\ PAGR Fvw / a . THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1911. Thos. Lambert - Merchant Tailor PIANO PERFORMANCE QUEEN'S CONVOCATI IY en oC: WEEKS TMOG) "$5.00 WORTH THE PRICE $5.00 STUDENTS 0 F QUEE N 3 UN | ¥ E R S ITY cry abs tant EVENING, f\ NESDAY EVENING. We invite the Students of Queen's to inspect our Stock and gel [was Heard by a Large Audience, Profs. \John Matheson and A. ». our Prices before purchasing elsewhere Which Was Delighted With the| Ferguson Were Installed--An Ad- Our Store is a safe place for Ordered Clothing. lNiant Playing of This Artist. dress Given by Hom. Dr. Pyne. Convocation at Queen's University Wednesday evening, in Grant hall, was Ladies' Heavy Tans "THE ALTRO" We are showing a ladies' tan blucher, heavy soles, heavy uppers, a good shoe to go without rubbers, made of the best grade willow calf i ' Most attractive counter attractions : . failed to lure the city's music lovers, t Thos. Lambert, 157 Princess Strast [d= on teiueelsy ong ee | suing dose ic, the cormonies io . m ' was a splendid audience to greet] connection with the university during 4 ! : Mark Hambourg, who plays the piano |the day. Quite a large number of with such, human and sympathetic | students occupied the galleries, the touch and ifterpretation that even ladies on the one side and the men those who despise it as "an instru-jon the other. The platform was oecu- GIVEN AWAY went of music' are entranced. For | pied by trustees, senate, members of two hours this man played almost | CIty couneil and board oi education, Ten costly prizes to those cus constantly, and at the end there was and others. Chancellor Sir Sanford : only a hunger for more on the part of | Fleming presided and installed two the audience. new professors, Principal Gordon said there were a The charm of Mark Hambourg is cipal » i SALE his simplicity. He is the Marchesi of {number of changes in the faculties. the keys, listening with pleasure to|Prol. 8. W. Dyde had removed to the in his own perfectly struck notes andfar west, and his place had been filled holping, by the play of expression on [by Prof. A. S. Ferguson. A little lat- value. his mobile face, his audience to appro- jer Dean Dupuis had thought it advis- ciate the beauties of the music he |able to vacate his chair, and he had € brings forth, Last night he juggled been succeeded by Prof. John Mathe- The Tokyo" with his programme a bit, and so dif- [son. The principal' called upon Dr. ferent is his interpretation of the mas- [Goodwin to announce changes in the NESE ART DEALERS. { ters that the unlearned were some- [School of Mining. Prof. Goodwin 74 Wellington Street. y times puzzled for a moment as to just spoke of the changes which had been tomers who buy this week at our Goods over one dollar 000000000000000000000000000000000000080000060 00000000000 OROOOIOIIOIROLYS P600000000000000000000 and night' in the The Fall Millinery Season Now in Full Swing "pr Biock complete in every detail. Anything new and fashionable Russell Hewton returned from New will be found here. Hundreds of Trimmed Hats to select from. HATS FOR LADIES, HATS FOR GIRLS. HATS FOR CHILDREN. A CALL SOLICITED WHETHER YOU WISH TO PURCHASE OR NOT. It was a varied programme, each tioned a number of promotions. Dean AL BS : E distinet number/preluded by a prelim- [Connell spoke of the vacating of the $000000000000000000000000000000000000000000a00000000000000000000e Vos the theme of the previous one and to|Ftherington, who was succeeded by | ee---- ---- NE ------------ - -- os hg t : prepare for the next and give pro-{Dr. Kidd, a recent graduate of SALV ATION ARMY WORK. HOW MANY PEOP USE A 2 grammes a chance to cease rustling |Queen's. He touched on the very im- | E + iat ' 3 prVi br. Etheri D) h r En and be laid quietly down. Serene and [portant service | therington ad What Capt. Turner Has Outlined ways full of a beantiful tunefulness, a | stalled by Chancellor Fleming, he re : : i y The best way to cure a disease is to prevent it. singing in the keys, Mark Hambourg's ceived n great ovation. He said he CHARMED THE AUDIENCE, of the local corps of the Salvation Army, together with Treasurer and F i ) YY' SANI TARY er, gentler men dnd women. Raptur- | him by the trustees of the university, |A Rare Ocular Opera Entertainme ; Ss. S -------------------------- ous applause greeted him as time and and hoped he would be able to be of Was Givi on ] ment from the army's annmal congress at 8 wn a He i lucked 8 Given--Francis Wilson ' in] Toronto, where a magnificent ther again he touched the heart, and his [some service io it. ¢ had looked op . , mag gather he Bachelor's Baby" This Eveu.| mg has been experienced, unde: . ol the Cotuucur. chord of the jthat his position was hingston was privileged , 3 i te heb : Prof: Diva last even- | the Salvation army. are soft, absorbent, economical, pleasant to use, and great master, Beethoven, through [easier by his predecessor, | rof. Dupuis, | ing 10 witness a performance by the Capt, Turner rok advantage of the GUARANTEE CLEANLINESS Shamans singing music, an is. H idered himself I : several Chopin numbers, which he [sound basis. e cousidered humsell| which appeared at the tirand and | in the interests of the nngston eo rps For solid comfort and ease Sold in rolls, each containing 500 towels, size 14 x 15. augmented by hall + t ind and with whom | § ; 2h 1 ar lew { Ww A With handsome nickle fixture, ail packed in poser, the music-master led the. a ot he i : master- Suind sue with whol | sanguton is the smallest cits in which | corps expects to be in its present sleep on a o nlhe had been an associ on 'mpany appears, and Gttawa will | building, the then to ivel ke Prof ithe 1 whirl of the. 'Spinning Song" and the | made comparatively easy oy Prof. [the Duke and Duchess of Connau rht | al interest and succe A , "Rh ie' he i will ¥ 1 st and success rrangements . crash of the second '"Rhapsodie' had |Dupuis, and it would take all the en- attend. | have been made for the visits, on { made of purest w white cotton insisted on the player's return. At by the venerable retiring professor, | rare entertainment, known as ocular | leading officers, including th chi A p : ' ¥ he hie At last he came, again the little ex- | Mathematics, he considered, was the] opera. As the great Mendelssohn | officer of the army in Canada, Com HERCULES woven wire presently he was' saying "Good- | considered it very dry, but he believed Shes dancers visualize silently the | visit the city early in January Pro- | ! 4 : : anu 0 : ' soothing tones of the | that the subject was just what the whole range of human emotions. In| minent also in the programme will be Last a lifetime Chopin Derceuse, and after the soft professor or student made it. In cou- . / b s . ; . i i notes died away, men and women filed [cluding he said that in the next few |"? Words are spoken, for none are'one of the army's finest acoregations sy Years reputation 18 » PB 3 : : Ne 3 A ments of the dancers told k ; - stilled, with dream music singing all {measure up in some degree to the old the story: on November INth and 19th. The first around. standard set and observed by Prof. |More phuinly than 'words could. Litem on the list, however, will he the Tow rices and Reid's High 2 x : reh 8 et ts bourg here, has once more laid the Prof. Ferguson was then * installed Steheutra Was a treat ju itself, but] Hargrave, the commanders of the re > Y t e times. when the orchestra | astern Untario province, who Are if not in grateful thanks, : The m a responsibility which had been con- Mile. Host delightful dancer was | which is now taking place. This will ydia opoukowa, scarely he on October 25th and 20th. "Phone 147, : cellent work dome by Dr. Dyde, who} pn & ay ' wh aris ar ~ Tia 1 a York on Wednesday. had preceded him, 'and said it was 3 Ais a wd d t. Petersburg. This juyseries of Sunday night illustrated J y and graceful Russinn girl | song services, the songs fon which His address was masterful and was the } 11 be § prud . which she is attach , arf The readers of this paper wi result of profound thinking, showing £30,000 for her tiiched had i pay 1 powerful lantern. The band is also We have the imitation hard one dreaded aisease that science Das him to be a man capable of filling the| junction. Mile Fin Tho oe od working hard to attain a higher stan and soft Coal Fir just the sare | 11 it® stages, an ri : .- x / a appeared | dare been able to cure in a & position to which he had been ap-| several times and fairly ! o room grate; no trouble; no dust: what number he was playing. made in that faculty, and also men- a inary canter over the keys to banish|post of anatomy professor by Dr. icki | fered during the past seven years. ® rollicking sweet and low and tender, | ren 4 For the Wint . . , er. aud then again thunderous, but al-| 'When Prof. Matheson arose to be in- Ne y a . . y . g 2 : - IMPERIAL RUSS; SSIAN BALLET| Capt. Turner, \ the officer in charge playing has the power to me ake strong- | felt deeply the honor conferred upon -- 1 Mrs. Pickering, have arrived hack Plsnaute was evident when he return-|upon' the university first with awe,| 8 : \euders) if M 1} H Booth, to bow his thanks. then respect and lastly love, He felt ng. leadership o : te. tame] oath, i as made much iis ¢ wife of the chief of the stall . sic, and on to {who had placed mathematics on alall-star Imperial Russian Ballet opportunity to do some tall hustli; a Ballade of that com-|very fortunate in working with a man gave aelight to a large audience. | This being the last wint that tl | £ p ' er a we neat, sealed carton . cha vas iis full of spell-botind, eager people A » captain 'has deterfnined couple of bits of modern music, and | Prof. Dupuis had been more than alhave it for only one " performance this | to leave no stone unturned to ma Mendelssohn and Liszt. The {father to him. His work had been | evening, when their royal highnesses. | the winter campaign one of exeey ti g ' c AMDAIZEH One « pxoeptiion left the audience tingling, and they lergy he possessed to keep the pace set Fhe Russian dance artists present a, successive week-ends, of a number fl ' ) M could writ cursus of preparation over the kevs, | most unpopular of all subjects. Many ¢ songs without words, sol missioner Rees, who is expected i ! x spring are the best the comedy, "Coppelia," in two acts, | the visit of the territorial «tail band out of the hall, every jangling nerve years he hoped the faculty would | needed. The expressions and: move. 'of musicians. They are to be present arantee for Reid's y The p ous i ; Osear Telgmann, who brought Ham- | Dupuis. we splendid music of the Symphony { farewell visit of Brigadier and Mry Quality. city under an obligation to him, and [by Chancellor Fleming, to the chair of was 2 complete : » i it is being repaid in grateful thoughts mental philosophy. He thanked the being Smpietely forgotten, the music included in the general change-over 9 board of trustees for the honor and adowed by the dancing. |of provincial officers of the army, ferred on. him. He referred to the ex- twer y ently years of ngeé, and the darling the captain is also arranging for a THE LEADING UNDERTAKER Y Nae UNDE | known from one ocean to the other. |g = -- or whom the present company to [will be thrown upon a sheet by a GAS FIRES, pleased to learn that there is at least thing for the parior or dining that 1s Caturrh, Hall's Catarrh Cure «carried the | the coming winter, while the bovs' no smoke; as cheap as al to ctheiency than ever during is the only nositive cure now known co|pointed. His reasoning was logical | house by storm. press La " h : the medical fraternity, Catarrh being and to the point. Orass pand mw also shortly to make uae 4 fat us. give you a price a constitutional disease, requires a con- > . pipe and set complete stitut:onal treatment Hall's Catarrn| Principal Gordon then called Upon | ctage her all-pervading charm w "Phone 515. Personal attention Cure is taken internally, acting direct- | Hon. Dr. Pyne, minister of education, apparent. She is small of fr as -------------- J. W. OLDFIN & CO, upon the blood and Joucous surfaces of to speak a few words. Dr. Pyne eon- | ij. aa ins oh Ho na of Jrama, with 'or. Sydenham and Ordnance Sts. the system, thereby destroying ie 3 g y inten ace of a child AN ABE foundation of the disease, and giving |gratulated the university upon its suc- taking a huge zest iy her depils' A Marred Face. the patient strength bY, pulang upicess and the quality and pumber of Woven in her very self are voutt ne A the constitution anc assisting nature u on Youth anc al . a a in doing its work The proprietors graduates which were being |! irr 1 lightne 58, both imparting an im- trohsure. A face marred by pimples,| | . i #0 much faith in its curativelout year after year. A university measurable charm and in Wdditi blotches and carbuncles is repellent The firemen received a call at 7.33 rs that they offer One Tundfed|.,uld not attain success without af hay indeseribable, poetry , ON | the complexion is made beautiful by |p. m. on Wednesday to a fire at the : the use of Wade's iron Tonic Pills | rear of the building oceupied by ars for any case that it fails le 3 pos oY . of motion Send for i t of testimonials foundation. This foundation usually | js ap integral pArt of Mlle. Lopou .y which cleanse the system of impurt ties | ¢ harles Donoghue, Ontario street. The and enrich the blood, Price 20c, at [wires at the rear of the building had o CHTUNEY & CO, was great teachers, and he had Bot kowa., Clad inf an exquisite white : al Druggiste. T5e doubt but that was the case with filmy costume that made her appear = ake Hall's Family Pills for consti- Queen's. In order to maintain the | more like a sptite than a human be J. B. McLeod's drug stores become crossed and immediately made Bessstsassescnssssnsaffessssaccscssssctssas@ pation. best staff of teachers, it vg necessary | ing, she seemed Wo he absolutely with. {an blaze, A telegraph office messenger to pay the teachers larger salaries. out weight as "whe Moated almost EE ; Speaking of university life, he pre-|othereally through space, Mention was made some tin ) . . _ {sumed universities of other lands had Mlle. Julia Sedown, Mlle Pajitzkaia | ©f the fact that an gorder-in-council | notified the » wt ms, There was no Wess ws ese sels esiesaeee ) (@)e ele) 1 . d SAA heen copied a great deal. Britain, land M. Alex. Volinine were the other | Was being put through to prevent the {damage done, only t the wires had with its universities of culture, and| stars, and all received the plandits of | sale of snipe, quail, woodeock and | to be ul down to save further trom the German institutions had been ania most appreciative audience, The {| Partridge for a period of ree vears | A serious fire might have resulted 'e sxample for research work. People did | company will be through on this route | from September 15th, 1911. Fish andl had not the young lac otieed the ® {not realize fully enough the necessity | ngain later in the winter, Game. Inspector. Taudvin has recciod Lie lof the very best sdueation to develop 2 word to the effect that it become the resources. He was glad to have hsm law. -- ---- = had the chance to visit Kingston and In "The Bachelor's Baby." lpg Richurdan od wits. Belle : i : i 1 George Mellowan, wife and daugh- [ ville, arrived from New wk, on the see university life, and he assured the Tonight "The Pachelor's Baby," people when he went back to Toronto | which is said to be the most human he would be the bearer of a cheerful |comedy-farce that the stage has seen | Wednesday afternoon. way home <, | message to Sir James Whitney avd iin 4 very long time, is to be pre. N o members of the cabinet. sented here by Francis Wilson. Mr. re R EPR k SENTING : oh \ a Wilson wrote "lhe Bachelor's Baby" for his own use. The comedy-faree ia Sale of extra strong corsets, 4 hose [divided inte three compact, swiftly supporters, S0c. Corsets for large fig- imoving acts. The play contains a lot ' . ) Montreal % Leadiie ures, 31.50. New York Dress Reform, of witty lines, which are at times de 209 Princess street. liciously ~droll. The story of the com- The gymnasium classes at "the Y.W.ledy is that of a baby girl who i= ea tate YO er | CA. will begin in the Sollegiote gym- left in the guardianship of Thomas nasium at eight o'clock to-night. Beach (Francis Wilson), a single man 1 em about. town, whose disike of mid. | GTOWS hair and we WILL BE AT THE "MAKE DYSPEPSIA VANISH. ren isthe jest and distress of his : friends. This little niece, whose moth- can prove it : * | Distress From Gas, Heartburn andi. and father, Beach's brother, are an 0 0 e S on nl ') Indigestion Go in Five Minutes. both dead, 'comes to Mve in his New 9 " By family here ought to keep York home and succeeds in entirely Hair Becomes Soft, Fluffy, Lus- 3 yi pepsin in the house, as an changing the life and thoughts of WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, THIS WEEK. : dame ried sa AVE an cok of oe the master of the house. 'There is trous and Beautiful Immediately : ( digestion or Stomach trouble at any also 8 very presty love story that After a Danderine Hair Cleanse . . . - 3 : iQ i Le : ht. entangles itself with the child's part To Give Full Particulars Regarding Montreal's Latest Realty Sensations. ® A Damian Dxcpaiution will dof ply, aud the end is rl TUN TY THE PLAZA. ETC. 35h ont orioms ol ftheie Dod pies", Be "i | Get a 25 Cent Botte Now and o t-of-order st h fivelpany and production brought or NEL Cl . ' : o at lar ward, Oma presentation by Charles Frohman is! Forever Stop Falling Hair, Itching H your meals don't tempt you, or|the same as were with the comedian (From Montreal Stan lard October 14th. 1911). ® | what little you seems to fill [during the fong run of the play in Scalp a and Dandruff { ap of lead iu[New York at the Criterion theatre. - vou, or lays like a | v > ch, i have heart- Wrst ~. CLEARING SALE OF TUNNEL = (ict idiot maw | Amsocam oso ®| Ask your Pharmacist for a Sc. case] The Grand Trunk Pacific' railway faded, ny Riri 0 diteseiiee haw sal From the minute she came on the its first appearance beautiful, healthy complexion is a Fire on Wednesday Evening D. M. SPENCE, The Ling 119 Princess Street. Betctsccscsssssssaasans and no two alike in the lot. | $100 Reward, $100. Order-in-Council Passed. {was going along and noticed it, and immedi sho the owner, who ter, arrived home from New York on!Cape boat, on ednesday, on thei COO OCOOOO00 just moisten a cloth with T of Pape's Diapepein, and take a little] has insugurated a mived train ser Danderine and carefull fa Jus it hrough your hair CITY LO S just ms soon as you can. There willl vice ta be operated on the Regina taking one small a a time. ne effect i be no sour risings, no belching of un-| branch between Melville and Mega. | jmmediate and amazing--your hair will Se light, food mixed with acid, no|This train will run Mondays, Wednes- a of abun. The 300 lots I still have for sale in this beautiful property should he cleared digested dats at Fog Sate Jini er; July aut wavy and have an sppexrases of youn _ off within the next week, as I havea number of prospective Porhasets in addition & ine | [1035 a.m. aud arriving af Reina | riance, the beauty and shimmer? of true baie healt to Foals customers, ready to close up for ¢ amounts, - : - at 7.35 pan. Leaving ina . Try 2s you will aftet in application of Danderine, sive bess ein nee ve n view of this exces- © : : intestinal griping. This will ail gu|days, Thursdays and Saturdays at 7 you cannot find a single trace of dandruff or a loose nd for Tunnel City lots, I have decided to increase the price of the lots re- and, besides, thers will be mo sour] a.m. arriving at Melville at 4 pm. | JMLCEE% COIR WFR CCl CO Ot food left ovdr in the stomach to] and will make stops at the interme what will pee you mou will be after afew week's @ maining after Saturday by another 50 per oem, : poison your breath with nauseous) diate stations, ou will actually see new halr, fine and 0 <1 Hore oa chance to secure Teal Estate that with the brighest prospacts oh EN, EE reer rr OR doy wal <yeu=but sly new huiraproing 500 per cent. higher within two years time, Secure a few of BN i io in referring to De. Daniel Phelan, of | Danderine is to the hair what fresh showers of rain ahead ey at oh Fillcalousty HOTEL R ever offered in Montreal. a fermentation and takes hole Kingston, whe hue both sioctad pre | and munshine are to jon. + 1t gocs right 1s the it siden $0018 inv s life "Phone or call for particulars at H RANDOLPH where you will be well 208 Samp dnc K omach wasn't] Prison Surgeons, the Daily News, of | ioducing Soperios cass he Jair 16 grow shun received whether you purchase or uot. : Omaha, Nebraska, says: "Dr. Phelan | dansly long, strong and beutiful dy wi : contain more than sufli-}is regarded as owe of the highest Get a 25 cent bottle of Knowhon's Dandering GRASP IT. 1 Relief jn five minutes from all sto-| authorities on crime, from the medical |g, suy drug stare or toilet counter and prove to ! J y itary So 2 your drug store, standpoint. i ; yourself Aght~na-thit your aie is as pretty