"q Suffered Inter Pains n My " Side." JthY Do you realize it © safe than suity, t] ' icy to lock th. : Foe For so CURED HIN Jan, 25th, 1910. of the Bowcls with for macy alth vas miserable, nysic allets, Jt going i I then sew a stron, favor of "Pruita-tives", tives" and the effects were $2.50, or trial size, from Proita-tives OMAS COPL 3 Prone 987 be" iti ps ps, a - gai Baw | or ala i se Tocaixe prompt cr "NO. warcess, Cures bjood enw terse weakness she. Eithes No. at 90 Beekman idrmssedd erivelope #4.Ch Haverstock Rd. rv pe wDragéel Tasteless) to take, sale. Yusting Cure. 5. a Limited) : "Highest Evcation t Lowest Cast' dry "sixth yedr, Fall Tern figust 30th, Courses to Krerpiin Shorthand, Tele. y. } Serviee and Eug- ar graduates get the ftlons. Within a short lime or sinty secured posidou® with of the largest allway cor. 1H in Canada, Enter any I or write for informa: ¥. Metendf Principal {ington Canada best COAL! The kind you are looking for | is the kind we sell ' {Scranton Coal { Wettloh- American Wigh-Class Ladies' Talloring. removed fram 231 to 28% neess Stree b are nll for Soatnesr all the luiest styles for the : he f Season C.De nor mise coning and sees gar new kioow and stock going cman hore Lowest ible pete. Fit and style arantee 'Phone 351, aasansarsavent IAARELRSRARARE LES The American Cafe!8s Wellington St tmen Well turnlahed lighted. our Full Courses Dinner, THOMAS GUY, Prop. NEWS OF NEIGHBORS WHAT WHIG CORRESPONDENTS YELL US, fhe Tidings Urom Various Polots fs Eastern Ontario--What People| Are Doing and Wist They Are Saying. Telephones for Latimer. Lat(mer, (fet, 2.~Most of the farm- evs are digring gota! toes and meport a very good erop. Many of the farmer are Raving telephones put in this Mr. hent and family have re home after attendmg service of his wife at Lonsdale on Octoner 15th. Mes. CC. Smith, who has been on the wick list, i% getting better. Mrs. . Durling and {emily who have been visiting Ber parents for a couple of weeks, hase retin home, week turned in memory Noies Vr rom , Selby. Selby, Oet. 18 --The trustees of St, John's church are repairing the tows o Mrs. A. Hudegin, who has been quite ill; is better. The young people practising for a concert. Mrs. J. and Mra. #1. Amey spent a faet week with friends at RB. Grange is ploughing on ear Switzerville, Mrs, Hunt is the guest of Mre. Bowen, Sharp's 'orners. Mrs. Thomes and daughter, of London, are the guests at Rev, Deoun's. are ong days Murvale his place ow Folger Station Wedding, Station, Cet, 197A quiet we on the ISth iost., at 4.30 o'c in the evening, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. V. Prasky, when their second danghfer, Ethel Heatrice, was united in marriage to Killam J. Bod, ob-Lavant. The cere mony was performed by Rev. Mr, Me- Mullen, in the presence of forty guests, The bride was ussisted by Miss Ethel Bayd and John Prasky, attended the groom. The bride looked charming in a gown of cream French silk mar *uiset te over cream silt with bridal veil and orange blossom wreath, Atter the ceremony a wumploons dinner was served amd the remainder of the even ing was spent ig' tnstrionental = and vocal music. The happy couple left at noon next day for a trip to Toronto, Falls, Bufialo and other taking their abode in hong, which the groom has at favant. The bride travel pown of pearl grey with blue and and hat to Folger sedding took | lock, Niagara pomts, the cory wiiting led in au trimmings match, Joseph Burke to work. A held at J. Ham Laurence his nn business trip. gone to Clay L, Yuin spent before me to Renfrew shooting mateh i to Campbell's this week, Wil- sone to Renfrew Mr. Simpson ha for a Mrs. W Haturday last at Sharbot Lake, Johu Prasky bas re turned from the general hospital, Kingston, where has been for three weeks, owing to having shot himself in the foot while duck hunt- ing, Visitors : Mrs. J, Lake, Canon- to, at A. Crawford's; Mrs. Ih, McDoug gald, Misgissippi, at A. CUrawlord's; Mr. and Mra. B. Cameron, Flo f. "Purke's: the Misses Lenike, Plevna, at Himpson's, Hine go ne visit. he A. To Cure. a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- lots. Druggisty refund money if it fails to cure. E. W,. Groves signature is on each box, 25e, "Toronto University students had a clash with the policemen late on keidny Might, and some of them re- esived cracked heads. Police | court cases ard expulsions will result. Yes, others make good flour, but it was eft to us to make "King's Qual- ity." Manufactured by the Maple Taek Milling Co. K., WwW. Leonard, C.E., of St. ("ath- arines, has been appointed chairman of the 'National Transcontinental com- mission. SUCCESSFUL MOTHERHOOD means more than a fat baby. It means laying the foundation of a strong, sturdy constitution. Fat alone is not enough; there must be bone, muscle, brain and nerves. Scott's Emulsion is the Acme of perfection for and Child. ALL DRVGGINTS ex} | Or. {the farm of James Baker. DISTRICT DASHES. News Clipped From Our Many Ex- changes. Rumor says a canning fsclc be built at Rossmore. F. MH. Suider, aged eighty died at Picton on Oct. 4th, {he harvest home dinner con Methotlist church netted S1G4.50. br. A, B. Smgleion, Whstport, building a handsome addition to urgey. 2. J. Robins Rev. pastorate of Calsary ry will years, Conse- in is his has resigned the Baptist church, # lirockville, chicken ehureh, Anmiversary services and dinner held in Bi. Andrew's Picton, totalled S225. Dr. Stirkmg has returned to Pieton after spending the summer al herr Robert, Sask. Br, J. ¥. Dunn, practiti at El gin, has purchased the actics of Lynch, 'Almonte. I he 'death occurred in Brockville, on Thursday, of Mrs, Ferdinand = Mar shall, at an advanced age. w. J. O'Brien, teacher in the Perth Collegiate, has received an increase Jof 2100 in anldry, makihg it $1,300. Mrs. Lilla Dusilap, Nease, Hillier, has been honored by membership in the Canadian Women's Press Club, the CLR. has granted Picton an improved service, Two evening trains every week will be put into service. Mayor Hall, Perth, is to contest the conservative convention of South Lanark against Hon. A. J. Mathe son. A uiet 'wedding took place at West port, on Tuesday last, when Miss An- nie Lynett and John P. Foley were married, Mrs. Sarah Miner, of Merrickville, died on Tuesday, at the age of 51 years. She was mother of Mrs. A. UO. Watts, H. Wileocks and family ing this week for Wiamipeg. cocks is one of the pioneer of Picton, Bel ann feavens has sold the nine tydour-acre farm in Hallowell, which he recently vacated, Robert Fox, of Mount Pleasant. The eonmumand of the 15th sent, Belleville, was, on Friday, ferred from Lient.-Col. Stewart Major L. W. Marsh. William A. Stonehurg, sixty five years near died recently in was a well-known captain Miss Brishin, forme ing staff .of the public s has been taken on the the board of education, On October 1th, the marriage solemmized of Mabel Kathleen, only daughter of Mrs. Frank Lauder, 'and norris W. Gibson at the home of the bride's mother, Mountain View Point Traverse cheese factory made a record for September. The price paid patrons for milk averaged $1.33 per hundred pounds. Roblin Dulmage 19 the cheesemaker at Point Traverse. A very quiet wedding was solemn- ized at Calgary, Alta, on September 27th, when Miss Mary E. Alexander was united in marriage to Edward P. ("Ted") Strickland, both formeily of Pieton, Unt, Roy Knowlton, Atheus, left for his home at Athabaska Landing. He will spend a few days in Torento, buying goods. He expects to egver a part of the distance from Edmonton on the new railway running to the Landing. At Elgin James Robtrtson sold the arm owned by the late George Bugt. A bid of 811,535, made by Froest Merriman, was the highest. He ser cured the property, consisting of 200 acres. Mr, Merriman held a mortgage on it. J. 8B. Bellamy, a few years ago junior clerk in the store of H. H. Arnold, Athens, has been appointed to the oftice of assistant general man ager in the departmental store of I'he D. H. Holmes company, limited, at 86,000 per year. Albert Fairfield, of was arrested at Havelock, Thursday, charged with passing cheque at Smith's Falls, for for which there were no funds. was on hiscwedding tour and young couple are very indignant the arrest, . are leav- Mr. Wil merchants ~. regi trans to born about ago, Consecon, Toronto. Deceased of the teach chool, Picton, teaching stall Toronto. was ol Ont., on a 230, He the at Rockland, Ont., WOLFE ISLAND NEWS, Seventeenth Child Has Arrived at an Island Home. Wolle Island, Oct. 20.--Charles Daw- son has been the guest of his mother during the past two weeks. Robert Buster is repairing his new resi: dence in the village. His many friends will be glad to hear of his moving back to the village shortly. Miss Janie Crawford left for Watertown, N. Y. to spend three weeks visiting her aunt, Mrs. Lawyer Fawcett has just returned from Watertown, N. Y., after a month's visit with her aunts. Miss Agues Griffin will return home Thurs day, after an extended visit to New- ark, Ng J., and New York. A boat load of co as arrived here for W. G. Woodman and Cramer. There are several men engaged in unloading. Miss Hattie Greenwood, of Glen Park, is visiting her parents. One of Wolfe "s most popular young ladies is to be married this week in the church of 'the Sacred Heart. The seventeenth child has come to the home of Thom- as Gresnwood, sr. Mrs. Sarah Henderson is engaged as cook on the steamer Wolle lalander, for the rest of the season. William Keyes and family have moved on to H. Davis, or, is moving to his large residence in the village. Miss Hattie Faweelt was the guest of Miss Carrie Griffin, week. Woodman and Cramer have the phone in their office. Mrs. Herbert Dawson is visiting her sister, in Wat- ertown, N.Y. Misa Stella Hogan was visiting in K ton. Miss Mand Quirt, Kingston, 1s the guest of Miss. Olive Woodman. Orleans, Oct. 21 An appeal to "the striking employees of the rviman bnes, according to state at the headquarters of ford in this oity. Illinois Central ds here etated that the road wielually "won its 'fight already nothing to arbitrate. probably = will be made | "HINE the jor Pr. "LH Threvspiece velvet suits actual and 'a blouse of crepe meteor a as the costume, but veiling a while mourning) no longer is the vogue: easily be to the one here shown, nn ---- BORDEN'S ¥ AMAL Y TREE. of Pampus Kentish House Near Eng. tion Member Maidstone. Oct. H.-A cnn the he Jn London, general dents of into here, sald Lo ele the and i aired mn > ig that Es famous leaders writer ort member of a which has with "th Borden, head miller living Fimes is a family, asso ated amd present ng points den tish heen Headeorn istone, The ily an Headcorn. 'Men of interesting is octogenarsan Hn free horn, it 18 to amt are Ww a some of the English laws apprentices, for Kent' are note, menable to such as that instance, a not inconsiderable at the time, it was granted by early Fnglish King as appregiation of the loyalty of the t afiecting an Admits Placing Poison, Newark, Nob, OQet. 231.-The poli #ommenced an investigation to-day into the death of Mrs. Allison Mela lund, 'wife of the advertising manage of an Ampere, Gil. Electrieal com pany, who was found dead, yester day, from evanide of potasivin pois ong. he womun had taken the poison out bottle in which she usually kept medicine, Ile husband admitt substituted the cyamde for but in gsted that his w of * the substitution ol a headache having the od medicine, was aware Beggar Leaves. $30, 000 to Sister. San Francisco, Oet. 21.<Michael Sul tivan, who has begped on the streets of San Francisco for thirty was found dead his hovel day. Bank hooks found in & showed deposits of 000, Sullivan's death due to natural in which. he bey Mary A more was apparently . He left a will ueathed 350,068 tots Sullivan, of H1SO8 sister, NY, of other thing Don't take a fellow by becoing Besides, vou are Crippled With Sore Back ntage on apt a to jose Kidneys Were Badly Diseased and She Didn't Know It, Was Completely Cured by Less Than Three Boxes of DR CHASE'S KIDNEY-LIVER PILLS Women are very often deceived and mistaken in regard to kidney disease, The pains in the back = ave attributed to Other derangements, and kidney disease is allowed to ran on snd on until beyond the reach of medical science, J There is needless ife itseli is risked, because i® not recognized as the most ed symptom of Kidney disease, There is no treatment which so quickly relieves and enres kidney pains in the back a8 Dr. Chase's Ridney-Liver Pills. As proof. of sufiering, and backache mark: {this read Mrs. Patterson's Jeter : Mrs: Richard Patterson, . Haldi mand, Gaspe Co, ne, writes: "1 will gindly diy that T was gored of kidney trouble by using" Br. Chast's Kidoey-Liver Uills. When 1 began i this medicine I was erippled with sore back and did sot know what was the trouble. dn looking ov- Chases Almanae I saw © Dr. Chase's' Kidney-Liver - Pills advertised and decided to trv them, "1 'bad not used two boxes hefors my back waz all right, and before 1 had completed the third hog was en- tirely cured. There has bien no re turn of the old: kidney trouble, and 1 hesstory, beliure the eure to be per One pill ® dose, ea Box, at'all dealers, or Fdmanson, Bates & Cony. 1 la A | b rv} favor i Utuea, CUFF AND COLLAR SEPS $ROW MORE ELABORATE. of a velvet skirt and coat eked mousseline of the same shade slip, for all-black (for amy save Every blouse of this description may "dressed up" with neck and wrist accessories, and the newest of these ave of finely dotted net timed widely with Irish point similar All of these ond collars close at the back, if the epgujess do not become the figure | théy may be omitted, but HORRORS IN TRIPOLL Mission Ary Still Flourishes, 21 SLAVE Returns Says Arab oo ie Clot, missionary Fa of the at young neg Ihe head Rome Ap Honio ripe oli, for freed trade home Benghazi, Foes slavery, the north been from is that the of Africa is fHlourisning. Small ehildren packed y three, in a bag for transportation hile the lar age tied chaing, the desert being stained | their blood. © Those who eollaps abandoned to die «5 ir the prey of lions Un ote eco 1 who have shave in are two, and ones in with are vation «or 1g missic caravan, exhaus further, the ion, the mary of the formale pros arms, says, the leader en slave ved using raged becouse a was unable offi one of he member | subsequently as a weapon with which to beat others «0 the un huppy party. BARS CARD PARTY PRIZES. Ah Elizabeth, NJ. Official Issues Prohibition Order, Elizabeth, N.J., Oct. 21.---Men and women prominent Fhizabeth soeiety were mach vesterday, over orders issued 0. audi Swift pr whist and euchre parties for in that gity Prosecutor Swilt is directed by the in ses teed; to { ent in exercised, hy rohtbiting Prosecutor bridge prizes Ww grand Union county to put a mlertawunent. A large prize euchre the Young Men's ( si St. Patrick's ehureh, ders from the police, prizes was eliminated. HIrY, now sion, stop to this form ol was held itholie League but, under or he awarding of party GOODWIN | L AME NTS GIFT. to Set Aside Deed to $200,000. Cal, Oct. A, could not get personal his erstwhile wife, Fdna Goodrich . Goodwin, now the' Baron ess heane, and had to have the sum mons published to shave set aside a deed of trust in which he conveved nearly S200.000 to T. H. Dudley, trust for his wife, sr. Goodwin alleges that deed was made on Miss Go odrich's Om ise of marviage, and that at thatYeime he of Maxime Elliott, reason the trafsaction Actor Seeks Los Ang Goodwin ite oan reles, Nat ser- m was the husband and for that was illegal. I ROMANCE. Princess Eurico THE LOS Crown of Saxony and Loselli Reconciled, Florence, Maly, Oet, 21.--1THe form er Crown Princess Le eo, of Saxony; bas arrived here; and is ofeupying a villa with her husband, pianist, Enrico Loselli. The couple had been living apart for a considerable time, and reports were cmrvent that divorce proceedings hind been instituted, Now they appearing in public, ars id arm, the We Mrs. Jeffries Leaves $99,500, Angeles, al, Oct. 21. <An tate valued at SV .500, will be distri buted in unequal shares among ten heirs of Mra. Rebeo Jolirion, who hed on September Sth, and whase will was © Hled for probate, yesterday. Among the" residuary legatess Janes J. Jeffries, former world's champion puagilist and son of the ded woman, who is made a bene fichary with other children, in cin sideration that they dare ior and support their father tn his declining years. A provision speeifics that any attempt to break the will shall be rewarded with disinheritance. Los - mw Queen Alexandra Buys Villa, Copenbagen, Oct. 21.--Queen Alexan- dra has purchased for $7000 5 small villa facing Hvidoers, When the struc ture ig pulled down next year the glorious view from the Villa Hyidoere will be considérably enhanced. Hyi- doere is the joint property. of (ueen Alexindea and her sister, the dowager empress of Russian. It stands about four miles from Copenhagen, and was purchased by them in 1900, A woman not only wants to ba Yasutital, Tmt. she wante 10 be told that, she i" with dirt and grease. Sprinkle Comfort Lye over the holes. Jt will dissolve and carry away the dirt snd make your sink sanitery. INDUBITABLY ihe best Bablit Metal for all general machinery Bearings is Harris Heavy Pressure, Write for prices The Canada: Metal Co., Ltd. Fraser Avenue Toronto 4 BRAIN WORKERS who get little exercise, feel better all round for an occasional dose of "NA-DRU-CO" Laxatives They tone up the liver, move the bowels gently but freely, cleanse the system and clear the brain. A new. pleasant aiid relizble laxative, prepared by a reliable firm, and 'worthy of the NA-DRU-CO Trade Mark. 25¢. a box. If your druggist has sot yet stocked them, send 25¢. and we will mail them. NATIONAL DRUG & CHEMICAL COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED. MONTREAL. 21 SA ---- A -------------- LIST YOUR PROPERTIES NOW For Sale or to Rent. Sales Negotiated Rents Collected Fire Insurance Conveyancing and Real Estate E. Blake Thompson, OVER NORTHEEN CROWN BANK MARKET SQUARES, 'Phone 286. KINGSTON, ONT, ---- --- EE -- EE Pvsasssssasssassssasesersssssassssassessesaseesf Ganong's Chocolates Always Fresh. Delicious Dainty Flavors » at 50c. per 1b. Burnt Almonds 60c. 1b. Alsoin 1 Ib. and 1-2 lb. Fancy Boxes. R. H. TOYE, 302 King St., mess 10: PevrssesssssessssrsesssPPreoscssssssssasscsesscsenl ) -- | CHOCOLATES Fresh Arrival Ganong's Fi inest Chocolates LARGEST ASSORTMENT. Only 50c¢ per Pound. A. J. REELS, 166 PRINCESS ST. Phone 58 ---------- BIBBY'S CAB STAND DAY OR NIGHT Phone 201 veel Smart Shoes | --POR-- Young Women Second Hand Furniture Large Stock of New and Second mmnd Furniture; also all kinds of Pre- serving Jars. Call at H. Sugerman's, 242 Ontario Street, GAS FIRES, the imitation Conl © Fires, just the pa rior or Anis g no trouble « as cheap give yo g complete Phone | Personal attention, J. W. OLDFIN & CO, Cor, Sydenham and Ordnance Siw, ne piped Bescsccsacscsas ® MEN'S CLOTHING: CLEANED, We can and do clean almo any article of clothing worn hy men, or dye it if need be We can keep your clothes looking ag if they had jusi come from the tailors R. PARKER & 00. Dyers and Cleaners, LJ Princess St, Kingston, Ont, Tea Coffee Cocoa If you want something good go 19 C. H. Pickering CORNER PRINCESS STREET AND UNIVERSITY AVENUE, 'Phone 530 First-class Meat Shop in connection. Removal Nie 12 W. C. Bennett, Tinsmith and Plumber, has Removed his place of business from 373 King St. to 191] ¢ Princess Street, pext dfor to the} late 8. J. Horsey's Hardware Store 4 The Sawyer Shoe Store where he will be pleased 0 AGENTS, {Sn ce ' | A 'omutant spectfal care in se- ing models for young people has produced some ex- ceptionally excellent siyles for | our displays this season All accepted shapes, In all kinds of lea hers, offer a varied amd satisfactory assortment for your selection. les mieet all his old customers and as many mew ones as require first class Tiosmithing apd Plumbing done: also agent for the Souvenir Phone 1033