THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, OCTORER 4, 1911. jee at ET I Two Minute Talks About H1JANDORA RANGE for Coal or Wood Yo can quickly get the Pandora oven ready for the baking. It is made of Nickel Steel which is much more sensi- tive than a cast or gray iron oven. It heats up more rapidly and thereby saves you many precious minutes. / Getting $51E Oven Readv After you've used the Nickel Steel Oven for a week you'll congratulate yourself that you invested in a Pandora Range. Get one this week. Make up your mind you'll enjoy - its many conveniences at once. Our agents in your locality will "fill your order promptly. * M<Clary's Stands for Guaranteed Quality London, Toronto Montreal, Winnipeg Vancouver, St. John, N.B., Hamilton, Calgary mmm. For Sale by J. B. Bunt & Co., Kingston. -- DUTCH BANKER. ' CHINA'S ADVISER. tion of the resignation will be made until it is accepted. Agrees to China's Terms of $25,000 as Salary. . Pekin, Oct. 3,.-The Dutch banker, M. Vissaring has necepted the coun- ter-offer of 325,000 a year to become financial advisor to the Chinese gov- ernment. Prince Ching has resigned the pre miership but the throne refused to accept Jhis resignation, replying that in spite of his age and physical io- firmities, his services were invaluable, Jt is expected that the usual repeti if you have a room to-let, or desire to obtain a. few table boarders, n little advt. in the Whig will get re- sults for you. Remember it is the better class of people, too, who read the newspapers, and who will answer your advt, At Atlanta, Ga. a jury divoreed Thomas MeArthur from his wife, Vio- let, and in its verdict said: "We find that the defendant shall marry again." No future husband was nam- od. Egyptian Cigarettes Plain or Cork tips. 15. Per box. A skilful blending of Turkish Tobacco. GIRL HE RUINED WRONGLY WEDDED. _ OF AND Chicago Medical Student's Brutal Desd--Killed His Second Bride Two Weeks After Wedding. Oregon, His, Oct. 4. --ouate Alor ney Emerson, of Ogle county, plan ned, yesterday, to present the case of Henry E. Webster, confessed wife murderer, to the grand jury, and to try the prisoner in the criminal court without unnecessary delay. "1 have no regrets for my dee Webster said. ""l here was nothing else 1 could dd. | was out of my mind when I did it." Webster, 8 medical siudent and an interne in the Polytechnic hospital, of Chicago, confessed under pressure, Sunday, that he had killed his. young and pretty bigamous wife, Bessie hent webster, in a tract of timber between Uixon--and Polo, 1ll., Septem- ber 16th. He stabbed her in the neck, and then severed her jugular vein. Then he undressed the body, scooped a shallow grave with his hands, half buried the body, burned the clothes and calmly made his way back to his studies in Chicago. Webster admitted that his marriage with the girl was bigamous and was due to moral and medical wrongs which she had suffered from him. Webater graduated from the [hxon high school ten years ago, came to Chicago and worked his way through the university. He then took up me dicine, and worked his way through the Rush Medical College. He would have been graduated within a few months lie wet his victim, who was not twenty-two years old, while she was in training for a nurse at the hospi tal. Last year they went on a lake excursion and were pone several days I'he moral wrong which began at this time was followed by medscal wrongs, The girl conlessed to her married sis ter. 'They determined that Webster should marry Bessie Rent. Meanwhile Webster had long been engaged to marry Miss Zoe Varney, of Cedar Rapids, la. On January 4th, of this year ne went to Cedar Rapids and married Miss Varney in the home of her parents. He returned here the same week to he confronted, with threats of expulsion fiom Rush Medi cal College unless he married Miss Kent. He married her, but claimed that she promised to ge divorcee afterward. This she retu to do The police have evidence that she later desired to meet Webster's parents and that this was her death warrant. Miss Rilla Webster, nineteen vears old, sister of the murderer, is a tele phone operator, at Dixon, lll, and was the one to receive the sherifi"s message for her brother's arrest. lor two hours she sat with blanched face and tightened lips connecting the wires that led to the sherifi"s office, the state's attorney, .the Chicago police, the coroner and a score of detectives. Then she fell to the floor in a swoon. Pr. Hawke, 21 Wellesley street, To- ronto, successfully treats piles, fissures, ete, without an operation. Write for free booklet and references. Portugal revolutionists have crushingly defeated throughout country, Now is the time to advertise for a boarder for that vacant room. A little advt. in the Whig will bring him. Try a sack of 'King's Quality" flour and be convinced of it's superior qual- ity. been the Despatches tell of an alleged wonder- ful gold discovery in Baffin's Bay, CONFESSED TO MURDER | THE US OUTLOOK. Crops Most History. hat the bugbear of hard times prophesied in connection with recent reports of general crop failures 1s thoroughly unfounded is proved by se annual crop report issued by Lord & Thomas for 1911. President C. R. Erwin, | in discussing his sources of formation which led to the above statement 'mentioned that he had deduced optimistic con clusions from data gathered for him by the agricultural press all over the country. : "Farm papers," Said Mr. Erwin, "particularly those with restricted or localized circulation, are in the very best position to give net facts as re gavds production and conditions. P'ractically all the papers iurnishing Lord & lhomas with crop informa tion received their reports, not from a mere personal inspection of comh tions generally, but from their sub scribers as to the actual production of each township and many individual farms, " While it is true that, speaking na- tionally, there will be a shortage in grain products, on the other hand prices for these products show a much higher percentage over last year than the product does a loss, the Orange Judd company states in its report on crop conditions through out its territory that New York this yoar suffered a shortage of 2.00 (t bushels of wheat, 'and the corn drop ped off 7,000,000 bushels, although the production ran up to a total of 44, 000, 000 bushels. Penusylvama produced only 7,000,000 bushels of less than last year, and in corn dropped from 34 bushels the vield in 1910 to 30 bushel this year to the acre, which brings the to tal production from 10392.000 dow to L,N30, 000, The states of Tennessee tucks had a yield this vear equal to that of lo. Charles W. Burkett, editor of the American Agrioulturist, states that the erop situation is unfolding splendidly from the standpoint of the farm. The returns to each farm is going to be better than last year: on the Farmers are closing up thei year's work really better, than they have for a good many years in The Michigan Farmer, in a report giv- en by the editor, states that while the drought conditions afiecting por tions of the north, central and gpiddle felt Michi 1911 Valuable in and almost hen even average hnancially the pasi' western states have been severel considerable section of gan, crops and prospects have not been damaged to the extent which was predicted, and in the case of most crops the loss from this cause will 'be more than made up to the Michigan farmer through the better prices which he will receive for his products, owing to the fact that crop production exceedingly varied in Michigan, while the yield of crops | ar vested and the prospects for. growing crops are better than in many other states and in most, instances at least better than the average for the coun- try,as shown by the last government report, After noting the losses én account of weather conditions, Illinois is pretty well off after all, and We farmers are over a crop = satisfied that this hag n a prosper- ous year. According to the California Cultivat- or, California this year has had the biggest crop of oranges that haveiever been raised. George N. Neff, ers' Telegram at of the Daily Drov Kansas City, Miss ouri, reports that the prices of beel cattle, both corn fed fed, are about the same as at this {ime last year. Feeding She per ewt. lower than a year ago, while the finished cattle are selling at about the same prices as last year With the abundance forage erops and fall pastur age, this present margin of profit will induce induce extensive cattle feeding activity in the corn belt, The hog industry is in the best con- dition for a number of years. Al though prices are lower than during the preceding period of shortage, the vol Wine of business is much greater and more wealth is being distributed. Over 40 per cent. more hogs have been re ceived on the Kansas City market this season than the same period of 1910, meaning an additional distribution for the year of about $15,000,000, The Northwest Pacific Farmer writes us that the farmers of the Pacific slope were never in as prosperous condition as they are today. While taken us a whole, there is a bumper crop .and prices--they can hardly be compared with the demand. The Nebraska Farmer, through its editor, Mr. L. 3. Heiron, states that the prices for farm products this year bid fair to be such to the farmers of this state, as a whole, more money to spend than they had last year. Corn is selling at the present time at from to 77¢ in different parts of the state, due to' the shortage of sora throughout the belt in general and the increased demand. The North Dakota Farmer reports that the general crop conditions in North Dakota are a little below the average for the past eight or ten years, but in probably half the state the conditions are muph above the average. The hay crop is fully three times as great as that of last year, and there is every indication of an excellent flax crop. The Southern Fruit Grower reports that the droughts this summer have affected every yrop in the south, and «the strawberry crop, which brings will jons of dollars to the farmers of the south was cut down shout 25 cent., but even with a 73 per cent. crop the prices received more than compensate the farmers for the short age of berries. The Fruit Grower also states that with the money already in hand for a good tomato, melon and berry cop and the prospects in sight for a fine crop of corn and cotton, the south hae never before presented a more sttr ive appearance for manufactures or others who are seeking a figdd for business. and grass steers average as give Sie corn Five hundred delegates are already at Toronto for the world's Ecumemeal Setiodi : on by Prouse's Compound m Pill, the Premature Grayness Is an unnatural disfigurement and a handicap in social and business life. Those who care for their ersonal appearance,use HAY'S HAIR HEALTH. t removes all traces of grayness by restoring the hair to its natyral color--used successfully for 25 years when all others have failed. IS NOT A DYE. Send 10c. for sample bottle of HAY'S HAIR HHEALTH and tube of HAY"S LILY WHITE TOILET CREAM, and books "The Care of the Hair and Skin." PHILO HAY SPEC. CO., Newsrk, N. J., U.S. A. REFUSE ALL SUBSTITUTES. $1 and S0c. bottles at Drug and Dept. Stores, or direct upon receipt of price. HARFINA SOAP unequalled for the complexion, keeps skin fine and soft. Cares skin diseases, red, rough, chapped hands, and pimples. 25¢. at druggists. JAS. B. McLEOD, LOCAL AGENT. RAILWAY IY ERITTESE HUNTERS EXCURSIONS Round! trip tickets will be issued ax Single First Class Fare 9th to Nov, 11th. to points on Temiskaming and North- ern Ont. Ry. Iatercolodial Ry, mam line of CPR. and C.N.R. points be- Carson Junction Good going Oct tween and Gow- ganda Junction 11th Bay of Also from Oct. 19th ta Nov Muskoka lakes, Georgian points on CN.R North ioe and Washago. All tickets good { November 14th * J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Corner Johnston and Ontario Sts, to return until KincsTong PEMBROKE RAILWAY IN CONNECTION WITH Canadian Pacific Railway Low Rates TO We Told You So! LABATT'S LAGER Now Perfected--The Best on the Market! TRY IT John Labatt, Ltd. LONDON. ONT agent, James McParland, 339-341 King ot. 5. Kiugsoou cant Where To Buy ° Your Fall Shoes There ix no time of the vear that you need such good Shoes as now. The Fall the hardest test that a Shoe cen get. Damp feet - 1 means a chance for all kinds of sickness. We will not handle the shoddy kind. You should buy from the same standpoint Every Shoe we sell is guaranteed to give value for the price paid, REID & CHARLES I'S. ~8ce our Classic Line of Children's Shoes 1 Pacific Coast Sept. 15th to Oct. 15th $45.10 at K. & P. and OQ particulars », Ontario Street Ticket Of FF. CONWAY, Gen, Pass. Agent BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY, Frain leaves Union Station, Ontario | street, 4 pom. dally (Sunday excepted), | tor Tweed, Bvdenham, Napanee, Deaer- mto Bannockburn and all points aorth To secure quick despatch to Bannockburn, Maynooth, and points on | Jentral Ontario Route your shipments | via Bay of Quinte allway her particulars, apply, RH. | Prt. Age J. H. Weich, Pass Agent. | Phone No. Bf, {LAKE ONTARIO AND BAY OF QUINTE STEAMBOAT CO, LTD, Steamer Aletha KINGSTON, PICTON, BELLEVILLE, eX. Heton at on Tuesdays, s only, Kin despatch and Manager, Kingston Jd. P JAS HANSLEY SWIFT & CO, Agents STUDENTS! See our in £1 in Queer : Novelties DA. WEESE & CO, PRINCESS NT, ! . . . Carriage Painting | SOME CLASS TO OURS. This is the place to have your | Auto repainted to stand all kinds of per | Peerless Peninsular A CAST IRON RANGE WITH MODERN OVEN AND EQUIPMENT A wealthy mustard | The PEERLESS n ' y range it has 5 Ihe coal dealer { J! might say about the ? SEEE ame tH il me thing z FEFFE 2 It's grnopnopnopopoonnoon not the ou us 1 od i PEERLESS Penin perfect } coal y - that buys coal that Ihe his ans ar six-cylinder car, but the goes up the chimney. beauty 4 onvemence not You mighi as well that coal ranges. Building rang ok well and to save coal has kept us thinking and working over mm Preston for upwards of 50 years. Every smients in range been made. The flues have been widened here; thicker there; 1 Ee ft is three sepa weight reduced + { h a} . od . | scetions which slide along or lilt ou m one spot and i fed t noth { whenever you added to another. ! ' ec er. "| flues But every change J . In most ranges the oven | has made ' a | Yon" or "off." That is, it jhe oven full hicat or none at all. Tt heat it h fess Peninsular oven is regulated less fuel by means of a siding damper 0 and the A510 get just ax much heat ronstruction 1 ro . need. This is another way you and durable. & SS save fuel Get " The Cost' 'THE COST of a Range " tell | more about these Peninsular Ranges ~not a fist of pictures and prices, but a book showing that thy after. cost is the big cost and bow th * Peninsular" cuts it down, Yours, for the asking os to « construction mnnoonpnooonononon a wall made Peninsular made in want to clean the as you of the range strong | Nickel ornaments, special features or size do not affect the internal construction or honest materials and workmanship that go into the "Peninsular." So that when buying one, a housewife may feel free to consult her own lastes as regards finish and appearance. If the range | is Peninsular" she will know that | it will give her good bakings for the : Clare Bros. a Co. least amount of coal. Preston, Ont. Limited b= [PER ere NR ELLIUTT BROS., Kingston. poaoooooopuoanunEofinoaaa 3 pupauononnooonoooogoponoooOounoonn © ------ Ha r " ay ad Ire best blood and nerve tome pitls We. | weather. E. J. DUNPHY, wr. Montreal and Orvdanunce Btresta THAT TOBACCO With the "Rooster" on | 1 crowing louder as he goes along | Onty 45c per pound. For chewing and | fmoking i | AT A. MACLEAN'S, Onturia Street i t | Shepsassssssstantanets . . '$ The American 3 le Cafe 185 Wellington St The Up-to-date and Eating House appartments Well and lighted. Try our Full Course Dinner, ge |e THOMAS GUY, Prop. i PHIVICrVIT VI ISS VIVES Restaurant Separate furnished : enoee tLe e |sessscscscssssnccensey TAKE IT AWAY patrons say with Belfast yr English Ginger do not bear our wh That's at our w sorved bottled goods for family 4 Bo superior o It at any of the lead. y rielephone 304 for a trial case Thompson Bottling Co. 292 PRINCESS 8T, KINGSTON. esccssssccsssee 0000000 OOOROIONNINYS LUBRICATING OIL. FLOOR OIL. GREASE, ETO. PROMPT DELIVERY. Te. BarAassasansius a a]