes DEMAND TO BE MADE LAST EDITION r-- WEATHER PROBABILITIES. Toronte, tnt. Sept. 15th, 10 a.m --{ tawa Valley and Upper St. Lawr y Southerly winds; sanowery saturday, westerly winds; fair and moderatsiy warm ~ MILLINERY OPENING Tuesday, Sept. 19 The "Steacy" Millinery Is always authentic. possessing that charm of attractiveness which evéry lover of good form in. millinery admires. NO MATTER WHAT THE PRICE | The style is correct, as we in- sist on style, quality and better millinery for the money than is possible elsewhere, ARE CORDIALLY VITED To attend the g¢pening Com- petent milliners will be in at. tendane to aid you in every possible way In making 2a cholce best suited to your In dividual case Stylish Fall Coats Our display of these magnificent tailored gar ments are original and exclusive. The lines we show embodies everything that is new and fetching in style. weave and color, and the prices 'positively the lowest. OUR VERY SPECIAL LINES AT $8.50, $89.75 and $11. STEACY'S THE PEOPLE'S STORE. You IN- the exact number, as some of the pro vinoes make no returns on the subject The magnitude of the issug¢ and the |fiment against the reciprocity agree mont make it certain that a great pro- portion of indifferent people who or- |dinarily neglect to vote will this time {exercise the franchise, | The Superintendent of Elections re {ports that all arrangements are comr plate for the voting throughout Can- ade. The official proclamations of | returning officers have been received from all the constituencies, giving in 'detail the polling subdivisions. There is a great demand for extra copies lof the Election Act and voters' lists, | The Farmers' Last Chance. Vincent Eagle Canadian exchange is authority for the statement that the farmers of | Wolfe Island feel jubilant over the ifact that reciprocity will be carried len Sept. 21st. It is iheir only hope Inow and the farmer who won't vote for it deserves all the hard times thas ns Cape i {ean be showered upon him and homestead. 1 -------- | Baseball Records. |. Eastern league--Rochester 9, 10; Providence 8, Jersey Cit National league--littsbur; . cago 22; New York 13, Boston 9 Louis 65, Cincinmati 5-5. | Canadian leaguwe--Beriin 4 }: Londog 6, Brantford 2; St 4, Guelph 4. tuffalo Chi ~~ Hamilton Thomas Hp Died at Gravemhurst. Bept 14th, George C In Kingston, on to Mr. and Mrs a son, PILLAR 191 Pillar DIED. In Kingston, on Bept. 14th Jane Moore, beloved wife of M aged 86 years Funeral! will take place from her late residence, 102 Queen Street, Sun day. morning, at 10.30, service at 16. to Sand Hill Cemetery; Bunbury Friends and acquaintantes are re- spectfully requested 'to attend Goderich papers please copy MOORE 1811 Jehn IN MEMORIAM, loving memory of J McCarier, In . M who dled September 156th, 1810 M.D ROBERT J. REID, The Leading Undertaker. 'Phone 577. 280 Princess Street. JAMES REID The Old Firm of Ugdertas er 254 snd 3258 PRINCESS W y balance. Ll Phone 147 for Am ANTIQUE TABLES. putaon: "ahod Round an ables In Reasonable offers not refused. 'Phone 70 TURK'S. RIDGWAY'S HIGH. GRADE TEAS Oval alnut, urK's, With Other Bodies, London, =~ Unt,, Sept. 13.--~The gene: ral synod assembly of the Church of England of the Dominion of Canada, passed a resolution to seek wnion with other churches, was adopted after Principal Rexford, of diocesan college, {vesolation, which wax passed | mously. ¥ "The general synod places on cord its earnest desire for union, and as an end thereto ree the nan a re themselves of every opporunity Christian co-operation, which ciples, and that the clergy seek portunity to confer with their breath. the principles of church union." Bet a Hat, ane dection. X W agents styles 'are ready. George Mills ar the resolution ' og fifty years ago hy the late Josebh forty years of age. She had long debmte. | Cooler and said to have cost $35,000. Montreal gave the following | Christian -- mends the clergy and laity to avail h of formdtion of a volunteer police force does in each of the large centres of populs- not involve a. sacrifice of church prin. tion. Thiv is for the purpose of op- ren of other communions concerning | 5 A Heavyweight Battle, i { Near Colborne. | Miss Lizde Hatton died in Graven I Cobourg, Sept. 15=An" old land hurst, on Thursday She was formerly mark near Colborne village wal\pde- 'of Sydenham and the remuine, which Istroved by fire vesterday. It was the arrived in Kimpgston were weit residence known as "Kelwood," aeft |Rvdinham for burial. Deceased was Leen in Gravenhurst sanatarinm. Her brother, heb hameda {Jacob Hatton, of Chicago survives VOLUNTEER POLICE FORCE. { . pi i | King George Congratulates Taf! t me . { | British Government Contemplatex! Washington, Sept 15.-Among Pre {eident Tait's messages of ocongratals to Formation in Large Centres. London, Sept. 15 It is announced tion on his fifty-fourth birthday to that the government contemplates the day wes one from King George, ox fpresiing pleasure at the friendly lations between the two countries cop | Real Estate Transfer, oe the recent | EW. Mullin, bas sold Frank Sher Charles : ing with emergencies strike troubles. man the property owned by Walker, on John street, --- New York, Sept. 15.5 Trainloads of Herbert Cooper and Miss Sara Brick. fans have arrived here to witoess wigs, both formerly of Belleville, were the first heavywed battle married at Philips, Alta., on August years, when Carl i of 2ad. Oklshoma, will meet Fireman James) Miss Marion MacDonald Flynn. Morris is heavier, but Flynn ill, of Tharlow were Tots of experience and seiende: The * Belleville, is about eves : Georges bd at the N.X., from Anticosti. re} Mange, on Wediedday. Six barges with more then 4,700 cords of pulp' wood have srriv.d at) As Supplied to the King, 40¢, 30c, 60c and $1.00 Per Pound, In 1-2 1b and 1 Ib, tins. Appearance in Kingston. Jas. Redden & Co. ! An Automobile Fatality. | New York, Sept, 15.~Mrs. Josephine { Noble was killed and her essort, Thom- as Swaine, coniractor, was severely boart, when their automobile returning from festivities at Coney Island was wrecked in rounding a eharp eugve, ese p---- i An Election Bet. | A Hawes hat is a favorite wager they are slways $3 and leaders in siyle. George Mills Co., Kingston, First Spend Sunday in Watertown. Good going Saturday or Sunday, re |varaing Moudny, $1.80 retues. "Red Cross eongh syrop," Le