TAGE TWO. f Cool Evenings Warm Comfort "a SECT These Easy Cha. rs are full of solid contort. «8 are cur Morris Chairs 36, 37.50. 10 oY i . Made with the ef- er row fectiveshadow stripes The stole is a broad straight shawl effect with pointed ends finished with silk tassels, lined with Skinner's shirr- ed block satin. Length 85 inches, Price $32.00 Muff large pillow style. Price 60 John McKay THE FUR HOUSE, Kingston Ontario. i { OBTERMUOR = MATTRESSES. -- None better on ea.lh. Sales greater than ever. _ ur tionda Felt and Health Matf:resses at the price are uncqualled, ¥2.50 10 310 RUGS. -- Al si% and designs. CARPETS ~~L4 r8t patterns color effects LINOLEUM Designs. CURTAINS. - Silk, etc. _ Repair aod Upholstered promptly and well done 'Phone 94 T. F. HARRISON CO * WE SELL Scranton Coal Co's Coal Selected from the Celebrated Richmond No. 4 and Ontario No. 1 Mines, the best Anthracite Coal mined in Pennsylvania. i i and in Block and Floral | i i five, Nett, Madras, work Yours, MARINE TIDINGS. | Grain Carriers Are on Way to This, Port, The schooner Abbie cleared for Fairhaven. The steamer Ilnena Vista cleared Friday morning Yor Smith's Falls. The schooner Katie Eccles cleared for Deseronto to load lumber for Us- wego. the L. Andrews | | on i Rolph cleared' Oswego to steamer John with the barge Recruit for load coal, for 'l'oronto. | The steamer Sowards arrived from Charlotte with coal for the Montreal: Transportation company. I'he schooner Ford River from Richardson's wharf, for lott, with a carge of feldspar. | At Swilt's wharf Steamer Belle-! ville due up to-day; steamer Aletha, dow hav ports, to-day; steamer | Pellntt I last night on her way | fup; steamer Hritannic was up from! { Montreal to-ds Ww At BM. 1. Cos elevator I'he tug | Hall arrived light, from Montreal, cleared for Montreal, with three grain harges Carleton, grain-laden, frrom Fort William, lightered, 14,000 bushels of wheat, and cleared for Montreal, the tug Thomson arrived trom Montreal, with four light bar- | Bh the tug Emerson passed up with | ail barges Noe, 86 and 6, ov the | to "ort Dalhousie, and will re- to-morrow with the barges Mel- and Ungava, baie rie. Place your next order with THE JAS. SOWARDS CCAL CO. 'Phone 158, North Knd Outario Street. COLD NIGHT --~SPECIALS- Hot Bovril, Hot Chocolate, Oysters and Lunches Pork and Beans, Geo. Masoud's ICE CREAM PARLOR. and PHANUE SN STIR BIGMGIOINNHON Fay | Stag A A ah EXTRAORDINARY : 0D ' : $ cleaved | Char- n | fron sleamer | | IW ay {turn rose from loaded" with conl, ATTE Xb TO WORK. Magistrate Will Stir Cases. MUST Up Sanitary | For several months now sanitary | cascs have been up in the police] court and. adjourned and adjourned | in order~to give the owners of pro- perty time to do the work. The board of health two years ago passed a law | that houses within a certain area must have modern improvements and | there are still quite a number who' have failed to comply with this law. I'he magistrate is of the opinion that! it is high 'time to draw the line and in the police court on Friday morn- ing, when some cases were again call ed, he said that he would make aj further adjournment in the cases un-/ til Monday, when the owners of the property would be called upon to explain as to why the work had not been carried on, } CHEAP PURCHASE OF MOHAIR MATS DOOR SIZE IN ALL COLOES : $1.25Quality for 75c. R. McFAUL, WAREHOUSE. : Hoist the Flags. | the flag will be hoisted | Portsmouth. The | makes un sugges | too, that all CARPET To-morrow on the town hall at philosopher tion, and a good one, the fags in the eity honor of the arrival of Connaught at /(Mtawa. 4 Peccssesssssssrssereae@ village S000000000000000000000 be hoisted in the Duke of Chimes for St. Andrew's. The bells for the chimes, at St. An drew's church, have arrived in Mont real, and will arrive in the city on Monday, to be installed. FOLKS PAST FIFTY MUST USE CASCARETS What Glasses are to Weak Eyes, Case carets Are to Weak Bowels---A 10 Cent Box Will Truly Amaze You. good business stand th comfortable dwelling, all condition, modern im- provements. Large storehouse and barn, all for the sum of $4,500, $50 Cash and small monthly payments will buy a neat "frame dwelling with seven 8 good jot. Price, $050, Most old people must give to the bowels some regular help, else they suffer from constipation. "The dondi- tion is perfectly natural. It is just as natural as it is for old people to walk slowly. acwye as vouth. less elastic. And the bowels are mms- ¢ os So all old people need Cascarets. One might us well refuse to aid weak eves with ylasses as to negleck this gentle aid to weak bowels, The bow- els must be kept active. This is im- portant at all ages, but never so much as at fifty. Age imnot a time for harsh physics. Youth may oeceasionally whip the bowels into activity, But a lash can't ibe used every day. What the howels @ of the old need is a genthe and na . tural tonic. One that can be con stantly used without harm. 'The only 00 Cash and $15 per month secure you a double frame g. with W.C, £1,250, on street, senting for X12 The rental of one will poy interest on both. $90000000000010000400000000000000000000s0000000000e 81 Brock Street. | {Jones (McGill), 6-2, 6-2 {all (RM.C), strong (Toronto), 6-2, 6-1 [played off. | irom Steer and O'Kiel (Queen's!, tas follows : IMC, from Wiegand and O'Hara (Toronto). | one-man change in the scrimmage and lis believed that { the most strerinous struggle that the | Morison; i president, { WHIG, PRIDAY, OCTOHER 13, "CORNER LOAFERS" BEWARE. { Young Man Was Fined $5 and Costs TENNIS TOURNAMENT i Fine IN WHICH FOUR JR COLLEGES ARE! Magistrate Farrel is out with a big COMPETING. ; jatick after "'corper loafers," and they | iad better beware. In the police court, ' jo Friday morning, a young man was Varsity, McGill, Queen's and RM.C.| 0; of standing «:.on a Princess the Military College | treet corner. He pleadad guilty, and Finish Friday | the magistrate imposed a fine of $5 ju costs, i 2 "1 hope that the police will have | |The Itemiginte tei arnt: | more ohm srl Towers, bon { Royal Military College grounds, is' before me,' *f remarked the magistrate. {eremting great interest. The games) [in disposing of the case. If we can {commenced Thursday afternoon and clear the street, we will then be able Alt Ik along Princess street without i *clock. © wa . | were kept up till nearly six o'cloe oh [being annoyed by people standing j autor of people were over from {around the corners and blocking the | In the singles {Wrong (Toronto), won trate, : . 2 {from Lajoie (McGill), 6-2, 2-6, 6-2. The police receive many complaints | Green (RM.Cp won from McKay about young men and boys loafing | (Queen's). 9-7, 7-5. around the corners, and it keeps them | Mills/AMcGill) won busy telling the offenders to "move | (Toronto), 6-3, 7-5. on." Just as soon as au policemin { Carruthers (RM.C.) won from Steel gives an order to a yoaur fellow to | (Queen's), 62, 1-6, 7-5. move along, and eoutinues on his Rhodes (R.M.C.} won from beat, in nearly every case the young (Guesn's}, 6-2, 6-2. fellow will again stand on sider Armstrong (Toronto) walk. In future all the offenders who refuse to move on when told to do so, will be sumenoned to the police court Afternoon. from Wiegand as 7 Tuttle | ie won from Ramsay (McGill) won from Maedow- 6-2, 6-4. McLaughlin (Queen's) Itrown (Toronto) 6-2, 6-1. In the play-off in the sirgles Green (RM.C.) won from Wrong (Toronto). Mills (McGill) won from Carruthers 1RM.C.), 6-0, 6-3, Rhodes (R.M.C.) Francis Wilson Coming. For all theatre-goers, Francis Wilson's own "The Bachelor's Baby, is chock full SA cheerfulness, Francie Wison wrote "ihe Bachelor's Baby" for himsell and has drawn the character of the bache lor, ag a man wha is crusty, testy, rochety fellow forties, whose 'hief abhorrence is childgen. Mr. Wil son has presented "lhe Bachelor's Baby" for three seasons, wilh the New York caste and production. hale Frohman will present the popular co nedian, at the Grand Fhursday, Jetober 19th. won from old and young, comedy farce, , won from Arm Ramsay (MeGill} won from Me- in the Laughlin (Uneen's), 6-2, 5-6, Ouly two games in the doubles were Wiegand and (VHara (Toronto) won 10-8, 6-4 on Rhodes and Macdowall (R.M.C from Mills and Jones (McGill, 7- D. The results on } won 75 Ladies' Musical Club. Musical Club held hall on was a very good Wright, Miss 1. William ; Mis Phyllis wok part, he Ladies a re in Convoeation lay evening. Thee ittendance. Miss Fileen Hazel Massie, Mrs, A. won, Miss OC. Cochrane, and Miss Bajus te Friday morning were . Thurs In the singles Green (R.M.C.) play- ed off with Mills (MeGill), Green won 6-1, 6.4. Rhodes (R.M.C (MeGilly 6-1, 8-86, Rhodes and Green, both of the R play off for. the championship of the singles. In the doubles Rhodes and Macdow all (R M.C.) won from Mills and Jones (MeGilly, McKay and McLaughlin: (Queen's) won from Armatrong and Wrong (To- ronto), 6-4, 6-2 Jackson and "Dempster (McGill) won from Carruthers and Green (R.M.C.) Rhodes" and Macdowall (R.M.C.) won from McKay and McLaughlin (Queen's) Jackson and Dempster (McGill) won R. .) won from Ramsay snigrhit New Der bios, | 2, $2.50, $3, 84. No matter what price wre certain of newest values at Campbell Bros. in men's hats. vou pay vou | styles and best the leaders In Honor of the Duke. The Union Jack ou the Whig build- ing floated on. Friday in honor of the arrival in Quebec of His Royal High ness, the Duke of Connaught, Can ada's new governor-general ! All wool heather sox, 25¢. Dutton's, 209 Prin Ye Scots xtra heavy, ess street. Lieut -Col, Stewart, who was in the aty ters, returned home, Friday. 'Shaving soap," 'Shaving shaving brushes, at Gibson's. A Canadian Club will be organized n Chicago at an early date. New canned goods in now bert's, Herbert + Viditor Rhodes and Macdowall (R.M.C.) play off with Jackson and Dempster (Me Gill). of Belleville, ers ramps sen on military mat THE HALLS OF QUEEN'S cream," Conmiment on Rugby and the Science Rush. The footoall fourteen are in lime form for Saturday's battle with Ot- tawa College. The lads took a splen did gripd, 1hursday afternoon, and conseyuently, to-day, will be a day of rest with the Presbyterians. There will be three changes on the Lune-up; | perhaps the most momenigus move is the transfer of Leckie his old stand at iull-back; there will be a Gil , of Montreal, is Kirkpatrick to the city. The Hat Stove. KNOX HATS. te (000) se eles sel ia double shift on the inside wings. It the proposed aitera- tions will add infinitely to the | strength of the local squad. Although to-morrow's game is already general ly conceded as a (Queen's victory, still the students have taken every pre- caution and are prepared for! a keenly contested argument. it is doubtful u Leckio will give the signals on Satur- day. Ihe Queen's captain is now 'in line form and he will, in all probabil ity, tear offi some sensational runs, ) | -- ? | Ncience '15 are surely i came 'home in no hearse. However, it was the cemetery automobile that returned the remnant of scientitic youth to university property, Friday morning, after the annual clash be tween sophomore and freshman. Prepared to meet their fates the Juyeniles took up their position on the college campus at an early hour and with a extended heroism awaited the oncoming forces. Outnumbered by the ratio of two to one they fought both nobly and wel, and it was only atier alive. They { < | - Careful dressers in y this vicinity will be glad to hear.that we ® bave securcd the agen- ® cy for Knox Hats. In! ) the leading cents of « fashion of this conti- pent these Hats for 71 years have stood for the highest possibile at- tainmert in style and quality This addi- § tionul aginey makes our varity thoroughly 4 complete, sire esse wes Besos le to administer the ine strife in de- Wed sophs were able cont of many colors. tail was but a re-enactment of nesday's performance. and Miss Pearl the heart- Miss Alma Price hicten are deserving of 1st congratulation in having heen appointed to the fellowships in the department of Lerman at the univer sity Ww ¥ ) in year 13 arts resulted Honorary president, Prof. president A. Whytock: vice Miss Bessie Weese; seere- H. McCuaig; treasurer, H. Whytock: assistant secretary, Mr. Chown; orator, Mr. Adams; historian, Miss Robinson: prophet, A. C. Camer- on; poetess, Nellie Merry; marshal, H. Hagyvard; critic, M. A. Bennett. Flections as follows tary, S. Here they are: Knox $5 Hats Von Gal $4 Hats "Hawes $3 Hats Piccadilly $2.50 Hats ¢ Tress $2.50 Hats Waverly $2 Hats Waldorf $1.50 Hats The following are the up-to-date re sults in the tennis tournament : Ladies' singles--Miss Foroster defeat- ed Miss Brownlee, 6-8, 6-4; Miss Dyde defeated Miss Govaa, 6-2, 6-3; Miss Nash defeated Miss Somerville, 6-3, 6-2; Miss Henderson defeated Miss Ford, 6-0, 6-0. Gents' singles--Boak "defeated Mox- ley, 62, 6--2; Cameron defeated Gow, 6-2, 6-0; McCausland defeated Jem- met, 4-6, 6-4, 10-8, Otto defeated Urie, 10-8, 6-1, Gents' doubles--Harty and M¢Caus- land defeated Halliday and Otto, 8-6, 0-6, 6-8; : | { ® (= i 2 McDonald and Urie ! defeated Cameron and Smythe, 6-2, 6-2. "©! See Them in Our Windows : George Mills 400, Hat Specialists. 88 The fellowships in the various de partments have been awarded as fol- Jows : Latin, H. 8. Smith; French, Frederich Whitton: Joliticai science, F. Burnett; history, J. C. McFarland; Greek, Mr. Owens. One More Fruit Sale For Saturday we offer ity baskets : i | such tonic is Cascarels and they wost only Ife. per box at any drug store. They wath while You sup. ' ~ Phoue 326 or 621 seeecedesscnsee Carnoveky' 100~ baskets pears, and 500 Fraps. from 10s, to 35c., at Seevavens ® -- {received at MeAuley's. Br ores. {ing up the canal | i Monday | Ri leau Stores. roots, cheap, | cogs street, Jiwith & iton's, { her | New t.. Fr sh Gibson's. { took place on Wolfe morning, { ident on the island | very | subject | the | Woman | Corner | influence Hlortunate | home in safety { Caledonia Socety, | here have een piven Crawford. . theft. @ {there are, at the present Fume, { feity' now in the institution 1011. QUEEN'S QUEEN'S anteed by the largest Fountain Pen manufacturers. ded by the University professors. Room Decorations Exclusive lines of Queen's Post Cards. H ngers and Pillows. 260 PRINCESS STREET. OPEN NIGHTS. - INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. lid hh nh Tt ee id CLL 4L06404000080008 Paragraphs Jicked Up By Our Reporters. Newsy £2 = © = | Pn S 3 r candy." Gib i "Strong horehound son's. Potatoes, (Crawford. William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders "Phone 778. Chown has returned from | | finest ality, in bags. Ja Fall Planting m----~ Imported Direct from Holland. Best Bulbs at Best Prices Hyacinth, Tulips, Nareissns, Daffodils Treezia Now is the time to plant the garden for Spring Blossoming or Indoors for Christmas at session of the Toron 0. 'Y. tending a two Manufacturers' days' Association in H. Cunningham, piano King street. Leave orders \ulev's bookstore, j McLeod's Witch Hazel Cream Shapped hands, aller shaving, the bottle, at McLeod's 21 Me- tuner, at for ete, Drug ('rocus, baok-keeper for the & Lo. leaves on days' duck Herbert lhek, firm of James Swift Natyrday for a few shoot King for Westport and Thursday, at 6 Ferry every Thursday Co., agents. Bargains in all kinds of woollen goods for men and women and dren, at Dutton's, 208 Princess street The steamer Riverside, of Holmes Bros' fleet, wil make tri-weekly trips from Alexandria - Bay to Ogdenshurg for the balance of the fall Hot water bottles, new goods ne guaranteed, at Mcleod' every a.m., for Rideau Dr. A. P. Chown Iraggist and Optician, 183 PRINCESS STREET. "Phone 343. | | Jas Swift & chil CLA 44440000000004 cescctetentitessarstss I TTI IIIT Ieee ese] SIITIISVIISISIIIVIIIN Every Drug s Sees esses ss rset sen nee i : Realy t0-Wear This De there was meeting of the called fon postponed the Ilact no regular school board, had to be UOwang to quorum, the Portsmouth Fhursday night, English 28 Pria extra at strong Dutton's, Children's artment is crowded ¢ with the newest of the new lights | | I'he poles for Tungsten be- | ; to be placed in the city park, mg erected. In a few days the will be placed on them "Bahy cough Several of the Thursday, and those them had to do without in their water and their new are lig A A MAN Pa PA A ol OOO) syrup." Gibson's, local hotels had who Children's Bear Cloth Coata, made in pretty shades of Navy Scarlet and Greyf Sizes t fit ages 8 to 12 years Price, $5 and w ice on tronized wee piece whiskey. Sweet apple cider, 30c, ford. Lewis Gaston Leary November Seribner of From gerusalom to Jericho fioes and the People that on the Way. Having bought the Co.'s retail mune we teachers end music required sireet syrup."' Gibson's. Parrie street, Madeline, and left, Tuesday, her gal. J. Craw tells in the 'Going Down How One Meats 'oats | HAN A&n) od Ladie variet son Cue grand previous sea sig $1.50 ani up Worm pre the Put stock of Nobby are to' supply with any 200 laby cough Mrs. E. Rovbs, daughter, Miss Master Henry, York to visit H. Ma horehound pared public I'rincess and * 1 he Save t! have a a beautiful Ladies and Price $0 and w 0 worry of waiting t« son, Suit , ] qister, rs NJ candy." Jenson, nasquan, sirong lohn Pe on Frida Catholic Oldest funers the late Island, the Roman about the Lhe I'he funeral of to rr was re church. He Underwear f¢ f family this Good. warm every member Let us fill Season's needs attended, largely "The Port of London of Ralph D scrpner ver' r order for article Ki Paine's November Some are association Power," Hd Stairs, rich .in their literary and "The Water 4: 'Bulingspgnie oar Rateh names historie of London ket, 'Wapping Road." Vie brand +7 the be Blank« We kéep Flanuelel White of ir i ai w u SAD CASE REVEALED Drunk With Babe in | Her Arms, roings Very street At Veurs, People nessed a very t sacl sight well up in ground un her i { { i fn woman, « tho yen found lving on the fer of hguor, clinging to her, a couple baby, citizen pass A of we th baby old, ing secured were kind enough to see woman and The mother | King street west, and there is {in the family. It appears that | were sent "out to Canada from thé | country a eouple of years ago, by the and since coming by men, the reached lives oy ely ht they okd Bese sss stds s esses ss rons The Always Busy Store. . . . . . . . . . . . * . " . . . W . . . " . . . * . . . ' . . . . - » V (e " * 4 . . . » . » . . . . . . ° . - . . . » . » . . . . . * . -. . . » . . . . . . . fossssssssmagrasespes Wools Enomoto, The Great Tones and invigorates Lhe wi: 4 Bs ous systens, maked new ood 1a old Veins Cures Ners | ud a pouty, aod and Brain Worry, xs | Emisrions, assitance St. Andrew's Society. Sweet Cider. apple cider, Finest new te. gal Fire From Kingston. J. C. MeCUonachie, Children's Aid Society, home from Toronto, where he ithe Kingston lad found guilty Mr. MeConachie reports agent of the a Viadeorh has returned placed of that four this Broke & Car Step. No. 7. had the misfor afternoon the collision with a rig on The car was runming | clip, near Clarence street, | when u fig used by BD. Campbell in i repairing the sidewalks, got in the | way of the car, the result that | the front step was carried be | ing broken entirely ! Street ear tune, Frida, front step in a Ontario street at un lively to lose boys and one girl hailing from with CASTORIA For Infants and Ch \dre.. The Kind You Have Always bough: Beats the away, Potatoes. white putatoes, i Finest large, y hage. | Crawford. i re Sr At ANNAN. tt Nat Nga AN Latest editions of authorised University Text Books. Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pens The pen with a standard uniform price all over the world and guar- Loose Leaf Note Books Universal and Banner loose leaf note books, the kinds recomen- The College Book Store i QUEEN'S Posters, Pennants, 'Phone 919. Br tansieiaianiiiiiaie AN EXCELLENT EXAMPLE DBIANOND a eivenla OF any RING line i is cluster of weven stones, set wn platinum, aud certainly one of values our best $55 al SMITH BROS., Jewellers, Opticians 850 KING*STREKT, lssmers of Marriage ALicomaes Pr cscs scscsrnassssassassan Sevens TTVVVTLTALLLTVLLLLL VLC L SERS MADE OVER AND RE PAIRING W. F. GOURDIER Desirable Locations at Bargain Pri ices 475 rooms, 500 Princes bh & Streot Br ond i ¥ f fur are Rideau Street b. & Hght £2,000 treet Solid brick, walter fu ' y BR and hare old brick, furnace liar, § improv t 80 mon 0 Ques YON n cach ments, $3 Detached Nace, gs William 1.600 office mortgag: Houses Muli, The Rea Estate Expert, Cornet Johnson and Division Sts, 'Phone 53% b a proclaims the i shirt is carelessly dered the man un kept, atiractive, unimportant, less man laun un- are Success syuns him, A smartly laundered shirt. and Re man cnanges to a belug of dignity and importance ; Encress seeks him. This Laundry has a reputation for laundering shirts that is uneclipsed by other laundry in the world Kingston Laundry Cor. Princess & Sydenham Sts, ! 'Phone 22. Signature of . 1 "Sandaiwood teleum." Gibson's. ~~