-- DOO0SCOISSIOIPININNEIOOOISOSS 3 THE MANAGER OF The Bank of Toronto is pleased to offer to all who i have "banking business to transact the services and « facilities of this Bank, with its careful management, wide | connections, up-to-date facili Boob 000000seR0OOOV ROOT 0000000000000 0000000000000 ties and ample funds. RR -- =o! Capital Reserved Funds | | $4,500,000 83,414,000 8 KINGSTON BRANCH 107 PRINCESS 8T. eee J I si : it | GEORGE B. McKA\Y, Manager. P0000000000008 00000000 hy 00000 IBPIRNEVISIERROIRS 1 isa | ROLLER | SKATES FOR CHILDREN. The tim. of the year the children"! want outdoor exerclée after school hours, and there Is no better way than a pslr of Roller Skates On our nice, smooth pavements. No better fun. Nothing better for the Children Only 75¢ a Pair. Fit any foot. W. A. Mitchell HARDWARE. 83 AND 87 PIRNCESS ST. ih ti te iw ty el Phitip tml, FErbsville, died from injuries received when his horse kick ed him, B---------- woods out THE SEARCH MISS VIOLET SMITH. An Expedition land in Sound, Dillon 1 searchers for Miss Violet Smith by rowboat | the srpranized and power uninhabited. islands that dot the coast | of Georgian Bay. fhos 18 1 ing the missing school teacher. | sinced beyond a doubt that she has|Plevty of money, and all the women of lare running after them and flattering few | them and begging to be put in ther the Stories, it's all oft with she simple life been abducted these Crown 2 Madigan ® reeling operations many respects the wildest adventures | of fiction. The fleet $line sea under the command ® crown alteruey island will few days and their very he next itario go as to the whereabouts : . - I'he police place credence now in the troduced as his wife. Chester wrote the that heory y relative 'reward, which they knew fered. Real Ad 1, sndon Aboat applied for civil serviee positions. Fripp, one of the members-elect, says: "As vacancies those who have other things being positions service it an examination, Borden himself could not pat vil here unles on." Bu y choose have passed der the néw law that prerogative of the eivil mission, which must party This is the rule of the inside service and it ought to be exlended outside service. affili : innumerable 'miles distant entire cestrict is preparing ® thorough search. Attorney Haight, Constable | - which resemble in| tery from 'pretty, idle women.' | penetrated that Viclet Smith is held pivsoner. Ee A reward of $200 is offered by the [¥9ne to live ina town. Chester andiplace on record their appreciation of ' of the 'ort, "Ont., Cet. 19. an expedition launches to explore he one last hope of and taken to ome sands a Port, for from Dillon and other officers are of small boats will of and his officers be visited the full in for information of Miss Smith. vernment the girl was kidnapped 8 or others who desired would be Civil Service Reform. vertiser 500 citizens of Mtawa have Nr. that as, the the occur we will see been faithiul to equal, get In order to get into 18 necessary to' pass and Hon. KR. L. A man 8 he passed the examina t what right has Me. Fripp even among those who the examinations ? Unp- is the duty and service tom- not eonsider the ations of the candidates. to the Some Notable Threats, Manitoba Free Those gonservaitves throughout western provinces 1g that need not expect promise his ral ect res the new dominion doing public their governments in does not Borden is that kind of a man. Press the who are now say: Alberta and Saskatchewan Mr. Borden to carry to transfer the na wires to them until they sympathy with administration, are leader un disservice. Fhe uinderstand that Mr. SACRIFICE SALE oF Cloth and Plush Coats Owing to the mild weather we are forced to sacrifice our large "stock of Winter Coats AN PIN Nl i MN A SONS At aN Plush Coats Long lengths, extra good material, well made, nowest styles Regular $18.00 to §: Sat AAA NA ay $14.95. A Al NN A, CLOTH COATS Ladies' and Misses' In Black and Colors, and a good assoit- ment of Tweeds. Eyery Coat new this sesrin. rtricily tailored and worth full va'ue, $13 75 to Saturday $6.98 ~ $20.00, See Window Display. Nr We Sell Utz & Dunn 1S SHE PRISONER 7 A CLEVER CONTINUED FoR! G. RB. CHESTER CAPTIVATED BY Bow Boats and Launches is Searching Every Is. Vicinity of Parry | The fmve find- Con | a take | that led to the! Randolph Chester, story writer. This and | friend was during | the illness that attacked her after she|Maecdonnell as solicitor of the dense | learned of Chester's relations with the bebiok So teapusdent. BEAUTY OF WIFE'S FRIENDS, A Heartbreaking Siory -- Pitiful Story of a Loyal Woman's Sacri- fice for Man She Made. I New York, Uect. 19.-- "The trouble {with Chester is what is the trouble {with all these other literary men who are geltiog divorced these days--too Imuch New York As long as they stay out in their own towns and are pour enough to have to work hard, everything goes well, But when ' they get to New York, and begin to have tang the old ideals. | "That was the trouble with Chester: Too much New York--too much money much Bohemin--too much flat- j--t00 in that way a close friend told to a reporter of the start of the trouble the divorcing of George with Mrs, Chester during Mrs: Chester and her two sows have {nis affinity are abroad sand the wo- man, Mrs. Lillian Deremo. is being in- jthe "Let-Kwh-uick wallingioiu"' swon- | alles, a dramatizion of which by Georgeler period of | Cohan had a phenomenal success on Broadway last season. | divorce case was heard privately be- fore a referee. "If you remember," said the friend, who would not permit her name to be used, "in the Wallingford stories, it is the wife who saves the man and re forms him. Well, Chester drew the character after his wife. He used to say to friends that if it had not been for her he would hive been in the gutter years ago. When they were married Chester was an architect, and things were not too easy for them financially. He started writing stories and his wife copied them for him and advised him to send them to the pa- pers. The stories were successful. "Chester could be a prodigious worker at times, and he and his wife began to syndicate his work, She managed it all, typewriting it, mime- ographing it and watching the busi ness end. The syndicate business prospered so that Mr. Chester deter- mined to come to New York. He left his wile at College Hill, a Cincinnati suburb, to attend 10 selling the house and winding up matters at home. "Mrs. Chester's most intimate friend was Mrs. Jeremo, a young widow. She is a beautiful woman, small and very slight, with enormous burning black eyes and a skin as white as chalk. She is capable of exerting a tremen- dous influence over a man. "Mrs. Chester, on the other hand, is na woman with great charm of simplie- ity and directness. She is small, with large, soft, brown eyes and brown hair, aud a delicate face with a child- ish expression. She is about thirty- five, and Mis. Deremo a good ten years younger. "After Chester arrived in New York he went to live at the Yan Cortlandt hotel. Mrs. Deremo came on from College Hill for the ostensible purpose ACCEPT RESIGNATION OF G. M. MACDONNELL REGRETFULLY. Has Been Trustee for Thirty-eight Years--Francis King Appointed Selicitor--Conference Over Con. stitutional Charges. The trustees of Queen's university held their annuall fall meeting on Wednesday, commencing at ten o'- clock a.m., and continning wntid a {quarter Lo one o'clock Thursday mora- ing with intervals for the laying of the corner stome of Nicol hail and convocation in the evening. The finance committee reported the purchase of the Old Grand Trunk brewery property on King street, the appointment of Mr, Colville as ds sistant professor in English, Mr. Smail, assistant professor of classics, and Mr. Sutcliffe as lecturer im Eng- lish, G. M. Macdonnell, K.C., having ten- dered his resignation as trustee and solicitor the board passed the follow- ing resolution : "Ihe board ceived having re G. M ¢ uni- fr esity, and as membrr of this board, agree to accept the resiguation In desire to of trustees the resignation of doing so, however, they (Mr. Maedonneil's service long and devoted as a trustees of Queen's. lor past thirty«sght years | he has been a member of this B 1, along- service than that of {any other who has ever been a trus- Ihe Chester tce of the university. ct He has fred, given time and energy to promote tha wellfare of his alma mater, with devotion to her interests and with eager solicitude for her prosperity. "Ihe trustees hope that Mr. mace donnell's withdrawal from the board will in no wise weaken his attachment efiorts in her welfare."' Dean Dupuis, Judge MacTavish and J. Metonald Mowat were appointed members of the board Francis Ning was appointed solicitor. A conference was held with the members of the committee of the gene- ral assembly to co-operate with the trustees in securing legislation and also the committee appointed by the general assembly to sake charge of the mterests of the Queen's theologiéal faculty, ami the form of both bills incorporating Queen's University amd Queen's Theological College was con- sidpred in detail. The discussion, while quite lengthy, was never aeri monious, and in a spirit of good give and take, the wording of the different classes was agreed upon, and when adjournment was made there was a feeling both on the part of the trus tees and of the members of the com- mittees that while the changes in the constitution were necessary, the trus- tees desired to advance the interests of the theological college, as well as the university, and that the members of the general assembly's committee desired to the advancement of the university, as well as to safeguard the interests of culty. Belonged to Albany, N.Y. Auburn, N.Y., Oct. 19.--Chief of Police Bell, of this city, said that an investigation he had made info the identity of the young woman who was found shot to death, Tuesday morning, near Savanoah, had dis- of going on the stage. She put up at the Van Cortlandt. Mrs, Chester came on and lived at the hotel. "After that Chester was absent from | home a great deal on the plea of busi: | ness, and Mrg, Deremo accompanied him. Still Mrs. Chester was unsus- picious until one day the woman's father appeared from Cincinnati and asked Mrs. Chester where his daughter was, He had discovered the truth. When Chester returned to town, his wife confronted him with what she had learned, and he confessed. "How have I failed you ¥ ghe nsk ed him. 'In what way don't 1 satisfy {closed {pry, whose parents, Mr. and Mrs. that she was Charlotte Beau- Pe, veaupry, live in Albany. According to Chief Bell the young woman recently fived in Auburn ane in July took out two life insurance policies aggregating $500, giving her surname as Brophy. Her estate was made beneficiary, but two wecks ago, Chief Bell says, the woman had the policies changed so as to make her sister Marie and her brother Edward the beneficiaries. Marihank Echoes. you? " "You are perfect in every way ex- eopt one,' Chester replied. "This wo- | man surpasses you in beauty. T must! have that. My nature demands it my soul eries out for it. I want you and her, too." "For three weeks Mrs, Chester was very ill. It was terrible to watch her She prayed all day and wept most ot the night, for she only slept when she was absolutely exhausted, that her husband should be freed from this fascination. She prayed for his soul and for his love. But one day she came to the end of her strength. She said to me, 'I'm not going to act this way any more. What is the use for me to love a man who ouly tramples on my love ¥ "This affair cannot last long," the friend added. 'The woman is draining Chester's mind and soul and purse, and will throw him aside when she is done. Then we feel sure he will tuyn ep his wife again, but 1 know it will be no use. What she first thought a calamity she now looks on as a bless ing. She is devoted to her boys, and is glad she will be able to rear them away from their father's influence. She ot all the alimony she asked for in =~ complaint. She will never let her husband visit his children if she help it." Some Recent Discoveries, Montreal Gazette. Those who\give attention to sort of thin, i there is only one rane) of Scottish ian, Mr. White, 's of Irish ong the Seoitish and Presbyterian peo- ple of Canada are not among those who think high places in the state should be distributed on racial and ereed lines, the drawing of attention to the situstion as a curiosity of HE be the emd can that that Coch- © Monday afternoon Marlbank, Oct. 19.-A pumber of our gentlemen were at Tamworth on Monday evening last. The funeral of the late Mr. Laughlin took place and was largely at John Gee, on the sick list, is convalescent. James [iecce spent Sunday in town. The Enghsh church belfrey is nearing completion. i holds a fine bell. Stanley Mulvoney W.C.T.U. Elects Officers. Winchester, Oct. 19.--The Proviacial Women's Christian Temperance Un- ion elected these this afternoon Hons orary ' president, Mrs. F. MeKee, Barrie; president, Mrs. M. Thornley, London; vice-president, Mrs. E. A. Ste vens, Toronto; corresponding secre tary, Mrs. H. N. Detlor, North Bay. The association resolved to press both provincial and dominion gov. ernments arettes. a board of sur- vey will assemble in Tete de Pont barracks for the purpose of finding out how the storés are in the ord- nance, department. Warren Lockett, a son of ¥. G. Lockett, has returned to the city ai- ter . the summer as phy cian Im a G.T.P, eMstruction at Lae, St. Anne, Sask. Three Halians from the city on the noon 'tri%n en route They will return is a Buell and W. H. lee, Brockville, were married on Wednes- Dr. RSM tawa on Wednestay. Friday afternoon left for few "returned to Ot LI, Renney and wife, Wft on Thurs ¥ noon for the old country, to look ter the fortune left to Mrs. Henucy . father. The fortune was to Lneen's or lessen his interests and | for legislation against cig-, comp 4 Kingston, father's; Mrs. Richards, Cataraqué, at H 1. H H THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1911. EE -- MAN'S FALL Sarsaparilla Eradicates scrofula and all other humors, cures all their effects, makes the bloed rich and abundant, strengthens all the vital organs. " Take it. There is no "just-as-goed" medicine. Insist on baving Hood's. Get it today. THE WORLD'S EPISODES IN THE BRIEFEST POS- SIBLE FORM. ------ { Matters That Interest Everybody-- Notes From All Over--Little of Everybody Easily Read and Re- membered. At Capri, Maxim Gorky, the Rus stan Bovelisl, 18 seriously iil. College street, 'loronto, has lost its GIVEN 'famous elm, a century or more old. Lhe Toronto police arrested sixty soven Chanamen in a raid on an alleg jed gambling house. Rhode Island Congregational minis- ters decide not to remarry the guilty party or parties in a divorce for adultery. "i | Herman Afield was committed for trial at Berlin on a charge of setting {fire to ms wifes barns at Lentre i ville, German warships have intervened in China purely mn detence of the im- | perilled Germans, and the mowdent had no intermational significance. "It as reported at Ottawa that | Thomas Tait 1s likely to enter the service of the dommion as railway adviser or in some similar capacity. While boys were shooting ducks on Thursday morning, at Fredericton, N B., Howard Christie was accidentally shot and killed by Thomas Wade, aged nine. | At Saint Etiemne, France, an plosion occurred in a coal mine, and forty miners were killed. It 1s sup posed that the explosion was caused by tire damp. In every department W.C.'T'U., work throughout the province, has met with greatest success. There is now a membership of 7,105, an increase of 1,033 in one year. i W. A. Charlton; M. P., for Norfolk county, has filed a cross petition at Osgoode hall, Toronto, against Alex- ander McCall, the defeated candidate, alleging bribery and corruption. James Killroy, forty years of age, of Buffalo, N. Y., wanted to be either electrocuted or cremated on Wednes- day, because the Giants lost the ball game, and his girl married another fellow last week. Su ex- COLEBROOKE NEWS, A Wedding in Saskatchewan of the theologieal fa. | Much Interest, Colebrooke, Oet. HM. --A wedding of interest to Colebrookitel, took place at Cupar, Sask., when Latra, the eldest daughter of Robert Galbraith, of this place, was married to John C. Davi son, of Capar, Sask, Miss Galbraith, accompanied by her father, arrived in Cupar, Wednesday morning, Oct. 4th, and was married in the afternoon at two o'clock, in the home which Mr. Davison had fur- nished, awaitng the arrival of his bride. Ihe ceremony was performed by the Rev. J. W. Graves of Cupar, assisted by the Rev. A. H. Booth, M.A.B.D. The bride is a very highly esteemed young lady and will be missed social lv by a large circle of friends, who wish ber all happiness in her far-away home. Mrs. Secor has returned to Waler town, 'after being the guest of Mrs. Loane for a few weeks. While hete she suffered a slight attack of pneumonia, and as soon as she hecame strong enough left for home, accompanied by Mrs. Loane, who will remain in Water town for the winter. Mr. Nelson Walker and daughter, Al- ma, have returned from a three weeks' visit with friends in Watertown, Auburn and Syracuse, N. Y, !speat Sunday at his home in Stove, | Mrs. H. P. Lucas is visiting friends in Eaterprise. | Mrs. Bartels Goldie Bartels, ston after being the guests of Henry Woodrufi, Mrs. T. Keyes has left for Ottawa, where she will spend some time. Miss Beatrice Farris is with sister, Mrs. Gordon, in a. Mrs. Harriet Lowe, Edmonton, Al berta, is visiting friends here. | A number from here attended the W. M. S. convention at Tamworth. { The pie social on the 11th was a (success, Nearly fifty dollars were tak- tem in. This will be spent on church improvements, ! George lucas lost a thoroughbred Holstein cow this week. She was pas turing on a northern farm, and no trace can be found of her. and grand-daughter, bave returned to King Mrs. her } Eiginburg Notes. Elginhurg, Oct. 15 Thanksgiving ! service will he held on Sunday at half-past two o'clock. A good crowd attended the box social on Friday night. Visitors: Miss Mabel MeRory, | Sydenham, at W. Lawson's; Miss Hes. sie Dedore, of Kingston, at W. W, haell's; Migs Clarke, Glenvale, at N. | Graham's; Mrs, H. Counter, at Si- meon Jackson's; Alexander Hearsnee, j Cleveland, Ohio, at his father's, J. arance 5; Miss ar Bearance, of spent Sanday at her Houghbon's. The Disintegrating Process i Montreal Herald From this on it is the Borden cabi the ge to the pent? Wha are to take the hui fete of fortune amd be sacvificed that 1 dellows may live? Which A Great Many New Things Have 7 Arrived in Our Waist and Suit Department During the Past Few Days and we invite you to come and see them. We cannot describe them all here for lack of space, but will just mention one, Our New Kimona Waist This is an entirely new design," made of Fancy B2ra Not over Silk, and is beauti- fully tcimwed with Cluny Lace and Baby Irish Lace Medallion, and the price is certainly surprising, owing to the amount $2.99, 8 DOO00D0O00 Ladies' Stylish Suits Made from All Wool French Basket Weave Cloth. Coat with broad lapel; collar of satin with Oriental trimming, fluished with buttons and lined with good quality Grey Twiklled Satin ; Skirt, 6 gored pavel back and front. say & Jolors are In Navy aud Grey, and the price is $24.75 Stout Women's Suits. Made from good quality Fine Black or Navy Serge. Coat 30 inches long, lined throughout with satin ; Collar faced with black silk and trimmed with Soutache Braid ; 9 gored skirt with inverted pleat. $22.50. Stylish Fall Suits In Tweeds and Sergcs. $12.50 Up to $30.00 ® DOOOCOOO OO POTS RN0000000000000000000000000000000000006 NEW FALL SHOES For Ladies A main" : gti Leading Ho $5.00 snd Lace $1.59 Patevt Colt Batten and Lace Boots ' . 85.00 Patent Kid Botton Dress Shoe $4.50 Patent Kid Lace Press Shoe, $4.00 Gun Metal Call Button I loots , i awa High Arch. The Lockett Shoe Store BPC CROC QONAROIN OR ENNIT INTO IITTITRIOOIGIOINE 0000003000000 1L 000000000 OOROGPRIOSOIOIROS RALANSANSANII00RI000020000000000600000000000