THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, Y. SEPTEMBER 15, 1911. PAGR FIVE. LIBERAL MEETING SRT REVEWSTORM ON THE LIE {Agu ATIC SPORTS A' AT THE ROYAL| MARINERS WERE GIVEN MILITARY COLLEGE ROUGH NIGHT OF 17. | Trunks Abernethy's Suit Cases Tan Shoes || Tan Shoes For Men or Women Tans are the real up-to-date Fall In Button and Blucher and Winter Shoes. $3.50. $4, $4.50 and $5 We have them in light and dark || High Top Tan Buttons for Girls, shades. sizes 11 to 2 $3.00 Child's, 8 to 10 1-2 2.50 Buttons and Bluchers. pgs $ $4, $4.50 and $5 on er This Te ABERNETHY'S 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 CONSERVATIVE RALLY] £™ Ss ©0000000000000000000000000 00000000 00S RINK Saturday Sale Bulletin 205 Yds. Real Irish Linen Towelling An extra good 10c quality, full 18 inches wide and pure white. Saturday Only 7 1-2c per yard Umbrellas. We have a particularly good Umbrella at $1.25 for either Men or Ladies' Use. Only 17 in this lot. Yours on Saturday for 97c Each All the New Shades in Fall Dress Goods New Velvets, Black Sealettes. Plain or Plaid Blanket Cloths, Fall and Winter Coats Now Ready -~ ae a. A "SIR RICHARD CARTWRIGHT A meeting wh the interests of the Liberal Party will be held in the CITY HALL on FRIDAY, SEPT. 13th at 8 pm, On Saturday Afternqon--The Game Between the Junior Athletics and Wolfe Island Will Not Take Place. The water sports, which are to take place to-morrow afternoon at the Roy- tal Military College, will be~ the subject fof much interest to the cadets and all {who are fortunate enough to witness {th em... The cadets excel in this line of sport, as well as in all other lines. {They are almost as much at home in die water as they are out of it, and F {as a result of their agility in the wa- i {ter, some very laughable events take! | place. Aquatic sports are always the = ne of a large gathering. The Barge Winnipeg is In a Very Good Position to be Raised----Crew Were Able to Save Their Belong- {ngs--Marine Notes Around the Harbor. Lake Ontario was visited by a severe storm, Thursday might, such as made all the marine men in this port sit up and take notice. It took all the skill the navigators on the diferent vessels possessed, to bring their vessels safely to port. The storm started gbout wmid- 'night, but was brewing for a comsider- able length of time before that. The rain which fell in sheets, at times, was accompanied by a violent wind, which made it difficult for small vessels: to keep on their courses. |" The steamer Wolfe Islander had a stormy . trip across Friday mornmg, and twor-attempts were made to make Swift's wharf before she was fmaily sue cessful. She anchored next t, the office instead of at the foot' of Clarence street, on account of the shelter af- forded. % The steamer City of Ottawa, which [came down from Toronto, this morn- iing, bore the bya} of the storm, all To be Addressed by Sir Richard Cartwright and Others Every Citizen is Lpvited to Attend the Meeting. R. F. ELLIOTT, President. day, but it would take about $10 to [bring the Islanders over here and the SE ----------------------------------------------D 'fans here aid not think they would be MOWAT AND LIBERALISM ~~" Hon. Geo. P. Graham Will Address the Electors of Kingston on r Game Will Not be Played. The junior game, which was arrang- ed to take place last Saturday between 1 the Athletics of this city and a Wolfe {Island team, will not take place. It was thought that perhaps the contest | would be pulled off this coming Satur- ithe way dawn. It began just as she cleared' from Toronto, but she made the trip, in safety. The boats in the harbor, were given Notes on Sports, The Inte¢provincial rugby teams will certainly have to improve on the class of rugby they have been banding out {a great shaking up. The schooner Ab- the last couple of years. bie L- Andrews, coal laden, at the Ree. Father Stanton will resume tho |Grove Inn, appeared to be in very bad coaching of the Ottawa College rugby shape, 'and arrangements were made to team. He has very promising candi-'go "per gut of harm's way, if possible. dates in five American students whe} The steamer - Buena-Visty had to played last year in United States. cancel her trip down the river, owing The N.L.U. has ordered Montreal 'oho pod weather. 2 and the Nationals to play the five and | The steambarge Jeska arrived from a half minutes left unplayed in the Oswego, coal-laden during the worst labor day game. The game will be | of the storm, this morning, but was played on Thursday afternoon and compelled to go into shelter here. spectators will be excluded. At Swift's wharf: Steamer City of Bill" Jarvis, the ex-Ridley College Ottawa' stopped om her way down this quarter, is out with Toronto Argos. morninz, and discharged freight} steam- Jarvis is a son of Aemilius Jarvis, ler Aletha was down from bay ports, {commodore of the R.C.Y.C. He sailed |, -day; steamer Toromto made the riv- {the George Cup boat Swamba to vie- '= trip to-day; steamer Lamonde was tory in 1910, 'at Kingston, {up from Gananoque and inlermediate ports to-day; steamer Britannic was up from Montreal to-day with con- siderable freight and went back agsin. It is stated that although there is eight feet of water over tlie barge Winnipeg, of the Montreal Transporta- tion company, which was sunk ngar Rapid Du Plaut, it is in fairly gcod shape to be pumped out, and raised. The accident occurred a quarter mile west of the head of Farran's Point canal. Capt. Nelson Mallotte, and his crew managed to escape with all their belongings. Capt. Mallette has been navigating the river St, Lawrence for forty seasons, and this is his first wreck. The schooner Katie Eccles, damage in the same mishap schooner Major Ferry was in across the lake, a few days ago, and is here undergoiny repairs. Her cargo of coal is for Booth & Co. The steamer Sowards arrived Oswego, with coal for Rockwood (lum, The barge Trush was towed to King- ston, from Charlotte, with coal for the Kingston & Pembroke railwav. M. T. Co's elevator:--The tug Emer- son cleared with one light barge, for Preatatt and will return with wil .jarge No. 6, for Port Dalhousie. SR HELD IN SKATING THURSDAY NIGHT & At Which Hon. Clifford Sifton Was the Chief Speaker--Iiy. Ross, W. F.. Nickle and W. R, Givens Spoke. A WAS meeting was held in the covered skating rink, Thursday night, in the interests of W."F. Nickle, the conservative candidate, at which Hon. Ulifford Sifton was the principal speak er. There was quite a large attend ance. In addition to the addresses of Hon. Mr. Sifton, speeches were made by W. R. Givens, the president of the Conservative Association, who ocecu- pied the chair, W. F. Nickle and Dr. : Ross. Mr. Givens referred to Mr. a converted liberal, and one of the strongest men in the Laurier govern ment. He referred to the fact that Mr. Mowat had given a good deal of time in his address at the nominations in the city hall, criticizing the Kingston Standard, for the stand it had taken on reciprocity. He wished to . say that the Standard stood for loyalty, and purity in government. Dr." Ross characterized himself as an "also ran" in the political arena. Hon. Clifford Sifton 'was pioneer of the west, and as regards reciprocity, he Should be in a position to know whether it would be good or bad for the country, he said. W. F. Nickle said he felt it his duty to jump into this election. He claimed that reciprocity was mere ly a bribe for the farmers in the of- fering of a few cents here and there. It was not a question of a few cents for the farmers, but this was the ques- tion : * "Is Canada to be preserved for the Canadians ?" Mr. Sifton took the ground that it was not a question of markets or prices, but a- question of Canada standing on her own feet. He claim- ed that an attempt had been made by the liberals, to drop the reciprocity question, and to make the entive issue a discussion on Bourassa. As regard reciprocity, Canada has built up a grocer in the upon the guestion of good home market, and also one in |what dried fruits will have the duty the old country. After all, foreign [gntirely removed when the reciprocity markets were of small account. The 2st, market of interest to the Canadian apples farmer was the market at home. Can A is ada was at present very prosperous, raishbs and before there was any change, it should be given consideration. Mr. Sifton claimed knew just how the ment would work out. dull times with all the factories time, and nothing should which would tend to hurt the coun try. Canada had now developed into an important country, could be re garded an important as any of the other countries, and was well able to look after her own interests. Mr. Sifton spoke for an hour and | threeqquarters, but Mr. Nickle 'was! very brief. A number of conservative | workers occupied seats on the plat form A band was present amd made things lively at times with their selections, in Monday at 8 p.m. fi ¥ IN THE Grand Opera House Every Elector is Cordially Invited to Attend Boxes Reserved for Ladies, INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Paragraphs Picked Up By Sifton as Our Reporters. Best's Short Stop, lhe. Corks, all sizes, at McLeod's Stores. hest's Short Step cures all for 15e, there was an awful sea on the harbor, on Friday morning, the water dashing right up on the railroad tracks. Bliss Magie Mixture, «dy for children teething, Best's. Slang whang the workingmen is apparently Mr. Nickle's policy. The workmen can retaliaté with thew votes and they will. Gilmour's hand cleaner, McLeod's Drug Stores. Folding aluminum drinking with each purchase of 25c. at Best's to-morrow only. children need them. 'An msult to Kingstonians," for the government to grant money to 'make Kingston & national harbor; give us more insults ! McLeod's tooth paste, in tubes, for 25e. Mrs. Cora Reid, Enterprise, who has been visiting at Murvale and Wolfe Island, and Miss Margaret Reid, Famworth, are guests of Mrs. A, G. Robbs, Concession street. Bliss Phosphate | tonie checks colds at once ond cures la grippe, ete, in a few doses 25¢., at Best's. Nature's Remedy Tablets. Drug Store. Master Wiliam Hurley, been troubled with his eves | last three months, is still | among the islands and will nét turn until October Ist. Sparklet Bulbs. Store. There was a very police court, on Friday drunks were given a chance, and other, a stranger in the eity, taxed ¥| and costs, Nyal's remedies, a full McLeod's Drug Stores. A busy housekeeper am I, And for reciprocity 1 sigh, For thet I'll be able To maintain a good Without expenses running Bliss Newsy Drug coughs of a the finest rem- 25¢., at R. F. ELLIOTT, Pres. 100000000000 00000000000000 EASY RESTS THE HEAD THAT © WEARS A KING HAT "King" BStiffs are flexible and self-conforming , just where the hat touches the head. \ Ask the man who wears one -- All She popillat Shapes, HUNTS, 53 bok t P00000000000000000d000g00¢0 suffered as the was 10e. tin. v yo Crumley Bros. oe sesesscsssssecssecesse REMOVED cups, one or over, All school from Asy- 0000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000008 C0000 000PO00000D0NO0OOOON0000000000ITO0O0000000000CRTS I -------- DUTY ENTIRELY On Quite.' a Number of Dried Articles. Inquiry from a well-known wholes Nickle With .the Trusts. side W.: F. ale ich cli si ds tod "It is well seen what Nickle is on," said a workingman, this morning. "Tis side is that the trusts, who want to grind masses. Mr. Nickle last night con sorted on the platform with one of the pork trust in Canada, a man who is partly responsible for the work: ingmen being unable to buy bacon, which is sold so high. It is a good thing that the liberal party is rid of those big trust millionaires. I hey have gone over to their proper place now, We know just where W. Nickle stands in this election, when he hobnobs with the millionaire ca pitalist. Mowat is my choice.- He is with the masses, as was his unele, the late Sir Oliver Mowat, who retained assortment. | command in Ontario because he fought {for the common people." aby . ® o ® . * . . eo * ° * * . ° * . od ® . . 2a oO the Pearsall's Millinery It Is a splendid opportunity now Millinery while every department is full. It Is true many of our LADNGS DRESS HATS have been sold since our opening, but others just as pretty have taken their places. We invite you to see them, because we know you will be well pleased and wéll paid by coming. pact is carried on Sept revenled ithe following. On dried peaches and itirely removed, radical "prunes it serous {places Canada in the same category as other favored | This will mean much to the holders of the for these used in abundance by lis of other wet fruits ete, Prouse's pears, en and which apricots the who has for the down re- and on to s 0 5 a i He h latest creation ia is removed one-third, nations that no reciprocity F'here were | . are Canadian industries; were running full | The hs be | peaches, the done, | duty is removed has been published be fore. person wree house fruits housewives Our Fall Stock Is On Our Floors We extend to our friends rons a hearty welcome to same Prouse's Drug country no f short session of morning. wo an- was such pears, Jon which IS OPENED, Pearsall's 228 Princess' Server. Rouen Sale To make room for the newly imported goods our reduction sale is still going on Come and got a snap while choice pieces remain unsold The "Tokyo" 74 Wellington Street. HUNTING. SEASON and pat- inspect Followers of the Gun May Hoam Investigate Woods Now in Search of Game And convince yourself that Camp table, bell's hats are the best. New derbies in high. !the most celebrated makes, 2 £25 hesy $3, $3.50, $4. New soft hats, $2, $2. 50. liver. | Knockabout hats from Suc, up at {Campbell Bros'., Kingston's only ex: clusive hat and fur store. of the and A wonderland best | | | 15th, marks the season all over three months is roaming dog gle pre from » September opening of the hunting Canady and: for the those chief pastime the woods with 4 and will be 'in then birds which Friday, latest BO Sarsaparilla pills, the regulator for stomach and | Large boxes, 20c., at Best's. | Report has been received the | Kingston police about a bay horse | { having been stolen, at Gananoyue, {It was thought that perhaps the thief {would come this way, and the police |g | were asked to be on the lookout. line of Brass Bedateads 00 up See out from $15 THE OLD FIRM OF ERS, JAMES REID 'Phone 147, The Leading 1 Undertaker VASELINE NO 0 GOOD FOR HAIR, } next whose gun as a UNDERTAK- companions, wry {Numerous game iyears were open lor first of the month were out of season until the middle this year. Many did not know this, although the game tule plainly say what shall be what shall be and as eral have been fined throughs ignorance of this recent lew. Every will free now shoot anvthing in feathered line until the ed, by i the "Baby Mine." editor of London Truth has the following to sav ot "Baby Mine," which Kingston sees at the Grand for the first time onl ues day next "Whoever said that men have no creative faculty in the realms of playwriting? Every week brings forth new evidence asto the new competition in which the . ladies are now entering with the mere male dramatists. "Baby Mine' is a new attack Another Case of Typhoid. a astas Alexander Potter, a pupil of I Mary's school, is again suffering from typhoid fever. This is the se . - un {cond time vor the little chap. His Discussion Waxed Warm. {friends hope to see him aroursd as People on Princess street Thursday he is a general favorite among old {afternoon heard reciprocity 'discussed Vand young, {from many standpoints by a farmer | ten tvt------ land a citizen. Affairs wazed so hot | A Regular Hurricane. {that the two began to engage in a! The wind blew a regular hurricane, lfistic encounter and passers-by had to lon Thursday night. It blew all mght interfere to prevent a row. The con- long and Friday morning the rain! : i testants were pulled into a store 10'was very heavy, The rainstorm butweeg |. oo to woman s playeraft And what | prevent a scebe. {eight and nine o'clock was the bea jis mare to, womans sede o. humor, rin) and o e_peaviest | he new comedy produced last' night 'rain in some weeks. with mirthiul opportunities for all is the effort of a lady, Margaret Mayo, Announcement is made by Commis- {1 63, Watertown and Return, SULO3|, 4 it is 2 most creditable efiort. 100. sioner and Mrs. Perry, of Regina, of | Good going Satirday 5 { the approachi marriage of thei going Say ¥ 5 am. and 3 od ge i | p.m. and Sunday 7.2 a.m. and 2 p.m.,| returning up to Monday evening. | Millinery openings at George ------------ Co's store always draw large crowds, } \ 'and yesterday was no exception, "Mod. | portations daughter, Jean Gladys, to Inspector Geor, Leshe Jennings, of the Royal North-West Mommted Police. The cere " "% GG Quorn mony will take place at the chapel of Couldn't Get 2 file : Mes. © Asseletine. Vato the Royal North-West Mounted Police | A meeting of the Board of Education rn millinery sat moderate prices" -mno turned bone after re dt barracks at Regina on Wednesday, Was called for Thursday evening, but two hats alike seems to be , big draw- ie rr an os on acesunt of the campaign wwetins, ing card. pig Cor ret. Napages a Sumy could not be gathered to do Charles Matthews, of British $3 pn Hats. Only three members of the | The Genuine Dumible, is hock in the city $o Yesterday the first shipment of the board were present. famous Knox New York hats passed | LH through customs for George Mills has just returned from a visit | friends in Cusbee, left. Friday, | spend some time in Belleville. The dramatic shot and not esult Va, r ' resul 9 wo Ie he one Dandruff Germ Thrives in It, as Well as in All Grease, well known Chicago hair specialist the Inter-Ocean reporter ia » his office and see, under " microscope, the germ that cause dandruff thrives in vaseline The speci said that all hair preparations greases simply furnish food aid help to propagats to cure dandruff and the season 1s ¢ | A invited te Buckley' s © elebrated Hats, come A printed guarantee how hat Sold only at Kingston's hat Fore, goes with Campbell Bros er ne E An Approaching 'Marriage. alist containing Pre- jor the germos m de them. The only way cloth- ¢5 destroy the germs, hair preparation that will do that Newhro's Hervicide "Destroy cause, you remove the effect." With out dandeoff no falling hair. ao bald - mess. Ask for Herpicide. It is the only destroyer of the dandruff germ. ! hy lending draggisie Me. jo etamon lor gample to pickle Co., Detroit, Mich, far bottles guaran feod, mpecinl agent, st addy & in treet, in te reductic 1 i | Great pifce ivost's, Brock clothing, gents' farnishings and Mills ing made to order. This elearing to make room for fall and winter im- anly Wn tha A Large Crowd. wale ha re } Feptember 2th, at { p.m. Repl the Mer (ne dol Jan. KB, Ms Kingston 1 -------- avhed { ad Lone ai Eelbrated Scott's and Buckley's hats | Queen's University. 'are sold at Campbell Bros'., King Extra strong Fagli-h ston's only exclusive hat and fur (bove and girls, from 5) store. 209 Princess street, 9 Mr. apd Mra. Matthias cess street, have gone to Ottawa attend the fair. for "ie # hat i Mre. Corkey, University avenme, w 5 Do vt be int Co, Hat Specialists, -------- New "Arrivals Campbell Bros'. £2 and $2.50 derbies ave just right Fhe faneral of the Mate Mrs Prin to flow, {Cane Vincent Sunday Connections, re i In men's hats, at Camphell Bros'. Musie--Orders taken Tor sheet music at Dutton's, 209 Princess striet. Hon. tieorge P. Graham, minister of William Mortison, Kingston: Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam Hudson and son, Ross, Hust Seratwag Wilbur Love a | or, Narker; Misses or ways and Address Sydenbum and uncle, Mr. Sharpe, | fining here (nla will adh a House of magne, Ot Wath all at E.! Cure that beadaehe with Prouse's H. Harper and hox. Mr. 'and Mes. Headache Powder, . 25e. ; side, spent Mrs. Isa: Missis<ipp = ro 5 Eve | » , Sept, 13.5 Rogets lost a a valuable hors mt Bom, to "Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Koen, a daugh- tor. y rs. L. Stover and Miss Genevieve Taylor, Camden East, Mrs. Hafry jake Rochester, NY: Me Mrs y at ho Kt Yr dr Boh CASTORIA {and ja I - Bears the gs erica 7.30 a.m. and 2 p.m., arin. leaves Cape Jincent 1 , » Be. return. a.m, Miss Sola Lyons, Latimer, a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Hefiron, Lanark, left on Saturday a very enjoyable visit, for her on fon at i i i { Prke, of Wolfe Island, took place | Vii morning. Nervi was ducted in the Presbhvierian church HOOD'S) The : Wolle Island Painless PILLS Ree our ape tal suit exse, ¥1.56, rick bead- Cathartic | = trunk (heap 'at Son, sod site; break vp colds and ward off fevers, ox Dut Ander baver. Prof. M. B. Baker and Prof, son, sail on Satwday, from Stemson's sve water 'and salve, Drug Stores. i Ba #, Ju Pritt xireet. p48 draggin. Bin, ©. 1. Bond On. Lowatt Xoamn, | pif. jor Damn,