Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Sep 1911, p. 11

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Sm SIE | FURNITURE, ETC. The fireside seazon begins. The i thne to put your home in order E Make your selection while stock is large. 2 }.. $2.00, $2.50 up, Iron Beds Heass Beds .. .. $16.00, $21.00 up. se $2.50, $3.50 LL 82.30 0 $25.00. Extension Tables $3.00, $6.50 Fie, Pedestal Tables, Golden Onk, $12 up. ners Sideboards . nets, designs finishes Robert J. Reid 1 and Buffets, and all latest BUILDERS ALL KINDS OF LUMBER AT LOW PRICES, ASBESTIO PLASTER FOR SALE, ALSO ODAY. AND ALL KINDS OF WOOD, FINKLE CO. LIVERY AND CAB STAND. Open Day and Night. Cabs ¢rdered for early | morning hoats and trains promptly attended to. Motor Car for ally. Sight-sesg Car on applica- tion. § Cataraqul . . . o * - . . . ed ld » : * R lunch, dinner, or on those occasions when good fellows get ether, you can't find better ale then WHITE \BEL ALE usual deliciousness to its flavor. ORDER FROM RIGNEY and HICKEY, 136 and 138 Princess St. ---------- BREWED BY DOMINION BREWERY 60. Ltd Toronto $3.50 Recipe Free For Weak Men end Naine and Address Today~ You Can Have It Free and Be Strong and Vigorous. I have in uy possession a prescription for '¥, ned nanhood, failing memory and lame hack, eught on by excesses, unnatural desing, or tiem of yotith, thet has cured so many wrvous debi iack of vigor, weake be vorn and nervous wen right in their own Jomes~without any additional help or medi- vime~that. I thiok every man who wishes to ognin his manly power and virfiity, quickly md quietly, shovid bave a copy. 850 | bave Ietermined to send uw e py of the prescription ree of charge, in a plain, ordinary sealed en- alape to any roan who will write me for it. Tots presonption comes from a physician "he has made a special study of men sod 1 wn convinded it is the surest-acting combi~ aon for Be enre of aeficient manbood snd ™ ARRIVING DAILY Plums Plums Peaches Peaches ee AT A. J. REES "| 168 Princess Street. 'Phome 88. failag #0 rer put together. w think I owe if to my'fellow man to send lem a copy in "onfidenco so that any man snywhere whois weak sad discouraged with eprated fuilures may stop drugging himeelf ith harmful patent medicines, secire what { beiieve is the quickest-acting restorative, ipbuilding, SPOT-TOUCHING remedy ever fevised, and #0 gure himself at home jetly $a quickly. Just drop me a line like this: tv . phinson, 5hed uck Buildi Detroit, Mich., and I wiil send yon a cory of this splehdid vecipe in a plain ordinary em- velope free of cha.go. A great many doctars would charge $3.00 t, "A.00 for merely writin, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 23. 1911. AN EARLY i Vv HIS LABRADOR JOURNEY WAS A MEMORABLE ONE Henry YY. Hinds Wem Through the Land in the Sixties--His Exploits Fill Pwo Large Volumes, -- ------ lorer, who died a year or two ago in Nova Scotia, 1éft Quebec on June 18. | 1861, on board the steamer Arabian for Moise, on his mission for the Cana. | dian Government to explore the in terior of the Labrador peminsula, says | The Quebee Telegraph. He was ace companied by his brother purpose of making sketches snd wat. ef color drawings of scenery. Indians, and any novelty in the vegetable or minetal world, which it might be de sirable to transfer to his porticlio Mr. J. F. Gaudet and Mr. Edward Caley were appointed by the Crown Lands Department of the Canadian Gavernment to sccompany Mr. Hind a: surveyors. He also took with him from Quebee, five French-Canadian voyageurs to serve as guides: ; Thé Moisie River had never previons- ly been explored by white men, though a portion of it had been travel ed by the missionaries to the Indians. Mr. Hind's attention had been first drawn to the Moisie as & gateway to Labrador, by Abbe Ferland, of Laval Univervity, who showed him a chart constructed by seven Montagnais In- dinns at the request of Pere Armsud. the zealous Oblat missionary to the Montagna s" Indfuns of the interior, who te ustill, after more than fifty years' ior among them, ministerin 10 the members of the tribe at Bersi- mis. followed by these Indians from Ham- ilton Inlet on the Atlantic coast, up Esquimaux River, a contifiuation of the Ashwanipi, to a gredt lake in the interior called Petshikupau--thenee by an unbroken water communication through the Ashwanipl River and a lake of the same name to pyar the head waters of the west branch of the Mvwicie, whith they reached by croesing a narrow divide, and thus descended to the Gull of 8t. Lawrence, Aévording to the Indian chart, Ashwanipl flows through five degrees of longitude, traversing the elevated tebleland of the Labrador peninsula in a direetion roughly parallél to the north coast of the Gulf of St. Law. rence, ng illustration of the remarkable cap. abilities possessed by these Indians to delineate the general features of a country through which they have passed, and as lar as he was able to ompare it with his own surveys, if was found singularly exact and ac- arate, : The report of Mr. Hind's exploration of the valley of the Moisie fills two large volumes, containing as it does, not only an aeecount of the country great deal of detailed information about Indian tribes of the interior, the Montagnais and the Nascapees. Some of the sketehes of Indian life made by Mr. William Hind snd published as illustrations to the report are ex. tremely interesting. The exploring party ascended the Moisie to a point about one hundred and twenty miles dee north of the mouth of the mouth of the river, after eneountering great difficulties, for in many instances high preeipitious c¢lifis hem in heavy rap- ids, which have to be poled up. In- dian cannibalism in comparatively Mr Henry Y Hind, the famous en | William, | who had joined the expedition for the | The chart exhibited the route ! the | Mr. Hind described the chart | in question as & carious and interest. | -- i ---------- r~ --~ EE ------------ AE WHEAT CROP OF CANADA this year will approximate 200,000,000 ) bis. Cond fo estimates of the Maniloba Ire: Press on the YAN reports of iwenty-four special crop inspectors, the Wheat Crop of the: Canadian West will, in 1911, amoupt to 178,650,000 bushels, In the PAGE ELEVEN. f | Y NATIONAL Barber Shop t » obtaining of their Reports the Inspectors mentioned travelled a Distance of 6,564 = 7,820,000 bushels, most unfavorable in years, this year's crop will be the largest yet, an enormous increase being shown over th: crop of 1910. "HIS ANN UAL miles through Manftolid, Saskatchewan afd Alberta, Cutting Samples from More than 1,500 fields. The Wheat crop mentioned comprises 54,400,000 bushels" ~ for Manitoba. 106.000.000 for Saskatchewan. and 18,000,000 for Abert, Of the Alberta crop 4,500,000 is winter wieat. mated to run 223,550.000 bushels for the three Provinces, while the estimate of the barley crop wil in the neighborhood of 33.300.000 and the flax Despite the fact 1Fat the season will go cn Record as the The crop of eats is cst: RR Ln 2 More Business "200,000,000 | bushels X} WE EAT 1 CUT TT 0000000000000 000000000 3 & 3 THE SECRET OF LIFE. © Boiss nnoosdattatn They had drawn the chair close to the window, where, in the softening twilight, Hester Dayvion conld: muke out the outlines of the drooping wil: lows and cateh the scent of the odor: ous Clouds not unlike filmy veils upon a woman's face draped over and about the tree tops, {hiding the topmast branches from her 'sight. For a moment she Watched them, noiselessly, steadily creeping onward: then she sank into her chair with a sharp sigh of pain "The grass, the sky, the flowers, all things in this world are so beautiful ito me," she moaned. "There is life in every little leaf on * the willow; every tiny bird flutters for but I must remain helpless and weak all my life. It isn't right." With an 'effort the table before could not touch blossoms ov; to reach her arm movement, tried but Her she her, it. | however, attracted the attention of a | sweet-faced old lady. "What is it, Hester ?" "My album, mother, dear. The blues are coming on fast and heavy, in | spite of all vou do to keep me cheer ful. I'm gettipg so old, mammy, thir- [ty-five--think of it !Thirty five years {of uselessness !"' She sighed wearily her album, but her eyes brightened ins she lifted a slip of paper, yellow | and much belingered, from between the pages. 'Here it is--my camiorter, How I wish I knew who wrote it. Some who has suffered as | have, | Do you realize that it since | found this poem, as she opened one | know. jwhole vears is ten she leaned forward and seized his hands. "You are the man | have been look- ing for these many years. You are the one who, like me, has been made to suffer from a deformed, ungainly body, but who, through your message of hope, has taught me the seeret ol life. Yes, indeed, we shall be friends." And as her gleaming eves met those of fohn Armstrong, he knew that they would be more thun friends Boston Post. IN MANY LANDS BIBLES BY THE MILLION HAND. ED OUT, Strange Experiences Recorded by Bible Soeiety Agents in Out of the Way Places, Some interesting facts and quaint stories are contamned in the 107th Re port of the British and Foreign Bible Society. In the first place, the so ciety issued 903,827 Bibles, 1,199,239 iNew Testaments and 4,782,720 Por- tions of the ' Scriptures during 1910, totals which easily constitute a record; {2,845 cases of the Seriptures (weigh- ing 333 tons) were sent out from the Bible House in London. To place the Scriptures of all, the society maintains its own depots and agents in nearly a hun dred of the chief cities of the world The great bulk of its issues consist of {cheap popular editions, which are sold below their cost. A Testament, for in ahot to pro within reac jat prices {ar |Clinnse Pocket stance, which costs duce is sold for 1d. Of the books sent out last year 440, 1000 were circulated among Latin 5d. | i ' ¢ ¢ : ' ' : ' ' 4 ¢ 2 9 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ¢ t ' ¢ ¢ ' ' 4 ' ' ' ¢ ' » THE PRESERVING TEST FOR NEARLY €0 YEARS, EXTRA GRANULATED SUGAR has stoud the searching test o This possible because of It h quality, time, hij preserving consistent is only FROM YOUR GROCER. Tae Canada Sugar Refining Co., Limited, Montreal Established In 1854 by Juhn Redpatlp TRV AVALTLTLRV VAT VL TATRA LVAT ASS Qo TV TVTROTRVVOVL ERROR URNN PNP RROTBOES IF TRAV TTRB BN, SERS ssssssssePPursansan n 4 | | and it's the only thing that liits me | Continental nations, 615,000 gmeony the modern times was satisfactorily estab. | lished on more than one occasion by Mr. Hind, and in some instariceés on the good missionary, who is very much devoted to his Indian converts, many of whom he has separated from pely- gamous alliances, declares positively that the eating of human flesh was néver resorted to by them as a mat } ter "of choice, but only from stern necessity, when threatenad with death from hungér. A Modest Official. | close the evidence of Pere Arnaud, though |, .. tints of ough hight to make out of despair and keeps me hoping." "Read it, A wave of joy face, - and she placed the slip lovingly | of : l | | | i Man was not made for outward show, For a form of beauty, a face well the the "light lines over she had found by zine. she read the poem with a deep under standing : German aud Slav' peoples of Central Europe, 550,000 in the Russian Em- | pire, 00,000 in Africa, 250,000 in South | and Central America and 200,000 in Canada In Asia, B12,000 copies went out in Indian and Cevion, 285.000 in Japan, 660.800 in Korea and a million and a half in Ching. To get at the dispersed the society employs 1,100 --men Helonging t, dozens {and speaking scores of tongues, ltravel the world over, from village to village, and door te door. These colporteurs are to be met with along the high roads and footpaths of the world, visiting lowely homes and cattered hamlets and mixing with the dear." passed over Hester's the famt her en outlines window, where the clouds to the gave out the letters; But she did: not= need For vears she had read the again: lines that multitudes, and over colpertenrs ot races, who chance in a magna- full and harmonious | In a voice "THE SECRET OF LIFE, Sold in all parts of the World. Canada's Most Brilliant Representative. It has proved its superiority over scores of other makes, and has won popularity solely on its merits. "0 0a tents FOR SALE Frame Dwelliog, No. 129 Durham Sfreet, now occupled by Walter Lamb, containing ¢ garden plot, 4-6 of an acre; al en rooms and closet. Good $0 barn and hen house. E. Blake Thompson, | OVER NORTHERN CROWN BAN ne Phone 286. X. -------- es MARKET SQUARM, KINGSTON, ovr. IN. QUALITY Try our Apple, Berry, Cocoanut, and Lemon Pies at 15¢ each. Cream Rolls, 26¢. per dos. Like Mist Before Sn You l The Board with' Bddy's + Solid, | nshiné, if se One Of tiara oto Wash Boards are St Durable, and. well finished: With & erimp in the zinc that is easy: ow yow Insis takes: Waverly Special size and your clothes. : tL on. getilmg the fellowing in 1; 3 m1 - 5 Globe, and Eddy. (small ont & prescrip' ion ike this «= but the v tree i I send Sesaetesessseseseseel | i | Astonishing as it may seem, there is one man in Toronto so modest that even when he was invited to lunch with the King he refused to let a newspaper reporter publish that fact. Probably, almost certainly, he was the only man iu the city to be » honored. He is related to the Lord Mayor of London, and the latter sent | him an invitation te the Lord Mayor's dinner to the King, which was part of i the coronation program Quite: by accident, a reporter on a Toronto daily learned of the invita. tion. He ssught cut the invited man, who happens to be in a rather promi. | | nent eivie position, and asked for fur- | | ther information. To his amazement | the modest one refused to even let ! him publish the bald fact L'Well, all 1 have to say is, that if | it had been some other officials who bad received such an invitation, no time would bave been lost in sending typewritten. notices, with full particu- lars and photographs, to all the pap: rs in town," said toe scribe as he walk ed away But the very modest maa meraly | smdiled. And beacause he is really and truly modest, his name is withheld io this little talé.-- Canadian Courier. Victoria nd Her Tourists, The Victoria Daily Colonist had an | optimistic editorial not long ago. The editor remarked that in the pear fu- ture tourists would spemd $90,000,000 in Vagcouver Island. Eighty tho { sand visited Vietoria last seasun. Ihe railways seem to be paying par. ticular attention to the Coast. ; The C.P.R. his a Chalet betel in mind for Cameron Lake. . That company. will construst =, trail up Mount Arrow. sinith, and in the picturesque hilly district about this meuntain 8 cabin ot two, The Canadian Northern is steering past Cowichan Lake, where cluding & cataract L500 fect lugh. All this setivity is in the neighbor. | there is some magnificent seenery, ine H hood of Victoria, and the «ty expects i to benefit from it. Dukes Now? | Aw the Cahadian Pueidie's fleet are all "Princesses," the Geant Trowk [veswls kre sil "Princes" "and it is canid Yat the coastal seteree to Wn | formed by the Usnadisn Northern ont sof Port Mani, BC. will be named of | ter "Dukes." Ruyully and wobilng will surely be well sented by the ers uf the Paeilic ~Canadian ho a lined, featu res strength; | their | ! Regardless of his inner. mind, i ' in With perfect . - It matters not how broken down, In outward thee human frame; I'g®soul within is all that counts, Aid handsomeness is but a mame aspect, oh child of God, lacks in geace, ad mand, in their Remember, then, Whate'er the body i Seek out the inner heart And heaven will gather place. | "Hester, 1 fitor."" | At her father's word, lester looked up and met the gaze of a short, mid dle-aged man, whose features, asusily irregular, and bent form, would cause In stranger to look curiously at him, {but his eyes held Hester spellbound LA wealth of honor, of comage, of no bility dwelt therein, and seemed to [be transmitted into her own soul {With u feeling of porioét. coutndeship Hor this man, outwardly so disfigured, tinwardly so godlike; her hand went forth to meet his. I "Miss Davion, we have brought you a vis are going tu Be + friends." "I am sure of it, Mr Vemist row, Their eyes sent messages back and forth of sympathy and understand: ing. "It was as if my soul had found its long-lost mate," Hester said after ward. But for the time being she only fely content at havitg met someope at last who could truly sanderstand her. dohn Arinstrong quickly took pos- session of theichair beside the girl, his eves wandering from her soft, wavy hair down to her slender, fra- gile hands, Then the blood suffused his pallid face, and an exelmination rose to his lips. which, thouga he tried to smother, attracted Hester's | atiention. + "You are interested in this poem i¥he queried, holding wp the clipping. [li very dear to me, vers dear' | She wonderad why the man before her grew redder still, then white, why his over fell before her steady gave, J thvent the hight broke upon her "Mr. Armstrong, what icyou first name and middle, plese ™ | Joba glanced anviously nconnd the room, as if fo find a way to hb ftom stuttersd brokenly. "John Ar. thr.' Hester gave a ery of joy, gor crowds. at markets and festivals. Last vear they were selling the Scriptures on' the slopes of Vesuvius, tations and barrack-rooms of Siberia plantations of Guete Nim Ben in railway banama that diamond mines at ol in the nals, in berley, and iu the rice field gal, hey during Novy fi grims lem, pilzrims to des, pilgrims to Ceylon and in Japan hurdreed of ships in th Port Said and Naples SinZapore The colporteur found camp of Kirghiz Tatars. {South India was mistaken for ao lard, from whose magic words the peo (ple dled. Another the jerossed the desert with camels, fwhen he halted In the fire burning all mht to scare off lions {At a heathen festival in Upper Burns fu colpotteur was beaten and bis book |were thrown into the berawadi. (Oh the frozen river at -Astrakhan 5 col porteur's sleigh broke through the ic 1hoth his horses weve drowned, [ hinselt murrowly escaped Fast year, these wandering Bible sellers sold more than 3.990.000 copies lof the Seriptures. In the Austrian erime to sell a Bible--almost th district Joit in Europe. As the sor ciety's report says: 'The work of the society in the Austrinn hall of the Dual Monarchy has always been ao struggld against adversity. Fueumes, jeometaled and open, have waged war against mw for three generations, and wre as bitter and inexorable today as they were | hundred years ago. "During 1900 Austria absolutely closed some of iis fairest provintes to the work of our soriety. In Tipper Austria, in Salzbary, wo the Terol, and in. Vorarlberg the governors distinet ily decline to admit colportage. They give ho reason for refusing, Hut no one i in doubt regarding the power {bind their thrones. Among the other provinces. of the smpire there is mot one in which we enioy complete lity erty, not one in which we are not hampéred by a wet of mediaeval regu: lations amid restrictions which no free it Oberammergau Play, at Nim reat fair books places at Jerusa the grotto at Low Baddhist shrine hey hoavded harbor 3 were buss the rad during offered then holy Passion and the pil amony to the and Uhefoo and shelter in a Another in wie im Soudan ana kept wells wird hee Tyrol it is still 4 only 3 be | It's good for your shoes. THE F. F. DALLEY CO., Limited, HAMILTON, Ont., BUFFALO, N.Y LONDON, Eng. £S ------ WHO PAYS THE DUTY? | Youor our-foreignicompetitor, and You pay. About that there is no room for doubt. And it's more than likely you be- lieve in the necessity of the tariff. But of what earthly good is it if you pay the duty ? The foreigner laughs at duties imposed by .our government as long as you are willing to cash up. Take beer, for instance, o The Famous National Drink is the purest and best beer brewed on this continent, The formula and entire process of brewing and absolutely controlied, on this side of' the hardts' of Toronto, TIS 8 seq by Re ret alvador Atlantic, Beer, almost as good as "Salvador," can brewers "Salvador" But--when you order an American beér in Canada there's 34% extra lo pay--ithe duty--pius extra freight charges. Is it rational to pay that duty--when you can get a better beer #t the normal price ? "Salvador" beer is rich in favor, spark- ling and charged with invigorating properties. snd Matured in Wood-- is brewed by tie big Ameri. and sold in the States at evactly the same price as in Canada. #speople would tolerate for 5 moments tees saseswws REINHARDTS' OF TORONTO 1hcAk AGENT: E. BEAPRE. Telephone 313, ah

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