THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13. 191t. A oy ty niné; number of non-residents in $000000000000000000000 INCREASE IN SALARY attendance, Shirty-eight. er 5 > In connection with the attendance of #ASY RESTS THE HEAD THAT ® eH pil: Prac of + 3 ; [ .ADIE S WEARS A ASKED FOR BY PUBLIC scHooL| fF Thoried that Rd Expos) KING H A T TEACHERS. ment provided by the board signed, "King" Stiffs are flexible and Ladies' Tan Button Boots, newest patterns, $3.50 and $4 Ladies' Gun Metal Button Boots, swell styles, $3.00, 3.50, 4.00, 4.50. and he asked for information regard- ing what actior he should take. He self-conforming just where the hat touches the head. Ladies' Patent Button Boats, snappy very pretty lasts, $3.00, 3.50, 4.00, 4.50. | Petivioned Board of Education, and] 0 © i ied to enforce the order Ask the man who wears one. Buttons are the Correct Shoe this Fall. Deputation Waited Upon Members| of the board that. the agreement be All the popular shapes, $2.90. ~--Plan for General Increase Was! signet, in each case. 0000000000000 00000000 0000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000 - : conded by Trustee Beunett, it was At the meeting of Aboard of edu-| decided to refer to the property com- catign on Thursd ni the teach-| mittee for a report, the question of ers nn the Folie schools presented 3 the wdvinability of heuting, Sydenham petition, asking lor an increase in sal-| street school, by a furmace, or fur- ary, and a deputation of teachers|naces. waited upon the board in support of] Chairman Renton asked Inspector the petition. Two of the teachers, Stuart if Victoria school would be Miss Emily Wilder and Miss Hop-| opened on Monday, but Mr. Stuart pins, addressed the board. The pe | stated that he could not say as yet, tition of the teachers asked that the as he had not been notified by the following plan be adopted { board of heulth When the school . "that all teachers, rion of the! could be opened, he would be notified ] Sal minimun salary at which they started, in dué time. Specia e "ibe paid on a basis being now ofier- hn ---------------------------------------------- od "to new teachers. The World's Most Famed, : "For second year, cit, experience,| The products of the world's most 3 PM. AND 8 PM. DAILY. Han 3hird Fer oy; fourth year, inmous hat makers are in our stock, 5; hk year, 3000. lineluding Scott's, Buckley's Christy's, Don't fail to attend our "That the maximum salary. be in- | Heath's, ete, and veo you tiuey creased to 7, and that 'the mem-j ou are certain of getting an up-to- EXTRAORDINARY SALE bers of the stafi, who have rea ached | doe hat store style, $1.50, $2.00, $2. the mavimum under the present sche =, $9 or $100 Campbell Bros., King- dule, receive the new maximum after| ons only exclusive hat and = fur ¢ Jan. lst. | ste The ' i 0 O ' Miss Wilder was first to address the | ne, i board and she pointed out how the Motor Boats Must Report. JAPANESE ART DEALERS. new plan, as mapped out by the | Clears Las of (hy po Car 4 teachers, would benefit all the mem- Vinvent. kins afficisily notified sae) 174 Wellington Street. bers of the teaching staff, and at the EE ail ch > . . ET ------ . } A ble i deputy in the district of a new ruling 1 i : : } i : 4 same a de mos ; reasonal ., An) ot the United States treasury depart flearn that through the efforts of 1 | Grease sdssdsssstrdsrrs view of the increased cost of WANE | ment, to the oficct that all motor She tsbion tae sport of the eity had the teachers asked that the maximum hoats and skifis when coming fom been elevated, and that the issocia FVRNI URE | had Y this much © » Presented for Adoption, Un motion of Trustee Maenee, se- 0000000000000 00000000000 salary be fixed at ¥750, and at the Canady must report at the customs tion vecomplished same time thut the board give recog-| offen and file « manifest whether they | HELD ON THURSDAY EVENING any rate. He advised the youn men EVPHOL TER nition of the valuable service render-l,. co Lo handise or not. It is ex WAS QUITE A SUCCESS not to think of sport altogether, or ed by the teachers. . pected that by the enforcement of this of money, but to divide these inter ests to such an extent that one will 3 Miss Hoppins referred to the fact act muh of the smngpling from Can- a= . that it was some time ago when al, Wil be reduced, as most of ii ix | The Baseball Cups Were Presented ihe hensficial to the other number of the teachers at present oni ied on hy the small crafts, -- Addresses Given hy Prominent] F. H. Williams, treasurer of the a . the staff graduated from the model | a r---------- Citizens--The Association Pros|sociation, responded. He explained the school. They had been compelled to A Big Variety. spering. nim of the association when at was : : formed, what it had done aaring the You ean buy one of e very latest og . : : » * - 0 of th ey The first annual dinner of the Sun- two vears of its existence J asked Y N time, otherwise they would have been WHEN YOU REQUIRE ANY dna, oth IF ach > o " Rd all [soft or stiff hats here for 21.50. Other day school ARAL athletic. associa bak he help of "all Sundae hoo! regarded as numbers, i o 5A : se Mi Wy this required extra work The teach [kinds up. to $5.00. George Mitly & By tion, held in Queen street Sunday fmenibers Nd . 4 | m hi Gas~Fi Plumbin c lers did all this in order that thay, hay specialists. school hall. vou on Thursd: oven Rev. W. 1} itzgerald then preser ns it ng, iting, g might be better able to serve he | ea: aad he aing of ll staff Jed the cups to the o ANA "es Pr hoard. Other ties had been | A Camera Club, of officers whieh governed this body | winning teams, at the same time g or Hot Water Heating Done cognizing the service rendered by A camera chib has been formed in during the past six months, for on ling the younger men a word o teachers and were willing to pay for | the city. The club will have a room aul day the executive stepped down | vice. He advised then sy read the experience. I'he report of the For printing and developing films, Lee and. out ol olice. and a Ineeti will 1 : OC 1 L OP . { a 8 0 tures w be given by promine | he 1 i \ A i minister of education showed that ill g NV prominent men bo called next weak to elect a new | with the methods of the foundatic of the average salary for women teachers | on photography from time to time. cabinet the empire and to remember when ® in the cities of Ontario for 1909, | ee pf avd > : k | i i they were boasting of their heritage, of ) s 3634 In Kingston the average! The affair, thanks to the ladies: who their proud YO1 hat their wa . r ' { . po their prow soxsessions, ye 10 0S. was $193 in 191] the average in] Order your corset now, perfeet fit, assisted, was a suecess. When the in torefathers were. hetind it Jl al wr, 2 v ' } O 3 races, Hie 'giene | ne : ax satisfied, attention was jp porn Nx a I $705: in King { from x3 , shoulder braces, Hide: hygiene (ner man wa \ Te } had made it possible for: them te an cities in Ontario was 4 bust d ler t it th 1 me i toast st £541 1f the present plan urged waists, brassiers, ms distenders, ete. | urnec 0 he [OL mime an Oar joy this betty nd freedor Telephone 35. 77 Princess Street. i on be hare the pre be io, Bey New York Dress Reform, 200 Princess [list, which was prepared with care M i oi y vode ok Cle " ¥ I Capi anage dorio wand ) average in Kingston would be 3660, | Street, {Some of the clearest-headed business} po Rn of tueen street baseball and this would be less than other oi-| Waddington, N.Y., has been desi sia {men of the city took the floor when |. 0, responded | after receiving the Repairing and Upholstering done All orders promptly attended to. ties. The speaker felt sure that if the | ted by the United Ste ts immigration | their turn came, and complimented or] (nh "wd assured those present that | neatly and promptly taxpayers of the city knew what bureau as a port of entry for aliens. | put in a word of advice when it was |, spite of the fact that they \ : Inspector Weaver, formerly of Lape f needed. The officers of the association, | won the basenall Arophy this season, BEES LLOLL 00000004 Soe 0009 ood other cities were doing for the teach-| Vv > pn AS i a acd > t the kotd ers that they would have no objec- | incent, has heen assigned to duty |who spoke, admitted the fact that the they were out after the basketball one min - there. SOC: : In } Id be a t > tion, whatever, to giving the increase. ; a Oa 8 ' association was not all it should be, | which was to he put up soon and b I the deput Sale woollen gloves, 19¢c., 3-inch silk | ut with perseverance bv those at the | forewarned the other teams 9 a atte] The chairman notified the deputa | phon 0c. winter unde e. | i Bes ssssasen tion before retiring that the request | ZrT ht. b nn ar erwear, 25¢. fred of affairs, wonders would be George Mills proposed the toast to : rmen utton's, 2 rincess The "he ' r. Exow . would receive careful consideration. It| | street. worked. The oflicors who spoke called | "The Officers of the Executive He "Phone 147. improve their methods, from time to tory, to make themselves acquni big line of Imported Covers to select from } Be Prepared will be taken up by the management| 'There is no decrease in the namber for the co-operation of os ne. an the | fealised the fact that ihe aflieers who) yg | EADING UNDERTAKER committee. of liqu ¥ Ww . . | Pune ay school, and an athletic assoc 140 spoken had ta en more of the . . A The chairman, W. J. Renton, was |§F liquor licenses in Watertown, | al iation would be formed and run that blame for the way things had been ; YY SVSISSISSSIPIIISIIIR : Be the city would be proud of run than thes wild have done He hall of the Lodi = -- = mgr H. W. Newman, president, was the thought they h id displayed remark n in the chair, and the other members | ooo ner and all present for the tribute of the board present were: Trustees | yor pay vour sweaters at Put- | or t ée Bennett, Craig, Anglin, Henderson, ton's, and save money Special at | | toastmaster yg first toast was to able interest in the welfare of the 1 aid 'to: the fair sex : : iY, " PArRiar Wh. association to wmve taken hol of i " Lambert, lyons, Macnee, McLean, 'The King." J." R. Forster was call e taken hold \ number of other speakers were S3e. 209 Princess street wha ps n , . AR. 3 ; " things the way they had Richardson, Walkem and Wallace. A ear of Green Mountain potatoes | od upon jo. Propose a toast to "Our Froderick M. Clow, first: vice-presi called on, among them being D. A. -- in ' | Country." r. Forster's remarks were w, e-pres S) he ori : : [arrived for Gilbert's stores. Prices | : h dent of the association, responded. He | JIA: the originator and first presi Communications Read. | right. | practical and applicable to the situa- back never take ny up dent of the assoctation, Rev. T. W. ~ : ; | ver taken any interes Spo ca er A number of communications were tt is said that not less than forty [HON His whole-souled patriotism, was | until thi ) ne : but h Avi 4 ' ow | Savary, Rev. S. Sellery, Frank Nichol t [i T} po y ence. and his 18 year, { Ving een {oo Slr sg received and referred to the proper residents of Thousand Island Park | apparent in every sentence, and hi elected a® representative of his team n, representing St. John's church, conmit tees : will spend the winter in Florida, language was clear and concise he had been slotted" to the eketutiv Portsmouth, and John Davis, repre 3 : : . 3 1 8 1 exec o By wearing 'a r of our Miss Bessie Dunlop, Ottawa made It is said that many silos will be Robert Meek replied to this {oast { So far as he had heen able to find | tenting | ilvary Sunday school w t Proof, ouble Sole, application for a position as kionder- erected in the town of Cape Vincent |in a masterly manner He dwelt not] out Kingston was the only eits 'ol. } uting the evening J. Douglas Bank men 8 e } i during 1912, on the possessions of Canada, her | have a Sunda Sohocd Aanortation yie avored the audience with a solo. -- ne ge Ihe gntd i ' garten director. # Leather Lined Boots on, Com- S. Harold liller asked for a line | greatness, nof¥ the vastness of her re-| nd he hoped that through its efforts ) fing. broke up about ten sources, but spoke of what this should | (her places would benefit by what it o'clock by singing the national an - fence between his property and Mac . \ fortable lasts and up - to date donald school, stating that he had] Stren h Co S mean to the young citizens of this fair { had accomplished her . them styles from the best Canadian been robbed of several valuable chic. me Dominion. He spoke on conditions in | The tomst to ihe Ladies, He asked that the board pay | " {the west, and urged the young men | proposed by 1. W. Skinner in Largest Store and Stock. manu acturers I for his loss. : | N F What Y ? E . It 0 so possess themselves of the faucets | ful manner, in which, on behalf the largest hat store in Kingston Miss Edith A. MacCallum, wrote ex- | Yot From lat You Eat, But From },.¢ they would be able to cope with | eiation, he thanked the die u naturally expect to find the big- tending thanks for the board's action | What You Digest. | them | for the pountitul repast and tl way lg tock, and so vou do. Read the an in allowing the Young Woman's Chris- | ---- T. F. Harrison, of Sydenham street [it had been served. He though he Hist of our exclusive hat agencies on » tian Association the use of the gym-| 4 Tablet Digests a Meal--Trial Bible school, proposed the ast to | presence of ladiss ithletic > 2 vo, George Mills & Co.. hat nasium at the Collegiate Institute. > 2 "The Association." He was glad to | was beneticial. Frank Beeckwitl . : ' o as g | ' J. M. Birmingham made application | Package Free ° " for the position of caretanker at the| Most people eat most foods with: } i ° ennings, - ing 5 pew Macdonald school. lout diserimination--it matters little FE 9 ' ry ~ ' The board of governors of the {what. Few stap to think what that food ST PAI L Ss AN Gl [| AN CH UR( H SYDENHAM School of Mining, extended an invita-{does for them. This is the first turn . . - ' . Bere essan csse@ Pom siassesssasssnsansg tion to the members of the hoard toion the road to dyspepsia.' Reckless attend the eeremony in connection disregard of the proper choice of | with the laying of the cornerstone of foods, rapid eating and improper | Nicol hall, on Wednesday next. {mastication, are the unquestioned cnu- | The board had only two reports to ses of all stomach disorders from the take up, that of the management and 'slight ache to the malignant can finance committee, and they were oar } - 9 adopted. Trustee Macnee," chairman of bere is nothing more revolting | the property committee, stated that (hay o dyspeptic stomach---a very vat | he had no report to submit. The jor putrefaction, sending forth its poi-| finance commitice recommended the o., throughout the entire system, de-| payment of accounts, amd the report pressing the brain, befouling the | of the management committee recom breath, souring the taste, deadening! mended will {the muscles, incapacitating the liver! : ils MIR ss Lanes : wis : Phat Mi ® Lanes Sd i continued yg kidneys dor their work, deltiity | as assistant in the Sydenham schoo ting the heart, choking the lungs amd For Men and Bo S kindergarten until such time as the! o)oping the bowels. i Inspector thinks the services of an All of these disagreeable and dan-1| assistant are unnecessary, at half-day gerous_oconditions are due to the im-| We are very strong in Men's Suiis in the New Rrowns and An ary. {proper digestion of food and the! . . That the request of the Hamilton CORN ment assimilation' of "olson. | y Greys. They are really swell, being cut in the latest styles for Board of Kducation for co-operation wy. + Ti can Simin ected ? i he, in petitioping the department of edu-! food in the at I ho A the 3 i both young and old, tand tallored and guaranteed to retain their cation to change the time for holding | <0 ak aL Te atation ys | shape and color. The price is very low considering the qualities examinations so that . they will - not the natural De It shéws it-l a: wa id ' os take place in the very warmest time > . i Rm . --- a : : | self in sour watery rvisings, belch. | ONLY $13.30 AND $15.00 of the year, be complied with lings. heartburn and painful. breath. ---- ling. Boys' Suils---Suits that reflect the acme of siyle with a maxi- _ . Report Nurse, : 1 Liphere is only othe a Sm Dorothy Dale," of the Woodstock jyard. One grave was made in 1812 brought their first born to be baptiz- + we Jean Metallum, nurse + : . . i i i + mum degree of serviceability----Suits that will take all the punish- athonls, ohmtton Fr oa hor | fuses % digest your food put some-| Sentinel, reminding her readers that a|and the age recorded on the tomb Jed, and perhaps there in the. chureh- work for the month of 'September. The {thing into it that will. Stuart's Dys-| vear ago she had written of the beau. %100¢ was nearly five score years. As|yard was Jajd at rest some member teport showed that iss McCallum | PoPsia Tablets are nothing but di tiful ang historic old church at. Syd Ne Senn from = grave fo grav : y of the fami It alw ays wosta al trousers. The prices are $2.99, $3.50, $4.50 to $8.50. We have had inspected 404 pupils, and nino | gestives They are not a = mediciug.],,),,, "Ou. has this in her column' the dior acreon of the or iaite liv most 4 sacribps when the House of showed that 350 pupils were suffering | | hey work when the stomach will i i SPncracics of the peupla Whose "+o consectater. to Fis worship must others at $2.50 and $2.00. from defective teeth, and twenty from | mot. in the last issue of that paper | epitaphs we read on that beautiful f make way for the march of some new : skin diseases. Instructions were given | Fach tablet contains enough pep! "Last Sunday 1 paid my farewell Sudshiny mat hing The cemetery ia at | railrond The railroad has paid lib- Roi x : the foot of the kill and at the left of lerally for the stones and mortar 1 r ° : ty Ov in 356 'cases. sin, diastase, golden seal and other! ic (0 that old church.» ft has stood it : , and A big range of new, nifty Overcoats. "There is nothing to pe in connection with the re~ort, Trus- (digestive elements to. reduce 3.000 on. the Hill. Tor pestly ou ha ed the road \s we ascended the hill we [land of which the building was eon- 'pained by waiting until every other man in town has selected his tee Anglin remarked that as the grains of srdinary food i Je pro-| wha t overionk 4 " Ee Lay ete the rock had wun bla stevie : Le hiding . = always 3 figures whowed that 350 ipils were | Per consistdacy jor assimilation fo | Vea where 1t overlooks the vi age ou G make the new roadbed and be | a church, sven though uilte for that all Suit or Overcoat before choosing yours. Come in. No obli- Dpures found 10 be poe fram | the blood. [and the lake below. But it must make low ran the public driveway. We paid | purpose In the ehurchyacd lies my Jon in the world to buy. defective teeth, it would go to show| Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are ab-| way for the new Canadian Northern our réspects to the little chureh, and |inther's father and many whose names that nearly every child in the city, solutely pure. There is nothing railway. To the uninitiated, it always | took our last look. Soon it will belare ax familiar to me as my own, suffered in this respect. ""|barmful in them as shown in their|looks as though railway surveyors go pulled down and the material carried many of whom I could .recall some story told me by my father. While | Trustee Walkem said that this was endorsement by 40,000 physicians infout of their way to gei in the way of to the village where a new church will, ¥ 4 no doubt true. the United States and Canada some old historie spot that were bet, be built. While the new one will be | mused wpon the past the sun shone Inspector Stuart submitted his re-| Ask your family physician his in- | ter left standing--while some old evel more easily accessible in all kinds of | and the leaves whispered. over the port for the month of September. The lion of Stuart's Dy 1 Talila sore it avords as it would the plague. weat her, it will be many years ore the fgraves a sweet benediction, while the 127 Princess S report showed a total enrollment of land if he is honest toward you he) So this lovely church, with all ite ties of love that bound the people | bell from the church on the hill called treet : 2,218 pupils, an increase of wity-six [will state positively that they will tender associations, must give way to 10 the ol® church will twine about {ite worshippers to morning prayer trouble T we Some of the the new. There are (ender assoria wended our way along the THE STORE THAT SETS THE PACE 4 over the same month a vear ago. The jcure your stomach whatever | ihe march of commerce. } : > * total daily average attendance was it may be, unless you have waited | bodies had been buried updrly an hun: | tions about the old, that make it a] shaded maple road and gathered late 1,996, an increase of fourteen over a [too long and have allowed your dis-|dred years. ln ose coffin the «kall sacred spot. There the man and wo | golden rod and the blue amd purple year ago. There were thirteen com- {order to develop into cancer. was full nuts that kad been car- man pow bowed with age were carried | fringed gentian, 'while here and there plaints regarding noo-attendance' of | Aet today and begin to end your ried there by some frugal squirrel or in arms to be received ints the church | hanging on the road side were late ap TT pupils. Four had been dealt wih by |suffering. A free trial package will chipmunk. So the desd were removed through the rite of baptism: there ples which we found were as sweet to wause he is said, more than any Me, is frequently on B® guest al the Liu: tesChers and nine by the police. be sent to your address upon re to a new Jburving ground. It was a they received their first oommunion, | 48 as to the average wmall hoy or ax man in the world, to vesembl: coln Club, in Portland, and ff often The report of Principal Shiter, of the The 50c. size Jrckagm are! lovely Sabbath morping--K perfect resewing the vows made for ther b gir! Fhe next morsing o cold chill sham Lincoln both in fentuee 4 referred to as "Uncle Abe," by his Collegiate Institute, showed JoS pad + og sale af your druggist's. F. A. [September diy, more like a perfect their parents; thefe, ton, they plalged | rain was falling, which with ite drip, apt, Nanisl $e. friends aod ul. Nssaristes. all along the the roll, a decrease of thirty; average Rtuart be 150 Stuart Bidg-, Mar- [June day, that, accompanied by ome (0 each other (o love snd cherish as | &rip, made a solemn revuiem for the ter of South coast of Maine daily attendance, 32%; decrease, te shall, Mish, of the ndtives, I visited the grave [long as they both did live; there tne | Posing of the old church." ment a gtrenuous boy can give them. loth bloomer and straight