Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Oct 1911, p. 5

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THE DARL y BRITISH WHIG. MOXDAY, OCTOBER 2. 1911, : PAGE FIVR, -- . THE SPORT REVIEW FARR HELD AT STELLA {I Tirta edu as tea 0411 eave srapates st sessing TRUNKS BAGS >> SUIT CASES Trunks $4, 5, 6, to 18.00 Bags $2, 250, 3, to 15.00 ~ Women's Tan . Boots in tC 2 250. to $2 Button Bluchers Good Soles for Fall Su ses 2, 2.50, 3, 5, to $20 : $3.50 4. 450 5. We carry nearly everything in Our Tans are Pretty - | Baggage. ABERNETHY" i : > POETS C - {| TORONTO ARGONAUTS DEFEAT. WAS A GREAT SUCCESS IN| ' i ED OUEEN'S BY 15 TO 1. i EVERY WAY, Melts . Large = | -- | ai dirt and : can with ! & . { wir-tight, pry. | . - 4 3 : > clits grease 5 r-g -- Ye vie "Satmday--The Toronto Team| - Shown--Ladies Had a Very Fine 'rin a A" open cover, o os . without disag te. 4 As rCCErE. Was in Much Better Condition! Display--Foot Races and Horse able scouring 0 & S grove * |. Than the Local Collegians., Races Held. av | labels. | Queen's rugby team walked off the! The fair was held at Stella on Tues { University athletic field, Saturday af-| day, September 26th, and turned cut ternoon, beaten by the Argomauts, of |g success, in every way. Mr. Fergu { Toronto, to the tune of 15 to 1, injgon, the expert judge of horses, per an exhibition game The collegians | formed his work most satisfactorily. | think they did well to hold the To-| He had quite a large pumber to rontonians down as well as they did, | judge, but with his practiced eye considering the heavy practising that | goon discovered the most worthy of iArgonauts have gone through the last | merit, and got over his work in short jeestoncssscsosseccssocess {three weeks. The cwearers of the tri- [order, and everyone was perfectly sat ! EASY RESTS THE HEAD THAT : 1 | In an Exhibition ughy Game on! Extra Good Exhibit of Horses Were! color after only a few days' practice, |jsfied with his decision. The weather | were raw in a number of places, but | was. perfect for the occasion, and as a lin the last half of the game did con-| result, a large number of people were | siderably better than in the first, and |iy attendance. There was a very {this was taken as a good sign that |gmall exhibit of sheep and pigs, and | they were coming to their own. rather small cattle exhibit, as well, | Queen's has as good material any-ibut there was a good exhibit of | where as Argonauts, but constant and horses. Some of the eolts could | heavy drilling on the part of the vis-|gcarcely be surpassed. The roots and litors was apparent all the way [vegetables were good, and there wad | through the game. Sure catching by [also a good exhibit of ladies' fancy {Argos and fumbling on Queen's part | work and handy work. The members barked the progress of the match all of the Anglican church provided for the way through. the wants of the inver man, and had Argonauts were strengthened by two | ample provisions for all. In the af former Kingston stars, "Ken" Wil-|ternoon, the dire~tors entertained the liams, one of the best punters in Can- | spectators with foot races and a run- ada, who played on the back division [ning race for horses. a. " am . of Queen's for four years, was full back| Cash was received from Napanee, |= 5 Sa fa ; for the blue and white, and Arnoldi, [Bath, Kingston, Stella and puna AT THE GRAND; i the mainstay of the Royal Military Island, for the sports, and Kingston A FIRE "The Hottest Coon in Dixie" Was . ru College team last season, was one of | merchants also contributed to the . INDUBITABLY the hest Babbit Metal for all the Toronto outside wings. Williams' [prizes offered for the exhibits. EE . Pat Un, general machinery Bearings is Harris Heavy Pressure, in Sas mighty beipful jo Argos] The fai wae well mauaged in vv- yousy OF WILLIAM GRIFPIX {The gredustion of "The , Hottest y+ . rs ' " rom start to finish, while Blinkley,[ery respect, and the members having WAS DESTROYED, oon in Dixie at . W rite for prices. centre half for the visiting team, fig-| all the arrangements in charge, are i ured in nearly all the scoring. deserving of great eredit for the way - well attended. ie plantation The Canada Metal Co, Ltd. Fraser Avenue Toronto The game was watched by fully six {in which they Were carried out. 4 tev. J. T. Pitcher Suffered Another dances were indulged in and a number hundred people, and considering the re - "iroke of Paralysis, and is in afof old time darky songs were repeat short time Queen's athletic committee AT COOKE'S CHURCH. Critical Condition = Gananoque ed for the benefit of the a 'hence had at its disposal! to advertise the . ie he imitation of various noises b game, ib did remarkably well to get | Rev. J.. W. Melntosh, Graduates at iy of the members of the ompaty . et 2 Fire was dis | good S ecial Sale that many there. The afternoon was Queen's, Was Preacher, | Gananogte, - fire and the grounds in good condi- , | covered saturday night, in the resi PD g I'he pulpit at Cooke's chureh, onl ( "The Cat i » Fiddle.* tion. Queen's won the kick-ofi and Sati Li occupied hy : = n fdence of William Grif n, in rear of The Cat and the Fiddle. rushed the ball to Argos' forty-five | \oinionh, of Mitchell, Ont., u gradu. | North street. Jt had gainod consider | A positively entertuining and re arpets, yard line. - Blinkley captured the ball, | ©" co ove University. In spite of | able headw as Mr. and Mrs, Gril: | freshing musical attraction pro ¢ J : ity ' 3 p.m and 8 p.m. Saturday fumbled and ,puntid to Erskine, who |}. inclement weather, there were good |fin were not ut home, and as a conse- | mised at the Grand on Wednesday « a he ac o : nee I that ald be done Was pi) re ns oe W A ' : was hurt on a hard ta kle. The game congregations both morning and even. | que! wi that eg d i he me v 9 : tober 4th, matinee an i night, w h S uares and sold at your was delayed for a few minutes w hen ing. In the morning Rev. Mr. Melp. [to prevent the spread o : i Mo : 4 { h are s A Sellons I'he Cat and the Blinkley punted and foreed a rouge. adjoining residences Building and] Fiddle," makes its appearance here VEARS A KING HAT $2.50, HUNTS, 53 Brock t 33 Brock St 0000000000000 0000000INOP00000OOOIRROIONOOININYS ° 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 1 9uecsscccovsosctsseosne { ~00000 seseecessssasene day afternoon and evening, was fairly everything i p : tosh preached a fine sermon from I t entire los It i | } a . ain ec Ve v p re 8 - x " sone #8 were almost an p loss, . 3 8 1 8ho ol yarn 0 price, He repeated the performance a min Luke xxi, 19 In your patience pos- [Contents were alm A : ns, is distinetly ow . wh ute later, scoring the second rouge. sess! ve your souls." which will amount to somewhere near | and surprises, and this season many 1 C ot S . Ra _; : . re we" : toy 2 ) a 8 C TES cl aed x He also figured in the next score, I'he speaker pointed out the way for $1,000 few oties ee promised, inching ' je > 18 force p s. The . : : : » steaine Jelleville arrived here, | Maid in Moon," ect i when Pound was forced to rouge. The true Christian patience, which would Fhe steainer eville vid in Moon," and electri } Sunday moruing, westbound, and took | hit. It is a great tre £6 9 last score just before the end of | the serve to battle against this present : BOUHC, ne 100 Je ittle | e 0 0 first quarter was made by Lockhart, life, and to win victory in the end; [0D 8 large COnsiznmen 3 led f ulones, while the big folk in Tapestry, vets and Brussells who forced Hazlett to rouge. The| y. patience to be shown by a true the Canada pe) company, billed for | lighted score at the end of the first quarter good soldier ' of Christ. Christ pre- [Western points oil col ALR -- ilcloth fty Block or Floral was 5 to 0 in favor of Argos. sented the opportunities and we| Capt Kirkwood, of the coal schoon English Production, Queen's rallied in the second quar-|o Cha one advantage of them Wo (er Britton, had to hunt up a new I'he seat sale for Hen eton ter and held the wearers of the blue crew in Kingston, on reaching there| i... '¢ play, "With Ed; in the latest in Medallion Centres 174 Wellington Street. : should aim at the goal set before us. : 4 1 th Ru and white down to the one rouge, In our every day life there was a duty last week. This was done and the .nacted by the original All AT which was made just before the whis- [foo (0 perform. * | vessel left for Oswego to load coal. | company, and pl sod by them for ' tle sounded for half time. ---- Mr. Sager, a Queen's student, sup! cer 1,070 times in. Great Britain, will In the third quarter, Argos started Is Meeting Big Want. plied the pulpit of Grace church in a |,nen on Tuesday. and pats A off with a rush and by the end of it The Camden Telephone company will | V&"? creditable wan 3 a both , "J advised to book early, for the per 'Pboue 147. had scored four rouges, most of them vices vesterday Mr leClymont, also av ine 5 ints ) formance on 1h day, October bth Eo Vi mgt, 7 ft, io A spi | EA its pte hc | The Leading Undertaker ing. Numerous delays were caused by thing very unforeseen turns up. It is Sunday next. J : ton, because of: aloir uniform exec players becoming hurt and when the just a vear since the first line wai] Word has reached here from Toron-|jeyce With Edged Tools" is no ex DISC RIMINATING L ADIES whistle sounded, Argos had raised the, into the Newburgh switchboard, [12 where Rev. J, Pitcher is tak ception to the rile 1 score to 10 to 0. and the company now har over one|ing treatment at, Dr. Meyers' sana : In the last quarter Queen's scored its undred subscribers. The ®nterprise | torium, that he? sufiered a slight "The Earl of Pawtucket." only rouge, and Argos retaliated by | .xtension will add a score of 'phones, | paralytic stroke the latter part of the| scoring a touch, when O'Connor, one|and the 7th concession of Ernesttown, | week and is in a very critical condi Enjoy Using Herpicide on Account of Its Distinctiveness, wwrance D'Orsay and a company gt » n : a of the outside wings, broke through | will add nearly as many. 1t seems |tion i HEE : Players a fant pi the Tine. Williams failed to convert] that even if the directors wanted to W J. Bulloch, proprietor of Glen tucket 7 xt the { rath a Aas nd and after a few minutes' play, the|stop they would not be able to, un- [holme farm, undergoing treatment in Oetobor Tth thitites bd cht " A game was finished til they have realized their ambition Brockville general hospital for sever- I¥ Ores :.r tarein rh i. . M its excellence as a gener ol hair dross \rgonauts--Fall back, Williams; | of providing for their subseribers free [al weeks past, has returned home the - 4 xB stent he is yon uae ing. lt makes the scalp feel fresh j halves, Smith, Blinkley and Lock: | telephone service all over the 'town: he traction nzines and stone' will be #5 : ; al Lr and 'it allays® that itchis which dandruff will cause. Newb Herpi ; be soen in his orginal role o { hart quarter, Jarvis] scrimmage, Rus- | ship. crushing plant uscd by Messy YOR Lord Cardingtor s ? slo cide effectively cures dandruff, as it destroys the germ that causes ut The ladies who have used Newbro's Herpicide speak of it in the Ieghest terms, for its quick effect in cleans ing the scalp of dandrufi and also for + «character which jsell, Sinclair and Addison: inside i ------------ & Anglin on the concrete work i wings, Patterson and Gould; middle] W. E. Bell, a commercial traveller, [the new Parmenter & Bullock wings, Wylie ined Arnoldi: outside | with his wife, arrived in 'Picton on sory, was entrained for Halvax : N wings, (V'Connor and Morri Wednesday. He was taken suddenly [latter part of the weed Th y Sun out r baldness: in kiling Queen's--Full back, Pound: halves; | ill and died that night. The remains of installing the shafting machi ; . a > i Hazlett, Leckie and Macdonnell;, quar- | were interred at Picton and his widow, lery in the new factor vill , THE LATE EDWARD 8. BOYDEN, | ter, Reid: scrimmage, Mcleod, Me [Who had the sympathy of many resi: led in the near future, the contract | oo of Picton, left for Edmonton. {calling for the building to be read ¢ Was Once a Dry Goods Merchant { Young and Kinsella; middle wings, tby Oct. lat of Kingston. jurte Hurskine and Smith; outside winds, Mr. and 'Mrs. A. W. Taylor, First Edward 3 ¢ 1, a former hi sold by leading druggists Sel £ H. Smith St h Suff Istreet, paid a visit to Kingston iu|stonian, died tonto on Sunday. | 10e. in stamps for snmple to the Her i teferee, omac erers | their auto on saturday Mr and { Mr vdan was w nows hes picide ( Detroit, Mich Ugh dul has made! famous by his eonvines ng portras of the omantic Eno js : 4 portra al romantic Eng: rhe same causes hair to fall har SOCTH | lquham and Filis; inside wings, | dents 0. Shier; umpire, GG. R og : S ander Mitlions Mrs. W. V. Bullock, Pine street, spent ling been a member of the is |lnr bottles guaruntoed. Jan. 13, Me qu [Saturday in hingstan. br. and Mrs. [firm of Richmond & en for 3 Leod, especial agent, Kingston giving each team a workout - [Gerald Belfie, recently married it | years. He was promincu ) the. season opens next Satur In Search of Relief. | Rosemount, are spending part of circles, being a member War Desssscsssssssssseesss tall of' dered' #1 their honeymoon here with th Lorm- lodge, No. 92, Kie { better cowdition by this advance game, world is full of disorderad stoi. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert sixty-nine j of ¢ The American Cafe 185Wellington St -------- land Coach Britton will have the mache and ninety per cent of theip je." 3joket stro Ih , life « The Up-to-date Regtiunn'g wi arranged with the {day. Queen's will be placed in much Th cepeesocserenere Y aera money spent upon physicians and ly lg C0 Seaten's | io Lon ~ Veil Lhe reBmine. will; | suac » sha nh " ah 3 . wa i ley ay lot I i v main H arr jun I in fine pe in another week drugs goes in an attempt to cure the tice of his profession | od fternoon and the and Eating House. Saparate appartments. Well furnished: | This will not be the team which will ' ; I" ® ; ; B ; 1 ni o . |. | stomach, Mr. anc rs ect! N almer, ot n 'charge of the loc {line up against Varsity .next Satur y . . : . 4 | | : se in charg day, as some of the men were being People are made to believe that IN Broekville, spent the week-end here representatives, from the | . lorder to gain health must doe- by yy the latter's grandmother, . itioh to Untaraqui ecmeter and lighted Try our Full Course Dipner. 8 26ec. {tried out, but may not become fix-| {Limestone City e Anglican M THOMAS GUY, Prop. tures jtor their stomach t 8 Ds | Bullis, King street. Miss 0'Conn it will remain in the big fow let's be reasonable Mr. and Mr William A |] - # el . i fo # 8 6 Tans : { ane . liam Allen and| tober 17th, Marme th, Tv 1, | Sd a i , A ; ; BIFVIIIIIIVIIIIIIIIe So the dodtor sets 8 I tneloi the staff of the public schoo | Tour Arranged. Notes on Sports, | | Sporting Life says that Wells has] mack py 0 se : I € a The sick stomach is in every Ca88 | daughter, Miss Clara Allen, spent = rr fiefield 2th stomach treafment and the druggist amnt the week-end at her home he following tour has beer p . sie il the savings g 3 NORA yo Affairs of "the Ottawa football club for the physic, unt) ) # a. } 2 ® &i Kingston. Miss Beatrice G kt . for Rev. J. Cooper R f . ' ¢ life-time are exhaustgd and ve nO | King street, spent Satusday in the diocese. of Ontario have been satisfactorily adjusted and | pe ! \ nar 4 greed to box Johnson in Paris onlihe result of overeating, Sureied turday with Kingston friends Vrs ames'): 2nd vow ston tend James'): 22nd, [the second Saturday in October. {mastication and improper choice of) A" Veredith and family arrived {Johnson has not yet signified his foods. The, mucous linipg all the way from Halifax on Saturdav and ise {willingness to box. {down the food tract loses its semsi-|, up residence on Pine street A eucharst . only safe effectual Y , soa x -" ad AREER xg n A i : has a ented a chal va i | . WH Y rst: ! ith, B { ; 3 COLLARS OF UNCUT VELVET MAKE THE NEW SUITS YOUTHFUL. | Hope has accepted a challenge frome (jveness, and when food is forced yf rice De Long, Calgary, spent the ville (St ae Phi icwuinton oh which olsen ses n ean . > . | 's i o | Joh Kingston, (St .'s I ansd ¢ . Newhoro The groat Uterine Tonle, and Sutton for the 15.2 balk-line billiard | jowin the muscles fail to respond. {week-end here with his sister. Miss | Broekville, tJ ra) wrt \ 14 of strength--No, 1, fr No, ' 5 3 There is nothing youngir looking than a sailor collar, and these cols v " Jouns woking than a y championship. The match will belTher do not churn the food as they band Mrs. A. N. Parke. King it No. &, lars are most becoming to women stender enough and straight enough in the back to stand the <tyle. The lines at the back of this black broad- cloth suit are particularly graceful, the panel effect on the skirt being suggested also on (he coat, which is semi-fitting, and is rather long waisted, The large collar, which extends down the front jn broad rever gusta; 3h, hy cial | Hot ; h 10 Gexgroes stronger {paved a M: aise mn es {mare Garden the should. The glands no longer give out! \ iu. r Park, Lansdowne, spent , toe Dubli | { ia 10 all po Sed or aru J Hast See in November, . gastric juices to dissolve the fool | oek-ond here with his parents, Ty Cobb jtcks the New York Giants land render it capable of assimila-|.nq Mes. A. N. | arke, King aN o beat the Philadelphia Athletics in t ion. The man has become a dyspep-|" i -- ft fy A | a so a beriea.- i / di fe . s to the waictline, ix of black velvet with a centre of black and white un jiue omng ho a Ee . The to tie. : The home od Mrs. Peter MeDougall, J marriage Minuie White, daught * 8] p ( " ol ph - : ¢ ut velvet, The hat also is black and white. ei - i oe Fill ry A There [8 ane sure way and only one Blakeney, was the scene of a pretty of Mre. Alizima White, Rorkpor ' a ¥ w 's i A 'y we oN E Nn Hn ra conching will rattle Ira [¢, bring positive reliof. Put into that wedding on Wedaesday evening, when | William Mullosy, son of Mr. and Mrs ; ot of w Add peme : At Escott, on September ith, Re T a ' trold dan, B.A. united -- - - ------ " Thomas and Frank Baker, who can't |{gtomach of yours the very elements |, daughter, Tens, und Rev. James] John Mallory, Maliorytown FOR SICK, SOUM, BHAOUS STOM ACH, jstand being grilled. that it lacks to get that food ito}, Col "sila "WA were united in} For hest results for bread or pastry, DAY OR NIGHT Montreal Standard : Kerr, the long in, 4 me? five" & INIMGESTION AND GAS TAKE CASCARETS. |iisiance champion of Queen's Unb liquid" forts. > oy ae mets marine. wi Ee for Aussi] ie King's Gunlity" flour , That awinl sourness, bleching of acid and foul gases;\that pain in |versity, will probably be with thelts accomplish this. The healthy sto- Thanos 2 hr lions. Inst ug 5 Miss Eva Mary, eldest dagzhter ol | Phone : 201 the pit of Loe stomach. the heartburn, nervousness, nausea, bloating McGill squad this week. His presence mach contains these elements. The "Witliam Pertin, of Maynard, aged] Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Tackaber to alter eating, feeling of ful 5. dizriness and sick headac means indl- [will make the three mile a Prastien munis stomach lacks part or all. == ol, ali. He was the| Victor E. son of Seaman Manhard, | Eecond Hand Furniture gestion; a disordered sto; i which cannot be regulated until you re- certainty. of them. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet |, CC gl 6 © E Loyalist who! Fairfield 'East. i Large Stock of New and Second move the canse® 11 isn't your stomaek's fault. Your stomach is as good | The fate of boxing in Fneland does| |i¢ made up of gust what the. dys ved fron Yermont seventy | years Ask your grocer for King's (dality" ! hand Purniture; also ail Kinds of Pre as any. inot depend on the solution: of the peer) Ipeptic stomach Tacks--Nature's diges- me : um Be ei « € ! ervin Sas to ool at H. Sugerma's, Try Cascarots they ree indigestion, because they immediately blem now in hand. Al will be tives, ngo. our ! aT cleanse and reguiaic ihe voit, vmoye the sour undigesied and fer- rene again when the foreign Bade Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are not a menting food apd fowl gases, take (he ¢xeesa bile from the liver and carry ave cleared out. 11's not boxing shat medicine, not a dry, not a eathartic. oft 'the decomposed waste matter and poison from the Intestines and is on trial it's the American promo- They do not cure anybody or anything bowels. Then your stomach trouble is ended for thve methods. but, Dyspepsia and ¢ Incigestion and ever, A Casecaret to-night will straighten you out ! Although the baseball world seein- such ailments as anita from poorly hy morning---a 10-ceht box will kéep your em. ingly conceded the New York Giants digested food. tire lamiiy feeling for months. Don't for- have a strangle-bold on the National! While they digest the food the sto- get the chiXdrenc. inelr little insides need a good League bunting, the national com- "mach recuperdtes. The mucous mem- gentle cleansing, too. mission is going to take no chances hrane is coming out of its' stupor, in_pespariog the schedule for the the gastric juice is eoming to ng The comnlssion wili surface, the muscles are regaining their prepare two schedules at a meeting power. Every organ of the body takes © to be held in Ulneinnati. The series on new life, the skin gains color, and will commmence on Oct. 13th, and the the eves are no longer tinged with Philadelphia-New York schedule will yellow, You live. call for a game in each city every ouvher day. § : engagement is aasonaced ! In. Yilhan Maude t rusier, « of and

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