2 foe 3 fot KINGSTON, ONTARIO, rOESDAY, DOES NOT VIEW as Severe. GENERAL STAFF CHIEF SAYS FIGHTS HAVE BEEN ONLY SKIRMISHES, LAST EDITION ------------------------ WEATHER PROBABILITIES. Toronto, Ont, Oot. 24th, 10 am --Ot- tawa Valley and Upper St. Lawrence -- Freah westerly win ; fair and cooler Wednesday, fair. { OCTOBER 24, - BOXERS' NOT WELCOME. Australians Alarmed at Invasion of Mcintosh's Army. London, Eng. Oct. 24--A cable despatch from Sydney to the Stan. dard says : A vigorous crusade has begun here against the coming invasion of box- ers who are to he brought oat, it {will be remembered, by Hugh Mcly- tosh. Australians do not ohject to boxing as a healthy sport, but it is felt that a hammesrng contest between jLwo pugilists for large sums of mon- wy is as little akin to true sport as YEAR 78 -RO, 248 THE RATEPAYERS WILL VOTE On a By-law to Guarantee $100,000 of Bonds af Hote) Company Trade is Behind the Scheme---Impossible For the * . . City to Lese Anything---City Council Favorable. On Thursday, November 16th ext, the qualified ratepayers will vote upon s by-law to guarantee bonds to the amount of $160,000 for the ere tion of an hotel on the Carruthers vite between Simcoe and West streets, ly Messen. Charles E. Phenix, J. Wil bur Stevens and Wallace A. Pendle, of Haston, and to give a fived assess ment of $80,000, exclusive of school tux. Pike other honus by-laws, a two thirds vote of the whole electors will by respuired to pass this measure. The hotel scheme was outlined Monday's issue of the Whig. It is approved hy the board of trade and the eity eouncil, and should be rati fied by the ratepayers. There was a very large board of trade deputation present in the city eptneil chamber on Monday evening, when the matter was presented to the council, Ten devs ago, the scheme revived the approval of the civie finance commities, whieh recommended ta, the council that a by-law be put to the people. 'This, the council de cided to do, the proposition receiving the unanimous - endorsation of the yor and pldergien, ~ matier to the Ait presentin aity council, Dr. Edward Ryan, speak Vil for the president of the board of trade, said tit was just eleven » when hie oceupind the posi tik of mayor, that the hotel ues p came before the council. Ning: Mon had long suffered from want of ilptel accommodation. Now the® board of trade had a scheme (hat promised to be a success, We had come to the parting of the ways, and Hf Kingston now had the on 6 {0 go into this scheme and aid i erecting gn hotel, the city would go forward and pro- gress, Till provision was made, 'there . be no more touvist or convention trade for Kingston, NO TRUTH IX IT. Pastor Denles Offer of $10,000 to Marry Astor. R.I., Oet. 24 --Rev, Na- Sproal, of the First Pres chareh, of this city, denies {the statement of Rev. Marttin D. | Kneeland, ILD, at the Presbyterian {synod of New York, that he was ten {dered 310,00. by an agent of Uol. John Jaconh Astor to marry him and Miss Force last August. He said that it was true that he had been ap proached by dn agent of Col. Astor, but there was no fee named and he doses not think anyone had a right to speak of the matter. It is very plain that Rev. Mr. Sproul is dis filease over the matter becoming pub w. PLAY RESUMED Inthe Works Basal Sei mits GROUND VERY to Ele Newport, thaniel J. - byterian pp Opportunity Affords You TIME TO BUY were the gladiatotal shows of ancient Rome. Strong objections to the proposed Gght out here are made, however, mainly on the grounds of the "color" questian. Tt in fer that it is extremely inadvisable that any black versus white mateh should Johnson Revolutionary Leader is Very be allowed fo take place. Optimistic--Fear in Washington Lest Russia end Japan Should Share Manchuria. vex, Oct. 24--Prince Tsai-Tao, minister and president of the general stall, refuses to regard the govern: ment reverses in the vieinity of Han- kow as serious. "The engagements so far," he said, "have been nothing but preliminary skirmishes between a small body of government troops which has been at* tempting to hold the river station at Lin-Chea-Miao, against a much great- er force of rebels. The retirement of the government troops northward to Mekows, whith the Hankow press and cousular re ports seem to have construed into a rut, was in accordance with instruc tions. We did not expéet a mere hand. ful of troops to hold Lin-Chea-Miso." i i TO DIE, ei Philadelphila thé Favorites in fhe SET FREE swson Pitches Betting--Mathéwson for Fx-banker Walsh of Chicago for 3 lensed Week Ago is Dead, Ee Re iladelphia, Ta. Oct. 24.--There wi g joy among the baseball ehithysiasts and mmilway officials got busy "immediately with special trains from all direstions when it was aw thoratively' announced this morning that while Shibe Park diamond was rather sodden from the recent raibs there would be a game this after noon. There was a brisk wind from the northwest, making it more rugby than baseball weather. The probable line-up is: New York--Becker, Lf: Snodgrass, ef; Murray, rf; Nedkle "Hy; Hersoy, 3h.; Fletcher, s.s.; Myers, cg \Mathew- son, p.; Doyle, 2b. Philadelphia--Lord, 11; f.. Collins, 2b.; Baker, 1b; rk; The proposed new hotel would accom: modate trathe that would not coshe here unless it was built. The new hotel would not injure the pressit hotels in the ety. 1t would heneht them instead. lt will increase the value of the property of the city, The | inerchunts will receive a big advan tage and so would the street railway | company. The new hotel will give} flight and hope to the city. In fact, Dr. Rysn declared that a new era would dawns for hingston with the opetring of the proposed hotel, The agreement with the city had been most earefully deawn by J. M. Farrell, representing the board of trade, and City Solicitor Meintyre, was impossible for the city to lose matter what happened. Even if hotel company failed there were present in the council chamber would give the city the assarance carry 1 on. H. W. Richardson said the scheme seemed to be most feasible. A better proposition was never offered the city. the hotel could not very well fail, for the people behind it were ex: perienced hotel men who were most enthusinstic. The city, he said, could not lose by the proposition. AH i was asked was to guarantee the hounds to the extent of $10,000, The hoard of trade would raise $50,000 stock among citizens. Mayor Graham sail he had no doubt but what a month hence, the by-law «which 'the finance committee was presenting to the council would be passed by the j . A by-law guacanigeihg the issue oi 100,000 bonds, to promote the erec- tion of the proposed hotel, was pre sented by Ald. Kent, and given. a second reading. The qualified rate payers will vote on the question on Thursday, November, 16th, For Evening Young Malian Wielded Razor Vigor- ously om Combatants, Parry Sound, Ont, Oct. 24.-Com- mitted for trial on a charge of mur der at Ennerdale last week, Branco Vallelonga, Italian, twenty-five years of age, a resident of Canada' for eighteen months, was lodged io jail, being brought from Burke's Falls. The prisoner slashed his victim with a razor, in a horrible manner, and almost / severed his head from the body. The prisoner admits the kill- ing, but says it arose over a dispute pbout the Black Hand. FOUR ps Are the most favored ma- terials, You can get them here in all the newest hall- tone shades of Blues, Greens, Rose, Fawns, Hellos, Oreys, ele. From $1.23 to $2.80, Very dpecial lines at $1.28 and $1.50. Blenheim Satin Cloth Is another very pretty fabric for smart wraps. We offer it in all the new shades. This cloth has a beautiful bright Think, and Is guaranteed spot- ens. 48 inches wide. Special price, $1.15, Good Linings Of all kinds, including: -- Furs, Bearsking, Satins, Silks, Quilted Silks and Sateens. Trimmings Evening Wraps in abund- in Oldring, c Murphy, Thomas, 14] the men who to THOUSAND KILLED BY ITALIAN SHFLLS British Consulate at Benghazi Blown to Pieces--Many British Resi: dents Killed. Malta, Oet. 24. --~Couriers and mail matter which have evaded the striet Italian censorship and arrived here, indicate that the bombardment of Bengbezi, by Rear Admiral Aubrey, on the 19th, \was a much more serious affair than given out. [It seems that the Turkish garrison refused to sur- render, and the Italian fleet turned its guns on the town with disastrous ef- fect, killing four thousand people, in- cluding a number of British subjects who had taken refuge in the British consulate, which was blown to pieces by shells from the lialian guns, Among the seriously injured was John I ama Jones, British consul. When the Italian marines attempted to land they were repulsed with great loss, After apother bombardment, a landing was accomplished and the Halian flag now flies. THE KAISER WINS OUT REGARDING MOROCCO German Emperor. Said "There Must Be No War." and There Was None, Berlin, Oct. 34.--Gesmany generally is resigned to the loss of Morocco. The kaiser has achieved an uwnalloyed victory in the affair. From the be ginning he has not swerved from his determination to settle the Moroccan question auricably. \ When the kaiser met the imperial chancellor and Von Giderlin-Waechter at Swinemunde in August, he had » long conference with them on the Morocco question. At its contlusion he entered the room where a number of French and English guests had as sembled. As he opened the door they heard the kaiser gay : "Do as you judge best, but. there must be no war." His firmness has triomphed, THE AXE 18 FALLING. Davis, 1b.; Barria, s.s.; ¢.; Bender, p. The betting odds are decidedly in favor of ithe Athletics. Of course they are to be discounted somewhat by the fact of being a home team, Mugsy McGraw's Giants have the "never die" inspiration this morn ing that indicates that the Athletics will have ng walk over. Devore, lelt-fielder of the Giants, was taken ill, and his place was taken by Becker. New York opened well, seoring two runs. No more runs were scored (till the fourth, when the Athletics opened out and scored three, leading by 3 to 2 San Vat Sem Optimistic, Philadelphia, Oct. 24.~Sun Yat Sen, leader of the revolutionary party in China, said : "Our success has most sanguine expectations. what we expected, because ability of onr leaders, "Vy capturing Wo-Chang, Hankow and Hanyan, we have the keys to the west and north. "The most important coming event which doubtless will decide the em- pire's fate, is the engagement within the next few days, about 150 miles north of Hankow. When the imperial troops reach that point, the sighal will be given to the Chinese garrisons nearer Pekin, whose sympathies are with us, and the capital itself will be invested." surpassed my Yet it is JOHN R. WALSH of the Chicago, Oot, 24. John Walsh, former banker, publisher and rol iroad owner, released on parole a week ago from the Leavenworth federal peniten tiary, died, on Monday, of het i scase, Walsh has been in bed most of the time since his arrival here R. FUSION OF RACES IN SOUTH AFRICA General Botha Says Dutch and British Will Defend Empire. ' Yosbety, South Africa, Oct. 24.- 4 "Should the wnhappy day ever dawn - elton the common fatherland is at: we ell Dutdh * and British Adrikand- nt glen ; es ers will Be found shoulder (o should- " > : Ran er defgding the fatherland to . the Submitted for Kingston and Eastern Municipalities Philadelphia Wins, Seore by innings : Fear Russia and Japan. Washington, Oct, 24.--~Under surface of official ealm in Washington with respect to the situation in China, there is apprehension that amounts to anxiety over the possibilities of grave international ecemplications. Fear that Japan may be getting ready to take over and annex South- ern Manchurain, while Russia annexed Nofthern Manchuria, is not absent.' It is not talked openly in official guar- ters, because it is tbo grave a matter to be openly discussed, In well informed quarters, it is the belief that Japan and Russia are get- ting in readiness for the proper psy- chological moment, and that when that moment, comes, Manchuria will be gobbled up. Serres sassssassessseneld) CREATED SCANDAL. RAE New York- - 2000000002113 Philadelphia - 0003 1000X 4111 FOUND DEAD IN BED, Suitaple for are here for you ance. Garnitures, Glmps, Braids, Get the habit of watching for our windows displays. You may get an ides. STEACY'S With a Copy of Gladstone in His Hand. Bpecial to the Whig, Ottawa, Oct. 24.-Robert Evens Young, chief dominion geographer, and superintendent of the railways lands, department of the interior, was found dead in bed, this morning. He had a copy of the life of Gladstone in his hand. He worked up till six o'clock, last night. Heart disease caused his death. Deceased was born in Georgetown, Ont, io 1861. A widow anc four daughters survive, TO SHUT THEM OUT, very last!" bir these stimdng words, which were received with loud cheers, did General Botha the 'othér evening conclude an address to his constituents. He was referring to the question of the nou: trality of South Africa im time of war, and said he much regretted the publieation in July Inst of The Volksstem article, advoeating Saath Africa's remigining weutral in the event of the United Kingdom being engaged iu war, because it had creat- ed updeserved ~~ distrost and suspi- cion of the Thiteh Afriknnders' loyal ty. YORE i 5 32 "The figwes Are foything But Low---The iF The er_estimates submitted--by--Hon. Adam Heck, chairman of the Hydro- solic Commission, were presented ta the éity council on Monday evening, and referred to the light, heat and power committee. The figures have to six municipalities, and are as follows: § : 2,000 HP. 4000 HP. 5000 HPP, 7.500 H.P. £30 25 $4 83 $22 19 $19 08 24 48 20 89 18 60 17 13 H 25 28 28 24 46 2% ws 12 52° Ie 11 46 Cardinal ..... ..... 20 88 17 96 16 13 15 60 15 60 Prescott... ... ... 3072 24 66 21-21 2 72 20 72 The report from the commission does not say where the power will come from, but it evidently is from: Waddington, N.Y., in view of the to% prices Qioted for Morrisburg. Itis a question whether Kingeton will accept the. vdeo Eluirie olay it J Sousicered that the Seymour com- pany's =a er one, 'Kings raps out, the price to the other municipalities would be greatly increased. pt FELL THROUGH A TRAP DOOR] AND BROKE HIS LEG. DIED, MeADAM-- Entered into rest at Prescott, Sunday, October 28nd 1911, Sarah Macausiand, beloved wife of Joseph § Interment at 8t. Thomas, ROBERT J. REID, The Undertaker. "Phous 57 Princess ftreet JAMES REID The OM mud Phone 147 for 3 Not Show the United States Flag. Winnipeg, Oct. 24.-The city moving picture show censors here will be iu- structed to' refuse all films showing the American flag, glorifying over the Union Jack. The movement, is also on foot in Regina, Brandon, Calgary, Edmonton and Saskatoon shows, get films from Bt. Paul and films of this nature in the western provinces hive been numerous. GRATEFUL CABBY TRIES 'TO FEED HORSE Animal Saved Man's Life, But Judge Fines Driver For Being Chicago, Oct. 2L.LWilliam Hobson was fined ome dollar, yesterday, by Judge Walker, of the municipal court, as the result of trylng to feed ) in fresh green bills to a horse hitched to a truck, "It was explained Hobson. Films Must Kansas City, Mo., Oct. %4 -- Rev. Clarence V. T. Richeson, held in Boston vd & charge of murdering Miss Avis Linnell, was pastor of the Bethany Baptist Church in this city from 1901 until 1904, when he resigned by re- guest, following the sen- sational disclosures of three young Women, each of whom accused him of being engaged to her. A scandal Was ereated among the : congregation when the three women, two of them members of the chureh, made their ac- cusations agaist the pastor at the close of one of his Sunday morning sermons, when he had preached eloquently on "Temptations of Young Girls in a Clty." 10,000 H.p. 217 80 16 95 2 9 Il 46 PHONED TO SAVE A LIFE. Instead of Helping Man, Sent for Police, . Oct. 24. --~Jean Baptiste Paul, & motorman, was drowned in the canal, Saturday night. Althou hi# cries for help had been heard by several' people, they only telephoned to the polite, saying that a man had fallen futo the water. Bl SCHOOLS ANU BE sue In Many Ridings in Ontario-Pro- 3 shurg Te Montreal, 84 . as, at All kinds of shelves, Wriling Des a y,_ Chairs Tark's. "Phone 706. New Goods New Figs New Cider New Honey the W.C.T.U, at their session in Sher- 2 brooke. Mis. Turner, who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs, John E, Cook, Garden street, for the = past week, has returned to her home in Toronto, © Mrs, James Kenny and daughters, the Misses Ethel and hisie henny, located for some time past at New Liskeard, have returned here to reside at their home, Pine street, rs ep. ri. Charles street, an ng the past three weoks with friends in Belleville, re tamed home, yesterday. Absalom (irice, a Tormer resident, located at Edmonton, Alta., for the past four Sessional Messengers and Canal Lockmasters Dismissed. Ottawa, Oct. 24.--The axe is be boning to fall on Parliament Hu upon gertain government employees who are charged with setive partici- testant Association to Enter pation in clections. There are sixty the gt. sessional messengers employed when Toronto, Oct. 24. Members of the Canadian Protestant Association de |the house is in session, and twenty of clared, ay, that a dozen ridings {Ahese hve heen notified not to re would be contested in the Ontario port for duty. Two lockmasters on the Rideau canal, near Ottawa, have Gananoque's Speedy Runner, Robt. O'Brien, Will Compete in the Round The Mountain Race at real on the 30th. y Oot. M.--Samuel Bat- known member of the d, met with severe injury this way," your honor," "I dew 80 from and invested - wvenitig, while crossing years, is renewing acjuaintances here. a 's alley and Ning Mes. Grice came east with him, and i door | is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. Sin suffer- | gleton, in Kingston, and will later on visit in Gananoque. LOVED DOGS; RISKED LIFE, ni ---- Aged Woman Saved Her Sole Com- narrow | esbape EE was severely . handk, elections: on the bi-lingual school ques- dr burned [york just a few hours end. © tion, including Ottawn, Toronto, Ham- ilton, Peterboro aud some rural rid ; t will first be asked ta agaist. bi-lingual schools. { was this oeganization that was re- wponsilile for Rev. D. C. omc com- i t ot first as a candidgte against the EA Temere decree in South To- rorto thee the recent Hamilton, Ont, Oet. 24.-- Abraham Russell, father of . Roselle Knott, thef 3 * , on Saturday ly To See What the Fesling is Re. garding the Big Election: of Wi2. New York, Dei. 20.-State elections of importance are held this year in Massachusetts, Maryland and Ken- tacky. i that these states will, in "November, sound the heynote for 1912, The bequests to the different institu. | the democratic and republican nation- al managers are. sending apaghers of hx veark. from New before the Miss Knott arrived here state fights, In Massachusetis the issues are wn) arifl bills; on the result of the i he arpa, of President Talt's vetoes i old time doubtful ; WE 4 i Poe also 'been given their notice. BEQUESTS TOTAL $75,000 Generous to Educational and Charitable Institutions. Winnipeg, Oet. 24.~Large ts to the educational and charital in- stitutions gre made in the will of the, late Thomas Douglas Smith, one of the old-timers in the west, who died at the general hospital last spring. |' tions total $75,000, WILL BE OUTBREAK. Pekin, Oct. 28 ~Kin-Kung has fallen to the rovolutionists and all commm: nication cut off with Rho "and y Sitios very setious. It is ioved there would be a concerted outbreak of the residents uf os given signal. the bank to buy elot some in drinks. driver apd 1 met a horse once saved my lle my refusing let me drive street bridge on a dark and stormy the, jeharged with who was 1 used' to be n cab that had to shim off the Clark night. "1 felt so bad for that poor oid {horse titat I burst into tears, the rest of the $50 out of my and offered it to Wim." hauled pocket "All right," sald Jadge Walker, 'I'l fine you one dollar for being| nk. Accused of Murder, Sudbury, Ont., Oct. M.--Nick Smy- a Pole is in Sudbury jail, a fellow Pole on the rvond "shot. New Valencia Raisins Jas. Redden & Co. WHY, SHE COMES TO CANADA. Mrs. Pankhurst Gives Her Reasons For Visit. Londen, Eng., Oct. 34~Interviewsl on the eve of her departure for Ame ries, 'Mis. Pankhurst, of . Women's Social and Political Union, seid ¢ "1 mail to address a round of meetings in. most of the important towns of the United States. The greater part of November will be akon up in the western wiates. Then 0 on. to Useads, beginn st Soronte, and expoot to be aes in ¥ wd by Christmas. "Ihe chief object of my lecture tonr "fis to further the international suf- question from i int of view. That is W 1 ' Be eT i haa A women their in imperial interest