- PAGE o x CRUE 10 6 GANANOQUE OF THE CAPE VIN VINCENT MOTOR. BOAT CLUB. di Burned Pablic House Leeds A WEDDING AT PAERHAM, Wedded Gearge. trim tn Miss ; Florence B "Be. T Park | or Georg LT vw. of Was lehored vi wi ofull decorated maria ¥ Conservatives Fence and Taylor's Maiority 1,040, to} rong in Cananogae, Sept > eruive of the Cape (lub to Ganaboius took pl day, when a large ninher were the guests of the Yacht Club. They wore by a band and raded the serenading at varius places took dinner at the "rn for the return journcs ternoon. Bonfires blazed in the town on Thursday vere kept ap Friday morning, by rervatives of the towns things to place to the was the demolishing of the fenee in front park and also the old within the park grounds Red, J. CC. Robinzon, King conduct the services in Cirnes on Sunday to supply the pulpit Rev, J. T. Pitcher, who is resting Toronto. The following are the returns as enrately as can be obtained in . viection fesult fu the constituency of : South Leeds, the ligarse being Tuy bar's guslority Ww dah cause: Lanan oque, Frome of Toeds amd tan dopnt a: Rear 9 Toeds and aus BW: Newharss, 45; South ros wr oan Fimsley, & J North Crosby and estport, - Bastard and Murgess 30: Kitley, 174: making total' ma Jority for epi. Tavler of Lo increase of 116 over lact election the largest ever given here A further demonstration laet evening by the loenl tives in honor of their victory at polls on Thoesday. A big leap ¥ started ut the hiternational headed by the Citizens" baud, rowd with fog horus, the streets of the town from end to end and finished up hig honfires, one in front of tional, the other the Vineen ' nd "prettily f awhite Ganan : : wi Iie wnri aecompann wineial duritig various paris or shout the r icing Anes tories } until daviiz yam and of the Hiner ston, will fon i we the soiPy ' reception he an and held COnsery i and who marched with twa the nea Nprin Axle company's offices "their the formula, Mr. and Mrs Ww Hu vars, tT nounce the engagement of their dangn ter, Miss Robena Byers, to Iv H Armstrong, of |ethhridge, iy Giporge Armstrong, Montreal IP tinge to take place next month ord was received here by relat oh Thursday of the sudden death William Emery, former resident the town, located for ma last in St, Catharines. Mes : Aelsey, sister, and Walter BP. Fue her, left, yesterday, for Si, arines to attend the funeral Pr. E. L. Atkinson, and daughter, Mrs. (Dr) James T. Rogers, Hamil don, spending the season at the for mer's residence, White Calf Island, re turned to. their residence in town, Mrs, (Dr) E. E. Shyder and daugh ter, Miss: Dorothy Snyder, spending | the past few weeks with the : mother, Me. Fhomne Monty street, 'loft, vestordav, | home in New York, WH spending & too weeks vue kis home in Kintardive, | to his duties in the Central store. Nr, J. A Beau, Winche formerly located here, renewed quaintances in this section this wes! son of a formes In ing i thei | Flot in Lion | i | othr ed 0 *MAIL CARRIERS SLAIN? Two Men Missing Following Robbery | of Mail. Jackson, Ky., Sev. © \ of the robbery of the bere and Hazard, Kv, on night, it is foared that tea ard, mail earrier, and Wil tam shall, his assibtant, bodies hidden faving. No trace has heen obtained « Howird or Marshall, Cheques hing H6000 Gore found hear scene. of the erime. Minny of the dare in the mail sacks contained mon : rga but how mueh is not known. The eriticised <i had Been ent open and all thei if the contents taken except the pers Federal officials took up the fromm the scene of the robbery TO OPEN WAR ON FOES, Make Reply CULES. a result bet weer Cail Resigns to to His "I nes fay under How Pufiala, NN Mar- Con wrt opt chagrmar ners, forme state mete were murdered and n nmities, in 4 mountain ed his f to total the effectively » by the dominant ition their to nal cheques. am trai) prejudice have heen fact * that 1 or desing nomin nal toms am not} seek ir ihe buy eoR Ing of There is no element of risk in ing a Nordheimer pienso. On view at Rirkpatrick's Art Rooms for Mrs. Bertha Hussman, of New York, wrote "spitzbub," on a posteard to her husband and was arrested She; A was released when a linguist declared in German the word meant "'seamp,' not "thie™' as contended. MAKES STOMACH FF _ Indigestion, Gas, Heartburn, Dyspepsia Leave in Five utes, There would not be a case of gestion hove if readers who are sub ject to Stomach trouble knew the tre mendous autiderment and. digestive virtue contained in Diapepsin This Irarmless preparation will digest « heavy meal without the slightest fuss or discomiort, nnd relieve the sourest adid stomach in five minutes, besides overcoming all foul, umasecns odors from the breath. Ask your Pharmacist ta show aigly printed on Ble, case of pes Piapepsi. you will readily wnderstand why promptly cures Indigestion am mover such symptoms as Hearthien, | a desling Bke a lump of lead in the stomach, Belching of Gas and Fraeta A of undigestcd food, water brash, pergon lor ition office." } commend any loeal or state He Hh mn ster Better. was startled Knew Seottis ver skil had Views a not hom he Noticing the furrows straight he no strgucht; wark "Tammie previodsly the original ful engaged far fron drills Tammis's and "0 man who Min: the fiald Tamu dng served the man his dam drills is erookit side tatties." ploughmar were | said, "John, that ver is ng like | being ~ the | ploughed il. FINE. ave ken h coolly Ye the sam wark," ob turned | the m is he when gets well et indi as about see, on a an' So ve can Steel Combine. It that dissolstion the United is ng Re<Organize New York, Sept on excellest authority and reorganization States Swerl the epruest ment of justice dSentatives «1 dollar trust." There is ground also for . the asser- [on that the steel corporation is making "strevions efforts to meet the Cemands of the government, but hy reason of the | complexity. wef? « thel situation, has ret made litthe head way, ol a Rlapdik Pioneer Dead. I Bauttiay Bi ue Sent. 24. ~Ramuel chteostddtor principal stockholder HI your, stomach is sour and full of | of the famous Mount Andrew Soppe hoof your food doesn't (Ygest, and! mige, on Prince of Wales Island. and ur meals don't seem to fit, why not | mining man of world-wide acynain- tk $0. vase from your * dragiist | (ance, was found dead from heart make Site worth living ? Mwolute lisease, vesterday, in Ketchikan, frown Sicmash ay and per Alaska. THe was one of the original ol anytiing you eat isgparticipants in the Klondve sh 8 to follow five wuts alter, and, T1807, on Pye, Thin one Sc. ener fe culicient | : ; = "care & whole family of ~Nordheimor pianos' r : iRirkpatriek's Art Rooms : Surely a harmless, Ssexpenstee pric! The prosecntion of Peter Kalli. of like Pape's Diapepsin, whion: Middletown, Conn, for stealing « $1 alwavs, either at davtime or dur-' roaster has so far cost the state $700 t, relieve vour stomach mis while Kelly bas spent: $100 defending your meals, is abont himself. 9 " 1¥ reporte of Carporation alivution and the receit of the depart the legal repre called . 'Billion You wach then thie a 80 Headache, Biliottsness and' = mptams; and, be , you will not eed Inxatives to 'your stoamch, fiver apd fates Hien no fresh, Ruch! ch wm view at tol pledges | m ade | by | Just eaviv | | there THE ---- - T TEMPER AND TEMPERANCE aeaasasews Pesssssssasssssasssen : Litus wy alterboon i! the 18 drediming we more ia wodkerchied he ie arid three : pped his vke 777 hw that » Steeple strikes man Am | can it nus that SO redible." vote Poor he singef, evidently awn wining young asker ong yisd AW Vigor himself: of I Some i, ns in lat the broth voice, beg and i wlancholy SAN le, thoug nmedsag the mental garden, he } ght temper quiet he shen } Was Fiths." + magarzing, I w» weer tt hike other to escort me to hi ilortunately can Llemporan refs man whose lidently saw 'arsons. stepped smiling aval d beamed wan hyo un Sure oi' tl en thie ern-annual deel ing chureh: ¢ meeling and Crad views for this vi ur ved JL 8» starenyy ening," shesaid, OnLen nw thing ew that he ww of Ar The perso: ietising the hecam must si Den door had ither, Bex for meeting. displea that he inter ourteous show his Fitus told to the find Spinister » doubt it a mast by Miss exhibit ribbon, and te of the state «ction, dissertation 'arsons perance. She {ed proudly her white jTitus of the t the approachilg ele might fall the thibitionists, great danger whieh it hands of mto non-pro short Miss afterward she, friend, found Parsons' ted by way to Fea time cut tmarks, | her | the | Pret theaux tion, found ferowd of doors Though far re Esco her and voung church their g from every and Miss in the midst people the ty girls with Sunday were strolling direc- } and Titus Parsons of a chureh themselves oung at interested, Titus stened to speakers jand tc ok part in the pretty service of { the dorel He raised his splen | did tenor voice to its best pitch oined humns of the evening At last the struck up the ine *he had but when woked up t to sing w song --who had lister ned to that such {irritable patience back Standing side the great th¥own from attentively the even and in the organ been dreading » see who was that viternoon with he was taken the platform by the sheet the beautifel girl and looked again hardly the word: than that ice had sounded sweet it was he j of on which were be steréopticon views rubbed beau | ing {stood a Iitus Yes she { his Ves { tiful Har was was her alter more No wonder mm the oon The until the she stood there and hardly a dry in with every verse that mg Titus fell more deeply a slave ta er charms. She good---so different from knew back in the city. Then a happy thought came to him ~she fived next door. Perhaps he niight meet her The of the meeting was any: thing bat long to him. He feasted his eves on the girl and was sorry when the iittle minister had pro pounced his final benediction, and he, with Miss Parsons, was being elbowed rd sang vas ove wan, and was 0 the * girls rest jshout by the departing crowds. tn the way home he asked about the girl who had sung. That is Miss True," his companion told him. "She is at home for her vacation and we begged her to sing for us to-night. She is studying musie in'the city." "She 'has a wonderful voice,' said, trying to keep his own from sound®y ton enthusiastic" "Ii tell ber you think so," Parsons langhed. Miss Parsons told every Nagle she beard, so Titus had learned in his fow davs' resedence in the house When they reached howe he heard vottes on the porch mext door. There was laughing, and Titus wished he might ( Join the Rw party. He heard the rippling notes he girl's voice and all nigh he of them, Titus tomes Mise #50 valuable a thing an pou) Sue Bug i Ar at Prouse's drug , 1 was at breakiast. the ext morn: DAILY BRITISH WHIG, | home knee i SOUTH has Germans } ng | them {3 | menber { tagoniagund | Walon lsfting id | simple--so | | he | ~even on the morrow. ! ¥ SATURDAY, SEPTEMBE B 23. 191 i |@sesrsarresaressass «s@ of i think ym LP Ver or "ve she asked Fitus are lohn vere on, common with 1 ¥ going uf he intended tie village "he told her quickly, that afternoon he had de Was and too slow sind even another week took | of Margery | When the month he with him rue Was ug the promise » be his: wife. S TEE MING WITH SPERM WHALES. | aad British in Pursuit of Mammals. Going } Big are South the Yor | wha to und | 22 have had Australia, "Sept. Norwegians Melbourne years the in _the Southern Ocean hart the Germans itish are joining in and the indi itdo that of almost ponies. now selves, ProwEses to eo Greenland walters \ OT'W iy 5 began in 1903 after. a ordenskjold's South Polar iteérs to | wedilion Fb ming wd reported the w with were employed whales"! Steam anch sue com- with with vs fifty ven niles wat whaling Kerguelen Iadian Ocean, and otbets ye pe Porsted Wheat Flakes home to Eu Fwo' german brat operations while the British tH have New LT R€ fd fa companies 5 on | oN . ding | lalers, Cereals Limited, Kingston. Department", Inside Pony an Don't Lose rey -_r- The Origin of Ear rings. A correspondent writes to The Pall Mall Gazette of London to correct a statement that the ears | Were not piere. ed for ear-ring venteenth entury The most nt ear-rings n the museums, hé were tainly worn in pierced ca 1 tradition that when Sar Hagar, vowed to dye her atter's blood, Abrahan by boring Hagar's a " rap for yoursell A ima an! Get You: Help You. av T ny vu Says, jealous of | --ai-Grocors ands the saved the si ears and HERE'S A PLEASANT JOB FOR SANATA giving away these dandy little Turnouts to Boys who love CLAUS Would You Like One ? Go to your grocer and buy a package of "iio Orange Meat + Orange Maize Toasted Corn Flakes Cut oif the bottom of the package and mail to "Contest ormation will then ba sent you. how to secure wn Friends Says ORANGE MEAT and ORANGE MAIZE for Sale at Sarah insert silver rings, so that her vow was fulfilled. The rings, hgwever, lent such splendor to the gir du cheeks that Sarah soon adopted them herself, and this 'was the origin of ear-rir QArAAARAAAMHAAMDT You Ought to Save One-Sixth of Your Income '8 Almost a Catastrophe. « Queux was once a sub-editor don evening paper and he of- how, one "afternoon, on re- to the office after lunch, he the following «words on "tape" machine: "Her Majesty died at 11 am." With his usual energy Mr. Le Quetux got to work, and soon' everybody was helping to rush out a special edition, Just before the ma chines started printing the paper, how. ever, it was found that a car eless of- fice boy had torn the "tape" in the middle of the me seage, which, in its entirety, read: "John Frayling, coach- man to Her Majesty, died at 11 p.m." tells turning found (Te vPro the About $100 a Year Will Provide for a Man of 30 $4,000. wo. $2,500. oo $3,000 00 'avable wable P emun ' Collection of Voices." Somewhere you may find a collection of anything you may happen to be interested in, whether it be apple- seed, false teeth, or old china; but it has been only recently that an opportunity to "inspect" tion of voices The British Museum has an exten. Lieetion, to which it is ons tant. ly adding; of the voices of celebrated persons, it being the idea that phono fraphic records may be preserved for the benefit of [uture generations vy In $98.90 CELLTO0LL0L000000000000800000080000000000 v sndder THE IMPERIAL LIFE Assurance Company of Canada J. B. COOKE, DISTRICT MANAGER 332 King Street : Vd Kingston, Ont. 0000e00ee etitteantettestadtedttatadted N A ------------ Speaker's Perguisites. aker the British House | has several peculiar SVery year he recédives a Master of Buck- a buck and doe lled in the royal preserves. Later in the year th* Speaker receives a Jilletan: tribute fram another source. re don ors on this occasion are workers' Compeny of L send to the Speaker a width of best broadcloth to be found land. in in e gift fro n the hounds of B PRP VE IPT YUIY Feverevee L400 00000000050 08 a 4 AFTER THE ELECTIONS REMEMBER THE NAME. PVP PIP PIII PII PI PP IVI PII PV ITP Pov v® 1 i TARAMg BLOB AMAMARAAMLLLMOAMIMY IRE us GROWING, CONSTANTLY Is far fo al Work Our Plumbing Merits It! Hecause David Hall G6 BROCK STREET. 's Cotton Root Compound _--. The great Uterine Tonle, and only safe effectual Monthly Regulator on which women can depend. Sold in threo degrees of strength No. 1, 1 No. 2 8; \ 30 degrecs stronger. No. 8, for special gl por Ix Bold by all dry sta, or sent pa. ot Jootipt bf pris op pamphlet. Address: Tw Si IOs. ey 1. tormeriy IV indeor GATLIN THE ORIGINAL 3-DAY LIQUOR CURE In three days it removes all craving and desire for liquor without h Cc accepted for treatment under legal contract that it has to be entirely Sypedermic, paid 1s refunded when the patient is leaving the Institute. The Gatlin Hom$ Treatment is just as effective if sim ingle directions are followed. Call, write or phone N. 4528 for Booklet and copies o contract. THE GATLIN INSTITUTE, > "45728 reser injections. in evary particular or the fee MONTREAL INSTITUTE, Each patient is 148 St. Hubert St.