Large Can 10C At Grocers Comfort Liye labels are worth three Comfort Soap wrappers toward valuable premiums. MH 5 Y "No. 2, NEY ho son bad legs sores, dsehaegeslo theses iwinkness vigosk v tal force. drains looes ke. Either wteor M 141 fram Foungera # Co. 90 Beekman Now York City, or Lyman Bros. Co. Lid. Torome. No. required. sond self wi dressed rnvelope fee hook to De 1 a Letnes Med. Lo HaverstorkRd. patead | ondon, Eng. Try newDragée( Tasteless) TBOrapicn, casy to take. rafe. lasting cure. - ¥ BIBBY'S CAB STAND DAY OR NIGHT Phone 201 THECLUB HOTEL | Wolo A There are onlin ue A a faite principal stores and mobaiees are moderate, P. NM. THOMPSON, Proprister, A BALD-HEADED WOMAN Shorn of Her Crown of Beauty, Loses in Love and Marriage. Hair is certainly most necessary to woman. Who eould love and marry a bald -headedd woman 7 What charms camtld ane array te offset such a dis- fighrement 7 A woman's goal is usually love and mirriage. Her crowning glory is her hair. 'the loss of her bar mars her beauty, happiness and success, Yet, right heve in Kingston, there are thou- sandy of women who are neglecting or uring their hair to such an extent that it is only a matter of time when it will be niterly ruined. any women destroy the beauty of their hair through thoughtlessness or igharanes of certain facts. citling irons over-heated, or to excess which destroys the natural oil of the hie, causing it to split, break, and came out, 'They do not shampoo their hair often enough, or too often. 'They # which con: ints positively harmful to the scalp and hair. As a result of such treatment, dand- ruff is created, the hair loosens, loses eolor, falls ont, and baldness come Mnences, unless proper and prompt pre cautions are taken in time. Then again, microbes and certain diseases about unhealthy scalp and hair Imost. any woman may rid herself v and di poitiv ranteo that it will ou funy and baldoess. or will not Cost the eser anything. from spending eek with Mrs. Rexall Ca Thev o They use d oh hee th 4 who is xr NEWS OF NEIGHBORS Im------ WHAT WHIG CORRESPONDENTS TELL US, The Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Ountario--What People Are Doing sud What They Are Saying. Tamworth Tidings. Tamworth, Oct. 19.--Rev. Mr. Ba officinted at a wedding im Marlbank, on Tuesday. last, The Orangemen this district met en Monday and ini- tiated several members, after which they adjourned to Whalen's hotel, where they had a sumptuous supper. Notes From Flower. Flower, Oct. 17.--Mrs, A. M. Deach- man is visiting frends in Renfrew, FE. Bertram, relieving agent on the Nn. & I'. railway, has gone to Lavant. urs, Appleby and Miss Edith have re turned from Ottawa, Mr. Rogers, of Ottawa, is spending some time around Flower, Mra. James Love and Miss Piva are visiting friends at Snow Road. Parrott's Bay Notes. Parrott's Bay, Oct. 19.1. Nicholson who has gone under an operation, has been able to be removed from the hos pital to a private house, and will be able to he removed to home here in a few days. Mrs. Smith, Dayton, Ohio, and Mrs. Stone, Nunda, N.Y, visiting at their cousins', Mr. Nichol- son and Thomas Miller, have returns ed home, Millhaven Items. Millhaven, Oct. 17. The threshing js about done here and the farmers are busy ploughing and some of them are fimished. Mr. Clement has quit farming and rented his farm to Mr, Hagador, of (déssa. Charles Collins, tax collector of this ward, started out, today, Charles Forward, who is repairing his house, is going to put in a new furnace. A. Hickey, « Barriefield, who was visiting friends in Millhaven, has returmed home. Wafts From Allen, W.1, Allen, Wolfe Island, Oot. 18.--Far- mers are busy digging potatoes and eutting their corn. A party of hunt- era from Brockville are hunting in the vicinity of Big Bay. ~The sloop Maggie L., of Kingston, was at Box- en Harbor, loading grain for Richards son Bros... W. Patterson, Pittsburg, purchased a carload of eattle in this vicinity last week. . A number from here attended the funeral of the late John Dee, which took place on Sat- urday last, T. V. Hogan shipped a fine lot of hogs to 8. Green, butcher, Kingston, on Thursday. George Dor teur, Rochester, N.Y., is visiting his father. Desert Lake Ttems. Desert Lake, Oct, 17.<W. Wilson has a grant of money for improving the rond here. (0, Hansen and bride, of Kepler, called on friends here recently. John and Yan Abrams have returned from Cobalt. Farmers say it is toe dry to plough. Miss Luey Wilson, of Harrowsmith, visited her parents on Sunday. Miss 'G. Snook has gone to Kingston. B. Page is improving his place by putting up a new fence, Mra, A. Urser, a former resident. of this place, visited here recently. Mrs, E. H. Snook has returned from Glen- dower. The people here are through digging potatoes and say they are a fairly good crop. , . St. George's Lake News. Si. George's Lake, Sept. 18.--A quiet | wedding took place in Oconto church, last week, when Samuel Wain and Miss Charlotte Veley were married by Rev. N. B. Topping, of Parham. Bar- ker Bros., of Arden, are threshing in this community. Miss [Ktta Riley has returned to New York City, after spending a few days with her pa: rents, Miss Flora Hamilton, teacher in the public school, has been very ill and her sister has been supplying the vacancy. Visitors: William Haw- ley at J. Green's; Mr. and Mrs. Wil ham Shultz, Watertown, N.Y, at M. Asselstine's; James Wilson spent Sun day at home; Mr. and Mrs. OC. Goudy, R. Wright and Miss Annie Dixon at J. Scott's. Tichborne Tidings. Tichborne, Oct. 15.---Mrs. Brown's dwelling is receiving a new coat of paint, which adds greatly to its at- tractive appearance. Mr. and Mrs. Maonamara, of Toronto, are visiting at Joseph Harris'. P. Ritchie made a flying tilp to Sharbot Lake on Sun- ay. Miss Jennie Bradshaw is spend- ing a few days at IL. A. Cameron's. The attendance at the public school is increasing. Mrs. J. Brown, who has very ill, is convalescent. Mrs, FP. Ritchte has retuened from visiting friends at Arden. Miss (irace (raves, of Harrowsmith, réturned home on Saturday after spending a few days at Mrs. H. Brown's. D. Steele, of Watertown, N.Y., at James Hanna's; Rev. and Mrs. Acton at Mrs. H, Gray's; L. Cronk, Wagarviile, at J. Allison's, Cushendall Cushendall, Oct. 18.--~The farmers - getting along fast with ploughing, but fan i" Joch metsiad , A. Germain had a large on Monday, drawing press- wl hay to Ridean station for shipping. J. Bully also had a bee drawing hay. K. Sain ha *etirned home a tr the west. Miss MeNeely, Willetsholme, is visiting at Mr, Weir's, 'Miss A. Redmond has returned home Martin. W, who has ' the past two mouths in the gy returned home. was accompanied his brother-in-law, Mr. Jackson, is visiting eastern friends. Mrs. called to the bedside Mrs. Northmore, Ning- setiously ill, K. 1 so lay up, unable to attend to busi- west, has | : THE DANY BRITISH WHIG, PRIBAY, OCTOBER 20, 1941. ------------------------------ Lton. Mr. and Mrs. William P iagle, of 'Lapum, wete recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. B. Rosem "Cluster Lodge." | Mrs. J. L. F. Bproule, and danghter, Marion, spent last week with her pa- landed a few days ago. of [dem Hast cheese Mrs, Baldick and children, month of § $1.2 per milk, | rents, Mr. and Mea. F. } Riugston, "of Watertown, are visiting her 'parents, Mr. and Mes. G, Gates, Mr. and urs. B. Hose spent Sumday evening at I. , Sheohan's. Mr. and Res Gi. Hyland | spent last week with Ir s at knter- Marshall, | prise. the fine made great progress with their work, the day. At Mount Chesney. Mount Chesney, Oct. 19.--Apple pick- ing in this focslity is &lmost complet- |} 4 ed and the crop is fair. Many farmers {he death spread are ploughing, as it is esi there will be an early freeze-up. Thej, cheese factory is progressing faver- ably, and the milk supply is still "holding firms, owing to the roureity of grass. Miss Agnes Lafleur has returned to Kingston after a visit with her sister, Mrs. E. MeGavey, Visitors: |. |W. Webb visiting at R. C. Hawkey's; H.Hawkey, at T.Shannon's, Surbury; J. and M. McGarvey spent Sunday with friends at Seeley's Bay; Mr, and | Mes. 1. MeGavey, visiting in the city; T. J. Brien spent Sunday last with friénds here; E. Sears, at James Meliarvey's; IK. Provost spent Sun day last his cousin at Willett's Hobne. Notes From Florida. Florida, Oct, 18.--Potato digging is about finished iw this locality. All report a fair crop. Kenneth Martin is very ill with appendicitis, Russel Wel- don, Kingston Business College, is spending a few days at his home. Mrs. E. Lueas and son have returned home after spending a few weeks with her parents. Mrs. Smith, of Bath, has re- tarngd home nfter spending a few days at Miles Martin's. Mrs. Waddell, and baby, of Harrewsmith, and Mrs, Cook and daughter of Kingston, spent Friday at H. Walker's, Mrs. J. IE. Peters is ill. Hay is bringing rath- er a good prige for this time of the vent; The figure offering is $13 a ton, D. Babcock and wife spent a few days last week with their daughter, Mrs, Webb, Mount Chesney. Long Point Locals. Long Point, Oct. 17.--~Threshing and silo-filling is the order of the day. (George Chapman, Seeley's Bay, Mrs. Charles Sweet, Gananoque, and Mrs. Henry Willis, Seeley's Bay, visited at Mrs, Seabrook's, last Saturday. Dr. Fergus O'Connor and family, of Gana- noque, 'spent last Thursday at Charles 'Connor's. Misa Helena Sin- gleton, Clear Lake, end at her home here. Mrs, John Me: Donald, Sand Bay, is spending a few days with her . sister, Miss Ellen O'Connor, Miss Hazel Bracken spent the week-end at her home in Ellisville, Messrs. Joseph Bevins and Harry Beving are erecting a new house for M. O0'Hearn, South Lake. Miss Mar- garet O'Connor is spending a few days at her grandparents', here. Recent visitors to this neighborhood : Joseph Moorhead and Kitliam Moorhead, Sweet's Corners, at John Mogrhead's; Mr, and Mrs, George Bradley, Charles- ton, at George Reid's; Bee Flood, Del- ta, at Charles O'Connor's; George Chapman and Mrs. Henry Willis, See lev's Bay, at J. Townsend's. News From Bethel. ] Bethel, Oct. 15.--Potato digging is nearly completed and reports are half a crap. Mr. and Mrs. James Ro- binson, who have been visiting in the west for some time, arrived home on Saturday. Miss Salsbury attended the teachers' convention in Napanee on Thursday and Friday last. Miss Olive Salsbury, Hawley, spent Satur. day and Sunday at het home here Mrs, Robert Ashley is ill at Cole brook. We hope she will soon be able to come home. A. Tonkinese has 'bean doing the threshing for the Riv- er Road people. A few attended the faic at Odessa. George Smedley and Miss M. Salsbury spent Saturday evening in Napanee. James A. Ham- ilton was taken suddenly ill ' one night last week and bad to be re moved to Kingston general hospital, Ohliged to it busi Itching Plies. After Twenty Years of Pile Torture Relief and Cute Came With Kou take vo risk and you make no experiment' When vou use Dr. Chase's Ointment for piles. Many doctors 'still climg to the idea that nothing but an gperstion will effect a cure. Puy 'operations are expensive .and dan-}} gerous, and olten lakl in their re sults. have been cured by br. Chase's Ointment after operstions had failed, De. Chase's Ointment truly a wonderful record as a les and afl itchi skin diseases. {Here is a case which was reported re cently : Mr. John P. Marshall, 11 Barnes] Road, Su. John, Nfld, writes : "For f has}; ness. "YI tried man benelit, uatil br. Chase! where he has successinlly undergone an operition for appendicitis. and Mrs, James Gibson have 'goue ou a trip to the Old Country and safely seventy-vighth respected funeral, which was lar, took place on Monday Oakland cemetery. Sunday school on Oct. 22nd. Hurdle, one men, shall Moore, of Canonto, has been the guest Watson, for the purchased one this locality, known as the farm, one mile from the { Newburg, ang intends taking possess- to hear of Mr. Deacon's departure for Mrs. J. Babeoek craft, at W, J. Watson's, Sunday; cock, the guest of Miss A. Beattie. spent the week- | from Maberly to 1 her aunt, Mrs. wedding took place was greens ad asters. the bride, her took her place beneath an evergreens charming 'n a white embroidered dress trimmed c-stomary veil and orange blossoms, She earvied white roses. formed by F. Ferguson, wedding ; girls, Frederika n Forsythe, So Dreadful Was the Suffering From] white silk, ket of chrysanthemumas. guests, down to a sumptuous repast. were proposed by br 's Ointment son and were ably responded . Chase t Nr. A. E. Freeman. was shown by the fine array of wed ding gilts. bride was girls a pold locket and chain. gift of the bride's parents was $500 in gold. The happy young couple left cure for ifetti, corded silk gown, with hat to match, and a long meal coat. and Nrs, Three Mile Bay, N.Y., where ho has been stationed for some time past. Maryland girl, she's his fiancee, eats Mr. Our Cam- factory for the 8 paid of at one hundred pounds of Pratt Siding ems, Pratt Siding, Oct. 16th.--~Owing to weather the farmers have a Corn husking is the order of Deep and sincere regret was ward on all sides when the news of |, of Mrs. R. Winship was unity on in her year ahd wad highly by all whe her. The lv attended, fternoon, to Rev. Mrs. Weir, Pratt Siding Justice popular young Friday. Mar about in this riday last, of Glencoe, »&ll attend of our left for Alberta, father-in-law, James t week, a has the best farms in Deacan ol of his village ion the first of March. We are sorry Mr. and Rey- Visitors : and Leslie British Columbia. Moore, at John MeConnell's; Mr. Bate man, at his son-in-law's, L. Goff; Miss Minnie Gardiner, at her ster's, Mrs. W. KR. Macaulay's; Wesley Bab. Bush Fire Near Parham. Parham, Oct, 18.--The villagers were very much alarmed, yesterday, over a bush fire in the neighboring district, Fortunately rain came, extinguishing the flames. G. F. Goodfellow return- ed to Sydenbam on Monday to resume his duties at the high school. G, H. Goodfellow has roturned to Tema- gami, after spending his jpolidays with his mother. The public school re opened October lst, with C/ M. Van Juven, of Battersea, as principal. Rev, and Mrs. F. Horaby, 'of Plevna, have taken up their abode in St. James' rectory. I'he annual Thanksgiving service was held in St. James' church on Sunday evening last. The church was prettily decorated for the occasion, Rev. Mr, Hornby delivered a very impressive address. Mrs. M. Marks, has returned spend the winter with her daughter, Mrs. G. W. nil lings. A very interesting law suit was debated on in the court room on Fri- day last over a flock of stray tur- keys. Dr. and Mrs, Topping spent the early part of the week at Wagarville, calling on their parishioners. Mecently two very enjoyable evenings were spent gt the homes of A. B, and Thomas Howes, Music and games were indulged in, after which a sump tuous repast of chickens was served. Visitors : Mr. and Mrs, Robinson, of Toronto, at their daughter's, Mrs. Hormmbyv's; Miss CUsrrie Melood, of Kingston, is spending a few weoks at some; Mass abel Smalindge, of Kingston, visiting relatives here; Miss Mildred Godfrey, of Godirey, visiting W. D. Blaek; Dr. and Mrs, Genge spent Sunday at the home of her father, W. D. Bertram. The funeral of the late John Me Mahon, of Hinchinbrooke, was solemn- ized at his home on October 13th, by Rev, A. Acton, after which his re mains were brought here and placed in the vault. A Perth Road Wedding. Perth Road, Oct. 18.--A very pretty at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Stonnese, Perth Road, on Wednesday cvening, Oct, 11th, when their daughter, Miss Blanche A., was united in marriage to Rev. Walter 5. Dobbie. The house tastefully decorated with ever- At eight o'clock who was given away by father, entered the room and arch of looked and lilies, She with lace and wearing the A shower | houguet of The ceremony was per- Rev. Mr. Hannubh. Mrs. Inverary, played the The little Bower Ferguson and lgobel were daintily dressed in and each carried a bas march, After the usual congratulations the numbering about ninety, sat Toasts Lieul,Col.s Fergu- to hy Rev. C. Lloyd and Dr. he the bride's father, Rev. room, Tannah, The popularity of the young couple The groom's gift to the a handsome pearl peck. flower 'Ihe ace, and to each of the lor New York on 'Thursday. ng amid showers: of rice aml The hride travelled in a morn: eon fue Mr at Rev. Dobbie will reside A Comedy of Corn. "Say, you know how fastidious i is?' said the man, ¥ " "Well, he gets wild whenever the ech. She found out how 1 VERY day, some clever woman dis- covers a1 new use for OXO Cubes. Every OXO Cubes have proved their superior quality --their convenience--their economy. The OXO way is the quick and easy way of makin surprises in meat dishes--ol enniching soups, sauces and stews --and in making possible a con- wif stant variety to CUBES 10 for 25¢c. dior bc. CHOCOLATES Fresh Arrival Ganong's Finest Chocolates LARGEST ASSORTMENT. Only 50c per Pound. A. J. REES, - IN 166 PRINCESS ST. Phone 58 NA-DRU-CO DYSPEPSIA TABLETS sebeve: at once the disagreeable sensations that come from overeating. The lover of good things may feel quite safe if he has a box at hand. 50c. a box at all dugg'. Nutisnst Ovug 4 Cheuical Ca: of Canals, Limited | THE ROYAL MANNISH There are many Young Women who are learn- ing the value of Royal Mannish Shoes. The last and atterns are constructed to give the greatest com- ort, and at the same time present a stylish and natty appearance. We have them in all Leathers. Sold only by REID & CHARLES SHOES @ How We Build A Growing Business a NOT BY MEANS TIONAL OF SENSA. ADVERTISING. NOT BY MEANS OF PREMIUM SCHEMES, NOT BY MEANS OF SO-CALL- ED BARGAIN SALES, Simply by supplying, at all times. the best Shoes at a reason- able price and the fairest treat- ment posatble to our eusiomers Our method simply verifies "what "Bmerson" wrote: "If a man does a thing better "than &il the rest--even if be | should MNve in the woods---there will be a beaten path that leads to him." This particular path leads to J. H. Sutherland & Bro. "THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES" RAILWAY § ELBE LSE THANKSGIVING DAY Monday, Oct. 30th Round trip tickets will be issued at Single First Class Fare Good going Oct, 20th, 28th, 29th and 30th, good to return untii Wed- wv, Nov. lst, Tickets to intermediate stations be tween Montreal and Toronto will not be good on traing 1 and 4, HUNTERS' EXCURSIONS Tickets on sale daily until Nov, Hh, good to return until Dec. 1th, For further particulars apply to J. P, HANLEY, Agent, Corner Johnston and Ontario Sts. SECU ERM RAILWAY IN CONNECTION WITH Canadian Pacific Railway Thanksgiving Return Tickets between all stations SINGLE. FARE Going Friday, Saturday, Monday, OCTOBER 27, 28, 30. Return Hmit, Wednesday, Nov Hunters Excursion 'Hekets on sale daily until Novem- ber 11th, good to return until De- cember 14th, Full particulars at K. & P. and C.P.R. Ticket Office, Ontario Stree. F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass, Agent BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. Train leaves Union Station, Ountarie Street, an dally (Sunday excepted), for Tweed, Sydenham, Napanee, Deser- onto, Bannockburn and all points porth, To secure quick despatch to Bannockburn, Maynooth, and points on Central Ontario Route your shipments via Bay of Quinte Rallway. For fur- ther ticulars, a Ae H. Ward, Fret. Agent; J. a eich, Pass Agent. one No. 8, LAKE ONTARIO AND BAY OF QUINTE STEAMBOAT CO, LTD, Steamer Aletha KINGSTON, PICTON, BELLEVILLE, Steamer leaves Kingston dally ex. cept Sunday, at 3 pm, for Picton and Intermediate ports, calling at Peseronto and Helleville on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays only, Frelght handled with despatch and care at réasonable rates. BEB. E HORBEY, General Manager, Kingston, J. P. HANLEY, JAB. BWIFT & CO, Agents KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE (Limited) "Highest Education at Lowest Cost' Twenty-sixth year, Fall Term begins August 30th. Courses in Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Tele Kearny, Civil Service and Eug- 8 Our graduates get (he positions Within a short thine over sixty secured positions with one of the largest rallway oor- porations in Canada, Enter any time. Call or write for informa- tion, HH. F. Metcalfe, Principal Kingston, Canada best TAKE IT AWAY «That's what our patrons sey «. when served with Belfast UGlnger Ale or English Ulnger Beer that do not bear our Inbel, Our bottled goods for family ose have no superior, Sample it at any of the lead. ing hotels o rtelephone 304 for a trial case. Thompson Bottling Co. 292 PRINCESS ST, KINGSTON, She has had experietice, And will tell you in her own way The many advanlages derived by the use of :/Gas For Cooking There is ho denying tne fact That for Cheapness, Cleaness Convenienes, Gas for rocking can't be bent. A card addressed to the Oflice of the Works, uetn Street, or "Phone 197, will bring Dept. Newosgnry C. FOLGER, Gen. Mgr. and information, C