FAON FOUR. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1911. A-------- Brrrssrrrasesrrevesesseld DONINON ELEGTIONS { SEPT. 2051, 190 Liberal Committee Roonmis, Nos. 169 to 171 Princess St, (Skinner Building) open every day ¢ and evening, All infor mation regarding Voters' Lists and ete, cheerfully supplied. Call and consult the Secretary. Brrtersintassnsansaasd| YOU NEEDN'T DESPAIR at Here's an Offer That Should Interest Sufferers of Skin Irritation, First of all we want to explain that the remedy to tell of carries our promise money for the mere asking to thoroughly pleased with its use. That should unguestionably establish the sincere faith we have mn it. | Parasites or gernis rem, | and eczema is probably valent of all skin overcomg them, the necessity destroy or site germ before vou back | not | ibout of anyone we are cause of the most pre | wilments Fol musd of | the para an ob cause remedy remove relief or be feustodian, of it, and the genuinegess o account | becoming | empire." THE WHIG, SEVENTY-EIGHTH YEAR DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published at 306-310 King Street. Kings- {tom. Ontario, at $6 per year. Editions at 2.30 and 4 o'clock p.m. WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 16 pages, published in parts on Mon- day and Thursday morning at $1 a year. To United States. charge for postage had to be added, making pice of Daily $3 and of Weekly $1.50 per year. Attached is one of the best Job Printing Offices in Canada; rapid, stylish, and cheap work; nine improved presses THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING CO. LIMITED J. G. Elliott, President. Leman A. Guild, Sec.-Treas. TORONTO OFFICE. Suite 19 and 20 Queen' City Chambers, 32 Church Street, E. 8mallpiece, J.P., representailve. BEWARE THE PIRATE CREW. Toronto, H. "hy trimmea ou the He however, \ man's loyalty is like his religion, of his own, has is now . Is Laurier, and he must should the must do sucrad unto himself, and he is the [navy question, and ; playing to the gallery upon it, aming to wreck tolerated. But be defeated is betokened by what he does, not Moreov & a character indwated pany he keep' For nsga aod Borden are They afiect Borden : says be govern- what ne man's {ment Borden as i by Saye, by the com- {Bourassa dictates, or vo. That is the Bour 8 Government by Laurier, | with that has developed Canada and must united and mstance, ultimatum, partners in this launder safe conditions, a policy election. to despise each other. he has yo use continue to do so, with a for Bourassa, but he is fighting" 3 and js. worthy. of support on thal ilees, dangerous Borded is {who have gone Has made [against it pirate crew purgated party purged of all the reck- and disloval chamctorg <go the combination by ns big a i the craft {her Houenasy He Js n "hunger Says Ino good, or. government ia mess of the business us ever attacked He is reciprocity a wobbler, and has no mind 'of state. 11910, published by the WHAT ARE THE FACTS? FARMER'S SUN HAS SOMETHING TO SAY TO MR. SIFTON, . His Figures Are Not Correct--All Mixed Up on the Exports--The Goods Consumed in the Home Market. Farmers Sun. Torouje Mr. Sifton having come and gone, reciprocity still lives, For skill and in gemuily in special pleading, his speech es are worthy of careful reading, though he does not scruple to misstate the facts in manner which would muke the must practised pleader blush. We yuote this example : "And this advantage (that is the advantage of trading with the United States} would apply to not more than fifteen per cent, of our produce, the remaining eighty-five per cent. being sold in our home market at prices fixed by the lodal condition in that market." Verbatim re- port, Torouto World, Aug. 23rd. The following = are the facts, Aec- cording to the Caoada Year Book, Dominion gov- exports by Canada in 1910 of agricul the total countries ernment, 0 all 0000000000000 0000000° DUPLIS FAVORS, ---- Prof. N. F. Dupuis, who calls himself an independent in poli tics, is another of the leading men of Queen's university who are in favor of reciprocity. He writes PROF. A SAMPLE OF BOURASSAISM. "They are to make war on peaceful "0 fine thing to shed one' going blood whose antoral] ! people the but it is un of for one's country, poor, to enlist as the hireling wealth has become envy of some great Jewish financiers." "They for their blood | sol the are foreed to give fifty the Laurier law be our of which will "Under diers will only hirelings those financiers at cents a English to wage day "They dian families, send of own admiralty, sons of food Cana it law force them in them war on the shores are the Africa and Asia, according to its and is Laurier and humor, at fifty cents a dav." his valets who by "I believe that absolutely free trade and freedom of exchange amongst all civilized nations would go very far in bringing in a condition of universal peace and good-will, and in ushering in the so-called millen jum. Hence 1 am in favot of re ciprocity as a principle, and nothing appearing in the con servative papers at the present time has been able to change my view upon this point." 0 ® 0000000000000 00000000000000 that } maugeis, DR. SOPER: DR. WHITE Specialists In diseases of Skin, Blood. Nerves, Bladder and Special Ail. ments of men One visit advisable ; {f impossible, send history for free opinion- and ad- vice Question blank and book on diseazes of men free Consultation free Medicine furnished in tablet form. Hours: 10 am. to 1 pan, aud 2 to § pm. Suodays, 10 am. to 1 pw DRS. SOPER & WHITE eee we 25 Torvale Street, Toronte, Ont, For Sale Houseboat Fully Equipped, With Marine Rail~ way. Full particu- lars at the Office of J. 0. Hutton, 18 Market Street KINGSTON, ONT. So of | turmps, ol the de market ? bushels ing million of and two millions sold in the thirty-four forty hundred home ath mithon nd one that OOO0 OO COIR (( OOOUODO0OOOUOL. Yao OOO SIBPHPLTHEOES SSE 'Bibbys Limited Men's and Boys' Wear Store selene vv $e vg We Now Sell Fine Shoes for Men LITTLE JIM, % 3.00, BERETA ¥ ot OHN BULL, 85.00, SEE OUR Classy Shoes for Smart Class BOY'S SUIT, $1.50 MEN'S $15.00 OVERCOAT For ars to 15 Over At this price wi neat, smart pattern serviceable range neatly mad boy 6 ve how som in a good of tweeds, i d Lravens bre Be seve ea iH BIBBY'S SPECIALS 84.50. new ze had with ne oats. It partment's estimate is not te be taken as a of the products which go off the is quite plain ing to this procedure." germicidal, healing power, Rexall Eczema Ointment nounced in the treatment eczema and allied skin dises whether of the dry, sealy sort, the ping type, | ¥ ring where there is a flow of ill-smelling ex-| "Ah! eretion, or the intermediary kind, such | fifty cents a day, like a Dimples, blotee, Siacolurations, raked together in the worst slums of for treating hives, nettle rash, insect bites and wounds. It is ideal for the skin ailments peculiar to children. Rexall Eezema Ointment grayish, white in color, a pleas odor, and is very cleanly for I are a sufferer of skin irritations eruptions in any form whatever, v we urge vou to try at our | risk. At the mere hint of dissatisfaction, you many have your money hack. Two sizes, So. and %1. Remember, it is "War declared; by that very fact England becomes mistress of our ves 18 Colleg Ne Engli two-style olla New BOY'S SUIT, $6.30. Lister. New: Brows, Lirey Ss and Very clase) beauty for antiseptic and of pro remarkable soothing the [tural products and animals and their their | Ip oducts was £114,360,262. The total products of the Mr. | 1910 have been estimated hy the ® with [sus department at Ottawa at Angel ; 591,000. » | ngeles, ept vou ! | The total are, theréfore, [cause he did not before reach "This out venegeance [twenty-four per cent. of the iotal pro- ing the aze of twenty-five years, Don against I'ravailleur, dacts so estimated. The remainder, Gates, son of A. H. of Sguth seventy-six per cent. is not sold in our Pasadena, yesterday received $58,000 home market, but consumed on the farm and sold in the home market. The proportions consumed on the {farm ana sold in the home market cannot be accurately estimated. Prob- ably they are nearly equal. If so, not more than thirty-seven per cent. of the total products of the Canadian farm is sold in the home market. That such is the case mav he gathered by ,, perusal of the details of the census department | of for "They are poor hirelings fifty cotrect estimate farm. cleansing, the eurative is very of English army, cents blood sea "Ah, » Girard; sels and our men," value for cen- DR2,- farm weed ments Cars quality or boys 7 fine Jue long value For A serge, "What are those Canadians going to to 18 I English \ pan do, sailing on the high and re- yes, vou were right, $30,000 Tobacco Abstinence, Black, knicker C 3. Be al.. 16 ¢ $15.00, BIBBY'S. smoke to foreign shores accursed 'mavy, away Los are hired by coat lapel, England at exports : Extra SRE RS they coarse sailors law cries Gate . ales, BIBBY'S FOR $6.50, MEN'S $15.00 SUITS, you!" ¥ -La con ' N Blu Pw FP ane tatloring beaut Worsted ds Expt IEns "n New 3coteh Worsted Classy London." servative, Chicoutimi. as a present. CHILDREN'S SUIT, $3. For 1-2 year Q Yery nobby Buster Br style, shades of Blue, Brown, and Grey neatly trimmed, tra value -- A New boys 2 a2 good Fompking street, promise ho dying bride Martin Tierney i Syracuse, the made his she five vears ago and took Miss Anna Rawan "Milk or beef broth, three times a day,"! is the formula offered hy the United States Department of Agricul ture as best 'suited for the quick fat tening of chickens Wi $15 de BRN make wife THE "BUT" OF SIR HIBBERT. is ant in use when was a = has FOR $15.00, you by the | friends in this campaign." The as his BIBEY'S Halifax its leaders, now had of | ing of the alliance with the national He They "the scum of the Hibbert He is saying things. that last speak disparagingly or Sir Fupper is down party At winter ab sea. is gradually, through BIBBY'S FOR $3.00. he admitted he sometimes through their breaks, learn- MEN ri 'S SL0o0 THM SER. to the Bourassa-Monk combination. BOYS' OVERCOATS, $5.00, 14 occasion Hand-tallored Lrousers Fis iine Ista, are For bonds 6 years to Frousers for or me} sold at our store,~The Rexall G. WW, Mahood ly tore, BURN ANGLIN'S COAL The purest, cleanest and best. Pre nn S. Anglin & Co. Office and Yards: Cor. Bay and Wellington Sts. '® seeesecsassecseneresiesvessanens L108 -NOX A COLD IN ONE DAY 108 is the number of a, prescrip tion by an eminent doctor and it cures Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis and Sore Throat. Try It 25 cents a bottle at Mahood's Drug Store. ® KEEPING MEN'S CLOTHING e BRIGHT, An occasional sending of coat or sult here to be cleaned oo <= tatlor-pressed means keeping them well dressed all : She time. R. PARKER & €0O; Dyers and Cleaners, 3 40 Frincess Si, Winan Ont. Wesesssssssecesesences : GAS HEATING STOVES, 'We have the odorless kind, five , Sizes, from $2.00 to $7.00. Too early to light the furnace. the Gas Stove fills the ail Gas costs 2¢ per hour. indeed, in his own sweeping way, and in the lofty Tupper family, tionalists as the He could had, strain peculiar to the seum of his way referred na. the earth." not see clear for it. would be an unheard of thing But, with mental reservation, aise with a Tupper. he added, some "I welcome them Standard is able of the the homets of the party editor The excited evi dently disturbing him as their leader and hans been think, about the Laurier In the left hand botvom corner of the paper, sur and president saying { things, awful things we government rounded on two sides by pure reading matter and in full black face type, he says--but we will not quote the dread ful against the Laurier government and J. M. Mowat, "the pride and hope of the liberal party." in Kingston. We do the charges for they are inspired and pen And, again, words uttered not, quote ued with partizan venom. this is not the time to pass judgment the for general conduct, goverament is It will, another ity trinl for but just iv asking the electors to decide on day, be on its deeds, now it for or agamst forced reciprocity, an jgsue wisely br ~uowisely decide Mr, This being upon the people the tory party must by Borden and 'his colleagues, so, the liberals delight to quote the Standard, for it believes the editor- able and farseeing as he is, --in the quictude of his sanctum, in the full consciousness of his acts, with that business acumen he possesses did pen words to his business---not political readers, on a business deal, that speak the language of his heart and of his life. When it -- pot thought the question would become a political 'ix- sue the editor in all sincerity, pro- claimed reciprocity as a readjustment of tarifis that "will prove of decided benefit to Canada and must work this country infinite good." He thought as he reviewed the agreement that Can: ada hud "gotten a little better of the Seale but the arrangement "will help 6 perpdfuate friendly relations be bo the two countries." The Stan- dard, to, fully believed the pact was Binot a treaty for it says it "may be tn cold, bleak Jandary. Then in February, in the quotation we have lis i. several times, the dis y given its quietus for 4 Dr with some dis- | to the) withdraw this expression, or to apolo i A proceeding of this kind! reads as | QUOTING THE STAN DARD. earth," but they must be endured, aye! their downrwrht the sake of the disloyalty, must be] condoned for Now Mr. I clever party, | urassa--the cynical yet condi- he rebel against political must laugh his sleeve the speech of the belted knight ! the lovers of political propriety must feel it trons in as Tupper, How ashamed when they think over have with the United States weaken 'our lovalty to Brit otherwise were un possibly need ain not Fo argue leightv-eight all, |e lef Mesgrs sory ae 'INir estimate, Three million, hundred and thousand tons of valued. Is any seven silo corn are given and In 1908 the Kingston Standard eon gratulated the country on the defeat Lefirgey, ton Fowler and MEP. "entourage." $s, who were Foster's Iv the same sear the Montreal Star intimated that Foster had reputations kilt thousand Nifton and calculated to their. political at three miles, and and insulting to Canadian IF our loyalty to Britain | that dollars amd cents ean | it is only skin deep, it! does not touch the heart. No one | who knows the length and breadth | and depth of Canada's loyalty to the! old land will admit that such the! ease. Dollar imperialism is a poor, | weak, substitute for genuine loyalty.' "The reciprocity treaty of 1854-66 did not tend towards. annesation or a the Christian manhood weak it, then 1% ¥o bun 18 wenkening of imperial tie." But columns we might guote, to several of to the value of recipro length, the views the Standard, as city to Canada, but we prefer to ask every elector to remd every line of the and they of the the pamphlet placed before him decide side the editor the Conservative on which Standard and president of Kingston Association should east hig vote. Now draws a herring the goverament is on trial for its general conduct, but it is having lonely time for every other comserva tive paper in to save its comstituency by pounding in anti-reciprocity doctrine; however good, bad or indifferent that doctrine may be. Besides hay not Hon. Clifford Sifton, the new apostle to the tories, insisted that reciprocity is the only issue in this election. The Kingston Standard, to its cre dit, has not yet withdrawn a word of its approval of reciprocity---and we understand it will not--but it pmkes a sorry spectacle in its attacks on the government, foreign, at t, to the issue and, when the proper time comes, will be shown to be narrow, partizan and unfounded by the voice of the electorate of Canada. And it is because the Whig is in accord with the voice of the elector. ate that it cannot quote the Standard further than its endorsement of a measure that will bring added pros perity to Canada. The editor's words, re-enforced by liberal approval, have made an impresston on the electors of Kingston that will pit Jobs NM. the neross the track hn paper insisting that Laurier a Canada is striving friends that "Sam" Hughes was a mi MANDATE NOT FINAL, EH? Rumours have been given out from Toronto and to the effect that unless the popular vote in the election, now pending, is strongly for reciproeity, the conservatives, as the agents of the trusts, will not be satisfied. There of government a may be as large a majority mem bers hehind the there 15 mow, but unless the popular tote is much in favour of the the trusts, will not will not the the pact, ants, or aceept re sult, and agree that the gov the ivsue and the only this contest one, made designedly so by the comsery atives--is reciprocity. Ihe conservatives had the chance to make it otherwise, they not They could have registered their dis approval of the pact, and in pe und certain terms, and thea gone on and completed their plans for an ment of the government later general policy. This would have been the better course, and there are con- servatives who du not hesitate to ex- press an opinion to that effect. However, Mr. Borden persuaded his followers that for party reasons 1 trade agreement should not he allow to pass, and after there had heen a shameless and costly waste of time the government accepted the chal lenge of the opposition and appealed to the people. The electors have not been asked to pass upon the general recasd of 'the' government, and they refuse da digeuns it. In Quebee it ix reciproeity and the avy. The navy is 'the 'mationdhst part of the cam: paign. In Ontario su attempt 'has been made to draw a herring © across anil would arrsgn- on its Whea sandals' are witriensd thie pecs | mSuth. of take substitutes ANYTHING TO WIN. members of | i Bat ( EXPECTED SOMETHING BETTER. everbody's Don't' Oro butter in getting creamery Insist on it Montreal and take." But un Kings Fowler, thie Standard, w Star, the ton Foster and Sifton amd Sam Hughes side are working away side hy | They agree on one thing: the geting nto defre te desirability of anada has no self to a bad} party 0 two in Scoteh Xtia New colleg tyle, collar, neat hatterns Tweeds and Cheviols value at BIBBY'S $5.00. \ BIDS LIMITED : 78, 80, 82 PRINCESS STREET 2 IODCOOD OOOO extra tal Worste the medium and 3 New 2 to 46 New heviots BIBBY'S £1.00 SPECIALS, sR RGAGW Bourassa, that huve its Tittle ascendancy partner, liBieult diflicul Mr nt In wall ernment has orders to act J 11 Fhe but se the [18 La " sees the writissy on the one opposition, not intentionally bandons before nevertheles clear! case. It taken, . badly. But more Lhere 1 Fhe gain to admits that, the vote = it beaten, and beate I it will not surrender. Onee | fi, ter be obstruction in thel house sitempt will be made prevent t doin Well, hopeful mood, parlianies | " {the he { Me will otteome | of the election "we i busines liberal in a most abide the Fhe the Kingston party without cause Stan dard warned fong sinee- in : an election to than anything November last--that when be that o at { occurred] there would have something het Lor ns a platform, Lest track Hs had beer "offered least in recent Vears. our of to quote ; It vary clear that when conservative party goes into the next campaign it must go an prepared to wage other than a campaign of slau der. It is very clear also that whey il goes in again to fight for the peo- | ple it must in fact fight for the peo se and not make an appeal or not | g permit an appeal to be made for it] that will stir up racial asd religious | prejudice, and tend unintentionally it] = may be, but none the less ooPiainly, to foreign creed against weal, and] tate aguinst race. The appeal' must be a broader, a more tolerant, a more, fiveral appeal than this and nothing | can justify anv other appeal, not even | a DErrHw appeal by the other parts, These were the noble sentiownts otr contemporary expressed at a time of peace, when the Boursssas! { and Bordens and Prevoste and Monks | were at rest, or not actively plotting, | as they are at present, against 4 public peace. What Jit vhinke now may not be at liberty to the situation invite its MA cad Coan temporsry has Jost i this print will permit 4 i= the' w hich | demuntidn, new ing ¥ mack { Hart Harrison | Rochester | Met turned from i rPsayY., ® ciprocity, ® prove to be un mistaken one. 00000000000600000000000 4 (he farmer : | Second Hand Furniture fr dare Cail ad Bongard's. Mr. a Budget From 16 Sept. | Cameron and Het Kinds of Bugerm & w beer H i I MZ Ontario Street Ni were vi atl -- - 1 aoe hie Michigan a seeds b. J. MeCo isiting at i t Bongard \ e returned, iter bb. Bong Art returned to resume hig dul G% at No. 2 hing been engaged No. 3 Mr and turned 0 Mo N.Y. Mr. ant My ntiended fu Miller, of Blac dar BOAT deg uale #8. Barden, of an CLEANLY WOMAN Thoma and ke Mrs 1, of Pi ing at J sud small | Erroncously Thinks by Scouring H scalp That she Cares Daadreuf! sril's anil has ) while teneher Rowe oA Ee in ormock id Inte Wy and Mr yr iradiey, h "1 v new hiro chenf rm, mel bat will Herpieule ddandrufi SETH) 1 willing the i and wile » tree Lo han grow. i mde), Dhostron the effect. Kill Merpin Sold by leading drug 100, in stamps for sample tothe picide Co., Detrog Mich wp {ine bottles gunitantont las. I | Leod, special sgent, Kingston | rrm-------- | The = that men, and LH wages. They d whrkingman #0 or backbone. No all of them con cut wages. T fare inte remove ger with wie SUPPORT RECIPROCITY gists Wrong 21st sl ake a 3 1 decision anda makes September by peiproeity the on rejecting t xiealk he repaired » if Canada ating can never Whereas, 8 obi dix Conservative press at makes a ir Ter rhe frm 3 food mean SIO hy Nisan harm can be Heri this 130) " ol credit appear Lo give renult, because evil can corrected I= it that the that for tells -- not thersiore obvious rem or cpniern 4 wise thing to do ix lo on September still leave bined, could begm arkingmat wit] take course 2st which will liberty of action, instead committing ourselves irrevoc- ably to gs course which may what he has secured sufter many ah fought battle ol 'm a Tory Bat | hope reciprocity 3 That trade chonld be free -l I= plea. workingman us of to my Los $000000000000000000000 ight down gown a sensible » Kno ASE. % RAWFORDS CoAaL. AW JUST COAL