PAGES 9 TO 14. > 1g AR 78-NO_ 304. py prem a a ws NOLS be RS oN AON HENDERSON WAS SO RUN DOWN LIFE NOT WORTH LIVING, A Few Bottles of Peruna Restored Me to Health, Mrs, John Henderson, 2Overdale Ave, Montreal, Can., writes: "1 was much distressed with neuralgis and was so ran down that lifes was not worth living. I tried a great many rem- edles, but all to no effect. "1 met a friend of mine, and told hez of my aliment, She advised me to try ber remedy, Peruna. "Although I had no faith in Peruna, 1 Sook her advice, and am pleased to state that the neuralgia has entirely left me, and have gained so In health that I feel Just like my old self again. "I am enjoying the best of health, 'We have on fille many thousand tests monials like the above. We can give our readers only a slight glimpse of the wast array of unsolicited endorsements Dr. Hartman is Teneiving, ©000000000000000000000 NO RIPPING APART When we clean LL Freneh py Uleanicg proces there" ie woe mh for the rig ping ol the articles apart. You will appreciate what this means I PARKER & OO, Dyers nud Cleaners, ® " Princess St, Kingston, cl th Ont. » 44900008800 3eseee Dr. Martel $ Female Pills EICNTEEN YEARS THE STANDARD Prescribed and recommended for women's ail ments, a scientifically prepared remedy of proves worth, The result from their use is quick and permanent. For sale at all drug stores. Sold only by trained Corsetieres s, Spirella Corset Selection and fitting dothe in your Boned only with oy Flexible, sanitary, © ortable. Admits of frequent laundering. Guaranteed one year against breakage or rust, Appointments $0 your convemence. Phone or send post card Margaret Dunnett, 'Phone RT8 Corsetiinre, 105 Wellington St Road the fgirells advertisements fn Ladies' Home Journal, Detinestor, Designs, Now Idea and Vogue, Toronto Man Cured of Intolerable Itch Toronto, By Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment I just want to say a good word for Cul cura Soap and Ointment. Four or five yeurg ago I was in Port Arthur, and Thad An Sitack of the itch. a certainly waz an intolerable nulsanoe. itching was principally at nights before od went to bed. The thighs were ol wut 10 Two dacion tft, and tried one remedy, was beginning to Think comput k ns Jeurable, whet Daher, and he me en Ol {ments Sure eno ¥ been troubled with Huth before went, and they me of Hint intoleratia one . wari bath with Cuti- the Cuticurs Ointment So tioubied X with the ftchin ng in this testimonial na & po of law." Parliament Suet, Sted) oruRiO, 4 Vittrrin KINGSTON, Seovessann asvsscsssssssesl Bessrinsianssissssedl THE COMING OF THE CONNAUGHTS. PR. ANDRE W MACPRALL, ase eeeN By cess ROTY sssassesssssssssssPPeicsssassscsssnasnasccsedl James Vo Marguret--Henry IV. Richard of York ambnydge Fdmund vid it Henry I Connaught brother of the known Arthur hor March Mare who was 1260, the daughter of Charles of Prussia children, namely, the kane, 15th, 10s, Copyright by Without nadian workahle an 1 king, and mechanism the venting, locks I prime minist mtervene and make dissolve hers break into leader must be cho In Franes thi an elected official, : V fly i we In England the responsibil i j Hud ol herited and app i VON constitaty ol Fd it Forme of de Tohu Wilhiam Dake of Victoria, atent merely the Jusen and uncle pi ormaily, dha Patrick Albert. #50, and m Fouvise constitt OF ne as Prinee He nrriet i rhmess, [ wi Hi $1 fst, was Princess Victoria Agnes, the parliame aret up hth, 17K three a ith Freder born Ja June nUary 15th, narried, HR H. THE Governo DUKE ene OF CONNAUGHT, ral of Canada, Adolphu deri weden Patric wd it work kin nob Know Ww of lo affu Pri u fhe I vi and inion nl it knowl ar be na Patricia wns leis pti inky and ith v substitute jwell ferent for all ropresental of Comnanght Wha are the civilized comn tain the first business is tot {between 8} bor March fy 17th, years of erefore | must chos man | twent ¢ versed indaf-| # to political of mn price cipient | tne new | gon . eal Frinee, Take | land clamor, anbider the part \ put oy the title Superior at created Sch King the onrnughis unt » identi i Prince 2 crea Edina Puke of ( Prince Also, "Royal od "for brothers, the He is roval rgh, and thers onnaught he Let us cas bam awd ir known tha a with to be addressed as the roady method in Connaught Most person of Witham 1, wha England in 1066, called the conqueror Conoueht is of eneration which | the Uon jueror 1 : tohneas, an tithe Wer the stand aunts on y ane, dawghters, uel fide of ta char | o 1p ! mm Canada | Lime thers SOV ereicn. bx the ywever, in the centre v of pretence of tHe namely, barry of y crown of i oan « nants entities, rth to ar the ba n : dh Re fr avorsy i 18, god, the with an eseutche hay a ww enty-o ded : of Saxony, or and an rue in GOVERNMENT HOUSE, OTTAWA, generation as bend vert; ard dillerenced with a label that {of three points, an engraving of which 810, {is given with Nis biography, the crest the year 1906, | being on & eotunet of rank. wall practical PENext, we reuire tu know what a : nian hus done in the world and the This high vatestry ix suilicient to | rorogmition fe has received for domg indicate the place in the world which! Thess facts may best be learned ithe Duke of Confgught cceupies: and font the following formal and contise the sehal-ehild who is nous, way | phraseology © Field Marshall His autho the falloviing fist, ond so lol | Royal Highness Arthur William Pas Poe the stg s of his desevit © Arthur-- | rick Albert, KG. P.O, KT, KP, G. Fadwar®, Dube of Keni--Geo | MLB. GSCL, GoM ha GOILE., G. ree IVC Gorge HEY rederiek, Prioce yon frst duke, ake of hy of Walon Gouri Hhetivares LBophial Pri was ~~ Elizabeth x Fir airy, teseen' born {ite of and multiph ing tuenty-vight, vields Padded to 1066 makes which is near enough Pures "we, © Aears, FP ~ i 8 - ONTARIO, Helens | cresontative of the King who enuld be was educated at lking SATURDAY, ES ---- Aemtdomy, Woolwich rig OX D Cambridge, lieutenant, Boval bau transferred to Royal Ins, and to Kile became, capiain to 7th Hussars in promoted to major in 1875, ax lieutenant colonel to ist B Rifle Baigade, | was promoted brevet eolonel | general in 4oM% hmitenant peed general jn 198, and in 1902; appointed Kittle Brigade (Prince Iss, and colonel, in 1583, was brigadier general in command 3rd Infantry Bri gade at Aldershot I880-3% served dur ing the Fenian Raid in Canada in 1870 (medal with clasp) and with Ex- peditionary Force in 1852, in com mand of 1st (Guards) Brigade of lst MMvision, present at action of Mahu. ta battle of Tel-el-kerbir (thrice mentioned in despatches, medal with Khedive's star, 2nd class Mad- C. B.; thanked by Parliament;) an infantry brigadier at Aldershot in i883 and Meerut Division, Bengal ISIS and 1886: was Commanderin chiel of troops in Bombay presidency in INS6.909, in command of South Dis- trict in 1890-93, and of troops in Al- dershot 1503-8, Commander-in-chief of forces in Ireland in 1900-1901, and commana of forces in Ireland and Army Corps in 1991-4, since when Inspector-General of tne President of Selection at privy council was personal aide-de-camp Mapsty Queen Yictoria; creat of Connaught and of Strat) Earl of Sussex (in peerage Kingdom) Td lieu in German ran Fore great prior of master of the Order of of Freemasons of Trin Military Uxiord, sppointed INS, Roval Cd 1s ginesrs, Artither Brigade re i ete A tig tran as er ct, Ina ferred "how transferred command in INH; and Is sttalion wiajot general eld marshal calomel in " chet, Lonsort"s (wm) in Seots Guards amd clasp, jidie, in he heen and introduced has forces Jaard; in 1X71 to Her ed Duke earn, and of United tenant-g ger of Epping Ireland, grand the Bath, England, House, Service In Gira Ion in is eneral army, grand master elder brother president of Royal United stig ution, a bencher of president of Wellington College, of Fouadling Hospital, of Thomas's Hospital, and ot King's Col Hospital, Bailili of Fgle and Knight of Justice of dake of John of Jerusalem in England, onel-irbchief Royal Dublin 1 6th [Inniskilling) Dragoons, { wade {Prince Highland Light m iy 1] Nt lege col Fusiliers, Rifle Bri Uwn) and Infantry, Colonel Consort's / "OCTOBER RT se ¥ » doing good is 1911. indulgener tha gubipeet noy even poor peivi ENIVE NOL the ea rst supremacy 1s is pport ia it the king ean do more tha rulers I vast oppottunit And the British king not because they cause they to experienc is best fest and of HO Wrong, can be said PR Pqun true a y fou wid hive under but people n be ist want that Its mani such a way of hv We SO man ot imagine -- 33 THE DUCHESS or NEUE T COW OUR NEW and Army Service colonel Duke of naught's Hampshire and Isle of Artillery, south division Royal lery, Volunteer Batallion | shire Regiment, Duke of Own (Shigeo Arctillerv), south division Royal Artillery, 3rd and 4th batal lions Queen's Own (Royal W, Kent Regiment), roval Kent. Imperial Yeomanry, Ireland regiment of Imperial Yeomanry, 4th volunteer Jatallion (V.D.) Rifld Brigade (Prince | Consort's Own), 3rd and 1th batal ! Homa Highland Light Infantry, 13th (Duke of Connaught's Own) Bengal Lancers, Tth Bengal Infantry, 20th Bombay Infantry (2nd Biluch Regi ment} {Duke Connaught's Lancs and ith Austrian hieff, (25th and Colonel wrenadier Guards Cor Wight Artil Hamp- Connaught's corps, honorary ' Sed I south of is of Bombay s, Hussars, a la Drag Dragoons), No of of ine suite Fegiment o Regiment of Zaethen 3 (of Brandenburg), ete Black Eagle and Pour Merite Prussia, Legion of Hon of Fr Elephant of Denmark, Seraphim of Sweden, St. Andrew of Rus=ia, Annunziata of Italy, Stephen of Austria, Golden Fleece Charles HI of the Osmanli Purkey, Tower and Sword of al, Chrysanthemum of Japan, Crown of Wdrtemburg, etc doctor of literature of in 1886 public general Russian Royal | Hussars, thas orders roons or Spain, Portu & and honorary unjah Univer sity The roo draws allowane of fifty thousand dollars a vear: bit anyone who is aware of the expenss at | fondant upon a large establishment in la city will readily surmise j adequate this amount is for Canadians the Duke 15% In peeipt of an {five thousand pounds a' year from imperial parliament, and he will be under the necessity as previous been, of performing pub the of records show that FOV « an } in Fortunately how of annuity Connaught of twenty the not gov have at ernors he dulies his ate purse Why did the Connanghts come? answer that question is found the simple statement that it was in evitable. that they should come. The previous occupant of the post of gov crnor-general of Canada by shee force of personality and political ex perience had raised the office to high a plane that it must have been dificult to choosa Even in the peerage there cannot be man persons--if one may describe a peer a person--whe would be willing, eepual terme, to measure their tact, ility and skill with Lord Grey's Accordingly, the ground was shifted by choosing a governor-general from the ranks of royalty, so that his tal ent will have frees play unhamperad by the iostitution of comparison either in his own mind, or in the mind of the public. It is not that the new gov. ernor-general as such would suffer by comparison, becanse he has proved his capacity to the world in much more trying circumstances than any he is likely to encounter in Canada. and yhite apart from his roval rank he is the most expérienced and capable rep expense priv [ha of sO Un SUCCERSOT, ns on ab {found in the Empire. His coming ix us sign, too, of the high place which Canada bolds in the minds of him who wears the crown and ln the minds of the mimsters who advise him. Tt will awaken us Lo a new sense of our re &ponsihility and lead us to reflect more upon our obligations and less upon our rights. In short, ford us a fresh spprebension of the nd- vantage there is to us in living under 'British institutions, as loval and will ing subjects, rather than as "citi: zens," under an official chosen for us, no one knows how but all suspect how. A ing | is not king hecause to be, but be bas io be. There! Own) in it will af-'s tend betas: he wants [lo people wantir to hve i The presince five vears of the sm brother of Edward him who is nov ulate to find the our contentment, andl that we | There as Mr. Ba; all observ wns careful to dignified: the good system fidence of those and then that poses of gen first be lovalt ce hat is ing that chy fnther In stout way mor t u F Queen VII, reig wicle will ux real shall be mo two shot, ers ' are that f Br point other must | use hom 13 you ar i a any more a comp mat cure respect unifor and | | i TRH THE DUKE AND DUCHESS od by what they appesl to the senses, hich farce ideas by things which by thi claim to be 'em vl Hd those ideas are myst to be se, hadied: sleged perhuman origin, powerin} will they Above things people like a show, and the delegutes of the people United States assemble in far off, sven of sa more | all when of the cons ention | much ix hey 4 do iv to make a show for. them- _gertain opportunities ng | Victoria, | simprent i het tor five are they are oH reason wh he | eager an ogra that id wliance between | si burst splendour i. the UST Lh the new to read the { "Aecor | eral will Fria » cap § hw x & and barcuet. the i fend LOYOrnes FUVernor-gen displavang all * In hich his that atl disce ard himself ne othe cloth, with the Tan | How a VICE-REINE. dis cach ft shoul Let 15e i le hand hat" and ribi k duca the customary turned up with I tassel on of a form of Higible 1¢ under in in speration of a constitution Most feel nre deed by reason et and very thie the people Royalty human, re know nteresting be ger be can mas who no other hecanse trong u I hy is and will man reason slrong henrt (inl than nan an few inherent person rhstra ion the to the it are werstand once of the felt th Kir gives namely, to he In hat 18 by all, whether not y born equa cor av CONNAUGHT AND FAMILY. + communities miorm t he PETTY directly #% good as you true, smd even does not make any avilized have esrtain ther like them or not {ple refuse recognize there can be no pleasant ready indiree * one i vou, of it i {ibang the tmanhers } tain por i" 1st practice In are if it were for good society oe: ates, whe When peo- their Place human rels- 1 heey 10 a president the frst" -abing | tionship or intercourse which is agree. | become thoroughly shle to any. The vulgarising of the world is due Of order roe Inst thing a democratic people to the power of whaith in the hands' YOU can surely get relief in five min- | point othe i» his {event -- -- SECOND PART ---------------- . on of those who do not know how to use it; but in a community where wealth is powerless to win the highest place loves the pursuit of it will be less ardent The crown is a sign that there is a to which wealth and the soaal adventurer cannot atlain. As matters now stand we camnot have our king amongst us; but the time is drawing when | nigh when we will have him for a part of the year at least, The coming of uncle is p foreshadowing of that AFTER EFFECTS OF FEVER. te Build Up Health and Strength After Wasting Diseases. When the system is run down lok lowing attacks of fever, la grippe, or other wasting diseases, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are of special value acy make new, rich blood, which reaches every organ and every nerve in the body, and in this way restore the pa- tient to active health and strength. ln proof of this we give the cause of Mis. James Randall, Silverstream, Sask., who says: icel that if tnere ia ienyone who ought to estily ta the merits of Dr. Williams Pink Pills it is myself, "About four years ago 1 was taken down with typhoid fever which left me in a very weak state and my stomach so impaired that even a drink of milk would cause me pain. To make matters worse the change of life followed, and although I wus un der the care of one of our best doctors, I was steadily growing' worse. Before I was sick 1 San often read of Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills, but thought no more about them. But now when | was sick and helpless and almost hopeless, and with no benefit coming from medi- eal treatment, I kept thinking of the Pills and finally decided to try them. {1 did so ard am thankful to be able to say that they restored me to health and strev sh, and enabled me to pas through that trying period, from which SO Many poor women emerge with shattered health. 1 hope that many other poor sufferers may read this statement and take fresh courage from t, as I am sure that what Dr. Wil Pink Pills have/ done tor me they will do for others. ! may add that 1 always keep Ir. Williams' Pink Pillsin the home, and feel that they are betler than a doctor." These Pills are sold by wl meds dealers or way be hii by mall a box or six boxes for $2.80 the Wr. Williams' Medicine Co, Brockville, Ont. A Do Luxe Booklet. ratlways of the American con: vie with each other in produc their publications in artistic and attractive style, and the Grand Trunk have received, the palm from connois eurs for being the leaders in this direction. With their usual tasts they just itsued a Very handsome brochure slightly different to the or thuary run of railway booklets, inas much as there is not any descriptive matter in the publication, but it is a book of views that tell their story without words. The name of this unique piece of advertising is simply "Vistas,"with the Grand Trunk trade hark on one corner of the cover. The cover itself ja a reproduction in colors from a painting of "The International Limited," the finest and fastest train in Canada. Inside the book are found maps of the Grand Trunk railway system and the Grand Trunk Pacifle | railway and a serjes of sixty-one pie tures of Canadian scenes. These pic tures are reproduced in the finest of half-tone process from direst photo graphic negatives and printed on high: thse conted paper ¢ booldet is to company. liams' cine at Sle from Ihe tinent have creci the Budget From Bath. Path, *Oet Mr. and Mrs. Wil. Seward, of Emporia, Kansas, visiting the past few weeks at Max- well Kobinson's, started for home oun Wednesday. Owing to the high winds the steamer Aletha's trips have been ery irregular I'he concert and dance given by St. John's church, on Wed nesday, attended M iB Hughes has returned from his trip 10 the north-west. A rumber went to Picton fair last week. Mrs. Quayle has returned from her visit in "lren- Snider has gone to Me his father, who is very ill Ihe truly big man. Wn munity may not be able scales to a high notch In the end the fruits of and self-denial may be spent jtravagance and waste. . 0 ham was well Rev, to ton ton soe 3 the coum to force the frugality in ex STOMACH MISERY ENDED, Indigestion, Gas, Heartburn and Sournsss go in Five Minutes. Why not now---this mo ment, rid yourself of *t indigestion ? A dieted stomach gets the blogs and grumbles. Lave it a good eat, then take Pope's [hapepmn to start the di- gestive juices working, Thete will be no dyspepsia or belching of gas or eructations of undigested food; no feeling like a lump of lead in the sto- mach or heartburn, sick headaches and i dizziness, and your food will not fer ment and powon your breath with UAUSOUR odors. Vape's Drapeprin costs only 50 cents for a large case at any drug store here, and will relieve the most ob- stinate case of mdigestion and upset stomach ww five minutes, there js nothing else better to take gas from stomac and the stomach and intestines, and, besides, one mngle dose will digest and pro Ipare for assimilation into the blood i all your food the same as 8 sound, heswhy stomach would do it. Whea Diapepein works, your =o mach reste--gets iteell in order, cleans up-and then you fell like eating when vou come to the table, and what you eal will do yom go Absolute relief " from all stomach misery is waiting for you as soon ae vou decide to take a little Dispepwin. Tell your druggist that you want Pape's Uiapepsin, because you want to cured this time. iemember, if your stomach feely out and uncomfortable now, gel some va lorever ymach trouble and