PAGE TWO. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1911. NL ---- who has been visiting friends in Tor- been visiting Mrs. Fane Sewell, Ave onto, is expected in town early next nue road, Toronto, arrived home on week to visit Mrs. R. C. Carson, Bar- Tuesday. Gold in eee o Sen tome te miveot toe 11 XC. 1 and Public School Scholars QUEEN'S STUDENTS Mrs. L. B. Spencer, who has been | Misses Macpherson, Brock street, left » . x a the guest of Mrs. Samuel Birch, lon Tuesday for Ott to spend sev- . OWN MARE ited to 3 Guilight Bagot street, will return to Montreal {eral months. - ava io 5p 3 aie . y J are invited to in- on Saturday. Mrs. Birch will accom-| Mrs Charles Low, Union street, re- Wrong Ss British Nation spect OUR beautiful : M Ss Montreal and FURS, pany Jlrs. Spencer Lo Joni D4 [turned on Monday from Ottawa,where : : Advice and Estimates . a aa after spending a few days with her 'she was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. (Revised Edition). 2 , will go on to Utica, N.Y, to visit p 1,4 Gladstone avenue. cheerfully given on re-| An enjoyable At Home was giten|,. joughter, Mrs. Clarence Otis | ""Rov. Z. W. H. Milne, Ottawa, speni Public School Author izd e by the seve- makes or New Orders, | by the managers and elders of St. Putnam with no obligation to | Andrew's shiureh, on Noutay evening, Mrs A D. Cartwright. of 'Ottawa 3 Jo days this week in town. buy as a farewell to Rev. a rs. John rived im tow uri . *i Miss Claire! St. Remy arrived in Ha f Can d 1 P fessors f ye. ; rived town to-day and will be ; : T ry New Catalogue . now Make, Fhe Suesta Sete received by az ar of To. 5 W. lier: Ning lawn ftom New York on Supoy and isto 0 ada ra ro or ve, 1 Strange. The supper table, | which | treet, until Thursiay, when she will © pi bet aunt, Mlle de St. Remy MEDICAL, hy not semd your; Dtsange. 1 pel » return to Ottawa. a pa : : . nT | ar Wok lind gi A Host Morn, Wet srt M5, Ply prides, Kien, [Public School - BIOLOGY Show Rooms and Fac returned on Saturday, from Belleville pending a fortnight with her aunt, 3 tory, << |by unshaded candles. Mrs. James] spending a few days with Mrs. Mr. P. E. Bucke, Blackburu avenue. History of England 19-157 Brock S cs Third and Mrs. James Minnes poured | t Miss Manruerite Mullin has returned ] 149-157 Brock St., Kingston, the coffee and. Hrs. J. B. Madeod] SE" wrypuerite Mullin bas returne anc ™ i it Mr. and Mrs. William Aird, hing from Ottawa, where she was visiting poured the tea. The girls assisting strect, left on Tuesda her sist Xi H N L our oe i ; 4 2 ¥. for Toronto ister, Miss Bday at otre Dame 0 JOHN MCKAY [5m un' wii. Grid im oe | 2rots Jft om Tummiay, for Toronto ter ser, Mies Hide, ot The f i r st shipment re- BOTANY | A A At str AOA tro gsr ns nine Ninuos, Hiss Allen Folger, Wins Captain C. F. Constantine, R.C.H. ! The a ha ha ) h 3 : 2 A., who has been visiting his parents 2 engagement has been announce ed i STUDENTS Jaw, Des awa; Nin Penn Duf, Hise in Prince Albert, Sask., has returned of Miss Fhzabeth J. Hobson, daugh- ceiv in t e city. Kina ee unon, Wins ate Craig and| = town, "ter of the late Mr. aod Mrs. George ane SArion Leeme. Miss Loretta Swift, ning street, left Hobson, Montreal, to Mr, Harry Ro A number of girls aid boys arranged | 07, Sunday for Montreal, where she Ferrier, son of Mr, and Mrs. William n of gt Mrs. WA Mie | il spend a week with Miss Gabriel Ferrier, of Perth, Unt. . . Sarpriae ferty at = Miss ny Roy, Miss Swift, will sail on Monday | en cme {chell's, al eet, jor J . xT 3 7 % SE. EF oN v CORR . » 'N NIGHTS 'Phot { Bute. Houston, Texas, A very enjoy- Box, on To und, THE ASSEMBLY, ¢ OMMISSION 260 PRINCESS STREET. OPEN NIG I ° 919. able time. as pont. Sansng. h Paris and go with her to India, where Conferring With Queen's Trustees UPS s 3 R I. ne » Bin Kotnein: Hie Heed Drona | fie expects to spend some time, . Regarding University Question. | I. if ---------- - msn, Miss Helen Duff, Miss Annie Minnes,| MN, and Mrs. Comelius Bermingham The commission appointed by the ! - * . » 4 . » » t pri 6 ap 5 § reps 1 » > . Miss Nan Saunders, Miss Vera Minnes, | Burrie street, who have been spending Prosytesian gunoeal. assembly to Sah TWO WEEKS IN JAIL Sesesssssessttttetttd fIesssssstsntssenste Miss Lilly Muiray, Mise Margery Me- {some time ju New York and Fitts. fer with Queen's University trustees { Mahon, Miss Ruth An, fin, Mr. Harold burih, re expected home on Friday. } xith Sou to the EY fegrisin- 34 Brownfield, Mr. Wendlyn Anglin, Mr.| Wy, Stevenson, Brock street, ROGtion with i changes i eq C ui S ors! $ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ 0 / jy ji 0 Q Mr. WG OF BOOTS. shown in gur new stock, 818, $21, $25 woger Stewart, Mr. W. Larrett, | week-end with Mrs. H. J. Wilkinson, | ombors are: Rev. Dr. Love Lie up Lo $90, Mr. W. Minnes, Mr. Hendry Connell | Johnson street, returned. to Montreal , bee, convenor; Rev. Dr Armstron ; TEN " a Mr. George Hooper, Mr. B. Robertson. | on Monday. or . > ] £: Was Nabbed by Constable Arniel EXTENSION TABLES » ' . fo M RO. Swee \ } bee { Ottawa; Rev. J. D, Bynes, Toronto; ; . . . To match, in square and round, in| H 1 ; Sins, J weezey, who has been | pov James Cumberland, Stella; RK. While He Was Wearing Stolen pedestal and five-leg designs, $10, €12, apt. Hammond entertained at a visiting her parents, Professor and jon, Peterboro: Rev. James Wallace Footwear--Member of *"Prohibit- $15 up to $75 delightful tennis party on Monday af-| Mrs. John Watson, Union street, re | Lindsay: Rev. Dr { ell Fig 3 : CHINA CABINETS AND CHAIRS ternoon at the Royal Military College. | turned to Quebec the end of last treal; Tew Ale ar Ha Hiv : an ed List Sent to Jail--Strect CHINA CABINETS A} ; The prizes were won by Miss Marie | week. front; G, M. Macdonnell, ho', Prof.| Moiterer Fined. To match. Carruthers and Miss Madge Dawson.; Rev. Dr. and Mrs. John Mackie left } Robert Laird BION ao bead Flahas AR reas . : After tennis tea was served 1 th Tuesday f M . hov | Robert Laird and DD. Gi. Laidlaw, Edward Flaherty, searcely out of EN ey +. rs Shinis Loa as 3 Tr - an 3 wl uediy or_Montrenl, where they | Kingston. The commission's duty is! his teens, and a former member of the z Shine, Mra aor a +a or y spel od n Bok ays mn h ye Jd to see that the separation of the uni- | battery, was found guilty of theft at =r Dor thy 0 rruth " "Mins Bs i a Bare ay, Ne Wilk ing a" ng | versity fromy the church is in aeccord- | the police court, on Wednesday morn C : 1s ary ors, Jus . eien | land, to visit Mr. iHtham MACKI®, © ynce with the plan submitted to the | ing, and sentenced to two weeks A rowe, Miss Lassie Kirkpatrick, Miss- | Halton Lee, Hawkeswood Road, Bos- | assembly by the trustees Lint. He stold 'a. pair of huots ok es Phyllis and Charlie Shortt, Miss | combe, Hants. Later they will go to Hi ona, § 1980s : a pair . 5 Madge Dawson, Captain A. J. Wolle Scotland 3 AR ara arr {property of a batteryman, named Madge Da n, Cay A. J) e, | & . {. WILL r oun. , ft too ace at Prof. Davis, Captain Hyman, Captain Sir Sandford Fleming, of Ottawa, is | HON. WILLIAM' HARTY RESIGN id ¥ hun; Fie theft a R place 3 \ ge W. i. PP Eki Cad M 4 . -- barr: acks on Saturday night. When a . : pina, 8 ots acdowell, | the guest of Rev. D. M. Gordon, As Chairman of School of Mining] arr vigned before the magistrate, Fla- Edwards, McTaggart, Lovelace and|Queen's University. . Meta re ! "4 {a : : Swee . Board of Governors. { herty pleaded guilty, but by way of sweeney. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Mudie, spent i he had b a . . - - mike : ' " he fall meeting of the board of | excuse, sal I that we ha en dis oo . the week-end in Gananoque with Mrs, ing ! \ ol at the barracks. for tebuir I'he prize for driving in golf pre- | MacMurchy, governors of the School of Mining | charge fi : N 1 1k 4 » of ei ented hy Mrs. J. B. Carruthers, was Tie enon. was held on Tuesday afternoon. Pre In Ise at rom sus =n al sone ™ . F 3 : 8 + sent, beside the vy COVOrROrs 118 comrades 100 ) aollectio 1 played Jor on g ay Siren aod Mr. Herbert Kirkpatrick, of Mon- We: - Longrell heal J, as: his behalf. The sum of money col DESKS prize for approachin putiop treal, spent several days in town last | ' : "lected had not been handed over to Twenty new styles, some ne values |. > My Ti *| week. a Hon. Willian 8 cote ureing | him, and for this reason he stole the at $7, $0, $13 up. Prose ited By ae, B, CunniPham, Miss Mildred Macmorme, who spent that : fam Harty, wrote urging pair of boots frog Young, as the : ~ y or) ph y . - 3 " al wel - Our 26.50 style isa seller. resulted ina tie between Mrs./P. G. the weg wid in Qitava, the guest of which he had tendered some time ago latter had hue ts Fit otal in get RUGS, SQUARES, CARPETS, C. Campoell, Miss Mary Hora and] zi. Felix Shaw. Bagot street eo be accepted, which was reluctantly | ting the collection mace, {oF am In all the latest makes, patterns, | Mics Dorothy Carrhthers and was . RaW, gO 8 Cldone. D. M. Melntvre, K.C., was ihe theft was reported to Constable color effects. played off this afterrioon has been visiting In Perth, returned Samuel Arniel, and the latter arrest. LINOLEUM AND OIL CLOTH, . 0. Tome + Tuway. tson. Svdenbam | ¥icCchairman. ed Flaherty, and at the time the ar : rs, Db. 8, obertso Sydenbhan : ) _ as made ' AOCUS as ' All widths, en Mre. J. Hamilton, Portsmouth, re- street, left on Monglor - ond am Dean Dupuis was elected governor, rest was made the accused was wear RTAINS, lewxed, f.v the first time since her] weeks in Montreal, with her sisters, |"® G. M. Macdomnell, K.C., resign- Lace, Nett, Madras, ete. * binarrinpe o . Tuestiay 1 Wek uy ut " a ed, i ' Daas x {marriage, ao tesday and Wednes- | Mrs Carmen and Miss Molson. Malool Linda fepair and Upholstering wor day: of lust week, and will receive on Mr. Robert Moore's 'four: children Malcolm Lindsay had his status prom tly and well done. [the second and fourth Tuesdays af-| have arrived from Toronto to spend raised from lecturer in civil engineer- Ss ede seo sins ss eres ssn 2 : 3 . y » barracks, and ours v or fi 3 7 ing to assistant ro lBBSOFE one of the men at the barracks, am one 9 Yours, jter November first, the whiter with Mr. Moore's sister, Bu am Stam professor. could be obtained by Flaherty. he - * - > = . we Mrs. R, V. Rogers, Barrie street. latter had been told that he could get g I. F. HARRISON co [ J. Frank Singleton, 183 Al Mrs. Rhoyle, of Toronto, is the : Fight Over a» Girl. : the money now, or wait until the men feud Furent, wl Teme on % Siday, guest a Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Bate kaon that . very lively fight were paid. when it was possible that | 3 ; ZT a tf. BED © | man, University avenue. 0X ace on Uesday evening %¢- | he would be given more money, Fla MEN; who have ORY one second and fourth Fridays of the | Mes. A. P. Christmas and her little [tween - two Germans. 'Lhe fight is herty had decided to wait. Flaherty ur dy atont .) | Sherman Hill, Mr. "Ted" Rogers, Mr. nd 1% Toronto on Tuesday. the constitution of the university, so|poR YOUTH WHO STOLE A PAIR Fall Planting Of our DIAMOND RING line Entirely new line. Oak, Mission a as to make the : 3 ' rhe Steac . : Tay e institution undenomin Mahogany. Some fine brain work ue teacy, Mr. Jeremy Taylor,| Mr. A. P. Christmas, who spent the | ytional, met here on Wedne sday. The Imported Direct from Holland. Best Bulbs at is a circular cluster of seven Best Prices. Hyacinth, Tulips, Narcissus, Daffodils Crocus, Treezia Now is the time to plant ¢ the garden for Spring Blossoming or Indoors for Christmas stones, set in platinum, awd certainly one of our best values $55 gether with ¢ ¢ ¢ 4 0 ' ¢ ¢ é ¢ ' ¢ ¢ g * ull stock of oth ' ¢ ¢ ¢ : ¢ ¢ ' ® at or designs SMITH BROS., Jewellers, Opticians, Dr. A. P. Chow Druggist and Optician, 185 PRINCESS STREET, 'Phone 343. | | | | | i 850 KING STREET, lemmers of Marriage Liceases ®- Bit hie fd hl gh tid hE a a his resignation as chairman, TEVVV LRAT RBTEBRAN FE ceceseasecttttscetsses SI9IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIY | AA A , elected chairman, and R. Crawford, ing the stolen boots. Young said that a collection had been taken up for Flaherty, and that the money was now in the hands of ol : wits UNERLEY 4 aan month in future. . . daughter, "5h ve been the guests |supposed . to have taken place over al old the magistrate that he did not : 3 , of Mrs. W. H. ig, William street, | girl, who &s a late arrival in the! think the money would be given him, Miss Carrie Beard, O'Kill street, is|and Mrs. Christmas' mother, Mrs. HM. [city, and who Both men wanted. to and it was for this ronson that he | ¢ hostess, this afternoon, at the teal.). Wilkinson, Johnson street, expect |vettle the matter it was decided to | had taken the boots. sssesseservecsl Rai : : . a a hour, and Mise Claire St. Remy, from | to return to Mantreal on Saturday. |iight it out. Ihe magistrate, in imposing a sen- 0 INARY New York, in the guest of honor. » * » - Se sete tence of two weeks, stated that this Miss McKay, Barrie street, spent a Colds Cause Headache. was a very poor way for the accused The Coat trade of Kicgston is coming our way. 'I'he critics, after going the rounds, ure peti ning to this store ard making their se lection here. They tell us that our range is MADE OVER AND RE PAIRING W. F. GOURDIER - deine » : . ax . : Mrs. I. R Dut Prices street, was ic o days this week with Captain and Laxative Bromo Quinine, the world- | to treat the men who were trying to hostess, on Tuesday afternoon, at an ly... J, A. Kaulback, Royal Military | wide cold and grip remedy, removes | befriend him in his time of trouble fiarmal fea in honor ofther sister, College. " J cause. Call for full name. Look for Because he refused to tell the ma Mes. Maclennan, of Joronto. Mrs. Fairclough, who has just re- | signature E. W. Grove, 2c. gistrate where he had secured his lh '| : ' : : he bod pirat turned after spending some time rr me quor, Magistrate Farrell imposed ¢ Mrs. R. J. Gardiner, Bagot street, abroad, is in town for a few days The Montreal Star gives "I'he Rus- | sentence of one month in jail upon will rateive. on Friday and. afterwards and is en pension at Miss Anderson's, of on the first and third Fridays Wellington Pe ! , : a thapughout the 2e080N. » Mrs. Easton and the Misses Easton, sian Ballet" company great praise. | Thomas Hrick, who is a member The performance was one of the finest | the "prohibited list." The accused Montreal ever saw. said he was in a trance, and did not from Bradiord, Yorkshire, England, -- know anything that happened: he accused said that Nervaline night more select and con- have made all the trouble © for him The magistrate remarked that he wa tain better styles than not at all satisfied with the story, - the range shown--atw |} and he would therefore take advan |® other stores, and as a 7 |} BUILDERS ' ' ' ' Mrs. J S Stuns firs. James Stewart, Stuart street, | WF Vol Got vr Brooke's, Earl censsssssssesssssssass will not receive until the first kri- street, for a few days. day in November and thereafter on COLOES the first; and second Fridays. Mrs. J. M. Machar, who has been . . . . spending the past year on the con : ar: y i Scotland, returned to y $1 Mra. W. A. Mitchell, William street, { "ent and m : : $1.25Qualit for : ri cd ah : liam street, town last week, and is en pension at , will receive on Thursday afternoon, N Ane 'se Wellingt treet and her sister, Mrs. Bute, from Texas | 1188 Anderson's, Welling on street. will receive with her. a > i Ce ome. Rev. Frank Kirkpatrick, from Mrs. Malcolm Sutherland, Earl | Tweed, spent a few days in town last street, has issued invitations for an |week. At Home for Thursday afternoon at Miss Dora Oldrieve has returned four-thirty o'clock, from Ottawa, wheres she was visiting R. McFAUL er lis y Mrs. JJ. Henderson, Earl street, en Mrs. Lennox Mills, Bishopscourt, 1 tertained, on Monday evening, at a |left, to-day, for Montreal, to spend a CARPET WAREHOUSE. children's party for ay Fenwick | week, dx 0. Sh Union street, and . Henderson, Mrs. E s Brrerssrsesresrrernen .« ». + = Miss Norma Elmer, Bagot street, spent Mrs: W. T. MacClement, Queen's|the week-end in Ottawa, the guests re memes | University, will receive on the first [of Mrs. R. D. Baker, McLaren street. and third Thuisdays during the win-| Miss Agnes L. M. Allan, B. A, Ot BO00000000000000000008,,, (|, tawa, was in Kingston, having ac . e : » . - cepted an invitation to the compli :KENS INGTON Mrs. R. K. Kilborn, King street, will mentary dinner given by the board » receive on the first three Fridays of of trustees of Queen's university to the month, beginning the first Friday [Dean Dupuis on his retirement from - - - - With its building restrictions, parks, street grading, ete, will be the stafi. a most desirable ¢ Mrs. Francis King, Stuart street, is| Mrs. P. H. Gilbert, Montreal, will entertaining informally at the tea{spend the winter with her father, Fourteen lots ahrly sold at hour this afternoon. Judge Britton, in ing, Nek nee ollie in November, Mrs. Fredelick Sparks When improvements sre made and FLIAAIASASAAATANE LY Kingston's Famous Fur Store. $ Very Newest Creations in Millinery. $3.50 to $7.50 SHETIETITICTIC LC TIT EC EEE Ae re dss dene ss esses nsneels eT on result our sales are ALL KINDS OF LUMBER AT refusing to tell where the li MOT Was LOW PRICES, secured, ASBENTIO PLASTER FUR SALE. A lad was fined 85 and costs, for loitering on the street. The police are ALND OOAL AND ALL KINDS OF WOOD. following up the "move on' crusade and if any of the young men or boys think it is all a joke, and that they will not be summoned, they had bet ter take warning. Loitering on the street must be stopped. tne drunk was in the lineup. He { hailed from the old country, and has | een emploved #n the steamer Strath cona. ie was given a chance to leave the city. mounting up very ra- pidly. Coats for Children, Misses and Ladies all at popular prices. Cur. Bagot and liarrack " Flhouw 94) SRLS Sessa tesed We Sell Nobby Suits (People who daily bela are eon for Ladies slicate ¢ o OrV OUR @ us ( . et" i delicate machinery. Nes Khel a with good tasfe. A fiom, general debility, sleeplessuess, pte. | (0) ; i {invariable follow. An invigorating | i The prices are right, {tonic such as Wade's Iron Tonic Pills] % will restore wasting vitality agd tone {up the system. Price 25¢, at J. B {McLeod's drug stores. { Kingston Health Association. ; ewman The letters of incorporation for the o Kingston Health Association have | fo been received. This is the legal title je) of the association, which will estab . £5 hsh and maintain the Sir Oliver Mowat memorial hospital for the = The Always Busy Store. treatment of tuberculosis. Wethin az * few days a meeting of the board will fy Biss ssa nsaasnns aise be held for organization. CAN FIRES, Take Heed of This. People whose daily hebits are eon SELLE e ALLL 000000000000 00000 SEPP sss r sss ssa vrs ates eves JN. OLDY IN & CO, . row Sedernham sod Grdnnnee Sim "Modern Millinery at Mode- ; . rate Prices--no two hats Judge and Mrs. MacLennan, of Tor- alike" is the policy of our Mr. J. Hewitt, ol Toronto, will ar- 'onto, are She guests of Dir. and Mrs, Ladies' Hat section, and it's rive in town on Thursday, to R. H. Duff, Princess street. a . = i aun ¥ spend i ug Princes at strvet, left appealing these days te hun Mr. C. Frederic Carson, R. E., who today for a month's visit in Cleve dreds of women. has been spending several months with land, Ohio, and Pittsburg, Pa. Ya parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Car- | Dr. BR. 8S. Minnes arrived from Ot: All the newest styles and oh homily oun, * will leave on tawa we, No and he gem of colorings are here. Each Hat ursday jontreal, and will sail his mother, Mrs. nnes, l:ore is a specially designed creation "ow "» on Friday on the Virginian for streat. of individuality, and so we Chatham, land. He whpocts to sail] Mr. W. G. Cr 5 Bardie street, re from am, England. on Nov, 10th, ay x . T from Megantie, urge you to look in here be- 'route for India. Quebec, where he Yin spending the fore you buy. Miss Blossom Valleau, of Oitawa, ka, Mrs. George Young and Miss Edith SCALP ITCH [ui of wa | § Feathers, Mounts, Rib a oui jor a iy ota bons, Bare Shapes. Mrs. M. Murchy and Miss Gladys Carrol, f G , spent Tues- ; HE Ta fhe hair roa Co Ge OY COMPARE! INVESTIGATE! you are bald-headed. rn Bomas. Warle: returned on Tues WATC . IN qt Parisian Sage kill him and stop [day from Ottawa. ATCH OUR WINDOWS! itching of the sca a few hours. Mrs. Charles Kirkpatrick, who has Parisinn Sage is the ts, Bishop and and vigbrat hair EER GEORGE MILLS 8 C0 k ' ' a " 126 AND 128 PRINCESS ST. eee ii iD a Es ENED aE Blackstock to Appear Here. George Tait Blackstock, K.C7 of To- | Cook's Coton Root Compound. ronto, is likely to appear in one of The great Uterine Tonic, and the cases to come before the high "only safe effectual Monthiy court next Tuesday. It looks ws iegulatoron which wonien can Of approval is set conspicuous though Sheriff Daweon will hand a a! Sed. an LYE i Iv on all our laundry work-it pair of white gloves to the judge, on ¥ degrees stronger, No. 3, i per box. account of there being wo eriminal §- speci a, clash, or sent cases to come up for trial vga on Fock of price. CLEANNESS Jamies, A or Tuy Pat in New Bell. on, - The distinguishing symbol that A 1 50-pound bell was installed, on - character \ ud § Tuesday, in the new Bandsome belfry Church Being Painted. --_-- flan Swltury a recently added to St. Matthew's] The interior of Princess sireet Me church, Marlbank, by Roral Poean [thodist church is undergoing svtensive Everything we wash is Jones. The congregation is delighted [improvements. The choir gallery ix} noticeable for leanty {with its tone and 'carrying power. being arranged differently. The pulpit , Fwertness and faultless A te is being raised, the pews are bring ironing. A Chimney Blaze. waxed and the floor is being painted At 5.12 o'clock, on Tuesday after- These improvements are being made SR noon, the firemen were given a call with an appropriation made some tins lo | wit home of Mrs. Hedpian, at 26)agos It is expdeted hat everything | Kingston Leundry street, where a defective] will he finished by Sunday, - i Cor. Princess & Sydenham Sts. FE gave some trowhle. No dam- ri m---- : ele F . i. 8 Hamma), of Woodstock, is at her Mrs. Lennox Mills, Bishopseourt, will [home in Kingston. building operations start, values will enhance 25 per not receive on Tuesday of next week. - - - - "cent, If improvements are not made in reasonable time. Make your selection early. SSVEstESSEsORFIOsasentsrervessse grasses seeserareasersenassresrey FI99900440800rueseese vevessssesssssssvesess § Bil. oi he alarm was given by tele] Fire destioyed six or sev houses | in Aupleton on Teesdav. -------------------- ghaseasssanseeesss sesessccesesseess