o wr THE DAILY i WHIG, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1011. THE WHIG, SEVENTYEIGHTH YEARY A DROP IN RATES. DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published at 306-310 King Street. Kings- When the money was voted for Win: ton. Ontario, at $6 per year. Editions at 2.30 and 4 o'clock p.m. nipeg's big electric plant, the pro- WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 16 pages, published in parts on Mon- | "°F °C © made of municipal power and day and Thursday morning at $1 a year. To United States. charge for light at half the price given by the 'postage had to be added, making pice of Daily $3 and of Weekly $1.50 private company. Now a reduction of per year. : twenty per cent. only is proposed, and Attached is one of the best Job there are threats of applications for See Our Nobby $4.00 Men's Shoes BIBBYS STORE CLOSES SATURDAYS 10 PM. ¢ PRICE 35 cents o ¢ Corbett's a oe * At the "Phychologlieal Mo- é ment" when only $ EXPERT PLUMBERS Are what 'you want and want If the above is Vexaggerat- , The best firewood value in the city--no edgings. ' a Sawn in our own mill ¢ t winter. Now nice © H. E. Smaliplece, J.P, representa 4) the gram, a conservative paper, and of Whitney "Hon. Frank Cochrane slept for six Tele a According to Toronto supporter government, and a half years amid the possibilities And a of of the . Temiscaming country." he was called from it and given place in the government because his alleged fitness for public office. Now Mr. Cochrane is gone and commission is suggested, for the pur, pose of developing Northern Ontario. -| The government has failed in its duty with regard to this country, and it purposes t divert the attention of the people from of what a commission may be able to do. Will the people be misled ? The business that "a strong government" ASB NOT The Hon. Dr, cation, Pyne, minister of edu- at the opening of Gordon hall, put port ada. up a plea for federal sup- for industrial training in Can- He gave the reason that, as the of had it of the state, that the inhabitants should be trained industrially so that the raw material we possess might be sa- tisfactorily worked into the finished produet, The minister's plank seems to be a very weak one. True, the federal government has to do with the plae- ing of duties on goods for the protee- tion of the manufacturers of the coun- try, but there has never yet been a duty imposed on human beings, and, therefore, however admirable it may dominion government had charge tariff matters and by its duties put up a wall about the country, was necessary, for the well-being The other day a Canadian paper, Globe, commented on the modern Dreadnought, in our own vost of the construction and equipment, with an appeal to reason. in protest against militarism. have a protest the against the prodigi- in the waste of money in Now we from Technical World ous waste of capital on militarism fthe United States, 3 | tion "done even better. The Associated Board OF THE Royal Academy of Music ead Royal Collegeof Music London - England For Local Examinations ia Music in the BRITISH EMPIRE Patron--HIS MAJESTY THE KING. The Annual Examinations in Pract: foal Music and Theory will be held throughout Canada in May and Jane, gia An Exhibition value about f3500 is offered anuually. hen a ; Syllabus, Music for ¢ xamin- ation and all particulars way be obs ta on application to M. WARING DAVIS, 87 Shaiter Sureet, Montreal, (Resident Secretary for Canada.) Opes 16 pupils of all Teachersof Hume, ' ---- ROYAL IC CREAM PARLOR ry WK LUNCH ROOM. A Kinds of Lunches and Hot ps and all kinds of and Candies. x PAPPAS 4 00 in Ete. The way the money goes is a can- tion, For the eight years preceding the war with Spain, says the Techni- cal World, the average annual expen- diture for the army was $24,000,000; for the eight years following the war the annual average was $83,000,000; for the current year the appropria- $95,410.567. The navy has For the eight years preceding the Spanish war the aver age annual expenditure was $27,500, 000; for the next eight years it was $102,400,000, and this year the navy $131,350,854, Adding the navy army appropriations gives the $226,791,421. To this sum gets and sum of -- Mr. Leitch, K.C,, thBhsirm an of the Ontario railway board, comes from Morrishurg, which is Sir James Whitney's home town, and he cannot So Sir James assumes. Some federal elections will be pro- tésted. tn no other way can the peo ple realize what a contest means fin- ancially, and what corruption attends it. A few exposures would have a corrective "effect. err. Llovd-George has made terms with the friendly societies, and they aso now supporting the plan of state non-fioployment and sickness insur ance. It will now be in order for the physicians to surrender. Their's is a professional plea. The local government expresses great regard for the workingmen, but Li does not want labour represanted in the legislature. Mr. Studholme could be reelected io Hamilton, but the leonservatives object. The canse--he will not sfhandon his independence and vote tory all the while. The Hon. Mr. Foy was offered a | judgship © by the liberal government, | liberals were trying to remove him Irom political setisity. When no . active the conservatives offer stylish, and cheap work; nine improved presses THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING CO. LIMITED TORONTO OFFICE. Suite 19 and 20 Queen City Chambers, 32 Church Street, Toronto. SOME ELECTION SCHEMES. the fact by talking' AFE POSITION. A WASTE OF " EDITORIAL NOTES. Printing Offices in Canada; rapid, injunction to compel the carrying out of the i Hamilton Times, J. G. Elliott, President. Leman A. Guild, Sec.-Treas. difference. (One is an changeable body, and so not position to study conditions as close ly ax they should be studied. other is a body with a continuous po- a annually ve. licy, and one that makes for progress and reform, : It that the municipal managers of the Winnipeg plant pro mised, under public ownership, much, They contd eliminate the profit upon which the private corporation must ealeulate, but they could wot wipe out necessary items of expendi ture in the interest of and efficiency, promise is possible has i. could not do, the business that been shamefully neglected strong minister," is not likely to fare ap- its by much better from a commission pointed by this government and new minister of mines. Then for seven years the Whitney government has been in office, and have been bas not been able to do anything for the eve of an election, it appoints Chief Justice Meredith to consult with la- bour leaders and solicit suggestions from them with respect to a measure "to compensate workmen," Of course, the scheme carmot be discussed in the until and when "these are may have a long rest, matenalizve, may not very tion, and hence the difficulty of renl izing their expectations, Generally the more the workingmen. Suddenly on the private corvoration is economical in its adminis tration. It saves more at the expense of the operators and the plant. = A public-owned plant aims at less profit and greater efliciency and service. A drop of twenty per cent. in the Win- ipeg rates<is a splendid beginning. PUBLIC OPINION. Province is Dead. Brantford Expositor The Halifax Chronicle declares that reciprocity is dead so far as the lihe ral party is concerned. And the eyni¢ says that the maritime provinces will continue half dead. A Serious Issue, Montreal Herald, The seventy-two Ontario conserva- there might | tive members will be hothered a good be some strong grounds for the atti-|deal to figure out how the five mem: tude taken by the minister of edie bers Untatio must lose on the redis- Hefore wi tribution will be drawn from among ore the federal government the Murteen liberals. can be induced, however, to enter the -------- arena of education a stronger position Take it Over. will have to be taken than that Totente Maj) be | © should be sorry to cast any un- gested y the Hon, Dr. 0 Just reflections on the manner in We look for industrial training in|which the census was taken, but it this country and, if the federal pow- | would be a comfort to the people of ers should feel desirous of aiding the Canada to find out that a great part . . : . of the population had been oveérlook- provinces in their work, it would be od. a good thing, but the tariff talk of the minister's is too weak, although it is in perfect keeping with all that emanates from him, legislature after the election, over the thing may never be to train Canadians industrially, they still will have to compete with the foreign elnsses which manufactur es, anxious to maintain low will bring into this country, If the tarifi wall were to be raised against the, people then wages, ton, sug- Pyne, ---------------- Wait for Legislation, Brantford Expositor, The new "conservators" of the sen- ate need not be in a hurry. They will smc L have to wait for imperial legislation before they ean increuse the member ship of the senate from Manitoba and British Columbia, and by that they may have little to sav Soy time about it, must be added the eurrent appropria- tion for the Must be a Change. Peterboro Review. Chairman Leitch, of the Ontario railway board, seems to have got him self in for a severe drubbing, by his remarks on his two colleague The truth of the matter is that ( airman Leiteh~ imagines he is the whole board, and the other two members are or less superfluous. In the a familiar election ery, "It a change," board. military academy, $1,- 566,249; the appropriation for forts and fortifications, 5,617,200: gnd the pensibn appropriation of $155,758,000, making a grand total of $390,022,870 as the cost of militarism for one year, or at the rate of $1,068,555 a day for every day of the year. more words of 18 time for What does this mean when given a : bi in the constitution of the personal application ? A tax per head of $4.24 per annum, and $21 per head of family. It would purchase a man a good suit of clothes; it would pro- vide porterhouse steaks for two per- sons at forty-eight meals; it would pay the premium on $1,000 of life in- surance for a year; and multiplied by 18,400,000, the number of families in the United States, "the potentialities for good almost incomprehensi- ble." The growth of expenditure in the army and navy is not confined to one country. Fhe cost of militarism in Canada is becoming great and, in the NOTE FROM BILL MINER. Thanks Prison Authorities Gives Sound Advice, Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 21.--"OWd Bilt Miner," the train robber, who escaped from the state prison at Milledgeville on Tuesday, and who also is wanted by the Canadian anthorities, has re minded the state authorities that he is still at liberty. A "note from him was received at the offices of the Prison commission, thapking them for their Kindness. 'The note read "My dem sir,--l write to thank you for your kindness in putting me at Milledgevitle. My dear sir, don't trust a prisoner, no matter how sick he is, or makes out he is. "Yours very traly, (Signed), "BB. Miner." The noté was dated October 17th, and hore the postmark of a railroad post office, evidently being mailed from a train on the Georgia railroad, and are estimate: of some people, it represents a waste of capital, Teachers® Association, The teachers of Lennox and Adding- ton opened their annual convention in the Napanee Collegiate Institute, on October 12th. These officers were elected : President --Mr: Edwards, I. ool. Vice-President--Miss Hall. Secretary-Treasurer-- Miss son, Exeeutive--Mr. Flach, M.A, N.C.I.., and the principals of Newburgh, Yar- ker, Odessa and Bath. Auditors--Messrs. Flach Delegates to O-EA Mr. Fifeh, and Misses Lampkin and Alexander. He is Doing Well. C. J. Smith, Napanee, who has been ill for the past three weeks, » was brought to Kingston general hos- Herald's now building has been laid, pital. An operation was performed and happily it oeurred on tiv 100th | Thursday worning, and his friends anniversary of the foundation of the] will be pleased to hear it was most journal. The Herald is a splendid pa- | tuccessful, and he is doing nicely. per, and its success is certainly . as Persian Lamb : sured. Age dies not dim its vision! Ang Persian paw sets, made in the or detract from its power. May it] pew fancy styles, from $15 up, st grow in usefulness and vigour with {Campbell Bros', Kingston's busy far the years. 2? store, and labour for the National servation Commission. He is go- ing to remain in Canada and de vote Ismsell to labor issues of which he has, so far, made a lite study, te is bound to be a great force in the public life of Canada. Con- A, NM. The | Toronto News had many vi E. Harri- cious things to say of the Lawser government, but the premier is ex. cepted from its denungiations. Now it mecuses him of authorizing every iniguity. "The transition in the life of Lanzier's biographer has been made complete. Hatrad and malice! can no farther go. Andrews and The corner stone of the Montreal ---- ------------------------ Must Remove Poles. 3 The Napanee council has notified A. B. Cunningham, Kingston, to remove all poles in Napanee belonging to the reduction to fifty per cent.-- What is the form of management ? Committee or Commission ? It makes a The too! maintenance The men who made the familiar with the plant and its opera | i i i i i i handsome, indeed. ence, The Chesterfields $10, $12.50, $15 The Norwood $15 The Balmoral $15 Handsome Overcoats You are invited to our Overcoat Feast, Sir; We'll show you the best efforts of the Countrys' Best Overcoat makers. Calk at your conveni- The Attorney The Balfour They're res Suit Smartness, all the little "kinks" that give individual ing freakish. $18 usual values. $18 The Coronation The Suit Question can be setthid very easily here for the Young Man that desi Our swell suits show ty to Young Men's Clothes without he The new colorings in fab rics are handsome as well' as classy, and we're showing a long price range of un The Gordon Suits $15.00 The Bryson Suits $18.00 The Castle Suits $20.00 - NOBBY SHOES FOR MEN Quality is our best salrsman, Quality of the stock in onr Men's Shoes --the style features and the artistic and skillful shoemaking, lift our shoes way above the plane of just ordinary shoes We are showing all the Smart and Snappy Fall Models, Prices $4, and $5 Ww * The Man On Watch. : the récjuire a visit The taverns are not in the town that the food inspector, the | impman states. It is no secret that blitestone whiskey, otherwisé known as squirrel, in freely dispensed in some of the bars, bat it is no less true that some very evil concoctions are. delivered from sodd water fountains. "The Lampman had a drink in a Princess street par lov & week ago that was any thing but legitimate. He thought was poisoned when he tasted it. The seiz ure of some of the Bottles around the fountains of these temperance drink- ing places would be in the interests of the community. There might be less cranky livers and haulky stomachs if the temperance liquids were analyzed, and ordered to he sold no more, un der penalty. niy places from The Lamp®an thinks that the town council should eall 'upon the church workers to take. amother census of Kingston. When one was taken by the religious workers three years ago, it was found that Kingston had a population of 20072. When the town directory shows 'a steady increase in names, and when the church and school populations are increasing year by year, how is it, the Lamp- DR. SOPER- | visit advisable ; If Impossible, or. free opinton and ad. bisnk asa would like that the population of the town does not show i expend a few man to know, an inerease when it is figured up ? the hundred dollars in employing a town council would very careful corps of enumerators under the direction of A about the first of next February, the correct Fown sessor Gordon, population would be secured The Lampman would remind the town property committee that th Duke of Connaught will likely be pay img an official visit to Kingston by fore very lomg, and it will be neces sary for the town to secure if standard for use while his ros i ness is here. His majesty the king has] iecreed that the royal standard shall be flown wherever his uncle should happen to he, and when the \ a roy ston is sufliciently versed in flagology 16 have the good sense to fiy the proper flag (the Union Jack) on the town buildings. When the Sabbath schools of town are talking about forming a rifle league, the Lampman concludes that the pease movement no the has g INTERNATIONAL Authe sional Biggar, Point Seotd) LETHRRIDGE, CANORA, ENTWISTLE, SWNT named RAND TRUNK wale of FANNY, LTD, rized and 1 neive Iie Townsite 4.18 Palais oF Melville, Walseripe and Ju ' Tolietd, 4x well ax 7 ALTA PACIFIC dn iy SECURITIES CoM. ' f Watrous, NORTH BATTLEFORD, SANK SASK, WEIBURN, SANK, ALTA, ALTA, SASK. HIRENT, gistinited nve LACOMRBE, YORKTON, PR fre in Ki J.0.HUTTON, 18 Market St. plage in the religious of Kingston, whose leading members are evidently very arthodox, and hold that "the sword" is for this earth, and that they might as well got into the game too. For several years the Lampman bas watched the authorities of College sit idly by and allow vicibus hating of freshmen to proceed in the university grounds dnd the victims to be paraded through the streets of the town. Not a move seems to have been made to stop the practice. The university authorities virtually say it ie all vight for the larger body of stu Queen's eRiroy Royal sOthe who =» pnd it Quesn's engour agement haring versity The Wedonsday Ha wa their clothing Militar vears nply College al of Corman for ago bw the stand ter, buat would 'not iM now uo dead let is ven through inaction lw whe r heads. it fhe spent | nt, i, it THE TOWN WATCHMAN : ithe at Beil wd death ocurred of Mrs aged fifty nine vears Teac hers ! Dutton's for music Princess strest Ia i criticism, make it the dents to mutilate the minority and | o face kind. Hudson, 20% face -- » wy 3 S [FREE-B ww ---- Li RAWFORD'S