Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Oct 1911, p. 1

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TR INORG She A AON "Tye Baily British Wi YEAR 78 -NO, 300 -------------- ---------- Germany and Russia Have Made Unofficial Representations to Their Partner Refugees from Tripoli Arrived at Malta--- Turkey Has Little Money to Finance a War---The Emperor of Germany Advises Turkey to Accept | Italy's Terms. was of a determined fell an thick with the that the fightin; character. Projectiles (as hail and the air \Whrated London, Oct. 3.--According to the Daily Telegraph's correspondent in Rome, Germany and Austria have al ready made unofficial representations | passage of shot to Italy of their displeasure at her When the Turkish procedure, and that if these represen: abled the crew of the tations are ignored they will be fol- for Italy owe er » "humilia- ------ Joe not r shape by "humilia : Ruska Mobitielng "Tv According to information from dip London, Oct, 3.--Russin is mobhiliz lomatie source, the landing of the ing her troops on the frontier of Tur- Italians at Prevesa is greatly resent- key, the New York World, correspond ed by Austria and Germany, and had [ent, at Constantinople, wires, In con- vessel was dis Marte cheered | ng | from Henry M. | whole of his fortune. . KINGSTON, O PORTER'S ADVICE STARTED ROCKEFELLER'S FORTUNI. ARE DISPLEASED AT [ITALY = Hd. | im OI Refining, Which Was Fouu- | dation of Magnate's Millions, i the ! John R i sixth } and only was Oct, 2 Full celebration of Rockefeller the nil of getting his first it told how Rockeleller career by a teveland, 0, Ww ing thankful anniver joh on { sary | the story inspired to his financial porter in a St. Louis store. It was at the urging of Samuel An jdrews, the porter, that Rockefeller, nt tie dye of thirty, engaged in the oil f refining business, mvyesting ¥1,000, the I it was not long before Mr. Rocke | feller began to broaden the business personally, one of his first moves be to gain an of $64 100 mvestment Flagler. CAPT. HAINS BARRED FROM AMERICAN ARMY Brother Awaits Dix's Pardon to Take Convicted Man te South America Washington, Oct. 3.--The doors of the United States army are closed against Capt. Peter C. Hains, jr., no matter what action Gov, Dix may take upon his application for pardon STARIO, TUESDA MORE GUESSES | As To The Likely Members Of Borden Cabinet 1896 "NEST OF TRAITORS" IS TO SUPPLY ONE. The Government is Letting Contracts i For Which the Necessary Funds Were Voted by Parliament--It Has the Right to Dg Seo. Ottawa, Oet. 3.~The cabinet had another sitting, yesterday, working up outstanding matters of routine de partmental business and generally cleaning house preparatory to resign- ing office. It is expected that every- thing will be in readiness by Wednes- day for the formal tendering to Earl Grey, by Sir Wilfrid Laurier, of the resignation of himself and his col: Hleagues, > | No appointments ve heen made by | the government fore stepping out, but in accordance with the usual pro- | codure in such cases contracts will be THE for ONTARIO TO GET SIX" + OCTOBER 3, 1941. QUEBEC FIRE HORROR. i ra { Three Firemen Are Likely Fatally | Injured, Quebee; Oct. 3.---~Three firemen fa- | tally injured and several other people ! more or less seriously wounded is the | result of a disastrous fire which oe- | curred to-day at No. 5 station, cor | ner of Dalhousie and St. Paul streets) here. The 'top flat collapsed bringing | down five firemen, Two of them | succepded in getting out safely. 'The | three others remained jn the debris. | D. Dompierre is surely dead, thi o| twenty feet of debris on top off K. Labarre is not dead as at! this despatch was sent| be heard from out- | mortally { beng hin. the moment his voice could side. It is supposed he is injured, MERCHANT SENT UP | FOR SMUGGLING GOODS And Heavy Fines Were Imposed Up- of Men in Good Standing | New York, Oct. 3.--Abraham Lich- tenstein, president of the Lichtenstein Millinery : pleaded guilty to being concerned in a conspiracy to undervalue goods im- | ported to this country and was sen- tenced in the United States circuit i ' i { | | | Matters That Interest Everybody-- i MESSALINES Notes From All Over--Little of | 1 3 i | { (struct a dismissing company, on Fifth avenue, that been LAST EDITION WEATHER PROBABILITIES. Torant Ont. O 1 am QO . THE WORLD'S EPISODES | ~~ OF ALL-SILK- SATIN GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS SIBLE FORM. Everything Easily Bead and Re membered. , i Mrs. David Wright, Petrole found dead near her poultry Brantford's population Is ay, an increase of 2,102 over last Foronto council has decited to con-| street car line North | Rosedale. - | Owing to trouble at St. Catharines! the city council passed a i the engineer. i Sir Wilfrid Laurier denies the report been offered the jency of The Hague tribunal Miss 5. Hinnman, Cobourg, appointed as the Baptist COMMENCING TO-MORROW. i was house usd! year - The marked preference evin- ced fowards Satin-faced Silks afternoon and evening wear is In accordance with tha dictates of authoritative | Their universal favor lar resolation | i fashion. may be ascribed to their ex richness of weave, beautiful and varied colorings | and perfect draping qualities, he has presi- | Guisite has! missionary to Ins} lia by Foreign sission | : {let for the i ubli ¥ : Wiliam Annis. Only ani le for the various B lie: works court to serve four months in the pen: poard of Canada striking veiled ef- much to do with their reported change _ of attitude toward Naly. i Turkey's internal polities probably | account in a large for her, hesitation in taking the offensive. Said Pasha, the new grand vizier, continues | his efforts to form a coalition try, but finds the task one of insuperable difficulty. It is reported from Turkish that the [Italian attack at upon the Turkish torpedo boat de siroyers was made ninety minutes be | fore expiration of tne Italian ulti matum, | measure minis: | wlmost i gOurces Prevesa' Refngees From Tripoli. Malta, Oct. 3.--A scene able confusion occurred at the quar antine station here shortly after mid- night, this morning, when the British steamer Castlegarth entered the har- bor in the height of a severe gale, | crowded with 1,300 Maltese refugees! from Tripoli. The 1300 passengers | were huddled on deck clamoring to! get to land after three days with an insufficient supply of food and water. Although there had been no casual: ties, practically all of the refugees were faint from hunger and thirst, The port authorities promptly or- dered emergency measures, directing | the vessel to dock immediately. Once ashore, the passengers. found relief soon forthcoming, of consider- | ---- Turkish Prisoners at Taranto. London, Oct. 3.--A despatch from tome says that a Turkish transport, which had heen captured by ltakan torpedo boats, arrived to-day at Ta ranto. having on board ten 'Purkish officers and 180 soldiers, who had been made prisoners, The despatch adds that two divisions of the Italian fleet have sailed, one for Salondki and the other for Smyrna, Tripoli Reported Occupied. London. Oct. 3. A correspondent at Malta telegraphs this message | "1 am informedehb, the crew of the Dritish cruiser Aboukir, which has arrived here, that the vessel re ceived a wireless despatch, stating that Tripoli had been occupied by the Italians, one of The Fighting Off Prevesa. London, Oct, 3.--A news despatch from Rome says that the captain of the Greek steamer Marte witnessed the engagement at DPrevesa, says and MAN CLAMS GIRL AS PAL IN ROBBERY -- Victim Aided in Looting Safe, Police Say Boston, Uct. H.~(m a charge of robbing n safe in a Back Bay : resi. dence, a young man giving his name as George H, Rogers, of New York, ip held in the municipal court for fur- ther examination. The pole say that voung Rogers confessed that he and Miss Vivian Jacobs, daughter of the man robbed, went to the winter home of the young woman's father and after that they could not manipulate the combination of the sate, sent for an expert who opened the strong box. In o statement made public though her father's attorney, Miss Jacobs de- clared that she had no part incom: mitting the robbery. She said Rogers confessed to her and she maintained silence under his threat to kill her if she told, and his promise to make restitution.' Nova. Scotia Heresy Case. falgax, Oct. 3.--A heresy case in the presbytery of Halilax promises to hecome exciting. Rev. Mr. Nicholson, of Dartmouth, was execrated by a majority of the members of the pres: hytery. Rev. W. M. Fraser, of Hali- { land, sequence of Italy's making an insur- rection among the Kurds is feared. Thousands of Kurds wno have been working in Constantinople as porters home. that the Greek officially derfed from despatches received in insist that that the are going A report mobilizing is Athens, but Constantinople report 'is true. army i= Turkey Lacks Money. London, Oct. 3 newspapers have print anything concerning gress of the war. I'urkish volunteers themselves in great The lack of ready has become acute ment. There is a the treasury. The debt institution has been asked to provide #50,000,000, but it has in formed the government that there is vo more money available. The nation is going to war with about 5,000,000 in its treasury. The Constantinople forlidden to the pro- been are numbers, money in with the small sum only in Ottoman publie enrolling Turkey govern Pursuing a Squadron. Rome, Oct. 3.--Signor Felice, of the Italian chamber of deputies, telegraph ed from Syracuse, that a Turkish squadron, bearing a heavy vorce of troops, is steaming at top speed to ward Tripoli, closely pressed by Ttal- ian warships. Seek British Intervention. Caleutta, Oct. 2.~A oablegram was forwarded from here yesterday in the name of the Mohammedats of India, urging (reat Nritain to take a hand in the Italian. Turkish situntion. 'lhe message was addressed to the foreign secrotary at London, and a duplicate went by telegraph to the Indian home secretary at Simla It was dispatched at the bequest of a meting of Mohammedans held under the presidency of Mr. Arnff, prominent native, and asked Eng as "the greatest Mohammodan power in the world," to cheek Ttaly's career of aggression. mass here Latest War News. lhe German emperor urges Turkey to submit to the Italian demands in Tripoli. 'The Turkish land forces ave entrenched around Tripoli and give the Ita%ans a sufi fight. well will PAY NINE HUNDRED TO EVERY PASTON. Minimum Stipend Aimed at by Pres byterian Augmentation Fund. Nine hundred dol lars per annum is the stipend which the Presbyterian augmentation com- mittee executive is anxious to see paid to every minister by next March in Ontario and Quebec. In Northern On- tario the minimum aimed at is $1,000 and the same sum is fixed for the prairies, while in British Columbia the aim set is $1,100, an increase of fifty per cent. in the present funds wil: be necessary: in other words, instead of $11,500, at present avauubfe, there will be neeeded $63,000. oronto, Uet. 3. Ate "Rat Poison" Cakes, Smith's Falls, Oct. 3.--A little son and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jackson, Winchester, aged six and three years respectively, while playing in the woodshed at their home, came across some small biscuits and ate them. The "biscuits" proved to be rat poison which had been put up in that form and the poison began to take effect at once. The children became violently ill, but prompt measures pre: vented fatal results and they are now progressing towards recovery. trader of the Huds and the discoverer of some big mines at Montana, ywas found floating the water at lLongbeach, Cal. ax, now comes out publicly and asks that his own name be struck from the roll beenuse he (Fraser) declines . to #it in a presbytery where some of the members disregard i nati vow in their ing and teaching and because of what he considers their Jesseming loyalty t i the I vterian church. He says that he "Will not extend the hand of fellowship te anyone who, denying the Virgin h, brands His Lord and Saviour J esus Chrid with a foul % wv : - - g il you sdvertise it in be vacant lay is suspected. Pere. are many ns offered every day in the "For Sale" columns of they Whi. Watch for them. Per haps y something you want being offered. { The Minneapolis. and St. Louis andjand my own motner, too." he lowa Uentral railroads will not | abandon their plan of entering West ern Canada, although reciprocity was Hon, Mr. Pugsley "Fhis year the Canadian Northern [fice over $17,000,000 in contracts. | vn Canada in improvements and railway spent ved and at The hody of George Buchanan, a had m Bay company, mill inlceiver. A Foul message, through the telephone, | } extensions. "Jifly hand cleaner," Ge. Gib of working in 000 tous » oy : from the sceme of disaster. There has! teria, laughing is (when she takes to ing, for killing act of congress the army roll conld restore him to To Take Him Away. (Ossining, Oct. 8.---Thornton Jenitny | Hains, the author, is here awaiting | the arrival at Sing Stag of Gov- | ix's formal pardon to the author's | brother, Capt. Peter C. Hains, jr.| I'ne captain has not been told of his | approaching pardon, as Warden Ken-| nedy makes it a prgetice never tof nllow a prisoner's Vers to be thus| raised, lest something happens to dis | appoint him. : | The two brothers will leave for | Qouth America as soon as the captain is released. Ile has been studying Spanish in his cell in the expectation) South America when | he gets his pardon. A RECORD SUGAR CROP. Estimated Yield in Cuba of Twe Million Tons. Havana, Oct. 3.--With the present high price of raw sugar and the prospect for a very large crop, Cuban planters pre rejoicing. The island is now stripped bare of last year's crop, stocks being estimated at 5,000 tons or less, compared with about 45,50 tons at this time last vear, and 22, {Wo years ago. At present preparations are everywhere going on actively to begin grinding the new crop early in December. Predictions of the coming erop reach almost record figures; mm fact, some authorities estimate a yield of 2, O00 tons, but the best posted peo 1,700,000 tons, or 00, than the vear before the record vield of 1,500, un mae reason | Last ple say that O00 tons last, when ME tons able expectation at present, year's crop was LO5U0,000 tons DUKE OF CONNAUGHT'S RECEPTION AT QUEBEC His Royal Highness Will Arrive On October 13, and Be Sworn in There Quebee, Oct 3.--His Roval High ness the Duke of Connaught, the new | governor-genvral of ( will ar rive in Quebec on Friday, 13th. The oflicial programme for day will be as follows At noon his royul take the oath as the executive council chamber, whieh | has been especially renovated the | event, At 7 p.m. dinner will be ser-| X30 therp re coption at Spencerwood. I'he entire city will be illuminated | in the evening, and his royal high- | ness, after a drive through the prin- | cipal streets of the city, will leave for | Ottawa by special train. i Mr. Mulvey, under-secretary of state, | is in Quebec to-day conferring with Sir Lomer Gouin, Mayor Drouin and Capt, Vietor Pelletier, AD.C., rela- tive to the reception to the new gov- ernor, fess was made, 18 wada, (et the highness will governor-general in | yor will be a REFUSE TO SET FIRE | To Debris at Austin, Pa., and Barn Dead Bodies. have Austin, Pa., Oct. 3.--Bodies away | been found twenty-four miles heen the supgestion that the authori-| ties burn up the debris in the streets with the bodies within them, but pub- te opinion is against that. Perhaps the most pathetic figure of the whole disaster to-day is garet Ducker, stenographer at the mill, who first received the message that the dam had gowe. She then a chance to alarm most in the amd most people in town, but she simply laughed and hung up the re in, #&he got a similar but she would vot believe it, and the waters overwhelmed the mill and the town, To-day she is mad in her hys- i i exoept to sobbing "1 have killed the whole town © are | funds were voted by parliament, These | Transcontinental terminals at Quebec, | rane will be minister of public works. lof Agriculture, that a choice will be {than that which has been comstructing Mar- | through an immense amount of legis- | which tenders were received before the | elections, and for which the necessary include the contracts for the National the dredging and bharbof improve- ments works in Courtnay Bay, St. John, and the Intercolonial extension through Fastern Nova Scotia. It is now pretty well known who will some of the new cabinet places. It is about settled that Hon. George E. Foster will again be minis- ter of finance, that Hon. Frank Coeh- get that Andrew Broder will be minister made between Col. Sam Hughes and Major Sam Sharp for the militia port- L FOOD IS SCARCE. Ottawa, Oct. 3.--The in- flux of new settlers in the northern Peace River district is becoming too great for the food supply of the district Comptroller White, of the Royal North-west Mounted Police yesterday received a report from the mounted police post near Lesser Slave Laké. stating that a warning should be issued to all incom- ing settlers that there are at present insufficient food sup- plies in the Grand Prairie settlement to sustain the population for the winter, and no newcomers should venure into ithe district un- less weil supplied with flour, bacon and other necessaries of life PEEP FPPEPPLRERFE LPC ERB ret 4 W (PP LPN EVI PREP LC RIPE TPS ed 2 folio, and that A. E. Kemp and Tho mas W,. Crothers will also get port folios, making six for Untario, while B. Osler, of Toronto, is hkely to go iuto the government without port folio. The New Brunswick choice is tween 0. S. Crockett, of and Premier Hazen, with the province backing Crockett almost to a unit The Quebee list is almost certain to include G. H. Perley, J. C. Doherty, F. D. Monk and T. Chase Casgrain, although Mr. Perley is personally in- clined to stay out if Mr. Borden will lot him. Magrath, of Lethbridge, who was beaten in Medivine Hat, is likely to be minister from the prairie Fredericton, a second provinces, 1 ii the more militant section of the conservative party ean have their way the Borden ministry will change the personnel of other commissions the National ' Transeontinental rail way, Strong piessure: is being brought to bear to secure a remodel ling also of the Canadian section of the International waterways commis- sion, and of the harbor commission of Montreal, Toronto and other ports. There may be and probably will be, some changes in the board of manage- ment of the Intercolonial. This board is so important a factor in the poli- tieal hie of the maritime provinces that political pressure will be very strong for the removal of some of the members. Is Lancaster In It? St. Catharines, Oct. 3.-That E. A, Lancaster will be called to the Bor: den cabinet is fully expected here by | liberals and conservatives alike. Lan- caster stood up strongly in support of Borden when some of his "friends" would have set him aside and chosen another leader, and he has got lation for an opposition member sin he entered parliament. | . C.N.R. Trenton Line Approved. Toronto, Uet. 3.--~The C.N.R. To- ronto 'to Trenton live, inspected by the board of railway commissioners, has been granted the customary ocer- tifieate of approval, and the line will be opened for business one week from to-day. Roy Macdonald Killed, 3.~While on his near i to {Guild of St. itentiary. | In sentencing the man, Judge Hough | said he believed the deferdant to be- long to a class who have been cor- rupting business methods in the Un- ited States for many years, and that | r a settlement his arrest made after Lichtenstein the government $120,000, Nathan Allen, the millinaire leather |. manufacturer, Kenosha, Wis, a plea of guilty to smuggling $150,000 | worth { for | of jewellery into the country. } John R. Collins, Memphis, gantzer of the Southern pany, also pleaded guilty. lery was turned over Coal com- The jewel- | lations, Allen' was fined 312,000 and was fined $4,000, ' MUST RETURN MANUSCRIPT i Of W. D. Lesueur's History of Count|, Frontenac, « Ottawa," Oct. 3.~Hon. L. P. Bro |« deny, formgriy minibar of marine, |! took his seat this morning for the first time as justice of the supreme |! court. The court gave judgment to- [* bre of William Dawson Lesueur against ! Morang & Co., publishers. Lesuer wrote the 'Life of Frontenac" for the 'Makers of Canada series," angs refused to publish it or to re turn the manuseript. Now after going Ie through three courts the supreme court |, orders that the manuscript be inmed- | intelv returned. i, TEACHERS AGREE NOT | Nights and Card Playing at All Times | | | | Oklahoma City, Oct. 3.--~The Board | of Education at Ft, Cobh, Caddo coun | ty, has decreed that ployed must sign an that | he or will refrain: during the | school term from playing cards, dane i ing and attending amusement of a | frivolous naturg that he or she wot receive or wntertain con pany more ¢ than three nights week, the nights being designated as Friday, Saturday and Sunday, and that he or | each teacher em agreement she will = each STILL ANOTHER DAY, ' Laurier May Not Quit Before Thurs. '* day. Ottawa, Oct 3.--~The the Laurier cabinet and thé sumnon- ing of R. LL. Borden by the gover- nor-general will not take place before Thursday at the eacliest His excellency leaves for Montreal: to attend a ner to be given in his honor at the ! Mount Royal club, this evening. He 1 will return to Ottawa on Wednesday |! night and will be available for the = change of government on if Sir Wilind is ready by ' v £ resignation of r t this afternoon farewell dig that time. Church Rector Pelted. St. Thomas, Oct. 3.-At a harvest home supper given hy the Ladies' t Luke's church, Vienna, an organized band of rowdies broke up the aflair. They threw confetti and yelled and hooted and pelted the t rector with missiles. It is likely ar- rests will be made. :* Chicago, Oct. 3.~There is little change ig the Tilinois central etrike situation. There were attempts this } moriing on the part of some sympa. ! thizers to burn up several cars they were frustrated by the police. [x ¥ Wilkesbarre, Pa., Oct. 3. Twelve hundred men and boys are thrown out of work by a fire which destroyed the Payne Coal company's near bere, causing a loss of a dred thousand dollars. Hains Leaves Sing Sing. Ossissing, N.Y., Oct. 3. Captain P. , Hains, dead in an wnmwritten law episode at hun- of Seouble, the New York club in August, was {vice-president o smuggling for profit must be stopped. | the with [the Ison entered | New Tenn., or- mathematics at an to a woman {med | known as Mrs. Jenkins, and the theft | Sk res, off Cedar Point, lake Erie, | of a large share of it led to sthe reve- and August ec Collins | sion, day in the famous literary cause cele jof the small branch bakery shops .in| vest but Mor- | church, Vienna, Ont., . | Vhey T0 DANCE OR WED ::: Contract Bars Courting on School... was found, with her throat Is Found writer very pure and very she will not marry during the term, adias disciplined, that it may go lil iA {brilliant may whe has done great adian Imperialism in his day career has been a selfless one ------ Sir Wilfrid Laurier stands, empty o mdy. No Change in Strike Situation. | material ay, empty Si. charm and in the heave: born gift of wholly leadership. It is within his power to but have led him to use the tactics of tha ras om ; Big Fire at Wilkesbarre, ¥ structive statesmanship." premises formed in Stratford last July Mr. Green is being contested at goode Hall, where John behalf of his daughter, Grace C 'man, has jssued a writ to annual her | N. 3. "marriage to Otto Frederick Werner, of | to obtain a who shot William = Anwis Ogdensburg, N.Y, on the ground that she was only seventeen and did get her father's consent. pardomed to-day and lefl Sing Sing pinetern. The plaintiff id represented | Panton father, General Heine. 'as living in Chicago, » Dr. J. A. Maedonald, elitor of Foronto Globe, has been elected the Institute of walists in London, Eng Hon. Clifford Sifton, the conservation commission, fects unusaally | being obtainable with them The Silk On' Sal Is exceptionally chairman of will add | question of housing: the poor to | commission's | pretty, and A man himself Alex Joh | Sky Hius, Maize, Pink and New. Flame It is full 386 inches wide Regular is $1.50 yard $1. work calling omes in Creme, was arrested at Prince Rupert n saspicion of being concerned in the Westminster robhery ! Rev. Father Mariam Baleells, a mem ver of the Jesuit Order, professor ol loston astronomer of note, I'he launch Merry Widow and sunk by the steamer bank value per College, is dead was and { SALE PRICE WHILE IT LASTS, Trimmings NEW ram- | E. A. Beamer, jr., was drown-| PROFUSION OF FECTS, may be sald season of trimmings. inasmuch that recent years trimmings entered so into the for Suits. Coats, et« completeness of linea suggests many vantages if you make selections now, Uhliver defeated EF. alist Asselin, the candidate, in St. James' Montreal, has entered an or 3M against La for epresentation. I'he crew of the Reed, of Bangor, wit of the rigging by rew, when she struck and on Monday The strike of the bakers in reland, is causing starvation. ituation is aggravated by nation divi | action | Presse false | This to be a schooner H H Maine, taken | the life never---in were Suving have largely modes = Dreses, on Dublin, our ad your: | The Ihe the closing | new | { i Lovell s 1s | i { | { i { he poverty-stricken areas | A gang of rowdies broke up i home supper at St ------_n, TEACY'S THE PEOPLE'S STORE. | threw hooted |} ind pelted Gorge coffee, velled and the with missiles Burden began work fay at the Montreal steel works, wuly was found in the mill at noon, He had been electrocuted |] the machinery of the | rector on im Sunday oiling rane br. He ter Chi | his | Webster, of maintaining hours, on Monday, own and confessed to the mur wife Elgin stoutly five nry for nee woke d BORN Kingston and Mrs Sireet of his second and bigamous cut, | n the woods, on Friday. Kingston de Oth \ BRILLIANT EDITORIAL | a Mrs Wiitrid in Church Life Issued at Kingston. | ROBERT J. REID, | The Leading Undertaker. of hingston, has Yi, Phone 577. Life, article Church the recent elect the moral high lever t treats it with on from nil Hs In speaking ideals ot! mint pousibility The Old Firm of Se hoide to wp her own house 254 and 256 PRINCESS STREET. "Phone 147 for Ambulance. reanarks lire of patriotisu | FOR STUDENTS, the Can | pied nf Ranks Pank. ust the sus. | shelves, Writing Desks, Study Tables, with Ppeciai prices al Fhe divine bright in enw breast, but there is that hot-headed and us neon of a danger BOTw Tut's. 'Phone 708, he younger men, RIDGWAY HIGH GRADE TEAS As Supplied to the King, | #0¢, BOc, 60c and $1.00 Per Pound. tle deep ting.' with built r than the 'tumult and the s And while a nation cannot exist patriotism, it ure and ive in the sober ut cannot be unless its. members Spirit strung of noblesse ob we " > In the construction of the new cabi wt the paper for hat will rise party, g for the common good, nust be a course of efiort to attain t calls statesmanship above because it snd Lhere the i determination to serve which | 3 an undivided heart, he calm tate with In 1-2 1b and 1 Ib, tins, Thursday | has been the glory of the mother of parliaments in the past The article, which is in every and concludes sense First Appearance in Kingston. Jas. Redden & Co. With Census Figures Coming. he truly great ones of the earth his | Ottawa, Oct. 3.-The Besid,. 'sintes that it may be Sir John Macdonald, week before the census figures are The statement that the pop ulation is not as large as expected jo all the offiewrs sane, thus, "And to attain this end there ix much hat hs 1 do, majesty's led by loyal opposition its grand old man, things for Can- census office the end of the the chieftain,' riches, rich in magnetic guess work, being pledged to seer An international sssociation was forma in Chicago, on Saturday, have ing for its purpose the prevention of the pollution of the waters of the gregt lakes. The meeting was attend ed by health officers and sanitary en pgineers from nearly every important feity in Usnada and the United States, ir. U. E Ford, of Cleveland, Ohio, {was chosen temporary president, and {Dr. (harles J. Hastings, of Toronto, { temporary viee president of the new argaptzation - if fou have a room tolet, or desire few table boarders, a (little wdvi, in the Whig will get re pot {sults for you. Remember it i» the ju | better clase of people, too, who read {the newspapers, and who will soswer wave history say of him that at a ime when. overwhelming defeat might sitructionist, he, to the height of his power, used only the tools of con- Want Marriage Annuled. Toronto, Oct. 3.--~A marriage per: by Rev Os- on Den Denman, Werner iyour mdi,

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