90000000000000000000 ton. who know ® bd eo ° o - * . » * *® . » ° Pablic, * e - vember AD., which will be read seribers all over Canada. your while, we will give to the some PERSIAN LAMB MUFF, November 1st, Address, THE FUR HOUSE. . . - . . ° @ - * * ° * # * . ° *® ® LJ » ae EXTRAORDINARY COD CHEAP PURCHASE OF $ MOHAIR MATS DOOR SIZE IN ALL COLORS , ¢ $1.25Quality for : 75c¢. -------------------- McFAUL, CARPET WAREHOUSE. : : i : Besrssssrrssssnsssessesld COME TRY THE 'New Restaurant ASTOR CAFE Everything up-te-date. Regular Dinner, 25c. . Home made Pies and best Coffee in the city. Open Day and Night. Berdos & Pappas @oeee: Proprietors IIT TY 167 PRINCESS ST. IF MANY A WIFE KNEW ABOUT ORRINE less of the terrible There would be affliction that comes te many homes from the excessive drinking of hus- band, father or won. Orrine has restored thousands of men to lives of sobriety and Jhdustry: and best tof all they have made their loved enes happier Orrine ts prepared in two forms, pill and powder; the latter form can oe given secretly. Only costs $1.00 a box wa trifle when compared with the amount a man would spend for drink in a day. We have sold ORRINE for years, and will gladly tell you all about #t. Come jn and get a free booklet. | Geo, . ahood, corner Princess and Bagot Streets 0000000000000 000000000000 00000000000000 oe eo To The Public : We have made the statement before 'to-day that move than two-thirds of our business comes from outside of Kings-. These results have been brought about freely in High-class, Clean Papers and Magazines, bringing the quality and value of our Furs to the notice of the Purchasing values, also by keeping our Merchandise up to the High Standard we advertise. ON PAGE 3 of the WHIG to-night you will see Can you guess the cost of this AD.? Open to any Lady in or out of Kingston, Enclose Card with your Name and Address plainly written. On the back of Card put the figures only. JOHN McKAY 0000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000 occedoee our No- by approximately 300,000 Sub- To make it worth Lady coming nearest a hand- value $35.00. Contest closes & s00cceoteeRee sheen eNrsbenbRLbERee ® Kingston, Ontario. 1911 DESIGNS. Some new beautiful patterns, $2.50, 33.50, $4.75 up to $75 each. Ten Brass Beds to clear this month, reduced $6.00 to $10.00 each. This is a chance for you to smile Our Now Fall Carpets are a happy Jurprise, Values good. Color ef- fects, qualities and styles are un- usually ;1 asing. RUGS, CURTAINS, Ne!t, Madras. All sizes and color tones Lace, Brussels, Repair and Upholstering work promptly and well done. 'Plibne 90. Yours, T.F. HARRISON CO. BELL AT ST. PAUL'S Rang Out During Heavy Wind Storm. At 11.20 o'clock Monday night, while the wind was making itself felt around the city, the bell in St. Paul's church rang out, and people in the neighborhood were of the opinion that it was a call for fire. Nearly all the good people in the neighbor hood were in slumberland at this time, hut in less time than it takes to tell the story lights were turned on in the different houses and heads were popped out of the window to see what was the matter, The wind was so strong that it turned the bell and made some people feel 'the creeps." He Had it "Cinched." Reeve A. M. Rankin, who won the Frontenac econsicvative nomination for the Ontario house, seems to have had the nomination "cinched." It is learn- ed that whichever way things turned out, as far as Dr. W. Spankie and J. 8. Gallagher were concerned, Mr. Rankin would have come out on top. Had Dr. Spankie defeated Mr. C(al- lagher on the third ballot Mr. Gal lagher's supporters would have turn- ed around on the final ballot and voted for Mr. Rankin. When Dr. Spunkie was forced out on the third ballot hir supporters rallied to the side of the Kingston township reeve. Lunch at 238 Princess Street. Full course meals 25¢. Twentytone meals, 33.50. Seven meals $1.50. Not an Artilleryman. Angus McGraime, who was sen- tenced to six months in Central pris- on for the theft of a bicycle, idid not bel to the R.C.H/A. He was at- tached to the R.C.D. corps at the Royal Military College. EAT PLENTY. Mi-oma Tabists will enable you to enjoy a meal even if you are a chronic Severin Olson, of Boissevain, Man, says: * suffered for months with stomach trouble. My food would not di 1 would 8000000000000 00000i00000000 ete, A MINITURE CYCLONE THE OFFICERS CHOSEN 3 SWEPT OVER THE COITY yon von THE KINGSTON HEALTH | ASSOCIATION. "HOURS MONDAY EVENING. Organization Meeting Held at Gene ral Hospital--Transfer of Stran- | Denzie Property Will be Secured. } Away. s a On Monday afternoon, in the Joan Kingston was wrapped in the folds' room of the Kingston fieneral Hospi of a evelone, Monday even- 'al, & meeting was held of the hoard intervals from shortly before of directors of the Ringston Health ¢ until about midnight, | Association (The Sir Oliver Mowat there was a partial Memorial Hospital for the treatment rearrangement of things on Mother ff Tuberculosis.) : ; : Earth when Hawn broke Tuesday | Letters of incorporation have been morning. Such a high wind, which jr "ecured, eomstituting the first hoard : : ie of directors a= follows : J. A. Min mated travelled betwoos Sty {nes W, F. Nigkiny: Nef. th-Gurrett, miles an hour, has not oe an 8 visited this vicinity in years, = and ir. & K. Kilborn, Dy. Edward Ryan, r. W. T. Connell, Dr. D. E. Mundell, householders who suffered through the Colin Nephi RB Ohh wn ravages of the storm, do Jo waht 10! ives. Gy Chows. ig William go through another one for aly a¢!Gibson, Dr. A. P. Knight, J. B. Me The storm eae up Very quickly. At'; oo "jrooh Moliratney® J. 6. Eliou, eight o'clock the stars were shining Mayor Graham, Dr. J. C. Connell, A, and nothing to indicate a storm was |} "Maedonell, B. W. Robertson, H. A. apparent. About a quarter of mine} i Col H.R. Duff, o'clock, a distant rumbling could be | "yy. following officers were elected : heard in the distance, which gradually | yr "}. "(:" Cagnell, president: A. b. increased until the wind burst upon Macdonell, vice-president; J. A. Min the city with a scream. Houses shook | jes, honorary secretary-treasurer: W. on their foundations and people in| | Nickle, M.P., solicitor: Miss 1. A. the putlaying districts were scared | Hunter, secretary-treasurer. out of their wits. The wind could be The contract for the purchase of the heard distinctly long before it ar | Steau # property was a 1 by rived. It was accompanied by a driv- | the hoard, and the solicitor was in ing rainstorm, which cut any parts | structed to secure the transfer, and which were exposed, and those who possession by November 1st. were unfortunate enough to be expos: | The report preseated on the eondi- ed to the storm suffered keenly, tion of the funds showed that over After about ten minutes' duration | 0,000 of the subseriptions have been the wind slackened for a short period, | transferred by consent of the subsecrib only to renew its attack with great- | ers. er vigor. It continued in spells like The amount of $105 has heen return- thus ap till midnight, while the [ed at the request of the donors as heavens were black with hurrying | follows : clouds. The amount of rain which fell Prof. John Macgilliviny, $25: Mrs. was not great, but what did come | Hechab Tandy, $50; S. I. Kirk, $20. travelled at a high rate of speed. James BR. Landlaw, $5; Mrs. E. Crain Portsmouth suffered heavily, A | zer, 85. Cy . large verandah belonging to a resident The canvass of subseribers will be on the main street, was blown away | "ontinited Gl all have been consulted. from the house and carried for a hall | The grant of ¥2.000 from the city, block down the street. Windows were | nd 34,000 from the provincial gov. broken by the dozens from the small | "Ment are also available. pane to plate glass ones. Skylights, The public will be satisfied to learn too, suffered heavily, while doors that the long-talked-of project for which happened to be swinging were the treatment of tuberculosis, is now wrenched from their hinges. The leaves Apjiouching Completion, and that lying in the parks were gathered up| '"*"® Work will soon gong un in clouds and flung I in wie in such ideal surroundings. dows, verandahs and doorways- Trees in the country were uprooted and fences were smashed to pieces. So far no catastrophes on the lakes | have been heard of, as no doubt the masters of vessels were warned by their barometers in time to seek a» haven of refuge. Schooners lying at Garden Island had quite a lively time to keep their hawsers from parting, . x . owing to the plunging of the boats as [ori Mrs. Mctiuire, Mrs. | indsay, the waves lashed to a fury by the Mr. and Mrs, McCammon, the Camp force of the storm flung themselves |! ®ll Jamil, Nr aud An Ww. ho Por over the decked. ter, Miss Henstridge, Misses Clara an Caps and hats were blown off the [!Mith Tupper, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. heads of the wearers and were never || ennett; sheafs, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph found again, and many other articles |! orSythe, Mr. and Mrs. A. Forsythe, of wearing apparel were torn and oth- {ar street, Leta and Charley. Mrs erwise damaged. Telegraph and tele- |MelIvor wishes to thank those friendes phone wires were blown down also. vho so kindly helped her during her ------ riother's long illness. Bad Wind Storm. ---- Marine men say that last night's Important to Bald People. wind storm. was, without doubt, the Prof. Dorenwend, Toronto, announces worst of the entire season. The wind | .nother visit to Kingston, on Wednes- blew a regular hurricane, and vessels | day, October 25th. He invites all in- were compelled to seek shelter. terested in hair goods to call at his The steamer Algonquin, loaded with | private apartments in the Randolph a cargo of grain, from Fort William, | hotel, and there inspect his many on her way to Richardson's elevator, | fine samples for both ladies and gen- stayed out at Four Mile Point for sev- | tlemen. The newest London, Paris and eral hours, owing to the heavy gale, |New York creations wll be shown. arriving at Richardson's elevator at - seven o'clock on Tuesday morning. Capt. Johnston reported the gale to be one of the worst he has experi- enced in some time. The Algonquin is discharging 41,000 bushels of oats and 43,000 bushels of wheat. The steambarge John Randall went aground twice on Tuesday morning, just below Cataraqui bridge, but was pulled off on both occasions by the steamer Buena Vista, without dam- age. The heavy wind was responsible for her going aground, taking her out of her course. The John Randall cleared for Rideau ports. The steamer Alexandria did not call [4 at Folger's wharf last night, on her regular trip to Montreal, owing to the fact that she was already heavily laden with freight. : Wind Blew About Seventy Miles an Hour--8cores of Windows Broken Verandah in Portsmouth Torn pg, at tine o'clock and as a result The Late Mrs. Forsythe. The funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Fop- sythe, widow of the late Joseph Vorsythe, who died at the home of her sonvm-law, A. Melver, Ports: rwouth, was held on Monday after toon. Those contributing flowers were : Cut flowers, Mr. and Mrs. W. Carr; sprays, Mr. and Mrs. A For "The any cough." cough syrup. Col. Benson and Capt. E. .E. Clarke are out on a tour of inspection. cough svrup that will Gibson's Red cure Cross PLLL00000000004004000¢0 88 Kingston's Famous Fur Stor. iSHOP BY MAIL Soode Sos CONSTABLE A GOOD SPRINTER. Captured a Man Wanted Commitment. Constable Daniel McCarey, is a good sprinter. In different running events he has always made a good record, and has captured many prizes, On Tuesday morning, Constable Me Carey had a race, while carrying out his official duties, in which he carried off the honors. While on Queen street, he noticed a young fellow named Newell, who was wanted on an old commitment, having been fined ¥25 and costs, with the option of two months. It appears that he was given time to pay, bat failed. When Con: stable McCarey noticed Newell, the latter also noticed him, and took to his heels. Then Constable McCarey warmed up a little, and for a block or so, there was a pretty little race, but Constable McCarey soon overtook the lead, his man got on him, and later delivered him over to the jail authorities. No Trouble Whatever. Yesterday il was reported to the Whig that there would likely be tron ble to get the bells to go into the belfry at St. Andrew's church. The report was investigated to<day and found to be iucorreet. The mon in charge say that nll the measurements, were carefully taken and that there would. be no trouble whatever in putting the bells in place. va Ol Cold weather and the ap- proach of Thanksgiving al- ways bring visitor buyers to Kingston, and we are making special plans for this season to serve our out-of-town pat. WE ISSUE AN ANNUAL CATALOGUE WHICH PROVES A GREAT HELP IN BELECTING AND WE SEND FURS, CHARGES PREPAID, TO ANY PART OF CANADA, " POPEES0000EELRLILARELREE00000000000000000 040040004 We carry a large stock. We have had over 30 years _-- Re, Thanksgiving and Halloween Post Cards and Place Cards The largest as- November Magazines People's. Columbian-Hampton. World's Work. Smart Set, Popular Magazine. Shop Notes Quarterly. Ainslee's. Popular Mechanics. Cosmopolitan, Green Book Album, Physical Culture. Short Stories. Ten Story Magazine. The 200 PRINCESS STREET. city, ranging from 6 for 5 cents to 5 cents each. OPEN NIGHTS. ON AN OLD CHARGE, Magistrate Fined a Member of "Pro- hibited List.» John Morrison isa mewmiwr of the "prohibited list," and in April last, he got under the "influence of liquor, bul was not arraig helore the Court, owing to the fact that he left the city. He returned to the city, however, and in the police conrt, on Fuesday morning, he was not only arraigned on the old charge, hut a new. one well, it also being a charge of being drunk, while a mem ber of the "prohibited Hist." On the old charge he was fined $20 nnd costs and the other charge was enlarged for a week, in order to give the accused n VLLer te totes tttitese ed Imported Direct from olland. Best Bulbs at est Prices. Hyacinth, Tulips, Narcissus, Daffodils Crocus, Treezia Now is the time to plant the garden for Spring Blossoming or ors for Christmas as chance to suv where he got his lippuor In answer to the first charge, he said he got liquor on a vessel, and in the second case, he that a man he did not know bought him the hur, when he gave him the money Frederick Jackson and Joseph Lang with were charged with creating mn disturbance on the street by fighting, but owing to the absence of a witness the case was enlarged for a day. One drunk was fined £1 and and another was taxed $2 and costs or twenty days. said Druggist and Optician, 185 PRINCESS STREET. "Phone 343. FEV SPREE RSL EEE costs Public Library Membership. A meeting of the public library | -- - sortment in the College Book Store A November FashionBooks Ladies' Home Journal. Woman's Home Companion. Pictorial Review, Pictorial Review Quarterly. Butterick Fashions. Delineator. Designer, New idea Woman's Mag. Ladies' World. Harper's Bazaar. Modern Priscilla, Family Journal, McCall's Magazine. "Phone 919. AP AN tN NNN i, . AN EXCELLENT EXAMPLE Of our 18 a eircalar ' : : : DIAMOND RING line of plativum, and cluster weven Stones, set in one of our best valoes 35 certainly at See this together with our full stock of other SMITH BROS., Jewellers, Opticians. 830 KING STREET, lssmers of Marriage Liconses. designs TOPOL OS TRTVVLVVVLVVLT BLL LTLLLBLLRVGRS WB VRVTVLRRVON CTVVVTVVLLLLLLTLTLSRAS o Pecssscsssssssssssaan were book committee was held on Monday : OYSTERS evening at the building on Bagot street. Forty new books added Standard, 50c. a Quart Select, 60c. a Quart to the list. The lites report shows that since going into the new build- ing the membership has more than doubled. Much of the suceess is dug | to thesable work of Mrs. Kennedy, the ¥hrarian. The committee is look ing for even a larger increase in the membership, i w DOMINION FISH COMPANY 63 BROCK ST. PHONE 520 Passed Medical Examinations. Pr. T, Vincent Daley, formerly of Kingston, has passed his final mexdi- eal council examination at Providence, Rhode Island, which entitles him to a 2 du practice in any state of the union, His many friends will be glad to hear of his success. Complain and will give other cause for complaint "Buy foods." Gibson's W. L. Shaw, manager of the Hed- ley Shaw Milling company, motored to Tamworth to-day. "The home of high-class Gibson's. lease waite GREELEY atest Attorneys, WW VO without cause sweets." Infants' of ideas. who have some inventive ability A MANTIRE, ashington, B, O. RE PA IRING W. F. GOURDIER u SFT Ieee Sessa ress hse snsas@e Beales 92.49 EACH 50 Only Ladies Skirts 3 being a sample lot including Fancy ¢ Tweeds, also Plain Colors in Navy, Brown, and Black in Panama, Venetian Cloth etc., etc. All sizes from 37 to 42 inches in length, values range as high as $6.75 each. We got a snap and we pass them on at the same rate. @oee >» . ® (*) (® ® ® ® ) y bo) . . . ® ® (eo ( ) (oe) i Wednesday Morning Your Choice of The Lot For $2.49 NEWMAN & SHAW. THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. ® PIER TIDES IIE Ie --- GROCERY STORES AND DWELLINGS COMBINED FOR SALE Stone Dwelling and cent rally located, in running order, with outbufldings, large yard, stable, im- provements and electric lights, $4.- 100 Store, Cees sss dass sevens Corner Princess and Ontario Streets, Store and two Dwellings with improvements, nice lawn, side and front entrance, $4,100 Corner Hagot and Raglan Road, Brick Store and Dwelling, with jm- provements, big shop. and stable, ete, for $2.560 Get first choice. There in the grocery business Houses to Rent, ete, Mullin, The Real Estate Expert, Corner Johnson and Division Sts, "Phone 539, In money el FR FEA, NA EE tring x von ik gn LE RR A ROR OS OO CR I I RCC S RR See NN xe Of approval is set CONAPICROTIR- fy on all our laundry work-it The disfinguishing symbol that characterizes cult ie and breed ing. wash is clannly Tanitions Everything we notideable for swertness and fronting, , Kingston Laundry Cor. Princess & Sydenham Sts, Phone 22.