Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Oct 1911, p. 6

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080000000000 £ THE MANAGER OF The Bank of Toronto is pleased to offer to all whe business hate banking to transact the services and facilities of this Bank, with its wide careful management, comnections, up-to-date facili- ties and ample funds, a, $4.500,000 $5,441,000 Capital Reserved Funds . | 000000 cnccseseciececsessnsotacssscccsasee KINGSTON BRANCH 107 PRINCESS ST. GRORGE B McKAY, Manager. 0000000000040000.000000000VBNIGIRORGRTSO PO0L0NEODO000000000000 LEP US SHOW YOU ThE = Vacuum See that will do everything the highs priced cleaner will do, and at a price that everybody can bear. ONLY $6.00, Hold only at W. A. Mitchell HARDWARE. 85 AND 87 PIRNCESS ST. S------------------ Airis The Welland board of trade has started a campaign to add 200 mem- bers to the Board. T0 RECEIVE $200,000 AS ITS SHARE OF QUEEN'S EN- DOWMENT, Provision for the Presbyterian Theology Faculty in the University --To Receive a New Building. The bill for the separation of Queen's university from the Preshyteriap church, to come before the next ses- sion of the Dominion parliament, will provide for a settlement upon the theological faculty, of the sum of 5200000 as its share of the endow- ment fund, and for a separate build: ing, fuel, light and attendance. The general assembly commissioners held out for the transfer of the old aris building, now oeeupied by. the faculty of theology, but the trustees did not waal to give'so much as that, The trustees promise, however, to erect a building for theology within five years, In the meantime, of until the néw building is erected, theology will eon- tinue to use the old arts building. One of the assembly commission insisted upon a clause being inserted that this building should be held in trust for the theology faculty until the new building is erceted. Some of the assembly commission seemed to be fearful that the time might come when theology would be ousted from Queen's altogether, and they wish to guard against any such likelihood. They want the theology faculty to be so well anchored on the 10ld Ontario Strand that its position cannot be shifted. As there is such a small number 'of theological students, 'he time might arrive when its annex- sion to Knox, of Toronto, might be previously broached. The Queen's men in the general assembly do not want this, so they are endeavoring to make the position of the theological faculty forever secure. They refuse to accept mere 'housing room" for the theology ¢ladses. Other departments have sep: arate baildings, any why not theo. logy? Only One "Bromo Quinine." Laxative Bromo wie signature of E. world over to Me, inne w cure That is Look for Grove. Used the a cold in one day, Albert Jardine, brother of Edward Jardine, who was hanged in June for the murder of Lizzie Anderson, was charged at the assizes at Goderich with wounding David Prown. He was found guilty, and bound over in $2,- 000 to keep the peace, 'Buy kodak supplies." Gibson's. Boot sale : $3.50 men's, $2.75; wo- men's 85 for $3.95; boys' #2, extra strong, £1.60. Dutton's, 209 Princess street, Ex-alderman John Sawers, of Peter- boro , aged sixty-seven years, was found dead in bed on Thursday morn. ing. "Frosh molasses eandy" There may be a streot railway strike in Toronto. The men meet Saturday evening, 2 Art. exhibit , open nights. Weese's. (ihaon's. | SACRIFICE SALE 0 © Cloth and Plush Coats Owing to the mild weather we are forced to sacrifice our large stock of Winter Coats ne rea Plush Long lengths, extra made, newest styles Coats good material, well Regular $18.60 to $25.00, Saturday $14.95. 'CLOTH A ny COATS ~ Ladies' and Misses' In Black and Colors, and a good assort- ment of Tweeds. Every Coat new this season, strictly tailored and worth full value, $13.75 to $20.00. See Window Display. : far. are an arm, THE DAILY a PITH OF THE NEWS. ---- The Very Latest Culled From All Over the World. There are sixty cases of diphtheria in the Parkdale schools. W. B. Rankin, of Halifax, agel fifty-seven years, died on Thursday. At Brockville cheese board, on Thursday, 13 1316c. was refused. Short hair has been made the tinguishing mark of the Chinese volitionists, Some 500,000,060 cigarettes are con- sumed annually in Canada. These were manufactured by Canadian producers. rast Middlesex conservatives have decided that Hon, W. T. White can- not run there. He may get Dufferin opened. A sanitarium for the treatment of tuberculosis is now assured for Wa- terion county, and it will be located near Berlin, Carroll C. Hele bas been appointed weeretary to Hon, W. IR. Henrst, min- tutor of lands, forests aod mines, at a salary of 21.500, 'Thomas Barker, a farmer, living near Embro, was run over by a se- parator on Wednesday and is in a critical condition. dis- re- * INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Our Reporters. Finest potatoes. J. Crawford Philip Haffner and wife returned home, Friday, from a trip to New York, Mrs. B. 0. Britton, Gananoque, was re-elected treasurer of the Provincial w.C.T UU 'the police have been notified that one of the lady members of the Rus sian ballet lost a valuable gold belt buckle while she was in Kingston. Sweet cider, new figs. J. Crawiond. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Lefever and Miss Kihel Leiover returned: on Thurs day from New York where the latter two visited for the past two months. Rubbers for all, cheap, at Dutton's, 209 Princess street. The Portsmouth school board met on Thursday evening, but there wag no business outside of the passing of accounts. "Buy kodak filme." Gibson's, The business men's classes of Y.M.C.A. are becoming quite and interesting, The bankers figuring on forming a baske team, TO TRY AND OUST WHITNEY FROM POWER. Conservative Government of On. tario Has Failed to Get the Share of the Immigrants to Which This Province is Entitled. Toronto, Oet. 20.--A caucus of the liberal parliamentary party in the Ontario legislature was held yesterday afternoon in the offices of the Ontario Reform Association. The caucus was attended by Hon. A. G. MacKay, the leader of the opposition, and the li beral candidates, who have already been nominated for the approaching general election in the province. I'he general political situation in Ovtario was freely discussed hy the members «f the caucus, and the wn- animous conviction was expressed that the Whitney government had failed to measure up to the expecta: tions of the people of Ontamo. The census returns just published coupled with the conspicuous in the large are ball Mr. Bechy, Sydney, NSW, the min- | inister for lands, promises to throw | open a million acres on a leasehold | tenure next year. | It is announced that the city site of Port Mann, the CNR. terminal on the Pacific coast, will he shortly placed on the market, | At Petetboro, Ont., Thomas P. Fitz-| gerald, aged seventy-cight years, and] for twenty-four years deputy reeve of Smith township, died, after a long ul ness. ihe temperance forces in the Rainy | river didtiet are maugurating an active campaign to banish the bar rooms Irom tnat part of Northern Ontario. the mounted police will establish a moter boat patrol on the Mackenzi:| river, 'lwenty-one foot boats are be- mg obtained to patrol the river lor hundreds of mite... Twelve commercial travellers, from Germany, were registered at the Wind- sor Hotel, Montreal, all in Canada looking to a furtherance of grade with the fatherland. It is understood here that Hon. Sid- ney Fisher will reomier Lhe poiltivar arena and that G. Hl. Boivin, mem- bev-olect in Shelford, will resign to make way for his return. The last rail on the C. P. Rs new grain route from Vietoria Harbor to vethany has been laid. As soon as the ballasting has been completed thé line will be ready for traflie. the appointment of nev. Father A. 8, Roy, as rector of the University of Uttawa, wm succession to Rev. Father Witkam Murphy, whose tern has expired, ws officially announced, Howard 1. Christie, aged fourteen, was accidentally shot in the head by 'thomas Wade, aged nine, "The boys were out gumning in New Brunswick. Ihe boy awd twenty minutes later, Hon. A, G. Machay denies very em- phatically the statement that he has resigned the position he has held for some years as leader of the liberal op- position in the Ontario legislature. The date for the Nova Seotia bye elections has been fixed for November Ith, Nomination day will be No- vember Sth. There will be three eléc- tions--Luneaburg, Annapolis and Dighy counties, A petition waa filed against the re turn of the conservative, David Mar- shall, of Kast Elgin. The usual charges of bribery, treating, persona tion, umlue influence and other cor ue practices were made. The Nobel prize in medicine has been awarded to Prof. Alvar Gallstrand, of the faculty of medicine of Upsala University, Uceala, Swededn, for ré search work in dioptries in connec tion with his study of the eye. James Pattens, brakesman on a Grand Trunk train, lost both legs by being run over at Guelph junction. This is the thirdeaccident that as oc eurred at this place within-a short time. The first Sweden chamber dissolved, and writs for a new election issued, in accordance with the promise made to K. Stafi, the liberal leader, when he accepted the promise two weeks ago, 2 W. B. Seott, an old Guelph boy, formerly a freight clerk of the G. T. R. at Guelph, has been appointed vice president and general manager of the Union Pacilic, with headquarters at Omaha. The Eastview separate school, Ot- tawa, has been closed, owing to a case of small-pox that broke out in one of the families that attend there, There are about seven casts of the disease in Eastview, Mgr Bruchesi, of Montreal, and Mgr. Langevin, of Manitoba, are go- ing to Quebec, to assist Mgr. Begin in the consecration of Mgr. Mathieu, CM.G., Laval University, as Bishop of Regina, on November 5th. Sir William Grey-Wilson, governor of the Bahamas, scalled on Premier Boeden on. Wednesday and talked over the annexation of the islands to Ca- nada, but would not say how far the negotiations had proceeded. Confident that a membership of several thousands may be rolled up, the Moutreal Old Boys' Association was organized at Toronto, and de cided upon annual trips to the home city. W. J, O'Grady is the first presi: dent. Four young married men were blown to atoms at MoCurtis & Har- vey's high explosive factory, Que. The only sign of the victims lies ond one finger and a ability of the administration to take advantage of its great opportunities in the north country, were gited as evidences of the necessity for a change of government at Toronto. It was felt that the agricultural policy of the Whithey government, so far as old Ontario is concerned, and the colonization policy for the agri cultural lands in New Ontario, are entirely inadejuate. 'the census returns show Whitney policy has not only not re tained thé natural inerease in. the rural population of old Ontario, but has absolutely failed to secure any part of the large immigration enter- ing Canada for either new or old] Ontario. So much so, that the rural population of the whole province has actually decreased during the re- gime of the present government. tiefore adjournment, on the motion of Danfel Reed, M.I'.P., for South Wentworth, and J. C. Elliott, M.I".P. for West Middlesex, the caweus unani mously passed a redolution of eon: fidence in the leadership of Hon. My MacKay." A SILLY CHGRUS MAN SUES FOR HEART BALM | Hie Wants $50,000 From Miss Helen Woodruff Smith For Re- . ti Hi y i New York, Oct. 20.-A breach of promise suit of unusual interest is at Youd hasent atimdting wide aston on m D. A. Ferguson obtained second Hele x i oh Q hy gl 550 on class standing in church history, while my al Miss Saath is ho dat 1 N. Caldwell secured the same stan ter of the late James E. Smuh, once dard in new testament, president of the New York Stoek Ex- change. The plaintiff ts a Broadway chorus man. Fervent letters written a . . : by Miss Smith to Griswold, and "The funniest thing that Bill Nye which were sealed with countless "eye My brother--ever said," declared Rep- kisses" were read fo the jury, resentative Frank Nye, of Minnesota, : ("was about a steer that ran away from him. Bill and I were boys when Kx-Warden Jerome 'Thomson, = of Our parents moved to the west. We Sharbot Lake, in an interview with worked on father's farm, Bill got to- th to buy a little steer, the Whig with regard to a prisoner gether enoug in the penitentiary, confessing to the Which we intended to break to har. murder of the two young men at ness and work. Several days after we Sharbot Lake some years ago, says got the steer home he disappeared and that there is no truth in the report. we never saw him again. Wo spent one He himself was the one who picked entire day in the mountains hunting up the boat and part of the clothing, for him. That night, and it was after which the lads wore. They were midnight when we got home, mother drowned he if certain, and as for the was in the road crying, thinking that bodies not being found he says they we were lost. We had been lost and could easily be eaught on something were hungry, tired and footsore. on the bottom of the lake and vee "Twenty-five years later when Bill main there. was launching on his newspaper career, 1 received a letter from him. He was on his way to Europe. He told me that he had been offered a trip around the world by a big daily paper and thought he would accept it. "For one particular reason I think I will take it," he wrote, "and that ig to see if I ean find that darned old steer." Snow apples, sweet cider, new figs. J. Crawford. We have received the September nmam- ber of "Peru To-day," edited by John Vavasour Noel, formerly of this city. The magazine is devoteh to the development of Peru, and is very readable. 2 "Bay kodak films." Gibson's. Police Constable Samuel Arniel was called upon to shoot five dogs on Thursday. Four of the canines were suffering from an incurable disease, and the other paid the penalty of running out on the street and attack- ing horses, "ity kodak filme." Gibson's, The funeral of the Mate Mrs. Bill- ings took place from her late resi: dence, River street, Friday after: noon at Cataraqoi cemetéry. The fun eral service was conducted by Dean Bidwell. Decensed was a regular at- tendant of St. George's Cathedral, that the THEOLOGY SCHOLARSHIPS Announced at Queen's University on Fridey Afternoon. The results in the fall theological examinations at Queen's were posted, Fridav afternoon, al the university, as follows : Matriculation scholarships -- The David Strathern Dow, value 875, won by George Telford, B.A, Neotland. The Dominion, founded by Walker Lawson, Scotland, value $70, won by J. W, North, Ann Harbor, The Buchan, Alexander Buchan, 2656, won by P. L. founded by Rev Stirling, value Jull, B.A, Brant: Wanted to Get That Steer, Believes They Were Drowned. @rrrrrrsssssssrsesses@ WHIG'S SPORT BULLETIN. The Whig, on Saturday afternoon, will bulletin the various innings of the world's championship base- ball game between Phila- delphia and New York; also the quarter time scores of the Queen"s-Mc- Gill Rughy game in Mont- real, and the results of the other Intercollegiate and interprovincial ruby contests. Nobility at a Price. A prominent manufacturer many was enabled some time ago to procure a patent of subordinate no bility upon the payment of thirty 'seven thousand dollars. A barons | title has been obtained for the pay- {ment of seventy-five hundred dollars Pessascsssssaassesnaseassesll Spanish nobility of lesser rank is pro- curable for five thousand dollars. of Ger gas Sharbot Lake Bildge. ! The water at Sharbot Lake was} never known to be so low, and resi-; Andrew's chimes arrived in the dents think it a shame that the work 'city¥ on Friday morning, and were on the bridge is not being gone ahead taken up to the church in the after with, The county briciges committee noon. The work of installing them is to report at the November meeting will be eommenced at once. It is ex- of the Frontenac couneil, what is ad-| pected that they will be in order in vignble to be done with tne bridge. a very short time. The work could be done better now] than it ever could be. A Sparkling Eye. A listless, dull, heavy eye denotes a weakened constitution and impoverish od nerves. Wade's Iron Tonic Pills beautify the complexion, make the eye sparkle, and put snap and yiva- clousness into the system by adding new, rich blood, and invigorating the | nerves. Price, 25 comnts. For sale by! Jas. B. Mcleod, druggist. St. Andrew's Chimes Here. St. Peaches, Peaches. : if you want the finest peaches {have them. J. Crawiord, we : Liberal-conservative association, of Leeds county, will meet in Delta on November Jrd., to select 'a candidate for the Ontario legislature. Among the names mentioned are: R. Harvey, Lyndhurst, John Dargavel, Elgin; Dr. Berry, Westport; and Dr. Elliott, See lley's Bay. ; ey natipaalistl ak v i eT ~ a OO POROSEEIRRE YE 9) ----- dee The $10.00 3 Offered by us to avy boy or girl in King- ston whe could raise a Cotton Plant from the seed until it blesromed out abd the cotion pod broke with the ripe cotton Has Been Won by Miss Evelyn Gilbert, Centre Street. This young lady brought the plant to us this morning snd was given the prize, as all the requirements had been met. These plants will be on view in our store To- Morrow. or To-Morrow Will Be a Busy Kid Glove Day And we have nearly everything re- quired in Gloves of al) kinds. Ladies' English Cape Kid Gloves, just the thing for Fall Wear, 75c Pair. Ladies' Dent's Kid Gloves, Gloves that excellent wear and fit properly, $1.00. Real French Kid Gloves, made by Perrin Frere, of France. Every pair guaranteed. All wanted shades. All Black and White. $1. Le Premier This Famous French Kid Glove for Women, we have mow in Black, Tans, Greys, White, Navy. Greens. Kvery pair guaranteed. $1.25. Women's White Chamois Gloves WOMEN'S NATURAL CHAMOIS GLOVES. WOMEN'S GLOVES, in Tans, Fawns. WOMEN'S Suede Washing Gloves, serviceable and dressy. GIRLS KID GLOVES, in Tan Shades, a make that fits and wears well, and the price is 5 50c Pair. This is quite equal to any 75¢ or 90¢ Glove for Children tu be had in the town. Ask to see them. BOYS' English ( aje Ten Gloves, made and fisished exactly like Men's Fall Kid Gloves. We have now all sizes from 0.0. upto sa, UNDRESSED Kib Blacks, Greys, iJ. Laidlaw & P0006 0000TOORNEPOONPOPO NINO NIPNO00NN00NNONISE BOYS BOOTS FOR SATURDAY. fon ase last ttack of amplain, who, year, attack. ed Lot, of Richelieu, re the house scandals, will be the deputy speaker of A% [the House of Commons. Finest potatoes. J. Crawiord. Bir Wilfrid Laurier and Premier Bor- den had a consultation, Friday morn ing, in Ottawa, over imperial mat. ters, the premier desiring the counsel of the liberal chief. te ape, sees: iden , mew figs. . Crawlord. At. Sr. John, N.B., the Maritime Dredging and Construction its plant to a new company, exanposed : Mrs. Leach, of Torouto, is in __ Telfer Case Postponed. The Telfer-Dun case, which was Are buying "Knox" New York hats. George Mills & Co. are sole agents. Sweet cider, new figs. J. Crawford, Cl MeCrinmon, of McMast of conservatives. the city visiting her som, who $s atlend- tie the Milisary College. I B0000000000000000000400090000000080CR0TIO0S We Have a Splendid Assortment of Good Fall Boots for Boys Do you want something for Sunday ? Get a pair of our American High Toe Bost. 50, Do you want something for School ? Get a pair of our Cordovan Bluchers, $2.00, Do you want a Boot for Wet Weather ? Get a pair of our Grain Leather Binchers, ' $1.65. ht adh at Shoe Store MSL 00000000000 00000000000 B00 Gl 0000000000000 00 10000070000 0000000000

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