AT IS PROPOSED TO Between the Governments of Canada and the United States. north and south, and strafige to =ay at the time, they uswure the farmers, particularly in the west, that the arrangement will not help them in any way, as the United Niates does not- want 10 buy their products. The great mass of the ple of Canada have withia their reach something that every great Canadian, during the past forty vears, when he has had responsibility of on his shoulders, has endeavored secure for the people It might he noted that the conservative has if the United States had wanted bet ter trade relations with Canada it should reduce its tariff to an equality with the Canadian tariff. Iu this ar rangement the United States has done this very thing, and in jastan- ces the reductions in the United States tariff are very much greater than the teductions in the Canadian tariff, It provides for a free interchange of natural products, and a reduced reci proeal tariff on a named list of other articles, It is not a treaty but that can be determined nt by either party Now is the opportunity. All will be benefited, The producer and consumer, the farmer and the artisan, the fish erman and the sailor, the manufactur: ef, the railwavs the steamboat lines, shipbuilding and other associate y industries. Kingston eannot afford to miss the chance. Vote for Mowat. halved of thousands of dollars are being expended by certaia monied lterests under the pretence of dee Hemding the Canadisn nationality, while as n matter of fact expert writ ops are dre getting this cash for the jarpose of diverting the minds ol the public from the resl issue. The pact proposed is very aid can have no Possible | effect except te give the Canadian producer an other market for his goods, erpate for the workinginst a . wd for his labor. The arrangement is mevely a I to let down the tariff bars tle so as to give the omdinary peo: ie, on both sides of the hoe, a chance to participnte more fully in the profits heir own toil. Certain interests in Canada find it profitable to make large vestments in the United States, ta fear that # the farmer sells more of his products to the United States than he is doing at present, and at a er price, his Joyalty to the Brit- ig mpire will be weakened. They would el one believe that, if under this arvgngement, a farmer got two Mlisired dollars for a horse, for which he now can get but one hundred and sdventy, on account of the United Stites dity, it would somehow weak: is patriotism, at is all right for them is all weang for the farmer. They tell the rallway companies they will be injur- ed an the traffic now going east and weal will, under this new arrange- AFORMER TORY WRITES TELLS WHY HE RECIPROCITY. ment, g ne peo sitnple, government to 1 and to greater for said vears pro press that n who mn most seen an agreement any time and hence to meet the wishes of the masses, and as ho knows there is trou ble ahead for that country if the masses 18 not granted. that prospérous, SO prosperous, now trymg de mand of the We find und know United States -------- {when we not He Advises the People to Vote for when we were seeking reciprocity on a the Pact and Not Make the Mis. | market to sell our goods, they would take the United States Did. jot accept We find {tions have changed to-day, that Kingston, Sept. 15.-(To the Edi [United States, although prosperous, tor): 1 have vead and studied the sit: have allowed these combines or trusts uation us it now appears between us to get hold of and control the as Canadian and the United States. [try and make their millions at What is thy éondition in the United [expense of the masses and the masses Ststes to-day and what has been the are demanding the president poliey of the United States ? It is. a rectify the mistake of not having their protection to colmtry, and so is Can [market open in natural produce adn, This protection has fostered com- | Are we going to make the same mis binws and these combines have ad- [take as the United States has vamend the cost of living, to such zn [Are we going to keep extent that the masses are crying oni [closed in natural produets ? ly in opposition to the gaid com-| Natural products are the gift of the angdinte demanding, to he rid almighty to mankind, through the "We also find a great many com: [soil, which must have to live on under the name of mergers being jAre going to accept the formed ine ®anads. which the United States has given us, We also "Ao "that Presiden ult is and use it for our advantage, of, are Mi " AOUW . . . we going to go on and make the same mistake it made and is now trying to rectify ? A Joint meeting of Limestone and] This reciprocity agreement can be ston 'Lodges, to meet Superin-* argued pro and don as to present con ent of organization work and} ditions, but we must look at it in an nd Organizer Chapin, and Jor the tion of Candidates, will be held in 'their Lodge Rooms on other light, We have a country, Tuesday, Sept. 19th which is capable of supply in a vast amount of natural produce. We are AT 8 PM. PILLAR. J. E. AND FAVORS the and and when was were our goods, condi the coun Lh HOW to made? our markets we we lesson now spending $125,000 a year looking for markets. We have to the south of us 91,000,000 of people of the same ancestry as ourselves coming to us and saying, We made a mistake and want to buy vour produce and out of that 91 000,000 (of people over 5,000,000 were born in Canada, Are we going to still hold spite and not sell to these cousins, as I will call N them, or are we going to forgive them " for the injustice they tried to do to * Business ss for Sale us and which worked out worse for themselves, President Taft says we are wr "A THE parting of the ways. 1 say, as per Invoice Turgs, Reorders. Ww. at the yes, in is time we take the lesson which thi United States has made for us to part from the way which has led the United States into the conditions in which it is to-day, by having protec tion in natural produce. let us open our markets in natural produce to any country who will do the same ous, and in this way make the fields of produce too large for com bines to get control at the expense of the masses. -- JOHNNY CANUCK. AT SO stock list received by the under. 20th September in- Stock of Groceries, Wines TENDERS dollar of the be to prices will signed up the stant for the Liquors and the Book Debts of the late J 8 The 4% an 61 tari, with Business, Henderson, Kingston, Ontario Nos On - Business Premises, being Broek Street, Kingston, good will of and the the the said Items From Sept. 15.-Frost did of damage Wednesday night. Mrs. J) Redmond is visiting her sister in Ro chester, N.Y Howard and Glen Smith have returned home to Latimer, compamal. by their aunt, Mrs, fiuess is visiting in the city. brose Orser has been laid up for a McINTYRE & MoINTYRE, week with muscular rheumatism. Ross Solicitors for the Vendor, | Wartman and sister, Helen, and Miss C304 King Street, Kingston, Ontario, | Mande Ferguson are attending high i#hool. Otto Hanson and bride at her father's, A. Orser's: Miss Red mond, Harrewsmith: - Miss BH, Alma Johnston has feturhed - to Boston Mr. Blakey and 'wife, at Mynel Ur- ser's; Wesler H. Simkins, Syracuse, a1 Hiram Waciman's; Mrs, W. Horning is attending the Fair at Syracuse, Ny Manned Orser and Newton Orser at jlended the Toronto exhibition, -- Liguor License, will Kepler. he offered for Sale by Auction at the Booms of William Murray, 18 Market Street, Kingston, oi the 19th Septem bet Further information wl on enquiry of the undersigned. Kepler, a lot instant, at 12 o'clock noon : ac i Am may be obtain. A : a Tp a DIAMON SRW ELRY AND - Gemljat wings, corks, all sizes; para- ¥ SILVER. nied 3 r 'days in the count! PF ING - GIFT serving sixty ay > WEDD ag an seroplave. itncreD FROM OUR 8 to fly out of jail when his time is w MEANS Great reductions in vost's, Brock street, THE BXPEN. 06 OR $500, IT ASSOCIATED 8 srouws REPUTA- Y IS OF 60 ages THE BAILY BRITISH WHIG., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, . 1911. HAmusements, { GRAND JOPERAL MOUSE) Tuesday, Sept. 19 William A. Brady (Lid) Presecuts The luternntioun! Comedy Sgecess, WEAR a a By Margaret Maye, in Its Second lear in london. Seals now on Sale, 25 $1, $1.50. Now x . Funniest | 3 ot Piny Ever | Written. Thursday, Sept. 21 The Senvon's Merriest Musical Comedy, THE BEAUTY SPOT Stella Thomas and Others. | A - ! 8 Election Returns by Special Wire Aa- nounced Before, Between Acts nme A. E. HILL After Performance. Liberal Candidate in Frank Deshon, Brandon, % | BABY MINE =| CAALALLLL0P05400000000808 000880800 080000000000000000000000/¢ a CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion ie a word, Each con- Secutive iasertion thereafter balf tent a word, Minimum charge for "se Insertion 25¢; three insertions, Bue; six, $1; one month, $2. LOST, BLACK PLRESE, CONTAINNG wi sMALL HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. HELP--WaNTED. APPLY Street A COOK, ing MISS HORA, 10 20 SALESPEOPLE--30. APPLY, AY once, Crumley Hros A GoobD Ryan, APPLY House COOK, MRS, 0 Rockwood » A NURSE odist GIRL. APrLy MET Parsonag 10 ( ¥ oy verR Barrie A HELP Cappo Streets MAID. HOME MARKET a, WILL BE HELPED Production. A Reply to the Statement That Recl- procity Would Werk Injury to Mote! Dieu rows ein" TO-MORROW A curlous attempt to magnify the| - Py a home market in Canada and thereby | Supper from 5°60 8 pom. in bhurllding. Tickets, 2 give & fallacious underestimate of the importance of outside markets is still Ice cream served in Palm Room; also euchre. current in the obstructionist press. A ------ restrictionist speaker has reduced the bome-market deception to figures by ASSAULT MARE ON TORY SUM PORTER OF AGREEMENT, Se declaring that only 15 per cent. of our farm products is exported, the home market absorbing 86 per cent, at local prices TT is an exaggeration as well as a false inference, for of the total agricultural production of $582, 691,000 about $144,360262 worth, or| about 24 per cent, was exported in| 1910, If the obstructionists were in-| Four Orangemen Attacked a Fellow clined to be right'in their totals they Who Came Out for Regiproeity would still making an egregious Apology error in saying 'that 76 per cent. was . sold tn the home market. The esti-| Sept. 16K 4, Walters mate of output is the total product of and Andrew Mcliregor appeared before every field, and the record of popula! Police Magistrate kaukin to apswer tion and general standards of living {complaint charging them with an show that more 18 consumed on Cana | sult upon Charles Anderson on dian farms than is sold in the villages, evening of September Igh towns and' eille The farmer is his, hears that conclusion of a own greatest warket, and that market public meeting at in whe in Is not helped. but hurt, by the OD8IFC |{eyests of Dr. Vrooman, the liberal tion of commerce. It is a safe esth-!. Lg to when Mr. Auderson was go mate that not more than thirty per Kom hall to get his horse, cent. of the output of Canadian farms u stable 5 few dis is sold In the home market. The price tat; he upon and roughly of this to middlemen at least is regu, audied by men from Tam: lated by the 24 per cent. sold abroad! ™ y x against the world's competition or in |Worts. i entangling tariff obstructions. This Me, Anderson's announced shows the hollowness of the pretence that he defendants had that the burden of protection imposed voluntarily his offico, and had on the farmer has given him a com: [Pressed their deep regret Yar pensatory home market for the bulk [towdyism, and offered to make of hi butput. The home market will amends us in their power. My not be injured, but improved, by the {Avderson with a generosity most com relief to be accorded In the pending |mendablo the circumstances changes. The channels of trade will Jed that he did not wish to appear not he materially changed, but the |vindictive, nor to carry the proceed broader possibilities opened will make further than was necessary to it much more difficult for combina- the ends of justice amd teach oth tions to come between the farmer and Jers who might be similarly inclined his customers to levy on both Al- {that in this country freedom of speech though the percentage of Canada's|was the privilege of every citizen. The agricultural output sold in the United informations accordingly with States is incomparably larger than drawn, upon payment by the defend represented by the restrictionists, it| ty of all costs and expenses incurred is not so much the sales as the possi-fy,. (he complainant, who declined to bility of making them that will relieve accept any and upon their the farmer from the onerous exactions | i ino the following which of middlemen. The relief to be af-| given Wo both tor publication is he Accepted Napanee, i us Tuesday, alter the Croydon, thy the which was in ronds sent young was four counsel two come to oN then such lay unaer , Stat. Ings any meet were witness fees, wpology, local papers forded will allow an increase of Can. adian sales ip the United States and American sales in Canada, but its| |, chief influence will be in ridding the | Ye hegehy apologize to. Br. Chas, tarmer of obstructions that have les.| Anderson for the unprovoked. assault sened his returns while increasing tig committed upou him by us om the cost of goods to the consumer. While {Yin of September 5th, at the vil 44 per cent, not of the farmers proag ye of Croydon. duction, but of his sales, must find out- "(Sgd.) side markets, his interests will be bes "inge.) served by removing obstructions. | The Globe. { I Napanee, Sept. 15, 1971. Andrew MeGYegor, R. J. Walters, "Witness, "(Sgd.) W. S, Herrington." His in allowing formation to be withdrawi, congratu- us. FIRMS GETTING READ {lated Mr. Anderson upon the liberal [spirit shown by. him = towads. the Already United States firms areivoung men, and stated that if the se making preparations to.handle the in. sault had been committed during the rushk of Canadian barley. H. Ww, [Progress of a esting. . he would hase upon . ¥ r Rickel & Co., Detroit, Mich, are send-'; - Rts of fond A Was t 2 ing out letters to obtain the names of 'sacred a thing be Arifled with grain dealers in Outario who will be Informations have been fadd against equipped to handle barley of malting! thers 'who took part in the assault quality, in car lots for shipment to| M, Anderson is prominent. fatumes Detroit, in the event that the proposed! reciprocity agreement is accepted by identified with the Canadian Government. The letter , having for says: "In case ot favorable action by | Sie as reeve of 'his native township the voters 4] ine Jom ns a ani. the representative of that party. He ada, we would be prepared to take Of wus one of the delegates of the Napa malting bariey in car lots up to 300.000 Choskte Board h v : il or more." The Canadian' farmer ig ap oant. wh: stcompaniet holdin What barley he has; and ph [Fhe farmers' deputation to Ottawa last | o & ' ' pre December, when the government paring far a larger acreage next FRAT tfitioned "to ase ts Trost in natural to obtain reciprocity jducts with the United States. {sincere in his belief that it was to the jest interests of the farmers and jdairymen to obtain "such agree ment, he, true to the then "expressed, refused to answer the party call. when the matter wav made jo political issue, and he has been ren (dering yebman service to the Iberal [candidate in this riding by addressing numerous meetings in He belalf Mr. Anderson is a tory Orsugeman, 'as are aldo his assailants, worship, the in- "insisted to the several conservative par vears been was endeavors pro- B being an Egy préserver, large ting, 13, Leod's Drug Stores. x The latest burglar-proof «aff, 'called' stant motion when not in use, It 1a built into w) Wall aad momited upon ball bearings. in the dapr is Tock 'ed 4 stall motor is set in molion, 'and the sale starts revelvimg upon its lai, Auy tampering with its motion ouuses an alarm bell to ring. It is built to baffle the mowt expert. hue glars, such as work with a blow Pipe, consuming oxygen and Stteylifie Mrs. Stenson's eye water and t Mcleod's Drug Stares. "la putting bis. tot apd jmaty a man bas made a fool of Wade's condition as two pack ROBERT PATTERSON | Liberal Candidate in Portage ty Pra of the township who has always been | priticiples he | Me | the carrotsel oF FURABOUL. My Motul MAID FOR By GIRL FOR GENERAL Appiy to Wm Kart and Alfred INERAL HOLSEWORM 1 C. Locket! Street HOLSEWORK Arniel, cerne Streets BOY TO DRIV E GROCERY WAGHON, Apply © Wm, J Arnel _Earn and Alfred Streets corner IMMEDIATELY, 4 periened pre giver Apply HOULSEMAID: ferred; g 174 Ba St EX. Wages AT ONCE, TWO salesladies for dry others need apph EXPERIENCED goods store; ne 180 Prin ess St Goon GE washing at h Barrie ------------------------ VTOLTH oF vears examina i Whoiesa tt ets EIGHT BRICKLAY me SIX TER N i & CO S MANTED, he 1 3 Bri BOYS T ow ans sMmanr ing i dy wo $l ' West Ix | GOOD ™o GIRLS FOR WINDING ROOw, BOYS, AT ONCE, YOR artment, to work Mon sday forenvons and ernoons Apply to -------- i ------ TWO STRONG Baturds Whig Busi ss office AN INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly c orrespanding for newspapers. No canvassing. Bend for particulars, Press Syn cate, 2.969 Lockport, N.Y. WE REQUIRE THE SERVICES OF two or three first class salesmen ne others need & rig) man assured ix Apply, Kingston to the Hutton TEN SMARY paper hox hours, 7.190 nogns off ' Paper Box Gane pi maki To LEARN A LINE FOR EVERY ROME; WRITE us for st of supplies agency day: no BCL Co. tawa CAPABLE OL D « ou NTRY tics, carefully Sth and now, The . Montreal, or 38 Pembroke ronto, DOMES. arriving Ap- Drummond 14 Grenville Street, To- CLERKS T0 SELL ARTICLES MUCH needed in every home, eclally by working men; good salary; per- manent position; if you are work- ing for small salary behind the counter, write to-day: you can double your wages and be your own boss. Apply, Box "E B. C." Whig on, REPRESENTATIVE ouce for work will rarantee unity Ww ANTE D, AT in Ly $2 "$2 00 per ady ance rapid. vr a are 00° to | practies i ments ! further informa i Mother RBaperior TEACHERS WANTEI. [AUALIFIED TEAM ! Rection No Cupnty of A » n SCHON, Frontenac ommence Oct r i 8 Salary yalificat ens 5 : Treas. Par? TENS PF SHITH, ARCHITECT, ETO. 158 King Street. 'Phoas 346 ARTHUR ELL naRCRITRUL, w Rim hs DN . < ~ Building, corner © Wellington Streets POWER & chan Tickets will ve Issued Kingston 1 o Charlotte and return at » Good going Sept. 21st, good to re 'turn until Sept. 23rd; also good go- ing Sept. 28th, good to return until ie, at Meleod's Drug, Stores, Tht inie weather friend never holds . 30th. For further particulars. apply to » ly u Ticket Agent. | ESTABLISHED 1880 opposite G 2A. from CPR, on si reet bar supplied with best and liquors: charges pecial rates by the week. ousineau, Prop. BRUNSWICK HOTEL, ONTARIO ST. station, one block Car moderate, Joho THE GRIMASON HOTEL. Princess Street the best of Liquors, and 0! Meals, the week. accommodation. Ales, Beers, choicest BUSINESS CHANCES. ANYONE, ANYWHERE, €©AN a mall order business at he Ba ror Bana for rae Heacock, Fol Sia Saeko TN own 842-34 Bar stooked with Tensnnable Mulville & Driscoll STARRY me. Ne boss is bow Y FINANCE AND INSURANCE, FOR INSU RANCH aaa to W. God Eras Bank, Brock bi a tain GENERAL INSU Accident and ed; first-class rates. 1% Wellington Eteet. BATEMAN & Life, A AL Ta toms Broker Rea! Money to Leap busi igh Street a J ed Kings AN RES 6¢ '* Insuranc: Crow L OF Tpohne 424 y 5 Son ome LIF ealth Policies issu mpanies; standare Buon, Agent. 18 GARDENER 3 Ta and K. CARROLL, Street re Healt Emp Bat Calga FRONTENAC LOAN" AND ment Seciety; established president, Sir Richard Cart money Issued on city roperties, municipal ebentures; mortgages deposits received and lowed 8 C McGill and pur AND Company LIVERPOOL, LONDON, Fire Insurance assctn, $61, 1 which the pol security the unimited all the stockholders Insured elty property possibile rates. Before or giving pew business from Strange & Sirange "Phone 125 vholders ba and interest Managin Director, 47 Clarence Btreet. © INV ET 186 wright fare county chased al "Lom Avaliabi In addition t . lHablitty PAGE THRER, FOR SALR. Soup PAR LAVANG STRAEN BAB Ww « re 3 ALso HANY ONE Disc ply to D SEC OND-FAND " yk or ARMTRRN od condiilo Clarence Ste wWaLNi vr NE NEW TR N- ROONED Sonn FLAGS, TENTS, fishing feR, lun COALS, ever i bags, #ilk tents star bgt Suppli Cooke, 26% Ontario st or 23 AWN CANOES, s 8 English canvas, ki hoods r Frank Ww 'Phone 891 COMMOBIOLS HOUSE, CENTRALIA TO LET, run FLRAISHED Hol sy Winton, ROoOus AND BOARD, WITH AL NEW EIGHT-HOOM HOLSE, BA SYTORAG dry, alry proof Frost's City "Phone §26b MM FURNITURE rooms. absolu own Jock and slorage, 299 Queer CLEAN, moth Key Bt your STORE, CORNER PRINCESS AND \ FOR SALE OR TO RENT, ra Went RUN. FENTARLISHED ki +8 FURNTIURE F PINE ANTIQUE FURNITURE A Src ehonising and gilding and all colors 0" mission w work given hest attention Driscoll, 3% John Bireel, HH ER 1ALTY enamattiog » ork at 'Fhone DENTAL. SPARKS, SPARKS AND 23 Trine chs Blreet, 1 3 "Phone Ki H. SIMPSON, n.n s. D. int. 368 Princess Breet 's. DENTISTS, ngston DENT. "Telephone EL -------- AP TTA BOARD AND ROOMS, BRIGHT, Any ROOMS, wWirp on \ ' i 1 no} Re $ 'n Ave MEDIOAL. MacOCnilom, PHYSICIAN SPARKS, nd Burg BA, WM D, ¥ PHYSICIAN m, 100 Wellington Bt, ra, 19 tH 12 an ito 4 and 7 ro 8 um 'Whone 146 Pe DR. ©. CO, N 'Phone 7 AYKROYD, DDS, minion . ! . Wellington L.D.S, "Express Bireet S. A. i ASH, DENTIST; DR, CO. Welcker assistant, 183 Princess Bt PENT. Mice "Phone WANTED--GENERAL. ¥ oR PL Pils PRIVATE QL EENV'S PROVE son broom t * De 'HUE REPAIRING scription first leather oply suffice N Br ott"s; 206 Clergy West. class pssd; ane ing your Barrie Bireet, SMA FURNISHED HOLS FIRNITILRE AND T™ ny kind: paid ids HD PEL GENTLEMEN TO BRING and Boies k Bt. - OSTEOPATHY. here y Osi fon Appoint me -- wy ERY work, trial repairs Vibr Mines. rion MUSIC, SHALL, PROFESSOR oh FLORENCE LOSES Tonos O v M | MADAM AION COCHRAN Lam SIRES bes to cor on ! ALL 139 "He Jib Arm 4 PRI "e) neil, © | al Wor Phoa ne. ! | will SHIP AGENCY. Ald, CLARS. OCEAN NTEA CRANSATLANTIC LINES -. ( 8B Kirkpatrick, A Clarence Btreet, Kingwt a 6s of | PERSONALS. BIRTHMAMMAS, MOLES, THEIR Cloth and have it made up into up to-date suits. Price and workman guaranteed Lo pleases Pressing | a Thing done on the shortes! | Thomas Galioway, next Buby Livery LEGAL. ° | [{OURNINGHAM & MUDIE, BARRINT- { ers and Bolicitors. Law Office, 78 Cisren a Bt Kingman ~ UPHROLSTERER, CPROLATERING, RE- carpet work, heir mat 5 Drgp » card or (ree! WwW, J. GAVIN ' pairing an § renovatin i call 218 Bagot Hard Bright Coal Direct from the best Scranton Throughly screened. Sold At Strictly One Price Y