{ MEMORY. OF THE LATE REY. J. T. PITCHER, Sunday in ananoque--gGrave| ¥ 5 Filled With Flowers, Liananodque, dist church Appe 2. ~Lirace Metho- red in memorial at- tire, yesterday, The choir loft, pul- pit and communion rail were deeply draped in black, owing to the death of the pastor, the late Rev. J. T. Piteher. At the morning service, Rev, Henry Gracey, pastor of St. Ap- sirew's ohurch, presided, while the evening service was in charge of Rev. J.C, MeConachie, of Kingston, At St. Andrew's church, yesterday? morning, Rev. J, C. MeConachie, who is in charge of children's aid work in ningston, filled the pulpit in a vary satisfactory manner, F. MeUtement, the newy pastor' of Grace church, condhcted the services of Gananoque Kast cirewit, at Eden Girove, Bethel and Maple Grove, yes terday, in the absence of Mr. Minton. } Ki On Sunday fiext a memorial servies will be held in Grace church for " the Rev. J. Jallman » Rychman; of | deceased Pastor, +. Rev; Bw ston, is expected Others of Nimgston pected "to be in | att ce. Ciansn- Ogue East circuit will closed pecmit jhe members 16 atfend here, 'Messrs, (B. (3h Britton, Gliford Sine, Witiam Fdwards, A. H. Mabee and . 4; Running, represented Stine church at the funeral of Rev. T, Pitcher in Stausteadt, on Sat where the flag of Stanstendt Coll was at hali-mast sud the church mpd grave a mass of flowers and floral tributes, the bottom and sides of the grave being literally lined. A. Hinton, pastor. of Gananogue Fast, represent- ed that circuit, of which Mr. Pitcher was in charge, The steamer Yennek has been pulled into {iananoque river and tied up for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. John Pappa were tak- fen to Kingston, vesterday, in charge of Miss M. M. Carpenter, president of the Willing Circle of King's Daugh- ters, where Mrs. Pappa was placed in Kingston general hospital for treat ment, and Mr. Pappa will remain with his. sister, Mrs. Jumieson, Two of the Bave been taken to Belleville od the other two were placed in the home by the Children's Aid Mrs, S homas Baker, King street," is confied to hér home by illpess. Mrs. EVERYBODY'S FRIEND The old family Bacto, of whom 'so few are now seem in this age of *4 cialists" was the valued friend and adviser of his patients, They depend. ed on him te keep then in health, and cheer them with Wis' counsel, He taught them the wisdom of prevent ing illness by watching closely after the health of the family. Mrs. 8. H. DuBois writes from her home at Hempstead, L "Vinol is an old friend of our family. We have used it for years whenever any of us need a tonic on account of bing in a rundown state of health, and it al ways gives perfect satisfaction. We have used nine bothles . this "winter" There are thousands . of families who eould and do say the * same thing. Vinol, our delicious cod liver and iron preparation without oil, bas proved its value hy bringing back rugged health hnd strength 'to vast numbers of weak, rundown men, women and ehildbeng hat is why we sell so 'much and guarantee it 10 give satisfaction. If it disappoints you you can have your money back at once. Mahood's drug store, King ston, Ont, Working Men's and. Boys' Boots; also Finé Shoe Repair.' ing done White you walt. : JOHN : 205 PRINCESS STREET. ~ B000000008000000000000 THAT TOBACCO With the "Roester" on Is crowing louder as he goes along Only 46c per penne. or chewing and 00s sessenene ' ® " * * eo » * * . '® " . o . 1E BH Hurd, Charles sireet, is con-|g fined to her home, quite seriously ill. Mes. John Davis has returned from Winchester, where she represented the local branch of the Anns Kane, engaged on professional duties as nurse at'Clayton, N.Y., has returned home. Mrs. Snider Wellington, is spending a whort time with relatives in Verona. F. H. Hurd, Kingston, spent the week- end here with fis parents, Mr. and|s® Mrs. E. H. Hord, Charles street. Miss O'Connor, of the staff of the public |o schools, spent the week-end at ber home in Kingston, LAST RIDE ON TRAIN. Young Orilllan Who Stabbed Rival Reached Kingston. Just out of his teens and the best of his life belore , him, Arthur Sheri- dan will spend the rest of his life in- side the walls of the penitentiary. Sheridan was found guilty of stab- bing Ross Ford at a dance in North Ocilka, In company with a sheriff officer from the Barrie jail, reached here on Saturday on a Grand Trunk train. It was an easy task to pick Sheridan out from among the pas- sengers. The young man had his feet shackled and with his back to the engine sat facing the sherifi's offi- cer. He had a sullen look on his face. "Grand Monarque's" Bed Bogus. Paris, Oct, 21.--A shocking discovery has been made at Versailles. It seems that the bed of Lowis XIV, which is shown to visitors, was never slept in by the grand monarque, never belong- ed to him, and was not manufactured :| became known, yesterday, through until Jong after his death. An indis- ereet tourist, examining the hangings, se4tk on them the trade mask of Giraud Freres. But the firm of Grand Freres only' came into existence in 1810, when it sugreeded to the: business of the Court ~ Upholsterer Permon. Phin discovery led to further inquiries. cin. Silent in 1912 Fight. Richmond, Va., Oct, 21.--The part which former President Roosevelt will take in the coming natiomal campaign probably will be one of silence, This a letter which he wrote to Congressman FSR Te ean SYNOPSIS OF WEST LAND WHO PERSON THE SOLE ead ot family go I Tym 20 i Tier fier wn nt must appear in Tor one ¢ Qatriet, airy oy NOMYH. ATIONS, sol his fa ter, Y rothos her in 3 certal aris a 8 chommett tet dn 1m to standing fon ongoIge Bo OOOO OO a 8 [hie will oo0upy apartments romay ned | J: Hampt Moore, of Peunsy, ania president. of the Atlantic Deeper Water ways Associatiof, decliging an invita- tion to address the convention. ' The letter was interpreted to mean that he wished to refrain from uttering any opinions which t be miscon- strued in connection with the presi: dential campaign. ©. Engaged Quarters. Nickle, M.P., and Mrs. Nie at the Roxborough, in Ottawa, for the ses- sion, W. FP, "Street railway workmen are pulling up the switch at the corner of Bagot streets, It has given he. company trouble on account _ of going off at this, place. The Louise school rughs--team de foated a team. from Centval school faturday morniag by a score of 'Wilfld Pincers played a Fl for: Bonise The illustrated song service .in the Salvation Army Citadel, Sunday ev- something "extraordinary appreciated by the large Leihman, 'Ontario street, was in Corbett's ambulance, on Sunday evening, to the Hotel Dieu,] i eqn a stroke of apoplexy. your, grocer for "King's Qual: 2 Pepin ee ou to Arden oly ec | WHS LITTLE E EXPERIMENT. w pr ar and The Amateur Myphotist "Had a Very pod ar £%- Clever Subject. "Ngw, Mad," "guid Edgar, Placer Single, ly am ready + to at little experimen am T dan bring you under the hyp- pop 4 influence if you will agree not to.resist. Just pul your mind in a e condition. to think "i nothing at all, Fix your eye on iight now and don't forget fo keep your mind a blank. 1 will count sixty seconds by my watch." The girl followed directions Iferal ly, says The London Tit-Bits. In twenty seconds her eyes blinked; in forty they el "Ah. 1 knew'L would succeed!" ex. claimed Edgar, highly elated. "Now, Maud, IT command you fo tell me the secrets of your heart. Whom do you love? Tell me, 1 command you.' A momenta ssion of resist. ante crossed 1 face; then she poke in a monotone : eh love B Edgar crieq Fags and "Wes, dgat, tins with ae me ail Popham." continued irl in the same, Be "and I would love him more if he were not 80 _8ti 1 want 10 go to the. thea- >» twice a week, he takes me only once in three ths. I want isimond rings, and' he gives me he wi cheap stones in them. out him and get hungry Hy never: thinks of oysters. W.CT.U. Miss| When 1"-- "Enough" vied the young man, "Awalel 'command you.' And he without waiting to see the result of his command. As the front door slammed the Jou Bi Opened her eyes, smiled pe ho 1 did y ot spring too much o Bo once. Perhaps I should have let the diamond rings and the oysters go t till another time." Frarich Collector's Luck, M. Pierre Decourcelle is a lucky col lectgr, as well as dramatist. He musi have made a Joktuhe with dozens ol popular novels and plays like "The Two Little Vagabonds," and he has just netted an extra 44,000 pounds iv the auetion room. For some years he had collected engravings and drawing of the eighteenth century. He paid in all about 16,000 pounds for the coh leetidn, and it has 'just fetched over 61,000 pounds. As an example, three anels, by Fragonard, which he Bou t for 240 pounds, brought him pounds. A bust of Jean Ja Home. by Hasan, eh, cost im 80 unds, "fete pridds. (A drang in red chalk y wd 3 whi as sent o i § dounds A the Decourcelle by him only a oh alk bean uh ahs than 33 pounds. In spite of the hand. someness of the investments, he sheds a tear over having parted with the collection ,and Jat + Already begun get tin another er. "A born col a ollotor." 18 his motto] ~London Té&legraph. Kipling's Queer Behaviour. «At a tea the other day a woman heard the following remarks made about her favorite author. She turn. ed to of do pinased | y the eccéntri. cities ® 4 nar ated. #Yes fa iow the hotton oko sa; ipling came in an av. pr J 86 : sabling At luncheon he sud- denly sprang up and wouldn't let the waitress come near the table. Every time thet she tried to come near he would jump at her. He made a dive for the e that was on the lower shelf of the sideboard and took it into the parlor to eat it. He got the crumbs al over the sofa and the beau- tiful rug. When he had finished his cake he simply sat and glared at us." The visitor finally could net control dersell and asked, "Excuse me, but are Jou, speaking of Mr. Rudyard Ki z Mr Rudyard Kipling?" echoed the hostess, "Oh, no! Kipling is our dog." Knew His Bible, Tommy was a venturesome lad, but nobody had ever credited him with sufficient courage to shake his head in contradiction when the Sunday school visitor, who wished to show off his knowledge of Biblical history, asserted that Sarah, Abraham's wife, was the only woman whose age was recorded in the Bible. Beeing the disapproving motion of the little head in the front row the visitor reiterated: "Sarah was the only woman whose age is recorded in the Bible." Then Tommy spoke right up "There are three more that 1 know of." said he. "Who?" asked the astonished visi. tor. a other x |. Tea Weighty. "It seems to me," said Batersby. "that we are knocki nearly all the romanee 5 and megiastion out of life i ve alige. mareiage, for 's abou} what Se ate Juing, 1 1 like old way of Ee ihe randmother and ' Aung ommy. > THE DESIGNS OF _ OUR IMPORTED DUTCH. : the guod way ha iad was the Juss when ka Pare, bold. "I like Pu a t'galoy across EEE et bis girl at the tre 6m | met's rey when " presence known a am J e, What gun red, Janie, are 3s to ot inclined 10 ask too much, . AMUSEMENTS =] (AD Y PER WOOSE) § Thursday, Oct: 26th; Paul MM. Potter's Greatest Comedy, The GIRL FROM RECTOR'S | DIRECT FROM A YEAR'S RUN AT WEBER'S MUSIC HALL, YEW YORK. A Laugh on Byery = 3% 5, = ron > QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY Thoolbgical Alumni Associa- tion ual Conference. OF OCTOBER PU nLiG EVENING ADRS CONVOCATION HALL, 8 Monday, October 23rd-- Opening of the Theological Faculty Address hy Prof. J. ball os "The Study. of History" Tuesday, October 24th: Address by Dr James Robertstin, vi Chairman of Royal Cemmission on} = Industrial Training and Technical] ¥IRL FOR OFFICE work, Apply, at Drug Store. tte pe tem tte TWO OR THREE SMART GIRLS, Ap. ply at Kent Bros'. Mica Work Bfock Street, pn. HELP---WANTED, A GOOD PLAIN COOK. APPLY TO Miss Hora, 45 King Street. T MAID FOR « ERAL HOLE. Apply to Clarence Street. 27. =. IN A COOK; REFERENCES REQUIRED. Apply, Mrs. Benson, 167 King St AT ONCE, ™o DINING-ROOW Waitresses at the King Cafe, King Street. AND once, STORE Education. Mabeod's Wednesday, October 25th-- Address by Hon, W, J. Hanna, vincial Secretary, Toronto, "Prison Reform in Dntarie." Thursday, October 26th -- Address by Dr. A P. Knight( the Chancellor's Lectureship) on "Hered Pro- on BOY FOR MAITING DEPARTMENT: fad" position to a smart, bright ity A Rmission to whole course, 36e, Jad. , ADPIY, Business Office, the -- FOR SALE THAT VALUABLE PRO. perty on Clarence Street, Kingston, now in the oc. cupation of the Great North-Western and Can. adian Pacific Railway Telegeaph Companies, ' is for sale. ' Price and other informa- tion may be had from the nadersigned. W. F, NICKLE. Kingston, Oct. 16th, 1911, GOOD GENERAL SERVANT: small family; no washing or iron. ing: references required Apply Mrs Kenneth 188 Ireland, William Street. INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly corresponding for newspapers, No canvassin Send for particulars, Press Syndis cate, 3,969 Lockport, NY BOILERMAKERS, ONE ; flanger, one Boo sheet iron worker, accustomed to marine Work Apply Collingwobd Ship building Company, Limited, Col Hogwood, Ontario GOOD HAND LABORERS wages, AND QUARRY MEN: $1.35 to $1.50 per day and board; none but steady men need Reply Apply to Exploration Byndicate, Collins Bay, Ont CAPABLE OLD tics, carefully Oct. 30th, Nov ply now, The Guild, 71 Street, Montreal, or 47 Street, Toronto COUNTRY DOMES- selected, arriving 12th and 26th. Ap- Drummond Pembroke A LINE FOR EVERY HOME; WRITE us for our choice list of agents' supplies; We have the greatest agency proposition in Canada to- 8% no outlay necessary. Apply, Co,, 228 Albert Street, Ot- Ra ~ OUTWITTED HIMSELF. He Suceeeded, Though, In Getting the Cattle Out of His Field. An Irish gentleman of another gen- eration took it into his head that those n his employment were not Jelving him as they COMPLETE COMMERCIAL COU RSE includes bookkeeping arithmetic penmanship, business correspond- (nee; commercial law; costs very little if taken by mall; fits you for a good position; write for par- tieulars. Canadian Correspond- #nce College. Limited, Dept. P., Toronto, Canada. 100 CLERKS TO SELL ARTICLES MUCH needed in every home, especially by working men; good salary; per- manent position; if you are work- & for small salary behind the Gutiter, write to-day;" you can double your wages and be your own boss. Apply, Box "E. B, CC." Whig office, GIRLS WANTED; highest wages; steady employment. Apply, immediately, D, 8 Per- rin & Company, Ltd Londan, Ontario. : nuskan, 3 the avenue leading to a ag hin Tatcbes Yigg 94s day, six unknown cattle quietly { drove' Py offending Hie prom ny the field and down the avenue to the gate. These some barelegged boys fro a an adjacent cab- - in lent him ready and Joral assist ance, and at the head of this ragged company, armed with sticks and branches, he pe he trespassers to ins village pound and saw them securely shut in. befor ze. turning, - heated and hy $0 breakfast. Y "That's the way Iida ary' Somplaiged to his family h of mine not troub REPRESENTATIVE WANTED, AT Bnce for work In your locality; wil] guarantee $200 to $2.00 per "that Jat 3 t opportunity to advance rapid- A Hberally for spare my fences and hall the caifle in the IRL BR AR and out nee not required count; lawned to tram n Int tional y 2 Aas they ible Press, Toronto. Tn of my srasoy pleased." Wait tall T find Master Ned after ast, and I'll give him the POSITION WANTED. AS PRI- reference Apply. Box STUDENT, POSITION vate secretary; good and can furnish bond 2310, Whig office LEGAL. BUSINESS CHANCES. ANYONE, ANYWHERE, CAN START a mail ordar business at home. No nvassing, Be your own boss any for free booklet. Tclls how, Heacock, 2,969, Lockport, N.Y. i SAVED THE DUKE. New Governor-General Owes a Debt of Gratitude to Ex-Constable. Jon Timson, who left behind him in England a Jong record of honor able service in the British army, and who was for many years on the Ham- ilton police force, claims the honor of having once saved the Duke of Con paught, Canzda's new governorgene 5a, fram serious injury or death, It was when his highness bore | the title of Prince Arthur Timson had Joined the army in 1967 and in June or July of 1865 wai participating in manofuvres in a sham fight at the arrison town of Chatham in Rent. ousande of troops were engaged in the mimic war and it was made very "| complete. of the uttacking forces, an- fate Lien. Simons had con- a scafiold over best dressing down he's ever had in his life!" There .was, howevpt, no need fo go in search of the delinquent, for before. breakfast was ended a message was brought in that the herder w 'with. out, desiring to" 80s! . was upon the hall s! , much crest. Tallon and Marmied. n Ay ae m sorry to have to tell it your honor," he began humbly, "but there's ' ARRIST- six of your honor's cattle dm jy CUNNINGHAM oy ag M7 voy 7 found, 1 put them in Ski Clarence Street, Kingston. t night an' shut the gate on em ory self, an' how they | got out an" went Pt shirayin' od me ' He got no further, for the ter, who had with difficulty rere self until then, beat a hasty '1 "to the dining room, where he into: a chair and laughed . "his Januiyd 'had Tears of an impending 4 apo pl tie "Then tth "he gave up his early imspectiofis and left the care of his Property to his undérlings. 4 The Risky Test. ul young woman was about to decided at i at the t moment to Ne her sweetheart. So, sel the pretfest girl she knew, e to her, thoug she knew it was a great risk: oe arrange for Jet to yon | oh bE "the" in' the moonl a fh ® and all het. art of thing--and 1 'put tot 40 ask him for a aeny want you, in Ser to he proof _ ete girl Jagd, and assented. er mgerous plot ben the next day the lot wld de ply it ind ssid anx "Well, did you ask him. "No, dear." i; "No? y not? hie Tad didn't yew chance. 'He atked' pO al +n FOR SALE. INITH ALS L 3 by GOLD BRAC Ha. BY, 3. on Sunday, on Wellingto Sy Bar] Strests Finder kindly re ONE LARGE turn to Whig office iE WALNUT ROORCASR for library at Turk's. 'Phone 706. TAREE SMALL ROOKS, MARKED s2, 83, 84, between Batterses Seeley Bay and ™ Road Reward person returning same to Browne, 3 Queer Street ton HOTELS AND RESTAUKANTS. A CORN CUTTER very cheap. Clarence Street BLOWER, DJ. Hay, AND Apply to tu Cap Kings HEAVY a John sami w WORK? NG Apply Gleesog, ng Street - Ww BRUNSWICK HOTEL, ONTARIO ST. | ~~ opposite GTR. station, ene block from CPR; on street car line; bar supplied with best of wines and liquors charges moderates; special rates hy the week, Joan Cousineau, Prop sea THE wiLLow Farm, mile from eity limits, Haars, apply ardson. 251 ONE-HALF For further to Richard Victoria Street AND Lo, SIT ATED ON Shore of Batteau Channel, Waifa Isiand. opposite Channel Urove, table for summer hotrse Apply, L Walfe tsland 4-344 Bar stocked wih Beers, Wines, Hrands nf or special Yard and Rates Driscoll Hot SE E GRIMAS Princess Stréet the best of Ales, Kiquors and cholvest Cigars. Meals, 25¢ each, rates by the week stable asgommodation reasonable. Mulvilie & FLAGS, AWNINGS, TENTS, CANO camping outfits, fishing tackle, marine supplies, lunch baskets, English raincoats, everything in Sanvaa, Kit bags. silk tents, pray hs 5 wa past supplies, ran 00 8 Oy 'Phone #91 or 0 niatie " FINANOR AND INSURANOR. FOR INA RANCE THAT INST RE to W, H. Godwin & Son's Jus. Row ri over Northern Crown Bank, Brock Street, 'or 'phone 421 TO LET. ROOMS, CONVENT. at 144 Barrie Btrest; conveniences GENERAL INSURANCE-FIRE, Accident, and Health Polleies § ed. first-class companies; rates, x . Boon, Wellington Street. coMPFORTANLE ent te coliege, standa modern ARent,. 13] cease pt -- BATEMAN & GARDINER FIRE, Life, Accident Insurance and Cus toms Broker: Real Estate and Money to Lgan: a share of your business solicited 67 Clarence Street, Kingston. Phone 3J8, STORAGE "OR FURNITU RE, CLEAN, - dry, alry rooms. absolutely moth MARKET wrout: your own lock and key aol Frost's © ity Storage, 198 Queen St. Glass Phone 526 - SEVERAL WK fices and Stoves King & Smythe Kingston SITUATED oF. Apply to Smythe, Ontario Chambers, RROLL, Breet tA Fire, Life, Health Insuranbe, Plate Employers' Liability and Motor] -- -------- Boat Insurance, Becuriily Bonda, Real lstaté in Winnipeg, Regina Calgary, Moose Jaw, ete, 14 Accident Hoy SE, CORNER BROCK AND PRON. ena Streets, facing Victoria lark: modern improvements nog water heating. Apply to 395 John« son Street FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. ment Society; established 1861; president, Sir Richard Cortwright; 5 - money issued on city and farm properties, municipal and county MEDIC AL debentures; mortgages purchased; deposits. received and Interest al lowed 8 c McGill, Managing Director, §7 Clarence Stree J. F. SPARKS, BA, M.D, PHYSICIAN A ¥ -- i an i Surgeon, 100 Welliugt on St y e hours, 10 ta 12 am to 4 ERPOOL, LONDON, AND GLOREK y } : 2 to fire Insurance Company. Available and 7 to 9 pm. 'Phone 386 assets, 216 In addition t - $61,187,2 which the policyholders have f+ security the unlimited Habllity of ail the stack-holders Farm and city property insured at lowest possible rates. Before renewing old or giving new business get rates - from Strange & Strange, Agents OCEAN STEAMSHIP AGENCY. 'Phone 325. ALL CLASS. Agent, 42 Kingston, Phong DR. B.C. D, MaeCAL 1. t 7 PHYSICIAN, and Surgeon, 14 Velliugton t Offfee « 10 to Ys am, tod and 7 to 8 p. m, Te slephona 1083. TRANSATL ANTICO LINES, es, Kirkpatric ok. tlurence Street, 6x FURNITURE FINISHER * ANTIQUE FURNITURE A SPECIALTY, ebonizing and gliding, enamelling ro 4 and all colors of mission work; all work {ven best attention Pat PERSONALS, Driscoll, 23 John Street Qall or ------------------------------ drop a card HAIR, MOLES, marks and blemishes without WARTS, BIRTH. al growths and skin removed permanently 2% years': experi Elmer J. Lake, Throat Bagot Sir SPARKS AND SPARKS, DENTISTS 230 1-3 Princess Street, Kingston 'Phone 346. i ad. 1 DR, ©. CO, NASH, DENTIST Weicker, assistant, 1383 'Phone 136. Solr Dr Nose, falist, 26% bos, DENT. . SlephoBt | ONT NE GREY.--~USE MILTON'S lalr Restorative; it has no equa; Elves satisfaction when all other remedies fall; try 31; black or brown, 50c and $1.00, 'pebpaid, I, Carnochan, Ottawa, Ont SIMPSON, L.D.S. Princess Blree DR O nN rincess St 8 A AYHROTD, DDS, LDS, DENT. ist, over Dominion "Express Office, i Wellington Street. 'Phone ARCHITECTS, HENRY PF, SMITH, ARCHITECT, 268 King Street, 'Phone 246 ARC FE -- mi Tele Phone ore, E. Dentist, Princess. office KNAPP, RBA, LDS, DD. Sn 19 "Montreal Street, ne: 'Phone 662, Ground ficor ARTHUR ELLIS, University Avenue 1013, WANTED--GENERAL N ~O ARCHI- 268 Dagot st WM. NEWLANDS tects, etq Offices, "Phone 60% BCARD AND Room FoR « sp student in Canadian family dress, "Stoder care Whig po | - ! power i$ SON, ARCHITECTS, MER. Bank Bullding, corner and Wellington Streets SHOE REPAIRING "ov EVERY DE- weription; first class work best leather only used: one trial wiill suffice Bring your repairs t Scott's, 206 Barrie Street, cor. af Clergy West sek WINDOW CL EANING. » ALL HOUSE here we da all and olling SEASON oF ning Is now as waxing also clean and put up windows Kingston Win dow Cleaning Co, 21 Montreal St, over MelLeod's Drug Store A Po THE THOSE € SECOND- hand furniture see me before any person else; 1 will pay the highest prices; I have a large Pandora Range and all kinds of Stoves and furniture, J. Thompson, 333 Prin cess Sireet. OSTEOPATHY. "HEALTH WITHOUT DRUGS RR, 4, Asheroft, DO, 138 Wellington St opposite the Post Office; chrom'e diseases treated by Osteopathic methods and Electrieal Vibration; treatments by appointment, 'Phone "7 GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR Cloth and have it made up inte up to-date sults. Price and workman- ship guaranteed to please Press Ing and repairing done on the shortest nofice. Thomas Galloway, 131 Brock St, near Bibby's Livery REAL ESTATE, UPHO ERER. a. GAVINE, UPHOL STERING, RE- pairing and carpet work, hair mat. tress renovating Prop & 'card or call 216 Bagot Street RENTS (OL. W, to loan; office, Street BOUGHT AND SOLD; lected and money No 251 Victoria Richardson ---- HOME WELL HEATED Means comfort. If your Coal comes from our yards, you may be sure of the heat. Try Us. ETS. number dying from the whe ai] veniie | ed in the terrible catastfophe. © ---- ESTABLISHED 1866 Game Agi: Yostpuned, : Philadelphia, Pa, Oct. 28 There is Prince Arthur was an active Parti: fair weather, but wet grounds at Shibe eipant in the sitack and was heard: Park, this sfternoon, and the fourth a rs oa the bridge which bad game of the world's busehull series just col when Timon, Who saw | was postponed for the Gfth time. -- While the young was unable to , rushed lend Woodbridge farmers od his hau from rossi per cight-gallon ean ol "King's Quality" tw be convinced of its superior will demand for their Mayor Cesry, Toronto, will be « hiduts for ] a third term. A