THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1911. | THE FAIR AT ARDEN - WAS A SUCCESSFUL EVENT ON| TUESDAY, The Most Beautiful Women of the | District Selected--A Dinner Given | by St. Paul's Church Congrega-| tion. { Hampshire; Miss Bessie Price has re turned to Norwood, and Miss Viola Garrett to Detroit, Joyceville Jottings. Joyceville, Sept. 0. Threshing 18 almost completed. Quite a number from here attended ...ngston township fair. Joseph Keys, blacksmith, has purchased a handsome colt from James Murphy. A survey party pass- ed through here' making preparations for anpgther survey of the much-talked- of Smith's Falls, and hngston rail- road. Some of the young folks of this place have received invitations for an At Home in Turner's hall, Ganan- oque. Miss A. Anglin attended the Teachers" Association, woingston. J. Joyce has gone for a course in hiog: ston Business College. A number, who met with various mishaps some time ago, have all fully recovered. Visitors © Mr. and Mrs, J. B. Short all, New York, Mr. and Mrs. L. Ww. Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. T. Nicholson, THE THICK OF THINGS OR THE THIN OF THINGS? It takes the steady nerve, the elastic step, the energetic body to meet modern conditions, and the quick mind grasps the fact that body and nerves must be properly nourished. Weak, hesitating, doubting natures are those who lack vitality, Their kingdom is the crust or outer edge-- IN The little village of Arden, surround- | ed by fine lakes and many moun- | tains, was all astir on Tuesday last in! thonor of the annual exmwition held | by the Kennebec Agricultural society. | Owing to the delightiul weather the| fair was a great success. | I'he exhibits were the chief items of] interest, as no available race track] could be found in or out of the lair grounds. Therefore no trials of speed could be held. and with the exception of a boys' practice baseball game nol Kingston, Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner and games were played. ; i children, Watertown, Mr. and Mrs.| The display of €ruit and vegeiables| fi. Donaldson, and baby, Brockville; was about as usual, but the exhibit | Mrs: P. Doherty, Cushendall, Mr. and of sheep and horses was unusually fine. | Mrs. Mehelpin and Mr. and Mrs. D.} Many of the young people enjoyed (Y Hearn and children, South Lake; |themselves in a dance given in © Mr- (Brien, Leeland, Miss Haney and | nection with the fair, while their News From Westport. Westport, Oct. 2.--Mr. and drs. i. 8. Relly returned to Chicago on Fri- day, accompanied by Miss Lula Wea- therhead. Miss Gladys Kennedy leit last week for Winnipeg. Charles 5. Fife, who spent a holiday here, leit yesterday for Edmonton, Alta. Miss G. E. Slanker, in charge of isin Fein { bungalow during the past summer, re: | turned to Philadelphia, Pa., on Mon- day. Mr. and Mrs. ... OC. Mcbratney, who spent the last three weeks in To- ronto, returned to town on Monday. They always make a "Ten Strike" Curves and clever twists are all TReht in bowl- Fatality From Ivanhoe. Hartington, Oct. 3.--The community was shocked last Saturday to hear of the sad accident by which F. Hubbell, con el Hubbell the thin of things. COTT'S EMULSION is the vitalizer for all ages. It feeds nerves, body and brain with pure, wholesome food-tonic. It does not stimulate--it nourishes. ; ALL DRUGGISTS | of Ivanhoe, lost his life. Mr. | was working an emery stone at his | farm, near that village, when it burst | killing him instantly. He leaves. a | wife and small family. Mrs. Hubbell is weli-known here, being the only daugh- ter of Thomas Trousdale, of this village. She lived here until her mar- riage with Mr. Hubbell, some yea i ago. Mr. and Mrs. Trousdale -left + cn the noon train, Saturday, for the scene of the sad event. td ------ A Reception at Salem. | Salem, Sept. 80.--Mr. and Mrs. Roy !Vaneott have returned from {honeymoon trip and were tendered a reception at the nome of Mr. and Mrs. S. Vancott. Nearly a hundrcl guests were present. Mr. acd Mrs. Richard Blakely are moving to Con- "$6. "rss for Flour! How did it happen?" "1 weed 'BEAVER' Flour last year. [It makes so much more Bread and Pies and Cake, that | did not have to buy so much of it. I am using it this year, too." DEALERS Write us for prices on Feed, Coarse Grain and Cereals. 111 THE T. I. TAYLOR C0. LIMITED, Chatham, Out. THE LEAST FUEL, THE MOST SATISFACTION, Why Worry--When You Can Ob- tain a "Happy Thought ?" . - f . Baking day worries--slow oven, uncertain draft, smoking flues, uneven heat --all these are titknown in the kitchen where the HAPPY THOUGHT Range produc wre results. You ean depend that time spent preparing tasty dishes has not been wasted and the many labor-saving convenlences It possesses will cut your work in half. Take the Illuminated Oven Door for instance. Through it you can observe the progress of cooking without opening the oven door and cooling the oven and filling the kitchen with the odor of cooking. Then there's the Patented Damper. With it you can keep the heat under perfect control, direct it to any part of the range you desire, and heat as many parts of it as you wish at the same time. A Happy Thought Range means more results and less trouble. Drop in the next time you are passing and see one. More than a quarter of a million "Happy Thoughts" are Is > daily use in Canada, MeKELVEY & BIRCH, 69-71 BROCK ST The William Buck Stove Co, Limited, - ¥ |OUR CRYSTAL BRAND EE £2 Seems pon of gigi te X Rei Adi mred For sale at Mahood's Drug Store. ay - secon, where Mr. Blakely has pur chased a house and lot. Arden Bla- kely will move on his father's farm. A. Masten has rented John Wannam:- ker's farm. C. Carneite has built a new silo. Miss Nellie Rosebush has returned to Toronto, after a few weeks' at home. Hartington Happenings. Hartington, Sept. 30.--J. Cwm sall, of Buffalo, N.Y, visited kK. Ri velle this week in the interests of the feldspar mines. Men are at work erecting poles for rural telephone. Many of the villagers are having tl phones placed in their houses. No that the election is over things ai again resuming the even tenor. f ihei way. School was closed for two day last week owing to teachers' con vention. Mrs. Babcock, and My Revelle attended the convention { Kingston, Miss Stella Trousdale, the teacher at Cole Lake, spent Sunday it home. Notes From Kepler. Kepler, Oct. 2.--Mrs. John Redmond has returned home from Rochester, | N.Y. Mrs. Donnell and Miss Red- | mond visited friends at Battersea re- | cently. A. Townsend and wife spent | Wednesday at Wilton, Lorne Lawson | intends taking a course at the Busi | ness College. Visitors : Miss Lahey, | Sydenham, at Mohn Fowler's; Mrs {T. F. Lawrence, and daughter, Syden ham, at G. Lawson's; Mr. and Mrs | Peters, Dresdon, at Mrs. Ferguson's; | Mr. and Mrs. Hubbell, Bancroft, at | Henry Lindsay's; Mrs. Stagg and fam- |ily, Kingston, and W. Anthony Beer, Latimer, at A. Townsend's. Pied *n Kingston Hospital. { Wilton, Oct. 4. --Mrs. Zina Hunter, Florida, died, last night, in Kingston { eral hospital, where she had gone {or an operation, which was to have {been performed to-day. Besides the | husband, one daughter is left to i mourn. Deceased was a sister of J. I"; Babeoek, of Wilton. y J. B. Sanderson's sale, on Friday, i was well attended. Mr. Sanderson has purchased a house and lot in Yarker, where he will move during the next month. Walton Davy has completed cement walks on his place. J. Carr has preparations for cement walks on both his places. Glenvalé Items. i (Jlenvale, Oct. 3.--Sunday school re- | opened in the Presbyterian church, on Sunday, for the winter. Miss Ryder attended the teachers' convention, in Kingston, on Thursday and Friday of last week. Husking bees are the order of the evenings. George Pillar { and Robert Gibson are wearing broad | smiles, the stork having visited their homes, leaving each a son. Dr. A. | peonand and wife, of Mitchellville, Jowa, spent a few days at B. Gor {don's. Miss Mildred Orser has re- {turned home from Cold Brook, N.Y | Mr and Mrs{ S. J. Watts visited at | William Atkinson's, South Lake, re- | cently. Miss Gertrude Coulter is at- tending the model school in Kings- ton. Miss May Cramer left, on Mon- | day, for Cedar Lake, to teach school. | Mrs. Dennie, of Boston, and Mrs. Van- | volkenburg, of Belleville, were recent | visitors at their sister's, Mrs. Kate | Carruthers. Miss Rose Cramer re | turned to Watertown to-day. Mountain Grove Budget. Mountain Grove, Sept. 30.--Work is progressing on Mr. Somers' new house. Mrs. York is also rebuilding. Mr. lLoyst has bought the Laidley house and will enlarge it. Messrs, Publow and Singleton, of Kingston Dairy School, have been at the fac tory here for the last few days. Ral ly day was observed in the Methodist Sunday school. A goodly number from Long Lake scame up. D. W. Cronk, superintendent of Long Lake | Sunday school, gave an, address on ithe aime of young people; Mr. Hall | talked on the lesson for the day and Miss Sudan Price gave a paper an Robert Raikes and his work. Among the musical. numbers was a solo by Miss Ella Godfrey and the primary chorus was rendered nicely by the lit- tle omes. A number from at | Dr. de Van's Female Pills et Sy tended Parham fair. D. W. Price at- tended Ki on fair, Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. D. Gartwick and children, Mountain Vale, at R. Crozier's; Miss Cohen, with her cousin, Miss Lina Clark; Mr; and Mrs. D. W. Cronk, Long Lake, at D. J. Cronk's; Misses Lena Crozier and Myrtle Drew, at William Coulter's. Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Coulter have returned from New their Mr. Hartman, Kingston, Mrs. A. EK. Donnelly, Seeley's Bay. Myers' Cave News. Mger's Cave, Sept. 30.-Some far- mers have their potatoes dug and re- port a poor crop. Corn was a good crop in this loeality, judging from the number of place. Messrs. Ww. D. Spicer and hood. R. Penk, of the G.T.R. audit office, Montreal, is rusticating at the Cave, the guest of Mrs. J.C. Mitchell. Mrs. Edgar Bishop, Harlowe, spent Thursday last at Lake View. Mr. anc Mrs. T. Storey, Cloyne, visited friends in and around the Cave on Wednes- day last. John Curtis made a busi ness trip to Arden last week. Mr. and Mrs. D. Gray spent Sunday last at Lake View, the guests of Mrs. Gray's parents. Alexander Dellyea is at home for a few days, the mine where he worked being closed for repairs to the machinery. R. Penk and J. C Mitchell spent an evening at the Cave, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. D, Per- ry. Mrs. W. Benny is still confined to her bed, no change having taken place in her eondition. W. Young, Cloyne, passed through here on Friday after inoon, Mrs. I Dellyea and son, Tem ple, called on friends in and around Lake View on Friday evening. Notes Frow Erinsville, Det. 3.--Sidney {only son of James York, died very | suddenly this morning. He Wad not | been wel for some time A cancerous [growth in his neck was the cause of his death. Miss Cassie Kelly, of Wa- tertown, N.Y returned home, day. She was fhe guest of Miss M. A. Lynch while there. The marriage of Miss Nellie Killoran and Joseph Breault was solemnized at the Roman {Catholic church this morning, at eight o'clock. Mrs, C. Drungool spent Sat urday and Sunday in Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. H. Flagher, Belleville, spent the past week at | | Erinsviile, morning. H. Young and staff of masons ave. busy finishing John (O'Neill's new house. Nicholas Phelan has gone to Rochester, N.Y., to spend the winter with his son, William. Mr and Mrs. Waffle (nee Miss Harriet York) returned to Black River, N.Y., this morning, after spending three weeks with friends here. Misses Mar- garet O'Brien, Fxtella Lynch and Mary Harrison have gone to Ottawa to at- tend the normal college. Mrs. E Mohan, Sharpton, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. William Hopkins, for the past two weeks. Miss Marguerite Evans has taken charge of a school at Sydenham. Master Stuart Gillen has gome to Napanee to attend the Collegiate Institute A Lazy Liver Upsets the Whole System. Pr. Morse's Indian Root Pills - Put Things Right Again. A bitter taste in the mouth--coat- ed tongue -- diz- giness om rising suddenly--bowels alternately and constipated -- these mean that the liver is out of order. Instead of flow ingintothe bowels, to regulate them Wie iver 1s te stupgieh -- and aid digestion, Ma stomach bad. the bile has been going all through the system, upsetting digestion, leaving the bowels constipated, and making the sufferer perfectly miser- able. This is biliousness. The quick, safe and certain cure is Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills. They clear out the clogged-up system, stir up the lazy liver, cleanse the stomach and bowels and purify the blood. The bile returns to its normal course, the food is again digested properly and sll the dis- agreeable symptoms vanish. Doctors prescribe Dr. Morse' s Indian Root Pills and they are known through- out the world as a proven cure for all, digestive troubles. They are equally effective in strengthening weak kidaeys and curing rheumatism. at 25¢ a box. £ (Limited) "Highest Education at Cost' Twenty-sixth Jase. Fail Term begins A th. Courses in Bookkeeping. nd, Tele Ehortha ¥, Civil Service and Eng- Our graduates the best positions. Within "a short time over sixty secured positions with one of the largest railway cor- porations in ter any time. Call or write for informa- il tion, F. Metcalfe, Principal {ingwton, Canada. huskings that have taken | Loucks are threshing in this neighbor York, | Mon- | Michael Byrnes'. | The marriage of Miss Annie Moore and | George Kelly took place on Wednesday | loose | | then east Loughboro Lake { adjourned to meet at 2 i November 6th. | ini Made by W. H. Comstock Co., Ltd., in a : Brocky Ont. dealers | Burritt and Lawrence GG. Tallman took ille, » aad sold by oll | place at Burritt's Rapids, on Wednes {day last. {and is a graduate purse of the y KINGSTON BUSINESS BE | victoria fgroomis a son of F. A. i David Ray. of Brockville, entertamed | Leonard Leigh and wife, and Anthony | Belfoy, at his home an Friday, { they had gone, he missed twenty dol | fars, and he had the trio atrested {ders were chiefly occupied in discussing the live subjects of the day. Deserving of mention was the musical program- me. The day was ushered in by the "Local Chimes," whose melodious strains floated from au chorus of cow- bells in a nearby pasture, while se { lection? were given throughdut 'the day by local talent on pianos, violin and banjo. A most interesting part of the pro- gramme was the beauty judging. The judges, Messrs. M. Avery, ex-M.P., Dr. Bell and T. Dufiy had some difficulty in findinjr the prize winners as the specimens of feminine beauty refused to be lined up, thus necessitating a tour of the grounds to pick out the "rustic queens."" However after some consideration and much hesitation the joint prices (the Whig and the Stan dard for one vear) were awarded to Mrs. William Devo, Perth Road, \ and Miss Mime Connors, Harlowe. Miss Connors also won the pre the { best lady's driving horse. The officers who capably managed | the fair gwere : President, William Me Gregor; lirst vice-president, 1 I Price; vice-president, A. | Thompson; for second secretary, DD. A directors, Messrs. J. Price, W ton, Thomas Halley, W. Sea, W {ler, W. Barr, 8. Alexander Barker Judges {and 1 Smith, Pg {herly. Sh Osborne Johns Mil- and W. Dr. Bell, Kingston, Duffy, Maberly. Cattle, A wham, and R. Laidley, Ma pn and swine, J. Harrison, { Tamworth, and H. Drew, Lake. Poultry, grain, dairy products, vege tables and fruit, D. Cronk and A Charlton, Long Lake. Domestic ufacture, arts and ladies' {Mrs. D and Mrs. H | Long Lake. An excellent congregation of St connection with the patronized and was much appreciated by a hungry erowd of people. About #200 was realized from the dinner. Those who assisted made this undertaking a grand success were Rev. F. B. Hornby and Mrs. Hornby, Mrs. Y. Rirk, Mrs. C. Detlor, Mrs | R. Green, Mrs. M~ Williams, Mrs. B [A Newton, Mrs. CC. Williams, Mrs. H Green, Miss Williams, Miss B. Detlor and Messrs. M. Williams, P. Williams, |G. Kirk, B. R. Newton and E. | dron, 1 Horses, Long man- work, Drew, fine Cronk dinner given by the Paul's church, in well fair, was and Len | DIES AT CAPE VINCENT. | Resident of Village for Thirty-seven Years. N.Y, Oct. 3 who served in the through the ewil He participated Vincent, Richard {Anson Davis, | Eleventh Infantry war, died last night {in mauy of the battles the Pen |insula, and was severely wounded at Spottaylvania He had almost: ¢om- [ pleted his seventy-first year. Mi: i Davis' death came suddenly and un i Cape on expectedly. { During his years offices thirty- the time customs dis here of many at residence he filled and collector of this | He was a member. of | Vincent lodge, F. & AM.,, and n {past commander of D. II. Sacket | G.A.R. He is survived by | wife aud four sons, three of whom {reside here, and the other, Dr. II. B | Davis, resides in Lafargeville of one seven was puty Cape his Yost, Loughboro Council. Oet 2. A and pai Sydenham, ouncil ! confirmed the following accounts Thomas | repairing bridge and road $22.1, William Wi {ing culvert near A. Whe | R Harris, placing tile ir his place, $1.75; B. Darlir [ Buck Lake Road, $2 | job near Hogan's corner, i Henry, building tile cul { man's, $2; F. A. Grant, a | vert near W. Silver's, £2.50 { one killed by | Moore, four ewes and two {ed by dogs, 235; Wilson Bra | lambs killed by dogs, | Macnamara-Sills, that peti | payers to establish a ii Railton be be bounded as follows at the junction of the | Sydenham Road and the Prighton {township boundary, then running north to the front of the 3rd con. to the line between land 6 in the 3rd con., then north { the rear of the 3rd con, then east to A by-law was pass Council Monday minites place, sheep dogs, wn, ry, Moved f £9.75 rate Ea { vision at grante t sub | division { Commencing to lots 5 to ed confirming same.--Carried. 2 p.m The marriage of Miss Bertha E. The bride is a daughter of turritt, of Burritt's Rapids, Roval Montreal. The "A. Tallman, of Fdward hospital, Merrickvilie. after | Have little to do with any religious { denomination that would eariad your reasoning powers. The man who 1s both generous with praise and money does mich {as ing--but not in cigarettes. You want your smokes to be straight and on the level, You get nothing but pure, stright tobacco in Black Cat Cigarettes --10 «10 co. No harmful, artificial flavors or preservatives. These are not needed if the tobacco is hondst and if it has been honestly aged and mellowed. "Black Cat" Cigarettes are made from Virginia's cholcest tobacco--flavored by nature's own processes, sunshine, clean liness and time. To realize all that this means--to learn how good a cigarette can be, take a puff, first from a "Black Cat," then from any other Virginia cigarette. Let the "Black Cat" speak for itself At All Good Tobacconists CARRERAS & MARCIANUS CIGARETTES, Lid, Montreal, Quebec Tor... Cedr ISB NO) BS TEA OVER 2 MILLION PACKAGES SOLD WEEKLY " TERN AEE Co ERE RT f C BEE BAY om ie § Gai § nm. STOVE POLISH Ttused to be t a wi A 1 polishing the 5 "Black Knight work and no muss at ¢ "Black Knight" is a smooth p easily with a cloth or brush and shin diamond afier a few gentler It cleans as it poli and bright, wit pod tive Polish has ma ite TEE FP. 7. DALLEY CO. LIMITED, HAMILTON, Ont. Makers of the famous "2 in 1" Shoe Polish. brighten this old workl, oe "he 0 -- NURKEY-UXE ORD, ------------------ THREE COOKS THREE REASONS o ahilie 4 crperien cod hat the prime esszotesl in good cooking is 8 whic b he, BI die that SLOVE BECEINILY 18 Inet in & GURNEY-OXFORD RAN matter how mach or ¢ =onk ing at whet the experient i, there are cart 4 ¥ every Whether ths pone] chef or tive so pleases, the essentials sles he wt i dome: m Por ns « most ands |° s wading NEY OXFORD THE OXFORD RO lieenscd for use oaly oa Gurne : labor, Nothing can 89 up the chin he Divided Find Suip of the Guracy-Uxlord, ' Come in snd see oor varied hee, sod we w ofl these festares 10 your sutice seta! » SIMMONS BROS.