The rush and roar of deadly modern life is everywhere. Your nerves are weak and worn, they are o to vertaxed, strained the breaking point. Strengthen them, bui, ild them, vitalize them with a Food-": Tonic, Scott's Emulsion is one of the oldest, purest and best-known of FOOD - TONICS. ALL DRUGGISTS Buss sissvnssvesesvellO { THECLUB HOTEL. WELLINGTON STREET, (Near Princess), Theres are other otels, none approach ths Club homelike surroundin, Located In centre of city close to principal stores theatre. Charges are moderate, Special rates by the week, P, HM. THOMPSON, Proprieter, but for ST vrvan aan heen a = : Highest Grades GASOLINE, COAL OIL, LUBRICATING OIL. FLOOR OIL. GREASE, ETO, PROMPT DELIVERY. W.F KELLY. pores Ruta heed tot NEN a TALK TO THE COOK WHO HAS TRIED IT She has had experience, And will tell The advantages Gas For Cooking There is no denying That for Cheapness, Cleaness Convenience, Gas for A card 'addressed to the Works, Queen Street, the Necessary Light, Heat and Power Dept. oO ( » FOLGER, Gen, Mgr vai in her own way many derived by the and cooking can't be beat Office of the or "Phooe 197, will bring information Beesressrrssssrseessl tA Shoe True To Nature nam TU, OUR CRYSTAL BRAND Of Standard Granulated Sugar Has been tried and found excellent for preserviug and table use, Price Is always right. ANDHEW MACLEAN, Ontario Street. e Told You So! Labatt's John Labatt LIMITED ONY " McParland, Kingston. Agent, James King Street E., 339-341 PERFECTION COCOA Cowan's seems to hit the right spot. It is a great food for husky young ath- letes : satisfies the appetite : easy to digest: and delicious { Art and science, when true to Dature, are judged correct, "Invictus" Footwear is trae to natural con die h the shape of! the food, and to the use to which 0 the Shoes are put, § "Invictus" : Shoe fit because they are built on scientific, natural shaped lasts, the material and work: manship are adapted to meet all the demands of wear. In GUN METAL, PATENT CoOL, BOX CALF TAN, and | WINTER CALF. BUTTON, LACE, or BLUCHER. | | i ~ OPEN SORE BAFFLES DOCTORS. Morriscy's No. 4 Eczema Cintment Healed Like Magic. Nauwigewauk, N.B., Oct. 3, 1910 "I can gladly recommend dear Dr. Mor- riscy's Eczema Ointment because it cured 'tne of a sore which I bad on my ear for over 8 years. | did everything to bave it cured, and had the most skillful doctors treating it, but it would not heal wp. 1 went under treatment with Father M w- riscy's Ointment, and in a short while it was cured... That was 3 years ago, and | am sure the cure is When 1 think how quickly No. 4 Eczema Ointment cured me it seems wonderful indeed, because you know | doctored with several skilied physicians who could not help me. You surely must have a big demand for this wonderful Salve. My only regret is that I did mot use it at first, as it would have saved me over § years of pain, to say nothing of an wis ghtly ear and expensive doctor bills." Joha Ryan. Theabove prescription is not & "Cure. All" or so-called patent medicine. Dr, Mor- riscy prescribed it for 44 years, and it cured thousands after other doctors failed. Price, 80c. per box at your dealers, or Fathee Morriscy Medicine Co, Rimhad, Mutreal. 3 - JHE DAILY BRITISH WHIG FRIDAY. OCTOBER 13, mp ---- FEEDING Joy nek HOW BRITAIN'S NAVAL FORCES ! | ARE PROVISIONED. Thousands of Tons of Food Sup- plies Passing Through It Every Day of the Year--Rice, Sugar, Etc., Are They Are Let Down Into Canisters. There is anything like food is stored Royal Naval Deptiosd, through practically all tae the seamen in { day thousands plies enter ti tons leave it Take the sugar store, for example. Lout eight million pounds of sugar sed in and out of the yard ar, end, as a rule, nu pounds are held in sugar stored in a huge every day for a certain hours comes pouring down shoot" In a great yellow cascade into & gigantic recenser nolding 260 pounds By the receiver are rauged a battalion vi sugar-cans, can holding 260 pounds. Directly the receiver is full, A empties itse the filled can is then passed on to be | senied up, and another "empty" is placed underneath the receiver. When the whole filled, they are d up for tranship months' time, weeks, the contents of be sweetening Jack's tea, pudding in some part of the world. The rice stor but a few steps from the sugar lcit. The rice is hand- led in much the same way as the sugar. It comes down from the loft where it is stored through a shoot, from which it flows into bags <on- taining 300 pounds each, or more. It flows down the shoot every day, but sometimes it flows in greater vol- ume than at others. For example when the Home F came recently to Portland to be provision- ed, the rice came down the erfect avalanche, and thousands of ags were filled which, with thousands of wns of oth- er foodstuffs, were despatched to fill no place in the world where so large a quantity of and handle Victualling Yard, st | which passed food t is supp! yal navy. Every of tons of lood sup- w yard, and thousands of The and stock. loft, is it CHC atched to be made and perhaps { the mn in a lew a few nt, cocoa, or ships of the fleet. From the rice store you pass into a gloomy-looking storehouse, the im- mense floor of wh battalions of bar known to Jack 1 lar name of "Fa is not a daily de these barrels of © for this article eign naval supply s of pickled beef, by the more famil. Adams." There ry or despateh of , but the demands vod from our for. yards, or from some ship sent suddenly home to take in provisions, 1s constant, very urgent, A request, for example, may come in suddenly from one of the five for- eign yards at Hong Kong, Malta, Syd- ney, Cape of Good Hope, or Gibraltar, for a couple of thousands of barrels of beef, and the beet must be on its way out, d need be, within, twenty-four hours from the receipt of gh order, Indeed, whatever nas be the char aulnorilies re Iw ays iT an. Vietualling able to meet it thousand pounds of = dred thousand pounds of beans, of choe late nibs, t of Various jams, or sand tin :n thousand pounds Just a few thou- of unsweetgned milk. What ever tae demand may be for, the or- der cnuses no flutter of excit the Victualling Yard. It passed the warehouse where the particular commodity required is stor. ed, and the stuff, whatever it may be, made up for transhipment and de- apatched probat ¥ within a few hours Ihe real emergency Victuailing Yard has to be is a sudden outbreak of war Great Power, The demand on the yard's in normal times would be nothing compared to what it in such an event. Probably much food would have to be out of the yard in a week mally despatched from it in months. All the foodstuffs the yard are of the t and are thorougfily tested by analysts. © The quantity of Jected is enormous The which the "rejects" that every day large deliveri stuffs are sent back to the ec as not being up to the sampl the standard required by the anthori- fies. Ten per cent. of a delivery examined, in most cases, and if three per cent. of the quant ity tested, whatever it may be, is not up | to sample, the whole aelivery is sent back to the contractors. For example, | presuming that, out of a delivery 4,000 barrels of meat, 400 were amin- ed, and out of the 400 12 barrels con- tained bad pieces, as a result, the wholé delivery would be condemued and sent back to the eontractors During the past four years many changes have been made in the vie tualling of the navy. Jack Tar's two chief complaints used to be that his food was always the same, and that it was vilely cooked. He has now no cause for complaint on either of these points, A vastly more varied list of articles of food is How supplied to the ships of the navy, and Jack Tar's meals are different every day, and, in addition to this improvement, the meals are prepared by a skilled cook, who is trained at, the Victualling Yard, at is simply to Britain and some other great resources then several passing through quality, expert food re- book in high f food trac 3 cooking has been established. It would, of course, be impossible to go into all the details of the rk on ut the chief Victualling Yurd of the royal navy. There are over 900 men wnployed in the yard, which extends over thir- ty-five acres, and a light railway, eight miles long, runs through the yord for the carrying of stores from one ase to another, and for picking up goods for shipment irom nto one of the cans; | Plymouth, where a first-rate school of | The Victualling Yard at Deptfard Has | Bee 4 Handled In Big Bins From Which | i and tri { wherey { lay. | about a mil- | i battalion of cans is | i bi Ho | ity" cans will ; tastes of him it ws { memorate | This | of | his chi sel is use shoot in a | inn a couple of days, | the store-rooms on board the different | { h is oc cupied by | a single one. | thelr and sometilnes | loss | uid, or milk, | which can be opened and closed at | wi A opportune time to milk the cuttles a | | the tons | | channel inte a basin or meta! recept- ement at | | there the water is drained off { then frightened, | another, for which the'| prepared between | | sembled to give little or | would be | as |! passed | as is nor- | | and I | rate. | fourpenny and sixpenny fees because { I saw good business in it. | sented are entered shows | ors | or to te | patients a day of foodstuff | i of | | | i | payment »«d as at the ! t number of | Sure TLD MORTALITY." RTA h | St atue to Scott's Character Has Been Erected 2t Garpel Glen Th not still imifr es, James Pat a stonemason, of his life he without fea or ater part exercise craft passon for the m to give up home wander for 40 , in the ; from churchyard A churchyard 1 erect stone th venant His | Covenan So 3 perforn of #& grav tao b on his mallet these th his chisel and white pony graz- in the , wight miles » was sudden. th Kind to & : to WARS 1 Dumfri s, when taken ill and w in a und on state 1 pilgrim he ' passed ly roadside { hands | tr en fly and died in of "Old Mortal with the simple signed to com- near Gearpel vy from the village 1s Town of Vairy 18 It was one 1 places of the ute N ly" of Galloway its bim in his hen at rest, but in his hand and Hs old pony, f his wanderings, 'a mute witness oil of the aged Scot 11801. The memorial i= nk das Glen, known as ane the persed he | favorit. his mallet is broken the stands bes of the pat | tish pilgrim.' ens Cuttlefish Farms, points on the there ure located cuttlefish farms, where the little creatures ure kept in tanks o is to be "milked" of their ink. The pond or hs is con- | nected with the sea by a pipe, and a thousand or 'more cuttles are kept in They present a curious sight as they move about, trailing their long arms and staring out of bulging eyes They are guarded by screens with a view of preventing fright, for, states a writer in The beientific American, if they are suddenly scared, they will emit their "milk" in the water, a dead to the cuttlefish farmer. The is very valuable, and each cattle will yield about $3.50 | worth a year. It is secreted in a bag At dritish Coasts several the cuttle ejecting the fluid to darken the water so that it may es ca ube unseen when attacked. he best cuttlefish are obtained in oraz. where, for some reason or oth- , they produce the best quality of When the farmer considers it we proceeds by opening the sluices of ponds and gently agitating the water. The cuttles then swim around the pond, and as soon as one passes through the sluice is closed. The cuttle passes down a small acle, and as soon as it is securely It is and at once squirts the fluid from the bag. When it is ex- haused it is lifted out, the milk is col- lected, and, the basin is prepared for The Threepenny Doctor Beven thousand people recently as- Dr Jelly, the three. penny doctor of Homerton, a rousing send off'" on the occasion of his mar riage. For Dr Jelly is one of the mos: pular men in that part of London seventeen years he has worked ng them. To quote his own words, "They have given me of their best, have charged them for advice and medicine at the lowest possible I did not fix on threepenny and I did so because I felt that these sums repre- what one guinea and five uinea fees would mean to others; and have been surprisingly rewarded, for my income runs into about $5,000 a year. I see as many as 100 and 150 On one or two occas sions, when children's troubles have | been rather prevalent in the district, I have treated as many as 300 in one day, and my hardest working days have been the happiest." Publican's Pride. The 8t. Leger (pronounced Sellerger) at Doncaster, is the great race of the ir to gTportng Yorkshiremen. Sir atton Sy . the first. father of the present baronet, is said to have seen seventy-six Bt. Leger:, the last being in 1861, just fifty years ago. A stranger once in Doncaster during the races asked a landlord what there was worth seeing. "Hast seen Sir Tatton?" quer red Boniface. "Oh, yes," was the re. ply. "And hast seen Volti®" (Volti- geur, a popular Yorkshire horse, win- ner in 1850). "1 have," replied the guest. "Then," said the landlord, with a sigh, "there's naught else worth troubling about." The Difference. The seriousness of Mr. Gladstone prevented him from introducing ink social converse any of those lighter touches for which the flamboyant Dis. raeli was famous. The difference be- tween the two was, perhaps, never more finely indicated than by the lady who said: "After I had talked with Mr. Glad. stone for a while, 1 thought he was the greatest man I had ever met; but alter Lord Beaconsfield had been talking to me for ten minutes, I was sure was the most wonderful wo man he bad ever known" Some men wre hare, shrink, and others nev ness." {and finding Ro. vets body rake-off, hot the 3, 1911. ~RBSEN MINDED, ~ Men of Genius Whose Thoughts Were Wont to Wander Astray. Absorption in their work is often carried to such extremes as to make men of gemius strangely oblivious to wh sig on around ein Many ies are told Hustrative Er ney Ww OBOE d00, According to Sir David Brew. left a room to get without ster, when Newton anything he usually returned it. The physicist Rouelle was notorious- ly sbsentminded. One day while per- forming a laboratory experunent he said to his students "You see, gentlemen, this ecaldrou over the flames? Well, if I were to cease stirring 1t an explosion would at onee occur that would make us jump." As he spoke he involuntarily ceas- ed stirring, and his prediction was ful- filled. The explosion took place with a frightful noise, ry window in the laboratory was br and Rouelle's audience fled wildly outside. It is related a guted ecclegiastic, Bishop Mun , returning home ylacarded with 'he master of he calmly remained awaiting his own eve wen, the announce the house is out, in front of the door, return, Buxton, the mathematical prodigy, during a visit to London was taken wo seg Garrick in "King Ri chard ILI. Afterward, being asked how he Ijgad the play, he said he really did not know what it had been about, as he had been too busy counting she words spoken by the different actors and the number of times each went in and out. Amp:re in a moment of precceups tion pecrciled a prooiem on the back of a cab standing in the street and was vastly astonished when the start- ing of the cab caused his problem to disappear. Lombroso says that much the same thing happened to Giola, who, in the excitement of composition, wrote a chapter on the top of his burcau instead of on paper.--Ainslee's Magazine. Hall Caine' s Role. Hall Caine, with his long hair, his beard and his flowing cape, is faicly well known to everybody, if only from photographs. This fact encourages one to tell a story. It happened when one of Mr. Caine's plays was running at the Wild- horses-won t-drag-it's - name - from-us theatre. The author decided that the least he could do after the perform- ance was to go round and congratu- late the leading lady. Bo when the curtain fell he went round behind and tapped at the lady's dressing. room doof. The lady sent her maid to see who it was. The maid went. Now, the passage outside was rather dimly Mt, and when the maid opened the door and saw a strange-looking fig- ure standing outside she promptly ejaculated "Oh!" in a tone of extreme surprise, shut the door and returned to hier mistress in a state of some be- wilderment. asked the leading lady, "Well," "who is itp" "II scarcely know, mies,' ' gasped the maid, then, as a brilliant after thought, "unless iis the bearded lady !"--Tatler, e A Clerical On one occasion at Athy, where Canon Stavely, the English divine, was then stationed, he was visited by the archbishop, whom he induced to visit & new coffee house which just been opened in the interests of temperance. Naturally the distinguish. ed guest was served with a sample cup of coffee. He tasted it, while Canon Bagot and the manager waited in complacent expectancy of commenda- tion. They were disappointed. The cup was hardly set aside by the bishop, who ejaculated, with prolonged and unmistakable emphasis: 'A-bom-i-nable I' Pun. Then the manager suddenly remem- | gered. "Oh, your grace," ed, "a box of matche coffee tank this mori pot think it right to contents of it." "If your grace promised Canon Bagot, quickly, "I faithfully promise you & matchless cup of coffee." he explain- 8 waste all will come again," An Earl's Adventures. The Earl of Ranfurly, who recently | celebrated his fifty-fifth birthday, has had an adventurcus and life. Governor of N 1897 to 1904, he was one of the most popular men that colony ever had, and his term of office by the unanimous wis He holds considerable in Australia, where years at fryit-growing yachtsman, and in his ¢ h of the people he spent some He ia a keen ollegiate days used 10 keep a steam yacht, in which he always traveled from Cambridge to London by way of Wash, and the East Coast. had quite a fair share of narrow es- capes. On one occasion, whén he was playing polo, he was nearly killed by some marksmen practicing af a neigh- boring range; another horses. and had a third escape when | he had to jump from the windows of Government House, Wellington, when & fire occurred there, Neoded a Week's Notice. It is now fifty years since the Brit ish fice bank was established. In e¢ early days there were some hazy ideas as to the rules of she bank. "Shure," said an old woman at Irish branch. pounds. want it? "Indade Mrs. O'Brady," plied the postmaster, Out 1o-MOTTOW if you give me a wake's notice." The Lost Train, An Irishman one of the English railsads. after he began his duties a woman went up to him and said: "1 have just lost the train long shall I have to wait for the next?' "Be jabers, you had better go and find the one you lost, else the com | pany will be afier yes," returned Pas, | ~london Answers. an optimist is a young been turned down by Fwy reatiom bow happy | dowar't pave 0 know much had | fell into the i ung, and I did the | interposing | interesting | ew Zealand from was prolonged | R%- 3 "Oi want to bank five | Can I draw it out quick if 1! re- | "you can draw i" : go a job as a porter on Bhortly | How | ] need assistance. letter very carefully. E 29 BRoaDway, N "Bought some of oe 1 made inquiries in New Yor information about them, Yo perfect re EW YORK New York does me goot. | boxes of GIN PI ou A MAN, WHOSE SHILF ASSET iN BUSINESS HEALTH Dept system and purify {lie As one begins to get along in life, the vital Men and women of s« It points the way to a happy G. WOODFORD, EE Mining r GIN PILLS at Victeria ou my arrival there bu remedy, I find ef and I regret very made arrangements and 1 PILLS to friends of my age as bein LiSten my fron feel that the ill find an in perfect heaith and See from pain and PAGE NINE "THE ONE THING THAT DOES ME GOOD At bY Years Of Age, Gin Pills Give Me Perfect Relief" organs grow less active ind read the following 1y old age and long life, Engineer, . 50 Broap Strexr Hous, LONDON, B. C. list September. {was unable to olnata any age, to give me that you have pot N PILLS sale ia urgently recommend GIN £ the one thing that will be giad if vou will send me a few 1 a address and a few to by post if possible"', WOODPORD P. 8. Since receiving the above letter Mr. Woodford we have completed gun is for supplying GIN PILLS , bo a al 00 years of uch have on as 1 to n sifice in Ne EG are years of age. neys are troubling you. ve Pain In The Back or ng Do just as get GIN PILLS keep hand --take them whenever k Ineys need help. You occasional GIN PILL will keep always on .& box, 6 for $2.50. Write * and give GIN PILLS a trial Address National of Canada Limited, Foe Co. it 0 MANGA-TONE 8LOOD AND NE AVE TABLETS build up the Ext. <. & box. 110 natty appearance. REID & THE ROYAL MANISH SHOES There are many Young Women who are learn- ing the value of Royal Mannish Shoes. patterns are constructed to give the greatest com- fort, and at the same time present a stylish and We have them in all Leathers. Sold only by The last and CHARLES. ---------- who hs ny to GREELEY A MelNTIRE, YH aniinigiony » fides rad loase wr Futont Anon BIBBY'S CAB STAND. DAY OR NIGHT WEHSE A. « Fo. PRINCESS D 121 » some inventive ability | HCRAND TRUN | | One AY Y, | 150 of the following rates | SAN For Pickling Pure Vinegar, all kinds of whole and Ground Spices. D. COUPER, 76. 341-3 Princess Street. Prompt Delivery, tracts of land : Phone the Ouse, the | He has : Removal Notice! time he was l knocked down by a couple of runaway | Ww. (. Plumber, Bonnett, Tinsmith and has Removed his place of | business from 373 King St. to 191 { Princess Street, next door to the late 8. J. Hosgey's Hardware Store where he Will be pleased to {meet all his old eustomers and as many new ofies as require. first- iclass Tinsmifbing aud Plumbing done; also agent for the Souvenir ! Range. Phone 1033 hdddid bid dbbddoaandbbinin Don't Persecute your 'Bowels Cut out cathurtics and ] sven PLS Stats an nl | Sattmdene Care Con | P-- | rf Pow TRAVELLING. RAILWAY SYSTEM Low Rates Pacific Coast Colonist Oat ober Necond Class Al t SPOKANE, WASH, VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Be SEATTLE, WAS; PORTLAND, ORE 3 0 | $41.05 proportion to all SAN FRA OS NGELES, DE i MEXICO C11 Nix. Pa- lars apply to HANLEY, aud Ontario Agent Streets KiINCsTONS LUT RAILWAY IN CONNECTION WITH Canadian Pacific Railway Hunters Excyrsion Trip Tickets SINGLE FARE, r y Noy 11th Round at at all Pelewawa 1 Port Arthur, kaming Norihern Raflwas and points in Quebs Now Wick, aud Nova Oct. 19th to No Sudbury to 8 8. Marie, Havelock Sharbot Lake, Lindaay Branch Severn to North Bay Temis- Stations Bruns- g 11th to stations 0 BO #11 lars at et Office, CONWAY, Ger d until K. and P and k F Pass. Agent, BAY or QuINTE RATLWAY. Train leaves Union Btation, Ontarie Street, 4 pm. dally (Sunday excepted) tor Twee Sydenham, Napanes, Deser- onto, Bannockburn and all poloats aortn To secure quick despateh to Bannockbu Maynooth, and lute on Cantial Ontario Route your shipments Bay of Quinte Mallway. oy fur ih te i or Bart uisrs Wil, as Jeary, ent: LAKE ONTARIO AND BAY oF AUINTE STEAMBOAT CO, LTD. Steamer Aletha KINGSTON, el PICTON, BELLEVILLE. Kingston dally ex. 2 pm, for Pieton ports, calling at apd feviiie on Tuesdays, and Saturdays only, ght handled réason E. HORSEY. General Manager, ip ANLEY, JAS SWIFT & CO, with despatch and ble rates Kingston. { i