Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Sep 1911, p. 2

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lat tn ) THE DAILY BRITSH WHIG, W EUNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27. 1911. Qescesscsscsceeenecees SA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN EB Brooches AND Rings Brooches in ngs Pearls, Topaz, Amethyst, Perl dot, Cameos, et in varying design Exquisite workman ship and modest cost for the Boos presented +. 00 buys a dainty. useful Brooch few days. + Kingston, on Sunday and will reside Latest editions of authorised University Text Books. { Misdes Ferguson, Earl street, in honor left for Toronto, on Monday~to visit : { -- The pen with a standard uniform price all over the world and guar- . ssisted in receiving by their guests 5 § . rion | Lot honor. The tea table had a sentes oS HS Hat 4 Nes. D Sorton : i Mow limuc, ou whith ag us Friday, fox Ottaws, to visit, her Universal and Banner loose leaf note books, the kinds recomen- {Red shaded candles stood at each |P2"®"# Archdeacon and Mrs. Bogart ded by the University professors. {poured the tea, and Miss Lillian will be the best man at the Potnam. along and there is noth- Jeided was decorated with nasturtiums. . Tap: ' Sai : lonell, Sydenham strect, have return- ? : The size and complete- {Miss Anna Fairlie and Miss Anna Les od to Mo y 5 > : lie. Among the guests noticed were: 8 ontteal, "ie t ness of our Stock this lx. Amoig the guests noticed were: e Oo e e 00 ore rehended by such as L. Goodwin, Mrs. T. Birchall Wood, to attend the Putnam-Birch wedding and made comparisons. Elliott and Mrs. Elliott, Prof. and Craig, who have been the guests of portance of Gentlemen Malcolm McGillivray, Mrs. James [their home in Sierra Madre, Califor [ter, Mrs. John Mackie, The Manse, means you can judge the Anglin, Prof. and Mrs. I'. G. C. Camp- | Bank, is spending his vaeation in To left on Tuesday, for Duluth, where she a roan wal to Toronto, on Saturday, to spead a | j= - . a , Mrs. Frederick Hammond, Toronto, ' < : 0 is the"guest of her parents, Mr. and y ' y Mrs. James McParland, Emily street. ! { a a a' Ce 3 Capt. and Mrs. George Roy, and little baby, who have ben spending : A ' : 3 for the winter ia the Misses Macpher- - i : d Rind to Think About a] £5 Eo 7 5 a A .. . so ral al . . nN. - - .|Ferguson. The host and hostess were | No" anteed by the largest Fountain Pen manufacturers. |cornet of the table. Mrs. S. C. McGill |1°F, ® few days. . wad pnd, Wi Room Decorations . The season is slipping | [Mowat poured coffee. The ice erenm lye), "eoddingwill arrive in tome # ing to gain by waiting. {The girls assisting were Misses Annie Mr. and Mrs. Percey Dillon, wh; H ngers and Pillows. Mrs. John Mackie, Prof. and Mr. A. F. Bishop, of Ottawa will Prof, and Mrs. Walker, Mrs. Mowat Dr. "ane Mrs. Hamilton Mackerras Mrs. O. D. Skelton, Prof. and Mrs. | Mr, and Mrs. W. G. Craig, Barrie i «| Third, Mrs. J, B. Cochrane, Mrs. O'- nia. Miss Jean Craig, Far street, [Clergy street. .- trade, and do better than Hara, Mrs. Meikle, Mrs. Webster, |will accompany Dr. and Mrs. Mac Mr. Hayward Linton, who spent the : 2 we ought, for the sake Hamilton, Mrs. Hugh C. Nickle, Mrs. |kerras to Sierra Madre and will be|week-end in town, has returned to Tor- IC oom upp eS store by Fur Coats, ag | |bell, Mrs. A. P. Knight, Prof. and Mrs. 'ronto, will spend a month, * $ + 4 ® 4 Hines in the home always the summer in Quebec, will return to - Ti 8 1 A very delightiul tea was given on son's house, 238 Brock stgeet . i ' : . on's 2 8 . 3 " Getting Me | if by mer us Mes. William « Harty, "Otterburn," Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pens "Mrs. Wm. Norton-Taylor, of Sarnia, : Loose Leaf Note Books \ Mr. Theodore Avery, of Utica, who tabi ater wbich Mra. Tortame pre: Ly, og, "0 Exclusive lines of Queen's Post Cards. Posters, Pennants, {and Kathleen Daley, Miss Alice King, were the guests of Miss Eleanor Mac- Fall, can only be com- ohn McGillivray, Prof. and Mrs. W arnive in town the first of the week 200 PRINCESS STREET. OPEN NIGHTS. "hous Oth ave shopped around Mrs. William, Kirkpatrick, Rev. Joseph and their two sons, Bobbie and We realize the im- Schaub, Mrs. 'A. K. Kirkpatrick, Mrs. [street, will leave on Thursday for [are the guests of Mrs. Thompson's sis : . W. B. Carey, Mrs. Wm. Lesslie, Mrs. [their guest for the winter. onto. of their goodwill. That T. G. Smith, Dr. and Mrs. W. G.| Mr. "J. Swift, of the Merchants'] Miss Mabel Meek, University Ave. Sinclair Laird, Mrs. Arthur Craig, | Miss Merrick, Bagot street, has re Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Williams, and necessitates the procuring of ar- well as anything. Mrs Me, Mrs. Ruse Stewatt, tube Sri Smith's Falls, where she family, have returned from Peak's Is- a 3 3 i Prof. and Mrs. Clarke, Mrs. f.- 6G. ig I8. Lode, Com In and see us to Craig, Miss Drummond, and her guest, . . day, no obligation to buy Miss Taylor, Winnipeg; Misses Macpher | alin Helen Uglow returned to-day son, Miss Annie Fowler, Miss Deacon, |'TO™ * &pates, where she was the Mr. and Mrs. John Aird motored Miss Mary White, Miss Isabel Ross, guest of Mrs. J. P. Vrooman. down from 'loronto on 'Saturday and : ; ] Miss Lyman, Miss Constance Cooke. ia os ois, Wha fe nt She Fun. spent the week-end in town. : . C Miss Loraine Minnes, Miss Mildred JB ie nb, is: Seburned a Mr. and ¥re . «+ ha dk rkier, of O-| Jones, Col. 8. C. McGill, Dr. Torrance '. . . en & W Htawa, wi he the guests o rs. GG 9 " university, IK. West for ut Prof. W. L. Grant, Prof. and * Fergu- | ' : Emery, Street, the , L , | Mr. DLC Betts, who was spendin bir - A < » ¥ i pending | nam-Birch wedding. 149 157 Brock Street son, W. F. Nickle, M.P., Mr. Perey |, fou days with Mr. and Mrs H. A Mr. B. Simpaon, from London, is Lyman, Me. C. Jthiott ad Mr. Ellis. i Betts, Albert street, returned on Mon the guest of Mrs. Workman, Alfred day to Bowmanville, street » ticles the need of which would land, Portland, Maine, where they ever otherwise be felt spent the past four months EYE olherwise be Ne wT ee. We earry a full line of these sick room requisites--the best quality of goods at most rea sonable prices : IN RINGS Our Stock was never as or varied Diamond Clusters, Ran Solitaires Pearl Qin Doubles. three and five af easy prices See our $5.50 Pearl Ri Fancy Stones are also set in abundance SMITH BROS., Jewollors, Outicians ) 850 KING STREET, lmuers of Marriage Liconses. "EVERYTHING FOR THE SICK Room" 'is our motto The nurse, too, will find here those articles which are indis pensable to her professon Mrs. James Third, Wellington Street, | Mrs. I. B. dpencer. of Montreal, will Miss Lillian Mundell, Brock street, tests seeIsesesesecl Se t b was hostess at a very delightful "at arrive in town on Monday and wit lis the guest of her sister, Mrs | ¢ P em er home" this afterfdon, when Mrs. John be the guest of Mrs, J. C. Connell, | Muir, in Grimsby. i ; Dr. A. P. Chown Druggist and Optician, 185 PRINCESS STREET. 'Phone 343. ed with pink asters, and lit with soft- Bank of Canada, Toronto, is spend Mrs. lL. L. Henderson, will arrive in ly shaded candles. Mrs. J, C. Connel'! ing his holidays in town. town the end of the week to visit and Miss Fanny Ferguson poured tea | ur. Clapp, of Utiea, N,Y., will be a [ urs. Kobert Fraser, West street. + and coffes at a very prettily arranged guest in town for the Putnam-Birel Mr. Geofirey (Hara, who has been & ' tea table. 'A huge cut glass bowl of Wedding. pending the summer in town, © the a - red geramims and salvia, made a very | ray. guest of Mr. -and Mrs. Arthur Craig, SIFIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIe bright and attractive centre-uiece, and Mrs. Heory Cunningham and Mis: | Albert street, left to-day for Vew » , : Cle : the dining room was decorated with 1ovise Cunningham, Earl street, left | York. guantities of the same flowers Mrs ©n Saturday for Toronto to visit Miss Taylor, from Winnipeg, is the a W. T. Minnes served the ices, and the Mrs. Maclenman. . : guest of piss Drom nd a! hon 18 girls who assisted were Miss Florence aa wy Mes a Z. Palmer anc 1 More, «24 a 2 Cunnin 3 , . ttle daughter, who have been visiting ; ' * gham, Miss Dorothy Brownfield, Col. and Mrs. Irwin, in Ottawa will Miss Jessie Taylor, of Perth, who Miss Bessie Richardson, Miss Aileen : ' has been visiting her sister Mrs | Folger, Miss Kate Craic {Migs return to town the first of next " - ' N g h : s ate ralg anc Mise ook and reside at 158 Earl street Felix Shaw, Bagot street, returned on jvean Lun, . | Mrs. Alfrod Putnam and Miss Mar, | Phursday to her home. - - - Mr. Pye, of the Bank of Montreal, is \ , {Putnam will arrive in town fron . A number of Miss Annie Minnes | Utica on Monday to attend the wed |#Pending his holidays in Toronto. on friends gave her a very jolly surprise ding of Mrs. Putnam's son, Mr. Clar Mur. and srs. A. CU. birch, of Utica, 4 party at her home on Bagot street, 'ence Otis Putnam, to Miss Florence | --Y-» will arrive in town the first of oe on Saturday evening. The guests in: | Birch. While in town Mrs, and Miss the week to visit Mr. Birch's parents, {i Sideboue us at 9i.0u, it yuu want a) cluded : Miss Janette Smith, Miss Putnam will be the guests of . Mp J M5. and ars, N, ch. Bago street, vheap one. and they're good value, | Matharine Hart, Misa Hazel Browne, and Mrs. Samuel Birch, Bagot street Mrs. George Richrdson, University Sideboards at $12.00, reduced} Misses Lucy and Gwendoline Waddell; - . "i. avenue, returned on Monday from previous clson from $15.00. . They're. large. and| Miss Mary Strange, Miss Eleanor Phe z lov Cor . Prescott, where she spent the week t wel finished. Extra value. lan, Miss Helen Duff, Miss Marjorie Me, Hunt ey fordon, who has been end. and best wenves in e want eC shel tee | Spending some time at the Principal's : : MADE OVER Buffetts--The newest in. Side-|;*™Pbell, Miss Ruth Anglin, Mise residence, Queen's University, | Mr. Fitzgerald, who has been in shades are here for your inspec board line. We have a handsome| Rose Rogers and Mies Dorothy Hill, turned " ela Mversity, has re lion for a few days, returned on AND Beessssssscsaneae roan line at $18, $23, $30 up to $85.00 Ted R gers, Harold Brown Mr. Ricl 1 Tayl f Oakfield londay to my | | Ww. . GOURD held, Sherman Hui, Herbert Nteacy Mr. and Mrs. Howard EF. Sammer A Put one of these, a round ex. table » . yo 3 ; ive § ™ An rs. ary ' POPLINS and six dining chairs to match and| Hendry Connell, 'W. Minnes, Hugh U.8., will arrive in town on Tuesday, | 4 Worcester, Mass., will arrive in : ! Mackie was the guest of honor. The | West street, for the I'utnam-Birch wed Mr. Gordon Merrick, Bagot street, Co fo | drawing room, where Mrs. Third re ding. returned on Tuesday to fown after ceived hpr. guests was prettily decorat: | Nr. H, Bates, of the Standard | spending the week-end in Rochester. NOW IN STOCK, VEIIIVITISIIIIII III III IIIS IeeY EERE . prices. Elder Comforters, . ¢ All new goods and lower Wool Comforters, Batting 4 Comforters, White Blankets. Grey Blankets, Shaker Blank- ets. |e E ese {R. McFAUL, CARPET WAREHOUSE. DOO ON TVVVVA TVET LAVELLE CEB BTES Reta 0 A ee a tion, BE oe THOMAS COPLEY you have a dining-room in moderns | Farthing, Lyman Skinner, A. Mc [and will be a guest at the Pulnam- {town next week to be the guests of DRAP DE | Birch wedding. : Mr. Mrs. Bagot OTTOMANS, - x # Gowan, Cadets Pitblado, Lovelace, and Samuel. lirch, Prong 987. Solis Caines to Watch Sur Ja0- Teed, Mclver, Vantelet and Smythe. Rev. and Mrs. Simpson, arrived in | street Drop a card to 19 Pine Street whes ourys ane . dd 4. oi . . . . town from Scotland, oi I'uesday, and wanting anything done In the Hg or hy a Ihere was an informal dinner at the : I'he engagement has been announced SERGES. . timates given al ds . . : N Ya gis A ny also, Country Club on Saturday evening. of Dr. W. Gordon M. Byers, of Mon Miss Jean Newton, daugh SCOTCH TWEEDS, HOMESPUNS ardwood Floors of all kinds. All The guests included : 'Mrs, .J. b LLL 000000000000000 treal, and > of Mr. and Mrs. D. Newton, olf HERRINGRONE STRIPE sel x sa a Te VENETIANS, [ders will receive prompt attestion Uraig. Ottawa: Dh LM H n Birest. 2 a; Dr. anc rs. Hamilton ter 9. 48 Guess Tou ! Mackerras. Mr. and Mis. Hansord i -- < Hamilton. The marriage is to take Hora, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Craig, Mis Curtain Poles in great varlety--- Florence Cunningham and Miss Bessie 7 White, Oak, Mahogany, Brass. etc Smythe. J hf « #5 a Y *Curtalns--Lace, Madras. Silk, ewe.| ; Carpets, Rugs and all the latest The ladies executive committee of the bs DAY OR NIGHT Repair. 'and. Upholstering.. Work Soutiey Chub, Wilk give " tea to te ok wl Red, » mem I's on Saturc ay alternoon. £ ASR od ar ) Phone - 201 promptly done. 'Phone 90. feature of the afternoon will be the KINGSTON 14 Su. FIR STORE ' § In St. Mary's cathedral, on Wednes Yours, golf competition for the Grey Trophy. aT . - - day mormmg, a quiet wedding Wis Nee the Firne of ALL-WOOI, § > 3 » » »> > »> > 3 aml J ok » li "Wood's Phosphodine, I F. HARRISON G0. Col. and Mrs. Hunter Ogilvie, Prin- FINEST FURS. , 3 solemmized When Rev. Fr. Hanley ul VENETIAN CLOTH. full ' ® 3 * 3 place in December. ' y Mr. James A. Kenny, Trenton, (nt. MELROSE CLOTHS announces the engagement of his {f daughter, Alice M., to Dr. W J SAFIN CLOTHS, Johnston. The" marriage will take WHIPCORDS place quietly in October Sullivan-Rosseau Wedding, Prices 50c to $1.50 Yard SOOO OOOO O00 V0 inches wide, "in all the desirable lia, Toit freee co srl wil morte 'st bre ao ties poise,' ones a nvigorates the wh - : anh ' 3 oy ontreal, ( = n Hervous syicin, makes new A LIVELY RUNAWAY. jis seaming in Dude ub Hrs. Wn, nie Rosseau, of Kingston. The bride hades, a $1.00 cloth for Nee. in old Veins, ('eres Nero. i atte iste r os Devil Adents) no Bran es ao This Store is the recognized was attended by her sister, Miss Alma Feu oer relavions, Sper | § | i Ek Co's. . % : al Fects of + Fon Tovcensen, | Anglin & Co's. - Horse Caused Mrs. A. W. Winnett, Bagot street, Fur Headquarters in this dis. 0 $1 per box, six for Ons will dons, she Some Excitement. was hostess at a very delightful and , On A of Pa pamphict A lively runaway occurred on Wed- informal luncheon to-day in honor of The Wood Mewicine & Toronto, given away hy her father, Sergt. Ros seau. Many friends of the contracting | COSIL ME YELVETEEXNS Rosseau, while the uncle of the groom assmsted him. 'The bride was 15¢ a Yard ' Or nesday morning at about eleven o'-|Miss Jean Craig. . . parties were present. The bride ' Ont clock, A horse driven to a coal cart, " belonging to S, Anglin & Co., "was Mrs. il shades the recipient of mmny valuable pre ® sents. Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan left at noon on a trip to Montreal, A.R B Williamson, Brock street, will entertain on Thursday afternoon in honor of her guest, Mrs. Herbert Tandy. . so0coseneeeveen coming down Brock street, and when, at the corner. of Bagot street, the bolt attaching the whitfle tree gave way, allowing the horse its freedom. It s Double Brick Dwelling, 6 - rooms, modern conveni- |dashed 'down the street and went od Frid : inh through whete the men were working | tertained on Friday evening in honor g of Mrs. Herbert Tandy, of Parry ences, nice deep lot, in - central location, for 3 "With Edged Tools" Coming. 3c 4 Yard ( Mullin, The Real Estate Expert, Corner Johnson and Division Sts, bree ------ "Phone 539 H. Armitage, ' advance agent or "With Fdged Tools," i= in the city his production, given by an kug- | high company, will be the attraction at the Grand on October Gth. The com- : » Miss Edith Fraser, West street, en- 3 » » : pany will arrive to-night from the » > $ $ on the road at a terrific rate. 'It is a 4 wonder that some of the men were not Sound. . . . hurt. The animal went as far as On- tario street; and out to the barracks, : ; will entertain at tea, on Thursday af- where it was caught. This horse caus- M ed another horse standing at Burke's aot a a farewell to eo Mackie. . butcher shop to take fright, and jt "ie aie also dashed dawn the street. Police 3 aa Constable Filson ran out and grabbed Mrs. James Third, Wellington street, it bofore it went very far, The man Will entertain at another tea, on Fri- who was in the coal cart was thrown |98Y afternoon. oi ie ol country, by the steamer Hoval Edward, and will make a tour of a few cities hefore playing in Toronto Montreal and Chicago. The produ tion comes very. highly recommended. The Misses Ferguson, King street, Ss ee 8 CRIES EERIEeNI an sWWT Lenssen a-- Died at Carleton Place. Mr.» and Mrs. John Hedmond, of Carleton Place, decided 10 spend their | last days in Kingston, and to that Rea lend Mrs. Redmond came here om ! {Thursday of last week: her husband Ear Ton Barnes on aie fart | The fa Yacht Cub ten of th Wis pretty badly broken. season, will be held Ihis afternoon. : rt smm---- ty Ridean Lakes Navigation Co. Mr. Clarence Chown, of Montreal, 3 who has been spending a few days in fieduced rates for balance of season : town, left on Tuesday to spend some , 3 | remaiming behind to settle up his af ROYAL ICE. CREAM ParLon:l| fairs. He took ill on Friday, never CAND QUICK LINCH ROOM, | Wo do everyt rallied, and died on Sunday morning. All kinds of Lunches and Hat # eturn fare Kingston (0 Chafley's |" 'H ; Toy of Drinks grade laundric : : +1 [time in Toronto. | He was. seventy-two years of age. Fuk ean » kins thie thas Gocken cluding meals - and: berth, yi and Mes. AP. Christmas, of (§ Nowhere between Toronto § | and Candies" k sigs thy Kingst o Newh ontreal, will arrive in town, on Montreal will you find as pa. due at 2 © Monday, for the Putnam-Birch wed- large a Fur Store carrying a ing, and will be the guests of Mr. |g Such a large stock as our in. {i Ki > i 5 i frm tinasion Lo entre, I Coat Tilia tr: |S ee be ek Return fare Kingston to Portland,| Mr. Stanle¥ Waldron, is the Stent We are manufacturers. We incloding meals and berth, $5.50. of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard have had over 30 years' ex- Bae » paetury dare Nengaton od Ride dre, Dore Barrie Pe Farl street ery aL. Wovee rent from 8 oils have not yet been heard from » vearing apparel thoroug 'erry, including meals a th, . ge. . | 8 « We oo The official ret ot be ) Y At CURE AA . ory who has been spending the summer in {@® sell our Furs both 4 . fon it 1 Edwards j SALE CLRIAINS we do per A » I ------ | 4 y Candies | The store for bargains. Men's, wo- FIER ies & 00 {men's and children's sweaters. Very 184 Princess Street. ichesp. At Dation's, 2% Princess | street. { The meniin the county are very slow giving in the returns of the |Frontenae election. A number of Finest fishing and scenery in Am- Northsen Ontario, hae returned to|® and retail. 'will have a majority of 00 le | fuetly --~ COL 'Rs, SHIKT "3 Swill 0 _-- ou ies 3 Quen: S| 8 Write for Catalogue. Our motto ©: "A little better for ; Ct FF= SHIRTW A " . 0., agents. Torta Tit > Ea phy, Yen 3 "it pays to pug for Quality - Jour, money than you ~ Sexbere, x WAISTCOATS - wali : y, for Sum- » especially sweaters. Call a sec. all @ » The traction engine was put to work mavida, PEL. to spend a week. ° |B | Dutton's, 209 Princess street. ) hted | S--------e Tuesday night, teari up Broek Misses Macpherson. Brock street, *®| The Newman Electric company re » 1! street, in readiness x the pave [after visiting Col. and Mrs. Macpber- GEORGE MILLS 60 vient contract for the wiring of 26c. ® | Kingston Laundry A Te ; frou | 220. in Ottawa, returned home, on g | the Bank of Commerce building ; B || Cor Princess & Sydenham Sts. on . ¥. ; at the corner of King and Brock 'Phone 32 Dwyer gwve the best of satisfact Mrs. E. T.. Fortt, William street, and 126 AND 128 PRINCWSS ST. RB liireets. The work was sommenend om Ro aud, wear, Miss Trene Swift, King street, went up PePLseseee SePR Voudar. ------ . $000000000000000000000 0000000

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