EARLIEST DATE For Announcement of the Borden Cabinet. "WILL BE SATURDAY LAURIER MAY NOT RESIGN FRIDAY, 302 TILL Contracts for Intercolonial Exten- sions Giveu--Si- Wilfrid Will Not Go to Califorpin--~McGillicuddy Still After Oliver. Utiawa, (ef. Ihe resignation the Laurier cabinet will not, i is ex pected now, take place before Friday Saturday ie likely the earliest date for the announcement of the Borden cabinet. The 1esidence leader continne cabinet aspirants A Toronto story oy, of of the conservative to be ! the their mecen friends w and recarding PLEMIER Announces he will cab MeBRIDE ast bd I ety Bord White, Jormer liberal, as the possible nance minister, to sit for Halton county, is looked upon here as Guite probable. Richard Blain, of eel, 1s also said to be in the running HOW for a portiolig, while Col. Sam Hughes, it is believed, may be given an important oles in the milton de partment, W, FF. Maclean is also a cabinet possibility, Sir Willeid Laurier will not, as ported, go to California for a rest. Daniel Metillicuddy is here to-day He says the Oliver charges will not be dropped. The appointment of a new postmas tor at St. Catharines to succeed post master Lovelace, who resigned to run re- Ww Spoken of MACLEAN, strong for the cabinet as a Laurier eandidate E. A Lancaster, to produce dith caltigs. It is stated here that the ap pointment was put through hy Hon. Henri Beland, personally, jn the ab sence of Dr. BR. MN, Coniter, the deputy postmaster- general The Laurier Profises government has contracts for the Intercolonial sions to M. PP. Davis and the Scotia construction company, It is ramored in Montreal that Don rit MeMaster, the former Montrealer and British NM. I'., may be appointed high commissioner at London ft is eurrent rumor that George Taylor will be appomted to the sen ate very shortly, and that A. E. Donovan will resign from the loeal pouse, and seek nomination in Leeds. It dooks from census returns as though "orockville riding will probably be wiped out in the redistribution, and that there will be but two ridings, where three now exist. Me. Donovan's friends cay that if be was elected for Leeds hefore redistrivution takes place he would he apt to hold the riding. given exten Nova Young Men's Liberal (Clubs, Milton, Oct. 5.~ Young Men's Liberal (Tubs have been organised in Milton, Oakville, Georgetown and Acton, The Milton club will meet every Wednes day and Saturday evenings. The off cory are: J. R. Tait, president; Cecil H. Earl, vice-president; Frank All- port, secretary: Robert Fleming, treasurer; P, T. Robertson and Frank Grvenlees, amditors. Halton liberals are not diseourapred by the result of the late election, but rather out on their metile. inh DAILY MEMORANDA. Odessa [ale Frivay. LOE. meet ag. > pom With ¢ T wis" Grand Opera : : : § | LEARNED THE LESSON OF NORTH-WEST TEAGEDY Inspector Fitzgerald's Death Leads to Placing of Food Stations on Route, ihe of Inspector Fitzger ald North-West Mounted orting mails be Macpherson, has by the authori route there. have food fon , #0 that there Dawson fet. 5 of the tin frtawn, lesson thie tragic death and three of Police, while tween Daw been taken tes. Al stations food for y danger fon future Howard ented ard henrt the placed Is ol whoever on to ong been with men and shall ning trip in May wrexly risk when be short the T provisions rin makes the the tra HAneCesaar that the Inspector Fitzgerald the trip. "He had that he probably fo it on head every time man trip he takes his hfe declared Mai. Howard. overvight the inspector in taking no shotgun along HH he had had a shotgun have got ptarmigan, which the to state was by which fool went often on it so ht he really, done thon could « his makes in hn but, a t hie e handy, Cline Fer io made w with hin he conkd alway party would there an plenty, and perhaps have been enabled safely are reach Gees scsssassasssssssrssanl FAMINE IN INDIA, Washington, Oct o Wm H. Michael, American consul- general at Cal utta, has advised the state department that a widespread feeling of anxiety has developed over an Impend- ing famine 'n different parts of India. Twenty per cent. of the soll under cultivation Is irriga'- ed, and thic will provide some food There has, however, been litle raw, and the govern- ment 15 aiready moving supplies from distri where food is plentifui to gection where there Is danger of famine 1 ae @esssssssssssssssaeaan CANNEL GOODS. Wholesalers Say rease Berefit hem. Oct. 5 would Will No! beer in goods It. has be an flamilton, Ont. that there crease in the price of canned shortly. At the Canadian otitees: it was explained that they had suld all this vear's goods, increase in price just now would not benefit them. "1 believe the wholesale men are in the same posi tion, having sold most of their goods to the retailers at the prices which have been asked all season," sail the manager. "The price has gone up in the states," explained the formant, "be enuse of the small crop of vegetables. In Canada things areabout the same; the vegetable growth was very poor, and consequently we have had to pay more for our raw material. Fruit has been better, and no increase in price can be expected in that line. We have gold all our this year's products at the opening price." That the ners' side of the story, rumored anner already 8G that an 18 can AUSTRALIA STIRRED BY MANY LABOR WARS Advances in Wages and General Unrest Send Up Shipping Rat Meibourne, tet. 5.1 tal throughout the commonwealth is in the throes of far-reaching strikes Frade uniopiste are demanding higher wages before the awards of the indus trial courts expir Owing to shortage of labor, employ ers are often eompelled to grant the demands. As a consequence of labor unrest and higher wages, the shipping companies have increased the freight rates on wool, tallow and hides, very state capi PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All Over the World. I is rumored that Oporto has been captured by rovalists and hing Manuel is expected soon. Ihe steamer Empress of China, which went ashore in Oriental waters, July 26th, is likely to he a total loss. At Watertown, N.Y., there will be no decrease in the number of uquor ficeuses, all hotels and saloons re newing their licenses, Canadian Pacific RR. earnings for the last week of September were £3, G61,000, an increase of 125,000 ever the same penvod of last year. Willie Ganunon, aged eight, died in a St. Johm, N.B., hospital. A hrother, cleaning a gun, accidentally discharg- od it, and the charge tore into the boy's abdomen. Ward H. Bowlboy, K.C, county crown attorney, Berhn, is celebrating his seventv-seventh birthday. He has been crown attorney of Waterloo county" for forty-three years. At Port Washington, N.Y., a black snake dropping from a rafter coiled it- self about the neck of Lillia Porcher, aged eight, who was saved by her school teacher, who finally killed the reptile. Mrs. Charles A. Buhblani, of Tomhan- apolis, Ind, dressed in white, stand ing by her husband's coffin on Sun: day last, delivered an impressive fun- eral oration, and sang two of the dead man's favorite hymbs, Joseph Bell, the eminent Scottish surgeon, who was the original of the character of "Sherlock Holmes," died on Wednesday, at his home, Maurice wood, 'Milton Beidge, Midlothian. He was born in Edinburgh ia 1537. Peter Ge 'lomap, Edgar Storgaar, MN. O'Connur and Arthur O'Connor, convieted of assaulting Norge Rell in a factional Kght of stonmiit- ters, in Chicago, wére sentenced to from owe to [fourteen years in the KINGSTON, ONTARIO, TRIPOLI TAKEN And talian Flag Floats Over the Town. TIME HAS NOT ARRIVED FOR INTERVENIION BRIFAIN. BY GREAT A British Vessel seized by Halian Warship, But Was Réleased When its Turkish Ofticers and War Sup- plies Were Takon, Rome, Oct. 5 --After the bom- bardment of the forts at Tripoli, yes- terday, officers ard marines landed and found that the Turks had evacu- ated one battery. taking the mechan jsm of the guns with them, leaving them useless. There were three dead bodies in the parapets. * 5. . London, -Eng., Oct. Firms mn England and Scotland have received despatches from their agents in Ini poli, this morning, to the effect that Italian marines have landed and that the Italian flag floats over the town. he Daily Chronicle's correspondent at Constantmople that news paper that fighting has tnken place between the Italian and Turkish fleets near Myteline. Another report in Constantinople is that the Italian battleship Count Cavotur was blown up by a Turkish mine I'ripoh coast, and all on board kifled This warship, one of Italy's best, car ried thirteen twelve-inch The newly-formed It ered Constantinople to be weak. have sat for hours in continuous conference, have not decided anything. in meantime Italy f the Mediterranean, Turkish cables heavy nea were guns, cabinet mn sixty-eight but the hes plock exeent mistress o wing all the coasts mines. Bombardment of Tripoli. Rome, Oct. 5.--A\ report of the bom bardment of Tripoli Tone of steel projectiles were hurled into the antique "ortifications the harbor front by the line of Italian warships The obsolete cannon mounted in the Turkish works returned the fire, but their shells either fell short or glanced off the sides of the steel armoured ves sels of the Italians. The Turkish flag was still flying when the bombardment ended, Orders have been transmitted to Admiral Ubrey to destroy the Turkish batteries. The bombardment was resumed today. says on Britain's Reply Given, Constantinople, Oct British ambassador Turkey, Gerard Lowther, today delivered the reply of his government to the Turkish note appealing to the powers for interven tion in the struggle between Italy and Turkey. The reply states that Great Britain the moment intervention, but hest efforts towards securing 5.~The Lo Sar does not consider tune for use her peace. oppor promises to British Vessel Seized. Rome, Oot. H.-A despateh from Tar anto states that Italian warship has seized the British steamship Shel field, aboard of which were Turk ish officers and munitions of war. The lurks were taken prisoners and the cargo transferred to the Italian war vessels, after which the Sheffield was HX released. Spoils of the War, Rome, Oct, 5.~The correspondent of the Moi learns that Italy is unwilling to biting the war to a she ox pects direct overtures from Turkey and will insist terms Since the deblaration of Italy has captured 57 Turkish vessels. Tur key has taken three Italian boats. The Italian cruiser, Marco Pola, has captured a Turkish transport with a general and 200 troops, 200 horses, 5, V00 rifles and a large quantity of am munition aboard close of peace on dictating war » Abruzzi Threatens Prevesa. Rome, Oct. B.--~It is announced that the Duve of Abruzzi has sent an ulti- matum to the Vai of Prevesa threat ening a bombardment unless be sur renders the Turkish warships which have taken refuge in the harbor, REPUDIATES CONFESSION. Wife-slayer Now Claims Victim Be- gan Fatal Quarrel. Oregon, lil, Oct. 5.--Dr, Harry El gin Webster, the young interne, who confessed to killing his wile, after a conference with his lawyers, has de cided to repudiate the detailed confes- sion he made in Chicago Sunday. Webster, it is said, will assert that Bessie Kent Webster frequently had threatened to kill him, and that she was the aggressor in the fight which ended in her death, Charged With Fraud. Toronto, Oct. 5.--Un a cha breach of the shipping act, being pressed bv the department of marine, GG. S. Wright appeared, yes terday, before Magistrate Denison, facing a charge that he had obtained his master's certificate by false re presentation and had fraudulently used this certificate to obtain service, He was committed for trial. 3 William Haines, the fansional oarsman, of Boston, posted $100, on Tuesday, with the Hoston Globe, to back a challenge io row a e of a jeh is spring = with: Eddies. Durnaa, " a sides consid | 1» very | BEAT | has established herseli | Farmer portions well protected by submarine | | . THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1911. PREACHED HUSBAND'S FUNERAL ORATION. | Woman in White Made Impressive i Ded Husband's Collin, sSeene by | i | Indianaj 5 | the fof Ler { land, ve an nted story hersell and that the they herself Mrs i he IN LEGISLATIVE BUILDINGS OF ANCIENT CAPITAL. Report From Ottawa Says That W. T. White, of Toronto, is Sure to be Finance Minister in the Borden Cabinet. Oitawa, Uet, The following 1s the official programme for the arrival of the new governorsgencral, the Duke lof Connaught, and family On Fry tday, the 13th, he will land at i ja.m., at Quebec, proceeding to the legislative buildings where the oath will be administered by Su Davies, senior puisne judge of Can a Luncheon at Chateau Fronte nar; dinner al Spencerwooa, the resi dence of Lieut.-Gov, Langelier; reeep- tion at legislative buildings at might | the duke will leave at midnight, ar {riving at Ottawa at two o'clock Sa itmday afternoon, where another big {reception is to be held. Great pre | parations are being made for decora | wns, illuminations, music and mili tary display in both cities | It is almost certain that W.T i White, of Toronto, late manager of [the National Trust company, and pro- | tege of J. W. Flavelle, milhonaire con- iservative packer, will be minister of finance in the Borden cabinet It is said that potent, silent influences of | wealthy consérvatives in Toronto {behind him He never iT parliament or legislature, or even i school board, but has'proven lym great financier, and in the late | blossomed out a power Gossip here says Hon. G.| will be minister of ma-| husband, Mrs, Charles A. Bub | vesterday, wd unpres hushand, Jus request} obsequies be simple as that she Buhland was dressed with generous display of flawers, well 7% . - i, oe 5 sanaine ov [AL Quebec on Friday Morning, cothn that contained the body | October 13th. funeral oration in which she 10 s---- the of the married life conbd made and deliver the fanetal sermon. in white, 1 and she or sweet and modulated voire two of the dead man's {favorite hymns, COPYRIGHT PACH WN. ¥ WILLIAM MARCONI a re ngineer Has teleg : ap has been WIKE AT PLOW. Angered When She Conid : Not Move Implement, Oh Oet, For to and beating pull it, Jacob rine. of Wellsville, The arfval here this of was to the workhouse for ninety |jfon, Frank Cochrane and Hon. James days the testymony of neighbors. |uff, minister of agriculture of Ontar He is accounted wealthy | According to the wife's story, 7Zim+| merman seized her after a quarrel, | 8 dragged her.to a field, hitched her t« the plow with ropes, and then, wher she was unable to budge it, lashed hers Neighbors heard her screams aud | went to he ! GREAT FARM IN CHINA PLANNED BY YANKEES Situated in Manchuria and Will Be Improved by American Harvester Co. Tokio, Oet, I'f--Rokumin, is the otlicially inspired area dispatch from headlines, thrice failed Manchuria, self a leampaign ful orator E. Foster as Lisbon, Ohi 5 hitching wile ' « plow couldn't farmer, her | because she 7 Zinmierman, a morning sent on position in| Duff denied on his eandidate for a similar Borden cabinet. Mr. * this by saying that he was {way to the fall fair at Corp. rescue STEAMERS REPORTED ASHORE, Rosedale and Plummer Ran on the Rocks at Soo. Toronto, Oct. 5H.--It is reported here this morning that the steamer Rose-| dale, of the Inland Navigation com-| Ipany, and the steamer Plummer, of} | the Merchants' ne, ran. aground on {the Iroquois Point, near the i Soc. No confirmation has been re | here, but great anxiety pre in marine circles. Lhe storm | which Ontario the which | lakes last night was one of the in A lworst this vear, amd vessels out m it double [had a hard test Considerable dam America, havingl,., js reported along the water fronts ht : foutBold Wiof ports on Lake Erie, Lake Ontario obtaine a geeret | : 3c treaty and perpetusl lease on BOK jand Georgian Bay agricultural near Harbin | lhe dispatch that the land in | to be improved hy American Har | New and that China will | guards and defray the | brush may labor. The [Mmystenous part of the | Ketchum, development {school for bed, with orad, this state rocks at coved vails swept over and hs ireat gan, Pekin, under says that to secure has aces ¥inger Prints May Tell. York, Oct. 5 5 and on adds / Finger prints on stiver-backed hair lead 40 the solution of the of Mis. Anita M of a wellknown found face dis the vester company A marror " provide military cost of object is quadruple Manchuria import death to employ loan in the expert manager wirls, one side of her morning. The room was in a of disorder, and the clusion was drawn that she had killed bv burglars invading the of Fdward Thorne, wealthy facturer and a relutive of Mra. Ketch um, where she was stopping The theory of burglary was discarded, how a of who was dead lin ---- . | INCREASE IN 1912 SUGAR CROP. eon been home Pominjcans Expect Added Yield Be- cause of Larger Cane Acreage. Plata, Oct The crop for the 1911 the province of Pedro Macoris amounts to ting HO tons, in Santo Domingo, 12,000 (ever when it was found that n "thing tons and in Azura 0.000 tons the Weather condition being favorable and with added of eane, the coming ¢rop, it 1s estimated, will in Pedro Macrois, 90 00 tons mm Santo Domingo, 22,0900, and 10,000 tons, A man 5.~ total Puerto sugar year in was missing from house Marine Case Dismissed. Toronto, Uket Winchester this morning dismissed the charge aid against Captain Gordon 8. Wright, by the marine department, the he did fraudently make use of a certificate of service to which he was not fully en titled. His honor said that the erown had failed to show that thore was any difference between first and sacond mates, The act just said "mates." A reserved cass was granted so that the department of marine might appeal if it so desired. wn' ACTAATe sugny 5. Judge he, Azura, Sovsssscsssssssssasssessal $ THE wis SPECIALTIES. § ' The Whig will begin on Fri- ¢ day the publivation of the story ¢ of "The Going of the Greys" The career i Canada of Earl Grey is revicwed in an excep tionally brilliant: way by Dr. ¢ Andrew Maephail, of Montreal { ' ' Birmingham, Ala, Oct. 5. Fdward M. Schuster, of Cleveland, a trav ellmg salesman, was killed and E. J. Smi Jev, a liveryman: Mise S Robinson, Miss Stella Baker, of Birmingham, and a chaufienr were hurt jn an auto mobile accident. The body of the car 1eft the chassis while going at high speed on = country road; and the oe cupanis were thrown out, Schuster struck on his head. A widow and a child survive him. will die. The Saturuay paper will have two articles of great Canadian interegt Miss Marjorie Mac- Murchy wriies enteitaingly about Canadian women, and Dr. Macphail gives a sketch of the new governor-general the Duke of Conngught and his family All the articles are finely Hlustrated. Suffragettes Coming. Southampton, Eng, Oct. 5~Mrs. mmeline Pankhurst and Miss Mary hick sailed on the steamer Oceame yesterday for New York to make a sulrogette tour. The train that brought them here was decorated with the sufiragette colors. They were given a demonstrative send-off on leaving London. jon dredge, New Brunswick, was aban- domed in a heavy storm. 5 Because of the birth of a baby boy since her husband was killed, Mrs. William Johnson, New York, was per mitted to double her suit for $25 we damages under the employers' fiabil- ity act. Fhe following Uanadiau officers have been appoitited to the flagship Dread nought © Actin, Instructor Allen Midshipmes N German, i Barrow, Dale and Brodeur. A vot of censure on the Australian vote LE y ot Charles Geen, Belleville, Dead, Belleville, Oct 5. Charles Geen, aged sixty-four years, one of Beile- ville's best known business men, died thiy morning, after an extended ness. He was an Englishman by birth, a member of the Masonic fraternity and an Oddiellow. A widow and two isons survive. ' y jov was d in the house br of forty-nine to thirty-one. the goYerument. bottles; Bes a¢ Best's SE faces Swansea has o typhoid epidemic. Louis |g | | i | i v | | Ottawa, Get. 5 {by | used, None of the injured ill- | The Daily British Whig A GOOD EXAMPLE SET By Canada in the Matter of Union of Churches. Toronto, Oct. 5.-The feature of this worning"s session of the World's Eeumenical Methodist conference, was the interest aroused on the question of christian union, par ticularly with regard to the proposed organic union of the three denomina- tions in Canada. Methodism in Eng lund is still divided into several units, and Methodism in the United States is mot all United like Canada Rev Dr. Howard Sprague, of New Bruns wick, introduced the subject, telling of progressive progress made in church union, Rev. Dr. Ogata, from Japan, touch ed on the subject, sayvmg the Japan ese people could not understand the great division among Christian people. English delegates foliowed the disoussion keenly, and said that Can- ada had set a good example in this particular. The question was asked, {would it be the last Fcumenical {conference in Canada if union tried ont, as Methodism would lose its] identity here | Speaking on church growth during ithe last decade, Rev fir. Carroll, | neral statistician,, made the {ment that the increase of one | members during last ten years | not equal to previous decades, j ous were discussed and {delegates to work thar ganization powers to the utmotst All reception and preminary speech are now concluded and the ence is down hard at work. outstanding the not Was Car slate million | was | Vari | the reasons resolved i i jes confer | Grrr rsassssssessesssescssl | | ¢ COMMISSI sy FOR LONDON. Oct b In anuary neat. ratepayers of London will vote on a proposal to abolish the city council and establish In is stead a commi sion to goveru the eity There are now twelve aldermen who receive no salary, but the com- missioners would be paid and would take over all branches of city government, including the board of education, water com- mission. board of health, etc, London, Ont, : TOPO VBTR LDL OON PEPPEL IS ADULTERATED. 0, led to rumors that the latter was | Canadian Food Bandits Robbing and Cheating Consumers. That Canada the has pepper throughout been per cent. for the | past forty-three years has been shown | a pamphlet issued by A. McGill, | chief analyst of the department of in land revenue. All kinds of adulterants have been | including wheut husks, ground | cocoanut shells, maize and different | kinds of foreign starches. Perhaps the ! commonest adulterant is ground olive! stones, which is so common an adult erant that it is ealled *"'poivrette," or the "little pepper," by the authorit ies Just lately two carloads of this pois been sent to Canada, the purpose of adulterat As the ground olive stones | used {forty adulterated have ob for pepper rete viously ing have other prohibit: their coming the jtry, bat the analysts are keeping very close lookout for any poivrette 'among the samples of pepper. | FOUR SHOTS FRED IN THE RECHSTRAH By Supposed Anarchist at Two Austrian Ministers---None Hurt. | Fon anarch th into coun n Oct % y supposed in the of justice during this in was hurt Vienna, I fired bn the gall mimster t from} 3 t of \ ¢ \ direction the the minister o f the but the t their and education A Session afternd the floor veichstrath, on, bullets dodged leet. Nobody gre excitement A there was 1 | GET-RICH-QUICK MAN ON BAIL Prominent Witness is Very Sick at Home. York, Oct Neely, of eight ! 'B52 per cent brokerage'" raid, from $10,000 to 22500, released from the 5 ¢ who The bail of the publisher, arrested New Tennyson was one « men at the recent reduced Neely was Fombs. The bond surely company. James Allen, a railroad engineer, and] I Dewolf, both of Chicago, were! witnesses before the federal grand jury which is probing the afiairs the get-richquick concen f which | Jared Flagg was the hem It ported that Madeline Rusee, telephone girl, who is said to know much about his methods, is gravely ill} at her home in White Plains, was and gigned by wns A | Ss of | 8 Te lage's WARNING TO AN ADMIRAL. | | Must Rejoin Post or Be Branded as Deserter. Paris, Oot, 5.--The papers, under the ifegal announcements, print the fol] lowing : "Admiral Duarte de Bacil- lar, chief of the Brazilian naval com- russion in FEuarope, hereby notified Naval Commander Melenides de Vas comelles- Almeida to rejoin post | immediately under the pensity ing posted as a deserter.' The question here in regard advertisement is whether { ! tee officer has joined the monarchisis iz Portugal under Montmartre Dancer Young Man Dropped Dead. ~Sidoey York Tamworth, pe ] dropped dead ' ite Lake Sehooi- house, while walking on the road on | face with a young lady. Feart| i His of be- to ihe amen : ' i disense was the canse. The funeral was held today. ' EDITION TLITIES. 10 » LAST WEATHER PROBAB x : awn r Ont Oct mt a Valioy and Upper St. Lawrence and t today and on Friday ~The Best Blankets Lowest Prices mt like do well if Housekeepers who Blankets will come to this store We showing the largest range soft, warm and snow-white all- Wool Blankets ever seen ia Kingston good they are of We especially feature THE CELEBRATED LANARK AND CORNWALL Blankets, which are the best to be had We offer well-known WHITE BLANKETS From $3 to $7.23. GREY BLANKETS From $2 to $3. FLANNELETTE BLANKETS, Best qualities in white or grey. From $1 to $1.73. CRIB BLANKETS Very fine, at $3.25. EIDER CRIB BLANKETS, In Pink or Sky with White, Special at 70c. "MAISH COMFORTABLES From $3 to $16.50, EIDERDOWN COMFORTS From $4.75 to $8.50, BATTING COMFORTARBLES From $1.50 to $3. CRIB COMFORTABLES From $1.25 to $2.75. In--ertisthe designs colorings, YOU'LL LIKE THEM ALL. DISPLAY AT these 1 and SEE WINDOW a STEACY'S| THE PEOPLE'S STORE. uses the authorities cannot | = BORN Kingston, Oct, 41} Purvis nt Alfred 1911 Mr. and & daughter PURVIS--Ir Mr H ROBERT J. REID, The Leading U 'Phone B77. 280 JAMES The Old Firm of Undertakers, 256 PRIN ndertaker. Princess Street. CESS STREET. an4 bulance, " "Phone 147 for Am FOR STUDENTS, kirids of Bookcases, Book. Writing Desks, dy Tables, Chairs Bpe prices at hone 708 RIDGWAY'S - HIGH GRADE TEAS An Supplied to the King, All shelves and Easy Turk"s etal {40¢, BOC, 60c and $1.00 Per Pound, Is 1-2 1b and 1 ib. tins. First Appearance in Kingston. as. Redden & Co. Jo I Was for Nervousness. In the Former Montreal, Oct. 5 Russell this morning, - worked Russell during alliged erratic periods, he obtained an sleeping draught his emplgger for nervousness, and hecause Was nsane, cane, Secreiary sh; fatter' s Tu for the maid for not ho 1 Nothing Deing. (taws, Oct, ~1here have no military changes or appointments of kind swnee the elections and there will be none till the new minis ter takes the resns. been of and { aviat styies Horat and our grest varwty caps. Al prices Dutton's, 209 Princes street od Witeh Hazel Cream, regular Se. bottles, for 18¢., at Best's, ierboro contemplates 'Building two ve rooln schools to cost $90. om oe or twel Kal is week only, men's and wom- en's heavy sweater coats, 85¢ Dulton's, 2K Princess street, Cig bottles hypophosphites, 50c., Best 5. The C.P.R. directors that Calgary is to get shops of the company. Big dollar bottles, beef, iron wine, She., nt Best's. "Buy seidlitz powders" af Gibson's, at have decided the western and