you have determin- ed to try Red Rose Tea sometime; biit have not remembered it when ordering because from force of habit you have thought of the old brand. Next time, fust Your Grocer Will Recomrnend It "GOOD GROWIN i Ww E \THER" Scalp Used, A good head of hair is as much a 'erown of glory" for man as it is for woman, notwithstanding all the poetry on the subjept applied to the female sex exclusively. In the season when flies bite, the bald-headed man can sympathize with the Egyptians, who were so sorely plagued, on count of the ehildren of Israel. why not try Newbro's Herpicide ? Others have been benefited and are. loud in its praise. It cleanses the scalp, kills the germ at the root of the hair and by keeping the scalp sweet, pure and wholesone, the hair bound to Bow as nature intended, regardless of the temperature. Iry it and be vineced, Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c. in stamps for sample to the Her- picide Co., Detroit, Mich. One dol Jar bottles guaranteed." Jas, B. Me Leod, special ugent, Kingston, 'When the New is Antiseptic ac i con wessessssssssassssnnsg BURN ANGLIN'S GOAL The purest, cleanest § and best. is Anglin & Co. Office and Yards: Cor. Bay and Wellington Sts. BIIVIIIIIIVIIIEIIIIIIO | 3 3 3 » 3 *> > » » » * --raresatteresl 6000S SOLD ON : : EASY PAYMENT PLAN All kinds of Dry Goods, Fur Collars and Mufis, Lahies' and Men's Clothing, Carpets, Cur- tains, Oilcloths, ete; also all kinds of Household Furnishings can be had on easy payment plan. Call and see for yourself. 214 Division Street, L. COHEN Sassssssssssassissiang wil Make Hair Grow, Every up-to-date have radiant hair There are thousands of we harsh, faded, characterless hair, do not try to improve it In England and Paris women take pride in having beautiful hair. Every Canadian woman can have luswrous and luxuriant hair by using SALVIA, the great American Sage hair tonic. Pest, the druggist, sells a large bottle for 50 cents, amd guarantees it to banish dandeufi, stop falling hair, and itching scalp in ten days, of money back. should woman ymen with who CLEANING MEN'S CLOTH. ING. A sple and span smart ap- pearance is given thousands of men throughout the Dominion who have their clothing clean- ed in these works. R. PARKER & 00, Dyers nnd Cleaners, . 9 Princess St, Kingston, Ont. 5 $000000000000000000000 A Fumiture Snap Dining-room In Old Oak. Ome Mahogany Parlor Set. Both will be s Sula cheap for _L. LESSES . Princess and haan Sta. 'Phone 1045, «Br a@eeBerPeeDe The Montreal Star suggests Sir Wil Laurier or Sir William Yanllorne ! Canudian' high commissioner fandon Lab McLeod's rig : : : {resolution ton, Ontario, at $6 year. WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 16 hed is one of the best Job - TORONTO Suite 19 and 20 Qu City Ch H. E. Smallplece, J.P., day and Thursday morning at $1 a year. postage bad to be added, making piice of Daily $3 and THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THE WHIG, SEVEN NTYEIGHTH YEAR 'MRS. SUSAN IRISH - ~ DAILY BRITISH W HG, published at 308-310 King Street. Kings- Editions at 2.30 and 4 o'clock p.m. published in parts om Mon- To United States. charge for of Weekly $1.50 pages, Printing Offices in Canada; rapid, d cheap work; nine improved presses THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING CO. LIMITED J. G. Elliott, President. Leman A. Guild, Sec.-Treas. OFFICE. ambers, 32 Church Street, Toronto, representatl ve. Co prised man br was perhaps a most sur he of it when some years ago referred, humouronsly, to the use dopes for the ending of life when Dr. Osler was that might be taken to shorten human ex had ceased to be useful. not an advocate by any means istence, and he made an explanation later which was accepted as entirely And vet the "Osler of men is discussed at times as satisfactory. iomg"' if the proceeding under certain cir cumstances were fully justifiable. The brought medical men of St, Louis have themselves into the limelight favoring enthemasia "as a means of ending the agony of The principal speaker said by the incurably disensed.' the remedy should be provided when a it, of was member of the family requested and death was only a question hours. Another speaker said it The Toronto World gives currency to a rumour from Ottawa, and to the ef fect that the Laurier government has been holding sessions and for the of giving should be left ment. One contract, it is alleged, goes to Mr. for the of the Champlain terminal National purpose out contracts that to the Borden govern- Gosselin, and erection for the Transcontinental railway in and that it involves of ¥300,000, The work done under direction of the Quebec, an ex penditure is railway commission, but it requires the con- firmation of the government, and ius approval is said to have been ex pressed by an order-in-council, which was passed on the recommendation of Hon, Mr, (Une other transetion, a deathbed contract, of the government with regard to a had Graham, referred to a= was the decision rail contract, for which tenders I'he grouch in the Ottawa Citizen, been called. appears one other paper, a The press may be helping Mr. Bor: den to dispose of the naval question, and it may not. The Ottawa Journal of a plebiscite, (which is; * Bourassa, to disapproves a suggestion of Mr. be from a suggestion that he is said pressing upon the premier-elect his place in Ottawa), for two reasons. One is that British it responsibitty that should the government it is something that could not be attended by very the proceeding is not the upon from rest is getfing away and satisfactory results. It has been contended that Mr. Bor- den is committed to it, and because of made to the in He differed naval question as the government sub- subject upon the u reference be the house. action mitted it, though the plan of in conformity with a had resolution Mr scomed to be the house in adopted Boden had to be 1909, and a helped to draft, snd desired it laid before the people. He did say in what way. The Herald sumes that he meant a plebiscite. The Journal thinks he meant an election, as occurred with re not as such a reference gard to reciprocity. Which opené up the prospect of new appeal, and upon a greater issue than that which the people pronaunc- ed upon hy their vote on the 2lst of September. Mr. Borden was original ly committed to a Canadian co-operating with the British navy, and in defence of the empire's inter- ests. Later he was--while tn panicky mood and | navy,' THE DOPE AND DEATH. permissable or pardonable to place the poison within the reach of the pa- tient so that he elect to suffer A third speaker opposed to but dealing might or to die. suffering, it prevent to enthenasia supported a resort in with imbeciles. It sure. be The medical men were simply ex- they thought felt sufferings of men, was an academic debate to pressing what or as witnesses of the and the desire of many to see The draught' be countenanced those that It can safferings ended. kills never be will never in demand. legal en- the since by It is incompatible with the imbeciles for imbecility actment. treatment of even the cure is a law pre of incompetents, a strong de the of the common people will sooner or lat- venting the marriage a law for which there is which sense mand, and a law er jusist upon. A GROUCH FROM OTTAWA and the chances are that the same pen or mind framed the disturbing article. (me 1s reminded of what the did I=U6, after l'upper government in what i it certain or the the forfeited ts of being attempted, had public confidence, ac morabound administration celled. The conviction follows that facts have government can- until the Laurier of all pr enner been gone into the od The of today, a man of unhioniskd char- can be rehev suspicion of wrong-doing acter, can be depended upon to put his affairs in order and hand over his trust to the governor-general without that misconducting himself, been be be- the consciousness he had There may same final acts of the government fore its resignation has been recorded, it Sir vilfrid Laurier and his associates have been anything which but until the evidence is produced can be taken for granted that not dong can invite the serious criticism or attack of their successors. THE CANADIAN NAVY a large annual! contri: millions should be for | --willing that bution of many made to the British navy, such use as the admiralty might di- and and in the second mani- with the rect. Later, | fosto issued in connection election, he pandered to.the national- ists' support, and left the impression that he would only proceed the navy question as the people wished. He and soon, cording to the plans and plans that have been on must do something, very Tenders have been invited of the ac- present government, approved in the country j practically They {outside of Quebee. must be ac- { branch of her household duties, {ing up the milk from a {cows. During her has never indulged in patent wig ines, and she 1 has very rarely had ocfasion to take TUESD! AY, OCTOBER IN GOOD HEALTH AT AGE OF 03) YEARS. i Her Rules for Longevity: Goes to] Bed Early, Gets Up Early and Shuns Patent Medicines--Has! Been IN Only Ounce. Gouverneur, N.Y. Oct. 2. san Insh, who resides iu the village of Pullerville, is without a doubt the | voungest old woman in Northern New York. She was born in Uanada i July, 1819, and is, therefore, in ninety-third year. She is still active as most women are at fifty | vears of age. Her hearing and eve-| sight are practically as good as when | she was a girl and her heaith which] has been good all her hfe is still ex- | cellent. She does all her own work} and is seldom idle an hour from the] time she gets up until she retires, | withethe exception of Sundays, She | was never ill with a disease during her long hte until two years ago w hew | she suffered an attack of typhoid) fever. She is the mother of nine chil dren and her oldest, son,who now re sides in the west, is nearly seventy five vears old. For years Mrs. Shetlield, Out., * 1 { | Su- | Mrs. in i her | as | hish resided at | with her family where | they conducted a farm. Her husband! died many years 'ago, Her parents! were of Mohawk Dutch descent. Mrs. Irish attributes her long life and ex cellent health to the fact that she has always used plain substantial food and has always made it a practice retire between 8 and 9 p.m., and she seldom fails to arise between 5 and 6 each morning. Her son, Wesley Irish, resides with her, and her daughter, Mrs. Spicer, has made her home there of late, Mrs.Irish is an expert butter maker and she takes full charge «of that mak four to or medicines of any kind. She firmly believes that if a person observes the ordinary laws of health that patuve will adjust nearly all troubles that | human flesh is heir to. CANNIBALS KILL AND EAT WHITE MEN South Sea Islands the Scene of Several Awful Tragedies of Late. Syduey, N.S.W., Oct, 2.- News has reached Sydney of the murder eral Europeans in the South Sea Is lands, some of the vietims being cook- ed and eaten by the murderers. Rev. Frederick Daniells, a Queens- land missionary, was killed in the Solomon Islands. He was conduct ing a Sunday service in the open air, when suddenly a shot was fired by a native who was concealed in the scrub. The bullet struck the mission ary in the breast. He fell backwards, murmured "Lord, save me," and then died. It is not supposed that Mr. Daniells was shot because he was a missionary. "The natives," says an officer of the mission, 'take a pride in getting scalps, and the murder of a white man is a special glory. Mr. Daniells is the first white missionary to be killed in the Solomon Islands." From New Caledonia comes an count of the butchering of a family of three--father, mother and child. The name of , the victims was Devaux There is no clue to the perpetrators of the crime. The bodies had been treated with brutality The French warship Kersaint has brought news of an outrage at Mae of sev. ac great 3 191L We Now Sell Fine Shoes For Men $4 and $5 We Handle Fine Shoes for Men 3 . and $5.00 One Price Bore. i pivbys Ltd Men's'and Boys' Wear. $10.00 Overcoat Sale Tuesday Morning We Place On Sale | : - 50 Sample Overcoats College Ulsters, Fall Overcoats, Blue and Black Beaver Cloths Etc. Sizes 34 to 44 Some Velvet Collars, Some Plain Collars some with Two Style Stan- fold Collar Regular $12, 13.50 and 15. Coats For $10.00 Children's Overcoats For Boys 2 1-2 Years to 7 Years $2.90 Each Plain, Blue, Red and Greens with Velvet Collar Boys' Overcoats 4.50 At this price we show something very nobby in Tweed effects for Boys 6 to 14 Years BIBBYS LIMITE 78, 80, 82 Princess Street wo, one of the northern islands of the New Hebrides group, two French resi dents, named Gerolino taleau, having been killed by nativeg.and af terwards eaten. PUBLIC OPINION. A Word of Four Letters. Free and opinion of retroit Canada's reciprocily cepted or rejected, and afl reconsidera tion of the whole subject will be for- ced upon the new government at the | It will be for Mr. | {I the Sir outset of its exreer, Borden tendered to namely, to do as it counsels. The Laurier did adopt the plan of a complete unit, as at one time proposed, but it} to pursue advice he soj freely Wilfrid Laurier, consult the admiralty and] government not | naval did endorse the naval scheme which the Laurier government endeavored to If the outcome means a {new appeal to the people, after the redistribution bill has been passed, | and with representation according to} population, before the electors carry out. there will be something | will | a demonstration of their patriotism on i which elicit | genuine grounds and in to be- a way show the loyalty of the people yond a doubt. A war usually ruffles things and affects the market prices. Since trade is much the same the conclusion is that the ltaltan- Turkish conflict does pot amount to much. * The question of the hour--the want whith conference, and synod and ecu: menical council fails 1g answer--is, what is the matter with the church ? The doctor who can diagnose the ais pase will be entitied to his reward, The new réligious movement in ited States is spreading. It at reviving the church members, improving their lives, ana giving geavine expression to what Christian: ity means. It x being financed by of the wealthier mens and a Ee at a the | EDITORIAL NOTES. The Peterbore Examiner, noticing that new industries are locating else where, asks, Where is our share? Peterboro and Kingston may be alike. hey want things without having to work for thdm. Neither place is doing anything for publicity, and it asks, in affected surprise, "What is the matter with us? Ihe unionists of England are dis cussmg what they should do with the indemnities which the commons has voted to its members. Nir Max Aitkin has led the way in suggesting that the money be applied for bor otgh improvements, Making himself sobid with the people by his bountiful gifts, There are different wavs of in tof war,' { | ment seams to be what Sherman thought What May reshyterian, Torowmit« Reciracity rejected in its present form will vived. Possibl, the next will be fought on a demand iff reduction all along the line. Happen. and a polwey hardly be Py campaign for tar- mw re J. Young Men's Success, Toronto Star The World claims procity movement is a men's movement." What does it make, then, {of the vote in those young men's pro- | vinces, Alberta and Saskatchew an that the anti-reei "young Reforming "the Senate. Montreal Star 1 he conservatives will now start to "reform the senate' their way Toronto Star thinks that this would be a good time, to abolish it Well, {its political friends are in a majority {there, and we fancy that the governs would mot greatly object to} of them 'abolishing' them in Ihe | : some selves, Western westher continues to be rainy and none too good for thresh | Docs Your Stomach Work . Properly f 2 There is no "somplaiat so humilia- | i i BO ti thd ti and "tirfsome us stomach com plaint.: Thereason so many people suf- fer with their stomach is because | they overwork it and do oot give it! a tome, | i Mi-o-na Tablets will tone the sto] mach and speedily remove the dis | agreeable belching (gas on the stir ¥ mach) sour tastk apd foul preaih. Dizziness, hitiousness, and headuche all; dmappear when vou begia to take! Mrona. Mi-o-na is guscantesd by Jas. HB Neloond, whi will refund your money | i they fail ia cove or do what se claim. Prstpaid feom. The RT Fort Pri, Sw, i Toa Cok adil Life, Motor Boat Insurance effected Real E Bough Kingston gina Nokomis, bridge above Company, ' Exchange. Peres ssssrnsssssas vee = OCTOBER SALE OF FURNITURE a Vilues in all FIRE Ace IF ALL THE sii BACKAGHES Gla M ident, Sickness. Plate ymobile and arin lines of Furnitore rth other and Full informal on any cheerfy ly given by 0. Hutton, 18 Market Street ONT. ir about all us And portunit ing it CHEAP, CLEAN. CONVENIENT COOA WITH GAS. Light, Heat and Power Dept. . FOLGER, Gen. Mgr. KINGSTON, up of tal for MeCualg Bro Members Agent Montreal iia aga ag { BUILDERS ALL KINDS OF LUMBER AT LOW PRICES. BETTER GET! Youg bins filled with Our Coal before the Fall rush comes on P. WALSH Barrack St Tables in Golden, $1.50 up. To Mahogany Tables, $10 25 and #35. Surface Tables $2.50, $3.50, &c Special in Parlor Furniture 3 Piece 5p i Ee ta hd L50 OOAL AND ALL KINDS OF WOOD. S Bennett & Co. ! Cor. Bagot and Barrack Sts. "Phone $41. Sujtes, reg oer Suites, E2005 Saite, wr B12 R. J. REID Prone 511 The Leading Unde: taner Seprece, used ki == i Bi ie gl ody BN RAWFORDS CoAaL. IT MAKES AHOT FIRE THAT BURNS LONG Th: : : ' i : : ¢ ' ' ' ' ' 2 THECLUBHOTEL WELLINGTON STRERETY (Near Princess) There are other hotels none approach the (Mut homelike surroundings Located In centre principal thea! rs Fharges sre meiuts Special rates by the wo '®. M THOMPSON, Press ssssshssasssensssanl Sh hh hh ei hh RY ba Bd Tr ' ' ' ' ¢ ' ' / ' / ! '