THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, PAGER THRER - ND you will same fine mellow RED LB 7a) NEVER SOLD IM BULK - 7 Red Rose Tea and tempered strength that has Kept it the tea of quality since 1894. richness will show you why Your Grocer Will Recommend It find tne flaver and ROSE i: reteset Con' j00G Lea | UNHAPRINESS DISPELLED. Men and "Women Unanimous About Many women weep and wail and re fuse to be comforted because their onee | Kirkpatrick uray uificent tresses have become th m and faded. Many men foclive to pro- funity because the the thin thatch on their eranioms. flies Bite throvgh It Tao 4 Told 1 Twilight -» . i { i ' ¢ ' ¢ ' { -~9 POOR RRR | . 3 i {(Continped from page 2.) | Another most enjoyable tea was giv- Ren on Friday afternoon, by Mrs} | Hames Third, Wellington street The { cheery grate fire and bright, attrac 1tive decorations of autumn leaves and {red flowers, in the drawing-room, add to the hearty The polished tea with a huge bowl | and ge | ramiums arranged under the handsome {drop light. Mrs. W. T. Comell pour led coffee, Mrs. W, H. Craig poured {ten, and Mrs. A Ro B. Williamson served the cream. The girls who assisted were Miss Margaret Fairlie, Misses Anna and Marion Miss Susan Anglin, Miss Rate Miss Dora Oldrieve, Miss Aileen Folger and Miss Eva Richardson . . . led greatly welcome giv jen to - the | tuble was centred salvia, guests of graceful crimson ice Lesslie, Craig, Miss Ethel Kent, King street, en tertained the club of which isa member, on Friday evening. A very jolly time' was in dancing. Those present werp Miss Doris Browne, Miss Kitty Hoghes, Miss Sybil Kirk- patrick, Misses Gwendolyn and Doris Folger, Misses Margaret and Eliza beth Cundingbam, Miss Helen Strange, Miss Beth Small, Miss Laura Kilborn, Messrs, Walfer Steacy, Gordon Small, Carol Ashby, Fdward Ryan, Howard Folger, Reginald Third, und George whe spent . The members of the Country Club will be entertained at tea this after nook by the ladies' executive com: » . will be good news to the miserable of mittee, which consists of the following both sexes, to lea Herpicide has been market cide and antiseptic gtroving the germ the underlying can sifuchon tion, made after a entitely new pring That Newbro's upon rm placed th I'bis is the new sealp nb de- is de » that dets by or microbe that se of all hair Herpicide is a new prepara: new formula on an iple. Anyone who has tried it will testify as to its worth 1 ry Soll by 0c. in stumps for picide Co., Detroit lar bottles guara , special agen Me 'Phona 105 it yoursell and be convinced. leading draggists. Sem sample to the Her , Mich, One dol ntoed. Jas. B. Mo t, Kingston rraret Dunnett, 878. Corsettiere, Wellington St, Read the Spirslia advertisements in Ladies' Home Jownal, Delinestor, Designer, New ides and Vogue. SYNOPSIS WEST AN head oF © LAND Y PERSO of Manitob Baskatc The applicant must appear nd the minion Agency for the dist may be conditions, by ANADIAN NORTH- HEGULATIONS. WHO 18 THE SOLE a family or any male over 1§ years old may homestead a quarter tion of available Dominion land in hewan r Alberta. ency or Sub- riot. mother, daughter, brother or sister of lntend- in omesteader. utles--8ix mon ree years, the un person at 'ntry by proxy made at any agencv. on certain father, son, residence upon d cultivation of the land In each of A homesteader may Hve Walter Macnee, Misa Mrs. Richart Hooper, Mrs. James CGildersleeve, Mrs. Camp bell, Mrs. Uampbell Strange, Mrs, Frederic Prownheld, Mrs, Norman Stuart Lesshie, Mrs. P. C. Stevenson, and Miss Eleanor Macdonald, . . ladies : Mrs. Lettice Tandy, A very bright and enjoyable bridge was given, on Wednesday evening, by Colonel Mrs Hunter Ogilvie, Princess street, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. William Norton-Tavler, of Sar nin. The other guests were Major and Mrs. Norman Stuart Lesslie, Major and Mrs. D. LL V. Eaton, Colonel and Mrs. Frank Strange, Mrs J. B. Carcathers and Misa Lillian Norton-Taylor. . and A tennis tournament will be played at the Country Club, next week, for the silver shield presented to the club by Mrs. Norman Stuart Lesslie. The first' round will be played on Monday and Tuesday, the second on Wednes- day and Thursday, the semi-finals on Friday and the finals on Saturday. . . Invitations have been eeceived town for the marriage of Miss Muriel {darvie, daughter of the late Mr, Salter Jarvie, amd Mrs. Jarvis, of 'Toronto, to Mr, Robert Sinelair, of { Toronto. The marnage will take place 'on Saturday, October 15th, in St James seathedraly Paronto. - - - * Colonel and Mrs, J, H. V, Crowe, Royal Military College, entertained at a very delightful luncheon, on Thurs day, when the guests included Cap tain and Mrs. H. A. Kaulback, Arch: deacon Kaulback, Truro, Mrs. €on- way Cartwright, Vietoria, and the Misses Cartwright. » - The Dancing Club, which was so suc- cessful and enjoyable last year, has been reformed this year and wlll meet every other week at the homes of the different members. Miss Helen Duff will entertain the elub next Saturday. . - - . 'The tea held at-the Yacht Club on Weunesday afternoon, closed a very gucvessiul season and it is very much regretted among all the ladies that these enjoyable afternoons will be dis- continued until next summer, - - Mrs. George Nicol, Cataraqui, will receive at her mother's, Mrs. Thomas Conley, 209 University avenue, the first Friday of each month, beginning in October. . | Hattie | mg-setTitary, {corresponding secretary, Llyn within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres solely owned and oceupled by him or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister, . In certain districts a homesteader In iw th on the homestead or pre-emption six iwi months in each of six years from date of homestead entry (Including the time required to earn homestead patent) and cultivate fifty acres extra homesteader who has exhausted his homestead right and cannot. obtain mption may enter for & pur- homestead in certain districts 3.00 per acre . Dytles--Must Jx months in each of three years, cultlvalg fifty acres and erect a house worth §30000 mn , W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the nterlor, B.--Unsuthorized Juiiication advertisement will not be at it N. of this pal for. BEESEEFRNELCEERE EEE! A CENTURY FOR OVER HALR A CEN- TURY: > WE. "HAVE. BE ® HEADQUARTERS FOR WED-. ING QIFTS IN. SILVER, CUT GLASS % JEWELRY, FINE BRONZES, 8 2 AND CLOCKS. WELARE STILL IN THE § LEAD USE THERE I8 ® NEVER "ANY DOUBTFUL ELEMIS 1 NTHE QUALITY B or MERCHANDISE © = O00 COOOOT OO O0O000000 O, will Mrs. J). went to Toronto, to-day, to meet her (8) | daughter, Olive, who is returning the west, where mer. Mre. M. A. Calvin, of Kingston, and Mrs. OC. H. Shaw, of Quebec, will be the guests of their niece, Mclean, of Ottawa. Madame Panet, son, Captain Panet, in Kingston, spendi ter, Mrs. W. A: entertaming 8 evening in ence Hirch, the bride . . Mrs, James 'I Il receive on eatd of We first Friday in November . - Mrs. R. WH. not nor bh, agnt Year. Miss Kathleer will entertain at . - Mrs. W.. I. Minnes, "dhilleroft," not receive again until November. » . .8 - / M. Be shortly for y vears an. Mitchell, reonive a few 8 Pender, street, Ottawa. Captain Panet is sal " | Miss M. Quigley, Friday, dor Quebee, the guest of Dr, Robert A, Orser, Atthur street, for William street, informally at bridge honor of Miss Flor ofl next week, .-i.e hird, Wellington street, Friday in future in- inesday, but not until - Toye, 82 Gore street, on Friday, October n until after the New 1 Crisp, Portsmouth, dinner this evening. * will wed, University avepnve, from she spent the sum- Nes. DH. staying with her is days with her daugh- gast, Cumberland England. Villiam street, left, , to spend a month Mrs, Delage. roe 4 'the aon '0., has gccep eal leaves vity. and son, Rrock a few weeks in her parents, Nr. | Mrs. Leggett, of Montreal, gave an excellent address in the lecture room of > Vie of | along athong William © i of peso --_ - FG. Jones, Miss : viev-prasident, wecond vice Conner; first Mins Gussie Dempster president, Wiss Wyrtle Smith: record Miss Deatrice GG. Aiken Miss Rhoda Black: treasurer; Miss Myrtle Wiltee, sapet ntendent systemajie gwing, Miss Frida Sunbury, Thirteen members were emrolied, . Mrs. W. R. arrived Cvesterday her mother, Mrs. K street. Mrs. Frank is snepding a few ir a. guest of her daughter, Mrs Little, Church street. Mrs N E ¢hettenbeck, Sveacuse, N.Y., is spend- few days in town with her fa- Richard Wells, Garden street. local troop of Boys Scouts Scoutmaster FE. Ciaude Bun ning, held a fine drill last evening, followed by a pardde through the principal streets of the town. gay . Te . . * Detroit, a Mich, with Stone Falls, town Carfrae, for E Lee, Smith's vist Baker, weeks eon ing a ther, the charge of mn Mr. and Mrs Archibald Staley, Wolle Island, Ont. the marriage of their daughier, Fve- Mary Staley, to br Fdward Adams Deming, of Hartford, Conn. the marriage having taken Woe Island, September 27th: Dr and Mrs. Deming will be at home to their friends at 375 Sigourney street, Hartford, Conn. '. have aunnouoced place - on » Mr. and Mrs. R. HW. Toye, Gore street, announce the engagement of their daughter, Adelaide Belle, to Mr Arthur John Clyde Lingham, of Mant real. The marriage to take piace, very quietly, on October 17th, TORONTO-THE GOOD. Her Slums Are a Disgrace Says th Medical Health Officer. In the city of Toronto the slum question, which is assuming consider able importance throughout the Dom inion, has lately received a larg share of editorial attention. follow ing the report of the Medical Health Officer, Dr. Hastings. These remark: by the editor of The Toronto Glob may prove of general interest to thos: concerned in good citizenship in Can ac "Toronto should make short work & ber slums. They are a disgrace to the city and to Canadian civilization. Dr Hastings' report on housing in the gengested area south of College and Carlton streets shows that over 26,000 people are living under condition that are as bad for them morally as they are for the body. Of 4,69 houses inspected in the slum ared there were only 1601 with baths, and less than half with inside closets. Ir 2.207 cases outside privy pits were found. No less than 2,137 of these houses had two families living in them. There were 188 one-roomed "dwellings" occupied by families ag gregating 472 persons. These facts and many others secured by the inspector on their rounds must disturb the self complacency of the citizens who speak with pride of Toronto the Beautiful and Toronto the Good. No city can be in any real sense beautiful or good in which many thousands ol people live without the most vitally important requirements for health and morality. "It is to be hoped the Board ol Health will follow up Dr. Hastings' report by the necessary orders fol the abolition of all outside privy pit in the older sections of the city with in a period of two or three years. If is possible that this might mean harvest for the plumbers' combine, but if there were any signs of a disposi tion to charge unfairly high prices tha board could do as the sanitary auth. (anaND Y 0PERAY WoUSE IGHT The Colored Musical Comedy Success, THE HOTTEST COON IN DIXIE 40 Colored People, Singers, Dancers, Comedians, Prati Colored Cherus Gris. EVENING, . - SPECIAL, 15 25-35 Semis now on Sgle, NOTHING HIGHER. Matinee at 2.30, Evening nt 8.15. Chas A. Sellon's Jolly Musical Jingle, Trick Specincie and Panfomime, THE CAT we FIDDLE Founded on Old "Mother Goone Fables." 19 Seenes, 20 Songs, Matinee, 25, 35, 50, T5e¢; Children, 25¢. Evening, 5 5, $1.00; 4 rows, $1.50. Seats on Sale Monday, Thursday, Oct. 5 Henry Seaton Werriman's Great Hook Pinay, WITH EDGED TOOLS Adapted from the famous novel of the SRIne name, . Full Origlaal Eaglish Company. Direct from 1,079 Performances in Great Carried. | Saturday, Oct. 7 Entire Production sents on Sale Tuesday, 25, %0. 73, 81, $1.50. Matinee at 2.30. Evesing at N15, JOHN CORT ANNOUNCES "Or Lawrance D'Orsay The Distinguished English Comedian, in Aungustas Theomas' Greatest Comeds, "THE EARL OF PAWTUCKET" Matinee-=25, 35, 56, 75, 1.00; Chlid- rem ening --25, 0, $1.00, $1.50 Semin on Sale Thu AUCTION SALE. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Pr. MeTavish, 241 Queen Street, THURSDAY, OUT. OTH, 1» AM, also for Sale Jersey Cow Particulars Monday AUCTION SALE WEDNESDAY, OUT, 4TH, 10 AM, Minn MeNeill, 102 Clergy Street, Hientzman & Co. Plane, BW. Parlor Brussels and other tugs, B.W Tables, Lace and Oval Frames, Bouk Hanging and other Extension Table, Tea Set, Glass Thought Rang, > 4 tefrigeraton Rockerd fron ng 1 Mattresses (nied Bedding, Pillows, Tollet Sets, Mirror, BW. Bureau, ete ' re ins ack Lamps rd Dining Ware, BW wd Dress Mahogany "Phone ers, " "ALLEN, The Auctioneer, Warerooms 8 Broek Street Auction Sal TERSDAY, OCTORER IRD, 10 AM, 362 Barrie Street, Parlor Piece Cozy Corner and other Mahogany tension Table plassware ( gquare Heater Carpets Clock, Oak Cane Heat aT ge orities of British cities do er like conditions--select standard workmen to install closets end baths at cosi rice. p "In addition to provisions for sani tary appliances in the houses of the slum sections of the city, the Board of Health should strictly enforce the existing regulations requiring a cer tain amount of cubic space for each inmate in a house or tenement. High rents are both a cause and an effect of overcrowding. In case where the city, by failure to enforce the law against overcrowding, permits a dozen people to be herded together in spaca that should be given to half the num. ber, it is responsible for the increase of rents that will inevitably follow, for the rule of the slum landlord is to charge 'all the traffic will stand'." o The West Forty Years Ago. 5 , According to the Edmonton papers, Frank Moberley, C.E., an engineet well known throughout Canada, re- cently re-visited the capital of Al bertyg alter forty years' absence. { He last visited the site of the eity in 1871 as engineer in charge of the C.P.R. explorations between Fort Gar xy and the ellow. Head Pass, return. 'ed to see the city which has grown jup on the site of the fort which he knew, "When I arrived there in 1871," said Mr. Moberley, "the only house outside the stockade of the Hudson Bay was the residence of Rev, George McDougall. the pioneer mis: wionary who later was found frozen Yo death in Southern Alberta." : Malcolm Groat and Pere LeDuc are robably the only persons alive in dmonton who were livicg here at the time. In 1871 there was nothing in the direct line between Pembroke on the Ottawa and New Westminstet on the British Columbia coast bul Fort Garry with 250 population. In all that area there were only thred 'permanent bulldings, Lower Fort Gar. , St. John's Cathedral and the : tions" at Upper Fort Gar ry. On one occasion Moberley was Jost with a com on in mid-winter between Fort Edmonton and the Yel: low Head Pass. Both were exhausted and almost hopeless. Before settling down in camp, which they had made when they found they were too weak to proceed, Mr. Moberley called at the top of his voice and the answer- ing bark of revealed that they had stumbled upon the camp of three Montana miners, who had come north to Raskatohewan prospecting for gold. Frontenac Teachers' Association, The Frostemac Teachers" Association concluded its sessions on Friday af ternoon, after hearing interesting ad- dresses and reports. These officers were elepted ©: Honorary president, Dr, W. SNpankie; president, T. Maxwell; vice-president, Miss Leishman, secre tary treasurer, Miss FE. MN. Pyke; exe- entive committee, Mrs. Sanderson, Miss Martin, Miss M. Rell, Were. Revelle; delegates to the O. EA, Miss Gi, Wood and D, Cosgrove. yddent hg Machine, Bedroom Suites Mattresses Toilet Hels Corner Wardrobe, etc Bureau ALLEN, The Auctioneer 'Phone 252 Warerooms 86-88% Brock Street THE LADIES OF KINGSTON May Now Grow Heautiful Hair. The Best Drug Store backed up by the manufacturers of SALVIA, the Great Hair Grower, guarantees it to grow hair. SALVIA destrovs Dantdraff in ten davs. Se The roots of the bair is ished andred thay a wey cron of hai springs up, to the Amuzemett and de light of the user. The hair made soft and flufiy. Like all American pre parations SALVIA daintily pet fumed. It hard to find, an actress who does not use SALVIA continual A large bottle for Ste, SO NOY is is is ly. DATES OF FALL FAMIRs. Odessa .. «wa Oct, 6 Tweed All the Leading Makes (f fine hats, in. the up-to-date hat store styles, SM, 32, $2.50, i, $l, at Campbell Bros', Ningston's only ex clusive hat and fur store, Bb was superintendent of the Falls Montreal division of R., has been anpointed a of the Grand Trunk railway. Miss Sarah Martin, wha for the past thirty years had made her home with Mr. and Mrs, J. Rowe, Grom Poirk, died on Sept, 15th, Icensed wis a sister of Mrs. Rowe, Napanee Express Premier Borden should wot Tail the just claim of Uriah Wilson senatorshin, the C.F superinten Pacific R. LL recognize to a toy ARCHITECTS. L HENRY. P. SWITH, ARCHITECT, BTC, 258 King Street. "Phgue 345 tdi ARCHITROT, IN ARTHUR ELLE venue, Telephone University 1013, NEWLANDS tects, ete. Offices, 'Phone 608, & SON, 25% Bagot St POWER 8 SON, ARCHITECTS, WER- chants' nu Building. . corner Broek and Wellington Sireets, LEGAL. CUNNINGHAM & WMUDIE, BARRIST- ers and Soticttors. Law Office, 71 Clarenge Street, Kingston " W. J. GAVIN pairing an or tress renovating. Drop a call 216. Bagel Street. ue Oct, 45] W. B. Cronk; who o' lewiyveams apo Smith's | ARCH T CPHOLS NG, RE- carpet work, hair mat-§. The People's Foruni' | sesapenee CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion le a word, Each con secutive (msertion thereafter half cent a word, Minimum charge for one insertion 35¢; three imsertions, B0e; six, $1; one month, $3. HELP--WANTED, A GIRL, AT ONCE, APPLY TO COL. lander Hotel A DINING-ROOM GIRL, AP" } Hotel, Brock Street KITCHEN WOMAN, AT ply, Br h-Am A ONC y | MAID FOR GENERAL Apply to Mrs R Ear] Street HOUSEWORK, Henderson, 117 GOOD « ERAL SERVANT; REF ences required Apply ¢ 14% Jol son 8 wel MERAL SERVANT, PRINCIPALLY for chamber work Apply 297 William Sirgeet tli GIRL TO good wages ASSIST AN Apply to HOUSEMAID, WITH Apply to Mrs. Benson Street, PRIVATE TUITION, jeatrice Lambert, BA MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK: must good cook, small family Apply to 52 Clergy Street bes MILL PREPARER mitlinery department V. Greaza, 1X82 Weilington St ONCE, for wily te A COUK W general evening WILL ASSIST WIT sew ork Apply, In 1 Mrs. Mitchell Bag FOR (HAMBER WORK Jd kitchen gird Apply at American Hotel, Ontarlo AL SERVANT FOR A Apply, any evening at 195 Johnson family after 7 o'elock ™o TINSWITHS gE YOURE me pre MeKelvey rock Street A to S VICI. Sweater THI f TWO STRONG BOYS, AT ONCE, mailing department, to work day an¥' Thursday forenoouns Saturday afternoons Apply Whig Business office, W SMART GIRLS TO finishing room; steady wor highest wages Apply to the fice » Kingston Hoslery King § FOR Mon and to WORK IN of 0 Co PERSON MA) 1ithly corresponding . r No canvassing or particulars, Press Syndi 1.969% Lockport, N.Y AN ee erie nas ep ---------- CAPABLE OLD COUNTRY DOMES- ties, carefully selected, arriving weekly Apply, now, The Guild, Ti Drummond Street, Montreal, or Pembroke Street, Toronto LABOR Wages board apply Syndicate - AND $1.35 to QUARRY 1.50 per da steady men Exploration ont but ply 0 Collins Bay, A GENERAL SERVANT, MAID OR Woman; a tidy who can do plain cooking no washing wo ironing between 1 and cK 122 Universit person A LINE FOR EVERY HOME; WRITE us for our choice list of agents' supplies, we have the greatest agency prog Canada to- day: no ot Py Apply BCL Co, Street, Ot 228 Albert WANTE nd DD, LADIES TO DO PLAIN lght = how Montreal tawa WANTED, GOOD both sexes se le of private ' greeting cards, good ey easily ried Rertes a9 LIVE AGENTS to sell our cheice tion hristma commission Write Car Adela Co Car n de 8B oronto CLERKS TH SELL ARTICL needed in er irking KS MIcH ime, especially | PIII II III IIIISIIIIIIINIIII IIe PTI III IP ITIP III III IIE STRAYED ] PREMISES ON TOG MY ONE COM, EJ 1 STRAYED FROM MY FARM, FIVE Yea Eg heife . % wd : HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS BRUNSWICK MOYLHL, ONTARIO ST, wposite GT. stat ' wk hee GRIMASOY 2f re BUSINESS CHANCES. ss ANYW H Ri SQUARE * » * - a WN FOR SALE. LARGE WALNUT BOOKCASE r brary at Turks Pe e iv Goon bo AT AREGE HEATER, IN CONDI & Apply r Wr ' Kor Alfred ee PNK SECONDHAND THIRTEEN Dise Dridl, In gvod condition Ap- ply to DJ. Hay, Clarence Street GXFUNRD HEATER, In * A 1 "Rs \ nRAN NEW POOL TABLE, Wont LL LE } Apply, | AN APPLE ORCHARD OF "w i sed. fry Ww } r ba ARouy v M Half FLAGS, AWNINGS, TENTS, CANOES, camping marine supplies, English raincoats, canvas, kit hoods, Frank W 'Phone 861 outfits, lishing lacklas, laneh baskets, everyvihing ia bags slik tents, spray motor boat supplies, Cooke, 26% Outaric Mt or 28. ERE, CAN STA ords isiness at home N 1 | EUROPEAN CAPITAL Rive nek « Furnished i prises in atir sil substant i bi RNISHE i, SEVEN-ROOM HOLS) ness Rallroads, Tract Electr! Powers Agricul tond, Dehent Underwritte: Properties exploitation Finapcial ndied Misiellanen ders of a ' ition ir ha Correspor talls a THE INTERNATIONAL ALLIANCE, HANK ERS 4% Mark Lane, London, England, FINANCE AND INSURANCE FOR INSERANCE THAT INSLRES GO W., Hl (intw & Now's 1 Emporium wr Ne Bank K Stre GENERAL INSERANCE=FIRE, LIF, A 1 He 1 2 {Oe LARGE \ Boa re ROOMS STONE, TO LET. DOL LE BEDROOM, i \hpdy to 08 We in AND BOAND, i onRvenisnces fn Street, Ki Wellinet win ALL der Apply, 28 ngston Y Aig ELRNISHED, FROM OCTORER IST, Nis 99° Clergy 2fres Wes NeAr Juren's S ep tN i 1 By Art ay STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, dry, airy rooms, absolutely = moth i sour own lock and key 8 City Blorage, 26 Phone S360 ¥ $ Queen Hi, CORNES nham INN AND PRINCE is, kt the de tree 1 Ki pos Apply 1 x lon Ist Parkhill N HOLSE, CORNER HROUK AND FRO v \' ier LAN ' } HOUSE, CONTAINING Six "uy ' 1 ! edd i MARKS | i ! | FRONTS LOAN AND INVEST ed 1% HRIGHT, with BOARD AND ROOMS. AIRY ROOMS, WITH OR oard; ean be had at 331 sity Avenue; convenlent te © nd sil modern oon. wt Unive urs ™ REAL ESTATE Ar -- SELEP-SLEPPFORTING HOMES IN TID ' s f istrict of Bouthern \ $s 0 nil LIVERPOOL, LOSDON, AND GLORE I ¢ v A + } FURNITURE FINISHER ANTIQUE FERNITUR) A SPECIALTY, DENTAL. | DENTISTS | Kingston | 8. H. SIMPSON, LDA, DDS, ENT. | SPARKS AND SPARKS, 230 1-3 Princess Street, Phone 348 good sition: if small write ir Wages Appl salary he unter to-day double awe hogs Whig office and Box * REPRESENTATIVE WANTED, AT once for work Ir yon i it will guarantee day; opportu ly: will time; ence required Bible Presa, Toronto ality $5.00 per ce rapid 2000000000000000¢ TEN SMART GIRLS TH LEARN hax making wages Ratnrday WANTED--GENERAL OF EVERY DE. seription: class work best leather only one trial suffice Bring your repairs Scott's, 206 Barrig Street Clergy West THOSE HAVING GOOD SECOND. hand furniture see me before any person else: I will pay the highest srices: | have a large Pandora Range and all kinds of Btoves and furniture. J. Thompson, 333 Prin. cess Street GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR Cloth~and have it made up info up. to-date suits, Price and workman ship guarafiteed to please. Press. ing un repairin dome on the shortest notice homas Caliowsy 13] Broek St, tear Bibby's Livery, TEACHERS WANTED. HER FOR SCHOO, 1 $. Hinchinbrooke, County of Frontenac; duties ta commence October Ist Apply, stating salary and qualifications, to Geo. A, Smith, Sec.-Treas, Par. i ED TEAC a A No. ham, Ont. | DR, ©, ©, NASH, DENTIST --Welcker, assistant, 183 Phone 736 tat, 268 Princess Street. Telephone ad | i PROB { § rincess §t | b SAAYKROYD, LDS, LDS, DENT. st, over Dominion Express Office 187 Wellington Street Phone 10 KNAY ¥ BA, LDS, DDS, : y Monte et rere) Pi "4 i S------------------ MEDICAL, SPARKS, BA, MD, PHYSICIAN rt ¥ 1 t i \ : ' Ht 0 FLO. 0, Mact ALE HM, PHYSICIAN, 12 ay { yin, Telephone 108 MUSIC. PROV ESSOR JAMES : plans and i ft SMALL, Li ri il, has p Hd MISS ML HIE) M CG, ALIVE STREET, Mosher p Y : hey Byr hiN MADAME A DON COCHRANE, ruUriL Ww ee ---------------------------------- OCKAN STEAMSHIP AGENCY, LTRANSATLANTIO LINES, ALE CLASS. | I b bu 12 Age Kingston OSTEOPATHY. TH WITHOUT DRUGS "RR. k fi, Do 6 Welt : SITUATION WANTED. A VOI NC i LADY WANTS SITE ATION yraemaid for ' At Box 29% Whig off ene of R rs -- ESTABLISHED 1866 mined Our warehouses are all stocked with the best grade of fresh- PERSONALS, HAIR, MOLES, 2 BIRTH AR A ' : 1 permanent Let Us Supply You IFT'S