PAGE TWL. NEE eee Getting Time to Think About A FUR COAT Hundreds of Fur Coats here in Raccoon, Beaver, Persian Lamb, also Fur-Lined Coats, Muskrat § lined, with Persian and Otter trim- ming, etc. If you prefer a Coat made-to-order, you may select your cloth, lining and Skins for Collar and Cuffs, if desired. We do the rest and guarantee you satisfaction in every way. Last and most Important, You Save 25 per cent by buying here, General or Ordinary Stores can- | not compete with us, Reason: "FROM TRAPPER TO WEARER" If you went a new shell on your Fur-lined Coat, or frepairs of any kind, bring it here and secure promptness and satisfaction, JOHN McKAY THE FUR HOUSE. - pai 4 031, KINGSTON. OOOOO0OOTIOOC IRON & BASS BEDS 1911 DESIGNS, fiStssssaiesisssae wea nll { EXTRAORDINARY : C02) CHEAP PURCHASE OF MOHAIR MATS DOOR SIZE IN ALL COLORS $1.25Quality for 75c. R. McFAUL, CARPET WAREHOUSE. Wenn Some new beautiful $2.50, $3.50, patterns. $4.75 up to $75 each. Ten Brass Beds to clear this maonth, reduced $6.00 to $10.00 each. This Is a chance for you to smile reamed OUR CRYSTAL BRAND | Gransinted Sugar NT rrr re A rvin, and table use, Price b Our New Fall Carpets are a happy | surprise. Values good. Color ef- fects, qualities and styles are un- usually pleasing. RUGS.--All sizes and color tones CURTAINS. -- Lace, Nett, Madras. ANDREW MACLEAN, Ontario Street. . » LA Carriage Painting SOME ULASS TO OURS. This is the place to have your Brussels, Fand Miss Mary Hora. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1911. Maleolm Sutherland, entertained, on Thursday af ternoon, at a most enjoyable tea, in honor of her daughter, Mrs. Nellis Ferguson, of Stratford. The drawing room looked very pretty with oe of pink Shey santhoututas, and many unshaded cand polished tea | table was lee. i with a huge cut glass vase of graceful pink chrysan- themums, resting on handsome lace centrepiece, and billows of pink silk. Mrs. James Third poured coffee, and Mrs. W. H. Craig poured tea. Mrs. R. D. Sutherland cut the ice cream, and the girls who assisted were Miss Fran- ces *Sultivan, Miss Bessie Smythe, Misses. Carrie and Ethel Waldron, Miss Florence Cunningham, Miss Alice King, 800, Miss Aileen Folger, Miss Annic Daley and Miss Bate Craig. The guests in cluded Mrs. A. Strachan, Mrs. Bid- well, Mrs. R. E. Burns, Mrs. J. Ham- , ilton, Mrs. George Robertson, Mrs. A. W. Winnett, Mrs. W. G. Craig, Mrs. , Norton-Taylor, Mrs. A. P. Knight, Mrs. Robert O'Hara, Mrs. Loucks, Mrs. David Murray, Mrs. Black, Mrs. Frank King, Mrs. H. Robertson, Mrs. Higgins, Mrs. R. J. Hooper, Mrs. W. B. Carey, Mrs. Hl. J. Wilkinson, Mrs. A. P. Christmas of Montreal, Mrs. R. J. Gardiner, Mrs. W. Gunn, Mrs. J. Power, Mrs. J. B. Carruthérs, Mrs. Wolffe, Mrs. H. Dawson, Mrs. Mowat, Miss Mowat, Mrs. M. Macgillivray, Mrs. Russell Stewart, Mrs. James Craig, Mre. 8S. F. Stewart of Harrow- smith, Mrs. Sinclair Laird, Mrs. Vere Hooper, Mrs. Karl Folger, Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Saunders, Misses Saunders, Mrs. Fairlie, Miss Fairlie, Mrs. H. Price, Mrs. B. W. Robertson, Mrs. H. Folger, Miss Robertson, Mrs. B. Browne, Mrs, Noel Gill, Mrs. Klugh, Mrs. James Miones, Mrs. Willhofit, Mrs. W. B. Mudie, Miss Lyman, Miss Mary White, Miss Macaulay, Miss Eleanor Macdon- ell, Mlle. de St. Remy, Miss Carrie Beard, Miss Gertrude Power, Misses Ferguson, Miss Bessie Robertson, Miss Minnie Crothers, Miss Claire St. Remy, Misses Fowler, Miss Mabel Dalton, Misses lesslie, Misses Saunders, Miss Richmond, Miss Edith Folger, Miss Constance Cooke, Misses Grace and Eva Martin, Miss Mona Knight, Miss Lenore. Hamilton, Miss Muriel King, Miss Lillian Kent, Miss Ureer, and Miss Louise Kirkpatrick. . - - - Mrs. Earl street, At the tea at the Country Club, this afternoon, the hostesses will be Mrs. J. B. Carruthers, Mrs. Iva E. Martin, Mrs. Hunter Ogilvie, Mis, Russell Hale, Mrs, R. E. Kent, Mrs. Henry Tandy, Mrs. Howard' Folger, The feature of the afternoon will be the presentation of prizes which will be as follows The president's prize, for goll, to Miss Dorothy Brownfield; the Grey trophy, for golf, to Miss Dorothy Cartuthers; Mrs, A. B. Cunningham's prize for driving, to Mrs. P. Stevenson; Mrs. J. B. Carruthers' prize, for approaching and putting, to Miss Dorothy Carruthers; Mrs. Nor- man 8S, Leslie's shield, for tennis, to Miss Bessie Smythe, and Major F, R. Sedgwick. - Mrs. Norman S. Leslie, Bagot street, has issued invitations for an "At Home" at the Tete de Pont Barracks for Saturday afternoon, October twen- ty-eighth. » . Mre. J. M. Campbell, Emily street, will entertain the dancing' club this evening for her daughter, Miss Mar- jory Campbell. * Auto repainted to stand all kinds of Repair and Upholstering work weather. promptly and well done. B. Jd. DUNPHY 'Phone 90. Yours, Cook's Cotton Root Compound. Ose. Montreal! and Ordnance Streenn The great Uterine Tonic, and ual Monthly RY ale effect THE CHIMES OF ST. ANPREWS i. Sok - of ea a =A Will Very Soon be Erected and Peal Forth, 1B degrees stronger, The chimes for St. Andrew's church are being put in place. In all there are nine bells, They vary in size and) weight from 2,000 pounds down. The work of putting them in place will be delayed somewhat on account of the plans have not arrived as yet. The inscription on the large bell is as follows : "To the glory of God. This peal of nine bells was erected by the congre- gation and friends of St. Andrew's church, Kingston, December, 1911, through the zeal and umtiring ef- forts of N. 7. Greenwood, precentor and choir master, 1882-1898. 'Oh, Come Let Us Worship.' * The chimes will ring every quaster and half hour. The large bell will strike out the hour, MILITARY LECTURE GIVEN. By Major Hordern to Officers of write rad Altorneyn, LEY & CE MEN;E=::E KENSINGTON: PLACE With its building restriotion parks, street grading, ete., wil be a most desirable Fourteen lots already sold at $1 Per Foot 'When improvements are made and building operations start, values will enbance 25 per ong, 1 of a » which are to be given for the benefit of the officers of tae 14th Regiment, during the winter months, was given at the armouries, on Friday evening, by Maj. Hordern, general stall otucer, third divisious The subject dealt with the composition ol such their duties. ssssssne 000000000007 0000000OO806 tal day on wednesday, No 1t has been arranged to conduct aA iW Rochester to J two weeks with her brother, Mr. Maclennan, who spent several days this week the guest of { Rev. D. M. Gordon, Queen's univer- fri: returned to Toronto on Friday. Mrs. Maclennan, of 'loronto, re | Mes. home on Friday, after spend: oe a few days with her sister, Mrs. R. Duff, Princess street. BR Mildred Jones, King street, left to-day, for Toronto, to visit" Mrs. Frederic Clarkson, Bedford Road. Mrs. W. St. Pierre Hughes, King street, left, on Friday, for Montreal, to spend a few days. Mr. R. Pringle, of New Brunswick, spent a day in town this week, on his way west, for his holidays. Mrs. Stafford Kirkpatrick, street, has returned from where she was visiting Mrs. Wright. : Miss Helen Crowe, Royal Military College, will entertain at tea on Fri- day afternoon, in honor of Miss Mar- jorie Rathbup, of Deseronto. \ Mr. Justice » Gore Deloro, Sidney - + - i 3 - Mrs. Norton-Taylor and Miss Nor- ton-Taylor, Wellington street, will leave on Tuesday for Sarnia to visit Mr. and Mrs. William Norton-Taylor. Miss Bea Allan will leave the first eek in November for namloops, B. , to spend some time with her sis- o Mrs. John Milton, and Miss Ena Harper. She will then go on to Vie toria to visit Miss Jean Kelly. Mr. and Mrs. James Bute, who have heen staying at the Randolph hotel, for the past seven weeks, will leave on Tuesday for their home in Hous ton, Texas. Miss Martha Smith, Wellington street, returned on Monday from Ot- tawa, where she spent the week-end. Mrs. J. DP. Uraig, arrived from Cape Vincent, to-day, and will be the guest of Mrs: W. G, Craig, Barrie street, until Monday, when will and {leave for UMawa to join Mr. J. D.| Liuig, who hax spent She Summa sin Mrs. Alfred Dedman, of Montreal, {will leave shortly for their sew home in 8 Rin Sutherland, leit on Tt t : to days with Mr. privy Ba im Montreal W. Linton, trssestrisesesstnisssstusssssestssssssnssane Mrs, Malcolm Maogilliveay and Miss { Florence Macgillivray, Karl street, are 'vidting Mrs. Fléming in Lakewood, Ontario, Dr. Douglas, of New York, has been isiti of. W. Nieol, William a few days this week. - - . - Dr. and Mrs. Bird, Mr. and Mrs. "Russell Britton and Miss Muriel Brit. ton motored up from Gananoyue on Thursday evening to attend the per- mormance of Francis Wilson ia "lhe i Bachelor's Baby. Capt, and Mis, Williams and thei little daughter, who have spent the past year in Kingston, left, on Thurs 'day for India, where Capt. Williams will win his regiment, Mr. George Clarke, of Detroit, spent a few days in town this week. Es street, A arrive and iH. ¥. Miss Marjorie Rathbun will" from onto on Wednesday vhll be the guest of Mrs. J. Créwe, Royal Military College. Mrs. Maitland Hannaford and little Philip, arrived from Montreal on Thursday and are the guests of Mrs. Clarke Hamilton, King street. I Mr. Mellis Ferguson came down from Stratford on 'Thursday and spent the day in town, the guest ol Malcolm Sutherland, Earl - . - Mr. Harry Tandy and Miss Lettice Tandy, King street, left on Wednesday for Provotetah to visit Mrs. Var ham Davoud, Miss Macaulay, from Winnipeg on 'street. - King street, return- 'a Satur- 1 Mr. F. W. Spangenburg, who has been visiting in Toronto, returned home on Friday. Mrs. George Richardson and Miss Agnes Richardson, University avenue, left on Monday for Prescott. Miss Nan Skinner, King street, on Poday for Montreal, to Col. and "Mfs. John Skinner. Mrs. Sheraton, Toronto, is the guest of Mrs. Francis King, Stuart street. Mr. W. Jones, after spending a few days in town, returned to Toronto on Wednesday. Mes. H.W. LL. entertifned on hour for Miss left visit street, Friday at the tea Edith Knapp. The bride-elect was showered with many retty and useful gifts, {Continued on page 3.) Day, King It Would Not Appeal. The Toronto (Globe says : The argu- nent that the reduction of teams to ix a side will improve hockey from the spectator's standpoint may have some strength so far as the profes- sional game is concerned, but it would not appeal to the Ontario Hockey Association, whose viewpoint is that of the player, and whose pur- pose is to have as many young men a8 possible éngage in the sport. The spectator is a secondary considera- tion with that body, whereas he pro- vides the support of the National Hockey Association, and must be entered to if success is to be had. Bermons to Students. The Dean of Ontario will preach the first of & monthly series of special ser- mons to students, on Sunday evening, at St. George's cathedral. The title of the series is, "Some New Testa- ment Characters, and Their Counter- parts To-day." Every effort will be miade to render these addresses of in- terest and value to those for whom they are specially intended, and an earnest and cordial invitation is offer ed to all students to attend. The sub ject for Sunday evening is, "Gallio, the Man of the World." See art exhibit at Weese's. LLL LL00004000000644 Kingston's Famous Fur Store. CorrectCloth E44) Stock. If we were © judge the Ti | i | by our coat sales we woukl say it will be a long, cold winter. If a lady wants a Fur Coat, a Furlined Coat, a Sealette, Caracul, Heavy Tweed or Beaver Coat she can easily be suited in this store. Our illustration to-day 4 shows a seusible Black Cara. cul Coat, which we have now § in all sizes. . A SPECIAL AT . NEW MILLINERY. WATCH OUR WINDOWS! GEGRGE MILLS & GO FVIIIIVIIIIP INIIIIIIINIIVIIIIIIINIIIIIIIINS Sfstataiss $18.00 November Columbian-Hampton, World's Work. Smart Set, Popular Magazine. Shop Notes Quarterly. Ainslee's. Popular Mechanics. Chsmopolitan. Green Book Album, Physical Culture. Short Stories, Ten Story Magazine, 200 I'RINCESS STREET, The Colle Thanksgiving Post Cards and Place Cards 'The largest as- sortment in the city, ranging from 6 for 5 cents to $ cents each. PEN NIGHTS, Magazines ani Halloween Fashion Books ge Book Store November Ladies' Home Journal. Woman's Howe Companion. Pictorial Review, Pictorial Review Quarterly. Butterick Fashions. Delineator, Designer, New Idea Woman's Mag. Ladies® World. Harper's Bazaar. Modern Priscilla. Family Journal, McCall's Magazine. 'Phone P19, MADE AN ADC. | Col. Smith Given Post Official Staff, on Duke's BL 1 R. SMITH Ottawa says: A despatch from It is announced that his royal hirhness the Duke of Connaught will appoint Lol. Henry KR. Smith, of Kingston, honorary ALC, on hisestali, Col. Smith has had the. honor of serving A.C, on the staff of governors-gencral since Lord Lorne's time. an as IN MAKINE CIRCLES. at This Port. Sowards from | Craw arrives R. The steamer Charlotte, with ford, The steamor Conger Coal, discharg- ing a cargo of coal at Crawford's wharf, cleared, to-day, for Charlotte. The steamer Prince Rupert arrived in load a eargo of grain. at elevator, for Cape Viu- coal for port, to Richardson's - cent. At Swift's wharf : due to pass down to-day and dis charge freight: steamer King, due from Rideau points this evening; steamer Aletha from buy ports day; Jertic Calkins from Ug wego, Friday, with coal for Swift's; steamer Brockville in, with a cargo of apples; hous lander, of Alexandria Bay, port for a short yesterday steamer Dundurn is due to pass down Sunday morning. The government boat being built at the Kingston Shipbuilding compaiy's plant is being rapidly whipped into stmape. The first bulkhead was com pleted Friday afternoon, amd the sel looks more like a craft now. enormous number of rivets which necessary in the construction work make the progress slow. The the steam hammers and rivetters is deafening, but neeustomed to it after working some time. M. T. Co's elevator The steamer Turret Chief, from Fort William, dis charged 65,000 bushels of wheat, and cleared for Belleville, to load cement for Fort William: the steamer Regina, grain laden, from Fort William, light argel her cargo and cleared for Mont- Steamer Belleville Riaeau toe schooner yesterday, boat lee was in was tinue ves The noise of s ane gets Arrivals and Departures of Vessels ( reil; the stéamer Jacques, loaded with grain, from Fort William, lightered antl went on to Montreal: tug Bart lett, from Montreal, with four light barges, cleared for Ashinbula with one coal barge; tug Emerson, from Mont- real, with two light barges, for Montreal with four grain barges. Olympic Soon to Resume, The Montreal oftices of the Star line Jmve just received enble advices that the repairs to the mam- moth Olympic, the largest leamer ia the world, which was rammed by the British cruiser Hawke, in September, are progressing satisfactorily, and it has been definitely determined that the steamer. will resume regular sail: ings, leaving Sowthampton, November Mth and New York, December 9th, While the steamer is undergoing re pairs, the passenger accommodation as been increased by the addition of a large number of suites, and when the vessel is turned over again hy the builders, she will be sven more com plete in every detail than when she made her masden voyage in June last. Mention was male in Friday's Whig of the fact that George Wis kin, a twelve-year-old boy, had his thigh crushed. At the same time four other children of the family were in the General Hospital with scarlet fever, the older her had Just recovered from an illness, and the father was still confined to his house on Collingwood through Il ness, Vety often the lines of honesiy are in an attempt to drive a cleared § (o) White {| (® TAD DATA, womin. shot" be They so often. * Hl Planting Inported Direct from Holland. Best Bulbs at Best I'rices. Hyacinth, Tulips, Narcissus, Daffodils Crocus, Treezia Now is the time' to plant @ the garden for Spring & Blossoming or Indoors 2 for Christmas 4 ote ° - A. P. Chown | 3 ee ve 183 PRINCESS STREET. 'Phone 343. GV IVISIV IVI III teepstttassns the TONG ) 12 only Ladies' 'Black Silk Walists, assorted styles, being ) the balance of some broken sizes. 32 to 38, and priced up ; to $6.50 each. TONIGHT FOR $2.48, sets, sizes, s) pair. o TO CLEAR : o pairs odd makes of Cor- ® good shapes,. broken worth 76¢ and $1.00 a TONIGHT 49¢ PAIR. Children's Cash- ( Tan or Black, in © + 6, 7. Price, 2 00 Pairs mere ilose, ®) sizes 4 1-2 Y and 26c a pair .) TO CLEAR, 15e¢, Grey for Suede Gloves, Regular 35 A PAIR, Ladies' or White. 291 in Ladies' Underwear, at only See our leader Elastic Ribbed White er Gray 25¢ A GARMENT. Extra value only Wool Bath Mats, ( EACH. Twelve TONIGHT, 39¢ ® 4 oo (») ® 'Newman & Shaw: The Always Busy Store. 4 8) ' sesmeve nse. Wood's o's PHotyhotiot Tones and and fn miei Whale din ken Cures Po ous Devirity, Menta and Brain Worry, Fomdawiona and Jffocts of Ainise or Forcrases, 31 per box, sixtor nan BE Re " Gone Home to Enlist. Tory" Amiedes, one of the mem bers of the fruit company on Pein cons wiirwet, wailed Friday from Mon. treal for Italy, where he will enlist in the army os lus serival, Hiv brother came down from Yorents and accompanied! him. Potatoes! Potatoes! I you want the finest potatoes, we ol , 2 ' 6200000000 0000000060000 Geecnsrrssssassrsssesns@ '§ Dutch Bulbs For} "AN EXCELLENT EXAMPLE DIAMOND RING Line of platinum, Of our is a circular cluster seven stones, set in and certainly one of our best values $55 this at See ring together with our full stock of other designe. SMITH BROS., Jewellers, Opticians. 850 KING STREET, lssmors of Marriage Licosses | | a A lL MADE OVER AND RE PAIRING W. F. GOURDIER GROCERY STORES AND DWELLINGS COMBINED FOR SALE Stone Dwelling rally located, and Btore, cent In running order, with outbuildings, large yard, provements and electric 100 im $4, stable, Hghts, Corner Princess and Streets, Store and two Dwellings with Improvements, nice lawn, side and front entrance, $4,100 and Raglan and Dwelling, big shop and ao Ontario Corner Bagot Brick Store provements, ete, for $2, Get first choice in the grocery Road, with im stable There is business Houses to Rent, ete mone; , ete Mulin, The Real Estate Expert, Corner Johnson and Division Sts "Phos | 639, [ rai] | * a Of approval is set conspicvious Jy ou all our latndry work--it © CLEANNESS The distinguishing symbol that | characterizes culture and breed ing. wash is « leawly fanult lows Everything we Boticeable for sweetness amd ironing, Kingston Laundry Cor. Princess & Sydenham Sts, ! "Phone 22,