--r FOUR. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, PAY, J RBNE OCTOBER 4 1911, "GEM" - 25 Cts. A Complete Manicure, Cuts, Cleans, and Files. Perfect for Removing Hang Nails. BNF, THE WHIG, SEVENTY-EIGHTH YEAR DAILY BRITIS HIG, published at 306-310 King Street. Kings- ton. Ontario, at $6 per year. Editions at 2.30 ahd 4 o'clock p.m. WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 16 pages, published in parts on Mon- day and Thursday morning at $1 a year. To United States. charge for postage had to be added, making piice of Daily $3 and of Weekly $1.50 per year. Attached is one of the best Job Printing Offices in Canada; rapid, stylish, and cheap work; nine improyed presses J. G. Elliott, President. | Leman A. Guild, Sec.-Treas. TORONTO OFFICE. Suite 19 and 20 Queen City Chambers, 32 Church Street, Toronto. H BE Smaliplece, J.P., representative. A NON-PARTIZAN SENATE become convert: and the Unless the liberals ed from their political faith- senators are supposed to be under the i in tho Some pressmen, liberal and conserva- are diverting themselves with a discussion of the senate. What of the upper chamber, liberal 7 © Well, the hopes it will tive, racy become transforming influence which largely is to of an extreme ra- must sen- | there lords. makes a tory short now so Whig that rare good sense time--they the For Sale Only At Corbett's dical in a very be the controll: exhibit for which liber- have been distinguished. One recalls the collision which the Laurier government Some of its schemes and blocked by the was then overwhelmingly sug- gested several plans for reforming the sincerely power mn ate for many a long day, and open, constitutionally, for i als took |i8 no way having it otherwise. at all likely to that extinction, especially since membership | under the indemnity act, place when Lhe senators are| took office. legislation which conservative. not vote upon any | measure means ther political | were sen ate, So strong, so rich, so flavorful--a hirriffs | True Vanilla )| Goes further--and the difference in its ex- quisite aroma and tempting fragrance is wondrous: You will mee find real economy in MORE WASTE INVITED Shirrifl's. Ask the groceryman. The government now, new makes membership so pleasurable, | The senate, originally, was designed house. Some of them were published. Court of Review. Before of th It is not subject to amendment to be, a all passed, Not one appeared to be practicable. So the especially COMMONS agitation for reform died away, the lagislation change be- of The membership quickly became an the need for or rejection. A senator, who hecomes came less necessary in the process absolutely impartial and non-partizan, | the the ought to time. can perform service for lloss and less conservative; presently a the [ighest value, and liberal that body government, there was an evening of the political members of give formed, | grew in num- the red then the lilgrals they forces ber until denominated the Bordem when an ohject lesson iv an never forget, chamber, some Addresses to distinguished persons, | 'ended, precious documents were tored place, heritage which | fully retirement under special circumstances, cannot a was no doubt ong | ter and appreciated, of an address was fond be avoided. Through then civic other bodies are permitted to express Caution: --A smaller quantity gequired than of any other extract. the the maryuis | in suitable language, and] rom Canada m through them beautiful thoughts may be preserved. Hut there 18 no occasion for an expenditure of of dollars in themselves once there was flowery of | the florid use of it parch- | | 1 some by-way, and at The body some very was talk. language some civic and Other delicious Shirriff flavor- ings are: Lemon, Almond, Rose, Pineapple, Strawberry, Ratafia, and ninety moe, FTE i 7 colours in spreading over all to The lesson is obvious. all that may be valued® for its but hundreds and thousands so-called works of art. When the Mamas of the Princess louise made a ment gone waste, wav not, and The paper or of Canada the extravagance of the peo- Lorne tour parchment, and encloses it, appearance was an address has only a tomporasy | ple with regard to addresses value and it is a sin to lavish money it. Do We shall very great. '|hese presentation offer must we profit by experisuce? What wilh Li ings accumulated until there upon presently see, as the have been a cart load of them. was the governor-general to do rival of a new governor-general will the that The Mexican Vadilla 14 Bean Gatherer Y Decorate rooms of » invite new desires in which to express | Hall ? No, them dean was never DELAAALAALAAL444400409 BURN ANGLIN'S GOAL The purest, cleanest and best. OFFICIALS ARE | DISTURBED. | | the people's regard and welcome, | | | | some uneasiness a course which conviction civil lor whether it had for its object There seams to he at Ottawa with regard to the embarrassment of the government. in the Morden platform, | circulated before and dur: "The | service. Before the liberals selected a last and widely inside [ine the service to be approved by it, there extension continuity with the civil "That means security service, Officials busied themselves in every who elections and prospered--ii their friends (his duty impartially, who ceased With change [be a politician when he became a pub | headsman was as-|lic servant. the victors be-! One does not forget, of course, profession and the practice of He was against : . plank commission, and required all appoint-| with the reads thus : service refprm. oflice connection election, of ments in civil was no mn one | in power. a the contd ned of government signed his tasks longed the spoils. With civil service reform two things were established. The position of the! eligible and competent clerk secure, and he received promotion upon | was not long in office before he his merits, The success the ser: to bow before the vice became assured. It did not de- opinion. fluctation of political opposition. Its continuance did not gry for the the tate of govern- I hey and ideal condition { { To Sir James Whitney. spoils system. Pr -- S. Anglin & Co. Office and Yards: Cor. Bay and Wellington Sts. He berated (hs liberal But he| had became [government on account of it. of His party had been iong in| Its members hun | good thingd of office. | revolted were $ : ERIE PREVENTS pend upon any ortune. rest upon any simply holore the) The not stornof thar indignation Sir surrendéred. Then ment, has SCIENCE BALDNESS. . reached in the inner service, there were remov The Fatal Germ and Its Remedy Now Facts of Science. Tt is the rarest thing in the world for_a man to be necessarily bald. No man whose hair is not dead at the roots need be? ihe will use New bro's Herpicide, the new scalp anti septic. Herpicide deswroys the geom that cuts the hair off at the roots, and cleans the scalp of dandruff and leaves it in a perfectly healthy con dition, Mr. Maonmett, in the Mary. = land Block, Butte, Mont., was entirely bald. In less than a month Herp cide had removed the enemies of hair growth and nature did its work hy covering his head with tinek hair an inch long, and in six weeks he had a normal suit f hair. © Sold by leading druggists. Sew! 20¢. in stamps for sample to the Ter Co,, Detroit, Mith. One dol bottles guarantoed. Jas. B, Me Leod, special agent, Kingston. it has been approached, and what has [provineial service was pretty well |» been gained eannot be abandoned Mr. Borden and his party, in oppo siition, have found fault because the mea, government did make the civil may sepvice independent of, political in- [party all its branches, and it and something must be done to 1 . ' to be seen whether this was cify it. by conservatives. {} Borden like Sir James, manned Mr. may, Like Sir be heroic in his plans, James, well, too, he! not is in very needy fluence in a remains EDITORIAI: NOTES. Canada's 8 not f govern one of The Stratford Herald whether Sir Wilfrid Laurier's decision | to accept the place of opposition lead. | er is influenced the ¥7,000 salary which attaches to the office. Was Mr. lorden influenced by the salary during all the years which i"? Come, now, be fair, Rev. Hugh Padley, best preachers, sdys reciprocity dead. Wouldn't be were revived the Bordén ment, hg wonders : < surprised by by No talk of Haultain and of a place he enjoyed for Mm in the new government. It may be a good thing for the gov ernment and a better thing dor Haul tain, The Orange Sentinel will now see to it, when it has the time, that there will be an aroused Protestantism in Ontario on the mixéd marriage and bilingual school question. Some time ago it hinted that something definite and forceful was being planned. With a session of the legislature at hand it is time the Sentinel got busy, Ro The Prince Fdward Island legisla Bre pr ture is so evenly balanced {un member ae) ship that no side can hope to. de any busindss. A new and general elec won might produce the necessary cure The grain crop of tie Canadian north-west is valued st E200,000.008 Sach a large sum In circalation must contribute very much to busi nese enterprises of the people. % Tt has heen given out 'hat ~ir Wil frid Eaucier has beprt the choice of 'The Hague Peace 'Tribunal as ns pv The London Daily ™lgil « vit to Le silent. & very distiogtished Tou 1, above the silly sintement, that Tha) and one that would sit ;vwl. upon! flag Mas won" in thet amadin ole Sir Wilfrid Laurier, But he.is « sae] tions. The 'national colours were od in Canada, and while be is able! " much in evidence for mic serve the people will Sve ia teh effect. Dut they were pover an - affections. There 8 no 0 plas Inver "danger of insult ar defeat. than this, "ha THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING CO. LIMITED |gentieman, who | terms. {Quebec West, t this {tent tn Send state ithe cused a slump in wheat has tivity, suggested, it is that the | to Thel lfoolish. facts {deserves " {Justice he has been pulorminglonss are those who are tolto {their | Providence is the' sincerely will the {selves again. 29th ultimo, at the age of twenty-four surges of politicul |vears, the death oeccurved of Mrs. took place on Sunday from James | Rev. ted. i 1 td y {for and affecting hundreds of clerks, butlals and dismissals until in time the, knew (and je Put thé | at so early an ave (a deepl circumstances, | by {acquaintances extended to {a baby girl six months old. completed route of the Welland canal will main unchanged. 2 PUBLIC OPINION. | ® tp Rank Dusloyalty. We had to face (he indifierence of Great Britain, a nation which seems| ito have ceased to have ars mand lite own, or, i it has, to know it. | : i Winnipeg Tetegram i { i ot : Need More Law i Montreal Star BIBBY Su ONE PRICE STORE -- MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR We Now Sell Suit Cases and Trunks . i more law. When a never drove an auto e need some betore, and has no license, and gives a false name, can knock a policeman| over on a crowded corner and get | away on a fine of $20, why, thereis nothiog else to it; need more law. The Boss at Ottawa, Hamilton Times The Borden government would have a working majority il alt Quebec members pledged against form of naval expenditure voted gainst it. Bourassa boss at tawa, and he intends dictate we not the any a Ot-| the | 8 to Getting Wise, Slowly. Torantn Globe. As the days g non-party men, and even thoughtful (conservatives, "will come to find out {that ' they *were deceived, wid kedly {and shamefully deceived, by men who posed as patriots, but secretly played with Canada's sacred imperial trust for the k per- sonal. or party advantage go bv liberals and who most of Content With Small Things. Ottawa Free Press Welliam | rice, has, it declined « cabinet and senatorship. In by in con who was defeated announced portiolio will be And per his generation for lite job, abolishes is friends, the Borden with haps he is in torship is a kK. 4 Lancaster a wise unless We've rath spread oursely the this season on 'snappy and we want ever fell heregbou ) our owing and the { of Fabri colorings new, and the new garments artisti THE GORDON SUITS, h Tweads, elegantly tallore Scot $20.00, HE BRYSON SUITS, English Tweeds £18.00. THE UNIVERSITY SUIT, Tweed and Worsteds, $13.00. THE COLLEGIATE SUITS, Downie Tweeds, i JUSTIN 4. DE inister of SELVES 812.50. in the new BLUE AND BLACK SUITS, The ( The Saskatoon There is adverse Consequences of Folly. Castle Brand, Phoenix, not the slightest doubt that vole on reaprocily has prices given a cheek to real estate The unfortunate thing about all vilored Imported wool, fast hand t: garments and ne K18.00, $20 and S22, Fall Suits clothes entirely Fall and differen colors Overcoats- Oh! Overs have vou splendid ell een our oat display i w worl {0 ses coming VIiTORNEY. fly through Cheviot front through dandie New fancy bution are %1 THE ATLANTA, vie ot in and and models, 2.50 to $18.00, Two ilar coat favorite, $15.00, THE BELMONT. two-style collar, SiIR.00, COLLEGE THE COAT, 810, $12.50, $13, COAT, well, SIN. BORDEN A howling £20.00. Hand fabric, new coloring, new Elegance The man w hoe eleTanc S100 and S500 The choicest leat style fedtures in 'as arches, short vamp in evidence 1 16T¢ msingle good feature their make up THE JOHN BULL, »3.00, THE NORWOOD, £4.00. LITTLE JIM, $5.00, THE HARVARD, $1.00, THE CAPITAL, £35.00. the just and the wise have suffer with the unjust and the The man who elosad his eves and his reason to the plain economic and advantages of reciprocity to suffer all the ¢ his own making should true, Agents for Fowne's and Dent's Gloves for Men nExuences They are and in not complain I and it ut | is often seems to bel BIBBYS Ld 78 80-82 PRINCESS. Agents for Penman's Underwear and Bweater Coats the foolish least willing in this instance, that put up with the consequences of own folly. and we time them good and only a brief will right lands are bounteous, that things Bui western of ideas, who have rome inventive ability lenso write GREELEY 4 Me INTIRE, Patent Attorneys, W auiilngons hope pass till Headaches Quit when the stomach, Heer ao bowels are kept in the condition in which they be by the prowpt use BEECHAM'S | PLS Sold Everywhere: fn boxes 25¢ Sad Death at Wilbur. Cet. 3.~On Lavant Station, the and go d igh Mrs, J daughter of Mr. and Wilbur The attended, Mr. Lee' Lake cemetery Poland, officia had been ailing her trouble to the IE. Lee, younger William which Roche, of uneral, was largely to Dalhousie Mr. Malcolm, Mrs. Lee, some time, bore nd with Christian patience that most exemplary hd tigh esteem and regard by 1 her for kindly dis decidedly' personal | wn ---------- haracter and her demise | regret ted friends and] sympathy is is left with} | Life, Accident, Sickness. Plate Glass, j ma Boat, Automobile and Marine effected, Real Estate { Bought, Sold and Exchanged in | Kingston, Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Re- | gina. Calgary, Moose Jaw, Weyburn, ! Nokomis,. North Battleford bridge and other places home, of who wa m who She was her wsition high-toned and -------- worth a very wide cirele of Sincere Lee, who Mr DATES OF FALL FAIRS, .. Oct. 6) Oct. 45 | Insurance has just HHL EHH) tons 'rescatt the presept George Hall company the delivery of if conl to the CPLR. at catand politicians say The Leth- re! { Full information on any of the { above cheerfully given by KINGSTON, ONT. I~ i Agent for McCuaig Bros. and { Company, Members Montreal Stock | sshange. i 1 { ! its purity and whole- someness are Nature's greatest aid in over- coming disease. "ry a IF ALL THE BACKACHES IN THIS WORLD Were caused fashioned WE COULD ut they're gon why the new gas hag not ailment from the family long since Ask your nel wr what thinks about Cas 'ooking call 1 up and let have portunity of talking it over CHEAP, CLEAN, CONVENIENT. COOK WITH GAS. Light, Heat and Power Dept. C. C. FOLGER, Gen, Mgr. hy using the old "stoves for « CURE THEM That's the upright sty of eradicat od "thi stvle o not re stove for ( § us the op Seve cscescoboecocecssee Quick Shoe Repairing The New Machine will be in good working order in a v days. It will sew on a pair o hall soles in five minutes, or in the same amount of time if takes an ordinary shoe re- pairer to prepare his waxed thread. All work guaranteed. 256 PRINCESS STREET essessesees AIT. HOT FIRE Pp 4 woking KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE (Limited) "Highest Education at Lowest Cost' Twenty-sixth year Fall Rite, Shoriwnd, graduates Withir one poratior time. Call tion, Ho 3 Kingst -- Goescssscessssssasassascsscl THECLUBHOTEI WELLINGTON STREET (Near Princess) There are other hotels none approach the Club bhomeitke surroundings ated In centre af to principal but for and and ity close stores theatre Charges are moderate Special rates by the week P. BM. THOMPSON, Proprietor, *sssesssssesee Braces vnsrennne : : 1 GATPS, FENCING, BYC, Manufactured by PARTRIDGE & SONS Cresent 3 Wire and iron Works, Ise Elertre Plating. Presses asscssssssscsssas BETTER GET Your bins filled with Our Coal before the Fall rush comes on P. Burwk : WALSH Ny WEBB LTIBIBTIBRIGS