THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1911. PAGE THRER 1s SEER ERG 6 Choice Little Wedding Gifts cD The latest Silver, importations in Cut Glass, ® Brass and Leather Goods, ® Fancy China, - Bronzes, Lamps, Clocks and fine Jewlery The Finest Selection In Kingston. 2D Rodger & Wright Jewellers, Formerly Spangenberg"s, 847 KING ST., KINGSTON. Marriage Licenses, wiBTIEERGACAEAEEEEER.. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORYE- WEST LAND REGULATIONS. ANY PERSON WHO 18 THE SOLE head of a Rhy or any male over 1% years old may homestead a quarter section of available Dominion land in nitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta The applicant must appear in person at he Uominion Land ency or Sub- Agorcy for the disrrict, Entry by proxy may be made at any awencv.on certain conditions, bY faths mother, son, ing be brother or sister of intend- SaBiy onthy res " xX mon residence upon and CuIvatIon of the land in each of three years, A homesteader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres solely owned and occupied by him or By his father, other, son, daughter, brother or rial districts a homesteader in stan AY Pre-empt a quarter fecidon "vlonghide} his homestead. Price, per acre. st reside pe the ow Jor pre-emption » tha in SIX. years from e of homestead Sentry {Including the time to earn homestead patant) "ad cultivate Trey acres extra A r who has exhausted his a ad right and cannot obtain . pre-emption may enter for a pur- ch: tog homestead in certain districts $3.00 per acre. Dutles--Must reside a months in each of three years, cultivate fifty acres and arec' 8 house worth $300.00. CORY, Deputy of Viheh Minister of the nter B.--Unauthorized N. ation of for" advertisement will not be paid 6000S SOLD ON TIME All kinds of Dry Goods. Men's Boys' and Ladies' Suits, Boots and Shoes, Jewellery, House Furnishings etd, sold on easy payment plan. Come In, see our goods and terms, New Stock of Fall and Winter Clothing just received. It will pay you to call and see it Joseph Abramsky 263 PRIACKSS STREET, LAME BACK To have a lame back or painful stitches. means Disordered Kidneys, and the sooner you have the Kidueys and Bladder in a ctly healthy | condition the sooner you will enjoy life. As far as we know, there is remedy that is guarantead to cure you, and that is FIG PILLS, make you a strong, healthy person in two weeks, your money will be refunded. At all dealers, 25 cents per box, or The Fig Pill Co., St. Thomas, Ont. 4 ne Kingston by LOD, Druggist Bold and 7 A 3 THAT TOBACCO With the "Rooster" on (s crowing louder as he goes Along | Only 46c per pound. For chewing and smoking. AT A. MACLEAN'S, Ontario Street. BIBBY'S CAB STAND DAY OR FIGHT Phone DOCTOR ADVISED HOSPITAL But Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege. table Compound Cured Her. Upper Sandusky, Ohio. -- "Three juan ago I was married and went to | ) I was not feeling well and could hardly | {drag Jyselt along. |} M1 had such tired | feelings, my back HH hurt, my sides I had blad. ousekeeping. had headaches , and became al most a nervous | to fo to a hogpisat 1 did not ike "that idea very well, so, when I saw your advertise ment in a paper, I wrote to you for advice. I have done as Jou told me. "1 have taken Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and "Liver Pills, and now I have my health. "If sick and ailing women would only know enough to take your medi- Te they would get relief." -- Mrs. Bens. H. BrANsmuEY, Route 6, Box 18, Upper Sandusky, Ohio. If you have mysterious pains, irreg- ularity, backache, extreme nervous. ness, Inflammation, ulceration or dis. lacement, don't wait too but try fda FE. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound at once, .» For A a: Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable made from roots a ss thestandard remedy for female ills, and such Coton ble testimony as the above proves the value of this famous remedy, and Should give s¥eryone confidences have never been questioned. abliahed in 1854 50 YEARS EXPERIENCE EXTRA GRANULATED SUGAR IS ABSOLUTELY PURE The first and great essential of a food product, is Purity ; the Purity and Quality of our Extra Granulated Once make a comparison with other Sugars and you will not be satisfied with any but Redpath. Dainty Tea Tables are always served with PARIS LUMPS to be had in RED SEAL dust proof cartons, and by the pound, ;. The Canada Sugar Refining Cow MONTREAL, CANADA. John Redpath CEN: Ya absorbs the dust, brightens the floor, and cleans your carpet. One week free trial. Yours for health, b Packed in barrels, half barrels, ang quarter barrels for use in stores, of- fices and public buildings. For Mile by A. Mitchell, uly one | if they don't | ton, Jat Ugdensburg, N.Y. DIED AT ALEXANDRIA TYPHOID CLAIMS A GANANOQUE YOUNG MAN. The Late Johm Griffin, of Leeds Township--A Gananoque Cornet Player Secured by the Brockville Band, + 10. George Laugh- Gananoque, Oet. Joseph Laugh eldest son of Mrs, on, Stone street, passed away in 1Ale vandria on Saturddy, a vietim of {typhoid Deceased was a former Ga- nanoquean and for a number of years had been in the employment of ithe Munro & Melntosh Carriage Co, lof that town. The remains were ihrought here and the funeral takes {place this afternoon 'from the home f his mother, Stone! street, to Wil Bank cemetery, and was conducted Leeds lodge, No. 201, AF, & {pe ast low by AM. John GAflin, an aged and respected resident of the towaship, passed to rest on Sunday, in the seveniy-sixth vear of his age, after an illness of some considerable time. He leaves a grown-up fagoily, Sidney William, Jere- ink John and Charles, in the neigh- bochood of 'Gananoque Lake; Leman, at the Outlet, and two daughters married and settled near Card, Mich. The funeral takes place this after {noon to Sand Hill school house and to Manble Rock cemetery. Taber ar- for W. The coal schooner Horace he with a cargo rived yesterday A. Robertson. Robert Kirke, of the stafi of the Bank of Toronto, in Toronto, is home for a few days holidaying with his |parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Kirke, Pine street. | Andrew kdwards, a former resident lof the town, located for some time in Woodstock, is visiting in town. | James Kenny, of the old grocery firm of Kenny & Cockiill, who has {been spending a few days in town, {left yesterday for his home in New {1 iskeard, Mies Agnes Bedard, spend- in town with for home in ling the past few weeks relatives, left yesterday Boston. William Pratt, {dent here for a solo clarionetist {left vesterday {in Brockville, street, a resi number of years, and in the Citizens band, to accept a situation King i LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. {d Laidlaw Writes About Winui. | peg Election Changes. | Winnipeg, Oct. 6.--(To the Ix or): As | am in receipt of many en- quiries from friends in the county of | Frontenac, regarding a certain front page article, which appeared in the + annipeg Telegram on September 21st, I wish to state for their benelit that there was not the slightest vestige of truth in the auticle, and can only de gignate it as a political roorback, [ understand that a number of war rants were issued for party workers in order to try and break up our om ganization. '1, as secretary of the Win nipeg Liberal Association, was among the ones aimed at. However, the warrants in question were never exe cuted, When the tory tactics became known the liberals retaliated by arresting several of their ardent workers and eventually the whole thing was sawed oll. In conclusion 1 desire to state that any and all transactions I engaged in were above reproach, and could bear any amount of investigation, and 1 feel myself above the mud slingings that our opponents in this fair city engage in during every political cam paign.--Yours very truly, JOHN Ww. LAIDLAW, : Would Establish Here I'he Morrishurg Tack company offers to establish in Kingston. To secure the factory, Kingston would have to loan the company $65,000 for twenty venrs at five per cent. In return, the company would give a chattel mort gage on its property, which, it says, a be worth £120,000. It would employ 200 hands, and spend from F50,000 to 360,000 4 ye in , Collector Thomas Grimason, Canadian Freeman Thomas Grimason, sub-collector of inland revemué; has been promoted to the position of collector, made va cant by the sudden death of Charles i. Dickson, and Archibald Hanley, who has been in the service for twenty-four years, will take Mr. ason's place as sub-collector, lit- way over Grim- How to Take Snap Shots. Everyvtieng about picture and making made clear at the photo demonstration at Best's. are invited. taking Angco You Hon. Thomas W. Crothers, Thomas W. Crothers, K.C,, St. Thomas, the new minister of la- bor in the Borden cabivet, is a brother of W. J. Crothers and Mrs. R. H. Toye, of Kingston. M.P., "Strong horehound candy," in ted sticks, Sold av Gibson's Cross drug store. Emmanuel Hayne, of Belleville, at Calgary, Alta., on Saturday, seventy-five years. The remains be interred at Belleville, "Buy tooth brushes' at Gibson's, Twe popular young residents Brockville, Miss Lillian Wight Herman Soper were married in ronto on the 3rd inst. "English t«Vet Lanoline."" Gibson's, 8 "Buy Nyal's Family Remedies." Gibson's. Mrs. Rev. Ira O. Mallory, formerly of Bscott, died at Marshaltown, lows, on Thursday last, aged sixty-five years. The remains were interred at "Try a sack of "King's Quality" flour and bo convinced of it's superior qual ach Jo Bi Mel antian, of twis- Red died aged will of and To- and Miss Viola kvitle, wore married on Thursday fast. Photographie demonstration . at Neat's. * Interes¥ng and instructive Free to all. 1. Ames sod Mise Maude Pierce, of Morristown, NX. were married on Friday. | "Prexh horehound candy." iso's. Mes, Mary | Donohue died at Tele | and ville on Priday, seventy-four. AMUSEMENTS (GRAND Y OPERA T MOUSE) Thursday, Oct. 12(¢ THE FUNNIEST OF COMEDIES, THE ARRIVAL OF KITTY Which made millions lnngh. A Great Cast nnd all (he Original Scenery and Effeets, NEW SONG HITS, Special Prices. 25¢, ? » Senin now on Sale. Saturday, Oct. 14th Hargnin Matioee, 2.30, ag, N15, The Distinguished aan Comedian, C. JAMES BANCROFT And Londen Comedy Company, Pre. senting the Gremtont. of ail Farce THE PRVATE SECRETARY Matinee--323, an, 50; Children, 20e. Fvening=--25, 35, 58, 75, $1.00. Seats on Sale Thursday MARK HAMBOURG CITY HALL, Wednesday, Oct.18 Admitted by the Public a Press to be the successor of Rubinstein, Prices--81.50, $1.00, The. Plan at Uglow's Musical Programme GATTY SELLERS ENGLAND'S GREAT ORGANIST. Wm. Short LR.AM THE KING'S TRUMPETER, SYDENHAM STREET METHODIST CHURCH TO-NIGHT 8 p.m. extra Nowy Higher. reserved without 50¢ Seats charge, Plan at in The Sumogate Court of The County of Frontenac. In the Matter of the Estate of Minerva Edna Bigelow, late of Chiengo, in the State of Hilinols, Deceased. NOTICE IS HE ® E ot GIVEN Cay Uglow's. PUR suant to RR BO amending Aes, hay ing claims against sald deceased, who died on the 1ith day of September, required to send by p liver, to the unders or hefore the 16th 1817, their names and particulars of their claims and nature of Lhe security if any held by them, and that after said day the ad ministrator will weed to distribute the assets of thé sed among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which he shal then have notice Dated this 9th day of I. B. WALKEM, Solicitor for Adminstrator "all 1 he Boleitor Novem addresses the ober, 1911 NOTICE 0 CREDITORS In the Matter of Cromiey Bréthers, of the City of Kingston. NOTICH 1% fEREBY if Fd Wir Messrs. Crumley Brothers, of the City of Kingston, in the Cougly of Fron tenac, carrying, dng LN ages as Dry Goods Merchants af hve said City of Kingston, have made an assignment under the Arsignnehit.. lve dis alos enves Act of all thelr cstate, credits and effects, to William Balf ur Mudie, of the y of Kinguthn, for ihe gene: j ral benefit of their creditors A meeting of their creditors will be heid at the office of Messrs, Cunning. hay & Mudje 79 Claren@@@uSiree Kingston, « Monday, the " gi¥teenth day of October, 1011, at the Bowr two o'clock in the altermbon, to receive a statement of afr Oo ApEn in spectors and fix remuheration, and for the ordering te albairs of the estate generally Creditors are requested 16 Hid theiy claigys with the nee, With the proofs and partiru # therect pean | ed by the sald Act, on or hefovre tie day of suh meeting, Apd Notlee is further given that thelr of "o, . seossserestassiisttareterstsees sesssessnan REAALEMMARREERNEARY. e People's Forum Sevres CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertions le a word, Each con- secutive insertion theredfier half cent a word, PPV ePve iy Sc LOST. " REE FIVE tank t Fu ibe to Whig office POL 1. AR ST ANDARD W arded by one lusertion 2Z5e; three SOc; six, $1; one month, 92, HELP--WANTED, TO FEED PRESSES, Whig office GIRL APPLY to STRONG ply, "OR . PARCELS, AP. A GOOD PLAIN COOK. APPLY iss Hora, 45 King Street 0 3 CADY WORK. Lambert, 157 Princess St M ply, 3 - . CED DRESSMAKER. Campbell, 187 AP. Wel- EXPERIE ply to Miss C ington Street TO ASSIST IN GENERAL work Apply, in the evening Division Street, A GIRL ho to 35 GIRLS THAT ARE GOOD SEWERS, Apply at John ay's, the Fur House, Brock Street A GIRL TO ASSIST WITH GENERAL housework Apply to Mrs. Picker- ing, 230 University Avenue, EXPERIENCED MILLINER)Y Preparer Apply to Hanney & Ramsay, 179 Wellington Street HOTELS AND KESTAURANTS ON TARIO Bt NSW x opposite from bar and spect Con HOT ST, GTR . H on THE GRIW ANON riv Si the bw Liquors Cigars rates { stable a re nable com modat ton Muivill BUSINESS CHANCES, CAN START at home. N own s ANYONE, ANYWH ne, a mall order business canvassing our Send for Heacook tree 2.969, Lockport FINANCE AND es FOR INSURANG » Ww GENERAL INSURANCE Accident, and Healt Wellington GOOD GENERAL SFRVANT, REFER ences required Apply, Mrs. J Lesslie, 4: Widiam Street, ton Rings A MAID TO ASSIST WITH GENERAL housework Apply to Mrs. T Lockett 24 Stuart Street, near Barrie rot NG vears of ply. John Brock wan, age, for MOK: ¥ Street Anot r 17 OR fur actory The Fur iN Ap House GENERAL of three; ply, between 7 Gill, 174 Stuart SERVANT references required and 9 pm, to Btreet IN FAMILY An Mr EXPERIENCED MAID FOR GENERAL housework; references required Apply to 249 Lrock Street, in the evening, between 7 and ® o'clock A FEW » smart from $1 Office of Ltd, Kir GIRLS FOR STEADY WORK: f can make r day. Appl Sir Hosiery Co Street INTELLIGENT PERSON earn $100 monthly for newspapers No Send for particulars, cate, 3.96% Lockport, MAY randing Press 'Syndl N.Y CAPABLE OLD tics, carefully weekly Apply COUNTRY selected, arriving now, The Guild, Drummond Street, Montreal, or Pembroke Street, Torocto DOMES. ie Asn LABORERS wages, § board apply Sy ndi QUARRY MEN: $1.50 per day and steady men need Exploration Ont, none ARP 'o ate, ihs Hay EXPERIENCED to learn paper steady work; 0 to 6; Apply x Co King & AND box gO Sat urday len trade h rs, 7 A LINE FOR EVERY HOME; WRITE us for our choice list of agents supplies; we have the greatest agency proposition in Canada to- day: no outlay necessary Apply BCI Co, 228 Albert btreet, Ot tawa CLERKS TO SPELL needed in « working manent ing for counter, double own boss Whig offic ARTICLES MUCH ery home, especially by mer good salary; pe position; If vou are work small salar behind the write you car your wage your Apply, ox "KE SE» Ay REPRESENTATIVE once for work will guarantee $2.00" day; opportunity to ad ly: will pay liberal time; work not diffi ence not required Bible Press, Toronto Ww ANTED, AT ur locality; $300 per ance rapid for spare iit experi- International TWO BOYS, Whig requires of two smart three half days a week day, Thursda and Bat Apply, at once, to Office i The vices Bu 18iness after the sixteenth dAuy of Orteler 1911, the tribute amongst having of the entitled: (he the claims of which notice shall then have been given, and that hé will not be for the assets or any part thereof, distributed, to apy persom of persons of whose claim he had notice ihe the aswets parties regard only to B. MUDIE, ignee Ww. ep Grows Hair Abund To grow hair after it has fallen out today is a reality, SALVIA, the great Hair Tonic and Dressing,, will positively create a new growth of hair. Hi you want to baye a, beautiful head of hair, free tone Dandruff, use SALVIA once a day, and watch the results. SALVIA je guardnteed to stop fall ing hair and restoré the hair to its natural color. The greatest Hair Vigo known at Best's drugstore. An Appeal 'to' Wives You kuow the terrible afftiction (hat comes to many homes from the result of a drinking husbard or son. You know of the money wasted on ° Kk" that is needed in the home to parchass food and Clathing Orrin TaY saved thom Linking | mes. It is a home Trentmen or Aken, rm," and ver 1 spunies th fo ney will be returned if hirer & trial. failéd to be Conte but L $1.00 - efit. pOX--8y mere trifle when inking os yl with the Amin 8 ari nd in a day Wo ldbie | =o | shall not then have! This is au age of new disgoveries. | FE D0 bpd Sod assignees will proceed to dis-' debtors | reba, | f sm DY Al HOME IN SPARE TIME: teach you complete com - i of short and engine $ nary, raction, mechanical a Srawing course matrieulation courses, et Write respondence Colloge P., Toroniwo, Canada beginner # teachers Cor Dep HEALTH WITHOUT DRUGS. "--R. G. Ashcroft, DO, 138 'ellington St opposite Lhe Post Office; chron'e diseases treat>d hy Osteopathic methods and Fleetrical Vibration: jreatments by appointment. 'T'hone Offers will be received hy the under signed until Twesday, the 17th day of October inst at the hour of iwelve o'elock noon, from parties desiring tn purchase the house and Int sitpated an the south-easterly corner of and Quebec BSireets, in the Kingston, recently oceupled by Smith ira THC MAR DAWSON Assignee Sheriff's Office Kingston, FARMS FOR SALE An exceptionally good Farm of 250 acres, five miles from Kingston. ir this, one i ton large for or Jou, we have y smaller ? tea to or. : few Farms to Rent. T. 4, LOCKHART, Oct. § 1811, 'Phone 1935. sa BAR BATEMAN Life, A toms Money busine 1 Street J. K. Street Health I Employers Boat | Real Est Calgary « ARROLL, re BUrance FRONTENAC LOAN wroperties debentures deposits re lowed 8 Director, $8 AND Avaliable addition WANTED--GENEKRAL. work Mal BY DAY OR HOUR BY Wo Vv i ¥ i f & I'W IEMOMS TWO FLENISHE p ROOMS, } me where ea g office Ay ¥. Box SHOE REPAIRING OF EVERY Di seriptio first 1 or) y Goon SECOND GENTLEMEN ¥ RRING Cloth and have A ) sui Ir teed a HERES Ope kt. Puri} YWOCA at UPHOLSTER BR. orn, STERING » w ith halr Dire a Str et. 4. GA VINE. pairing 1 tress rer 218 t Ww. card WINDOW CLEANING. SEASDY oi seh we alse Porm 'windows, dow Cleaning « Mileod's Drug oF w ™E cleanit kinds tr | ESTABLISHED 1866 FOR SALE. WALNLT at Turks BOY ASK 4 ARGE ifbrary A CORN C1LTTER AND ver heap ApMy t t BLOWER, Clarence Stree roa CIGAR STORE AAD PARLOR, a Be Y hussbsre FLAGS, AWNINGS, TEN1S, CANOES, camping © fishing i(ackle, marine lunch baskets, English raincoats, everyihing Im canvas, kit bags silk tents Apray hoods, motor oat 1 Frank W. Cooke, 269 Outatio 'Phone $91 or 23 © , supplies, TO LET nEHDROOM, Hug- ose LARC with boa Street DOUBLE Apply to 3% Wa ton TARLE ROOMS, (ONYENL y ' A 144 Bay = LH: ences cor - L ARSE RYH Bn IND STOREY y Ww tow Apt SiN. Roo wk » FRAME HOSE, Aj STORAGE FON FURNITURE, CLRAN, dry, airy rooms, absolutely moth roof; fur oa Jock and key rost's City orage, Queen Bt, 'Phone §26b. ONE LARGE HLK HEDROOM FURNISHED ROOMS, CONVENIENT gint d Ques 1 BOARD AND ROOMS, BRIGHT, AIRY ROOMS, WITH without board; can be had at University Avenue; convenient cars, gas, and all modern veniences oR in to cone MEDICAL, HA, MD, GLORY | THEIR Ml . SPARKS, PHYSICIAN and A 100 Wh ton St MUSIO. MADAME A DON (OCHRANE, rorn, of igements et, corner avogp! Brock OCEAN NTEAMBHIP AGENCY. CLASS. 3] ne TRANSAT ANTIC LINES, ALL Cirkpuirick. © Ago Kit Clarence Stre KNton Pt PERSONALS, "HAIR, MOLES, BIRTHMARNS, el t ermanently "x | wir! ed GREY 1 5) MILTON'S he and $1 00 Ottawa, © ARCHITECTS, HENRY PP. SMITH, ARCHITECT, King re i « 24 ARTHER ELLIS, 1 ersity An ARCHITECT, 101 , sON, {ww vk WELANDS & ARC. Offices t i ne 60 POWER $8 SON, ARCHITECTS, MER. ! h 1 ' Brock DENTAL. DENTINTSR, | sPARKS AND SPARKS, Kingston, 230 1-2 Princess Btreet, 'Phone 346 LDS, DDS Street DENT. SIMPSON, lephone IE 25% Prin | | i 8 WH. | i i | i i int, DR. ©. ©. NASH, DENTIST; DR. OC. &, Welcker. sssistant, 153 Princess St. 'Phone 7 LDS, DENT. Express (Hlice, Street 'Phone |S, A. AYKROYD, DDS, | ist, over Dominion 187 Wellington { 510 } KNAPP, B LBS, Dk, ®t i Mo i Surreal, ness . P y A and flee A, LEGAL. BARRINT- CUNNINGHAM & MLD, i ars and § tors Law Offfes, 11 Our warehouses are all stocked with the best grade of fresh- mined COAL. Supply You TS