Ea ; y ; s YEAR 78 -NO, 220 KINGSTON, ONTARIO, MONDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1911. LAST EDITIO i ] re ak, into interfering with the ' district. will go to either Hon. L. P.| i WEATHER PROBABILITIES. Hian grab of Tripoli. Pelletier, M.P.,, for Quebec county, | i to, Ont, Oet it READY F 0 R 3 ERI 0 U S Fi i i T ---- NO Ol } OSITION Iwho has' had a long experience in the) LATEST T TIDINGS -: } wa is He re and a wd i . Quebec legislature, or Hon. T. Chase ! ere a ran sta - u - " Italy Explains to Powers. < : Casprain, ex-M.1"., who would be elec Berlin, Oct. 2.-lialy on Saturday, ted dor Montmorency. . | pina o My Sule note oF yo. ge ot = Be Offered : Then Rodolphe Forget would be | : -- Firkes ni - . Ne oh W in midister-at-large, representing both Near and e ar Joi or 1 a will be is a / (Quebec Fast the Quebec district, of which he 8 : A now the political boss, and the Mon- Distant Places | | to the occupation of Tripoli; that the i 1 distriot, i hich hi i i Ta fo Loss of Territ | hostilities will be of short duration, treal custrict, in which his business in- < J . and that megotintions to fix the sta terests lie, OF tus of Tripoli will be begun soon 3 a TT Italy, it is stated, will endeavor to BOURASSA'S DEMANDS Are Sure Members, THE WORLD'S EPISODES | foealize the hostilities, Toronto, Uet, 2.--The Mail and Em: | The Empire is Threatened on vey Side. Eurapean Diplo- The note closes with the assurance Cp pire says Rogers, Monk, Foster and i - that the steps taken are in the inter Cochrane are practically sure members a % | - mats Working to Keep the Lid on the Balkans-- ests of humanity and evilization and | ARE NOW BEFORE PREMIER. © the new cabivet. GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST Pos. : that no effort will be spared to pro SIBLE FORM tH ELECT R. 1. BORDEN. Conmee "Drops Out. { MESSALINES Has Out Ea tect the subjects of other nations in Italy Carried Operations 1 ripoli. a Port Arth Ont., Oct. 2.--J). Con- ; a Sir Hugh Graham Wants to be ( heidi Wiig fr tay | Matters That Interest Everybody-- Can-| mee has dropped ont of Thunder Bay Aggressive Manner. Turks Painfully Sarprised. adian Iligh Commissioner | election, and Carrick will probably bel Notes From All Over--Little of || COMMENCING T Paris, Oct. 2A special to the Rogers, Monk, Foster and Coch. |clected by geelamation. Everything Easily Read and Re-| ! G TO-MORROW. temps from Uonstantinople quotes rane Are Sure Cabinet Menibers -------- membered. Maboud Sechefket Pgsha, the minister ? Strathcona to Stay. ! . : of war, as saying that Vurkey had| Quebee, Oet. 2.-The iden of offering! (iawn, Ont. Oct. 2.--Lovd Straih- Premier Whitney has announced that |} ~~ it clear to all Europe that it will ; observed all her trosiies and had | the libernl candidature in Quebee Fast soa will contimie er high Somme he will not join the Borden cabinet submit to no moré losses of its ter [March upon maintained a correct attitude, but [to Hon, George P. Graham is very | sioner M. lI. Murphy has been appointed | ritory without a desperate fight. Maus. i aril | Holy had not even waited for the ex- [favorably considered amobget the na It is expected Laurier will resign on ]diStrict passenger agent of the C.I'R Eueopean statesmen, always fearful A natal engagement is momentary piration of the twenty-four hours set | tionalists of Quebec. Wednesday ] ; bs Winnipeg Uhristian Endeavor execu that a war anywhere in the old world, expected between Hie hialign Huet nent in her ultimatum before attacking When interviewed on that subject, 8 me tive will fight advertisements of whis | { for afternoon and evening once started, will spread beyond con [to intercept the r n iy hn oy Furkigh torpedo boats and sending | Armand Lavergne, nationalist leader Sir Hugh's Demand. key, beer and Cigarettes, {}{. wear is in accordance with the trol, hoped when Italy declared war, |at Constantinople nuder the Lanadian ge fest to Fripoli. The government, | of the Quebee district, said that he as y A I'he bishop of London will. attend | 1 yesterday, that Turkey would yield, Admiral fueknam. The ] UFKS Aref he added, had been painfully surprised [would favor' the eandidaey of Hon Sir Hugh drahim has alse acen TI the consecration of the new Anglican | : The Turks ignored all such sugges |hopelessly outclassed, but Bucknam is f,, such aggressions, Mr. Graham in Quebee Kast. He con Borden. He wants three things . {cathedral in, Khartoum on January tions. In fact, 4 wenernl Furopean [considered an extremely able eom- sliders. the wk dno of rail 1. The high commissionership for Login, 1912. may be ascribed to their ex- wir sepms what they want. They may | mander and will undoubtedly give » Pope Wants News of War. i. ¥ ! 8 himself, as his reward for years of H. H. hitchener and ..iss hitehener, quisiie richness of weave lose Tripoli, indeed, but they propose|good account of himself. : Rome. Oct. 2--Pope. Mus today dr Smee] financial support of the conservative! pephew and niece of Lord Kitchener, | f . to make up the loss by territorisl ae A more or less effective blockade dered CAT del Val he hie party. : : . have entered Metiill University, Mon-| . quisition somewhere els has been established by the Italians - aa or ate 10 8 mim Tr A 2. The inclusion of Rufus Pope, for-} eal as students: Hi and perfect draping qualities, The Ottoman government also evi of the western Turkish coast, and, pap: th hin OR race) " in RC w : i merly MP, for Compton, in the new A royalist plot has been discovered unusually striking velled ei dently feels that its back is detiuitely | iollowing the bombardment of the hy arcing Er: H ir m ¥ i enhinet ns the representative of the |, Uporto, Vortugal, and over One fects being obtainable with agninst the wall. It lost two provin flown of Prevesa, a landing is reported gn Th ht ha , a desnaioh ¢ Eastern Fownships. : hundred of those concerned ces to Austrian yecently. Maly 12 now [at this pom War Minister Chefket to-day. saviuz: that: aif the pate 37 " 4. The appointment of L. T. Mare, coment attempting to seize another. Grepee is | Pasha iv hastening troops to all} Ses Cel RE TEL CE eave Tri La thal, h.. of Montreal, as one of thal pie fiyisish steamer Hutied was |{] . after Urete. Russin's Black Sea fleet | threatened const points, however, and poli amd that they had remained un F rench 'minsters 'ol the Borden cabs sunk, after an early morning collision (|! The Silk On Sale in anchored off Trebizond 10 reads | though he eannot raise the blockade, der the protection of the ltahian Hag 7 fet: he fi hore : vailnt with the British steamer Glasgow, in ness to occupy the north-east corner fwill certainly put a speedy end 10}. (he scalian consulate, his holiness * . 0 the brat, Sore Svury Tendon the English channel, and w af : of the Gitoman Empire's Asiatic pos | landings on Turkish soil was considerably aliscted and falling 3 . Lond al ry (roy twenty men drowned hi exceptionally pretty, and sessions, Mulgaria ix threatening the As. a counter-move 10 the Halisn'} to his khees 'on the Priv kg i} Lantion office; 2s fo Rufus $b € oo Fight children were burned to deat) | comes in Creme, Sky Blun -- -- tack, Park ih troops are occupying} plained : "Let us pray for these true | lourassa, not Sir Hugh, has the calf|'D ibe destruction of the homesiead | Maize, Pitk and New Flam« the Greek province of Thessaly and] ooldiers of God and religion." as 'to. French: winisters. of William Diaz, near Indiana, Pa. lll It is full 36 inches wide skirmishing ha ready occurred be i Mee Ihe parents made a brave attempt to tween the Turks apd Greeks there British Officers Recalled, Changes in Residences rescue them and may be fut rn . 9 The Britis 5 z : . : ed too, Unrest in Haly. i Pup Beith h Pa i ne Sh iarent ne pooh pied ig Evo | Italy, in the meantime, is having Wiliams and six other omcers gerving gC ra rge rT a o Ny ? Diy urned on Er fuy night, WHILE IT LASTS, grave trouble with the anti-militarists f with the Turkish fleot, but some ; some of the best. houses - in Ottawa idwa ay It Tay 4 he Uhmpees at home. Not much is known as tolanxiety is felt lest any British officer from the members of the Laurier cabi- | fe AT 4 hi holzer, ol Dilatoma, his | -. » datails, owing = the hit-tight Suh haat He Yarkish ships should be not to those 'who will 'be calied hy ee anc child escaped with thew | Trimmings ship, but it is dertain that there bas | involved in the hghting. . Borden. . | been rioting at many points and that The Malian ambassador gave the Nyt eden; will, of course, retain his Mrs, R. J Darnell and danghiter ! > ¢ v : gs numbers of lives have been lost in the {foreign office assurances of the pro house on. Laurier avewue. but Sir} ere instantly killed and another PROFUSION OF NEW FEF. fights between the anti-militarists and | tection of Hritish subjects in the Richard Cartwright will probably give the troops. The general strike agninst | sphere of hostilities. up his residence at 276 (Connor street the war was, indeed, crushed, bui he ea sma As and reside at hingston, except dur- people, who generally strongly ob Canadian in Turkish Navy. ing the session. e ject to fighting for a small capitalis- Ransford DD. Bucknam (Buckonam Sir Alen Aylesworth has already ,Uwing to the rush of settlers into ||| that never--in recent years tie group, which will profit by the | Pasha), Viee-Admiral of the Turkish SiR HUGH GRAHAM. placed his house, 13% Daly avenue, in|/e8¢e River district, Mounted Police [li pave trimmings entered su seizure of Tripoli, are taking the ag- [eet and naval 'adviser to the gov-| wp. wants the high commissionership | 80 agent's hands, and will return to officials have issued a warning that tnrgely into. ihe odes. 10 gressive individually against the gov- ferument, is a native of Hansport, l'oronto. there is uo surplus food supply, and|f i he mbes Tor erntuent in enormous numbers. The | Nova Scotia, where he was born in a. man of ipbtior charaster. of 'wreat Hon. Rodolphe Lemieux will move newcomers are advised to bring plen- ||} Dreses, Suits. Coats, etc seriousness of the situation may be} 1569. After consideralile experience at ability tak hrosd-miiol » ih - to Montreal, and thus his house at A judged from the fact that the cabinet [sea he became a superintendent in Ne, whit Fa ys teafipenraces inthe 265 O'Connor street, will be uvailable] A total of 212,854 immigrant set-{}] new lines suggests many ad- tlers, one-third of them from the Un it you make your 3 o « has had to declare martial lw [the Cramps. alipbuilling yard at . Fa ; 20H for one of the new ministers. | vantage | throughout Italy. Philadelphia. In 1904 he took to Tur- federal paclivront would be a henelit Hon. Sydney Fisher is going back to ited States, settled in Canada during | | ' - - w v | ] selections now, | A nnn | od, but ut either side of the town, ! whence they have already started to the antiquated fortifiea London, Oct. 2 Turkey has mad The marked preference evin- | towards Satin-faced Silks tates of authoritative fashion. Their universal favor beautiful and varied colorings m the them have been arrested Regular value is $1.50 per yard cottages on Grenell laluidd, | SALE PRICE $1 daughter and chauffeur fat ly burt | FEOTS, when a train ran into a taxicab on | the level crossing on the Long Ishd {1 his may be sald to be a railway, on Sunday night season of trimmings. inasmuch ty of provisions with them The completeness of our " - 3 ar a" : . " key a battleship built by the Cramps to Canada : the farm at Knowlton, and will not [the first five months, being eighteen oe a - » TL ti for. that country, and staved on as Mr. Sifton Wants Nothing need his new house on Laurier avenue. | per cent increase in immigration lig: | o naval teres nperating : : aval or » : . . - g fy WM wi es over ti dme pe s Coniisniur Turks of THpoll, and wh oialong the Austrian frontier. At any | DoY al adviser to the sultan. Wingitin. O a L ® Hon. Frank Oliver, who will return ure over the same period last vear ia mentioned as the. firel lLtalian gov. other time such a move would be in- 5 inmpeg, ot. 2.-A close friend ol to Edmonton, will vacate his house on Baron Detiuichanville, a. wealthy Prevesa, Where Battle Occurred. Hon. Clifford Sifton is nuthority for | Somerset street French communist, exile, who lal erfior Of Tripoll. Me was formerly en- oo cvervwher li ; ' . p re as preliminary i | dd to marry Miss Elkins, daughter I H J ateme . . , ow n at ad i fr n . - i gaged "late Sepator Hiking, of the lto an attempt at the recovery of Aus Prevesa, the scene of the first en- | statement that the former liberal Hon W. N. Fielding may retain his | irom his country in 1873 and estab |} J United States. Royal relative and the lig' [alinn provinces, for which the | counter between the ltalians and | minister is not looking for any favor| house, 216 Metcalfe street, for the time [lished a newspaper in Montreal, where |}! | religlous question broke off the match Rome government has been getting Purks, is situated at the entrance of |1tom R. L.. Borden or his government, fat least. he lost all his money, died in New | ' { i b Monday, aged I | { ay, ¢ | i which may be renewed. The duke ix rave" | Vices . TO0e N o . 0 sters a great Aretie explorer dnd mountain ready for years. It hardly seems pos- | ---- | He gave tis services in' the recent o that the incoming ministers will | York, on eighty-one ' h sible 4 » eflort: shoul campaign with an alNogether different have plenty of hoice of good houses |vears a clip we . ible that the effort should be made SHr0rE000000000000000 purpose. for their new homes. a i THE PROPLE'S STORE. A remarkable feature of the situa- tion is the massing of Italian troops " ar yr Ma radon - We atonegro is! just at the moment when Italy is at & 00 no po ho er war with another power, but diplo MINERS BURIED, . taut ¢ ni \ Sia 000000000000000¢ *o eyeing Northern Albania Si \ wits 'ure; neverthelors, groatly pled oo 2 Hugh Clack for Militia. Conservative Majority, 48, Sg ai + Patriotic Turks are convineed -- Fairbanks, Alaska, Oct, 2. «| Ottawa, Oct. 2.-FEither A, E. Fripp,] Ottawa, Oct. 2.--The retirement of CAUSES TUBERCULOSIS, : : . and seniewhat uncasy. To complicate 9 3 J ntire country . I 4 . . ! the _jitift ion oy he he committees ol speculation still further, Austria-Hun Fourteen miners are im- MP. for Ottawa, or Col. Hugh|Jiames conmee in Thunder Bay and i inintinent, att, ga - prisoned in a shaft 150 feet &!(lark, MP. for North Truce, i i ress expressed it, in a | Bary. alone among Furopean nations, will | Kany River, with its certain result of hin alu' Brow : i " } « Ot. 1% inclined to sympathize with aly in deep in the Shakespeare # [move the address in reply to thea conservative successor, leaves only praelatation issued to das ue tis. [the Tripoliizn matter. placer gold mine on Dome | speech from the throne when parlia-|the Yukon election to be held, and tpman nation prefers death to dis Creek. The shaft caved in # | ment opens in November. that generally goes with the govern Rolie," at if i muy purishy ri ES cn 3 * imprisoning the men One According to an Ottawa man, in |[ment, so that Alfred Thompson may os to go down in a war in Which « Turkey and Greece Embr&led. hundred men are seeking to | close touch with the political situa- Europe is involved. . Belgrade, Servia, Oct. 2.--Fighting is enter the mine through an # tion, Col. Hugh Clark is slated for Now that European diplomats . Hon progress on Turdo-Greek frontier, old shaft This is plugged | the portiolio of minister of militia this, the most [arious efforts T fia is believed to be no more than with thirty feet of ice at the ++' Bourassa is hete and conferring with ing made to vettle the Turko-ltalian mere skirmishing as vet," but every bottom There is a possi- + Monk It is said his visit is in | | | i BORN. Chicago, Oct. 2 riifi- clal light causes tubercul osis," declared F. L. Elliott in an address at the closing session of the convention for the Illuminating Engineering Society vesterday, Mr. Elltott, who Is editor of a technical magazine, sald he knew of OR Belt pe set down as also certain to be elocted. 'This will place the conserva tive majority at forty-eight, with , a shght possibility of a' change of one or two etther way, when recounts PRIPPPPPPPPOP Pit ~ DIED, LETTE EERE RET TF SL TY ie 111 factories in which the 1 rors Frederick i po pe. Ja fon, . . re 4 AT gis & »l { : A trouble before it goes farther, Loasion, thing inchicates that it is merely pre bility that the intermediate ** connection with his demand that Mr. [have taken place. germs of tuber io Is and p ia "MM. A Paris, Berlin, Vienna, snc L.A liminary to a general Turco-Greek salts have settled. If so, the % Monk's entrance into the cabinet shall] The Roman Catholics number se other . fsenses - develop be burg are in constant fonsiuniation, campaign. entombed men probably are % ha conditional upon the promise of a|Venty-one in the house, with the like cause the workmen use only and there i high authority for the tt was the Turks who took the ag dead. * plebiscite upon the navy. tthood of two more in the Laurier and artificial light . Saleen A Eid On in the |STessive against Greece, under the | Mr. Borden also, his friends assert,|lorget second seats. Methodists and some, plan to "keep the li Oh in he wnpression that the latter would probe is still holding his position that hejt'resbyterians are a tie, with forty-six |$000000000000000000048 Balkans is likely to be reached a ably attempt to annex Urete under must be allowed an absolutely. free|®8ch; Anglicans, forty-five; Baptists, TOR . s 1 " T oy most at any moment. cover of the Turco-Italinn war, Turk-}the Gulf of Arta, which lies at the ex- | hand in" thy selection of his cabinet five; Lutherans, three; Congregational KINGSTON ASSESSMENT Cat train Dr eta mE ---- ish troops began the geeupntion of | treme south end of Albania and which | is virderstoe however, that he 1918, two; Quakers, one. | . 2 a Italians Aggressive. the Greek provinee of Fhessaly.. Sreuce Hivides the 'Turkish province from [takes the view that the: first duty of 2 Js oy said to Be unlikely that | It is pie on » Phree Hundred ROBERT J. REID, responded by despatehing a force Lol reece. . 5 Ihe y the Borden cabinet will contain (i. ni ousand bollars. eading Undertak aggressive with the utmost energy. i . Lo resist them, and hostuaties | The Island of Corfu lies in the Adri- pie haw - oy a is ha Perley, conservative whip in the last] 'pe assessment of 1912 has just been 'Phone 677 ; a0 Princess Street atic, about fifty miles north of Pre-| el an : i wn OT Thouse, and one of the mainstays of insued by Tax: Calector Gord Wii. In the meantime Italy is taking the Following the exchange of a few shots | tollowed. policy should be left to the future for i between the Italian ships off Tripoli] Besides their' objection to the loss | vesa, and Missolonghia, the scene of decision Lhe organization during the campadan. | ranoris a gain of $300,000 in the total "JAMES "REID and the Turkish batteries ashore, the|of Crete, the Turks were actuated inf Lord Byron . arts fof Greek inde | The decision 'as fu: thevehole of the Ihe reason given for Perley"s prob | value of property Ihe figure 4 y \ ress ive 0 pndence in 182 and the town mn 5 able absence from the council table is| i . | The Old MM f Und he Malinng resumed, to-day, their land | assuming the Aggressive agamst | pent j Ts Fre spanking hers o . 1 ' | Sydenham ward M HG2.07h rm of Undertal ing hegun last faght. The troops are | Greece by the higher diplomatic mo- [which he died is situated fifty miles | French ponking iwailitrs Tf tos on his health, which is far from good. | puidings, SUR X25: busine - 04 aad oe rT AINURES STR not going ashore at the city ofiripoh | tive of frightening kurope, hy a | to the south : Preven ie Rencved from| a ne ' mn mn Jar oft}. an mentioned among the first, Hut | incom 2 a, i} hou A hone M7 for Ambuis p ps ,y talkan out- | the regular line of transit for steam- | ' ,, fwas not at all anxious to take up! <4 ' "ms ' whete they might be effectively resist | threat of a widespread | " n i onlv ure Mr: Q | Statute labor, 533: dogs, K ers from Venice and Trieste through a is - ? Mr Fekiasin sll . 4 the hard work that falls to the eabi- || pos the Adriatic. Ht is a small shipping is oy Rods 5 i Ee ND n net ministers. 151 port from which quantities of raising] ic na dolphe Forget, M.1. . ort "one of the last acts of the Laurer avi {1 i X36 TI build Writing Desks, Study Tbles, tntario warn An 340, pull and Easy Chalr Special priges at . " p ped yearly. N harlvoix and Montmoventy," was] nt -- 4 0 ' o ' halrs $ LIVES LOST and currants are shipped year there for a few hours and had a long government is letting a contract for ings, £562.540k business, 1 joe | Turk's Phone 506. 5 . with Mr. Borden, Those who the construction of the Grand rank come, SU5.650: total, ¥1,13%,365, ie War Tidings. . i , . Pacific terminals depot at Quebec | Sqatute labor, 5i #5: bitches; -- -------------------------------------- 3 fo, > dogs jare in the confidence of Mr. Forget City, to Joseph Gosselin, Levis, The Italian squadron opened fire on | ) : vis, %. population, 1,19%; tool childre Tripoli at 10:30 o'clock, on Saturday patate that declined to accept a wue., for $745,000, 3 Poi ' » ch ight. Landing parties were also at; portfolio wpon the gromnd that he ---------- j", 2. d Gar ny anding ¥ feould not afford the time, but he is . t. Lawrence ward-Land, $119,305 work. Italians und other foreigners, fready to enter the Gabinet as a min. A Cabinet of Surprises. | buildings, 3620.800: business, £311,120 --r-- i 1 nis, . a "wr i A, x ¥ P Lw ' jnchusting BL i Wig oi R [ister without portfolio. 'This can} Ottawa, Oct. 2.-- The announcement '0C0™ X25, 100; ial, $1. 4u.210 " XY N 9 eo > a N o . 3 " py n 1H FE 3 ' Statute labor, ; dogs, 2%: bitches, Buffalo, N.Y., Oct, 2.-Hetween 300 The manager of the Bayliss com Warships sent from Spezia and Tar- jeasily be done. It was done by Mr {of the composition of Mr. Borden's i; population, 573; school children, and MO persons aresreported to have pany issued a statement, this morn anta, Italy, were sent off by immense Laurier when he formed his cabinet | administration will be made in a few [oR ' » . : <t 2 » The 2 , . toni their: Hyves at 1896, and took in both Hon. RR. |days. The Whig understands that it Catormi. whrd--Jand, = S33 Austin, Pennsylva-| 0g, that the company's pecuniary loss crowds," whe shouted themselves {MM ' nia, wham B tuge Ham gos . o> ay » ww only a hundred thousand dollars |, Men 'tossed: cigars aboard to |B Dobell amd the Hon. CC. A. [will be a cabinet of surprises. ames rrr ir a ros As Supplied to the King, YP aturday o noon. aud, owing to extensive interests in Nive : : Geofirion as ministers without rort-1 will be included which were not ex- : ' 5 i a e sailors and women threw Kisses. | F O80: income, y total, £1.37} 10c, 50c, 60c and $1.00 Per Pound, innundated, and no one had an op |Vavads, this would not cause in Chorus of "tiod bless yon, gallant | folio. pected, and others will be left out atue Tabor, 11S; a » Ivency. But added to this is the : es pen hich the public thought to see wrtunity to get to places of safety | % ) 3 2¢ Lads" filled the air. Po whieh the public id en lem OM: pol tion. 3.146 I other parts of the surroundimg ter-| los of home and other buldings in ltaly the declaration of war! Monk's Strong Gam. The Laurier administration will, it 5 Jopulats 8, 3,146; In 1-2 ib and 1 Ib. tins. ory, Ln ith al Jemat ree Yyhuriors of a Against Turkey has been received with| Mr. Monk seems to be playing alfis expected, resign on Hadussdas, and ee viidituind "<T was thirty-three fect high, | mithion rs. Yam was con ris of the coun- strong game. He has not only the] Mr. Borden will be called upon imme rr * a The dam Ro denned some time ago, but in the face enthusiasm in all pe Hhcking. of Mr. Bourassa and all the] diately by Earl Grey to form a min a 8 hhh L First Appearance tn Kingston. fifty rods wide, sud backed up nl crook more thine half 8 mile. The crvek | of that mare than two hundred "| The impression prevails in diploma- nationalists, but he has La Patrie and istry. 'The mew migisters will take the Nintute labor, 192. dogs, +): bitch ran from the dam through the city, ple gaily worked right on its brid tie quarters in Berlin that the con: the whole conservative delegation frgmjosth of office at once and will bein +; 1 9 schoo i # and the fall 'of water dashed into the whee th Sradlt | came. Heavy rains, flict will be short duration. Queber, English and French, behind }stalled in the depariments by the end oy alain, SA1% Shoo) oH J Redden & Co town and whirled houses and build i 3 and this morning, added to . him. of the present week. | Rideau ward--Land, $366.500. build in its sweep i al ie of the Sturdiers. very English con® give member] . v ings, $1,145,042; business, $16,900. in = atin ds 8 town of shout 3,500 still "alive the Shere gre Tuinks Jo Will Remain. jelectad from Gueber, except. Messrs.| Habit has proved the death of Wil coms, $16,100; total, $1,544. ie Fhuttuly Print. 0 with ghout 500 houses, in Pot- fy ooo a uve oo . the | gitawa, Oct. 2.-Lord Stratheons Perley and Ames, are pledged to ajliam Kiss, a Manchester Horist. wiss| RStatue labor, 187. dogs, | batch} This detective story will be shown ter county. Its principal industries} oo 0 their rescue. neeniratof was interrogated if he thought Canada [plebisdte or a referendum upon tbelhas smoked in bed for years. Finally ae, 31. population, 183% school chil | 8! the Rig Fdward tonight and are connected with the Mmber busi} apy 0 Ged of o 'mother, with. th would remain for many years a part inavy, as are also George Gordon, M. [he fell asleep with pipe in mouth und dren, 1,396. Tuewdny. It bolds one in such rapt nese and the pulp mills, Which use, the | oh ijdren, clasped tight with her, three |; the British empire, Strath- iP, for t Niginsing. and W. BR. Smythe, was burned to death. | victoria ward--Land, $351 94% build | sttention. The ward manifests dam and give employment to many of} 4} dead, were oo) this ot "Why not ? Is there anv-{M.P. for Algoma, so that while. Mr.] Mrs. Antonelia Fusto was: - ealledl ings, SNT6,535: business, F040: in| 1008 of applause at' the climax are the. men. Oue irl, whose relatives Tk Pourassa Yas, so far, hind ho person-iupon to identify her own ear in court come, $102,900 total, $1,351,150, the vent of one's emotions. Also a Work of ilestifying the dead goes|oa in her frenzy of: d . en ill in} al interview with Mr. Borden his at Cleveland. Statute Tabor, 72; dogs, 91: bitches, | thrilling Indian drama, "The Squaw's an slowly, Every howr carts and aw flood rushed down, Saturday, th i it i influence in the shaping of the cabi-joff the ear gun ad. 47: population, 3001. school chil | Love," and a ratting comedy, 'The { bring fresh bodies from | herself on a table and covered net will be nove the less apparent |She identified it ng. dren, "94, Village Heto." Have you heard the Beneath the ruins or partly burned inf oe « A when the slate is announced. Dodging a tackler, X Property exempt from taxation, or |Deagan musical bells yet ? brooght down be the rush of | ¥ith a sheet to hide her approaching Hi Mr. Borden fourteen, corner lot football player, liable for loenl improvements, only TR of gallons of "water whon the | death, Murnewlonsy the debrig i / slipped on the railroad tracks at New Sydenham. ward, 3561,500: Ontaric| There were many wrecks and lows of mn broke any , formed an arch over her and she ve ol Mittord, Maw. An on rushing train ward, $RU00. St, Lawrence ward, ie Fags the English chnanel and p Maye . d . district. ; choice, | killed B54. Ca wi ward, $119,700; | North Sea on Saturday night av " 2 ; was rescued alive this motning. : will Try a sack of "King's Quality" flour Frontenac poy £15,950, Rideau [result of a severe gule. I There were ning Such miraculous es fie iohe to at ' PVE) hk Sand convinced of i ward, $ST0800. Viet rd, 4 Koy Macdonald was Killed wesc' i J ¥ of : be t's supatior gual: 5, total, £3,149.975, His ward, 3, Brighton ny being rum over, FOR STUDENTS, population, 1,062; school ds of Bookoases Book. | ! i