Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Oct 1911, p. 2

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' v From Trapper to Weaver. (Registered.) SUMMED UP In buying McKay's line of Fine Fors, for Men, Women and Children--You buy the best that unsurpassed. material -and skilled labor can afford, You buy direct from the manufacturer. You are algo protected by the McKay guarantee, Write to-day for a catalog and full information. JOHN McKAY, Fur House 90000000000060¢000000000 Pervrasvrasssrsssarseassenel | EXTRAORDINARY 0d CHEAP PURCHASE OF MOHAIR MATS COLOES 75c. R. McFAUL, CARPET WAREHOUSE. BVT VTLVLTOBLOS TUT LLLBLESLS Lg LET US DO YOUR PLUMBING IF YOU WANT IT DONE RIGHT. In our wurk past the stage. We do not guess at how things shou'd be done we know! As to prices--we also you'li not object. David Hall 66 BROCK STREET, Residence 806. "Phone 335 * 0 we are away cxperimental know DOOR SIZE IN. ALL $1.25 Quality for : ; : : These Easy Chairs are_full of solid comfort are cur Morris Chalrs $6, $7.50. $10 up TUT VTVVLVLVLLVAON TLVVVVLVLLTVLRCLERERT TN "pn . a Siyp warns® OR MATTRESSES. -- Sales greater Felt and OSTE None bet nm ca. th than ever. Qur rlonda Heerlth Mattresses at the urequall»a, (3.50 to $10. RUGE.--A.l stn and designs. | CARPETS Ls 8t patterns and color effect: LEUM in. Block and Floral Designs. - CURTAINS. ~L iia, ete wwe, Nett, Madras, tiopair and Upholstered work promptly ana well done 94 'Phone Yours, I. F. HARRISON GO | I fi | ROYAL ICE CREAM PARLOR AND QUICK LUNCH ROOM. All kinds of Lunches and Hot Drinks. Ice Cream and all kinds of Fruit and Candies. M, PAPPAS & CO 184 Princess Street. Appearance of Evil. Philadelphia Record "Sister Henderson," said Deacon Hypers, "vou should avoid even the appearance of evil." "Why, deacon, what do you mean?" ny . s Wood's Dhosphoding, vou ish Remedy. ater the whole : new . 3 i \ , Larva Nero : Worry, Des Jrvsaions, Sper. sor Firoedses y wi.l please, six The Grect " Haion ous Debility, ; pondency, Ba 1 Venkneas, torrkaea, aad F jeels A rise J1 per box, will care. Soi ail pialn h Of peoeiph of brioa, The Wood Medion iw Windsori + or mailed Argyl o Con 30 Cash and small monthly payment will buy a nice frame dwell- ing--6 rooms on Div- » 60 cents a day saved 'will in ten years make you the happy possessor a home free of debt " panuh fet | tand furniture polish, just for appear: | Tovonia, Ont {asked Sister Henderson. observe that on your sideboard have several out-glass decanters, and that each of them is half-filled with what appears to be ardent spir ite,"" 'Well, now, deacon, it isn't anything of the kind. The bottles look so pret in [tY on the sideboard that I just filled them haliway with some floor stain ances." "That's why I'm enutioning you, sis- ter," replied the deacon. 'Feeling a trifle weak and faint, I helped myself to a dose from the big battle iw the middle," ~~ ; Kingston ding meals to Chafiey"s and berth, fare Kingston to Newboro, yg meals and berth, £5. n fare Kingston to Westport, ncluding meals and berth, $5. Return fare Kingston to Portland, ncluding meals and berth, $5.50. Return fare Kingston to Rideau erry, including meals and berth, Finest fishing and scenery in Am- erica. J. Swift & Co., agents. Put it to a Vote. Weekly Sun, Torento Mr. Bourassa caused regret to many when he threw his great in with the forces that brought about the defeat of reciprocity. He will ren- der ua most ial service to .the country if he compels a reference of the whole navy proposition to a popu- lar vote before any tenders are let. Such an important ure that involved in Rating Canada in are engaged G000000000000000000/0000000000000000000000 with those hi od in the mad rival warship 'bail ing should not be made without securing a clear and t mandate from the Canadian +Campbell Bros". For hats with a reputation. "Buy infants' foods," at Gibson's. Cool Evenings- Warm Comfort price are] {Misses Margaret and Elizabeth '1+ In the first round of THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, OCTOBER BEEPS REESE IEE PIPES Gold in Guwilight k » . » A most delightful and interesting bridge was given on Friday afternoon by Mrs. K. E. Kent, Ring street. Bridge was played in the drawing room and library, which were beauti tully decorated with begonias, dahlias Hilda and Doris Kent, and Miss Hele: lovely flowers which were greatly ad mited by the guests were picked fron Mr. Kents own garden. Mrs. hen: wore a handsome gown of black anc white silk, veiled in black ninon, anc trimmed with black silk embroidery and touches of pale blue. Mrs. W. h Craig won the first prize, a silve: sugar shaker. Mrs. James Cappon, the second, a silver rimmed cut glas: vase, and the third prize, a cup am saucer, went to Mrs. P. 4G, U. Uamp bell. In the tea room the table was cen tred by a handsome Indian gold-em broidered centre piece, on which rest ed a huge bowl ,of exquisite begonia and dahlias of variegated shades. Mrs Frederick Brownfield poured coliee anc mrs. Walter Macnde poured the tea The two daughters of the house, Misse Milda and Doris Kent, and Miss Mabe Gordon and Miss Nora Macnee assist ed in passing refreshments among th yuests. Those present were: Mrs he E. Martin, Mrs. Henry Tandy Mrs. Hunter Ogilvie, Mrs. Campbel Strange, Mrs. J. I}. Caniuthers, Mrs D. 8S. Robertson, Mrs. James Cappon Mrs. Herbert Robinson, Mrs. Ashley Mrs. James Higgins, Mrs. J. M Campbell, Mrs. J. I'. Shine, Mrs. Rus sell Hale, Mrs. lrank Strange, Mrs P. C. Stevenson, Mrs. Francis Mac nee, Mrs. William Harty, Mrs. W, R Givens, Mrs. Hansord Hora, Mrs lallaway Waddell, Mrs. Herbert Daw son, Mrs. Kichard Hooper, Mrs, A. P Christmas, Montreal, Mrs. Vere Hoop er, Mrs. Henry Richardson, Mrs. {' i. U. Campbell, Mrs. W, Fiery, fughes, Mrs. Howard Folger, Mrs, W H. Craig, Mrs, Charles Lowe, Mrs Phelan, Miss Mary Hora, Miss Lil lian Norton Taylor, Miss Eleanor Mac donell, Miss Francis Sullivan, Mis Helen rraser, Miss Nora Gordon, Mis tallian Mowat, Miss Mise Starr and Miss Pessie "Smythe. . . St. ( } vadge Dawson Mil after After the sports at the Royal tary College, on Wednesday noon, the officers and cadets enter tained at tea tea, followed by t dance Among those present Col Mrs. J. MH, V. Crowe, {ses Helen and Madge Crowe, Ma Jor and Mrs. K. R. Sedgwick, Major A. J. Wolfe, Capt. and Mrs Kaulhack, Capt. 'and Mrs. J I. Cochrane, Misses Christine anc Sylvia Cochrane, Mr. and Mr: J. Waddell, Misses Lucy and Gwendolyn Waddell, Mrs. W. RB. Givens, Miss {Dorothy Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Austic Gillies, Mrs. R. .). Carson, Miss Daw son, Misses Mate and Dorothy Car ruthers, Miss Dorothy Brownfield, Nis: Helen Gorgon, Misses Hilda and Dori: Kent, Miss Charlie Shortt, Miss Lassie Nirkpatrick, Misses leta snd Vera arson, Miss Nora Macnee, Miss Kath leen Crisp, Misses May and Rose Rog ers, Miss Madge Dawson, Miss Mac Kay, Miss Lenore Hamilton, Miss Winnifred Claxton, Miss Madge 'lay lor, Miss Drake, Miss Edith Hague, Mixe Hazel Browne, Miss Katherine Hart, Miss Gweneth Merrick, Miss Mabel Richardson, Miss Helen Uglow, Miss Lillian Mundell, Miss Kathleen Kyan, Miss Eleanor Phelan and Dr. Phelan. wert the and The dance at the Yacht Wednesday evening was, as usual, very much enjoyed by all the guests Mrs. W. R. Givens was the chaperone and those noticed were Miss Vera |Uarson, Misses Aileen and Rose Rog- fers, Miss Charlie Shortt, Miss Lassie { Kirkpatrick, Miss Dorothy Carruthers, Miss Susie Anglin, Miss Lillian Mun- Idell, Miss Sybald Hamilton, Miss Ma- {bel Richardson, Misses Ililda and {Doris Kent, Miss Dorothy Hill, Miss { Katherine Hart, Miss Kathleen Ryan, | Miss Sylvia Cochrane, Misses Fva and {Ruth ~~ Murtin, Miss Helen Miss Madge Taylor, Messrs. RK. L [ Murdock, W. Smith, Harry Hateh, Leonard Birkett, . Gildersleeve, {John Aird, Roger Stewart, A Mic {Causland, Henry Richardson, R. Kim- fer, E. Rogers, L. Smith, Cadets J. (Gwynne, Green, Pierce, I. Tavlor, C. {Carruthers, Latimer, Bogus, Patterson, Macdowall, Holt, Robertson, kd wards and Leblanc Club on Uglow, | Mra. W. St Perro. Hughes, King street, entertained a number of girls and boys at a dance on Friday ev- ening for her daughter, Miss Kitty Hughes. A very jolly time was spent {by all. The guests included Miss Eth- {el Kent, Miss Hilda Calvin, Miss Sy- bil Kirkpatrick, Miss Beth Small, Misses Gwendolyn and Doris Folger Cun- ningham, Miss Laura Kilborn, Misses Hazel and Doris Browne, Misses Mary and Helen Strange, Miss Mary Stewart, Miss Alice Goodwin, Miss Ethel Carruthers, Miss Marjorie Camp- bell, Messrs, Harold Brownfield, Hen- dry Connell, Eric Carruthers, Sher- man Hill, "Teddy" Rogers, Mr. Ar- thur Wilkinscm, Jeremy Taylor, Wil- lie Garrett, B. Robertson, George Kirkpatrick, Kenneth Taylor, Gordon Small, Carrol Ashby, Winthrop Sears, Willie Nickle, Walter Steacy, Howard Folger, Willie Miones. Mrs, Hughes was assiseed by Misses Milored Jones, Hilda Kent and Maud Taylor. - - th the Queen's tournament, played off at the Country in [Club, this week, Misx Madge Dawson and Prof. A. Ferguson won from Miss Charlie Shortt and Prof. P. 6G. CO. Campbell, Miss Bessie Richardson and Prof. Die wim from Miss Phyl- lis Shortt a . Anderson, Miss Mildred Jones and Prof. F. Guttman as jwon from Miss i Sedgwick Ww gars and Mr. RD - One of the prettiest and most en- joyahle teas given this fall had Mrs. + A. Mitchell for a hostess, onlri- day afternoon. tty home on William street very cosey and attractive aud to the Fraiche given to the guests. 1 santhemums. Mrs. Mitchell was as- Her » 1911, - $ isled in receiving hy hor house guest. | fn Hrs. Bute, from Houston, Texas. The! tea table was unusually pretty with is centre rece of violets aud of the valley. It was presided over! 'ry Mrs. A. W. Wmnett, and Mrs. Ar- hur L. Clarke. Miss hidd serve the | ces, and the girls whe assisted were: | Misses Ada and Beatrice Birch, Misses | va and Mabel Kichardson, wiss ou | ie Anghn, Miss Marjorie McMahon, | i a a hn Ca rn, A At tases | A -------- iss Alevia Bute, and lhutle Miss| "aroline Mitchell. Mrs. W. F. Nickle, Earl street, will eceive for the first time since her narriage, on Tuesday and Wednesday fternoons, and afterwards on each! Honday afternoon during the séason. | «ee i Mrs. J. B. Carruthers, Sydenham | treet, entertained at a very enjoy- aide bridge on Wednesday evening, ir honor of Mrs. William Norton laylor, of Sarnia. . ie ded by the University professors. Mre. Theodore Lyman and the uiss- s Lyman, "Calderwood," have issued nvitations for au At Home for Thurs- lay afternoon, October 12th, from four o six-thirty. Mrs. E. Beaupre, Princess entertained last evening in nonor Miss M. E. Draper, Glenburaie, Miss and Mr. Sandham, of Chomas. H :ngers and Pillows. street, of and = 260 PRINCESS STREET. OPEN NIGHTS. At PP PN tA tt tt Nt Pn - A, AAP AA EN lA AA A . . - Mr. C. FP. Jewel, Ph the Standard Fink of Canada, left for Toronto to-| Y THE FOG fay to spend the week-end. | Mr. R. Layton, of Ottawa, who was ¢ guest in town for the Putnam irch wedding, returned to Ottawa on Friday. Mrs. I. L. Henderson, of Montreal, who has been the guest Mrs. Ro b sv Fraser, West street, tor the past mek, left for her home' Friday ¥r. Henderson, who was also visiting Mrs, Fraser, returned to Montreal on 'Thursdey. > > WERE DELAYED ' FRIDAY NIGHT, Dutch Bulbs For Fall Planting A p---------------------- imported Direct Fm Holland. Best Bulbs aut Best 1 rices. Hyacinth, Tulips, Narcissus, Daffodils Ciocus, Treezin Now is the time to plant the varden for Spring Blossoming Indoors for Christmas VESSELS ON Steamer Alexandria Had to Pat Back to. Gananogue on Her Trip up From Montreal--Traffic on the River Was Practically Held up Marine Note, of on Mr: John Newlands returned, on | Frathe or nizht, Dwrsday, from Montreal, where was practically tie gent a few days J of heavy § Mr. and Mrs. EP. Clarkson, * of I'he Ler sterboro, spent Thursday in town steel rails, hes Mr. Theodore Avery and Dr. Clapp, Fort Witham, was held up Kk ho in town for the Putnam-|several trip to King irch to Utica fof ves Ydnesday. Mrs, i of ho has been the guest of Mrs. J 'onnell, West visiting Mrs. Samuel he | result Very load Sydney "te with i to M hours, on' her 8 a result of the left the hit lock on Friday afteroos Were wedding, refurned on | ston, ih : wel it three o'clock, or usual to but it o'clock in the morning; iw < , amd jt Montreal, ¢. | make Spencer, " this trip in seven hours, five | fore the nr | ' \l up from Montreal, After leaving 80 (nek th was sireet, Birch, Bagot IN BOW gireet. Dr. A. P. Chown Draggist and Optician, 183 PRINCESS STHEET, 'Phone 343. arrived in port, her trou Gananogue the fog \ had to put back in and the wharf bh | he xundrin, on . . t is annonnced of iss Ftbhel M. Abernethy, of King ton, to Mr. Robert J. Daiwrs, of Win- r peg, formerly of Ottawa. (Continued on Page 3.) also had SOLAR LBARARLAAMAAGAAAAABALAAAASAS - Ihe engagemen Ww she a resuli Alexandria to i to trananoqgue 8 it was 2 pulled into a peneral cargo | he er Puanellum, on her wan ip the river, with of the fo < see again, a.m, when Folger's nnlon Sreeere steay Cargo iro nd ov RETIRE WITH HONOR. j also got inte 1 hours late 1a arrivie oX dock, where she unl for the shipbuilding the steamer Missi on Saturday, from Gananoque The schooner Julian PB. Merri, has been unloading coal at Ray, cleared, Saturday afte Bg Oswego, to load eoal for Anglin'se, M..T. The tug Emer . son cleared fos Montresl, with tit---- | barges Nos. 56 and G6: the | Turret wrivedy Saturday jing, from Fort William, HY Ns , | charged N2,000 bushels of barloy: the 200 ) ards of tks in dainty at the dry fd. The company Laurier government Cele Be ele BEEEE the administration with nothing of its récord to apologize for or condone. I'he ministers have po recrimina tions to make over the coun try's verdict. They retire with honor, believing that history will amply vindicate their polizy and administrative record, and that no party went into opposition with as bright pros pects of coming speedily back mto power. Wilfrid Law ier's only valedictory this pregnant and dignitied one "Our record speaks for jtself."" The hands over yadde won i Mor Was in port which Collins fon moon, Co's elevator oil ever steqiner mm Cape morn wed dis» ( Louisine stripe ~ % Sir is i tug Lhe TVVTTVLTTULVTLVLLVLLVLEILVLVOES Steamer to-day: AN and od i and steamer: Jol Rolph is, di coal from Ene, ('o's barge ( shourg un dock ume charging a « St ateeerstetstrt sesso The M. T | loaded conl » morning Kingston's Famous Fur Store. ® | . | THE VERY NEWEST £ 5 argo of Besecsrsasssessssssensenssel ' : ' Hall cleared for Montreal with] Sil { three grain barges; steamer Win 138 ia . en A 11 é {mount cleared for Fort William, with suitable fon Wins, Al ¢ [the barge Melrose in tow, as far as |e the Popular Shades in , cdi ui hdc. J | Dalhousie \ . ' h ---- Ny ose. " cluding Navy, Green, Uw i ! 2 wha elha 4 > - ' . Tea and Sale. Itown from hay ports, Stegner Brown, Black, Cardinal, Attend the tea and sale of the Wo- | ij leau King arrived from aw Tan Ete. Ete. with nar men's Association of Sydenham | last night clea vrain . : street church on Tuesday, Oct. 10th, { morning; steamers Dupdurn and wiite stppe, Extra Qual ir the lecture hall of the church. | ville are due to go | doy ity, Revilar Price 75¢. a Work, home-made and candy tables | respectively, Sunday ~ ! Admission, 0c, 1 he Yard ¢ " . . ¥ To-Night On Sale 39c. A Yard. ---- hingston dr Gerona, witn | gine equipment to made' a at sixteen n 8 hour I'he council of Picton made t jtrip, the of the of a new ot flags te steamer. B. R. Hepburn, M.P dent and general manager, n } important that ship uld run fro See Our Line of Ladies b Elastic, Ribbed Under wear, White or Grey, all sizes oe, a Suit or oe a Extra Value, ton Kingston occasion set y Presi wle the [i carment announcement to si% j ter built the Gerona mm This Is The Piace For Ladies' Nobby Suits and Coats, The Styles and Frices Are Correct Farewell Presentation, i The choir of the First laptist church met at the home of Miss Ida Hughson, University Avenue, on Friday e jand presented Harold valued member, who is le Fort Willian, trave { The presentation was made in { Salsbury, ening, Singleton, \ wing lor with a bag FIVF IIIT FISIIIIIIII I -7 OTTER TEEN TERETE choir director, a pi Returned From Boston. Ww Mahood, dracoist, re turned from Poston yesterday, where the was attending the annual meeting of the Rexall company 1,400 istockholders present all 'parts of the world and a delightful me was spent both in busines pleasure. jaguressive A MN At AA Newman George Some were frém We out stock of Ladies' Hats continu- x keep renewing and The company nnd IT five This week we added to concern, ally. { | Fell Into a Well. } | A six-year-old boy named Noble| | fell ino a weil at Portsmouth on Sat « | urday morning. a distance of fifteen { feet. His cries for help were heard Robert Appleton and Frank { Nicholson, who pulled him,om. Hie { had a narrow escape from drow nite Hot water bottles, new goods, Frery {one guaranteed, at MeLeod's Drug b | Stores. HH our assortment seven dozen of The Always Busy Store. the very newest creations, all Ae at popular prices. SUITS THAT SUIT. buy that Fall Suit been in Po net The great Uterine Tonle, "gomly sdfe effectual Monthi; until our stock has spected. Your Suit will not be common if bought here, We &/ jen Nickle, superintendeni: {John B. Holder, carpenter, and Al- ater 0 particular pesple. | fred Oakes, electrician. of the stree: SUITS, 812 to $30. | railway company, left Saturday for # | Atlantic City, NJ, to attend a con- ® | vention of sireet railway men. "Buy infants' foods." at Gibson's. Cheap sale now going on at Nu gent & Graham's; twenty per oont {off all cash sales : | English boots for women and men, {good value, just arrived. Dutton's, 200 1. wv. oLDWIN, | Princess street. Cor, Sydenbhnus wad Ordnance St { "Fresh Huvler's sweets." Gibson's, | W. Saylor has purchased the Gould jing property, formerly the Rathbun! HH 5. Alexander, Usmpbeliford, ha id CNR. | piarchased a controlling interest in depend. Sold in three a of strength----No, 1, $1; fe Sod iid - Poon mamphiet. he > Ta Coox Memon Co. Tonowto, ONT. (formeriy Wi wine Neo. Ww. : Cc Richardson, presiden:: VELLLLLLLLLLLL0000000003350 50 0v vd GAS HEATING STOVES. We have the odorless kind, five #izes, from $2.00 to $7.00. Too eariy to light the furnace. the Gas Stove tills the bill. Gas costs 2¢ per hour 'Phone 515, | { | WATCH OUR WINDOWS! crosses the river. "New Tabard lun library books." panee. "Buy infants' foods," at Gibsosz's. docks, at Tregton, where the M Gibson's. BR sen ese H. Madole's hardware business in Na | Room Decorations Exclusive lines of Queen's Post Cards. Posters, Pennants, QELLA0AA000004868404000 CPE VIPV VE rv ererRevl & Shaw: ID0 OO OOOO OCT Hegalator on which women can ! degrees i i i nh Po QUEEN'S QUEEN'S QUEEN'S Latest editions of authorised University Text Books. Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pens The pen with a standard uniform price all over the world and guar- anteed by the largest Fountain Pen manufacturers. Loose Leaf Note Books Universal and Banner loose leaf note books, the kinds recomen- The College Book Store i 9 IRVIN IIVIVIIIVIIIIIETIV III Ieee Peres cscsssassssrsasasaa 'Phone 91, Messssesscsrsvsssssssasld AN EXCELLENT EXAMPLE HAMMOND RIM & th Nn "llres Ontlciune 850 KING STREET, Issmers of Marriage 14 Lanes MADE CVER AND RE PAIRING |W. F. GOURDIER A Good Investment | Cor. Stanley and Alfred Sts. One Double Dwelling (rent- (ed) and one Single Dwelling nted), together with large ot. $2,000 Buys entire parcel. Corner Jolinson and 'Phone Division Sts 539 : Mullin, The Real Estate Expert, Yelle : i ou a Sum and Harry ndry allor Jack laundry | Flally Ruffles tud er Brown { emetery wher Bu is lasnry Mike's robes Minnie L Sanitary la dry fie sad sic found a real one I Pt Pll lS ra Kingston Laundry Cor. Princess & Sydenham Sts, 'Phone 22. 0 acer et0090909900499902005.950280etettTRTte J

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