RA DOCTORS GAVE ME UP Bt "Fruit-a-tives™ Cured Me, Moon i1aLp, ONT,, March 25th, Jota. 1 suffered from severe indigestiod and dyspepsia for nearly two years, 1 could not. take food without fearful distress. I could not do any work and became $0 run down and weak that I could hardly walk. 1 was attended by two experierced doctors and they both pro- nounced my case incurable, that they cont'd do nothing more for me as they thoaght my disease was HEART FAILURY, AND INCURABLE. The doctors gave me up and I looked forward for ceath in a short time, At this time my son asked me to try ' FRUITSASTIVES', and from the outset of taking these wonderful tablets 1 was beltér, and gradually this medi- cine completely cured me. I took a large number of boxes, perhaps a dozen, and now [ sin entirely cured and I have gained over thirly pounds in weight," FENRY SPEERS, Jp, "Fruitatives ' | sold by all dealers at soe. box 6 for $2.50, or trial size, a5c.--or sent' on receipt of price by Fruitva-tives Limited, Ottawa, COLD NIGHT --SPECIALS- "Hot Bovril, Hot Chocolate, Syston and Lunches ork and Beans, Geo. Masoud's UE CREAM PARLOR. 484 PRINCESS STREE, Sa pons erin WESELL Scranton Coal Co's Coal Selected from the Celebrated Richmond No. 4 and Ontario No, 1 Mines, the best Anthracite Coal mined in Pennsylvania. Place your next order with THE JAS. SOWARDS COAL CO. 'Phone 165. North Wad Outario Street. GARDENS OF JAPAN TRAINED TO REPRESENT BEASTS AND DRAGONS, The Wealthy Class are Great for Dwarfing Many Kinds of Vegeta. tion----Japanese Are Nature Lowe ers. In all the world there are no people to whom nature makes a stronger appeal than to the Japanese. Even the poorest devote as much space as possible to gardens, and they are not ordinary little gardens such « as we know, but are like exquisite bits of fairyland. In them are often found various forms of dwarf trees and shrubs which are perfect from root %o' branch and leaf. Trees that will, under ordinary conditions, reach & héight of from 30 to 50 feet are kep: down tov but two to four feet. The . wealthy, who, of course, can afford the space, are great for dwarf- ing many kinds of vegetation. Min- ute lakes, tiny creeks and rivulets, with miniature waterfalls, surround- ed by all that nature provides, are seen in the more expensive gardens. Another fad among the Japanese is the fantastic in nature. Many trees and shrubs and. in fact, every type of plant that can be trimesed and trained to represent some form of animal life, are so treated that they form great beasts, huge dragons and reptiles. t seems to give the Japanese gar. dener great pleasure if he ean cause 8 tree or vine to grow in some curi- ous or uncommon way. He loves to see what he can make it do "that is odd. Upright growths in trees 'are trained to droop like willows, an? weeping branches of the willow and other drooping forms are trained to grow directly opposite to that which nature has provided. Gardens containing no more than from five to ten square feet of ground are often filled with a variety of fine plants, and these are kept so small they do not erowd each other. A rose garden'in one of the privats estates in Japan hasover 30 varietics and none of the bushes i§ more than five inches in - height. The flowers range from the size of a pinhead to the head of a tack. The color and fragrance are bath there, however, and the bushes are filled with thorns, but so small they scarcely penetrate the hand Bunflowers no larger than a penny, rowing oh thrifty stalks eight inches n height, are another novelty. Elephants Are Valuable. What is an elephant worth? A feed dealer who once attached the pacliy- dermatous part of a circus, which ate up a week's profits in ome day, wouldn't give a cancelled stamp for one, but in Siam it's different. A consular report says that "roughly est mated the number of domesticated elephants in Sian is about 3,000. The supply has been decreasing yearly and prices have advanced until now a full grown male timber elephant is worth about $2300 and a female $1,600. An elephant ds full grown at 26 years, but not in full vigor until 35. The length of life is 80 to 150 years, and" the average weight is about three toms," = + » The Screw. The ifivention of the screw is gen- erally attributed to the old Greek Archimedes, from all accounts one of the greatest scientific thinkers and mechanicians the ancient world ever knew. The screw is one of the great est things in mechanics, simple as it is, and adds immensely to the unaided human power. It'is claimed that one' man, with the help of the serew, can foo down or raise up as much as men ean without it. In addition to the invention of the screw, Archi- médes invented the sunglass, various devices for battering down walls and some half dozen other valuable ways and means of providing power. ---------------------- * The Word Good-bye. In the changes that have come in our langtage we have sometimes crowded a waole sentence into a sin- gle word. One word for farewell is one of these. In Shakespeare's time one said to his friends at parting, "God be wi' ye." From that time we' have clipped it more and more till, now it has come to be simply "good- bye." But it is surely pleasant to re- member that we bid our friends -bye that we are saying to them! A Jood old Saxon phrase, "God be with you." A Taste of Brogue. ! An Englishman met a man at a French table d"hote, who addressed him in French. His accent betrayed Nm. and, J: the Briton , "Ah, you are English." "The devil a doubt of it, darlin'! the 'stranger. ther. "Well, thin, isn't it strange," said' the man, "my French always shows ue Jo be Egglish and my English to His Ungrammatical Name. i Ion aa he, praia hick ar on tibili sts. is told of an Oxford don who, THE DAYLY BRITSH WHIG, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21,-1011, Restores color to Grey or Faded hair--Removes Dan- druff and invigorates the Scalp ~Promotes a luxuriant, healthy hair grown th--Stops its falling out. Is nota dye. $1.00 gad S0¢ ot Drug So dir fuasipn of rice and deaier's name, howdy og sample ly ie H i - Newark, N. 1. 0.3.4 © "Pesisiugs Co. Bay's Harlina SoaP is vacqualed Fora haihgasing the hair Sod keeoing the Scalp . mie be sapped : Bande and face. Z5¢. st 1-uagine © REFUSE ALL SURSTITUTES JAS. B. McLEOD, AGENT. ® LADIES: COSTUMES AND eo WRAPS, ° It is hard for the ladies to keep clean their delicately tint- ed costumes and evening wraps. It iv easy for us. Try us and we will prove it to your satis faction, * : Rn pT ARKER a co, ers and Cleaners, : 0 Princess St. Kingston, Ont, * 4 00000000000 000000000 a A COAL!" | The kind you are looking for ts the kind we sell. Scranton Coal » woul coal and we guarantee prompt delivery. BOOTH & CO. FOOT WEST STREKT. Yeaee TEER NN DDB. Ges svesnsssscscsssssaed FATES, FENCING, RTC, Manufactured by PARTRIDGE & SONS Phone 3 Crenpent Wire nud Iron Works, Alwe Klertre Plating. * hd . - * + Quick Shoe Repairing 3 The New Machine will be ia o Bood working order in a fg 4 oe days. It will sew on a pair -of @ half soles in five minutes, or in ® thé same amount of time it ® takes an ordinary shoe re- S$ pairer to "prepare his waxed o thread. All work guaranteed. {JOHN GREEN CATARRH STAMPED OUT! LOATHSOME DISEASE CURABLE. Chronic Cases Cannot Exist with Morriscy's No. 26 for laternal and External Use. ROGERSVILLE, N. B., April 6 1910. "A few words as to the merit of your Catarrh Cure. For the last 10 years I was troubled with Oatarrh of the head and stomach, and during that time tried all winds of remedies \with no results. 1 was, however, determined to find a 'care, and hearing of your No. 36 decid- ed to give it. a trial, and am glad to say it has cured re, and 1 highly re- commend it to all Catarrh sufferers." A. C Thibodeau, Gesieral Merchant. The above prescription Is not a "Cure- All" or so-called patent medicine. Dr. Morrisey preseribed it for 44 years, and it cured thousands after other doctors failed. Price, 50c. for the combined treatment at your dealers, or Father Morriscy Medicing Ca, Limited, Montreal. yoo Sold and guaranteed in Kingston by J. B. Mcleod In Whe darkest night a Tungsten Light will make its surroundings as AE WoLD HAVE LAUGHED, Had Grandpa's Dector Told Him That Fear Is a Disease. In our grandiather's day the doctor who named fear among the diseases would have met with the same ds. rision which greeted "the man who claimed to be 'Nl with "nervous tron- ble." Nerves, according to pur worthy ancestors, didn't exist; were, in fact, but another name for namby-pamby- ness, bad temper or laziness. For- tunately for a whole Tot of us times have changed. man. or woman who jumps a foot, mote or less, when the "phone rings or & door %s slammed isn't gazed upon with sears 'when he cites his condition to' the family doc. tor, who not only beleves-in nerves, but knows positiveny that f:ar, of various kinds and conditions, are treated Lightly. There is the fiar of open or closed places, fear 'of high places, fear of men or wamen, fear of crowds and of solitudes, fear of ani- mals, fear of insects, fear of dark- ness, fear of accidents, fear of fir, fear of travel, and in fact fear of anything There is no end of the absurdity of acts which may b: occasioned by these persistent ideas of fear. Those that possess the fear of riding on a tran find no pleasure in traveling, those that have fear of closed places do not enjoy going to church, and generally always sit near the door ready to fly at the first sign of danger Various fears may also devalon 1h connection with the occupatidn of tie patient; for instance, barbers some. times suffer these attacks whenever they see a razor, or telegraphers when they catch sight of their instruments. which finally necessitates giving up the occupation. Among women especially there oe curs the fear of dirt, contagion or infection. The countless baet ria always present in the air arc IN chief source eof annovance TH patients are always complaining of bad air and are always throwing own the windows. Books are cspecially avoided as a poss ble source of con tagion. In patients with fear of in. jury they will throw away all needle in the house or they will no mars wash windows for fear that th: plus: might 'break and cut them The intellect in these cases iz nwt only undisturbed but may be unusu ally good. Patients exhibit throush- out a pronounced feel'ng of ments] illness and frequently a clear insight into the morbidity of the indivi dwil symptoms. These fears do not require a warn ed brain for their lodgment, though the weakened bran may be maps vividly impressed by them. To be regarded a§ symptoms of digesie these fears must be groundless sp far as influences external to the brain are concerned. They must proceed from a morbid stgte of the brain and net from properly exciting ext ram! causes. Théy must be fears peculiar to the individual under peculiar gir cumstances or celebral disturbanee and not fear common to gthers and due to causes that naturally catge alarm and frighten. : -------- The Camellia, The camellia was named from & missionary in the Orient, Kame]. On his return to France he brought wiih him some gorgeous spedimens of a flow : er which he called the rose of Jupeu. His friends, 'however, gave it his name and called it camhellia. Dahlin: were brought from Peru by one Andre Dahl. ias were nameéd for their discovered, Leonard Fuchs. Magno lias received the name of Prof. Mag. nol de Montpellier, who first brougi® the beautif trees from Asis and America to France. Lavender is so called because the Romfans put u spray of it in the water in which they washed their hands. The Latin word to wash is lavare. Professional Mourners. In ancient times funerals were f lowed by professional mourners, wh simulated the appearance of the wild est grief. The custom survives in the valley of Sondrio, in the Alps. Ther the women do not follow the funeral, but they group themselves at the én trance of the cemetery and burn, ia honor of the dead, candles which var; in sige, according to the remunera tion. They are as pradigal as wer the mourners of aucient times ju their simulation of excessive grief. London Spectator, ------------------ Lighter Than Cork. One of the strangest trees in exist ence is the ambash, growing in th» shallow waters of Lake Chad, © at its max: mum extent covers 10,000 square miles, and yet has on the average a depth of only six fet. Thd ambash tree grows so ranidly as to attain its full size, twenty-five hich with a trunk a foot 'n digmeter two 'years. « The wood when dris unrivaled in lightness, its density be. ing only two-fifths that of cork. Gravy on the Tablecloth, When gravy has been spilled by some hapless diner on your pet table- cloth rub the grease spot thoroughly with French chalk on both sides of the cloth. Fold the cloth and leave it until the next time it is needed, Lightly brush off the chalk with a soft clean brush, and your cloth will be as spotless us when freshly laundered. Not What She Needed Most. "lI am sending yon a thousand kisses," be wroie to his falr young wife, who was spending 'her first month away from kim. Two days later he received the fol: "Kisses received, Landlotd refuses to accept any of them on scosunt." clear as in the Hight of day, so Then'he Wolis up and forwarded » gowertul is its fluminating pr perties. It turas night into day and steadiness and Tungsten Lights in private residences, stores shops, offices, and factories, and our has a wonderful brilliancy. We install «charges are based on moderation. |B. W. Newman etic Co _. © 79 Princess Street. chee Big Families. . Lewenhoek, a great naturalist, whe lived years ago. is authority for the statement that the cod sbout forms of nervous disedss not to be' Protect Yourself From Chronic Colds Cf course you . pre weatier externally by Shan clothing. Prepare yourselt too, by taking a course of FID THAD MARE WB YOUN GUARANTEE OF MGHERT SUAlsT TY NA-DRU-CO Tasteless Cod Liver 0il Compound this Fall and the coldsowon't bother you. ; Na-Dru-Ce Tasteless Cod Liver Of Co mpound is rich in the medic! tive qualities of the best Norwegian Cod Liver ve the disagreeatle fatty acids that ap ) i 7 worked out Weportong, £r act of Wild Cher) Hil AE pleasant 10 take, without-a trage of the se The preparation is Cizagreedble avor of the pl bi r ¢ of Na-D2u-Co Cod Liver A NA-DRU-CO Specific for National Prug and Chemical Co. every ill OF CANADA, LIMITED. 101 Africa, a body of watér which when | Irresistibly delicious ! If once tried you will always use and per- sist in having McCor- mick's Jersey Cream Sodas. Quality incomparable, Buy PURITY-- the high-class flour and do your duty to your cooking-ability ITHOUT a high- W class, flour like PURITY you can- not do your duty to your cooking-ability. A clkeaper, weaker, or dinary flour cramps and puts a limit on youn effi- ciency. On the other hand, PUR- ITY FLOUR broadens your scope; provides you with unlimited oppor- tunities to do ample jus- tice to the cooking-abil- ity of which you are so rightly proud. PURITY FLOUR re- sponds nobly to the skill of the cook. It yields a oF such bread you have never before succeeded in making, no matter how earnestly you've tried And the reason is not hard to discover PUR- ITY FLOUR consists ex- clusively of the high- grade portions of the best Western hard wheal ber- rics Unlike ordinary * flour, PURITY FLOUR con- a tains no low-grade por- ¢ ' tions, nor is it weakened PURITY FLOUR by mixing soft wheat 0 x flour with it. PURITY FLOUR will cost you slightly more, because it costs us more to make. But it's worth the difference. the daintiest and most delicate cakes. And pies so creamy, so deli- cious, your hushand will vote you a wonder PURITY And such golden-brown biscuits, such griddle cakes, such buns, and PURITY FLOUR "More bread and better bread" Because of the extra strength and Reminder: extra quality of PURITY FLOUR it requires A i more shortening when making pastry and more water when making bread dd PURITY FLOUR to your grocery list right now "J. A. McFarlane, Distributor, Kingston" GAN Fs, We hate the and meft Coni Pires thing Tor the pari room grate. poe Lrenbls wo smole inital fon Be chiewp ue Let ux glve vou so piped "mad. set coniplete 'Phone 515 Personal attention JW, DLIFIN & C0, Cor. Sydesham snd Ordosnes Ses 8econd Hand Furniture Are Stack of New wid Second suwd witure; Aloo #11 Kindy of Pre- * Sars Cail oat HB 8 nSN'S, » ager j * Cafel8s Wellington St § | SRRBNLALLLL04 i " - The American §| FE OF Pickling Pure Vinegar, all kinds of whole and Ground Spices. D. COUPER, Those 76. 3415 Princess Street, Prompt Delivery, The Up-to-date Restaurant,