a Wi SAL 0 TE To THI" 'NEW WESTMINSTER IRS. - i3ANK ROBBER ete Chinese Cod brbier Was Bound and Clone 'Saw the Robe! Engaged in Search. BC, Rept. 16.-- is sth no, Hood tie to the r o wh yesterday morning ak of Monteeal sales thie oven the SAY, in gold and cur- tend. The first k9O%n of the robbery wad when the Uhin®® caretaker, ap- peafed at the "polive yitation at 5.30 o'clock and gave the harm. He had masaged bd werk loose 370m the bonds with whi he had heen Led, after the robbers had departed. Chinaman said the the bank: by the iOn'! through the metal coating the raul blew, open the sak® by chatges ol ditro-glycerine an got - away with their booty withe'ut seen except by him. probably greaped down the' Fraser river in a launch, of oles. hy' an automobile towards Viaconver of the mountains. , The hs on boils sidés of the lime re actively engaged | in the search. Oa,' fern otic 3 West \Wiineti 1, b glans en. door, of , iiorting Sir Richard's Hemark, | The, consersylives ard tiving to dis- a statement made ob Friday venltig in the eity hall by Sir Rich: all J Cartwright, regarding the im- hi J.C question. Sir Richard = said | that' an American immigrant was worth | a tlozen foreigners, and what he meant | Lorei s was Furopeans. The En - , Irish anl Seotch immigrants ranks first. Sir Richard's remark had no reference to the British people, for be is of Irish patentage himself. Matriculation Scholarships. These additional scholarships have been awarded by Queen's University, ohh Jupior and Senior Matriculation etaminations of July. Junior Matriculation--The Stratton, tenable by candidates from Peterbor oigh County, $200-Mamie V. Me Dougall, Lakefiekl. Senior Matriculation--The temasle by candidates from the Sanit Ste. Marie High School, value, $200, Bonald James Roach, Sault Ste. Matie a = I : f i Steven, They Have No Fear, There is as gowl loyalty over at Queen's University asx anywhere in the land, and the majority of the Queen's professors are not afraid of the reci procity pact. Queen's was represente | on' the city hall platforio, on Friday #vening, by Prof. John Watson, vice principal of the university, and Rev Prof. W. Gi. Jordan, both old country- men, and "British-born." They vote for the Laurier government. Colonel Tugmire Coming. fol. Tugmire, head of} Salvation Army social work, - who is visiting ton this week in connection with penitentiary work and conducting vices at tne citadel, will lecture on Sunday, at 3 p.n., on social derelicts. Mayor Graham will preside. Stafi- Capt. Blofi an oid Kisgstou officer will assist. \ 4 [rar preg Sustern League--Bufialo, fi; Roches bows; © in- 3-2; Chicagos fer, Nations! League St: cinpati, 2. Pittsburg, - Canadian - Leagtid «St. Brantford, 3. (iuelph, 3: Berlin, 6; London, 3 Wedding Anniversary, On Thubsday evening; William Md Cammon, market clerk, and wife, cele brated the twenty-fourth anniversary of theic. wedding at their home, on Queen street. t number of friends Were jovited to spend a social time t her and that they had a most fnjdyable time. TR THottinge, 15; Hamilton, 2. | Given a Présent. Hig. methes ol the stall of the dove bank presented Fred Wilson, aiih a hasdecirie china et it oteasion «4 his retire - he hank to tike up his duties #8 boys' work secretary at the YMCA § : sitions Stow's High Grade Hats. 'As wall as Uiher leading makes | "to be hit In Kinghton obly at Camp. bell Brod', tho style centre fon hats. id Soetety f tchance am! hospital, as he ja off one of his tas by 5 horse he men's INCHYELTS OF THE DAY, Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up ed Our Heporters. "Hed Cross cough syrup," Gibson's. Potatoes were welling at thirty five | cents a peck on the market, go Satur day. oelestine," Vichy. Gibsom's. Mrs. k. Peart Birley and faniily have returoed from their summer cottage at | Sunny Kiowle. "Latarrhozone'"' son's. Dr, 3. W, Counter, of Toronto, who | was bere 10 attend the funeral of his father, returved to hiy' home Satur day. | cough syrup, Gib- | onkey's curnmels. Cibson's. | Jem-jar rings, corks, all sizes; para- | {ime wax. MeLeod's Drug Stores. Fhe market on Sad arday was very large. Fowls were pleatiiul and prices gol. Potatoes stili stand at a high hgare. +uture's Remedy | Droge Store. Just as much sense lo rent wearing apparel as rent 5 house. Come in and talk with us abaul that home. Mc A an 3 SSeidlite owilis " The ce children were sit to a home in Besserton, Out. by J. C Me Conac hie, the agent of the Children's Pablets. Prouse's *iibson's, slatine," Vieh::, at Gibson's." Pon Attwood, the former right field- er of the Victoria Teueball ffeam, has returted to the cit after. being at his +home for some wi Lures any" cough, Math Eucalyptus: Gibsox's, Saturdey?'s police court was Idrupk was dined, another was third was sent wus very ill. Mcleod's tooth paste, in tubes, lor 25e. Plants and bl. A ven on n to an 9 gown by. Frontenac school ! pupils from seed supplied by the Board of Edueativn were placed oa exhibi- tion in the ahool hall, on Priday Wade's cond ition powders, two pack- at Melead's Drug Stores, Tangher, blacksmith, King the nail torn completely Le. James J street, had was [shoeing reaching with the hind foot and eatching his foot, Sitle of cash nerve sitk-lined gloves, Buster Brown belts, from HW Princess steel cleaner, ores. Abe. 15e. tatton's, Gilmour's hand 1%. tin = 'Meleod's Drug | -- MARINE © IRCLES Arrivals and Depiartures of Vessels at This Port. The schooner Julia 18 Merrill, ed voth feldsper, clearad for lotte, Ihe steamer Adexandria ger's wharf Friday night, treal, and discharged Trejght The steamer Stormont; grain-laden, from Fort Jilin, is due to arrive at the M. Cal's elevator on Mon day, to hier, The steamer Aionve, of Oswego, is in the Kingston dry-dock, having some repairs made. The steamer Cas plan will be the mest to go in the from San- k for rn averhalling Ae tug Bariless cleared d , on Friday, with one coal barge for Kingston, ahd will also pick up a grain barge at Dalhowmsie, for King ston. Insurance Surveyor Oswego, in the city for the pur pigse of making an inspection. of the schooner Major Ferry, dasoay:d in an accident' a few days ago. M. T. Co.'s elevator The tug Em erson arrived from Montreal with oil barge No. S68, cleared ic» Port 'Dalhousie, and will return to' Kingston load Char- was at Ful- from Mon Fitagerald, of in | with two grain barges from Jot Col- borne At Swift's wharf : Ring is due m Ottawa this even- ing; steamer Lamonde wag wp from Gananosjue to-day; steamer Aletha did nol come from bay pobrts ves- terday of the storm but made steamer To ronto trip to-day; steamer LO pass up to-night; River arrive. ed from coal. Steaunter Rideau fre down on account the trip Saturday; made the river Belleville is due schooner Ford Erie with soft Your New Hat, Sir. Buy it at Campbell Bros.' will be Certain of style, (quality best value, antl vou and ah ed Jim Flyon, the Paehlo fireman, o hacked Carl Morris, the big heavy- weight of Oklahoma, at New York, for ten terific rounds. Morris' face was batterad to 5 pulp Buy "shampoos." Gibson's. FAIR TO THE "ELECTORS OF FRONTENAC NG tht the" candidates are nomin- ated for the goming contest to be set el on the ist inst, permit me to © oties Wore state my position regarding eh and make nly final appeal, ab my I is too short ; oe Y eativass, bat 1 done' nn utmost, to place blore c oe many reasons why be of it Cad faviners of Frontenad, Wd canvass, the on ers' Can Nidate. Thousands of our best farmers are with mie in this fight, and realize they must work as they never did before to overcome prejudices that beset ue, if we are to win this battle for © our rights. The farmer is oppressed by the conservative party, by milliongires and mounted middlemen More buyers will come to you, and better prices will be realized. Your markets be at your own door. The proposed agreement is uot for any term of years, but can be 'erent in rentylous hours. The agreement , it is distinctly under we do not attempt to bind ture the setion the Tiiv THE DATLY A BIG LIBERAL (Continued fro from Page 1.) Sifton say on this occasion ? He gutir- antéed to the Central Liberal executive {that out of the ten seats, the liberals {would carry eight, with good changes of taking nine, and a possibility of tem. {at it did not turn opt Mr Sifton had declared. (Laughter.} It "turned 'out eizht to two, right en joug! gh, but the figures were on the wrong side. Eight - conservatives were elected, and two liberals. Mr. Sifton {was one elected, winning in Pr andgn iby. a majority of just forty- LW OSes. "so it was shown that Mr. Sifton did not know anv more about the result than any person else. True, he was a prophet, but it turned out just the reverse to what he said. In this election it will be * just the reverse, and Sir Willrid Laurier will be returp- ed to power, with an increased ma jority." (Loud cheers.) The candidate took up of loyalty, in his closing Some people, pointed out, -were very keen on lovalty to the fing, when it did not mean doing anvibifiy for it, but merely shouting. Sir Wilham Van Horn, ex-president of the Canadian Pacific railway, afraid to increase the trade United" Sates, for fear it would the vitality of the people wi Canada, He was affaid that incréased prosper ity to the individual, would sap their lovalty, Sir William was not to be blamed for talking in this way, as prosperity had eharniged his iy. He left his home in the to take up his position P.R. He had found that sap his loyalty had become (Cheers. ) "This is the sample of who talks loyalty added er, amidst loud applause. "1 wonder he wants mh of to follow ample "There Canadians the bonds of great British empire to the south of sixty vears, the tion and trouble over trouble in had. been made without success; portunity between loval, we did reciprocity through." Mi. Mowat cheers, as he Mr. Harty speak, but ard Cartwright. The chairman manner to the aftention always given by tichard to members of de putations from Kingston, going to Ot tawa. He was ever ready to look after the wants of the ninveton peo ple, and consideped "it no trouble what ever, to go into details in regard to any matter 'on which representatives might be sent to the capital, jast Ls the question remarks. he was the sap with national states with the could as he suhiect prosperity to his country, Dritish a the man wpe his us x ! k greater do, than friendship between the republic During 15 no 4 we ' ean cement the al last frie centred rfiorts removed, ue, the direet for hail the to now to make the if Cruse been states, have there the ties countries. We igs an op strong would to pu hot be not trey Was given some rousing resumed his seat called upon gave way next to he to Sir Rich referred in a feeling oar J------ Sir Richard's Address. Sir Richard Cartwright was given a grand reception, The audience arose and loudly cheered the veteran member of the Laurier government. In opening his address, Richard said he di not care to take éredit for anything accomplished for Kingston people, Ottawa. He could celaim no credit, he was simply doing his duty. It his duty, and at the same time, pleasure to do it. (Cheers. ) Sir Richard, in continuing, referred to the fact that it was now just 125 years, since his grandfather establish ed himself in Kingston, at that time, the chief port in the province of Ou tario. The speaker regretted very much that Mr. Harty had to retire from political life, owing to ill-health and paid a warm tribute to his work in parliament, stating that there w as no man in Kingston in the last decade who had done more for the {Cheers ) At the last consus taken, the city of Kingston would have eut a lamen table figure had not Mr. Harty picked the locomotive works out of the mud, and continued building engines. Every third man in Kingston, owed his « good wages to Mr. Harty. The speaker re grottett very much that Mr. Harty would have to retire, He believed that the sessions of parliament too long, aad he beheved that they might be shorter, that members might attend to business at home as well as the business of the people. He was sorry to lose Mr. Harty, but at the same time, he congratulated the liberdl party on the choice they had made for a successor. (Loud ap plause,) Mr. Mowat was the 'man who could best promote Kingston's interests, and he was the man the people should elect. Referring to the stand taken by Mr, Sition on the question of reciprocits, the speaker said that he did not al ways express such opinions. In 1900, Mr. Sifton was one of the strongest advocates of being on friendly terms with the United Staves. He was one to put forth a propaganda to Fave American nfen come over to Canadas 10 invest money. The speaker had ng €peeches of the Conservy tives, but was at a lots to' under stand what the opposition believed would be the result of reciprocity. Ia Toronto, the claim was put forth that we would he disloval; that we were oring to sell Canada to thé United States. In Montreal, the charge was that the Laurier govern: ment was disloyal to the French, and that the government wanted to sel) in this see omnes ae 50% Soy han ail other ais. and until the last fax vias ry acd to be incur: it & local do See Sir in as was his city, were t incurable, RALLY HELD edies, and 4 con-| In 1896, we had all we could do, to ARITISH WHI, { them and thd ohildven, to Fagland: 'm be had beet accustom" As a policgan, ed to seedy many curious combing Lions. was true that politics made many stravge bedfellows. He noticed that of Borden and _ Fuseer, but this was as nothing as compari to the combmation of orden ard Bourassa. As Mr. or, he was stupid, | he was respect able, but' Mr. Foster nor the other, It Jor i to al was neither one / Bourassa Giving Orders, Mr. was said Richard, would be over him den did sutceed he would to frame Bis: policy at the dictation of Bourassa dow would Mr. Bor *den look taking orders from a man like Mr, Bourassy ? Bourassa has strength. "1 wish to say to the conservatives, hs well as the liberals, in this eamipaign, that 4 vote against Latrier: will mein a vote for Pour asta. And H Mr. Borden is elected Mr. Bourassa will be vour master afl not Mr. Dorden, Mr. Sifton has not, ag vet, spokén in his own pro- vinee, aud it is in Quebec, and Quebec alone, the opposition expect to Win out. Bat they have no more of defeating the present government than they have of clecting themselves emperor of Germin, China. (t heers). Nome of If mier,"" elocted "Mr. Dour- If Mr. Bor be obliged Borden Sie pre- Ey Or the to chicetions of the op reciproeity wer dealt Mail claimed that anpibilated, It position with. Fhe Toronto the farmers would be was also elaimed by some that should not be the people on such short notice way to bring progress to maritime provinces would be fo the markets for them, Now: it within our grasp, shouw'd nat it were of question only we re fuse We at sense nada wait told. that we werd parting the wave, In a true. MM the geople of Ca feted this offer they might long time before they an offer repeated by in Amrit sident an Nmerican con speaker could wee Lead for Kingston Sir Richard of Canada af government went \t bankrupt for Ihe government I'he markable. Aud of this extraordinary speaker like to this one witon wis I pire 9 or fi PPE great iBilities a with vecinroe the tiie the into power, thiit Yim mone, A i reviewed condition the Laurier ( vel thos mn been re vents ago was ever reputation the was progress had mcrease; in been ha 14 inerente isk Ma the m of the influx of anada, who had money aml who Siftom himself poner traced what the and the Sifto w would fhe in Ly was because ido ( disposal, Mr. this The offer was even bettcr than for in 1809, "We growth of the United of the grawtl the Siates thet here. by at ested 1 benefited had Faft the LTE States f of had terms realize \ Lireal i President mude the com parison Pri t and tain is made | We Should Look Aliead. | In the last 'ten vedrs the in the population in the States mounted to pventeen millions increase in Great Britain from tll IYI0, a period of fifty was barely sixteen millions ar Years, frity The and a half Crermian as Great Britain had in States had also grown two times more than the in twenty-five vears. ahead In a few mount of trade Canada would carrying ould be enormous had a' chance given to us" to trade! with half the continent trading some of the most intelhgent and en terprising men the face of the! earth. We spending get trade people who doing one-hundredth part business. It was a fair and simple vlan of exchange of our produets Sir Richard .then quoted records show that and the United States had increasdd with leaps and bounds. In imported $160,000,000 worth of gods; in 1910, $215,000 000; in 000,000. 1 would like to ton and these other gentleme they are going to do about it ? are they gong fo stop it? figgtires were quoted earrving ful arguments It was claimed that the ecnsunvers would ple, Sir Richard believed, heavily taxed and he was fend a hand to take some of When hus the eomservative a reduttion ? British preference, daeed by the government, had ed great assistance. When it was introduced the opposition sald it would mean blue ruin to the country, but they certainly did not know {what they were talking about The average conservative did understand the situation. the forentinl tariff last vemar brought (ER2,000,000 and at feast a tof én per cent. Was made. ri vears time the a on Ww on Were were not f with to! | ask Mr. Sif 1 what (Mher out foree- with sulier. | reciprocity The peo were ready it intro- retder- | not pre m reduction Question of Loyalty. "Then as regards the guestion of loyalty. There is true "loyalty anil false loyalty, 1 am an older atau thay the most ot you, probably one of tha oldest mn who have sat in parkin wetit, twas my good fortutie of mi fortune, "as the case may be, to be in th¥ old country, fifty vears ago. This was after the American war closed And what wus the attitade of the English people toward Capada in 15067 1 had an opportuliity of learn ing. In 1886 nothing would have pleas. | those people, better, than that Cane | ada" would ask for independinice." How. ne, all these times had coanged, antl things, alse changed. The Unit- - States wers now greater than lorly- five years ago. Sir Richard contrast od the results of the Laurier govern ment and the conservative govera: ment, | i secure 1300 settlers. Now 36,000 was a - good gus. Still, there was a mote had ; chanee the! submitted to The! the opwri was the this would have such fifteen wnada time cans A LSe Americans asked inwrense The! 1864 § The | States had grown as much in ten vears empice | We shoulil look! be We! with the | such 1909 we | How | party made ate a as am. Frery adv antag stood to city, from within f Just and the speaker was that Ki within si It could there are SATURDAY: SEMTEMBER 16, 1911. great hlundes many conservatives avorable (o recipro city ¢ of gain and shor reciprocity. more than town east wards, ne 33 miles the He af neston could be x hours ran from be made at least ni I believe an hing the output for that Toronto of Ne Ne that | who 2 ty as H : id. take? Kingston | { other | region | were | York | opinion | whi to} York, | ne or ten We w 1 W Howe Island and Wolfe Island could be | attached Sir Rie warm tribute to the candidate been said to leave well enough by ha ft tune before wr bridge closing, Paid It 3 atone, a hal He would ask the electors to leave Me. | Nickle in send Mr. was the man who eonld do the good in the domivfon parliament Howe d the house Mowat to Ottawa, at id not pass recipro would be blind to our ow: When the Panama canal the United States and stand she act needed in ponte of our harbor, When S he dress plause. Hon. fecived tas Being im parla referred | he teil for {the exeer | Macdona {ment for was ~ other fiel 1, he Leomnple te Pefore speaker peach hi, trea 1" VE wri LT Then MN mond by My person buf acco hy the cindion, { iat this n I ax we Mi motive warks nient ! time he the peop dhe p "his own SErews wi [Harts "From in the k 1901, up {ing the that tim lemplo {who {ihe period 1 {plant, w or any othe fo will has cam any iment and { vassed way Hairs wit i vesterdav, friend, M (vote for as peace tribunal wealth and render entire empire, Hon, William Harty He yelentiam Person pel hi to disenss politi w f shoulder. Home wulder to Ireland. Such « ment propossd would make the whole race, woul not forgetting Richard wi i riled 18 Niven a storm William Marty Sy was w ratulated A SHFe sie ment, (in to old das first cong for CORROT 8 in the elected 16 the viard Mion of the late Id, he had served the eity hong Had he in Fey twenty year wold, 1] ser contivining i i t referred bw referring to if Ir replied Nickle he, Wl rcing les ny res he vee! Hg yahle re werrks wl had been the repr Ie marliament, olitieal machine that off, be bi " use, but sld be aid the In I staried i day womot ive to the present three if m time, ¢ e, ane man vient of the company, beet pany, now ive been ill come upon ther platform, OCCARION, in the emplos time dur mana this on " the accuse or give newspapers of havi endeavore or | ft me 18 Vole or I at the Mowat, his oppor will him, do hall, to excuse Mr. 1 n r ent, {Lond applause.) Mr. man Ma a {the comp } millidus to! man's labor, surprised at Such a fintelligen an insult | At had the | turers' {bers of alka had Harty sa the fen "Hut," h fo persor 1 toa th off {from me, on the de they put HW WAS Te that it e made up remel it I though electors, The We them, in buldings at eleven rhieere, vost's, | {elothing, ling made to make room for fall and witter ime we the other four allow their facturers' NE asked @hout The meeting Cire. it forluet ons stated further, t to work the got fall ue and he t hear hing as he thing was an insult ce of the workman: to their manhood, riy nt Any 1 \ val was ver Mr. did the trade between Canada leitizenship as citizens of Canada. Riftog meeting, Mr also referred to his signature be ling on the memorial presented to the 1911, $269 - [dominion government, Association, the the ol by Four all manu their signatures on id he could house, not names, to had been asked if 11 names to go on "I ean tell 18 connected with ever As ¢ added, i Association the nght to put wument. (Cheers. my name that in Lo say I & nl ained men of ten mp i h vet, oml laneing t would be of jntere and which | {Cheers.) mbers' on that The Les names were 80 ue the deputation would have menthars who wore manufacturers will them the governmint showing wax brought { with o'clock, Npend Sunday in Watertown, Good gomg Saturday or Susday, ré turning Monday, $1.65 return, Pdi iid tn pikice frock Sedel, in res gents' furnishings a to order, This eles port ofiana. Another arn dew ers purchased the old building on Dug dus stovet which dntil a vear ago had bien used by V. Kouber gs a marble works. It was erected in 1540, volir pgrpots cleaned this fall Milne's dust nor dirt left in carpets by this Has by WH. process necessity Muzic--{ 4 20e., at It landmak Bla Napa nee tv oand removed. vacuum clea While' padding VOUT OWN Canoe give the other fellow a tow, should os s taken for sheet at Dution's, 20 Princess street, In no varthly wdy can ole' J ohnity rightfully come under of free spaech. Shell 'brand Bastile soap, 2 The, bars, Meleod's Drag Stoves combort By to money routo, and new service Mr. this camps @ With reference wd ante wing this, n of Kingston, Nickle answer my ve expected to 3 fhe that sim pid | he | i most | as Nits Prog fniched, wel ress won! 1 rule woul] was | agree | the | 3 rease the Kingston for 1 ner to ad ap his peaks, arneh Mowat, his on ty when city coun perhaps Yoha A parfia any | in the f, hive | bres, 1h elogment wi 3 pleasing, rey Reforn from the nial 11 } 1 rep im he t an oh i | | the Pres | Fanuary Iie af win if one | of the the platform, oF ment iny or state ng I, in wblic s | ask me, Ni can any | af said, Tw arid] kl kle | hat when works for yim the te it Wis and their ) Niekle Manufuc her mem factfirers, it. My for whet her ey wottkd the list, vou that Mann rece md be y name | Ab whey document forsed ait rial was neve #t part si Lo the to he attached the a lowe winal 4 at Pre wily mine nd loth ring sale is bing ke Mow or "a ner. No the marie make he | getting salve. ls DE Misses Hannay & Ramsa i Announce Their flinery Opening On Thursday, Sept. 19th. LAST PARISI AND NEW YORK . STYLES 119 We i Street. 00004000004 0000000000000 ave The cost of using Shirrifl's True Vanilla js trifling. But the difference in flavor is immense. Shirrifi's is real Vanilla. It is made from the finest Mexican Vanilla Beans, Vanilla extracts are cheap imitations. Isn't it worth one cent a cake to use delicious real Vanilla? winreas most IS COMING had big Wie on | THE BOOM HE and con ts slump, botm is predict Goldfield mi to it, i pine wrebing 'or men the 1 optember by them reached, tl rices EXTENSION DOME OLEY. DON EAST HOLLINGER--REA MINES SWASTIKA VIPOND----PRESTON O'BRIEN--PEARL LAKE other ioned stocks begin to kind flocks 1 Whe idly than ahovi will sl up ties ately in incr Our a« at market OUR SPECIAL KEEP YOU POSTED ON TRICTS. , SEXT FREE UPON REQUEST, WE WILL BE GLAD TO EXECUTE OR SALE OF ACTIVE, LISTED MINING STOCKS. EITHER FOR CASH TOR ON MARGIN O) 1-3 PER CENT... AND WILL ACCEPT CERTI. FICATES WHEN PROPERLY ENDORSED, AS (OLLATERAL MARGIN AGAINST PURCHASERS, Chas. A. Stoneham & Co. COMMISSION STOCK BROKERS, e ros £0 securi. immedi ge any of they men A T WILL DIS. MARKET AND CANADIAN WEEKLY ri THE roRcrrPiNg oo. i ORDERS FOR THE MURCHASE FELEPHONE MAIN Piivate Wire to our a a 23 MELINDA STREET. TORONTS, Piveet Main Office, 54.56 Broad St, New York. 'Killed by Whiskey' But the Doctor, Through Respect His Family, Said it Was "Heart Disease." THE GATLIN The Treatment That Doesn't Hurt You. niry would for ONLY ONE of deaths directly traceable th lars in each case, and at tly OR DRY" proposition be sub- EVER AGAIN would there be a F THE NE Ww WAPRRS af 18 I MONTH repoff the actual Hgnor drinking, giving full ond of THAT month shenld the mitted '1o a of ihe ®hal drop of Hgquor lawfully sold Every MHauor drink@r escoses ing the victim of a DERASING POIS MODERATE DRINKER that he wi Moderate drinking, steady dria same. and has the same EXD. Als polson yourself with it just as effe Come (0 the Gatlin Institute TO-DAY that you have EVER MADE 1g vour Hie treatment will remove every race of al tem. At the end of the THIRD DAY will go home with no craving or desire for any kind of alcondlic Hguor Yous NERVES w be steady and strong---your. appetite better than in years the vital orgads of your body working properly, without stimulus of aicolinl if you eannot come to the fpsiitute for three days 4 Ha Home Treatment. { Call or write for books of pa® sdlars, copies of contract information. Local: and Jong-distapce weiephone North 4538, Suet, TORONTO. er rit vile we in { for being a SLAVE--for be by declaring that he is bul a ver drank fm his Jife periodic drinking - it's all the 1 cumulative poisen You can SLOWLY AS QUICKLY. will be the BEST MOVE THREE DAYS the Gatlin polsey from: your sys ' iy H if ii 'n otiolle Hl i the tt send for the Gat and other