THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, SEFTEMBER 19. 1841 - 000000000000000000000 003000000000 000000000 SUMMED UP antee. In Tying M-RAY'S line of fine FURS for men, women and children-- You buy the best that unsurpassed material and skilled labor can afford. You buy direct from the manufacturer; You are also protected by the McKay guar- John | McKay | The Fur House 149-167 Brock Street, Kingston 000000000000C000000000000000000000000000060 i { duce. toes, C80 00000000000000000000000000000000000000 4 S---- -- - ~ sasesssssssssvsascsd : Comforters i Blankets § NOW IN STOCK. All new goods and lower Eider Comforters, prices. Comforters. Wool Batting White Blankets, Blank- Comforters, Grey Blankets, Shaker ets. R. MCF AUL, CARPET WAREHOUSE. ht a a TTVVVTVVLVLLVVLTTLCVODY Peressssssassssanecssanl " THOMAS COPLEY 10 19 Pine Street whea a. ing done In the Car - Prows 087, o Had uly gd given on al] k A wor, * riots of all nds also. 1l 'new, consignment arrived Be a a 1 redelke onl esl Carpet and Laying. Carts aud repaired. : Telephone 1032, 378 King St KINGSTON, Repairing, Sewing Bicycles, Go Baby Carriages {Geos Muller & Son 3 isssssnatrnasnieranset Fall House Cleaning You will require New Wallpapers, some Reframing, new Picture or two, you best selection at the reasonable prices in tie city in and let us show sau D, A. WEESE &® Co, High-class Pleture Framing, itegilding and a We can give most Come Only Sober Men Wanted Every line of business is closing its doors to "Drinking ' men If you a a drinking man, it may be your next Better stop a inkin at Orrine, the stdndard reme for t Nquer habit, will help you By t ald of Orrine thousands of men ha y re time once he he ve 'been restored to lives of sobriety and industry. We are so sure that Orrine w benefit you that we say to you that if! after a trial you fall to get any ben fAf from its use, your money will refunded ORRINE is prepared in No. 1, secret treatment; a powder, abs lutely tasteless and odorless secretly in food or drink: ORRINW 2, In pill form, Is for thise who desi to lake voluntary treatment 0 RINE costs only $1 a box. If vou a th be two forma: oe given Nao re Bn re interested in some one who drinks you ows Ht to yourself to come to o store and got free booklet and iInfe mation, Geo. W. Mahood, ¢orner Pri cess and Bagot Streets "On The Water Front ¢ 18x24 and 12x14, two storeys, with out-buildings*and nice lot, )ecesee 000000000000 00 00000000 35999560040044999999909 ur nr n IT. F. HARRISON CO. | Music and Parlor Cabinets in Ma- hegany finish, $4.50 to $60 each Parlor. Suite, special, regular $35. Our special for $27, covered in silk Other Parlor Suites, $20. $28 to $200 Our Solid Mahogany Suites, $75 and $150 are gems In parlor furniso- ing. | up Odd Parlor Chairs. $3, 34.50, $7.1 up to $60, » Chairs. direct from have had four lots of they sold very fast A this week and are great values. $0 to $10 each. suitable for any parlor. Japanpe: Japan these and We Rugs, Carpets, Oilclothes, Lijn- oloum Curtains----New Lots of Lace Cur- talng. Some specials at $1.50 and $2.58 pair and Upholstering work cheap and well done. Repair promptly. "Phone 980 Yours, WILL CARRY RECIPROCITY. Whole Middle West is in Favor the Pact. Dodd, a traveller for an Eng lish house, who thas just returned from a trap to the coast, told the hig Tuesday that he believed the whole of the middle west provinces would carry reciprocity. '"The people of all the western Provinces, with the exception of British, Columbia, are confident that by means of reciprocity they will bo able to get their machinery much cheaper than they are getting it at the present time," he said. "To one who is starting in a small way on a homestead the decrease in the price of farm implements means much and for that reason | am sure they will all tote for the pact. The implement men in the west at the present time squeezing all the money out 'of the farmers they can get," emphaticully stated Mr. Dodd. of J. 9 MORGAN WILL MAKE LOAN H Germany Will Accept France's Moroccan Offer. New York, Sept. 19.--J. Pierpont Morgan, as an ambassador of peace. may become greater by far than Presi dent Taft. If has just developed that this United States financier, on bein, 'asked vesterday by German nationa interests for a big loan, promised {fo mmnke it on condition that Germany se- cept the terms of France in the Moroe- can controversy. The answer is not known yet. Pitcher Bender is Ill. Philadelphia, Sept. 19.--~Baseball fans of this city who expect their American league team to take the penanant are Ceaser | | | | | noney {tery, Sunbury. floral contributions :-- land Mr. and Mrs. W. Carr; eross, Carine, Merle and George Coffey; sheafs. | Miss Gertrude for foodstuffs ? the difference of sixty cents, or over eighty percent cheaper than adian combine price. 8°75 cents and 77} cents. LAURIER CONFIDENT -- His Government Will 'be Sus- tained. Sir Wilirid was never =o confident in {Lis life as now thei his government will yeore an pverwhielming victory on (ember 2lst. His conviction is shared by liberals in every part of Canada. Everywhere it is recognized that the conservative cause is lost. By bringing on a prémature election, and by revealing itself as the tool of the "interests," the capservative party bas made a blunder so grave and sso far-reaching that it cannot recover from the ensuing loss and confusion for a decade at least. After Septem- ber 21st the conservative party will require a new leader, in fact, a new sot of leaders. Tt will be compelled to recognize, to call a national conven tion, as it should have been done a year ago, and to set itself resolutely to work upon its own reformation. That Many Floral Offerings. The funeral of the late Mrs. McWaters, Portsmouth, took Montlay morning, to Sand Hill eceme- The following were. the Wreaths, family Cath James place and Mrs. Neil McCaig, Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Thos McGuire, Chris. Baiden, Mr. and Mrs W. Cockburn, Mr. and Mrs. J. Dannis- ter, Mr. and Mrs. C. Baiden and Mies I. McWaters; sprays, Mr. and Mrs, J. Graham, Mr. and Mrs. T. McCammon, Mr. Day. "New-Court" Employees; cut flowers, Misses Hilda, Annie and My- ratta: MeWaters, Miss Annie Mc Caig, Mrs. W. Kenney, Miss Freda Graham, Johnson and Miss Elsie Mr. Carr, Left Without Clothes. Four Kingston young men had an experience recently which they will not forget. They went bathing and left thew clothing in a nearby boathouse. Unfortunately one of the boys left the keys in the pocket of his trousers and snapped the lock behind him. When they were ready to dress they could not get in the boat-house. One of the young ment went to a neighboring boat-house, where he found , pair of trousers five sizes too small for him, and together with an old cost, which he found, he made up , suit respect- able enough to go to a telephone and ask his brother to bring something down to smash the boat houge door. Meanwhile his companions were shiver- ing on the shore waiting for the res- cuers. Eloquent Sermon by Bishop Mills. At the morning serviee at the Church of the Ascension, Hamilton, on Sunday, the wmveiling the handsome memorial tablets to the late Bishop Carmichael, and Rev Hartley Carmichael, former rectors of the church, took place. The brasses were unveiled by Adam Brown and Alfred Powis, in the presence of a large congregation, and in connection with the ceremony, Bishop Mills preached a powerful sermon on "The Divinity of Christ," after he had pad a high tribute to the late bishop. Why There 'Was No Light. The upper pmt of the city was in complete darkiess on Monday due to the fact that new lights were being put up nttead of the old ones, wich e heen doing duty for years. The els will look a great deal better to-night on account of the new lights There are to be fifty lights in all in the upner section of the city. The old lights on Princess street have also been taken down and will be re placed by new ones. Long ( Ci ourse Officers. Major H. Stethem, 17th . D.Y.R.C, Hussars; Capt. A. C. Gray, 18th Mounted Rifles; Lieut. K, MacDougall 17th D.Y.R.C. Hussars; Lieut. R. 8. Timmis, G.G.F.(.; Lfeut. H. 8. Suy-| 4 dam, 2nd Regiment; Lieut. G. W. Cox, 4th Warwick t; Lieut. R. Nordheimer, 10th Regiment; Lieut. H. B. Postan, Sth Regiment' are the officers attending the long course at the Royal Military College. Visiting in City. R. K. Row, and wife, Shicago, the guests ol Mr. . and Mrs. G. are ¥ much perplexed over the fact that the Indian pitcher Chief Bender, is con- fined to bed with grip, and may not be in condition bi play more games shis season. -------- North King's Last Trip. Steamer North King leaves Kingston at 5 p.m, on Sunday, Septembie 24th, for Charlotte (Port of Rochester.) Sou can, spend Honday. in. the Flowet City = ome, morning. Fare for und trip, $i. Y. Pr Han. ed rn nse. ley, agen agen. Robert Stuart, Chown, * "Sunnyside," until to-morrow. They are meeting many old friends. Mr. Row, formerly , teacher in King ston schools is cil a aul publisher. Attend Wolfe Island Fair, Don't fail do attend the : trial of speed - and 'baseball games. Boat leaves foot of Clarence street 11.30 am. and 1.30 and 3.30 p.m. Se---------- E. W. Mullin has sold to W. Ste venson the properly owned by J. A. Macdonald, at 15 Montreal street. Died at Tamworth. Mrs, Nasparn Jane Fuller, of Tam- Cheaper Food For Kingston "As Result of Reciprocity Do the people of Kingston realize that the party Mr. Nickle is support. ing is in favor of allowing the packersand the canners to maintain high prices at the expense of the poor consumer ? Do the workingmen the wage edtners of Kingston realize that they are paying far Here are a few examples (-- A Kingsten wholesaler has received the September prices for certain pro- The Dominion Canners, Limited, of Hamilton, quote $1.40 for The United States figure for the same article is just 80 cents. Look at Salt is another article controlled by Canadian combines. quotation for delivery in Kingston is 82.71 as againét $1.75 on side of the line. In the Kingston district fully $60,000 worth of canned goods is sold by the local wholesale houses every ingman and wage earner wish to receive lower prices.' If he does he strongly shgpbet Tosiproeity and vote for Mowat. their and, too much toma- the Can The Canadian quotation for canged corn is $1. The American quotation The Canadian the other work- year. Does the Kingston should -. ptt 0000000000000 000000000 ROORBACHS. This week will see the usual crop of opposition roorbachs. The roorbéech dodge, however, has been-Worked so often that voters of experience take day- helore election stories with a grain of salt. Misrepresentation has run wot in the Bordenite press during the present cam- paign, and may be expected to reach an unusual climax this week. The Borden -Bourass, al liance is causing the party a lot of trouble. Even the Tele gram (Con.) admitted on Sat- urday that Monk and Bourassa are Mr. Borden's allies. So it is dt unlikely that some one pro- minent in the Ontario wing of the party, perhaps Mr. Borden himself, will come out with roorbach repudiation of Bour- assa and his anti-imperialism in time to reach the Ontario elec- torate, but too late for cireuln tion in Quebec, But the 'time for successful ve pudiation has long since pass ed. The Borden candidates Quebec are pledged to the Bour- assa platform. Indeed, national ists and' conservatives in many constituencies have one can ) didate in common. The Quebec alliance is a fact which cannot now be repudiated by Mr. Bor den unless he is willing to re pudiate almost every conserva- tive cgndidate in that province a Delayed Car Traffic. A traction engine with threshing machine and a water cart, were com- ing down Princess strest, on Tuesday morning abot eleven o'clock, and the steering gear went wrong just as nt was going to turn into It happened just on the track, and it delayed the some time. "The Little French Maid." Nothing but praise has been bestow- ed on the merry musical comedy, "The {French Maid,"" which consists of many strong features. and novelties. Coming here on Saturday, Sept. Nlrd, ma tinee and ikght, at the Grand a street traffic car for The top of the Oddfellows' on King strefl, was being cleangd out Tuelday and the clouds of dust which floated out of the windows made peo- ple think a fire had starved. One man was on the point of going to ring in an alarm when he saw the broom | appear at the front. "100 Blaud's Pills for On 8, (ith- Me. Ree rtereessertssete Kingston's Famous Fur Store. AUTUMN DRESSES } : os, : WAITS, Our Ready-to-Wear Depart. ment is all ready with all the Nee things 8s Fall. and te. we emphasize New arsecitiesesteesssesirtstss teersrsssiittisssasitey Sa Milady usually wants 4 A new and pretty Drees at this time of year, and one can easily be suited and fitted from our collection. Venetian Cloth Dicsses. . $12 Black and Blue Voile Dresscs . $18.30 Serge Cloth Dresses . sis Elegant Silk Presses .... $20 I --------. MILLINERY OPENING COX. TINUES. WATCH OUR WINDOWS. 900000000000000000000C000000¢ svssesssservssaresses v ontreal street | 'ma ' "ed Cross cough syrup," building, | 3 | | : 3 i 5 PUBLIC SCHOOL BOOKS: Arithmetic Geography Grammar i Canadian History British History Hygiene, . . Spellet Composition Primer |. First Book Second Book Third Book Fourth Book MODELERS' BOOKS: Gordy's Psythology. Tilley's Methods .. McMurry. Recitation HIGH SCHOOL BOOKS: Reader Grammar Composition . Physical Geography . Geography . Anclent History High School, Modelers and Public School Books As Authorized by the Department of Education S00 §6¢ jue Le Clement History Wrong's ilistory Arithmetic Jr. Algebra Geometry due Latin Lessons CLL White's Greek a5 French Grammar . 80¢ french Reader 1c German Grammar ibe German Reader ide Physics Shc Chemistry {00 Bookkeeping, 2nd course £1 PRINCESS STREET. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Up By Newsy Paragraphs Picked Our Reporters. Burn Swift's Scranton coal. "100 Blaud's Lils for 26c." son 8, x . Hugh Fowler, of Mount Chesney, left on Tuesday, for Calgary. Na-Dru-Lo shaving sucks, Leod's Drug Stores. Russell ( hadwick, went anee, to-day, to attend the fair. Nval"s remedies, a full assortment. McLeod's Drug Stores. Wiliam Swaibe, prano tuner. Urders received at MecAuley's, 'I'hone Tin. Miss Bertha Dix, Nelson street, rived home from Ottawa on Monday, H. Cunningham, piano tuner, 2i King street. leave orders at Mc Auley's bookstore. There is no element of risk in bay ing a Nordheimer piant. Ou view at Kirkpatrick's Art Rooms hn. Skinner, Garrett downstairs at his home on and suffered a fractured rib "Fresh on Raturday,' sweets. Gibson's, Old instraments taken in whén purchasing a Nordheimer at Kirkpatrick's Art Rooms Miss Grace Mitchell, Frontenac has returnad from spending the two weeks in Watertown, N.Y Burn Swift's Seranton coal. Rideau King, for Ottawa, ever Mon day and Thursday, at 6 a.m. Jas. Swift and' Co., agents. "Heel, iron and wine," He. Gibson's, me drunk was in the police court, Tugsday. He was fined $1 and costs. This was the only case before the strate. Gib: at Me Nap- up to nr fell Sunday street, Huyler's prrhange mano street past 20¢. Gib Nordheim Pianos' are the lity Tone" pianos of Canada view at Kirkpatrick's Art Rooms Dr. Boyce, of the Kingston General Hospital, hae gone to New York to attend the National Hospital Associa tion meeting. "Huvler's sweets," day. Gibson's. Sale of Hannelette heavy weights, B0c, York Dress Reform, street. tme of the workmen engaged in ex | eavation work near the corner of King land Brook streets, on Monday [noon, picked up a half dime ed 1838, 'Fresh Huyfer's sweets." Special gains in fall underwear women's apd children's York Dress Rofgfm, 209 Princess street Burs Swift's Scranton coal MeConachie, the agent for the {€ a Aud Society, will have an office with J. R. Mcf'ann, Prock 3 | atreet. In the winter 'he will alan {endeavor to assist people who {anxious to geek employment Carter's Hair Renewer is not {but restores gray hair to its original color and beauty. It kills the dandruff germ and promotes hair growth; bik Bottle, al "Prouse's Drug Store." fresh on Satur nightdresses $1 New He 200 Princess alter dat fiibson's New w are a dye, Baseball on Monday. Fastern league--Montreal 9-3, onto 7-5; Rog et 2, Buffalo 1: ark 3, Providence 0; Baltimore sey City 3 American league--Cleveland 4, Bos ton |; Detroit ¥, New York 4: VPhiladel- phia 3-1, Chicago 1-1; Washington 6, St. Louis 1. National league New York 7, burg 2; Brooklyn 6, Chieago 5: nati 3, Philadelphia 1; St Boston 3-2 Tor New N, Jer Pitts Cinein Louis -- Bought by Capt. Fraser. The property, good will and the license of the liquor business of the J. 8. Hénderson, Brock street, was sold by public anction Tues by William Murray, bought by Captain Robert the M. T. Co., for $10,000 on and was Nise to Start school Work. Miss MéCallum, appointed nurse for 8-3, "1 Fraser, o| > OPEN NIGHTS. G0eeeserssessesrtr reed "No. 99" Tooth Brush}, An Imported Tooth Brush, made by Kent Bros, Eng, the best brush by the best house Bristles are warranted not * to come out, Made with a curye to get § at the back teeth readily In two sizes 25¢ Each SOLD ONLY BY Dr. A. P. Chown Druggist and Optician, 1853 PRINCESS STREET. 'Phone 343. i : i i : FFVIII IIIVIPIII Ie » . BOEIEEAT SE EEee that ¢ who Here are few items will interest intend keeping roomers Quilts a housekeepers White ial, and up Spec Extra value § up Lace ( y¢ urtains at a pair and The at Bedroom Towels 'values in the trade pair and up bes White Sheets, good glze, 85¢ Cotton and up Pillow all #lzes, each and Canes, up Blankets. White 8 in stock Flannelette or Grey, all sizes Bian lal White Wool warm and cosey prices for this week Spe Comforters the best, Large ible, values and up. Dress Tollet er Pillowshams Stand © Covers, Table Covers, etc, Newman & Shaw The Always Busy Store. ® CRESTOR IPE the public schools, will ec her work, on Montay, the necessary ar ran ts having been made for this { oo Miss McCallum has been in Tor taking a course of instruction from Miss Rogers, the head nurse. Nationalism, Mr. Bournssa said 'at Montreal, Friday, had its birth in the Canadians to fight in Routh Africa. - "Yet," he said, ""Na- tionalism does not forbid voung going voluntaly to serve and fight' for England. In all my struggles, and those of the voung men ground me," 'we have always been loval to the King and the empire." Bat ii aati malism does not forbid Canadian jrol teers for the empire, how did bave its birth in the Every Canadian who war was a volun Rs ays teas, all es, st | ih English pric The. Sime for talk is overy let work iron and wise," Se, Gibmow'r. war ? WILL SIFTON ANSWER WHY. Sisrerromvireiiserme seats i | | | 1 | The College Book Store 'Phone 019. =e Brooches AND Ri in ngs Amethyst, Peri In varying workman for the Brooches Pearls, Topaz, dot, Came design ship aud 'goods pre $5.00 buy Brooch iw, Exquisite modest sented cost 8 a daini ugeful IN RINGS Our Stock was or varied Diamond Clusters, Solitaires Pearl Doubles d {ive » at never as large Bands Single thiree an tones prices See our $0.50 Pearl Ring Fan ones are also got up in abur SMITH BROS., dewellors, Outicians B30 KING STREET, Isamers of Marriage Livensss. CARY MALE OVER AND RE PAIRING W. F. GOURDIER FOR SALE No. 458 Barrie St. New Solid Brick House, with sides ol front entrance; 8 rooms, fur nace. gas, b. & c., and deep Int A bargain for $2,750 317 Earl St. Brick, { light, b 4 & « $2,850 Mullin, The Real Estate Expert, Corurs Johnson and Division Sts. "Phone 539 rooms, furnace, slectyi » He Was Afraid 1 to o Go and Speak in| Manitoba. weeks ago announces Pwo papers conservative news that Hon. (lifford | Sifton would wind up his campaign man ¢ Brandon. in the west and they erowed exultantly over his bravery in taking the gospel of anti-reciprocits inte | Hon. Clifford has not west. He returned to Ottawa from | Toronto, Monday morning. He spoke | at Almonte, Monday night. He has changed his mind about going He is pot going. Why * vers been | went $1--N.Y. State and Return--s1 Steamer North King leaves Sunday Beptember 2th, at 5 p.w., for (har lotte, X.Y, (Port of Rochester) . > turhi Tresday morning. Fare, J.P. fanley, agent x Juslity i ! : i | and durstelity unexcelled in prac. On view at Kirk In patrick's Art Rooms. | i | i i 6 ' ; : : : At Right Rubin the Right Way The rub that edges, ends, corners; the rub that r out dirt without bing in holes; the I laundry uses while bing for cleanness A HARMLESS BiB TO EVERYTHING BUT nr. Kingston Laundry « Princess & Byfeuham Sts, "Phone e ha seams, and ihe ru middles rui rub thi rut ¢ Cor i is 1 ¢ Mrrsassassassesesresasl »