~The Daily ° YEAR 78 -NO, 310 TOWNS FALLEN Into the Hands of the Chinese Rebels. HAS TAKEN TWO YEARS PERFECT PLANS FOR THE REVOLUTION. TO The Revolutionists Have Members in All Government Offices--To Leave Capture of Pekin and Shanghai to Last, Pekin, state that southwest of the Yangise fallen into the hands of and that Chun King is in capture, 'The members of udmit that the garrisons Fu, in the province of Chi Li, seventy miles from Pekin, at Tien Tsin, and even at Pekin itself, are honeveombed with rebeliion. Eight train loads of troops started yesterday from Paoting Fu province of Chili, for the affected district. The revolutionists have informed the con suls at Hankow that they will respect all treaties and loans and indemnities contracted by the Chinese government A well-informed revolutionary pathizer, told the Associated Press yesterday that the rebels probably would leave the capture of Pekin and Shanghai to the last, of the danger of foreign complications He that they had been two years in perfecting their organization, have members in all tices, The national assembly revolutionary tendencies last and the reassembling of that a fortnight with The provincial without exeeption, ment Chinese and Yochou river, the rebels, danger of the cabinet at Paoling Oct. 13. I-Chang reports Fu, have sym because said and now government of showed winter, body in anxiety almost is regarded assemblies, anti-govern nre Leader in United States, New York, Oct. 14. ~The first of the presence in this country of Dr Sus Yatzen, © the Utopian Chinese republic, to born, if the present revolution is sue censful, was anvounced in New York yesterday afternoon by the publishers of the Chinese reform news, a tri weekly issued in the interests of re form in the Chinese empire. It was no news in New York's Chinese qnarter that the accredited Brains of the up rising was still in the United States. He has been lecturing, and, according to Cp wese here, has sent more than 2200.4 to China to further the cause of mw. ooation, news 1 be hailed as president SWISS SHEPHERL'S STARVATION Lived Fifty Years in Dive Poverty to save Money for His Sister. Gene Oct, 13. <A strange case of a brother's fifty years voluntary starv- ation, was brought to light by the death near Lucerne this week of a Swiss shepherd near Dangeli. Pungeli, who was seventy-seven vears of age, was found lying on some straw in a barn in the village of Neb- ikon, near Lucerne. He was in the last stages of exhaustion, and wes sturv- ing. The farmer and his assistants, who found the man, sent for a doctor, and Dangeli told his story to him. "My papers are correct," said. "You will find that I am wear- ing three suits of clothes. In cach of the suits are pockets in which you will find altogether $6,400 in notes and shares, "For fifty years 1 have worked ir France as a shepherd, and I saved al- most every penny of my earnings for my sister, who lives in Escholsmatt. | walked from France to Lucerne so that my sister, who is an old woman and unmarried, will benefit by every farth- ing of my savings. My life has been a purgatory." The money was found on Dangeli, and will be given to his sister. She states that she long ago believed him to he dead, as he has never written to her, GREY vi ISITS CONN ONNAU GHT. Dangeli 1 Pays an Unofficial Call, by Request, Upon His Sacecessor, Quebec, Oct. M4. --Earl Grey did not finally leave Quebec till after Thars- day, midnight. He boarded the Em- press of Ireland at nine o'clock. The Duke had wired: "Dear Grey--Would very much like to wee you tonight at nine o'clock, if possible. Connaught." On the Empress a gangwny was pre pared and after the tender bearing the Farl drew alongside, unknown even to the shore officials, it was put from her to the tender. A line of stewards cleared a passage on the Empress, and the Earl came ars. boaring a magnificent bows quet, and proceeded to the saloon, where the Duke and. his suite were at "dinner. Earl Grey had a long confercnes with his royal Highness, and finally departed by the Intercolosial at mid night to join the Allan liner, "Vietor: ian," at Rimouski. The visit was an though arranged early morning. entire secret, on Thursday The Antari government point & commission to dev olay belt in North Cotario may ple wp» ap the PALLY ME MORANDA. Por Fine furs And hate so ncat. I's Campbeil Bros', Princess Street. e Private Secretary," Grand] House, 3.15 pm. FINED NURSE FOR GOING ON THE TRACK. i To Rescue a' Little Girl Who Was/ About to be Run Over. 13 { recently took children for a morning's = proe} The child broke | away from the purse ran to} the railw line just exprens | train came in sight, The avah ran - after the child was able snatch it from the before the train passed. She child's hfe but the proceed) native two Colombo, Ueylon, (let urse) ont VvOulger and an men ads on ny as and | to line saved | com railway t 3 the pany for trespassing After ayvah npg took again on the line nS day sub | lasting half $1.66, her rejected hearing fined n the Le Seen t being @eoescrsrcssssssssrsessescesl) MADAMOISELLE A SPY. Leipsic, (ierm: flct. 14 Matlumoiselle Renee Thiron, Ivéamen teacher, who was ar rested "py, with having obtained from a German otficer secret mobilization plans of the Lerman army, was vesterdty, convicted spying and sentenced six months' ny, a charged i the ¢ ¢ ' ¢ ¢ ¢ ' ¢ ' ' ite '| to ¢ unprisonment uhh Odiakdahtas. | Geovsescssessessssscssen SOULS SAY ED AT $70 EACH. Bosten Pastor Says "200 Conversions in His Church Cost $14,000. Mass, Oct. 14.--The Rev. | Johuson, pastor of the | Warren Avenue Baptist church, de-| clares that the cost of saving souls in | his church during the last year was| $70 each "THere only way by which | one ean obtain the approximate cost | of saving soul," said Mr. Johnson, | and that by taking the to run the church and dividing it the uumber of apparent conversions made | in a year. It costs us $14,000 and we | had two hundred apparent nversjons | making of 870 a soul' | "IS BIGAMY WICKED 7" | ASKS PASTOR IN JAIL Insists After Arrest That He Mas Done No Moral Wrong. Joliet, HL, Oct, 14.1 am not : criminal in the eves of tod. It's onl American laws that make '| one," deglared the Rev. John Horton, | Congregationalist minister, of Beech or, Hl, from a cell in the wi county jail dn Joliet, where he was placed charged with higamy. Mr. Horton has a wife children in England, ast he was married in Clueago to Miss | Amanda Hrenker, a member of the! of the Beecher Congregational church He came to the United States England only five months was assigned to the Beecher theough the Moody Institute, cago, mm May and oceapid the autil Neptember 25th, signed to accept a call gational church Steuben, Before the reeording the prisoner's story, he informed Brenker's parents that he was already a married man, although he had not | lived with his for ten hey entered objection wedding, Joston, Herbert S is one cost by a cost your me and three Saturday | | | from | He pulpit | of Chi- | pulpit | nro. he re Congre Wis, i 10 when toa it coremony, + INS wife vears no to the he savs DRESS RUINS HOMES, SAYS WOMAN PASTOR. | Fashion is Gireat Foe to Christianit and Health, Declares the Rev. Myra C. Hoyt. Brockton, Mass., Oct. 14.-Fashion, | according to the Rev. Myra C. Hoyt, || pastor of the Free Baptist church, wrecks homes and is a foe to Chrisy tianity 'Silly women," she says, | "pile enough false hair on their heads | to fill a basket and foolishly run the] risk of infection. Yon can't improve! on nature. Why try? High, 'tight | collars cheke the wearers and shut off ciredation. Kar rings are foolish, "Amerisan women hold their heads high with pride at being freér than] women of other nations. Yet they | meekly bow submissively and wear the | yoke of fashion. The French people; and their dressmakers are to blame fox the usurpation of Christian simplicity by pagan servitude, in dr I'here are other fashion centres" where they make a trade of women's health, but Paris is the culprit "Fashion is the great wrecker of the home. It is a foe to Christianity, Women who labor in the shops here neglect their homes, their families and church for dress. The folly of wanting to look like other women causes more suits for separate support than any other one thing." THE YUKCN OUTPUT 1S ABOUT $4,500,000 Sieady Increase in Production of Gold is Looked For. Vancouver, B. C., Oct. 11.--Gold pro- duction of the Yukon district this sear will be about $LIW600, or aboot WOOO in oxcess of the output in 1910, according to R. E. Stockton, of the anditorgeneral's department at Ottawa, who hak returned from Daw- soni. Mr. Stockton has exceptional fa- erlities for gaining correct information, as be andited all the government ae counts, inchuding the gold royalties of 2§ per cent. The Yukon Gold Com- pany controlled hy the CGuggenheim- ors, had seven dredges in operation this past season, which has not vet closed, and were also oxiracting gold by other methods. Other companies are also doing considerable work. Me, Stockton looks for a slow but steady | voiced | which echoed from lower town to up- | per town, jing French } ple duke lemphasis was | of | ness, i remarkable { hops, | Societies of RINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATU RDAY, OCTOBER 14, WARMWELCOME 'Given by French Canada the King' s Uncle. i WAS THE GRANDEST | E VER GIVEN TO ANY GOVERNOR. GENERAL. | Anglican and Roman Prelates Sat Side by Side--Affectionate Come ment Heard on All Procession Passed, Quebec, Oct 14, ~What Quebec | think the new governor-general royal blood who assumed office on Fri-| day with ceremonies of rare impress | iveness? The answer was given not | | | | { Sides as the does ol ol by the cheering thousands who | : ' ? ¢ 4 ' ¢ ' ' ' | ¢ ' : ¢ ? ' 4 ' ' ' ¢ 4 merely their welcome and their loyal ty in one continuous roar of applause, and from the King's wharf | to St. and the very coun- | (cil chamber of the parliament buildings | {1 found in the jtiori of the buildings slong the route, stores and other business houses bear names being even more profusely decked than those of their { English neighbors, and, moreover, it {was the Union Juck which was almost invariably displayed, the tri-color be ing used less generally than on any | |other the occasions on which Que {bee has had to celebrate. Still more significant were the marks of those who hung over the parapets the opportunity to join their voices in the hows of acelaim. On all to "he | heard the most cobdial comments, and | after the the ch i Louis Gate, expression decora of reason re awaiting great ides wera procession" had passed, and at any particular point somewhat abated, the comments | eering hac affectionate, chamber of which mili and the and red shaded into the pur | it was Quebec Phat ery predominated, Hy the | side of the Church of England bishop wrlet sat Mg archbishop of the Roman Cha aud with him a dozen other bishops of the same church, mitred ab bots, all the representatives of 'that religion which much part ol the life of the French-Uanau No, there ean doubt that French Canada the royal with greater than that displayed for anv other governor has ever been sent to rep- It needed | Lormer Gouin Wut much | | given to it in the speech were almost In the wonderful Lary of itself, mm ermine conncil that riot color, trappings ndicial hes of the o\ rt Episcopney, where in hood of we and white, Begin, tolic see, 1 sy n average be no welcomes enthusiasm general who resent. the crown of Britain the address of Si emphasize | | | | | | not to this point, anadian prime minis Then the happy reply, his roval High the most for Frenen-( Quebec French by the ter of delivered in completed and crowned expression of cordiality French ( that been seen Britain by anada ever | CARDINAL GIBBONS JUBILEE. | | Take Place i Sunday. Md 14. --Archhis bishops, priests and laymen of wnal prominence, .who are members | atholic church, will gather to-morrow, to attend rious celebration of the | of Cardinal Gibbons, | marking the fiftieth anniversary of | iis ordination to the priesthood and | She twenty-fifth years of his cardinal i [e eremonies Will in Baltimore Baltimore, Oet nat of taltimore, the ( the | | elaborate relig dual jubilee the' papal dette] pope and bestow | ° Mgr. Faleonio, will represent the the pontifi's blessing Canada will be represented at the! ceremonies by Archbishop Bruchesi, | while the Archbishop of Mexico will come in as the repress ntative jof his country and the other Latin-| | American countries, | Many of the visiting churchmen will | remain and participate in the hrst national congress of the Holy Name | the United States, Can- ada and Mexico, which will be held | on Monday and Tuesday. person MARY GARDEN BACK REFUSES TO WED. Finds Men Uninteresting, But Says! She is Going to Wear Pants. New York, Oct. 11. Mary Garden landed in Hoboken yesterday from the liner, George Washington. She declar- ed that she had lost weight while abroad and, with a distinct wink, re- | marking that she was going to make | the tailors of America and the tenors | of everywhere jealous by wearing | pants, She also expressed 'the hope, that she would be able to give some pointers | to the male creation as to how to! wear masculine things. The fact is she will play Prince Charming to Massan- et's Uinderalla. Asked about reports of her ecn- templating marriage with a count or baron, Mary said she never would marry. Men are so uninteresting and so much alike. As to marrying for money, that was ridiculous, as she made all the money she wanted and spent a lot of it, too, although she was born in Scotland, Offered Wife For 12 Hens. Burlington, lowa, Uet, 14.--d Smythe, in the district court, yester-|i day, heard an unusual divorce case. Mrs. Lucinda Wetzel wished separa- tion from her husband, Robert Wet- i 1 1 inerease of gold production in the (ukon, i Weavers purchase of raw cotton, | meaning fan any | lies | president of the Boatmen's bank, 1 fair lot pitish Whi Cor TON Pt Re 'HASKE CONTRACT. | Plan Includes Moisture Test, and Reduction of Weight Margin. Bertin. Oct. IH. ~The committee of the Society, uniform international 'otton Spinners and in session here, contract for the including the introduction moisture test, the reduction of the margin of overweight and underweight to instead of five per cent., and the reteation of the option to demand net weights in the purchase of eotton. The committee is organizing a trip of-cotton men in 1912 to study Egvptian cotton rais ing adopted a i of one 1 { 7 i El i EGG-LAYING CONTEST. Oet. 14.---Ay about | dom international to be con supervision Conn., are Storrs, rangements pleted the egu-lavu contest ducted under the of the Connecticut Agrienltural College. The contest will last commencing Novem ber lst. lhere will be 300 hens in the race, four hens to a team, and each team houses by itseli in a separate pen. A fifth bird will be permitted as a substitute in case of sickness. Une hundred small frame houses have been erected for ape ar, contestants, Lhe entries Mexico, Furope, States are from Canada, Cuba, South America, Japan and the United | Prominent Member of the Utica Bar Guilty of Serious Offence, NYL Oct, HL Edwin H prominent lawyer this was found guilty Utiea, ley, for tas- city { the it in for having of heen t Ars, ken a lute the county had filed, and words in the context Fhe materially f the docament, which impaortant paper in a swt Manufacturing company, Risley was the atior- who claimed that the infringing pa o from clerk, where document inserting wards the wis changed against Ironclad New York fon the of ney v client company was tent held by THEY WED DESPITE BAN OF CATHOLICS (Couple Turn to Episcopal Bishop When Bride Rejects Prenuptial Con- tract for Children's Education. SU. Louis, Mo. Oct: of the Catholic church ringe being refused, and Miss Caroline Lackland, the cou- ple turned to the faith of the bride and were wedded by Bishop Daniel 8 Fattle, of the Episcopal church. The ceremony 1} at the Laekland home Miss Lackland ing a pre-nuptial agreement children of the \ dispensation refused by Archbishop Glennon A mother does not want other per- rearing her children," explained Mary Lackland, bride is Rufus J upon a him Sanction to their mar Huntington Smith Protestant was performer has objected {« to y sign- rear Catho umon as was, sons | Miss The Pinte a sister a granddaughter Lackland, who of the was and workl's a tour of the couple Louis for treasurer The the east departed TRANSFIXED ON BLADE. Bloody Duel Scythes, 0 | Fonght With Sharon Geneva, Oct I'wo Dassimoz love, young Quennoz, cousing quarrelled wikle the village of Conthey, canton of Valais, and fought a duel with seythes, the other haymakers be- jing afraid to approach them. Quennor ved an gash the thigh, but the duel continued un- til Dessimor, in swinging his sevthe, over-balanced and féll upon the sharp blade. He was transfixed, and died lwithin a few minutes. The police are looking for Quennoz, iwho has disappeared. It is stated that Swiss, named and and rivals making hav at rece severe mn the was attacked first by his cousin. the injury he received, it that Quennoz is far from Owing to lis unlikely |the village. SOME SHARP CENSURE FOR HON. ADAM BECK Not Straight in Answering Questions Wl Hamilton, Oct. 14.--Hon. Adam Deck and Colonel Hendrie have notified the city that the hydro-electric commis- mission is prepared to give it a bet- ter rate for power at once if it signs {up to the co-operative contract, and {have asked that a committee from the council be appointed. When Mayor Less brought the mat- ter up at the board of control, Con troller McLaren, the defeated liberal candidate, in the Dominion election, caused a stir by charging that it was a political dodge intended to have an effect on the approaching provine- ial elections, in which Colonel Hendrie will be the conservative candidate in West Hamilton, and Controller Cooper WN VEVVLBHTVTLLTTVOTRLRLSRN two | - | gOVernment, therefore, | 1911. DUKE CHEERED By Immense Throng as He VIEWS OF RECEPTION THE i TO BE SHOWN BEFORE KING AND QUEEN. Ottawa Was Never Before so Lavish. ly Decorated -- Hundreéds of Kingstonians Were Present at the Capital's Reception. Ottawa, Oct. 14.--Several hundred Kingstonians are in the Capital and were on Parliament Hill this after- noon, when an immense throng did honour to Queen Victoria's son, the Duke of Connaught. The Kingston basketball players are being entertain- ed at the Y.M.C.A. and elsewhere; while Queen's footballists were met at the station by the Ottawa University band and serenaders and escorted | through the streets and to Parliament Hill. The big game is scheduled for about three thirty o'clock, but it will likely be four before it starts. The | decorations and preparafions for the | welcome to the 'Duke and Duchess are the most elaborate the Capital has ever known. Over 100,000 Ottawa, Hull and Ot- tawa Valley point residents are in the city to tender a welcome to Can- ada's new governor-gemeral, with a royal salute, profuse. decorations, and special preparations in many wavs the citizens received the Duke and Duch- Oh Parliament Hill there must {have been over 30,000 people. In an enclosed space were 1,000 special guests while on an elevated platform were Hon. R. L. Borden and members of his cabinet, Sir Wilfrid and Lady Laurier, and scores of distinguished politicians, ecclesiastics, representat- fives of foréign governments, and {in business and professional life. May- Hopewell presented a civie address of welcome, to which the Duke replied. Cinematograph views of the proceed- ings were taken, and there has been a special cable from London requesting that they be shown before His Ma jesty and members of the royal fam ily. There were scores of eongratulat ory messages received and sent by the Duke ess i men THE REBELS ARE WINNING, Whole Chinese Towns are Joining the Revolutionists, «-f Eng., Oct. 14.--Authoritat- ive despatches from Pekin and Tokio this morning, indicate that the Chin ese revolution continues to spread snd there have been battles within the last twenty-four hours, which have resulted defeat of the jgovernment troops by the republican Whole towns proclaim under the new republican and in' most if London, sanguinary in | re evolutionists | themselves | cases, » WHITE PLAGUE IN QUEBEC. ' ------ The Death Rate is Higher Than in Ontario. Montreal, Oct. 14~Striking ments concerning the spread of 'white plague' in this province contained inthe report of the royal commission on tuberculosis, which has just been pubdshed. The report in cludes the following features That the death rate from tubercul- osis is higher in Quebec than in Ont- ario or the adjacent states. That while in other countries the death rate decreases from forty to #if- ty per cent., as a result of a well or ganized campaign, it remains station- ary in Quebec. That the death rate in the rural dis- tricts in Quebec nearly equals that of the cities That in most cases the victims range hetween twenty and forty-five years of when human life is of the great- est national importance. state the are age, @eocsrsssrsssssssassseel TO DROP BOMBS. Iripoli, Oct. M.---Four aero planes have arrived bere from France. They will be seut Iripoli, where it is proposed to make the first experiments to in LAST EDITION WEATHER | PROBABILITIE® ¥ On 14th 18 am rer St. Lawrer + to-day BR dar, d warmer; showery Oot On. and i nds and | winds an night ¥ All Sections Beautiful Waists Of Ninons, Marquisettes, French Nets and Silk-- Kimono Models fashigned in the new- | est styles. OUR SPECIAL $2.30 WAIST | IS A BEAUTY. the use of flying machines In ; ¢ ¢ : ' ' actunl warfare. They will be ¢ : *- piloted by ltalian bthcers, who will to drop bombs to enemy 8 eneg undertake the impments é TUTTLE VRVB ONS TVVVVVLT VTLS SPANIARDS CUT TO PIECES, Overwhelming Force of Moors Sar-| prised Detachment. Gibraltar, Oct. 14.<The Spaniards Others at 83.50, $5.30, Ladies' Knit Underwear At + B0c, 80c, T8¢, to $1.30 We are offering the very best and 25¢ have suffered severe defeat in their opera@ons against the Moors Mellilla, according to reports here from native I'hese reports whelmang force detachment of around | received | es say that of Moors Spanish soldiers and cut them to prisoners were decapitated, SOure in over surprised near | Hun and NSeluan dreds of immediately BORDEN MINISTRY ALL SUPPORT HOME RULE So Declares Westminster Gazette, Which Wonders What Union- ists Think Now. et 1. ~The wonders if the for pieces, taken } | | | West minater Landon, Gazette Faoghsh union BR. LL. Borden modified they're all convinced Home Rule. The believes to be a home ruler | traitor, He will be to] Borden disloyal the i isis' enthusiasm and his cabinet discovering porters of Irish 1 is to be think My much condemned will be on i sup ave rage a in as as SYDNEY-AUCKLAND CABLE. Anproval of New Zealam! Government, Auckland, N.Z., Oet 14. Ward, of New Zealand, moved in Plan Has Premier the | there are any over to the revolutionaries. |. The Manchurian dynasty government { must depend largely its well {organized and manned gunboats the rivers troops in town they go | } on on | fleets have been sent | (up with instructions to bombard all | gties and towns in the hands re volutionists and foreign consuls at Pe Kin are extremely anxious lest in gen eral reprisals, both sides, foreign | residents massacred Each | hour of terrible mas- sacres These of on be report Ll Manchus. may brings | of | sr------------ | DIVORCE MILL HALTED. Rush of Those Seeking Release From | Marriage Curbed. Mo., Oct. 14.--As the first legal steps towards curbing the rush of divorce seekers to Kansas | City from other' parts of the state pnd | from other states the eight circuit | judges here: adopted a resolution to permit an attorney emploved by the! hoard of public welfare to investigate] and offer testimony in all divorce | cases. Among his duties will be the veontest of undefended cases The plan is similar to a now in force in England, undefended divorce suits ed by a spemal proctor Ibe new regulation will be put into officct at the next term of court, be ginning Nov. 13th. Kansas City, sy stom | where all are contest- | CITY IN MEXICO DE Guayamas, With Large American Colony Wiped Out, Mexico City, Oot. 14.--There is a creditable report here that the town of Guayamas, with a population of 30,000, has been destroyed by a cJond bursi or a tidal wave Guayamas is in the state of Sonora and on the Gulf of California. The office of the' Southern Pacific | railroad here admits that it has been | mable to pet any wire coanection | with Guayamas for four days, but de | ties any knowledge of any disaster. Phere is a large Amencan colony the town ROYED ' Repairs to Olympic. London, Uct, H.--Despatehes from Belfast say the hole in the starboard guarter of the Olympic made by the ram of the British cruiser is thirty] three feet below the waver line, and ix! thirty three feet wide. Repairs will oocupy two months and will cost S00, 000, in | | The Convention Ended. Lethbridge, Alta, Oct 14.~The miners' convention concluded" yvester- (day but the members have nothing to say as to the outcome. The district executive is meeting and it is believed that toe final decision has been Jost} to them, | mated {dering hopelessly {is recalled that as long {government yesterday, plan of lay a cable Sydney, N esi House of Representatives, Approving the cable board to Aucklard to The board will meet at fifty thousand the reserve fund. The new cable is very ed with the Frafhe to daily through in I'he new cable entirely this dathenlty. a resolution the V direct SW, neh from cost, pounds, out | of urgently nesd increasing busi a larg nt transmission obviate | to cope is lost xi delays would ness re © London, Oet. 14 The Daily " {graph's Constantinople correspondent, in reviewing the situation, that Turkey lacks a government, practical | leaders a policy; that flo and crumbling away force to keep | toget het sAvs or she is mn for het want of a binding constitueit elements ip Escapes. Oct. 11.--A steam- | after taking Rovalist Brussels, Belgiu named Zeebruggs, a cargo of huge cases, which it derstood contain arms and ammuni a wireless apparatus and suddenly left Antwerp last | might. It is believed that the steamer | the property "of the Portuguese royalists, er on i un- tion, visions, pro- | is Burned to Death. Sackets' Harbor, N.Y Oliver Emory, a retired soldier, aged | about fifty five years, was burned to] death when fire destroyed the Yittle] buiiding in which he lived almost | nearly across the Dexter highway from g + Oct. MH the guard house. JAPAN 18 WATCHING THE CHINESE REVOLT, War Office Last June Held Opinion' Situation Serious For Manchus. Tokio, Oct. 14.~There is great {terest hers in the uprising in (hina against the Manchu « a | i i South It inst nasty an war ofhee the situation looked very dunes the Japanese ed the oninion that the flowery kingdom lous for the Manchus. Speculation is rife sow Japan should do in case the invites her to interfere and put down the uprising. At least | WANE troops would be rapmired to do) ithie, and nose of the other powers) iwould be able to land such a large! body of men in Chinese empire within! a rensonable time. It is believed Ju-| pan favors the revolutionaries. express. in seri to what Vekin | ax "AR Gib | fresh," ™ kodak wipplise, son's, . | shelves | Turk"s |40¢, 30c Garments in the trade. Men's Winter Underwear 30c, T8c, $1.00 to $1.50. EXTRA SPECIAL, Fleece-lined Garments at At Boe. A Those Smart Coats For Ladies are going rapidly We offer them In Reversible Tweeds, Rolo Cloths, Scotch Tweeds, Heav- ers, SEE OUR LEADERS AT $9.30 and $18.50, Others at $8.00, $15.00 to $24. S TEACY'S THE PEOPLE'S STORE. very ele, BORN Kingston on Mr. and Mra Lower Unlon In t 34 On Albert Blreet, SON mpson ROBERT J. REID, The Leading Vndertaker, 'Phone 577. 280 Princess Street. JAMES REID The ou Firm of Sr rT. 256 PRINCESS "Phone 147 for Ambulance. FOR STUDENTS, kinds of Bookcases, Hook. Writing Desks, Study Tables, Chairs, Special prices at Phone 704 RIDGWAY'S All and Easy HIGH GRADE TEAS As Supplied to the King, +» 60c and $1.00 Per Pound. In 1-2 Ib and 1 Ib. tine. First Appearance in Kiagston, Jas. Redden & Co. | FrTane BGH REVOLTS AT HIGH LIVING COST, Business Men Appeal to Mr. Wicker sham to Halt Chicago Corner in Butter and Eggs. Pittsburg, P'a., Oet 14. Pittsburg today opened war on high prices of foodstuffs. The city han asked the pov- rergment to investigate swell suthen- ticated report that a $5,000,000 to $10,000 000 combination exists in Chi cago, which is corpering the fresh but- ter and egy market. The 'price of butter jumped four cents a pound hers yesterday, and ex: peris say that from mow on prices of all foodstufis will sonar. Mave Yo ou Neen The new soft hate at Campbell Bros', "Fastman kodak sappliss." Gib On Films developed by an experienced photographer if given to Gibson's Red {ross drug store Morris Irwin, firand Trank brake. i man, was fatally erushed between cars atl fiusiph. Sale of $1.20 waterpoof motor veils, 60, Intton's, 200 Princess streety Py